Final Fantasy Wiki

List of enemy formations in Final Fantasy.


Pixel Remaster[]

Where in prior releases individual enemies within a given formation could vary in number, in the Pixel Remaster the number of enemies in each formation is fixed. However, Pixel Remaster features far more formations than prior releases, using these new formations to emulate the range of the older formations. Despite this, not all possible variations of each original formation appears in Pixel Remaster, and even some that exist within the game's code are dummied. There are also some redundant formations due to variations of some original formations being identical to a variation of a different original formation.

A maximum of 9 enemies may appear in any given formation. Unlike prior releases, the number of enemies appearing in a formation is not restricted by size. While all formations in Pixel Remaster are based on originally coded formations, some variations in those original formations were not possible due to this size restriction. As a result, some formations now appear in Pixel Remaster that were impossible in prior releases. For example, original formation 151 has a coded range of 1-6 Ankhegs, but as large enemies only a maximum of 4 could appear. Pixel Remaster formations 430 through 435 are based on the original 151, with 430 and 431 respectively feature 6 and 5 Ankhegs, impossible in prior releases.

Number Enemies Can flee? Musical theme Location Rate/1000
001 Goblin x5 Y Battle Cornelia-Sage's Cave region 200
Chaos Shrine region 60
Cornelia Bridge region 120
002 Goblin x4 Y Battle Cornelia-Sage's Cave region 350
Chaos Shrine region 60
Cornelia Bridge region 80
003 Goblin x3 Y Battle Cornelia-Sage's Cave region 450
Chaos Shrine region 120
Cornelia Bridge region 170
004 Skeleton x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 60
Chaos Shrine region 60
005 Skeleton x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine region 90
006 Skeleton x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 80
Chaos Shrine region 100
007 Goblin x2, Warg Wolf x2, Wolf x2, Goblin Guard x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 30
Pravoka region 40
008 Goblin x1, Warg Wolf x1, Goblin Guard x2, Wolf x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 50
Pravoka region 70
009 Goblin Guard x1 Y Battle Dummied
010 Wolf x2 Y Battle Cornelia Bridge region 100
011 Wolf x1 Y Battle Cornelia Bridge region 100
012 Zombie x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 70
013 Zombie x3 Y Battle Dummied
014 Zombie x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 80
015 Black Widow x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 60
Chaos Shrine region 60
016 Black Widow x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 70
Chaos Shrine region 60
017 Crazy Horse x1 Y Battle Cornelia Bridge region 80
018 Gigas Worm x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 70
Chaos Shrine region 60
Pravoka region 60
019 Gigas Worm x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 80
Pravoka region 60
020 Ghoul x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 70
021 Lizard x1 Y Battle Pravoka region 100
022 Shadow x4 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 70
023 Shadow x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 70
024 Shadow x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 80
025 Wolf x3, Warg Wolf x5 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 40
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
026 Wolf x3, Warg Wolf x4 Y Battle Dummied
027 Wolf x3, Warg Wolf x3 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 60
028 Wolf x3, Warg Wolf x2 Y Battle Dummied
029 Wolf x2, Warg Wolf x5 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 40
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
030 Wolf x2, Warg Wolf x4 Y Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 60
031 Wolf x2, Warg Wolf x3 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 60
032 Wolf x2, Warg Wolf x2 Y Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 60
033 Warg Wolf x5, Wolf x1 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 40
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
034 Wolf x1, Warg Wolf x4 Y Battle Dummied
035 Wolf x1, Warg Wolf x3 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
036 Warg Wolf x2, Wolf x1 Y Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 60
037 Warg Wolf x5 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 60
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
038 Warg Wolf x4 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
039 Warg Wolf x3 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 80
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
040 Warg Wolf x2 Y Battle Dummied
041 Ogre x2 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Pravoka region 70
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 80
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
042 Ogre x1 Y Battle Pravoka region 60
043 Cobra x2 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Western Cavern of Ice region 100
044 Cobra x1 Y Battle Dummied
045 Werewolf x3, Goblin Guard x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 30
046 Lizard x2, Werewolf x2, Goblin Guard x3, Hill Gigas x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 20
047 Ghast x4 Y Battle Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 60
048 Ghast x3 Y Battle Dummied
049 Ghast x2 Y Battle Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 60
050 Ghast x1 Y Battle Dummied
051 Gargoyle x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 80
Marsh Cave B2 90
052 Gargoyle x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 80
Marsh Cave B2 90
053 Werewolf x6 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 30
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
054 Werewolf x5 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 50
055 Werewolf x4 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 60
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
056 Werewolf x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 70
057 Tarantula x4 Y Battle Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 70
058 Tarantula x3 Y Battle Dummied
059 Tarantula x2 Y Battle Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 70
060 Tarantula x1 Y Battle Dummied
061 Ogre Chief x1, Ogre x2 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 60
062 Ogre x1, Ogre Chief x1 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
063 Tarantula x2 Y Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 60
064 Tarantula x1 Y Battle Dummied
065 Anaconda x6 N Battle Marsh Cave B3 Fixed
066 Anaconda x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 60
067 Anaconda x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
068 Cockatrice x6 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 50
069 Cockatrice x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 70
Cavern of Earth B4 80
070 Cockatrice x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 80
071 Ankheg x4 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 160
072 Ankheg x3 Y Battle Dummied
073 Ankheg x2 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
074 Ankheg x1 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
075 Wraith x6 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B5 50
076 Wraith x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 80
Cavern of Earth B5 70
077 Wraith x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 100
Cavern of Earth B5 80
078 Wraith x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 70
Cavern of Earth B4 80
079 Wraith x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 50
080 Lesser Tiger x3 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
081 Lesser Tiger x2 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 90
082 Lesser Tiger x1 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
083 Scorpion x4 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 70
084 Scorpion x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 80
Marsh Cave B2 90
085 Scorpion x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 80
086 Minotaur x1, Troll x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 60
Cavern of Earth B5 70
087 Troll x1 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 80
088 Piscodemon x4 N Battle Marsh Cave B3 Fixed
089 Piscodemon x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 80
Cavern of Earth B4 90
090 Piscodemon x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 80
091 Mummy x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B5 60
092 Mummy x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 70
Cavern of Earth B5 70
093 Mummy x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
Cavern of Earth B3 70
094 Mummy x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
095 Hill Gigas x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 80
Cavern of Earth B5 70
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
096 Hill Gigas x1 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 80
Cavern of Earth B5 70
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
097 Lizard x3, Hill Gigas x2 N Battle Cavern of Earth B1 Fixed
098 Lizard x2, Hill Gigas x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 80
Mount Gulg B3 60
099 Hill Gigas x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 80
100 Hydra x2 Y Battle Dummied
101 Hydra x1 Y Battle Dummied
102 Earth Elemental x1 N Battle Cavern of Earth B1 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B2 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B3 Fixed
103 Hellhound x1, Ogre Mage x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 70
Mount Gulg B5 70
104 Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 140
Mount Gulg B5 80
105 Pyrolisk x5 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 50
106 Pyrolisk x4 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 70
Mount Gulg B3 60
107 Pyrolisk x3 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 80
108 Pyrolisk x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 80
109 Fire Hydra x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 80
Mount Gulg B3 70
Mount Gulg B4 80
110 Ochu x3 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 60
111 Ochu x2 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 60
112 Ochu x1 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 60
113 Fire Gigas x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 80
Mount Gulg B5 70
114 Fire Gigas x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 80
Mount Gulg B5 80
115 Fire Elemental x2 N Battle Mount Gulg B2 Fixed
116 Fire Elemental x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 80
Mount Gulg B3 70
Mount Gulg B5 80
117 Lava Worm x1 N Battle Mount Gulg B4 Fixed
118 Fire Lizard x1 N Battle Mount Gulg B4 Fixed
Mount Gulg B5 Fixed
119 Red Dragon x1 N Battle Mount Gulg B5 Fixed
120 Skeleton x4, Crawler x1, Bloodbones x1 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 30
121 Crawler x1, Skeleton x3, Bloodbones x1 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 40
Marsh Cave B3 50
122 Crawler x1, Skeleton x2, Bloodbones x1 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 60
123 Ghast x2, Wight x2, Wraith x2, Specter x3 N Battle Cavern of Ice B3 Fixed
124 Ghast x1, Wight x1, Specter x2, Wraith x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 70
125 Wraith x3, Specter x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
126 Wraith x2, Specter x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
127 Specter x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
128 Winter Wolf x7 N Battle Cavern of Ice B3 Fixed
129 Winter Wolf x5 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 100
130 Winter Wolf x3 Y Battle Dummied
131 Winter Wolf x2, Ice Gigas x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 80
Cavern of Ice B3 80
Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
132 Winter Wolf x1, Ice Gigas x1 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
133 Ice Gigas x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 80
Cavern of Ice B3 80
134 Dark Wizard x4 N Battle Cavern of Ice B2 Fixed
135 Dark Wizard x3 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 55
Cavern of Ice B3 55
136 Dark Wizard x2 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 55
137 Dark Wizard x1 Y Battle Dummied
138 White Dragon x2 N Battle Cavern of Ice B3 Fixed
139 White Dragon x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
Cavern of Ice B2 70
Cavern of Ice B3 55
140 Remorazz x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 80
Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
141 Minotaur Zombie x3 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 60
142 Minotaur Zombie x2 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 80
143 Minotaur Zombie x1 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 80
144 Rakshasa x5 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 50
145 Rakshasa x4 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 60
Citadel of Trials 3F 100
146 Rakshasa x3 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 70
147 Medusa x5 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 80
148 Medusa x4 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 100
149 Medusa x3 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 70
150 Medusa x2 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 70
151 Mindflayer x5 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 40
152 Mindflayer x4 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 60
Citadel of Trials 2F 40
153 Mindflayer x3 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 30
154 Mindflayer x2 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 40
155 Manticore x3 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
Southwestern Cardian Islands region 60
156 Manticore x2 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
Southwestern Cardian Islands region 80
157 Manticore x1 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
Southwestern Cardian Islands region 60
158 Wyrm x3 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 120
159 Wyrm x2 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 140
160 Wyrm x1 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 120
161 Baretta x3 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 80
162 Baretta x2 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 100
163 Baretta x1 Y Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 60
164 Weretiger x4 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 70
165 Weretiger x3 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 100
166 Weretiger x2 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
167 Basilisk x2 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
168 Basilisk x1 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 70
169 Chimera x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 80
Mirage Tower 2F 90
170 Chimera x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 80
Mirage Tower 2F 90
171 Chimera x1 Y Battle Dummied
172 Sand Worm x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
Northern Citadel of Trials region 90
173 Allosaurus x1 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
174 Tyrannosaur x1 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
175 Clay Golem x3 N Battle Citadel of Trials 3F Fixed
176 Clay Golem x2 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 80
177 Clay Golem x1 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 80
178 Earth Medusa x4 Y Battle Flying Fortress 2F 80
179 Earth Medusa x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
Flying Fortress 2F 70
180 Earth Medusa x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 70
181 Earth Medusa x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 80
