The Flanborg is an enemy in Final Fantasy XIII.
Flanborg is often encountered with Flanitors, who will heal while the Flanborg attacks with vicious physical attacks. Its Pacifying Shock is a powerful lightning-elemental attack that hits all party members in front of it. The party can only perform a preemptive strike if the growths on its head are not glowing; when they are glowing, it will be aware of the party.
When a caption for the Pacifying Shock attack appears, the player should switch to a healing paradigm, such as War and Peace (COM/MED) or Symbiosis (MED/SYN), as it is quite a powerful attack for Sazh and Vanille at this stage. It is usually wise to dispose of the Flanitor allies before attacking the Flanborg.
Flanborg is a portmanteau of "flan" and "cyborg". Flan refers to the recurring genus of monsters in the Final Fantasy series.
Flan refers to an open pastry or sponge cake containing a sweet or savory filling. A typical flan of this sort is round, with shortcrust pastry, usually coated with sweet syrup. It is similar to a custard tart or a South African melktert.
The wordCyborg refers to its biomechanical nature.
Related enemies[]
- Flan
- Dire Flan
- Flanitor
- Monstrous Flan
- Rust Pudding
- Ferruginous Pudding
- Corrosive Custard
- Flandragora
- Hybrid Flora
- Phosphoric Ooze
- Alchemic Ooze
- Ectopudding
- Gelatitan
- Rotten Tomato
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
- Flanbanero
- Seeping Brie
- Flangonzola
- Flandit
- Garganzola
- Flanitor
- Flanborg
- Miniflan
- Blue Miniflan
- Yellow Miniflan
- Black Miniflan
- Pink Miniflan
- Phosphoric Ooze
- Mutantomato (Boss)
- Royal Ripeness (Boss)