Inflicts darkness on all enemies.
Flash is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It attempts to inflict darkness on all enemies, blinding them and reducing their chance of landing physical attacks.
Flash can also be used by catching and releasing a Headstone, Ushabti, or Crew Dust.
The earliest Flash can be obtained is from Headstone on the North Mountain. For Headstone to use it, the player must use an Ether on it first.
Flash can also be learned from Crew Dust, Ramuh, Neon, Gilgamesh (#284), Necrophobe, Azulmagia, Orukat, Parthenope, or Stone Mask. Orukat, Parthenope, and Stone Mask do not use the ability normally, meaning Control must be used to learn it; Orukat requires an Ether before it can use the ability.
The one learning must also be susceptible to darkness to be affected by the spell.
Flash can be effective against groups of enemies that use physical attacks to damage the party. Its low MP cost and the chance to apply it to multiple enemies at once makes it very turn- and MP-efficient. The drawback of the ability is that many bosses are immune to darkness. Alternatives to Flash are Blink and Image that make the user able to evade physical attacks, as well as perhaps Golem that lets the party tank physical damage for a time, or Guard that negates damage against the user.