182 Neochu x1 Y Battle Rivers 150
183 Sea Scorpion x3, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 50
184 Sea Scorpion x2, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 70
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 60
185 Sea Scorpion x2, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 70
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 60
186 Sea Scorpion x1, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 80
187 Sea Scorpion x6 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 50
188 Sea Scorpion x4 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 60
189 Sea Scorpion x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 80
190 Sea Snake x3, Sea Scorpion x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 40
191 Sea Snake x4, Sea Scorpion x5 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 40
192 Sea Snake x3, Sea Scorpion x3, Sea Troll x2 N Battle Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
193 Sea Snake x3, Sea Scorpion x1, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Dummied
194 Sea Snake x2, Sea Scorpion x1, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Dummied
195 White Shark x2, Sahagin Prince x1 N Battle Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
196 White Shark x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 70
197 Death Eye x1 N Battle Chaos Shrine 3F Fixed
198 Water Elemental x1, Water Naga x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 80
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 80
199 Water Naga x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 90
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 80
200 Deepeyes x1, White Shark x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
Sunken Shrine 2F 70
Sunken Shrine 4F 70
201 White Shark x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 60
Sunken Shrine 2F 80
202 Water Elemental x3 N Battle Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
203 Water Elemental x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 60
Sunken Shrine 4F 70
204 Water Elemental x1 Y Battle Dummied
205 Cockatrice x8, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 30
206 Pyrolisk x8, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 30
207 Mummy x8, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 50
208 Mummy x2, King Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x3, Cockatrice x3 N Battle Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
209 King Mummy x5 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 50
210 Mummy x6, King Mummy x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 50
211 Pyrolisk x2, King Mummy x1, Cockatrice x6 Y Battle Dummied
212 Pyrolisk x5, King Mummy x1, Cockatrice x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 30
213 Mummy x3, King Mummy x1, Cockatrice x2, Pyrolisk x1 Y Battle Dummied
214 King Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x3, Cockatrice x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 40
Mirage Tower 3F 30
215 Mummy x2, King Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x2, Cockatrice x2 Y Battle Dummied
216 Pyrolisk x3, King Mummy x1, Cockatrice x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 50
Mirage Tower 3F 40
217 Mummy x3, Cockatrice x2, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Dummied
218 Mummy x3, King Mummy x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 50
219 King Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x3, Cockatrice x1 Y Battle Dummied
220 Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x1, Cockatrice x1, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Dummied
221 King Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x2, Cockatrice x1 Y Battle Dummied
222 King Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 60
223 King Mummy x1, Cockatrice x3 Y Battle Dummied
224 Cockatrice x2, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Dummied
225 Pyrolisk x2, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 90
226 Mummy x2, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Dummied
227 King Mummy x1, Cockatrice x1 Y Battle Dummied
228 King Mummy x1 Y Battle Dummied
229 Dragon Zombie x2 N Battle Citadel of Trials 3F Fixed
230 Dragon Zombie x1 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 70
Citadel of Trials 2F 80
231 Guardian x5 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 50
232 Guardian x4 Y Battle Dummied
233 Guardian x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 80
Mirage Tower 1F 90
234 Guardian x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 80
235 Black Knight x5 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
236 Black Knight x4 Y Battle Dummied
237 Black Knight x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 80
238 Black Knight x2 Y Battle Dummied
239 Blue Dragon x1 N Battle Mirage Tower 3F Fixed
240 Nightmare x3 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 60
241 Nightmare x2 N Battle Citadel of Trials 3F Fixed
242 Nightmare x1 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 80
243 Black Flan x6 Y Battle Flying Fortress 5F 90
244 Black Flan x5 Y Battle Flying Fortress 2F 50
Flying Fortress 5F 90
245 Black Flan x4 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
Flying Fortress 2F 50
Flying Fortress 5F 90
246 Black Flan x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 80
Flying Fortress 2F 80
247 Air Elemental x4 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 60
Flying Fortress 5F 80
248 Air Elemental x3 Y Battle Dummied
249 Air Elemental x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 80
Flying Fortress 5F 90
250 Air Elemental x1, Spirit Naga x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
Flying Fortress 2F 60
251 Spirit Naga x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 70
Flying Fortress 2F 80
252 Vampire Lord x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 60
Flying Fortress 4F 80
253 Vampire Lord x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 70
Flying Fortress 4F 90
254 Vampire Lord x1 Y Battle Dummied
255 Nightmare x2, Death Knight x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
Flying Fortress 2F 60
256 Nightmare x1, Death Knight x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 70
Flying Fortress 2F 60
257 Chimera x2, Rhyos x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 70
258 Chimera x1, Rhyos x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 90
259 Chimera x2, Rhyos x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 90
260 Chimera x1, Rhyos x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 90
261 Warmech x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 5F 10
262 Purple Worm x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 110
263 Purple Worm x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 110
264 Stone Golem x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 80
265 Stone Golem x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 80
266 Green Dragon x1 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 70
267 White Shark x2, Shark x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 60
Sunken Shrine 4F 140
268 White Shark x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 220
Sunken Shrine 4F 160
269 Sahagin x6, Bigeyes x2 Y Battle Sea 50
270 Sahagin x4, Bigeyes x2 Y Battle Sea 50
271 Sahagin x3, Bigeyes x1 Y Battle Sea 80
272 Bigeyes x1 Y Battle Dummied
273 Buccaneer x5 Y Battle Sea 70
274 Buccaneer x3 Y Battle Sea 60
275 Buccaneer x1 Y Battle Dummied
276 Sahagin x2, Shark x2, Bigeyes x1 Y Battle Sea 50
277 Shark x2, Sahagin x1 Y Battle Sea 80
278 Shark x1 Y Battle Dummied
279 Sahagin Chief x1, Shark x1 Y Battle Sea 50
280 Shark x1 Y Battle Dummied
281 Piranha x6 Y Battle Dummied
282 Piranha x4 Y Battle Dummied
283 Piranha x2 Y Battle Dummied
284 Ochu x2, Hydra x2 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
285 Hydra x1 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
286 Sea Snake x2, Sea Scorpion x2, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 4F 50
287 Sea Snake x1, Sea Scorpion x1, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 60
Sunken Shrine 4F 70
288 Sea Snake x1, Sea Scorpion x1, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 60
Sunken Shrine 4F 60
289 Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Dummied
290 Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Dummied
291 Red Piranha x3, White Croc x2 Y Battle Rivers 30
292 White Croc x1 Y Battle Rivers 170
293 Troll x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 100
Cavern of Earth B5 80
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
294 Troll x1 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 100
Cavern of Earth B5 160
295 Minotaur x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
Cavern of Earth B2 70
296 Minotaur x1 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
Cavern of Earth B2 80
297 Piranha x2, Crocodile x2, Ochu x1, Hydra x1 Y Battle Rivers 30
298 Crocodile x1, Piranha x1, Ochu x1, Hydra x1 Y Battle Rivers 50
299 Ochu x1, Hydra x1 Y Battle Dummied
300 Ochu x1 Y Battle Rivers 170
301 Green Slime x1, Black Widow x2, Gray Ooze x1, Tarantula x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 30
302 Gray Ooze x1, Black Widow x1, Tarantula x1, Green Slime x1 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 60
Marsh Cave B3 60
303 Black Widow x1, Tarantula x1 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 80
Marsh Cave B2 80
304 Tarantula x1 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 100
305 Weretiger x3, Lesser Tiger x2, Sabertooth x2 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 40
306 Lesser Tiger x1, Weretiger x2, Sabertooth x1 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
307 Weretiger x1 Y Battle Dummied
308 Vampire x5 Y Battle Mirage Tower B3 70
309 Vampire x4 Y Battle Mirage Tower B1 60
310 Vampire x3 Y Battle Dummied
311 Vampire x2 Y Battle Dummied
312 Evil Eye x1 N Battle Cavern of Ice B2 Fixed
313 Horned Devil x5 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 40
314 Horned Devil x4 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 60
Mount Gulg B2 70
315 Horned Devil x3 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 60
316 Horned Devil x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
317 Gray Ooze x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 90
318 Gray Ooze x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 80
Marsh Cave B3 90
319 Gray Ooze x1 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 100
320 Mindflayer x3 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 20
321 Mindflayer x2 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 30
Cavern of Ice B3 25
322 Mindflayer x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 30
323 Hellhound x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 70
Mount Gulg B4 80
324 Hellhound x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 70
Mount Gulg B4 70
325 Hyenadon x7, Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 30
326 Hyenadon x4, Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 30
Mount Gulg B3 50
327 Hyenadon x2, Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x1 N Battle Cavern of Earth B4 Fixed
328 Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
329 Sphinx x2 N Battle Cavern of Earth B4 Fixed
330 Sphinx x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
331 Wyvern x3 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
332 Wyvern x2 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
333 Wyvern x1 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 80
334 Desert Baretta x1 Y Battle Caravan region 80
335 Sea Snake x4 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F[note 1] 60
336 Sea Snake x3 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F[note 1] 50
337 Sea Snake x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 5F[note 1] 80
338 Lich x1 N Boss Battle A Chaos Shrine B1 Fixed
339 Marilith x1 N Boss Battle B Chaos Shrine B2 Fixed
340 Kraken x1 N Boss Battle A Chaos Shrine B3 Fixed
341 Tiamat x1 N Boss Battle B Chaos Shrine B4 Fixed
342 Tiamat x1 N Boss Battle B Flying Fortress 5F Fixed
343 Kraken x1 N Boss Battle A Sunken Shrine 1F Fixed
344 Marilith x1 N Boss Battle B Mount Gulg B5 Fixed
345 Lich x1 N Boss Battle A Cavern of Earth B5 Fixed
346 Chaos x1 N Final Battle Chaos Shrine B5 Fixed
347 Vampire x1 N Miniboss Battle Cavern of Earth B3 Fixed
348 Astos x1 N Miniboss Battle Western Keep Fixed
349 Pirate x9 N Battle Pravoka Fixed
350 Garland x1 N Miniboss Battle Chaos Shrine Fixed
351 Goblin Guard x3, Goblin x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine region 30
Cornelia Bridge region 30
352 Goblin Guard x2, Goblin x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine region 60
Cornelia Bridge region 60
353 Goblin x3 Y Battle Dummied
354 Crawler x2, Skeleton x5 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 30
355 Crawler x1, Skeleton x4 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 40
Marsh Cave B2 40
356 Skeleton x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 70
357 Goblin Guard x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine region 60
Cornelia Bridge region 80
358 Goblin Guard x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine region 60
Cornelia Bridge region 80
359 Goblin Guard x1 Y Battle Cornelia Bridge region 100
360 Warg Wolf x1, Wolf x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 40
Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 100
Pravoka region 60
361 Wolf x5, Warg Wolf x1 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Pravoka region 50
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
362 Wolf x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 60
Pravoka region 70
363 Ghoul x4, Zombie x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 30
364 Ghoul x3, Zombie x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 40
365 Ghoul x2, Zombie x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 40
366 Ghoul x2, Zombie x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 60
367 Green Slime x4 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 60
368 Green Slime x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 80
Marsh Cave B3 90
369 Green Slime x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B1 80
Marsh Cave B2 80
370 Crazy Horse x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine region 60
Pravoka region 60
371 Crazy Horse x3 Y Battle Pravoka region 60
372 Crazy Horse x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine region 60
Pravoka region 60
373 Ogre x1, Gigas Worm x3 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Pravoka region 60
374 Gigas Worm x2, Ogre x1 Y Battle Elfheim-Matoya's Cave-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 60
Pravoka region 60
375 Gigas Worm x1, Ogre x1 Y Battle Pravoka region 60
376 Ghast x4, Ghoul x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 30
377 Ghast x3, Ghoul x4 Y Battle Dummied
378 Ghast x2, Ghoul x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
379 Ghoul x2, Ghast x1 Y Battle Dummied
380 Ghoul x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 90
381 Lizard x2, Hill Gigas x3 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 50
382 Lizard x1, Hill Gigas x2 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 70
383 Hill Gigas x1 Y Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 80
384 Shadow x7 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
385 Shadow x5 Y Battle Dummied
386 Shadow x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 90
387 Warg Wolf x8 Y Battle Giant's Cave 50
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 40
388 Warg Wolf x6 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
389 Warg Wolf x4 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
