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Fire is an element in Final Fantasy X, opposed to Ice. Desert enemies tend to be resilient against fire attacks. Beasts and plant enemies are usually weak against fire. The fire aeon is Ifrit.


Ability Abaddon Flame (Mix), Brimstone (Mix), Burning Soul (Mix), Element Reels (Overdrive), Fire Fury/Fira Fury/Firaga Fury (Overdrive), Firestorm (Mix), Fire Breath (Ronso Rage), Heat Blaster (Mix)
Aeon ability Hellfire
Item Bomb Core, Bomb Fragment, Fire Gem
Spell Fire, Fira, Firaga (Blk Magic)
Support ability Firestrike

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Adamantoise, Fafnir, Mushussu, Nidhogg, Vouivre
Fira Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target or the entire party (4 targets when used by Seymour Omnis) Bomb King, Dark Element, Ghost, Grenade, Grothia, Guado Guardian, Mindy, Seymour, Seymour Omnis, Spirit, Thorn
Firaga Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target or the entire party (4 targets when used by Seymour Omnis). Abaddon, Bomb King, Exoray, Flame Flan, Greater Sphere, Jumbo Flan, Mindy, Nega Elemental, Puroboros, Seymour, Seymour Omnis, Sleep Sprout, Varuna, Wraith
Fire Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target or the entire party Bomb, Bomb King, Funguar, Guado Guardian, Larva, Maze Larva, Mortibody, Red Element, Sin (core), Spherimorph
Fire Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Yenke Ronso
Flame Ball Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Grendel, Valaha
Flamethrower Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Fallen Monk, Warrior Monk (Flamethrower)
Hellfire Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Dark Ifrit, Grothia, Ifrit
Megiddo Flame Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Chimera, Chimera Brain, Chimerageist
Multi Fira Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to two targets. Seymour, Seymour Natus
Rush Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros
Salvo Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Juggernaut
Self-Destruct Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Bomb, Bomb King, Grenade, Puroboros


Ability Hyper NulAll (Mix), Mega NulAll (Mix), Mighty Guard (Ronso Rage), NulAll (Mix), Ultra NulAll (Mix)
Spell NulBlaze (Wht Magic)
Support ability Fireproof, Fire Eater, Fire Ward, SOS NulBlaze


Weak Alcyone, Bandersnatch, Bashura, Bat Eye, Condor, Dingo, Evil Eye, Exoray, Funguar, Garm, Grat, Great Malboro, Halma, Ice Flan, Lamashtu, Malboro, Mandragora, Mi'ihen Fang, Murussu, Ochu, Ogre, Ragora, Raptor, Sand Wolf, Sandragora, Shred, Simurgh, Skoll, Snow Flan, Snow Wolf, Thorn, White Element, YAT-97, YAT-99, YKT-11, YKT-63, Malboro Menace, Sleep Sprout, Chocobo Eater, Geosgaeno, Lord Ochu, Sinspawn Genais, Sinspawn Geneaux
Halves Achelous, Blue Element, Cave Iguion, Chimera, Chimera Brain, Dark Flan, Demonolith, Dinonix, Gold Element, Grendel, Iguion, Ipiria, Master Tonberry, Melusine, Mimic (Basilisk), Mushussu, Nidhogg, Phlegyas, Piranha, Sahagin (Via Purifico Underwater), Sand Worm, Spirit, Splasher, Thunder Flan, Valaha, Varuna, Water Flan, Yellow Element, Yowie, Fenrir, Crawler, Dark Valefor, Evrae, Extractor, Negator, Oblitzerator, Omega Weapon
Nullifies Cactuar King, Chimerageist, Ironclad, Juggernaut, One-Eye, Crane, Dark Ixion, Dark Shiva
Absorbs Adamantoise, Jumbo Flan, Ornitholestes
Varies Seymour Omnis, Spherimorph