Louisoix Leveilleur:
Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of Fisher Quests that has since been removed.
The following is a list of Fisher Quests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.
See also: Botanist Quests (version 1.0) or Miner Quests (version 1.0)
To Fight a Fishback[]
- After accepting N'nmulika's invitation to join the Fishermen's Guild, you are asked to take your first step to becoming a full-fledged puller by assisting fellow fisher Maisie with her work. She can be found somewhere in the Bottom.
- According to Maisie, the Knights of the Barracuda, as well as many of Limsa Lominsa's pirate crews, are waging a never-ending battle with the beast tribe known as the Sahagin. Wawalago's Pullers play their part by catching pixie remora, which are used by the Knights and the pirates to lure the Sahagin from their lairs. Maisie has asked you to travel to the cliffs along lowland La Noscea and see if you cannot fetch some for her.
- You've caught several pixie remora. Return them to Maisie in Fisherman's Bottom before they go bad.
The Beast of the Barrel[]
- N'nmulika has asked you to assist Sisipu in her guild duties. Find the tiny puller and see what she needs you to do.
- It turns out that Sisipu is in charge of feeding the fish being raised in the man-made ponds known as the Barrel, and for today, that duty has been passed to you. Take your bucket of special bait and speak with Rerenasu down by the docks for a ride to the Barrel.
- While diligently distributing fish fodder, you are approached by a mysterious mustachioed man who insists that the fish require more than just food, but exercise as well—exercise in the form of dancing. The task of setting an example on just how the fish are supposed to dance has unfortunately fallen to you.
- The mysterious man seems pleased with your performance, but now insists that you lack a certain something to make the fish swoon—a certain something that you can find in Ul'dah. A man named Rorojaru should be able to help.
- You are able to locate the sparkling smallclothes you sought in Ul'dah. Now slip on the subligar, sprint back to the Barrel, and speak once more to the mustachioed man.
- The mustachioed man has ordered you to perform all sorts of different motions in order to please the piscine public. Though you cannot see how this is relevant to maintaining the fitness of the fish, it does not seem like you have any choice.
- Your performance is through, and the mustachioed man seems pleased, though whether it is with you or himself, you may never know. To prove to you his point about the beneficial effects of your rousing round of dancing, he has asked you to catch a single fish.
- According to the mustachioed man, the fish are as healthy as ever...all thanks to you. Perhaps it is time to return to Fisherman's Bottom and inform Sisipu of your "adventures."
- Upon hearing your tale, Sisipu's face grows red with anger and she runs off towards the guild's upper floors. Follow her and learn why she is so upset.
- You find Sisipu pounding on a door. Use the Echo to see if you cannot learn any more.
- A trip into Sisipu's past shows you that Netmaster Wawalago has a penchant for provoking newly initiated pullers into performing peculiar tasks...though he maintains that a puller who cannot dance is not a proper puller. N'nmulika may know of what this means...or she may not, but at least she can provide you with prompt payment for your service to the guild.
Polishing the Mast[]
- N'nmulika claims that you have been given a chance to express your outrage at the humiliation you suffered at the Barrel. Visit Fisherman's Bottom for further details.
- A gaggle of aggravated pullers has gathered around Netmaster Wawalago to articulate their aggrievances towards their lewdest of leaders. It looks like the end for the Lalafell, when out of nowhere he offers to hold a sale to end all sales. Speak with N'nmulika for instructions on how you can participate.
- N'nmulika has told you the type of catch the guild is looking for. Bring one back before Fisherman's Bottom puts a moratorium on purchases!
- And just as suddenly as it started, the sale of the century has come to a close. You soon learn, however, that some pullers have been granted an extension by the netmaster. Find Wawalago and see if you, too, cannot convince him to give you more time to trawl.
- Upon arriving before the netmaster's chambers, you find a downtrodden Sisipu and Maisie standing in front of the door. It seems that they, too, had sought to receive an extension, but were denied. Use the Echo to see if you cannot discern why the netmaster shunned the poor pullers.
- A peek into the pullers' past reveals...well, something. Of this information's importance, you may never know.