390 Hyenadon x2, Ogre x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
391 Hyenadon x1, Ogre x2 Y Battle Dummied
392 Ogre x1 Y Battle Dummied
393 Cobra x7 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 70
394 Cobra x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 50
Cavern of Earth B2 50
395 Cobra x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
396 Werewolf x2, Goblin Guard x5 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 40
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 50
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
397 Werewolf x1, Goblin Guard x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 60
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg region 100
Western Cavern of Ice region 60
398 Goblin Guard x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 80
399 Ghast x4, Wight x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 20
400 Ghast x5, Wight x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 20
401 Ghast x3, Wight x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 50
402 Ghast x2, Wight x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 70
403 Gargoyle x8 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 30
404 Gargoyle x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 60
Cavern of Earth B2 60
405 Gargoyle x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
406 Warg Wolf x4, Werewolf x5 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 20
407 Warg Wolf x5, Werewolf x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 20
408 Warg Wolf x3, Werewolf x3 Y Battle Marsh Cave B3 30
409 Warg Wolf x2, Werewolf x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 60
Marsh Cave B3 60
410 Werewolf x2 Y Battle Marsh Cave B2 80
411 Tarantula x4, Ochre Jelly x5 Y Battle
412 Tarantula x5, Ochre Jelly x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B5 20
413 Tarantula x3, Ochre Jelly x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 50
Cavern of Earth B5 60
414 Tarantula x2, Ochre Jelly x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 70
Cavern of Earth B4 80
415 Ochre Jelly x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 80
416 Ogre x2, Ogre Chief x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B3 50
417 Ogre x1, Ogre Chief x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 70
Cavern of Earth B3 70
418 Ogre Chief x1, Ogre x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
Cavern of Earth B2 60
419 Ogre Chief x1 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
420 Tarantula x8 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B5 30
421 Tarantula x6 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 40
Cavern of Earth B5 50
422 Tarantula x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 60
423 Scorpion x3, Anaconda x6 Y Battle Dummied
424 Scorpion x2, Anaconda x4 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
425 Anaconda x2 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
426 Mummy x3, Cockatrice x6 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 30
427 Mummy x5, Cockatrice x4 Y Battle Dummied
428 Mummy x3, Cockatrice x4 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 40
429 Cockatrice x2, Mummy x1 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
430 Ankheg x6 Y Battle Dummied
431 Ankheg x5 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 30
432 Ankheg x4 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 70
433 Ankheg x3 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 60
434 Ankheg x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
435 Ankheg x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
436 Specter x3, Wraith x6 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 40
437 Specter x4, Wraith x5 Y Battle Dummied
438 Specter x3, Wraith x4 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 60
439 Wraith x2, Specter x1 Y Battle Dummied
440 Wraith x2 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 70
441 Lesser Tiger x2, Sabertooth x3 Y Battle Caravan region 60
442 Sabertooth x2, Lesser Tiger x1 Y Battle Caravan region 70
443 Sabertooth x1 Y Battle Caravan region 80
444 Scorpion x6, Minotaur x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 30
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
445 Scorpion x4, Minotaur x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 50
446 Scorpion x3, Minotaur x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
447 Scorpion x2, Minotaur x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 60
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
448 Minotaur x2, Troll x2 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
449 Troll x2, Minotaur x1 Y Battle Dummied
450 Troll x1, Minotaur x2 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
451 Minotaur x1, Troll x1 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
452 Troll x1 Y Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 60
453 Piscodemon x7 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 40
454 Piscodemon x5 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 50
455 Piscodemon x3 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
456 King Mummy x1, Mummy x7 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 50
457 King Mummy x1, Mummy x6 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 70
458 Mummy x5, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 70
459 King Mummy x1, Mummy x4 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 50
460 King Mummy x1, Mummy x3 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 70
461 Hill Gigas x4 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
462 Hill Gigas x3 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
463 Hill Gigas x2 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
464 Hill Gigas x4, Lizard x1 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 50
465 Lizard x1, Hill Gigas x3 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
466 Lizard x1, Hill Gigas x2 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
467 Lizard x1, Hill Gigas x1 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 70
468 Crocodile x3, Hydra x4 Y Battle Rivers 20
469 Crocodile x2, Hydra x3 Y Battle Rivers 20
470 Crocodile x2, Hydra x2 Y Battle Rivers 50
471 Crocodile x1, Hydra x1 Y Battle Dummied
472 Hydra x1 Y Battle Dummied
473 Earth Elemental x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 60
474 Earth Elemental x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 70
475 Earth Elemental x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 80
476 Earth Elemental x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 80
477 Hellhound x3, Ogre Mage x2 Y Battle Caravan region 60
478 Hellhound x2, Ogre Mage x2 Y Battle Caravan region 90
479 Hellhound x1, Ogre Mage x2 Y Battle Caravan region 70
480 Hellhound x1, Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Caravan region 70
481 Hellhound x1 Y Battle Caravan region 70
482 Pyrolisk x8 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 40
483 Pyrolisk x6 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 50
484 Pyrolisk x4 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 60
485 Fire Hydra x4 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 60
Flying Fortress 5F 80
486 Piranha x2, Ochu x1 Y Battle Dummied
487 Piranha x1, Ochu x1 Y Battle Dummied
488 Ochu x1 Y Battle Dummied
489 Fire Lizard x3, Fire Gigas x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 60
490 Fire Lizard x2, Fire Gigas x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 60
491 Fire Lizard x1, Fire Gigas x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
492 Fire Gigas x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 80
493 Fire Elemental x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 60
494 Fire Elemental x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
495 Lava Worm x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 60
496 Lava Worm x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
497 Lava Worm x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
498 Fire Lizard x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 60
499 Fire Lizard x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
500 Fire Lizard x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
501 Red Dragon x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 60
502 Red Dragon x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
503 Red Dragon x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B2 70
504 Bloodbones x6 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 55
505 Bloodbones x5 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 65
506 Bloodbones x4 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
507 Bloodbones x3 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
508 Specter x6 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 50
509 Specter x5 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 70
Cavern of Ice B3 50
510 Specter x4 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
Cavern of Ice B2 80
Cavern of Ice B3 80
511 Specter x3 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
Cavern of Ice B2 100
512 Specter x2 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
513 Winter Wolf x7 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
514 Winter Wolf x6 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
515 Winter Wolf x5 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
516 Winter Wolf x4 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
517 Winter Wolf x5, Ice Gigas x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 40
518 Winter Wolf x4, Ice Gigas x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 50
519 Winter Wolf x3, Ice Gigas x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 50
520 Winter Wolf x2, Ice Gigas x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 70
521 Dark Fighter x1, Dark Wizard x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 110
Chaos Shrine B5 70
522 Dark Wizard x2, Dark Fighter x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 110
Chaos Shrine B5 70
523 White Dragon x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 110
524 White Dragon x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 110
525 Remorazz x2 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
Caravan region 70
526 Remorazz x1 Y Battle Caravan region 70
527 Troll x2, Minotaur Zombie x4 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
528 Troll x2, Minotaur Zombie x3 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
529 Troll x1, Minotaur Zombie x2 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
530 Troll x2, Minotaur Zombie x1 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
531 Troll x1, Minotaur Zombie x1 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
532 Minotaur Zombie x1 Y Battle Dummied
533 Medusa x2, Rakshasa x7 Y Battle Dummied
534 Medusa x3, Rakshasa x6 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 30
535 Medusa x4, Rakshasa x5 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 30
536 Medusa x5, Rakshasa x4 Y Battle Dummied
537 Medusa x3, Rakshasa x4 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 40
Flying Fortress 4F 40
538 Medusa x1, Rakshasa x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 70
539 Rakshasa x7 Y Battle Dummied
540 Rakshasa x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 70
541 Medusa x4, Rakshasa x3 Y Battle Dummied
542 Medusa x2, Rakshasa x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 50
543 Medusa x3, Rakshasa x3 Y Battle Dummied
544 Medusa x4, Rakshasa x4 Y Battle Dummied
545 Medusa x6, Sabertooth x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 50
546 Medusa x5, Sabertooth x2 Y Battle Dummied
547 Medusa x4, Sabertooth x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 50
Mirage Tower 3F 70
548 Medusa x3, Sabertooth x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 60
549 Mindflayer x6, Clay Golem x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 5F 30
550 Mindflayer x5, Clay Golem x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 5F 30
551 Mindflayer x4, Clay Golem x1 Y Battle Dummied
552 Mindflayer x3, Clay Golem x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 30
553 Mindflayer x2, Clay Golem x2 Y Battle Dummied
554 Mindflayer x1, Clay Golem x2 Y Battle Dummied
555 Manticore x4 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
Flying Fortress 2F 60
Flying Fortress 3F 60
556 Manticore x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 70
Flying Fortress 2F 70
Flying Fortress 3F 70
557 Wyrm x3 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
Caravan region 70
558 Wyrm x2 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 80
Caravan region 70
559 Wyrm x1 Y Battle Caravan region 70
560 Baretta x4 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
561 Baretta x3 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 100
562 Baretta x2 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
563 Baretta x1 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
564 Weretiger x6, Sabertooth x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 40
565 Weretiger x5, Sabertooth x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 50
566 Weretiger x4, Sabertooth x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 50
567 Weretiger x3, Sabertooth x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 50
568 Basilisk x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 70
569 Basilisk x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 70
570 Basilisk x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 80
571 Chimera x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 110
572 Chimera x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 110
573 Sand Worm x2 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
574 Sand Worm x1 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
575 Wyvern x1, Allosaurus x1 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
576 Allosaurus x1 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
577 Wyrm x5, Wyvern x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 50
578 Wyrm x4, Wyvern x3 Y Battle Dummied
579 Wyrm x3, Wyvern x3 Y Battle Dummied
580 Wyvern x2, Wyrm x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 100
581 Wyrm x1, Wyvern x2 Y Battle Dummied
582 Wyvern x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 3F 100
583 Stone Golem x3, Clay Golem x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 40
584 Stone Golem x2, Clay Golem x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 50
585 Stone Golem x2, Clay Golem x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 50
586 Stone Golem x1, Clay Golem x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 80
587 Stone Golem x1, Clay Golem x2 Y Battle Dummied
588 Stone Golem x3, Clay Golem x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 70
589 Earth Medusa x7 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 40
590 Earth Medusa x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 50
591 Earth Medusa x5 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 50
592 Earth Medusa x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 60
593 Neochu x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 80
Flying Fortress 5F 80
594 Neochu x1 Y Battle Dummied
595 Sea Scorpion x4, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 50
596 Sea Scorpion x3, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 70
597 Sea Scorpion x2, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
598 Sea Scorpion x1, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
599 Sea Scorpion x7 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 40
600 Sea Scorpion x6 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 50
601 Sea Scorpion x5 Y Battle Dummied
602 Sea Scorpion x4 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
