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Forums: Index > The Labyrinth of Time > Blogspace begone!

Please sign here if you want your blog temporarily restored Faethinte audio 20:05, June 10, 2010 (UTC)

Edit 19:17, June 30, 2010 (UTC): The struck sigs indicate that the user's blog has been already restored. Faethinte audio

I will admit they are stupid, but they are completely optional, nobody is MAKING you read them. And it's not like they are actually hurting anything. I see no reason to remove them, if you dislike them, simply ignore them. Exdeath64 05:30, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

If you can take the time to find all of those blogs and link to them, you must not have very much of a life outside of Wikia; Heck, if you take the time to contact the STF, you brely have a life at all. Just my opinion though. A.J. two (Smashboards) 12:32, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

We've already discussed this before. In that earlier discussion, we pointed out blogs were simply another forum. We have the Blackjack for all that, and those are blocked from the Recent Changes. We were going to delete all the blogs, but people simply failed to contact Wikia and we forgot about it.

@A.J.: Fae has a girlfriend and a job. Just saying. ScatheMote 13:17, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Well okay then, I didn't know that (about both things). Maybe it should get removed or maybe it shouldn't (I still say no), but if you want gone so bad, then you have to figure out how to remove it completely from the wiki yourselves, or go and ask the staff on central to get rid of it for you. AJtwosig 14:19, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Winter Wolf from FFI 20th Anniversary Edition sprite

Er, nobody has yet to give a reason to kill these things aside from the fact that they are "Stupid". Are they actually HURTING anything? I mean if they where being used to attack other users or where cluttering up the mainspace I would support them being removed, but there appears to be none of that. And from what I can see, a few users just dislike dealing with the stupidity of certain blogs, if you dislike said blogs, simply ignore them. I personally enjoy the use of mine (occasionally, anyone on here will tell you Finals are a bitch and they eat a lot of time) and would rather dislike it if the blog system was to simply dissipate because a few users can't simply ignore the ones they do not like. Exdeath64 23:37, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Cúchulainn Glyph Art

User:A.J. two/Userbox


FFVI Terra Branford Menu iOS
Some Color Mage / Talk Contribs / / 06:55, June 7, 2010 (UTC)
Blogs must die!
Delete. Jeppo, if you can think of a good blog not written by you, I may reconsider.
EDIT 07:29, June 7, 2010 (UTC): After seeing this, I have decided to become neutral on the topic.

User:A.J. two/Userbox

Cloud Alt UT

I don't use them, but I don't see why that space has to go. Probably make some sort of restriction, if that's even possible. BLUER一番 15:17, June 7, 2010 (UTC)

"Instant Awesome Just Ask Nelo" Sorceror Nobody
Mini Balthier
"Instant Awesome Just Ask Nelo" Sorceror Nobody

This has to be one of the sickest things I've ever seen happen on this wiki. You seem to make out that blogspace is so large in activity, that it is a problem. So you destroy it? We've discussed that the things in blogspace can work in people's userspaces and the forums. So, say for instance someone had a weekly blog. Let's pretend they used to host it in userspace, then they thought they'd use blogs since it was there, then they have to switch back. This is fine in theory. They don't deem it worth it to back-up their entries, they don't even know what the admins are going to decide yet, what would be the point? So they wait for the decision. Wake up in the morning and blogspace doesn't exist. They're missing a huge section in their weekly blog.

So no one's probably done this. I assume there's people that regularly used the blog to, y'know, blog. They're missing their blogs, which they would have been fine to archive somewhere else if they knew blogspace was definitely going down.

This stuff can go in forums and userspace... but people have just lost at least a year's worth of what they wished to have keep. Announcing a deletion of blogspace in the site announcement, notifying people who have contributed a great deal to blogspace, and waiting two weeks, heck, even one is enough. But you didn't. I don't know what happened, but someone gave Wikia the go ahead.

I'm sorry, but this was not how it should have been. To see my username down there makes it look like I was in support of this massacre. We weren't supposed to remove two namespaces worth of content, we were only supposed to remove two namespace names (User blog, User blog comment (I'm sure there were talkspaces but they weren't used)), the content of which could be integrated into other namespaces.

