Final Fantasy Wiki

Foul is a Black Mage Black Mage spell from Final Fantasy XIV that deals massive area of effect damage.


PvE version
Base mechanics
  • Deals unaspected magic damage to target and nearby enemies
  • Target is hit for full damage; potency is reduced by 25% for all remaining enemies
  • Requires and consumes Polyglot to use; Polyglot is acquired by remaining in Enochian Enochian for 30 seconds
  • Activates the global cooldown
Formulae Base damage formula:

Where Potency can be 650 to main target or 487.5 to remaining enemies.
Cast/recast time formula:
PvP version
  • Deals unaspected magic damage to target and nearby enemies
  • Requires and consumes Polyglot to use; Polyglot is acquired by remaining in Enochian Enochian for 15 seconds
  • Activates the global cooldown


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Patch history[]

Version Changes
Stormblood Added with a potency reduction of 10% for the second enemy hit, 20% for the third, 30% for the fourth, 40% for the fifth, and 50% for all remaining enemies.
Patch 5.2 Potency reduction changed to 25% for all enemies hit after the first.
PvP version
Version Changes
Stormblood Added with 4500 potency, 2.8 second cast time, and 2.3 second recast.
Had a potency reduction of 25% for the second enemy hit, 50% for the third, and 75% for all remaining enemies.
Changed to Flare Flare while under the effect of Polyglot and Astral Fire.
Changed to Freeze Freeze while under the effect of Polyglot and Umbral Ice.
Patch 4.06a Base potency reduced to 4000.
Shadowbringers Potency reduced to 3200.
Potency dropoff removed.
Cast time reduced to 2 seconds.
Recast time increased to 30 seconds.
No longer required Polyglot.
Inflicted a 10-yalm knockback away from the target on all enemies hit besides the main target and granted them Knockback Penalty Knockback Penalty for 10 seconds, rendering them immune to further knockback or draw-in effects.
Patch 5.1 Potency reduced to 2400.
Recast time reduced to 2.4 seconds.
Once again requires Polyglot.
No longer inflicts Knockback or grants Knockback Penalty.
No longer tied to Flare or Freeze.
Patch 5.3 Potency reduced to 1800.
Cast time reduced to instant.