603 Sea Scorpion x3 Y Battle Dummied
604 Sea Snake x3, Sea Scorpion x5 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 40
605 Sea Snake x2, Sea Scorpion x4 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 50
606 Sea Scorpion x3 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 130
607 Sea Scorpion x2, Sea Snake x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
608 Sea Snake x2, Sea Scorpion x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 60
609 White Shark x2, Sahagin Prince x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 50
610 Sahagin Prince x5, White Shark x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 60
611 White Shark x1, Sahagin Prince x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 60
612 White Shark x2, Sahagin Prince x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 60
613 White Shark x1, Sahagin Prince x3 Y Battle Dummied
614 Ghost x5 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 4F 70
615 Ghost x4 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 80
Sunken Shrine 4F 60
616 Ghost x3 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 90
617 Ghost x2 Y Battle Dummied
618 Water Elemental x6, Water Naga x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 50
619 Water Elemental x5, Water Naga x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 60
620 Water Elemental x4, Water Naga x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 60
621 Water Elemental x3, Water Naga x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 70
622 Deepeyes x2, White Shark x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 80
623 White Shark x2, Deepeyes x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 90
624 Deepeyes x2, White Shark x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 90
625 Deepeyes x1, White Shark x1 Y Battle Dummied
626 Water Elemental x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 60
627 Water Elemental x5 Y Battle Dummied
628 Water Elemental x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 80
629 Water Elemental x3 Y Battle Dummied
630 Mummy x6, King Mummy x2 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 40
631 Mummy x5, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 50
632 Mummy x4, King Mummy x2 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 50
633 Mummy x3, King Mummy x2 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 50
634 Mummy x2, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 70
635 Mummy x1, King Mummy x1 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 80
636 Dragon Zombie x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 70
637 Dragon Zombie x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 80
638 Dragon Zombie x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 90
639 Soldier x1, Guardian x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 60
Flying Fortress 4F 80
640 Soldier x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 60
Flying Fortress 4F 80
641 Black Knight x9 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 50
642 Black Knight x7 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 60
643 Black Knight x5 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 70
644 Blue Dragon x3 Y Battle Dummied
645 Blue Dragon x2 Y Battle Dummied
646 Black Knight x2, Nightmare x2 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 60
647 Nightmare x2, Black Knight x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 80
648 Black Knight x2, Nightmare x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 80
649 Black Knight x1, Nightmare x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 80
650 Black Flan x8 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 40
651 Black Flan x7 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 70
Chaos Shrine 2F 40
652 Black Flan x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 80
653 Black Flan x5 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 90
654 Black Flan x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 100
655 Air Elemental x6 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 60
656 Air Elemental x5 Y Battle Dummied
657 Air Elemental x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 90
658 Air Elemental x3 Y Battle Dummied
659 Air Elemental x3, Spirit Naga x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 70
Flying Fortress 5F 80
660 Air Elemental x2, Spirit Naga x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 4F 80
Flying Fortress 5F 90
661 Air Elemental x2 Y Battle Dummied
662 Air Elemental x1 Y Battle Dummied
663 Dragon Zombie x2, Vampire Lord x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 50
Chaos Shrine 3F 70
Chaos Shrine B4 50
Chaos Shrine B5 60
664 Dragon Zombie x1, Vampire Lord x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 80
Chaos Shrine 3F 100
Chaos Shrine B4 70
Chaos Shrine B5 70
665 Dragon Zombie x1, Vampire Lord x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 100
Chaos Shrine B5 70
666 Nightmare x2, Death Knight x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B5 60
667 Death Knight x2, Nightmare x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 70
Chaos Shrine B5 60
668 Nightmare x2, Death Knight x1 Y Battle Dummied
669 Nightmare x1, Death Knight x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 80
Chaos Shrine B5 70
670 Chimera x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 2F 70
Flying Fortress 3F 70
671 Dark Fighter x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 60
Flying Fortress 4F 80
Flying Fortress 5F 80
672 Dark Fighter x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 3F 60
Flying Fortress 4F 90
Flying Fortress 5F 80
673 Purple Worm x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 60
Chaos Shrine B5 70
674 Purple Worm x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 90
Chaos Shrine B5 70
675 Stone Golem x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 60
Chaos Shrine B5 70
676 Stone Golem x3 Y Battle Flying Fortress 2F 80
Flying Fortress 3F 70
677 Stone Golem x2 Y Battle Flying Fortress 2F 70
Flying Fortress 3F 70
678 Green Dragon x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 110
679 Green Dragon x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 110
680 Green Dragon x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 110
681 White Shark x2, Shark x1 Y Battle Dummied
682 White Shark x2 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 60
Sunken Shrine 4F 80
683 Shark x1, White Shark x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 60
Sunken Shrine 4F 70
684 White Shark x1 Y Battle Dummied
685 Sahagin Chief x2, Sahagin x7 Y Battle Sea 50
686 Sahagin Chief x2, Sahagin x5 Y Battle Sea 50
687 Sahagin Chief x2, Sahagin x3 Y Battle Dummied
688 Sahagin Chief x1, Sahagin x3 Y Battle Sea 80
689 Sahagin x3 Y Battle Dummied
690 Shark x1 Y Battle Dummied
691 Sahagin x6 Y Battle Sea 40
692 Sahagin x5 Y Battle Dummied
693 Sahagin x4 Y Battle Sea 110
694 Sahagin Chief x3, Shark x2 Y Battle Sea 50
695 Sahagin Chief x2, Shark x2 Y Battle Dummied
696 Shark x2, Sahagin Chief x1 Y Battle Sea 50
697 Sahagin Chief x2, Shark x1 Y Battle Sea 80
698 Shark x1 Y Battle Dummied
699 Piranha x8 Y Battle Dummied
700 Piranha x6 Y Battle Dummied
701 Piranha x3 Y Battle Dummied
702 Ochu x1, Hydra x1 Y Battle Dummied
703 Hydra x1 Y Battle Dummied
704 Sea Snake x3, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 80
705 Sea Snake x2, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
Sunken Shrine 2F 90
706 Sea Snake x1, Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
Sunken Shrine 2F 80
707 Sea Troll x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 60
708 Red Piranha x4, White Croc x1 Y Battle Dummied
709 Red Piranha x3, White Croc x1 Y Battle Rivers 140
710 Red Piranha x2, White Croc x1 Y Battle Rivers 170
711 Red Piranha x1, White Croc x1 Y Battle Dummied
712 Troll x4 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
713 Troll x3 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 100
714 Troll x2 Y Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 60
715 Minotaur x4 Y Battle Mount Gulg B5 60
716 Minotaur x3 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 80
Mount Gulg B5 70
717 Minotaur x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 70
718 Crocodile x2, Piranha x4 Y Battle Dummied
719 Crocodile x2, Piranha x3 Y Battle Dummied
720 Crocodile x2, Piranha x2 Y Battle Dummied
721 Crocodile x1, Piranha x4 Y Battle Dummied
722 Crocodile x1, Piranha x3 Y Battle Dummied
723 Piranha x2, Crocodile x1 Y Battle Dummied
724 Piranha x4 Y Battle Dummied
725 Piranha x3 Y Battle Dummied
726 Piranha x2 Y Battle Dummied
727 Black Widow x2, Tarantula x6 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 30
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 40
728 Black Widow x2, Tarantula x5 Y Battle Dummied
729 Black Widow x2, Tarantula x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 50
730 Black Widow x2, Tarantula x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
731 Black Widow x1, Tarantula x6 Y Battle Dummied
732 Tarantula x5, Black Widow x1 Y Battle Dummied
733 Black Widow x1, Tarantula x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
734 Black Widow x1, Tarantula x3 Y Battle Dummied
735 Tarantula x6 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 50
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 60
736 Tarantula x5 Y Battle Dummied
737 Tarantula x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond region 80
738 Tarantula x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B1 70
739 Weretiger x7 Y Battle Dummied
740 Weretiger x6 Y Battle Dummied
741 Weretiger x5 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 50
742 Weretiger x4 Y Battle Mirage Tower 1F 60
743 Vampire x6, Vampire Lord x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 50
744 Vampire x5, Vampire Lord x1 Y Battle Dummied
745 Vampire x4, Vampire Lord x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 50
746 Vampire x3, Vampire Lord x1 Y Battle Dummied
747 Evil Eye x3 Y Battle Dummied
748 Evil Eye x2 Y Battle Dummied
749 Horned Devil x7 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 60
750 Horned Devil x6 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 80
751 Horned Devil x5 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 100
752 Horned Devil x4 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 60
753 Horned Devil x3 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 70
754 Gray Ooze x7 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 30
755 Gray Ooze x6 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 40
756 Gray Ooze x5 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 60
757 Gray Ooze x4 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 60
758 Mindflayer x7 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 30
Chaos Shrine B5 30
759 Mindflayer x5 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 30
Chaos Shrine B5 30
760 Mindflayer x3 Y Battle Dummied
761 Hellhound x4 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 70
Mirage Tower 3F 100
762 Hellhound x3 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 90
Mirage Tower 3F 100
763 Ogre Chief x2, Ogre Mage x3 Y Battle Mount Gulg B5 50
764 Ogre Chief x2, Ogre Mage x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 70
765 Ogre Chief x2, Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 70
766 Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x3 Y Battle Mount Gulg B5 70
767 Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 80
768 Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 70
769 Ogre Mage x3 Y Battle Mount Gulg B5 70
770 Ogre Mage x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 80
771 Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Dummied
772 Sphinx x4 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
773 Sphinx x3 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 100
774 Sphinx x2 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
775 Sphinx x1 Y Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 60
776 Wyvern x4 Y Battle Lufenia region 100
777 Wyvern x3 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
778 Wyvern x2 Y Battle Lufenia region 60
779 Wyvern x1 Y Battle Dummied
780 Desert Baretta x2 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
781 Desert Baretta x1 Y Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 90
782 Sea Snake x6 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 50
783 Sea Snake x5 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 50
784 Sea Snake x4 Y Battle Dummied
785 Sea Snake x3 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 70
786 Goblin x9 Y Battle Dummied
787 Sahagin Chief x8, Sahagin Prince x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 30
Sunken Shrine 4F 30
Sunken Shrine 5F[note 1] 30
788 Iron Golem x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 60
789 Iron Golem x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 70
790 Warg Wolf x3, Werewolf x3 Y Battle Dummied
791 Warg Wolf x2, Werewolf x2 Y Battle Dummied
792 Tarantula x6 Y Battle Dummied
793 Tarantula x4 Y Battle Dummied
794 Green Dragon x1 Y Battle Dummied
795 Stone Golem x3 Y Battle Dummied
796 Anaconda x6 Y Battle Dummied
797 Piscodemon x4 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B4 80
798 Lizard x3, Hill Gigas x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 50
799 Earth Elemental x1 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B5 60
800 Fire Elemental x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B2 70
801 Lava Worm x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 80
802 Fire Lizard x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 80
Mount Gulg B5 70
803 Ghast x2, Wight x2, Wraith x2, Specter x3 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B2 40
804 White Shark x2, Sahagin Prince x1 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 60
Sunken Shrine 5F[note 1] 60
805 Dragon Zombie x2 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 60
806 Blue Dragon x1 Y Battle Mirage Tower 2F 90
Mirage Tower 3F 100
807 Nightmare x2 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 80
808 Hyenadon x2, Ogre Chief x1, Ogre Mage x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
Mount Gulg B2 70
809 Sphinx x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B1 70
810 Evil Eye x1 Y Battle Flying Fortress 1F 60
Flying Fortress 2F 60
811 Clay Golem x3 Y Battle Waterfall Cavern 60
812 Fire Elemental x2 Y Battle Mount Gulg B3 70
Mount Gulg B5 80
813 Lava Worm x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B5 80
814 Dragon Zombie x2 Y Battle Citadel of Trials 3F 80
815 Red Dragon x1 Y Battle Mount Gulg B4 70
Mount Gulg B5 70
816 Dark Wizard x4 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 50
817 White Dragon x2 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B1 70
Cavern of Ice B2 70
Cavern of Ice B3 55
818 Winter Wolf x7 Y Battle Cavern of Ice B3 100
819 Water Elemental x3 Y Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 70
Sunken Shrine 4F 70
820 Sea Snake x3, Sea Scorpion x3, Sea Troll x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B3 50
821 Green Dragon x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B5 70
822 Warg Wolf x3, Werewolf x3 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 50
823 Warg Wolf x2, Werewolf x2 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B2 60
824 Tarantula x6 Y Battle Giant's Cave 70
825 Tarantula x4 Y Battle Giant's Cave 110
826 Stone Golem x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B4 80
Chaos Shrine B5 70
827 Mummy x2, King Mummy x1, Pyrolisk x3, Cockatrice x3 N Battle Waterfall Cavern Fixed
828 Wraith x6 N Battle Western Keep Fixed
829 Mummy x5 N Battle Western Keep Fixed
830 Death Eye x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B5 60

