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Stats for a character.

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Stats for an enemy.

The following is a list of stats and their effects in the original Final Fantasy.

All information applies to Dawn of Souls and releases after that version, up to and including the Pixel Remaster, except where noted otherwise.

Final Fantasy[]

Upon reaching specific levels, a character will gain a point in specific stats. For example, a Warrior attaining level 2 will always gain +1 STR; a Warrior attaining level 3 will always gain +1 AGL and +1 STA. There are also levels with no guaranteed stat increases.

Upon leveling up, for each of the five base stats, a character has a 1 in 8 chance of gaining one point in that stat. This does not stack with the above mentioned guaranteed stat growth, and no stat other than HP and MP can increase by more than one point per level. The maximum value for each of the five base stats is 99.

A character's base stats can be permanently increased up to its limit by the use of specific rare items, such as Power Plus. Evasion will only increase half as much as usual if Agility is increased this way, so it is not recommended to use Speed Plus. These permanent stat boosting items do not exist in the Pixel Remaster.


Characters' maximum HP always grows upon leveling up, and the amount gained depends on the characters' STA. The maximum HP value is 999. Maximum HP can be temporarily increased by 200 in-battle with the Giant's Tonic item.


Present only in the Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary releases, MP replaces the spell slot system of prior releases; the Pixel Remaster release subsequently removes MP to return to spell slots. MP is expended to cast magic, and its maximum value is 999. Maximum MP can be temporarily increased by 200 in-battle with the Faerie Tonic item.

Most characters' maximum MP always grows upon leveling up, except for Monk/Master, Warrior, and Thief characters. The amount of MP gained depends on the characters' INT. Enemies do not have an MP stat and can use their spells freely.


Strength, also named STR, is one of the five base stats. Strength affects the Attack stat as described in the Attack section below.


Agility, also named AGL, is one of the five base stats. Agility affects the Accuracy and Evasion stats as described in their sections below and factors in to the party's chance of successfully fleeing an encounter.

In the Dawn of Souls and later releases, turn order is determined at the start of each combat round by taking each combatant's Agility and adding a random number from 0 to 49, and then ordering the results from highest to lowest. Agility can be temporarily increased in-battle with the Speed Drink item. Enemies are not assigned an Agility stat in releases prior to the Dawn of Souls release.


Intellect, also named INT or Intelligence, is one of the five base stats. Intellect increases magic damage and healing, and factors in to the party's chance of successfully fleeing an encounter. In releases with MP it also increases the amount gained upon leveling. Prior to the Dawn of Souls release Intelligence was bugged and had no effect. Enemies are not assigned an Intelligence stat in releases prior to the Dawn of Souls release.


Stamina, also named STA, is one of the five base stats. Stamina affects the amount of HP gained upon leveling up.

Stamina also affects the amount of Defense the Monk and Master have without armor equipped. For a Monk, the head and gloves slots gain 1 DEF per 8 STA, and the body slot gains 1.5 DEF per 4 STA, rounded down. For a Master, the head and glove slots remain the same, but the body slot is upgraded to 1 DEF per 2 STA. Thus, a starting Monk wearing no armor with a STA of 10 gets 1 DEF for his head, 1 DEF for his hands, and 3 DEF for his body, resulting in 5 overall DEF.

Finally, Stamina also affects an unarmed Monk's Attack stat as described in the Attack section below.


Luck, also named LCK, is one of the five base stats. Luck factors in to the party's chance of successfully fleeing an encounter. Additionally, Luck increases spell damage as well as the upper bounds of the random variation for damage dealt by spells and healing received. Enemies are not assigned a Luck stat in releases prior to the Pixel Remaster.


Attack, also named ATK, affects the physical damage caused by the character. Attack is fully derived from the character's Strength, as well as the weapon they have equipped. The maximum ATK value is 255, though values this high cannot be reached outside of battle in a normal playthrough. Attack can be temporarily increased in-battle with the Temper and Saber spells, and with the Strength Tonic item.

Attack is calculated differently for Black Belts and Masters without a weapon equipped.


