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Fugitives, Fleeing the Scene, Help from a Local, Up and Over, and Down and Out are quests in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, taking place in Kalm during Chapter 2, "A New Journey Begins". While Aerith Gainsborough and Cloud Strife are at Kalm's clock tower, the town is suddenly attacked by the Shinra Electric Power Company, forcing them to escape.


This is another series of story-based quests with little combat. As the quest starts, head down to be stopped by the innkeeper, Broden. Follow him through the town to avoid the Shinra troops.

When Broden stops Cloud, climb the pillar to his left and follower the linear path over the town. Slide down the pole at the end and continue following Broden to the inn.

Broden gifts an Item Transmuter from FFVII Rebirth

At the inn, Broden will give Cloud an Item Transmuter. This can be used to take pieces of items picked up around the world and transmute them into useful items, such as consumables, and even armor and accessories. Transmuting an item once will mean it requires fewer materials next time, and gain transmutation EXP to unlock new items to transmute. Throughout the game, in Excavation Intel, more can be unlocked.

After finishing with the Item Transmuter, head through the hole in the wall of the inn and down below to find other party members. Follow it, picking up the materials in the chest on the way, to the next quest, "On Our Way". This also has the discovery quest, "Coconspirator".