Other releases[]

In pre-Pixel Remaster releases of Final Fantasy, the number of enemies that can appear in a given formation can vary between a minimum and maximum number, but can not exceed the maximum allowed by the formation's configuration. The number of each enemy that can appear is determined in the order they are listed. The configuration maximum overrides the minimum and maximum number of enemies that may spawn, such that if all slots have been filled, no further enemies will spawn even if their minimum is not met. Likewise, enemies in certain formations may never reach their individual maximums due to it being overridden by the configuration maximum.

Number Enemies Maximum Can flee? Ambush% Musical theme[note 2] Location Rate/64
000 Goblin x3-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine region 12
Southern Cornelia region 64
Cornelia-Cornelia Bridge-Earthgift Shrine region 48
001 Skeleton x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 12
Chaos Shrine region 12
002 Goblin Guard x1-3, Wolf x0-2, Warg Wolf x0-2, Goblin x0-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 3
Pravoka region 12
003 Wolf x1-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Cornelia-Cornelia Bridge-Earthgift Shrine region 6
004 Zombie x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 12
005 Black Widow x1-2 9 small Y 55 Battle Chaos Shrine 12
Chaos Shrine region 12
006 Crazy Horse x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine region 6
Cornelia-Cornelia Bridge-Earthgift Shrine region 3
007 Gigas Worm x1-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 6
Chaos Shrine region 6
Pravoka region 12
008 Ghoul x1 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 12
009 Lizard x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Pravoka region 12
010 Shadow x2-4 9 small Y 90 Battle Marsh Cave B1 24
011 Warg Wolf x2-5, Wolf x0-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 3
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg-Whisperwind Cove region 6
Elfheim-Lifespring Grotto-Melmond-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 6
Matoya's Cave region 9
012 Ogre x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 12
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg-Whisperwind Cove region 12
Elfheim-Lifespring Grotto-Melmond-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 12
Matoya's Cave region 12
Pravoka region 3
013 Cobra x1-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 12
Elfheim-Lifespring Grotto-Melmond-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 12
Matoya's Cave region 12
014 Goblin Guard x0-5, Werewolf x1-3, Hill Gigas x0-2, Lizard x0-2 2 large 6 small Y 33 Battle Cavern of Earth B4 9
015 Ghast x1-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg-Whisperwind Cove region 12
016 Gargoyle x2-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine Fixed
Marsh Cave B2 12
Marsh Cave B3 12
017 Werewolf x3-6 9 small Y 33 Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 1
Marsh Cave B1 1
Marsh Cave B3 6
018 Tarantula x1-4 9 small Y 55 Battle Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg-Whisperwind Cove region 6
Elfheim-Lifespring Grotto-Melmond-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 3
019 Ogre Chief x1, Ogre x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond-Sage's Cave region 12
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg-Whisperwind Cove region 3
Elfheim-Lifespring Grotto-Melmond-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 1
Giant's Cave 24
Matoya's Cave region 1
020 Tarantula x1-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 12
021 Anaconda x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 24
Marsh Cave B3 Fixed
022 Cockatrice x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B3 6
Cavern of Earth B4 6
023 Ankheg x1-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 12
024 Wraith x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B3 6
Cavern of Earth B4 12
Cavern of Earth B5 12
Western Keep Fixed
025 Lesser Tiger x1-3 4 large Y 27 Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond-Sage's Cave region 3
Giant's Cave 9
026 Scorpion x2-4 9 small Y 27 Battle Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg-Whisperwind Cove region 1
Marsh Cave B2 3
Marsh Cave B3 3
027 Troll x1-2, Minotaur x0-1 4 large Y 27 Battle Cavern of Earth B2 3
Cavern of Earth B5 12
028 Piscodemon x2-4 9 small N 33 Battle Cavern of Earth B3 12
Cavern of Earth B4 12
Marsh Cave B3 Fixed
029 Mummy x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 1
Cavern of Earth B3 3
Cavern of Earth B5 6
Western Keep Fixed
030 Hill Gigas x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B2 1
Cavern of Earth B5 6
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 12
031 Hill Gigas x1-2, Lizard 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 Fixed
Mount Gulg B2 12
Mount Gulg B3 12
032 Hydra x1-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Pre-WSC southern rivers[note 3] 24
033 Earth Elemental x1 4 large N 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B2 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B3 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B5 1
034 Hellhound x0-1, Ogre Mage x1-2 4 large N 55 Battle Mount Gulg B3 6
Mount Gulg B5 6
035 Pyrolisk x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B2 6
Mount Gulg B3 6
036 Fire Hydra x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B2 6
Mount Gulg B3 12
Mount Gulg B4 12
037 Ochu x1-3 4 large Y 33 Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 24
038 Fire Gigas x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B4 6
Mount Gulg B5 12
039 Fire Elemental x1-2 4 large N 4 Battle Mount Gulg B2 Fixed, 1
Mount Gulg B3 1
Mount Gulg B5 6
040 Lava Worm x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B4 Fixed, 12
Mount Gulg B5 12
041 Fire Lizard x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B4 Fixed, 3
Mount Gulg B5 Fixed, 3
042 Red Dragon x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B4 1
Mount Gulg B5 Fixed, 1
043 Bloodbones x1, Skeleton x2-4, Crawler x1 9 small Y 4 Battle Marsh Cave B2 6
Marsh Cave B3 12
044 Specter x1-5, Wraith x0-3, Wight x0-3, Ghast x0-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B1 3
Cavern of Ice B2 6
Cavern of Ice B3 Fixed
045 Winter Wolf x3-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B3 Fixed, 1
046 Ice Gigas x1, Winter Wolf x0-2 2 large 6 small N 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B2 3
Cavern of Ice B3 6
Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 12
047 Dark Wizard x1-4 9 small Y 75 Battle Cavern of Ice B2 Fixed, 6
Cavern of Ice B3 12
048 White Dragon x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B1 1
Cavern of Ice B2 1
Cavern of Ice B3 Fixed, 3
049 Remorazz x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B3 6
Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 12
050 Minotaur Zombie x1-3 4 large N 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 24
051 Rakshasa x3-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 6
Citadel of Trials 3F 12
052 Medusa x2-5 9 small Y 27 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 12
Citadel of Trials 3F 12
053 Mindflayer x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 3
Citadel of Trials 3F 9
054 Manticore x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 3
9 (desert)[note 4]
Southwestern Cardian Islands region 12
055 Wyrm x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 24
056 Baretta x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Southwestern Cardian Islands region 3
057 Weretiger x2-4 9 small Y 27 Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 12
Northern Citadel of Trials region 9
058 Basilisk x1-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 6
Northern Citadel of Trials region 1
059 Chimera x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Mirage Tower 1F 12
Mirage Tower 2F 12
060 Sand Worm x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 18
30 (desert)[note 4]
0 (swamp)[note 4]
061 Allosaurus x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Lufenia region 3
062 Tyrannosaur x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 1
063 Clay Golem x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F Fixed
Waterfall Cavern 24
064 Earth Medusa x1-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 1F 3
Flying Fortress 2F 6
065 Neochu x1 4 large Y 33 Battle All / pre-WSC northern rivers[note 3] 12
066 Sea Troll x1-2, Sea Scorpion x1-3 2 large, 6 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 12
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 12
067 Sea Scorpion x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 24
068 Sea Scorpion x1-6, Sea Snake x2-5, Sea Troll x2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B3 24
Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
069 Sahagin Prince x0-1, White Shark x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
Sunken Shrine 3F 3
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 1
070 Death Eye x1 2 large 6 small N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 3F Fixed
Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 6
071 Water Naga x1, Water Elemental x0-1 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 12
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 6
072 White Shark x1, Deepeyes x0-1 4 large Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 12
Sunken Shrine 2F 6
Sunken Shrine 4F 6
073 Water Elemental x1-3 9 small N 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 6
Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
Sunken Shrine 4F 3
074 Cockatrice x0-8, Pyrolisk x0-8, King Mummy x1-5, Mummy x0-8[note 6] 9 small Y 4 Battle Mirage Tower 2F 6
Mirage Tower 3F 12
Sunken Shrine 2F Fixed
Waterfall Cavern Fixed
075 Dragon Zombie x1-2 4 large N 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 1
Citadel of Trials 3F Fixed, 1
076 Guardian x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Mirage Tower 1F 6
Mirage Tower 2F 12
077 Black Knight x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 1F 24
078 Blue Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Mirage Tower 2F 1
Mirage Tower 3F Fixed, 1
079 Nightmare x1-2[note 7] 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 3F Fixed
Waterfall Cavern 24
080 Black Flan x3-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 1F 1
Flying Fortress 2F 1
Flying Fortress 5F 6
081 Air Elemental x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 4F 12
Flying Fortress 5F 12
082 Spirit Naga x1, Air Elemental x0-1 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 1F 12
Flying Fortress 2F 12
083 Vampire Lord x1-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 3F 3
Flying Fortress 4F 6
084 Death Knight x1, Nightmare x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 1F 6
Flying Fortress 2F 6
085 Chimera x1-2, Rhyos x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 12
086 Warmech x1 4 large Y 75 Battle Flying Fortress 5F 1
3 (NES)[note 8]
087 Purple Worm x1-2 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 24
088 Stone Golem x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 9
089 Green Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 3
Waterfall Cavern 1
090 White Shark x1-2, Shark x0-1 4 large Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 12
Sunken Shrine 4F 12
091 Sahagin x0-6, Bigeyes x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Sea 12
092 Buccaneer x1-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Sea 12
093 Shark x1-2, Sahagin x0-2, Bigeyes x0-2 2 large 4 small Y 4 Battle Sea 3
094 Shark x1, Sahagin Chief x0-1 2 large 4 small Y 4 Battle Sea 6
095 Piranha x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Pre-WSC southern rivers[note 3] 24
096 Hydra x1-2, Ochu x0-2 4 large Y 33 Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 12
Northern Citadel of Trials region 12
0 (desert)[note 4]
Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 6
0 (desert)[note 4]
097 Sea Troll x1-2, Sea Snake x0-2, Sea Scorpion x0-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 1
Sunken Shrine 4F 1
098 White Croc x1-2, Red Piranha x0-3 9 small Y 4 Battle All / pre-WSC northern rivers[note 3] 9
099 Troll x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B4 12
Cavern of Earth B5 12
Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 12
100 Minotaur x1-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 12
Cavern of Earth B2 12
101 Piranha x0-2, Crocodile x0-2, Ochu x1, Hydra x0-1 2 large 6 small Y 30 Battle All / pre-WSC northern rivers[note 3] 18
102 Tarantula x1-2, Black Widow x0-2, Green Slime x0-2, Gray Ooze x0-2 9 small Y 55 Battle Marsh Cave B1 6
Marsh Cave B2 6
Marsh Cave B3 6
103 Weretiger x1-2, Sabertooth x0-2, Lesser Tiger x0-2 2 large 6 small Y 27 Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 18
104 Vampire x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Mirage Tower 1F 12
Mirage Tower 2F 12
Mirage Tower 3F 12
105 Evil Eye x1 4 large N 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B2 Fixed
Flying Fortress 1F 12
Flying Fortress 2F 12
106 Horned Devil x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B1 12
Mount Gulg B2 12
107 Gray Ooze x1-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Marsh Cave B1 3
Marsh Cave B3 12
108 Mindflayer x1-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B2 12
Cavern of Ice B3 12
109 Hellhound x1-2 4 large Y 55 Battle Mount Gulg B3 12
Mount Gulg B4 12
110 Ogre Mage x1, Ogre Chief x1, Hyenadon x0-2[note 9] 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B4 Fixed
Mount Gulg B1 12
Mount Gulg B2 12
Mount Gulg B3 12
111 Sphinx x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B4 Fixed
Mount Gulg B1 24
112 Wyvern x x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 12
Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 18
32 (desert)[note 4]
113 Desert Baretta x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Caravan region 24
0 (swamp)[note 4]
114 Sea Snake x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 12
Sunken Shrine 4F 12
Sunken Shrine 5F (dummied)[note 1] 12