Accuracy, also known as ACC, affects a character's chance to hit with physical attacks. Each attack has a base hit rate of 168. Base hit rate is reduced by 40 if the attacker is afflicted with Darkness, increased by 40 if the defender is afflicted with Darkness, and increased by another 40 if the defender is weak to the attack. Hit chance is then determined by the following formula:

Hit Successful if Random ( 0 ... 200 ) <= [ (Base hit rate + Accuracy, max 255) - Target Evasion ]

A target's Evasion is not subtracted if they are afflicted with Sleep or Paralysis. Rolling a 0 is an automatic hit, while rolling a 200 is an automatic miss. Additionally, if the number rolled is equal to or less than the attacker's critical hit rate, the attack will be a critical hit.

In the Pixel Remaster, Accuracy is represented on the status screen by a percentage rather than a value from 0 to 255. The percentage is the ratio of the character's current ACC out of 255.

Number of hits[]

Additionally, accuracy affects the maximum number of hits player characters can land. Every 32 points in ACC grants an extra hit when using the Attack command, which each hit making its own accuracy check. The maximum ACC value is 255, granting a total of 8 hits under normal conditions. Accuracy increases by a specific amount every level based on character class, usually with more being gained after class change. For example, a Warrior gains 3 Accuracy per level, but the Knight gains 4. Every time any character gains a point in Agility, their Accuracy will also increase by one. Every character class, except the White Mage and the Black Mage, are guaranteed to reach the Accuracy cap. Accuracy can be temporarily increased in-battle with the Saber spell.

Monks deal twice as many hits at all levels accuracy. For enemies, accuracy does not affect their maximum number of hits. Instead each enemy has a fixed number of hits that operates independently of their accuracy. This allows some enemies like the Crawler to hit up to 8 times despite having a meager 21 accuracy.

All party members and enemies additionally have hit multiplier that can range from 0 to 2. The default hit multiplier for all entities is 1, and the minimum number of attacks any entity can make is 1. The Haste spell increases the target's hit multiplier by 1, while the Slow and Slowra spells attempt to decrease it by 1, with the two effects canceling each other out.

Critical hit rate[]

Critical hit rate is a hidden stat that determines the frequency with which they land a critical hit. Player character critical hit rate is determined by their equipped weapon, while enemies have a fixed critical hit rate.

Weapons are subjected to a critical hit bug in early releases, which causes their programmed critical hit rate to be ignored and in favor of the index number of the weapon, in effect making weapons acquired later more likely to land a critical hit and greatly increasing the overall rate of critical hits landed by armed characters. This bug was made an intended mechanic as of the Dawn of Souls release, where the intended critical hit rate of the original weapons is replaced by this index number, while new weapons have critical rates unrelated to their index number.

For unarmed Black Belt/Monks, their critical hit rate is equal to double their level. For unarmed player characters of any other class, their critical hit rate is 0.

Critical hits are determined by the same random 0 to 200 roll as accuracy calculations. If the number rolled is equal to or less than the attacker's critical hit rate, the attack will be a critical hit, though the attack must first pass the accuracy check before a critical can be applied. A roll of 0 is always a critical hit.


Defense, also named DEF, reduces the amount of physical damage caused to the character. The Defense is the sum of the character's equipment's DEF. The maximum DEF value is 255, though values this high cannot be reached outside of battle. Defense can be temporarily increased in-battle with the Protect and Protera spells, and with the Protect Drink item.


Evasion, also named EVA, affects the success rate of dodging enemy attacks. Evasion increases by 2 points every time a character gains a point in Agility, and is reduced by 1 per Weight of the character's armor. The maximum EVA value is 255. No class can reach maximum EVA without wearing equipment, though most can get close; however, this would require carefully managing one's levels to ensure that the character gains a point in Agility every single level. Evasion can be temporarily increased in-battle with the Blink, Invis, and Invisira spells. Enemies additionally use their Evasion stat to counter the party's attempts to flee.

In the Pixel Remaster, Evasion is represented on the status screen by a percentage rather than a value from 0 to 255. The percentage is the ratio of the character's current EVA out of 255. Thus, a level 1 Thief has 73 EVA, and 73/255 will display as 28%.

