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Summon a massive pillar of fire that burns all enemies caught within the flames, while also partially restoring Clive's HP.


Flames of Rebirth is the Phoenix's ability in Final Fantasy XVI that cloaks the battlefield in fire and restores some of the user's health. It is used by the Eikon Phoenix in battle cinematics, and by Clive as his ultimate fire loadout Eikonic Ability that has the longest cooldown period.

Phoenix uses Flames of Rebirth in the prologue when initially defeated by the second Eikon of Fire's Hellfire, restoring all of his health. Later, it is used a second time to restore Ifrit's health in a battle against Bahamut. Clive lastly uses it during the final Eikonic struggle to counter Flames Unforgiving.


Clive has Flames of Rebirth available to learn since the start of the game, as a result of having Blessing of the Phoenix from Joshua Rosfield. As it takes 1695 AP to learn, it will take some time to be able to learn it. The player can refund skills to get their AP cost back and re-buy them at will.


Clive can use Flames of Rebirth in battle whenever it is equipped to his current loadout. Clive can have two Eikonic Abilities alongside his Eikonic Feat.

Flames of Rebirth has Clive sprout the wings of a Phoenix and erupt flames all across him, damaging all enemies in his vicinity, and restoring to Clive the green portion of his HP bar, the HP the player can regain naturally by dodging, by hitting enemies, and from Torgal healing Clive.

When used against a staggered enemy, the enemy's stagger gauge does not recover during Flames of Rebirth's animation, but Clive's cooldowns will. Once Clive unlocks Limit Break, the player can cancel the fire attack portion of Flames of Rebirth, and the flames stay out but the player can move during it and deliver more combos.

After being upgraded in the Abilities menu, Flames of Rebirth delivers even more hits.

Flames of Rebirth activates the battle technique, Collateral Flames, when used against multiple enemies.

After being used, the ability has a 120-second cooldown period before being able to be used again. Upgrading/mastering the ability has no effect on its cooldown.

AP cost Effect
1695 (Base) Able to equip Flames of Rebirth to Clive's fire loadout.
2390 (Upgrade) Delivers more hits.
4250 (Master) Able to equip Flames of Rebirth to any loadout.

For Phoenix's trial, Flames of Rebirth is automatically mastered, regardless of its status in Clive's menu. The reward for completing the trial earns The Favor of Fire (Flames of Rebirth) accessory, which increases Flames of Rebirth's damage by 8%.


Flames of Rebirth is Clive's ultimate fire Eikonic Ability, dealing severe damage to enemies and restoring the green portion of Clive's HP bar to him as health. It is best used when HP regain is high, or when surrounded by enemies. Clive's other Phoenix ability that attacks enemies around him is Scarlet Cyclone, which recharges much faster and faster still if used during knockback, but is weaker with more limited range and does not regain any HP. It is best to not rely on the HP-regain effect, however, and use items if Clive gets to the danger zone, unless the player is confident that using Flames of Rebirth will finish the battle.

Flames of Rebirth is typically strong enough to defeat all small foes instantly, and it has a good range. It is also useful against staggered enemies, as the enemy's stagger gauge does not recover during Flames of Rebirth's animation. The long animation can otherwise feel like a detriment, interrupting the flow of battle and Clive's combos. However, once Clive unlocks Limit Break, activating it right after invoking Flames of Rebirth cancels the fire attack portion and the player can move while enemies are being set on fire and deliver more combos. The animation can still work on the player's favor, as everything else stops for its duration but Clive's cooldowns continue to recover at regular pace.

After Clive gains Ramuh, the player can place a Lightning Rod nearby before using Flames of Rebirth to deal more damage, as the firestorm from Flames of Rebirth hits the lightning rod as well.

Though Flames of Rebirth is strong, its HP regain effect is nothing special while its cooldown is especially long, and so once the player has multiple Eikons they may prefer their "ultimate moves" over Phoenix's, especially Bahamut's, Shiva's, and Odin's.

During the chronolith trial with the Phoenix's abilities, triggering Collateral Flames gains a +15s time bonus in Stage III.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Clive uses Flames of Rebirth during Memory of Embers Memory of Embers, part of the Final Fantasy XVI crossover event The Path Infernal. He uses it during the Infernal Sword DPS check phase, dealing 80% max HP fractional damage in a large area of effect to help quickly destroy the swords.

Etymology and origin[]

In Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix (Greek: φοῖνιξ phoinix; Latin: phoenix, phœnix, fenix) is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. According to some sources, the phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion, although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again. According to some texts, the phoenix could live over 1,400 years before rebirth. Though the Phoenix is a recurring magical creature in the Final Fantasy series, the Greek influence is also notable for Final Fantasy XVI that already has many Greek influences in its themes, naming, and song lyrics.