115 Lich x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A Chaos Shrine B1 Fixed
116 Marilith x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B Chaos Shrine B2 Fixed
117 Kraken x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A Chaos Shrine B3 Fixed
118 Tiamat x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B Chaos Shrine B4 Fixed
119 Tiamatx1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B Flying Fortress 5F Fixed
120 Kraken x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A Sunken Shrine F1 Fixed
121 Marilith x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B Mount Gulg B5 Fixed
122 Lich x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A Cavern of Earth B5 Fixed
123 Chaos x1 1 boss N 4 Final Battle Chaos Shrine B5 Fixed
124 Vampire x1 2 large 6 small N 4 Miniboss Battle Cavern of Earth B3 Fixed
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp Fixed
125 Astos x1 1 boss N 4 Miniboss Battle Western Keep Fixed
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp Fixed
126 Pirate x9 9 small N 4 Battle Pravoka Fixed
127 Garland x1 1 boss N 4 Miniboss Battle Chaos Shrine Fixed
128 Goblin x3-6, Goblin Guard x0-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine region 3
Cornelia-Cornelia Bridge-Earthgift Shrine region 1
129 Skeleton x3-5, Crawler x0-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Marsh Cave B1 6
Marsh Cave B2 12
130 Goblin x1-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine region 12
Cornelia-Cornelia Bridge-Earthgift Shrine region 6
131 Wolf x4-6, Warg Wolf x0-1 9 small Y 4 Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 12
Chaos Shrine 6
Elfheim-Lifespring Grotto-Melmond-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 12
Matoya's Cave region 12
Pravoka region 12
132 Zombie x2-3, Ghoul x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Marsh Cave B1 12
Marsh Cave B2 12
133 Green Slime x2-4 9 small Y 55 Battle Marsh Cave B1 12
Marsh Cave B2 12
Marsh Cave B3 12
134 Crazy Horse x2-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine region 1
Pravoka region 12
135 Gigas Worm x1-3, Ogre x1 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Elfheim-Lifespring Grotto-Melmond-Mount Duergar-Western Keep region 18
Matoya's Cave region 18
Pravoka region 1
136 Ghoul x2-5, Ghast x0-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond-Sage's Cave region 12
137 Hill Gigas x1-3, Lizard x0-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Northern Citadel of Trials region 9
138 Shadow x3-7 9 small Y 90 Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond-Sage's Cave region 24
139 Warg Wolf x4-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond-Sage's Cave region 6
Giant's Cave 30
140 Ogre x1-3, Hyenadon x0-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond-Sage's Cave region 6
141 Cobra x3-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 12
Cavern of Earth B2 12
142 Goblin Guard x2-5, Werewolf x0-2 9 small Y 33 Battle Western Cavern of Ice region 24
Cavern of Ice-Marsh Cave-Mount Gulg-Whisperwind Cove region 12
Chaos Shrine 1
143 Wight x2-5, Ghast x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B3 12
Cavern of Earth B4 12
144 Gargoyle x3-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 6
Cavern of Earth B2 12
145 Werewolf x2-5, Warg Wolf x0-5 9 small Y 33 Battle Cavern of Earth B2 6
Cavern of Earth B3 12
Marsh Cave B2 1
Marsh Cave B3 1
146 Ochre Jelly x2-5, Tarantula x0-5 9 small Y 55 Battle Cavern of Earth B3 1
Cavern of Earth B4 1
Cavern of Earth B5 3
147 Ogre Chief x1-4, Ogre x0-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 6
Cavern of Earth B2 12
Cavern of Earth B3 12
148 Tarantula x4-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B2 6
Cavern of Earth B5 12
Giant's Cave 1
149 Anaconda x2-6, Scorpion x0-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 12
150 Cockatrice x2-6, Mummy x1-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B1 24
151 Ankheg x1-4[note 10] 4 large Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B1 6
Mount Gulg B2 12
152 Wraith x2-6, Specter x0-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B2 24
153 Sabertooth x1-3, Lesser Tiger x0-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Caravan region 24
48 (swamp)[note 4]
154 Scorpion x2-6, Minotaur x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 27 Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 1
Mount Gulg B1 9
155 Troll x1-2, Minotaur x0-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Crescent Lake-Ryukahn Desert region 9
156 Piscodemon x3-7 9 small N 33 Battle Cavern of Ice B1 24
157 Mummy x3-7, King Mummy x1 9 small Y 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 6
Citadel of Trials 3F 18
158 Hill Gigas x2-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Lufenia region 24
159 Hill Gigas x1-4, Lizard x1[note 11] 4 large Y 4 Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 1
160 Hydra x1-2, Crocodile x0-3[note 12] 2 large 6 small Y 27 Battle All / pre-WSC northern rivers[note 3] 24
161 Earth Elemental x2-4 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B1 15
162 Hellhound x1-3, Ogre Mage x0-2 4 large N 55 Battle Caravan region 24
163 Pyrolisk x4-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Waterfall Cavern 3
164 Fire Hydra x4 4 large Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 3F 6
Flying Fortress 5F 12
165 Ochu x1, Piranha x0-2 2 large 6 small Y 33 Battle Pre-WSC southern rivers[note 3] 6
166 Fire Gigas x1, Fire Lizard x0-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B2 24
167 Fire Elemental x3-4 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B2 3
168 Lava Worm x2-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B2 24
169 Fire Lizard x2-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B2 12
170 Red Dragon x2-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B2 1
171 Bloodbones x3-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B1 6
Cavern of Ice B3 12
172 Specter x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Cavern of Ice B1 6
Cavern of Ice B2 12
Cavern of Ice B3 12
173 Winter Wolf x4-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Lufenia region 12
174 Ice Gigas x2, Winter Wolf x2-6 2 large 6 small N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 24
175 Dark Wizard x2-3, Dark Fighter x1 9 small Y 75 Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 9
Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 1
176 White Dragon x3-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 30
177 Remorazz x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Caravan region 1
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 1
178 Minotaur Zombie x1-4, Troll x0-2 4 large N 4 Battle Lufenia region 24
179 Rakshasa x3-7, Medusa x0-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 3F 12
Flying Fortress 4F 12
180 Medusa x3-6, Sabertooth x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 27 Battle Mirage Tower 1F 6
Mirage Tower 3F 6
181 Mindflayer x1-6, Clay Golem x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 4F 6
Flying Fortress 5F 12
182 Manticore x3-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 1F 6
Flying Fortress 2F 12
Flying Fortress 3F 12
183 Wyrm x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Caravan region 3
Southwestern Cardian Islands region 1
Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 3
184 Baretta x1-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 12
185 Weretiger x3-6, Sabertooth x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 27 Battle Mirage Tower 1F 1
Mirage Tower 2F 3
186 Basilisk x2-4 4 large Y 27 Battle Chaos Shrine B1 1
187 Chimera x3-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 9
188 Sand Worm x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 3
189 Allosaurus x1, Wyvern x0-1 4 large Y 4 Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 24
190 Wyvern x1-3, Wyrm x0-3[note 13] 4 large Y 4 Battle Mirage Tower 3F 9
191 Clay Golem x1-4, Stone Golem x1-3[note 14] 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B1 24
192 Earth Medusa x4-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B1 24
193 Neochu x1-2 4 large Y 33 Battle Flying Fortress 4F 12
Flying Fortress 5F 12
194 Sea Troll x1-2, Sea Scorpion x1-4 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 12
Sunken Shrine 2F 12
195 Sea Scorpion x3-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 9
Sunken Shrine 2F 3
196 Sea Scorpion x1-5, Sea Snake x0-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 12
Sunken Shrine 2F 12
197 Sahagin Prince x3-6, White Shark x2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B3 12
198 Ghost x2-5 2 large 6 small N 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 12
Sunken Shrine 4F 12
199 Water Naga x1-2, Water Elemental x3-6 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B3 1
200 White Shark x1-2, Deepeyes x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B3 3
201 Water Elemental x3-6 9 small N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B3 24
202 King Mummy x1-2, Mummy x1-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Waterfall Cavern 12
203 Dragon Zombie x2-4 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 24
204 Guardian x0-1, Soldier x1 9 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 3F 12
Flying Fortress 4F 12
205 Black Knight x5-9 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 24
206 Blue Dragon x2-3 4 large N 4 Battle Dummied
207 Nightmare x1-2, Black Knight x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Mirage Tower 1F 24
208 Black Flan x4-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 1F 1
Chaos Shrine 2F 3
209 Air Elemental x3-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B4 12
210 Spirit Naga x0-1, Air Elemental x1-3 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 4F 3
Flying Fortress 5F 6
211 Vampire Lord x1-3, Dragon Zombie x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 2F 1
Chaos Shrine 3F 1
Chaos Shrine B4 6
Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 6
212 Death Knight x1-2, Nightmare x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B4 6
Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 12
213 Chimera x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Flying Fortress 2F 12
Flying Fortress 3F 12
214 Dark Fighter x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 75 Battle Flying Fortress 3F 1
Flying Fortress 4F 1
Flying Fortress 5F 3
1 (NES)[note 8]
215 Purple Worm x3-4 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B4 6
Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 12
216 Stone Golem x2-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B4 12
Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 12
Flying Fortress 2F 3
Flying Fortress 3F 6
217 Green Dragon x2-4 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine 3F 30
218 White Shark x1-2, Shark x0-1 4 large Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 3F 6
Sunken Shrine 4F 6
219 Sahagin x3-7, Sahagin Chief x0-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Sea 6
220 Shark x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Sea 12
221 Sahagin x4-6 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Sea 12
222 Shark x1-2, Sahagin Chief x0-3 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Sea 1
223 Piranha x3-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Pre-WSC southern rivers[note 3] 3
224 Hydra x1, Ochu x0-1 4 large Y 33 Battle Pre-WSC southern rivers[note 3] 6
225 Sea Troll x1, Sea Snake x0-3 2 large, 6 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 12
Sunken Shrine 2F 12
226 White Croc x1, Red Piranha x1-4 9 small Y 4 Battle All / pre-WSC northern rivers[note 3] 1
227 Troll x2-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Gaia-Onrac-Waterfall Cavern region 12
228 Minotaur x2-4 4 large Y 27 Battle Mount Gulg B4 12
Mount Gulg B5 12
229 Piranha x2-4, Crocodile x0-2 9 small Y 30 Battle Pre-WSC southern rivers[note 3] 1
230 Tarantula x3-6, Black Widow x0-2 9 small Y 55 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 3
Cavern of Earth-Giant's Cave-Melmond-Sage's Cave region 1
231 Weretiger x4-7 9 small Y 27 Battle Mirage Tower 1F 3
Mirage Tower 2F 6
Mirage Tower 3F 12
232 Vampire Lord x1, Vampire x3-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B4 12
233 Evil Eye x2-3 4 large N 4 Battle Dummied
234 Horned Devil x3-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Citadel of Trials 2F 12
Citadel of Trials 3F 12
235 Gray Ooze x4-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B1 1
Mount Gulg B2 3
236 Mindflayer x3-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B4 3
Chaos Shrine B5[note 5] 12
237 Hellhound x3-4 4 large Y 55 Battle Mirage Tower 2F 12
Mirage Tower 3F 12
238 Ogre Mage x1-3, Ogre Chief x0-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Mount Gulg B3 3
Mount Gulg B4 6
Mount Gulg B5 12
239 Sphinx x1-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Cardian Islands-Citadel of Trials region 12
240 Wyvern x1-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Lufenia region 1
241 Desert Baretta x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Yahnikurm Desert region 24
242 Sea Snake x3-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 1F 1
Sunken Shrine 2F 1
243 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
244 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
245 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
246 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
247 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
248 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
249 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
250 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
251 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
252 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
253 Goblin x9 9 small Y 4 Battle Dummied
254 Sahagin Prince x1-2, Sahagin Chief x8[note 15] 9 small N 4 Battle Sunken Shrine 2F 12
Sunken Shrine 3F 6
Sunken Shrine 4F 12
255 Iron Golem x1-2 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B4 1