Magic Defense[]

Magic Defense is a hidden stat that affects the damage taken from enemies' magic. Magic Defense is not shown in the characters' status screen and it has its own formula. The maximum Magic Defense value is 255. Magic Defense increases by a specific amount every level based on character class, usually with more being gained after class change. For example, a Warrior gains 2 Magic Defense per level, but the Knight gains 3. Due to this system, the Monk cannot reach the Magic Defense cap even if class-changed to Master at level 1; its base value is 10, and the Master can only gain 2 points per level 98 times, reaching a maximum value of 206. The Warrior and the Thief classes are required to class-change before levels 56 and 54 (respectively) to max this stat. The mage classes can reach the maximum value without class change.


Weight is a stat found exclusively on armor. Each point of Weight on a piece of armor reduces the Evasion of the character wearing it by an equal amount.


Morale is a hidden enemy-only statistic in versions prior to the Pixel Remaster. Morale determines the probability with which an enemy will attempt to flee the encounter, as well as countering the party's attempts to flee. Morale can be reduced by the Fear spell.

Morale is absent in the Pixel Remaster release, with each enemy instead having a static chance of fleeing according to their individual scripts.

Initial stats[]

The following table contains the initial stats for each class at the start of the game, with no gear equipped.

Stat Warrior Thief Monk W. Mage B. Mage R. Mage
HP 35 30 33 33 25 30
MP 0 0 0 10 10 10
STR 10 5 13 5 3 5
AGL 8 15 5 5 5 10
INT 1 1 1 15 20 10
STA 15 5 10 8 2 5
LCK 8 15 5 5 10 5
ATK[note 1] 5 2 14 2 1 2
ACC 18 30 13 10 13 22
DEF[note 2] 0 0 5 0 0 0
EVA 61 73 55 58 58 63
M. DEF 15 13 10 23 23 20
ACC Growth[note 3] 3/4 5/5 3/3 1/2 2/2 3/3
M. DEF Growth[note 4] 2/3 2/3 1/2 4/5 4/5 3/3
  1. With no weapon equipped, ATK is half of STR, except for the Monk who uses a different calculation for his bare fists.
  2. With no armor equipped, DEF is always 0, except for the Monk who uses a different calculation for his "naked" DEF.
  3. ACC growth represents the amount of Accuracy points gained per Level up, i.e. Warriors initially gain 3 points per Level up, however after class changing to Knights, they gain 4 points per Level up. Additionally, every point of Agility gained also grants a point of Accuracy.
  4. M. DEF growth represents the amount of Magic Defense points gained per Level up, i.e. Warriors initially gain 2 points per level up. However, after class-changing to Knights, they gain 3 points per level up.

The Red Mage is the only class whose ACC and M. DEF growths do not change after class change (both remain at 3). Players seeking to maximize their stats might be recommended to level "solo" with a Red Mage (by allowing other companions to die at level 1) until class change to maximize the gains other classes receive. Doing this will ensure that Knights and Ninjas can gain MP every level. Black Mages also see marginal benefits after class change, since they can reach maximum M. DEF regardless, and so could be leveled alongside Red Mages.

Greater HP/MP boost[]

Some times known as "strong" HP/MP increases, a character will often gain a greater boost in maximum HP or MP by fulfilling the same conditions as other base stats do to gain a point. For example, a Lv6 Red Mage will always gain a greater boost in HP, as well as +1 STR and +1 STA. In contrast, a Lv5 Red Mage lacks those guaranteed boosts, and so has a 1 in 8 chance of gaining a greater boost in HP, as well as a 1 in 8 chance of gaining a greater boost in MP.

Greater boost bonuses are stacked on top of the usual HP and MP increases.

  • Greater HP boosts include an additional 20 to 25 HP.
  • Greater MP boosts include an additional 10 to 12 MP.

Guaranteed stat growth[]

The following table contains all the guaranteed stat boosts granted by leveling up. A cell containing HP/MP indicates a guaranteed greater boost in that stat. Warrior and Thief characters need to be class-changed to gain any MP increases. The Pixel Remaster does not feature MP and therefore these boosts do not apply in that version.