When I saw a userblog I was watching appear in my email, I thought "wow", after all this time someone has commented on it. Doesn't exist? Happens all the time through Wikia emails. Deleted? Oh, ffwiki must have removed blogs. No site announcements. I find this forum topic, happy they actually did something about it after all this time (because the wiki doing nothing is what the wiki is best at), look through the comments and read down as the discussion goes on, creeping up to this current date, and apparently there was a sudden deletion. Where was the forethought? 15:59, June 9, 2010 (UTC)


Sign me up for the restoration. And I have a theory about a compromise, what if we delegated a section of the forums for this sort of thing? We can remove it from the RC like we did with the rest of them and essentially isolate it from the rest of the wiki. Those who want to see them can, and those who do not can pretend it does not exist. Although there may be issues, so I would have to propose that said form subsection be highly regulated to keep out trolls and such. Again, this is just an idea, I figure this has a insanely slim chance of being seconded, but hey, might as well suggest it and see if the idea goes anywhere. Exdeath64 02:38, June 10, 2010 (UTC)

Hmmm... the voice of reason. Didn't there used to be a Forum section like that, but it was deleted? I may be mistaken, but is that what the Waystone (mentioned above by Moocowisi) was? If so, we could just reinstate something like that. It'd be a forum, so it can be kept out of RC like Exdeath says. Some sort of regulation is definitely wise, although not to the point of being overzealous -- Sorceror Nobody 10:40, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
We have the IRC for off-topic conversation, and the Blackjack for FF-related fun. The Waystone is gone, and we never want to resurrect what it became. — YuanSalve!Acta 12:07, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
With hindsight, this could have been handled much better. To be honest, the blogs should have been removed as soon as it appeared, but now that it has months later, many people stand to lose what they have written.
What should have happened is that as soon as it was agreed on the removal on blogs, there would be a lock out so that new blogs cannot be created and a message at the top of the page stating that all blogs will be permanently removed in, say, two weeks' time. This will give users time to "move" their valuable writing from the blogs section and onto their userspace, and there would be a project page informing users on how to do just that. Then after the deadline is reached, all blogs go kaboom. Then we wouldn't have all this aggro with angry users asking for Fae's head on a platter.
I am glad that the blogs are temporarily returning just so people can save their work, but even so. It should have been handled much better than this. Jeppo (Talk | contribs) 15:13, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
(Edit): Oh, and please restore my Trapezohedron guide. I'm not bothered about the others I've done. Jeppo (Talk | contribs) 19:38, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
Locking blog making is not possible by admins, and therefore not worth the effort. People who would make blog entries from then on don't matter because they were too blind to see the site announcement. People who make blog entries on protest don't matter since everything they said would be gone within two weeks.
Furthermore, I think Faethin knows why there was all this aggro, since he said he knew what he did was wrong already. Plus what you suggested should have been done was what I suggested should have been done and is a pretty simple idea to conjure... simply because it's the only thing you can do. The only variables are the lengths of time.
And the comments were not anti-Faethin. They were anti-this move. Faethin recognises this move was wrong, and is now trying to rectify it. Without the angry comments clearly displaying the userbase's reaction to the action. I have nothing against Faethin, he is clearly the most acting member of the staff. This wiki doesn't aim for perfection. Plus with the whole "trying to find a consensus" thing too. On my old wiki I just decided what was best all the time, and then did it. 20:57, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
Disagree. Just because something is not in RC doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Even what is on people's userpages doesn't have to be moderated. The wiki isn't very good at moderating content, but that's because there is too much to moderate. This is why there are guidelines. But to the point, blogging forums doesn't fix anything other than the RC problem. My personal argument was it was unneeded since it works (and worked) in userspace and in forums already, depending on what it was about (daily experiences = userspace; topics of discussion = forums). Blogs could be removed from wikis right back when it started up. If I was a SysOp, they would have never outlived the first week.
But we don't want to encourage blogging. We respect that it is up to the user however. A blogging forum would encourage it. An additional forum is technically another forum that requires moderation (free-speech isn't 100% free). And it encourages more use of the forum. Less forum sections means people use each more, but overall, there is less activity than many, precise forum sections.
The more respectable editors and staff of the wiki don't encourage social chit-chat as much except in the IRC really. Rin's is the only I care about. It's not used much, and I hate the fact it has to be removed from RC because people like to over-use Blackjack (technically it wasn't Blackjack, was it Waystone? I can't remember. Many people got annoyed by the unproductive activity of editors, Hecko X suggested the forums-out-of-RC trick - I was against it). Two forums for social chit-chat is not what we want, or at least not what I want anyway. 20:57, June 10, 2010 (UTC)

Actually...Is it possible to restore Rin's to the RC, while leaving the other ones out of it? I mean if Rin's covers official wiki business such as policy changes, perhaps it should be made so people can find get a notice if a new topic comes up. It might help to avoid debacles like this in the future. Exdeath64 01:44, June 11, 2010 (UTC)