Soul of Chaos[]

These encounters appear only in Soul of Chaos dungeons in applicable releases.

Number Enemies Maximum Can flee? Ambush% Musical theme Location Rate/64
256 Echidna x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIII) (20th Anniversary)
Earthgift Shrine B5 Fixed
257 Cerberus x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIII) (20th Anniversary)
Earthgift Shrine B5 Fixed
258 Ahriman x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIII) (20th Anniversary)
Earthgift Shrine B5 Fixed
259 Two-Headed Dragon 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIII) (20th Anniversary)
Earthgift Shrine B5 Fixed
260 Scarmiglione x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIV) (20th Anniversary)
Hellfire Chasm B5 Fixed
261 Scarmiglione x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIV) (20th Anniversary)
Hellfire Chasm B5 Fixed
262 Cagnazzo x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIV) (20th Anniversary)
Hellfire Chasm B5 Fixed
263 Barbariccia x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIV) (20th Anniversary)
Hellfire Chasm B10 Fixed
264 Rubicante x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFIV) (20th Anniversary)
Hellfire Chasm B10 Fixed
265 Gilgamesh x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle on the Big Bridge (20th Anniversary)
Lifespring Grotto B5 Fixed
266 Omega x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFV) (20th Anniversary)
Lifespring Grotto B20 Fixed
267 Shinryu x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFV) (20th Anniversary)
Lifespring Grotto B20 Fixed
268 Atomos x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle A (Dawn of Souls)
Battle 2 (FFV) (20th Anniversary)
Lifespring Grotto B10 Fixed
269 Typhon x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
The Decisive Battle (FFVI) (20th Anniversary)
Whisperwind Cove B10 Fixed
270 Orthros x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
The Decisive Battle (FFVI) (20th Anniversary)
Whisperwind Cove B20 Fixed
271 Phantom Train x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
The Decisive Battle (FFVI) (20th Anniversary)
Whisperwind Cove B30 Fixed
272 Death Gaze x1 1 boss N 4 Boss Battle B (Dawn of Souls)
The Decisive Battle (FFVI) (20th Anniversary)
Whisperwind Cove B40 Fixed
273 Earth Troll x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 12
274 Earth Troll x1-2, Sekhret x0-1 4 large Y 27 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 6
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 12
275 Earth Plant x1-2 4 large Y 33 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B31-39 12
276 Abyss Worm x1-2 4 large N 4 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Desert 1
277 Undergrounder x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 3
278 Yellow Ogre x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B11-19 13
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B11-19 15
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B21-29 18
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B11-19 13
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B21-29 25
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B11-19 13
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B21-29 25
279 Yellow Ogre x1-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 1
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 4
280 Yellow Dragon 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B11-19 4
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B21-29 24
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B11-19 4
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B21-29 24
281 Elm Gigas x1, Dark Wolf x0-2 2 large 6 small N 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B21-29 7
282 Elm Gigas x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Overworld 7
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 12
283 Elm Gigas x1-3 4 large Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B11-19 7
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B11-19 7
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B21-29 39
284 Catoblepas x1-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Overworld 3
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B1-9 15
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B1-9 9
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B11-19 12
285 Catoblepas x1-3 4 large Y 27 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Desert 6
Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 12
Hellfire Chasm - Mount Gulg 19
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B1-9 19
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 12
286 Killer Shark x1, Dark Eye x0-1 4 large Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B11-19 6
287 Killer Shark x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B11-19 6
288 Gloom Widow x1-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B1-9 15
Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B11-19 15
289 Gloom Widow x1-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Altar Cave 18
Earthgift Shrine - Desert 15
Earthgift Shrine - Forest Fixed, 13
Hellfire Chasm - Waterfall Cavern Fixed, 18
Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B1-9 18
Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B11-19 15
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B11-19 15
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B1-9 13
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B11-19 7
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B11-19 6
290 Gloom Widow x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B1-9 15
Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B11-19 15
291 Gloom Widow x4-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Overworld 12
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B1-9 7
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B1-9 13
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B11-19 12
292 Sahagin Queen x0-1, Killer Shark x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B11-19 12
293 Sahagin Queen x5-8 9 small N 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Sea 7
Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B1-9 4
294 Reaper x1-5, Revenant x0-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B21-29 18
295 Reaper x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B31-39 64
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 12
296 Reaper x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 6
297 Silver Dragon x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 13
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 1
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-29 6
298 Silver Dragon x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B11-19 7
299 Skuldier x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Forest Fixed, 21
Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B1-9 15
Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B11-19 15
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B1-9 21
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B1-9 15
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B11-19 15
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B1-9 15
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B11-19 15
300 Skuldier x3-5, Flood Gigas x0-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B21-29 4
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B21-29 3
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B21-29 3
301 Squidraken x1-3 9 small N 33 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 12
302 Squidraken x2-4 9 small N 33 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 12
303 Squidraken x3-7 9 small N 33 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 1
304 Sekhret x1-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 1
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 7
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B31-39 3
305 Dark Eye x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B11-19 1
306 Dark Elemental x1 4 large Y 27 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Overworld 6
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 3
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B11-19 4
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B11-19 33
307 Dark Elemental x1-2 4 large Y 27 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 12
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B11-19 31
308 Desertpede x2-4 9 small Y 27 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Desert 30
Earthgift Shrine - Forest Fixed, 12
Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B1-9 18
Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B1-19 18
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B1-9 12
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B11-19 18
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B11-19 18
309 Death Elemental x1-3 9 small N 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Sea 18
Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B1-9 18
Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B11-19 15
310 Death Elemental x2-4 9 small N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Flying Fortress B1-9 19
Lifespring Grotto - Flying Fortress B11-19 27
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B1-9 19
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B11-19 27
311 Death Manticore x3-4 4 large Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Flying Fortress B11-19 7
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B11-19 7
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B21-29 18
312 Devil Wizard x1 9 small Y 75 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B31-39 6
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep Fixed
313 Devil Wizard x1-2 9 small Y 75 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B21-29 3
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B31-39 12
314 Devil Hound x1 4 large Y 55 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 6
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-29 12
315 Devil Hound x1-2 4 large Y 55 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 6
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-29 12
316 Duel Knight x1, Unicorn x1-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B21-29 24
317 Duel Knight x1-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 6
318 Duel Knight x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B31-39 12
319 Knocker x1-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B31-39 24
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B31-39 24
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B31-39 24
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 24
320 Mad Ogre x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B31-39 13
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B31-39 15
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B31-39 7
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B31-39 15
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 6
321 Python x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B1-9 18
322 Python x2-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Overworld 12
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B1-9 12
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B1-9 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B11-19 6
323 Python x3-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B1-9 6
324 Hundlegs 4 large Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 3
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-29 12
325 Poison Eagle x4-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B21-29 9
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B31-39 18
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B21-29 9