Guaranteed stat growth by class level
Lv Warrior Thief Monk W.Mage B.Mage R.Mage
02 HP, Str HP, Str, Lck HP, Lck HP, MP, Int MP, Int Str
03 Agl, Sta Agl Agl, Sta Sta - MP, Agl
04 HP, Str, Lck HP, Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck Str, Lck HP, MP, Int Str, Sta, Lck
05 Agl, Sta Sta Sta Agl - Int
06 HP, Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Lck HP HP, MP MP, Agl, Int, Lck HP, Str, Sta
07 Agl Agl Agl, Sta Str, Sta Sta MP, Int
08 HP, Str HP, Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP, Int, Lck HP, MP, Int Str, Lck
09 Agl, Sta - Sta - - MP, Agl
10 HP, Str, Lck Str, Lck Lck MP MP, Str, Int, Lck -
11 Agl, Sta Agl, Sta Agl, Sta Agl, Int, Sta - Int, Sta
12 HP, Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int HP, Lck MP, Agl, Int, Sta HP, MP, Str,

Agl, Lck

13 Agl - Sta MP, Str, Int - Sta
14 HP, Str Str, Lck Lck HP HP, MP, Int MP, Str
15 Agl, Sta Agl Agl, Sta MP, Sta - Int, Sta
16 HP, Str, Lck HP, Str, Lck Str, Int, Lck Lck MP, Int, Sta HP, MP, Str, Lck
17 Agl, Sta Sta Sta HP, MP, Agl - Sta
18 HP, Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP Int HP, MP, Agl,

