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Formula is an enemy in Final Fantasy VII fought in the forests in the Junon Area, and appears in the seventh round of the Battle Square before the player obtains the Tiny Bronco. When fought in the Battle Square its stats are enhanced with double the normal HP and its Attack and Magic Attack are increased by 25%.



# Formation
065 Row 1: Nerosuferoth A, Nerosuferoth B
Row 2: Formula
071 Row 1: Formula A
Row 2: Formula B
074 Row 1: Formula A, Formula B
Row 2: Formula C


Junon Area
Grass 065
Dirt 071
Forest 074
Battle Square (before Tiny Bronco)
Group B - Battle 7 065, 071


Its two Impulse attacks can hit the party for moderate damage, with the more powerful Cross Impulse only used when it has taken sufficient damage. Since Formulae often attack in groups, this damage can quickly add up.

They drop useful Hi-Potions, morph into Speed Drinks, and Yuffie has a weapon to be stolen from them: Boomerang.


They should be dealt with quickly. Matra Magic and L4 Suicide are efficient spells to use. Formula needs MP for all its attacks, so Magic Hammer renders them incapable of attacking.

AI script[]

AI: Setup {

Count = Rnd(0..3)
Stage = 0

} AI: Main {

If (Count < 3) Then
If (Formula's MP >= 5) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Air Bomber> on Target
Count = Count + 1
} Else {
If ((Stage == 1) AND (Formula's MP >= 26)) Then
Choose All Opponents
Use Cross Impulse on Target
} Else If (Formula's MP >= 18) Then {
Choose All Opponents
Use Blue Impulse on Target
} Else If (Formula's MP >= 5) Then {
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Air Bomber> on Target
Count = Rnd(0..2)

} AI: Counter - General {

If (Formula's HP <= 60% of Formula's Max HP) Then
Stage = 1
} Else {
Stage = 0


Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Related enemies[]
