Mayor Gale Rosage is a character from the Chocobo series, appearing in two of the games.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon[]
Prior to the Destroyer's attack, Gale was the mayor of the town that would be later be known as Lostime. He was well-versed in the town's history—if only he had not forgotten quite a bit of it. Some time ago he also served as the town's Oracle of Water. He spoke of forgetting as a virtue and encouraged Cid, Shirma, and Chocobo to join him in forgetting.
Shortly before the Destroyer's first attack, Mayor Gale was approached by the town's fishmonger, Marris, who showed Gale a rotting fish that was still moving. They later read about such a phenomenon heralding the Destroyer. The Destroyer eventually came to Lostime and began its rampage. Gale warned Shirma, the Oracle of Light, to flee and to take the children to safety. As he watched the town go down in flames, Gale could not help but notice how alluring the darkness was. After listening to the knowledge about the Destroyer presented to him by Meja (the Oracle of Water) and Freja (the Oracle of Fire), including the Destroyer's incredible power and longevity, Gale decided that because the Destroyer fed on fear, despair, and suffering, they must sever their emotions.
Stella was outraged and protested that emotions were what made them all human, including fear. Gale did not listen and called for the Oracles to gather to release the guardian beasts from the crystals. When Shirma (the Oracle of Light) worried what would happen to their memories, Gale assured they would not be lost but crystallized. Together, the Oracles and the Guardian Beasts sealed the Destroyer away, sealing away their memories and Memoria from the rest of the world. The Bell of Oblivion was created to prevent everyone from regaining their memories lest the seal be broken and the Destroyer returned to the world.
Gale declared that the townspeople should never forget the day calamity struck their town, nor the nine brave heroes who lost their lives against the Destroyer. Over time, Gale lost more of his memories to the Bell of Oblivion, including much of his knowledge of the town's history and began to preach the "beauty" of forgetting, extolling that it can help everyone live in peace. Many townspeople agreed with him and began to preach the same ideals, though Mayor Gale's ideology earned him the scorning of Stella and Shirma, both of who moved away from town.
One day when Gale was walking around the Clocktower Piazza, two entities sprang out from the fountain, Cid and Chocobo, who had been in the Tower in the Sands when they were transported to the town. Gale was intrigued as he had never heard of the Tower in the Sands. Gale offered for them to stay in Lostime. The clocktower bell rang, manifesting a whirlpool of memories over Cid's head. Gale explained what the Bell of Oblivion was and implied its power to make people forget. He began to preach his ideology about forgetting, and other residents joined him. Shirma ran over, saying that stealing people's memories was robbery, grasped Chocobo's wing, and walked him away. Shirma exclaimed that she had precious memories that she wanted to keep, and Gale retorted they were obsessions that cause conflict. Gale asked Shirma to live with them in Lostime, but she refused and departed with Cid and Chocobo, leaving Gale disappointed.
As the fire had disappeared all across town, Gale called a meeting with the townspeople in the clocktower piazza. He had dreamed a prophecy the previous night: the heavens would send them a savior. A shining egg flew down from the sky and blasted Gale off his feet. Shirma and Chocobo arrived to inspect it when it hatched a baby boy who happily cried out Shirma's name. Gale was amazed the boy was already talking, 'remembering' the boy was called Raffaello. As Gale began to remember more, the Bell of Oblivion rang. The whirlpool of memories appeared, and Gale forgot his own name. The baby flew into the whirlpool and Chocobo followed.
After Chocobo and Raffaello recovered Gale's memories, he realized how much forgetting had cost him though he was not ready to abandon his belief that forgetting was a virtue. Realizing that Raffaello could help recover Cid's memories, Shirma took Raffaello home despite Gale's protests. Eventually, Chocobo helped bring the town's fire back when he recovered Freja's memories.
Chocobo later visited the mayor's office where Gale mentioned he had disposed of its history books as studying history causes conflict and it would be better to forget about the past. Mayor Gale disapproved of Chocobo going around town restoring the townspeople's memories, but when the town's water became black and polluted, he exasperated, unable remember whom he had appointed as the Oracle of Water. After Chocobo restored the Oracle of Water Meja's memories, the town's water returned to normal and Gale admitted there was value in retaining memories. He let Chocobo continue with his memory restoration while staying in his office.
After Chocobo brought back daylight upon recovering Shirma's memories, an aged Raffaello entered the clocktower, and Chocobo followed him in. Shirma and Cid later followed Chocobo. When they were at the top, a fully grown Raffaello with wings spread his feathers throughout Lostime, hoping to return the townspeople's happy memories. Shirma's sister Croma warned everyone not to be fooled as Raffaello was no savior. The Destroyer, who had been inside Raffaello, began to manifest and take control of him. He summoned the floating fortress, the home of the Dark Crystal, and changed Raffaello's feathers to elicit the townspeople's terrifying memories. Gale ran up to the clocktower piazza in disbelief that the Destroyer had returned. He recalled the time they had purged their thoughts to seal the Destroyer inside their memories. Gale realized he and everyone else had been caught off guard by Raffaello's intent to break the seal for the Destroyer's return. The Destroyer gained strength from the townsfolk's fear and suffering. Croma dueled the Destroyer and was killed, and the Destroyer retreated to the Floating Fortress to complete his resurrection.
