Luxerion's graveyard must be visited to progress the Luxerion Main Quest, and therefore, some battles with Gaunts may be unavoidable. Gaunt is a tough enemy for new players; while it is weak to Lightning, it resists magic. While it is tempting to use Sparkstrike, Gaunts are prone to counterattacking with a close-range attack that inflicts Curse, and following up with successive wind spells, preventing the player from defending or retaliating.
Gaunts' Aerora for significant damage even when the player is blocking. They use Debrave to reduce the player's physical attack power. Sometimes, they can enter battle alongside a Gremlin.
Gaunts are fast and difficult to defeat. The best way to fight one is to maintain distance while bombarding it with Lightning-elemental spells. Staggering it inflicts it with Curse, allowing the player interrupt its attacks. Another alternative is using debuffs such as Poison and Deshell. The accessory Stormbane Choker, which halves Wind damage, is found within the graveyard area and is good to equip when fighting Gaunts.
[view·edit·purge]Gaunt means "lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age."