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Forums: Index > Rin's Travel Agency > Most annoying boss battle in FF

Gilgamesh from Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon
FFIV Protobabil ds
Vayne Icon
BS Magnolia Emperor
FFIV Protobabil ds

Dueler X
BlueHighwind TA

@Bluehighwind: You seriously had trouble with Geosgaeno? I slaughtered his ass faster than Seifer on FFVIII. Then again, I had Tidus ridiculously high in STR, and had quick hit, as well as petrification immunity armor, so he couldn't do shit to me. Now a really damn annoying boss would probably be a tie between Gogo from FFV (You have to fuckin WAIT for a while before he acknowledges that you've won, otherwise he is cheap by spamming meteor, Flare, and Holy on your ass.) and, of course, Bizarro Sephiroth. I swear to god this fight took me 3 hours to win, and I hated every minute of it. He. Just. Won't. Die. He keeps reviving himself dammit. Arrgghhhh. InsaneMonkey 16:53, 7 March 2008 (UTC)

Dissidia Kuja
Adam mcduck - "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past...":
TALK - I'm a user who works in the shadows, unpraised and unnoticed...
Mine is probably Seymour Flux in X, like other people have said, and Materia Keeper in VII.

Flux was just an annoying bitch, but the Materia Keeper i genuinly found hard the first time I fought it (I was about 8...). Though I now find it easy as hell the memeories of the annoyance it gave me linger.

FFVI Terra Branford Menu iOS
Dueler X
BlueHighwind TA