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Forums: Index > Rin's Travel Agency > Archive > Butchered forum indexes

As you can see, the forum indexes have been filled with topics old and new being shot to the top. This is due to someone deciding to move their talk template and doing re-linking, and then the problem furthered when the most talkative user's template, featured both when they used a talk template and a sig, was also then moved.

This doesn't look nice. So what should we do?

One thing I was going to suggest before any of what just happened actually happened, and planned to make the suggestion if we were ever going to do the "UserTalk template -> userspace" project was that we archive all the old forums. But this will still have the problem of them being ordered in the same way as when the most recent fix was made.

Or we, display the original author, and the date of creation. This was something I suggested for the Labyrinth, since knowing the archiver and when it was archived is less important than knowing when it was created/who created it. These are inactive threads, knowing who killed the thread doesn't matter.

So, it would look like this:

Creation dateTopicAuthor
18 December 2023Adding other language voice actorsRedStar2002
15 December 2023Clarity and updates to Project:ConductTechnobliterator
9 October 2022Where to find walkthroughs?
1 September 2022Slow loading times on pagesXenomic
17 August 2022Permanent locking Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, and Aerith GainsboroughTechnobliterator

I don't know what we'd call the archive, Forum:Rin's Travel Agency/Archive? And the same probably needs to be done for the other sections too.

But should we do this? JBed 21:47, January 24, 2012 (UTC)

Should we do what? Archive dead and buried threads? Of course. Sort dead threads by time created? Yes. I find a decision of showing the creator and "killer" superfluous. Either information is completely useless. - Henryacores^ 18:56, January 25, 2012 (UTC)

Okay, so I know how to set this up. If we make the archives of Rin's at "Forum:Rin's Travel Agency/Archive", then:

  • I'll make an edit to Template:Forumheader which will detect a "/" being used in the Forum name (since a "/" would only be found in forum archive names) and then get it to display as "Forum > Rin's > Archive > PAGENAME" with all appropriate links. Another change made will make sure that threads in archives be categorised into "[forum] Archive" (as opposed to [forum]/Archive).
  • All to-be archived threads will be added to the Archive by adding "/Archive" at the end of the parameter in the Forumheader.
  • Forum:Rin's Travel Agency/Archive" will be created with the relevant content, being categorised under "Forums". We can't categorise it under "Rin's Travel Agency| " because it will appear in Rin's's RC.
  • Category:Rin's Travel Agency Archive" will be created and it will be categorised under "Category:Rin's Travel Agency| ".
  • Forum:Rin's Travel Agency" would be added to link to the archives.

If we wanted we could just call the archives "Forum:Rin's Travel Agency Archive" without it being a subpage, and using detection of the word "Archive" to know when it's an archive or not.

There is an alternate way can deal with archiving though. We could use REVISIONTIMESTAMP to find threads in active for x months and then they will automatically place themselves into an archive. It would mean if someone did decide to go into the archives and revive a thread it would be taken out of the archives automatically. Although this is irrelevant for the current situation. We could have both systems working at the same time: those specifically told to be archives and others that are there due to inactivity. JBed 19:52, January 25, 2012 (UTC)

Anyone have opinions on whether we should create an archive for the forum topics as above? JBed 23:12, January 27, 2012 (UTC)

Anyone have opinions on whether we should create an archive for the forum topics as above? JBed 19:12, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

I have now implemented this because I received no opposition, because people wanted to be able to archive threads, and because cat told me to.

Now if want to fix a link in an old-thread (something I don't often do) or fix a template that was moved (something I would still do) or fix a file link (something I occasionally do) then we can edit that forum, but if we add "/Archive" to the end of the thing in the forumheader", then the topic cannot be "bumped-to-the-top" again. If someone does decide to bump it for good reason, then wikians know how to unarchive it if they see it in RC.

But it would be silly if the archive only contained threads that have been bumped. So now threads automatically archive after six months. Six is a "safe-number". You may to decrease it to three or something else. I don't care that much. We should probably put it in a MediaWiki page if we ever want to change it in the future since it's tied to multiple pages.

Since I've only just added the categories things might not generate so quickly.

Also if I've fucked up the {{#if}} and the maths, I apologise. Just revert my edits. 17:08, August 7, 2012 (UTC)

FFVII Cait Sith Battle

I think I put-in 100... can it not go more than 50? Or is it only showing less because it's not being fully-populated yet? There's still the alphabetical list if all fails. I thought people with slowdown may complain. If it's fine to max it out (and it works) then we can. 22:13, August 7, 2012 (UTC)

FFVII Cait Sith Battle