Final Fantasy Wiki

The Flamerus Rex's field sprite.

The Flamerus Rex is a boss from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, the Fiend of Earth and one of the Vile Four. It is found at the bottom of the Bone Dungeon, where Benjamin and Tristam challenge it to battle. After it is defeated, the Crystal of Earth reverts to normal and Tristam gives Benjamin the Elixir needed to rid Kaeli of poison and then claims the Dragon Claw from a nearby chest. Flamerus Rex is later reincarnated as the Skullrus Rex in Doom Castle.



Flamerus Rex is powerful with a Rip Earth attack that can be quite devastating as well as several "biting" attacks. However, it is undead and thus highly vulnerable to Cure.

As with all of the Vile Four, their reincarnations, and the Dark King, Flamerus Rex has four phases to the battle, depending on how much HP it has left. As it loses health, its skeleton deteriorates until it is but a pile of bones.



Rex is Latin for "king", specifically, the title of the kings of ancient Rome. With enemies that resemble a tyrannosaurus, the name refers to Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Related enemies[]
