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Final Fantasy Wiki

Engulfs one enemy in flames.


Flame Thrower, also known as Burn Ray, is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It fires moderate fire-elemental damage to one target, at the same power level as Fira. It has a lower MP cost, cannot be group-cast, and cannot be reflected.


The earliest Flame Thrower can be acquired is from Prototype, found in the islands near Crescent.

It can also be acquired from the Flame Thrower boss, Mecha Head, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Triton, Great Dragon, Azulmagia, Claret Dragon, and Mindflayer. Mindflayer does not normally use the ability, and so Control is needed.


Flame Thrower's damage is calculated as follows:

If the target absorbs fire, it is healed instead of damaged; if it is immune to fire, the attack misses. If the target resists fire, the Attack modifier in the formula is halved, but if it is weak to fire, the modifier is doubled and the attack ignores the target's Magic Defense. Flame Thrower cannot be reflected.

Several pieces of equipment increase the power of elemental attacks by 50%. The bonus is applied before subtracting the opponent's Magic Defense. The weapons that boost fire are the Black Mage's Flame Rod and Magus Rod, and the Geomancer's Rune Chime.


Flame Thrower deals the same damage as Fira for half the MP cost, making it a very MP-efficient way of damaging enemies who are weak to fire. Its ability to ignore reflect can also come in handy when one needs to use attacking spells. The only ways in which Fira is superior is that Fira can be group-cast or dualcast, making Fira slightly more turn-efficient in certain battles against mobs of enemies.

As with Fira, Flame Thrower is outclassed by Firaga. Additionally, Ifrit also has the ability to ignore reflect, but hits all enemies.



A flamethrower is a mechanical incendiary device designed to project a long controllable stream of fire.
