Cloud Strife:
No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Gaius is ready to discuss the samples you brought.
Quest description
Forever in Our Hearts is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.
- Informing Gaius that you delivered the samples on behalf of Tataru Taru's Boutique, he agrees to consider the flourishing shop's wares among the other prospective suppliers for Werlyt's military. That business being settled, the emotional state of Valens's former wards─the boys from earlier─weighs heavily upon Gaius's mind, and he would have you speak with them to allay their lingering unease.
- The boys are relieved to hear that the man who approached them was not Valens, but in fact a former pilus acting as his body double, and are further heartened by the news of his arrest and the retrieval of the G-Savior Mark II. With their minds now truly at ease, their thoughts turn to Allie, who has been taking care of them at the orphanage. As a show of their appreciation to her, they hope to see Allie's dream realized by hiring an artist to render a portrait of her together with her sole remaining family member─her father. While they set about finding a portraitist, you agree to speak with Gaius and Allie to tell them of this undertaking.
- Though Gaius is struck by the boys' thoughtfulness, Allie appears conflicted, as her true wish was to have a portrait taken with not only her father, but with her siblings as well. Yet she would not reject the children's kindness out of hand, and so she agrees to meet everyone at the lookout.
- As Gaius and Allie pose for the portraitist, the boys look on with concern, asking you and Avilina whether this portrait is truly fulfilling her wish. Avilina assures them that it is, before revealing a synthetic auracite device. Upon activating it, the contraption emits projections of Milisandia, Ricon, Rex, and Alfonse beside Gaius and Allie, who are taken aback by the unexpected but welcome sight of these visions. Allie's joy is clear for all to see, as a rare smile plays across her lips.
- The boys are delighted that they were able to fulfill Allie's wish, and to thank you for aiding them in the endeavor, they present you with two beautiful pink seashells. Your work in Terncliff thus concluded, you decide now may be the right time to return to Mehdjina in Old Sharlayan, and see if she thinks the gift you received will make a worthy addition to Tataru's memento.
- After regaling Mehdjina with your exploits in Terncliff, you show her the pair of shells you received as a gift. She quickly recognizes them as vaunted rose shells of Werlyt, famed ornaments often used in expensive jewelry─and treasures that she believes will make a colorful complement to Tataru's necklace. Thanking you for your efforts, she bids you farewell until your expertise is needed once more.
- Speak with the Auri boy.
- Speak with Gaius.
- Speak with Allie.
- Speak with Avilina.
- Speak with the Auri boy.
- Deliver the packaged gift to Mehdjina in Old Sharlayan.