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B31-39 18
326 Pharaoh x1-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B21-29 1
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B31-39 7
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B21-29 1
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B31-39 7
327 Dark Wolf x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 15
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 6
328 Dark Wolf x3-7 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 12
329 Black Goblin x0-5, Dark Wolf x1-3, Elm Gigas x0-2, Catoblepas x0-2 2 large 6 small Y 33 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 15
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 12
330 Black Goblin x1-4, Knocker x0-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 7
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B21-29 18
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B21-29 18
331 Black Goblin x1-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Altar Cave 27
Earthgift Shrine - Desert 12
Earthgift Shrine - Forest Fixed, 18
Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 12
Hellfire Chasm - Mount Gulg 45
Hellfire Chasm - Overworld 12
Hellfire Chasm - Waterfall Cavern Fixed, 27
Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B1-9 18
Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B11-19 18
Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B1-9 18
Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B11-19 12
Lifespring Grotto - Flying Fortress B1-9 45
Lifespring Grotto - Flying Fortress B11-19 30
Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B1-9 18
Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B11-19 12
Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B1-9 24
Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cover - Cavern of Earth B1-9 12
Whisperwind Cover - Cavern of Earth B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cover - Cavern of Ice B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cover - Cavern of Ice B11-19 18
Whisperwind Cover - Feyhome B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cover - Feyhome B11-19 18
Whisperwind Cover - Floating Continent B1-9 24
Whisperwind Cover - Floating Continent B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cover - Flying Fortress B1-9 45
Whisperwind Cover - Flying Fortress B11-19 30
Whisperwind Cover - Giant's Cave B1-9 27
Whisperwind Cover - Giant's Cave B11-19 24
Whisperwind Cover - Marsh Cave B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cover - Marsh Cave B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cover - Mount Gulg B1-9 45
Whisperwind Cover - Mount Gulg B11-19 15
Whisperwind Cover - Waterfall Cavern B1-9 27
Whisperwind Cover - Waterfall Cavern B11-19 24
Whisperwind Cover - Western Keep B1-9 18
Whisperwind Cover - Western Keep B11-19 12
332 Black Goblin x2-5, Wild Nakk x0-2 9 small Y 33 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B1-9 13
Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B11-19 12
333 Black Dragon x1-2 4 large N 4 Battle Whisperwind Cover - Cavern of Ice B31-39 6
334 Bloody Eye x1 4 large N 4 Battle Whisperwind Cover - Flying Fortress B31-39 12
335 Blood Tiger x1-3 4 large Y 27 Battle Whisperwind Cover - Giant's Cave B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cover - Giant's Cave B21-29 24
Whisperwind Cover - Waterfall Cavern B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cover - Waterfall Cavern B21-29 24
336 Blue Troll x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Sea 12
Lifespring Grotto - Sunken Shrine B11-19 12
337 Blue Troll x1-2, Python x0-2 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Sea 15
338 Flare Gigas x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B31-39 12
339 Prototype x1 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B21-29 1
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B31-39 6
340 Poison Naga x1, Death Elemental x0-1 2 large 6 small Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Sea 12
341 Holy Dragon x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 1
342 Bonesnatch x1, Skuldier x2-4, Flood Gigas x1 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B21-29 24
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B21-29 18
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B21-29 6
343 Bonesnatch x1-2, Skuldier x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B21-29 18
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B21-29 12
344 Bonesnatch x1-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B31-39 15
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B31-39 9
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B21-29 15
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 3
345 Bonesnatch x2-4 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B21-29 13
346 Mythril Golem x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B31-39 3
347 Mage Chimera x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B31-39 6
348 Yamatano Orochi x1 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B31-39 1
349 Yamatano Orochi x1-2 4 large Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B31-39 1
350 Red Flan x2-5, Gloom Widow x0-5 9 small Y 55 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 12
351 Red Flan x3-6 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-29 3
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B31-39 12
352 Revenant x1-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B1-9 13
Lifespring Grotto - Cavern of Ice B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B1-9 13
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B11-19 12
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B1-9 33
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep Fixed
353 Revenant x2-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B1-9 13
Lifespring Grotto - Marsh Cave B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B1-9 13
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Swamp B1-9 31
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B1-9 13
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B11-19 6
354 Rock Gargoyle x2-3 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B31-39 6
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 12
355 Rock Gargoyle x2-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-29 1
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B31-39 12
356 Rock Gargoyle x3-8 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 6
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 3
357 Wild Nakk x2-6 9 small Y 33 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B1-9 18
Lifespring Grotto - Chaos Shrine B11-19 18
358 Wild Nakk x4-8 9 small Y 33 Battle Earthgift Shrine - Altar Cave 19
Hellfire Chasm - Waterfall Cavern Fixed, 19
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B1-9 19
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B11-19 24
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B1-9 19
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B11-19 24
359 Red Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
360 White Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
361 Green Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
362 Blue Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
363 Dragon Zombie x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
364 Yellow Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
365 Holy Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
366 Black Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
367 Silver Dragon x1 4 large N 4 Battle Lifespring Grotto - Dragon Caves Fixed
368 Pharaoh x1 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep Fixed
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Labyrinth of Time[]

These encounters appear only in the Labyrinth of Time in applicable releases.

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Ambush / preemptive strikes[]

In pre-Pixel Remaster releases, ambushes and preemptive strikes are determined by the Ambush% of the enemy formation using the following formula.

Random(0...100) + (Leader's Agility + Luck)/8 - Ambush%

If the random value calculated is equal to or less than 10, the enemy formation will ambush the party. If it is greater than or equal to 90, the party will instead get a preemptive strike. Enemy formations thus have a greater chance of ambushing the party the larger their Ambush% and the lower the party leader's Agility and Luck, and vice versa.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 While an encounter set exists for Sunken Shrine 5F, the encounter rate for the floor is set to 0 in pre-Pixel Remaster releases, while in Pixel Remaster the set exists but is not assigned to any map; in both cases, no encounters occur on 5F.
  2. "Battle" plays for all battles in pre-WonderSwan Color releases.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 The rivers on the southern continent feature a unique encounter set in pre-WonderSwan Color releases. In subsequent releases, all rivers use the northern continent river encounter set.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Deserts and swamps have different encounter probabilities only in the WonderSwan Color and later releases.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Random encounters only occur on Chaos Shrine B5 in the Famicom, MSX, and Pixel Remaster releases. While the encounter set exists in other releases, the encounter rate is set to 0, preventing them from occurring.
  6. Despite having a coded minimum of 1 King Mummy, this formation allows a maximum of 9 small enemies; since the number of Cockatrices and Pyrolisks is determined first, it is possible that no King Mummies will appear despite the minimum, but a King Mummy will always appear if there is any space left after the Cockatrices and Pyrolisks are determined.
  7. Despite having a coded maximum of 3 Nightmares, this formation allows a maximum of 2 large enemies; as such, a maximum of 2 Nightmares may appear.
  8. 8.0 8.1 The probabilities of formations #86 and #214 occurring were switched in the NES version.
  9. Despite having a coded maximum of 7 Hyenadons, this formation allows a maximum of 4 large enemies; since the Ogre Mage and Ogre Chief each have a minimum of 1 and are determined first, a maximum of 2 Hyenadons may appear.
  10. Despite having a coded maximum of 6 Ankhegs, this formation allows a maximum of 4 large enemies; as such, a maximum of 4 Ankhegs may appear.
  11. Despite having a coded minimum of 1 Lizard, this formation allows a maximum of 4 large enemies; since the number of Hill Gigases is determined first, it is possible that no Lizard will appear despite the minimum, but a Lizard will always appear if there is any space left after the Hill Gigases are determined.
  12. Despite having a coded maximum of 4 Hydras, this formation allows a maximum of 2 large enemies; as such, a maximum of 2 Hydras may appear.
  13. Despite having a coded maximum of 5 Wyrms, this formation allows a maximum of 4 large enemies; since the Wyvern has a minimum of 1 and is determined first, a maximum of 3 Wyrms may appear.
  14. Despite having a coded minimum of 1 Stone Golem, this formation allows a maximum of 4 large enemies; since the number of Clay Golems is determined first, it is possible that no Stone Golem will appear despite the minimum, but a Stone Golem will always appear if there is any space left after the Clay Golems are determined.
  15. Despite having a coded minimum of 8 Sahagin Chiefs, this formation allows a maximum of 9 small enemies; since the number of Sahagin Princes is determined first, it is possible that only 7 Chiefs will appear despite the minimum, but 8 Chiefs will always appear if there is any space left after the Princes are determined.