Int, Lck

MP, Agl
19 Agl Agl Agl, Sta MP, Str, Sta Str Int
20 HP, Str HP, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP, Lck MP, Int HP, MP, Str, Lck
21 Agl, Sta - Sta MP - Agl, Sta
22 Str, Lck Str, Lck Lck HP, Int MP, Int, Lck Str
23 Agl, Sta Agl, Sta Agl, Sta MP, Agl, Lck - MP, Int, Sta
24 HP, Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int HP, Int, Sta MP, Agl, Int, Sta HP, Lck
25 Agl - Sta MP, Str Str -
26 HP, Str Lck Lck HP, Lck HP, MP, Int MP, Sta, Lck
27 Agl, Sta Agl Agl, Sta MP, Sta - Agl, Int
28 Str, Lck HP, Str, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP, Int MP, Int MP, Str
29 MP, Agl, Sta MP, Sta Sta MP, Agl - -
30 HP, Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP - MP, Agl, Int, Lck MP, Int, Lck
31 Agl Agl Agl, Sta MP, Str Str HP
32 HP, Str Lck HP, Str, Int, Lck HP, Int, Lck MP, Int, Sta MP, Str, Sta, Lck
33 MP, Agl, Sta MP, Agl Sta MP, Sta - Agl, Int
34 Str, Lck HP, Str, Lck Lck Int MP, Int, Lck -
35 Agl, Sta MP, Sta Agl, Sta MP, Agl HP MP, Sta, Lck
36 HP, Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int Sta MP, Agl, Int, Sta Str, Agl
37 MP, Agl Agl Sta HP, MP, Str Str HP, Int
38 HP, Str Lck Lck Int, Lck MP, Int Str, Sta, Lck
39 Agl, Sta MP, Agl Agl, Sta MP - Int
40 Str, Lck HP, Str, Lck Str, Int, Lck Int MP, Int MP
41 MP, Sta MP, Sta Sta MP, Agl HP Sta, Lck
42 HP, Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP HP, Int, Sta MP, Int, Lck HP, Str, Agl
43 Agl Agl Agl, Sta MP, Str, Int - Int
44 HP, Str Lck Str, Int, Lck Lck MP, Int, Sta MP, Lck
45 MP, Agl, Sta MP, Agl Sta MP, Int Agl Agl
46 Str, Lck HP, Str, Lck Lck - MP, Int -
47 Sta MP, Sta Agl, Sta HP, MP, Agl, Int Str HP, Int, Sta
48 Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int Sta HP, MP, Int Str, Agl, Lck
49 MP, Agl Agl Sta MP, Str, Int - MP
50 HP, Str Lck Lck Lck MP, Int, Lck Sta, Lck
51 Agl, Sta MP, Agl Agl, Sta MP Sta Str
52 Str, Lck HP, Str, Lck Str, Int, Lck Int MP, Int HP, MP
53 MP, Sta MP, Sta Sta MP, Agl, Sta - Agl, Int
54 Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP - HP, MP, Str, Int Str, Sta
55 Agl Agl Agl, Sta MP, Str, Lck Agl -
56 HP, Str Lck Str, Int, Lck Int MP, Int, Lck MP, Lck
57 MP, Agl, Sta MP, Agl Sta MP, Agl - -
58 Str, Lck HP, Lck Lck - MP, Int, Sta Str, Agl, Int, Sta
59 Sta MP, Sta Agl, Sta MP, Str, Sta - HP
60 Str, Int, Lck Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int Lck MP, Int MP
61 MP, Agl Agl Sta MP, Agl, Int - Lck
62 HP, Str Lck HP, Lck - HP, MP, Str, Int Int
63 Sta MP, Agl Agl, Sta Str, Sta - Sta
64 Str, Lck HP, Str, Lck Str, Int, Lck MP MP, Agl, Int, Lck HP, MP, Str, Agl
65 MP, Agl MP, Agl, Sta Sta Agl, Int, Lck - -
66 Str, Int Str, Int, Lck HP MP MP, Int Int
67 Sta Agl Agl, Sta Str, Int - Str, Lck
68 HP, Str, Lck Lck Str, Int, Lck MP, Agl, Sta MP, Int -
69 MP, Agl MP, Agl Sta Int Agl Int
70 Str Str, Lck Lck MP, Str MP, Int, Sta -
71 Sta MP, Agl, Sta Agl, Sta Int, Lck Str MP, Str
72 Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int, Lck HP, Str, Int MP, Agl MP, Int, Lck Sta
73 MP, Agl Agl Sta Int, Sta - HP, Agl, Lck
74 HP, Str Lck Lck MP, Str HP, MP, Int -
75 Sta MP, Agl Agl, Sta Lck Agl Int
76 Str, lck Str, Lck Str, Int, Lck MP, Int MP, Int, Sta, Lck -
77 MP, Agl MP, Agl, Sta Sta Agl, Sta - MP, Str
78 Str, Int Str, Int, Lck HP MP, Str MP, Str, Int Lck
79 Sta Agl Agl, Sta Int - Int
80 HP, Str HP, Lck Str, Int, Lck MP, Lck MP, Int -
81 MP, Agl MP, Agl Sta - Lck Agl
82 Str Str, Lck Lck MP, Str, Agl, Int MP, Int, Sta -
83 - MP, Sta Agl, Sta - - MP, Str, Int, Lck
84 Str, Int Int, Lck HP, Str, Int MP MP, Int -
85 MP, Agl Agl Sta Int, Lck - -
86 HP, Str Str, Lck - MP, Str MP, Int Lck
87 - MP Agl, Sta Sta Str, Agl MP, Int
88 Str Lck Str, Int, Lck MP, Int MP, Int Str
89 MP, Agl MP, Agl, Sta Sta Agl HP -
90 Str HP, Str, Int, Lck HP MP MP, Lck MP, Lck
91 - - Agl, Sta Int, Lck - -
92 HP, Str Lck HP, Str, Int MP MP, Int, Sta Int
93 MP, Agl MP, Agl Sta - - Agl
94 Str Str, Lck Lck MP, Int, Sta MP, Int Sta
95 - MP, Sta Agl, Sta - - Str, Lck
96 Str Int, Lck HP, Str, Int MP, Lck MP, Agl, Int, Lck MP
97 MP, Agl Agl Sta - Str Int
98 HP, Str Str, Lck - Int MP, Int Lck
99 - MP Agl, Sta - Sta Sta
Guaranteed Stats received by leveling up, at Lv99
Stat Warrior Thief Monk W.Mage B.Mage R.Mage
HP 27 18 20 15 12 13
MP 18 24 0 45 49 27
Str 49 33 24 18 12 25
Agl 35 32 25 17 13 17
Int 14 17 24 33 48 24
Sta 25 16 49 19 14 21
Lck 24 49 30 20 15 25

HP/MP here represent the number of greater boosts. This table does not account for the initial stats.

See also[]

External links[]
