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Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Glaumunt has finally devised a plan to appropriate a suit of magitek armor.

Quest description

Fool Me Twice Fool Me Twice is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • In excited tones, Glaumunt reveals to you his cunning plan for appropriating a magitek reaper. For the first step, seek out an imperial patrol outside Castrum Centri, and alert them to the presence of enemy forces. Remember to greet your superiors with an /imperialsalute.
  • You have alerted the imperial patrol to the enemy's presence. As Glaumunt forewarned, however, the soldiers seem hesitant to venture far beyond the sight of the castrum's walls. You will need to lure them out by using the imperial smoke signal at the specified location.
  • You have succeeded in acquiring a magitek reaper, though some repairs will be required before it can be put to use. Cid bids you meet him back at his workshop in Revenant's Toll. Speak with Slafborn at the front door to be admitted.
  • You arrive at Cid's workshop to find that Biggs and Wedge have already set about repairing the magitek reaper. When their work is complete, it will finally be time to undertake the most dangerous phase of the mission: the rescue itself.


  • Greet the imperial centurion with an /imperialsalute.
  • Use the imperial smoke signal at the specified location.
  • Report to Cid.


Fool Me Twice Fool Me Twice script
Glaumunt Good work gettin' them imperial duds. You'll be pleased to hear I ain't been idle myself. It took me long enough, but I've finally hatched a plan to get us a suit o' magitek armor.
Glaumunt Now, from what I've seen, Castrum Centri deploys a reaper for most of its patrols.
Glaumunt Trouble is, the patrols 'emselves are irregular─meanin' random routes an' random deployments─an' hardly any of 'em come anywhere near Revenant's Toll.
Glaumunt So, hopin' to coax the imperials out o' their shells, I took the liberty o' feedin' 'em a bit o' the old false intelligence─told 'em insurgents had designs on their stronghold.
Glaumunt 'Tain't far from the truth, now I come to think of it. Anyroad, we should start seein' more patrols than we have up till now.
Glaumunt What you need to do is approach one o' these patrols, dressed up in your shiny tin suit, an' alert 'em to the enemy's presence.
Glaumunt Havin' done that, you'll want to lure 'em as near to Revenant's Toll as you can. Like as not, though, they'll be wary o' venturin' far from their own walls.
Glaumunt If they do need a bit of extra encouragement, use this smoke signal here, filched fresh from an imperial scout. They'll come runnin' when they see that. An' when the cavalry arrives, you hit 'em hard an' make off with their reaper─simple as that.
Glaumunt If I ain't mistaken, there's a patrol sweepin' the perimeter right now, so run along, eh? Oh, an' don't forget to salute!
Npca My wife bore me a son not long after I was sent here. I can't wait to go home and meet him.
Npcb Did you hear about these insurgents? Apparently, they've got their eye on the castrum. Personally, I'd like to see them try to take it. It'd serve to lift the tedium.
Npcc Get moving, you lot! The quicker we march, the sooner this will be over!
Npcd All the coin I make doing this goes to the wife in the country. If it turns out she's been squandering it on fancy clothes and gewgaws, I will not be amused.
Npce They say it's our duty to bring civilization to these lands, but what if these lands don't want civilizing?
Npcf From another patrol, are you? When next you see your commanding officer, tell him that he leads a sloppy unit. If any of my lot forgot to salute a superior officer, they would be on their arse faster than you can say “latrine duty.”
Npcf One of our covert operatives, I take it? In or out of uniform, you would do well to remember your courtesies.
Npcf Carry on, soldier.

...Hm? Insurgents gathering to the east, you say?

Npcf One of our covert operatives, are you? Carry on, soldier.

...Hm? Insurgents gathering to the east, you say?

Npcf Judging by your description, they are well beyond the perimeter...but I will not have it said that I was remiss. You, return to the scene and keep an eye on those insurgents. Should aught go awry, use your smoke signal to call us.
Npcf Give me strength... If that was your idea of a salute, you can wave good-bye to that promotion right now.
Npcf Return to the scene and keep an eye on those insurgents. Should aught go awry, use your smoke signal to call us.
Npca One of our informers, I take it? <sigh> Do you have any idea what will happen if you're seen with us? The insurgents will have your head!
Npcb What do you want?
Npcc You have no business being here! Begone or I will take you for an insurgent!
Npcd Need...sleep... <snore>
Npce Trespassers will be dealt with severely. You have been warned.
Dummy (Use smoke signal at the specified location)
Dummy (Lcut)
Cid I hope you don't mind my joining. Seeing as we're seizing advanced weaponry, I thought it best to be on hand.
Cid Ah, there she is.
Npcf This is the place...but where is the enemy?
Npcd Sir, over there!
Npcf Send in the reaper! Let us make an example of these insurgents!
Dummy (QIB)
Cid At last, our very own suit of magitek armor!
Cid Hmmm... Not wishing to look a gift chocobo in the beak, it does seem rather the worse for wear, doesn't it?
Cid Biggs, Wedge─what's your honest assessment?
Biggs Weeell...there's the fact that she's smoking, of course... But looking past that, I'd say she was structurally sound.
Wedge Hmmm...I don't like the way these legs are buckled. I hate to say this, but the servomechanism may be damaged.
Biggs Eh? But aren't those things protected by ilm-thick armor plate?
Wedge They are, yes... It's odd─the casing doesn't seem to have taken a blow. I suspect we're dealing with a faulty part.
Biggs Well, whatever it is we're dealing with, we're not resting till it's fixed! Not one wink of sleep─you got that, Wedge?
Wedge Oh... <mumble> <mumble> cart chocobo.
Biggs I heard that!
Cid A hall has been set aside for our use in Revenant's Toll.
Cid That's where we'll carry out the repairs. Look for us there, [Player Name].
Cid We've now had time to take a closer look at the reaper. Our preliminary diagnosis was correct─she's structurally sound, but her servomechanism is faulty.
Cid You needn't worry, though─Biggs and Wedge will see her restored to her former glory in no time at all. Give those two something to mend, and they will think of naught else till the job's done. 'Tis a marvelous thing to behold─provided you remind them to visit the privy.
Slafborn ...The magitek armor? Cid and the others took it inside. Go on in and join them.
Eventarea Proceed to Cid's workshop?
Eventarea Yes
Eventarea No
imperial soldier Hostiles detected! Engaging!
Quest complete.