Gale remembered the complete story behind the town and the Destroyer's history: the summoned structure was the Shrine of Darkness that had become such an ominous structure due to the Destroyer's power. Gale told Cid and Chocobo that Raffaello's original benign personality remained barely intact until the Destroyer would completely consume him, completing its rebirth. Chocobo flew to the Floating Fortress on Cid's restored airship to confront the Destroyer and save Raffaello. Gale watched Chocobo fight the Destroyer from the clocktower piazza alongside others, calling for the Oracles to help by sending him their memories. Gale declared they must stand up against reality, not by forgetting but by remembering, and that every person leaves memories; the person may die, but the memories live on and from the words and passion in their memories strength can be found. Gale watched as the three Oracles, Meja, Freja, and Shirma, sent their memories to Chocobo at the same time.
At the end of the fight, the Floating Fortress began to fall apart and exploded, sending Chocobo flying through the air. He was rescued by an airship, and Gale, along with everyone else, rushed to Seaside Park to meet him and joined in the applause for Chocobo. They were joined by Croma and Raffaello, no longer possessed by the Destroyer, but in his original teenage self. When Shirma noticed Raffaello looked different, Gale suggested Raffaello had been reborn as a result of his struggle inside the Destroyer.
Gale raised his voice to make a speech: until then, the town had lost time, but now they had found time again, and they would never lose it. Mayor Gale renamed the town Foundtime. When Chocobo visited his office one day, he saw the mayor had written a new book, featuring a dedication to the town's past warriors.
Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon: Majo to Shoujo to Go-nin no Yuusha[]

Gale as he appears for the first time.
Mayor Gale is one of Cid's Castle's guards along with Stella. He isn't a major character, but seems to be a good friend of Cid.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon[]
Before being subject to the influence of the Bell of Oblivion, Gale showed himself to be a brave man with belief in the power of sacrifice and strength. He was willing to take risks to ensure the immediate safety of the town. This was shown when he made the decision to seal the memories of the townspeople, including himself, and their emotions to seal away the Destroyer. He also showed great grief and reverence for the nine brave heroes who died fighting for the Destroyer, and said that they should never forget that fateful day or the sacrifices they made, indicating that Gale, at one point, held great value in the study of history and honoring those with courage.
By the time Chocobo and Cid first arrived in Lostime, Gale had abandoned his original virtues and values. He was a blissful, stubborn, adamant, and ignorant man who held values that would be very harmful and detrimental in the long term. By continuing to preach that forgetting was a virtue, the town would continue to suffer great problems. He was also insistent in his beliefs and desire to indoctrinate others to his values, most notably Chocobo, Cid, and Shirma. His incompetence ultimately cost him his most important memory and led him to forget completely about the town's past. He also burned the history books in his office, believing that the study of the past would cause conflict, which showed how he became deluded to the point that he completely abandoned his value of history.
Fortunately, he began to slowly realize the importance of memories as Chocobo restored them to the town and helped improve the lives of the townspeople. Gale slowly gained more of his original virtues and down-to-earth personality back, and realized that strength can be found in the passion of each person's memories. In his final testament to his reformed self and as appreciation to Chocobo, he called for Meja and Freja to help Chocobo, saying that they must stand up against reality, not by forgetting, but by remembering. This showed that he had truly reformed and overcome his initial incompetence by realizing what true virtue and strength is.
After the fight, Gale renamed the town to Foundtime, and regained his value in the importance of sacrifice, strength, and history. He wrote a book dedicated to the town's fallen heroes, which exemplified his refound values, honoring their sacrifice and ensuring that they would not be forgotten.
Gale has shown himself to be a vehement, charismatic, outspoken, and influential leader. As the mayor of the town, he was able to impact many of the townspeople, and the only residents who ever showed themselves at any point to be unswayed by his influence were Stella and Shirma. He was able to convince the three oracles to utilize the power of the Guardian Beasts, and was even able to convince Shirma to do so, even though she was worried they would lose their memories. However, he was only able to do this when Croma coaxed Shirma into following through. He was also able to influence most of the townspeople into adopting his value of the beauty of forgetting, which again demonstrate his aptitude, as mayor, to influence others. Finally, he was able to call Meja and Freja to help Chocobo in his fight. As the two oracles were already very loyal, virtuous and courageous individuals, they accepted his statement without hesitation and proceeded to heed his call to stand up against reality, both of them willing to do their part to help Chocobo and spurred by Gale's inspiration.
Gale is voiced by Sean Chiplock in the English version of Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy!.
gale is a very strong wind.