Final Fantasy Wiki

Fire IV is a Black Mage Black Mage spell from Final Fantasy XIV that deals heavy single-target.


PvE version
Fire IV from Final Fantasy XIV icon Fire IV
Black Mage Black Mage 60
Job action
  • Deals magic fire to a single target
  • Can only be used under the effect of Astral Fire and Enochian Enochian
Base direct damage formula:
Cast time formula:
Recast time formula:
PvP version
Fire IV PvP from Final Fantasy XIV icon Fire IV
Black Mage Black Mage 30
Job action
  • Replaces Enochian Enochian while under the effect of Astral Fire
  • Deals magic fire to a single target


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Patch history[]

Version Changes
Heavensward Added with 280 potency, 3 second cast time, and 10% base MP cost.
Stormblood Potency reduced to 260.
No longer available in PvP; new PvP-exclusive version added; see below for its patch history.
Patch 4.05 Cast time reduced to 2.8 seconds.
Patch 4.2 Potency increased to 280.
Patch 4.4 Potency increased to 300.
Shadowbringers MP cost set at 800 with MP system overhaul.
PvP version
Version Changes
Stormblood Added with a 2.3 second cast/recast time and 2500 potency.
Patch 4.35 Cast time reduced to 1.8 seconds.
Shadowbringers Potency reduced to 2400.
Cast time increased to 2 seconds.
Recast time reduced to 2.3 seconds.
Patch 5.1 MP cost increased to 2500.
Patch 5.3 MP cost reduced to 2000.