No. The only way we could possibly pull this off is if we were to give Rin's it's own namespace. Which isn't that hard to pull off, a simple contacting of Wikia. But it just doesn't seem right separating Rin's from the rest when it is just a forum. One can argue topics in Rin's are just super-Talk pages (since they're things that cover more than just one article), and therefore have far more reason to enter RC. But unfortunately, it's just not possible without giving it its own namespace, which, tbh, looks messy on a wiki to divide it from forums like that. Just like it seems messy to have the RC linking to an invertnamespace over Special:RecentChanges. 13:31, June 11, 2010 (UTC)

'kay looks. Is it REALLY that big of a deal? You guys have said, it's a forum. But what to we use it for other than blogging? Just ignore it. Put up an obnoxious notice on the front page, or above all the pages or something. Is it really such a big deal and pet peeve to you that you have to remove all the blogs from the space? It's a blog so that you can TALK to people and post about stuff. I've seriously lost faith in all of you if it's really that serious. My vote? Keep them. Fallen-Todesengel 02:31, June 11, 2010 (UTC)

It's a removal of blogspace, not a removal of blogs from blogspace. Technically, we didn't want to remove all blogs, we wanted to move all blogs (just the ones people cared to keep anyway) to userspace or forumspace. The wiki does not encourage deviating from the main aim of the wiki:- to provide a comprehensive Final Fantasy database. Blogspace is a namespace that can gives no help to the wiki's content. In the instances it can, it would be far better off in a forum anyway. I'll end by saying: If you seriously came to the wiki for the social aspects, you'd be better off joining one of the many forums out there. 13:31, June 11, 2010 (UTC)

Is there such a thing as shortage of space in the FF wikia? I mean if you guys have a space limit than okay deleting these stuff, but if that's not the case then I don't see the point. Also, even if there is a space limit, do blogs put a serious strain on it? If they don't then I don't see a problem either.

If for you guys space is not a problem, and I mean how much are you allowed to upload on this website, then I think being against blogs is just being controlling of other people's lives. If we have all the space there is no point in telling people they can't use their private spaces as they please. We should respect the dumb and the clever alike, specially because such concepts are highly relative.

So, just to drive my point: if you guys don't have a storage problem than it is wrong to delete stuff from people's pages.

I'm just saying all of this because I'm scared that stuff that's on my user page (not on the blog) might be one day deleted because some people thought it was not worthy existing. I'm using it to store actual stuff that I'm not storing on my PC. If they were to be deleted I'd lose some stuff I actually value. I'm storing them here to let people see and criticize it as well. --Cid of the Lufaine 16:08, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

