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Forums: Index > Rin's Travel Agency > Archive > Blogspace begone!

I will admit they are stupid, but they are completely optional, nobody is MAKING you read them. And it's not like they are actually hurting anything. I see no reason to remove them, if you dislike them, simply ignore them. Exdeath64 05:30, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

If you can take the time to find all of those blogs and link to them, you must not have very much of a life outside of Wikia; Heck, if you take the time to contact the STF, you brely have a life at all. Just my opinion though. A.J. two (Smashboards) 12:32, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

We've already discussed this before. In that earlier discussion, we pointed out blogs were simply another forum. We have the Blackjack for all that, and those are blocked from the Recent Changes. We were going to delete all the blogs, but people simply failed to contact Wikia and we forgot about it.

@A.J.: Fae has a girlfriend and a job. Just saying. ScatheMote 13:17, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Well okay then, I didn't know that (about both things). Maybe it should get removed or maybe it shouldn't (I still say no), but if you want gone so bad, then you have to figure out how to remove it completely from the wiki yourselves, or go and ask the staff on central to get rid of it for you. AJtwosig 14:19, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Winterwolf ff1 psp

Er, nobody has yet to give a reason to kill these things aside from the fact that they are "Stupid". Are they actually HURTING anything? I mean if they where being used to attack other users or where cluttering up the mainspace I would support them being removed, but there appears to be none of that. And from what I can see, a few users just dislike dealing with the stupidity of certain blogs, if you dislike said blogs, simply ignore them. I personally enjoy the use of mine (occasionally, anyone on here will tell you Finals are a bitch and they eat a lot of time) and would rather dislike it if the blog system was to simply dissipate because a few users can't simply ignore the ones they do not like. Exdeath64 23:37, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Cúchulainn Glyph Art

User:A.J. two/Userbox


FFVI Terra Branford Menu iOS
Some Color Mage / Talk Contribs / / 06:55, June 7, 2010 (UTC)
Blogs must die!
Delete. Jeppo, if you can think of a good blog not written by you, I may reconsider.
EDIT 07:29, June 7, 2010 (UTC): After seeing this, I have decided to become neutral on the topic.

Template:HenryA User:A.J. two/Userbox

Cloud Alt UT

I don't use them, but I don't see why that space has to go. Probably make some sort of restriction, if that's even possible. BLUER一番 15:17, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

"Instant Awesome Just Ask Nelo" Sorceror Nobody
"Instant Awesome Just Ask Nelo" Sorceror Nobody

This has to be one of the sickest things I've ever seen happen on this wiki. You seem to make out that blogspace is so large in activity, that it is a problem. So you destroy it? We've discussed that the things in blogspace can work in people's userspaces and the forums. So, say for instance someone had a weekly blog. Let's pretend they used to host it in userspace, then they thought they'd use blogs since it was there, then they have to switch back. This is fine in theory. They don't deem it worth it to back-up their entries, they don't even know what the admins are going to decide yet, what would be the point? So they wait for the decision. Wake up in the morning and blogspace doesn't exist. They're missing a huge section in their weekly blog.

So no one's probably done this. I assume there's people that regularly used the blog to, y'know, blog. They're missing their blogs, which they would have been fine to archive somewhere else if they knew blogspace was definitely going down.

This stuff can go in forums and userspace... but people have just lost at least a year's worth of what they wished to have keep. Announcing a deletion of blogspace in the site announcement, notifying people who have contributed a great deal to blogspace, and waiting two weeks, heck, even one is enough. But you didn't. I don't know what happened, but someone gave Wikia the go ahead.

I'm sorry, but this was not how it should have been. To see my username down there makes it look like I was in support of this massacre. We weren't supposed to remove two namespaces worth of content, we were only supposed to remove two namespace names (User blog, User blog comment (I'm sure there were talkspaces but they weren't used)), the content of which could be integrated into other namespaces.

When I saw a userblog I was watching appear in my email, I thought "wow", after all this time someone has commented on it. Doesn't exist? Happens all the time through Wikia emails. Deleted? Oh, ffwiki must have removed blogs. No site announcements. I find this forum topic, happy they actually did something about it after all this time (because the wiki doing nothing is what the wiki is best at), look through the comments and read down as the discussion goes on, creeping up to this current date, and apparently there was a sudden deletion. Where was the forethought? 15:59, June 9, 2010 (UTC)


So, since I know that everyone is going to vote against it (Like last time), I will make a vote tally and put everyone's name on it that has said something in this Forum, the old Forum, and the New blog that started this re-debate (In order). Note that names may will be repeated, and some will be stuck out when I find that they might have changed their vote mid-discussion. Also, this is what I belive from reading that everyone has said; if you don't agree with it - and I know you will definately not - then you don't even have to say anything; I know that you won't, and I know that you will secretly hate me deep down inside A.J. two (Smashboards) 13:20, June 8, 2010 (UTC):

Votes From Old Forum

Votes For Blogs

  1. Kuzlalala
  2. Wee187

Votes Against Blogs

  1. Hecko X*
  2. Diablocon*
  3. 8bit BlackMage*
  4. Sorceror Nobody
  5. BlueHighwind
  6. ILHI
  7. Bek The Conqueror

Votes From This Forum

Votes For Blogs

  1. Exdeath64 05:30, June 8, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Judge Balthier Griever Emblem 19:28, June 8, 2010 (UTC)

Votes Against Blogs

  1. Faethin*
  2. SilverCrono
  3. Drake Clawfang
  4. HenryAcores
  5. Sorceror Nobody (sort of passively against)
  6. HarpieSiren
  7. SSFF6B
  8. DeadlySlashSword
  9. NeloAngelo
  10. SilverDragon28
  11. 8bit


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Mini Llyud
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