We didn't want to delete anything that anyone didn't want deleted. We did, but that was an accident. Blogspace serves equally as well in userspace and forumspace as it does in blogspace. Furthermore, we do not want to promote blogging and other distractions from mainspace. So we're moving blogspaces content, not removing it. However, there is no efficient way to do this, so we request that people who care about their blogs can move it if they want to.
Userspace content can't be deleted. You can be advised to not use the wiki as a storage for non-wiki or non-FF related things, but admins have no right to delete it unless it breaches certain rules, like malicious content towards users. Although it has to be extreme, and no one really ever cares. 16:28, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
EDIT CONFLICT: I think I can safely state that Userspace will never be deleted. Blogspace was deleted because User- and Forumspace render it superfluous, and also because it was damn near turning the wiki into a social networking site. This is a wiki, not Facebook. It's not Photobucket or Megaupload either, so you shouldn't really be using it as a personal storage facility. Also, no offence, but it's downright stupid not to have backup files. Anyway, you're right about one thing: there is, to my knowledge, no actual limit on capacity. The flaw in your argument is that deleting Blogspace is controlling nothing but the wiki. Your point only stands in a scenario where Fae, in an insane act of tyranny, deletes every blogging site on the entire web. Unlikely, to say the least.
P.S. This issue is long since settled. You would have to come up with the mother of all convincing arguments to actually revive Blogspace, so you're rather wasting your time trying to argue against the removal at this point -- Sorceror Nobody 16:32, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
The stuff I have stored here are all Final Fantasy related. That's why I stored them here in the first place, like I said, for people to see and criticize.
I started writing it all on my own PC first and I realized I could use some input from people that know about FF.
From that moment I made the full transition and started doing the updates to my content just in here instead of in here and on my own PC. It would be hard to adapt my own files to the wikia structure and I would be doubling my work everytime I wanted to do an update.
I also found that the wikia gave me a really good structure to organize and display all my files, hence my full transition.
This blog thing displays a community mindset. For me when the community gives a space for people to use and then want to remove it because it considers that people are using it to say "dumb" things, well it just shows that this kind of thing is capable of happening. Who knows, even if it is user space, which exists in every wikia, it could still one day be subject to some kind of quality control.
It just worries me that one day I come to find my stuff deleted because of some huge clean up I happened to miss for not visiting FFwikia for a couple of weeks.
Out of principle I think it is important to respect people's right to be dumb, as long as they are not insulting others and are not using limited space of any kind. Not only that, but I think that undermines people's trust on the FFwikia because it gave something to people and one day decided to take it away for arbitrary reasons.--Cid of the Lufaine 17:16, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
Edit: one last point I'd like to bring up: when people put any kind of effort in here, even if to add stuff to their blogs, then the blogs are part of their lives. Deleting it because people think the whole thing is stupid IS controlling of other people's lives. This is a space like any other and I think we are better off avoiding censorship.--Cid of the Lufaine 17:21, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
I have to agree with you Cid; Sure, Blogspace can be considered the same as Userspace and Forumspace, but then that means that Userspace is the same as Forumspace and vice-versa. It measn that they are both redundant and that we only need one of them instead of both. But, you aren't going to get rid of either of those, so why would you get rid of Blogspace as well? You delete malicious stuff in Userspace and Fporumspace all the time and have never banned anyone from posting in those palces ever again, but as soon as someone does it in Blogspace, it is a crime and warrants the deletion of Blogspace forever? IMO, it is hypocrisy on your part. But, or couse, there is no reason to listen to me; you've already made your decision, and a few sentences aren't going to change that. But, I believe I have made a point, however small it may be. A.J. two (Smashboards) 17:43, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
"Censorship" is a straw man argument. Vandals put effort into creating spam pages. We censor them. Websites have rules, and if you will read the entire conversation, especially the parts about Forumspace and Userspace, you will see that the deciding arguments for deleting blogspace is not because most people think they are "stupid". 8bit 02:15, June 21, 2010 (UTC)
If you want so badly to get rid of blogspace because they are full of stupid things and what not, then why aren't you doing the same to all the stupid usersubpages and the stupid forums? You find stupid/malicious user/forumspace articles and delete them; you find stupid/malicious blogspace articles and you delete blogspace. It's as simple as that - it makes no sense that you would do to blogspace what you aren't going to ever do to the user and forumspace in the forseeable future. A.J. two (Smashboards) 04:20, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

Thats quite enough! I know that I shouldn't be talking since I'm pretty new here, but, Faethin, you do not tell a user to SHUTUP! Thats immature and just plain rude! A.J., people can have their own opinions! Gosh! --Auror. plus the great Andrachome 05:25, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

Cúchulainn Glyph Art

So, since I know that everyone is going to vote against it (Like last time), I will make a vote tally and put everyone's name on it that has said something in this Forum, the old Forum, and the New blog that started this re-debate (In order). Note that names may will be repeated, and some will be stuck out when I find that they might have changed their vote mid-discussion. Also, this is what I belive from reading that everyone has said; if you don't agree with it - and I know you will definately not - then you don't even have to say anything; I know that you won't, and I know that you will secretly hate me deep down inside A.J. two (Smashboards) 13:20, June 8, 2010 (UTC):

Votes From Old Forum

Votes For Blogs

  1. Kuzlalala
  2. Wee187

Votes Against Blogs

  1. Hecko X*
  2. Diablocon*
  3. 8bit BlackMage*
  4. Sorceror Nobody
  5. BlueHighwind
  6. ILHI
  7. Bek The Conqueror

Votes From This Forum

Votes For Blogs

  1. Exdeath64 05:30, June 8, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Judge Balthier Griever Emblem 19:28, June 8, 2010 (UTC)
  3. FaythOfFenrir 23:26, June 12, 2010 (UTC)

Votes Against Blogs

  1. Faethin*
  2. SilverCrono
  3. Drake Clawfang
  4. HenryAcores
  5. Sorceror Nobody (sort of passively against)
  6. HarpieSiren
  7. SSFF6B
  8. DeadlySlashSword
  9. NeloAngelo
  10. SilverDragon28
  11. 8bit
  12.  TheBlueDragoon Dissicon ff10 Yun1
  13. Bjarnster


Dissidia Kuja
Balthier ffxiirw
Dissidia Kuja

Phht. Decisions are made by voting? The majority gets a C average. Quality of argument is what counts in any forum of debate worthy of respect. I abstain from participation in a flawed process. VvAnarchangelvV 17:14, June 14, 2010 (UTC)