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Below is a list of the armor from the original Final Fantasy and its remakes.


In the Origins release for the PlayStation, an Easy mode was introduced and the player was allowed to select difficulty. In Easy mode, armor prices are generally lower. All versions of the game prior to the Origins release use the Normal prices. All versions that came out after the Origins release use the Easy prices.

Unless otherwise noted as a footnote, every piece of armor sells for approximately half its purchase price. All armor introduced in Dawn of Souls and subsequent releases sell for 100 gil, even those available for purchase.

Job key[]

Warrior Knight Thief Ninja Monk Master
Wa Kn Th Ni Mo Ma
Red Mage Red Wizard White Mage White Wizard Black Mage Black Wizard


Name PS/GBA Image PSP Image Jobs Defense Evasion Weight Acquirement Cost
Leather Shield
FF1 GBA Sprite - Leather Shield Leather shield psp Wa, Kn, Ni 2 0 0 Buy: Pravoka
Drop: Pirate
Find: Cavern of Earth
12 gil (Easy)
15 gil (Normal)
A shield made of hardened leather.
Buckler FF1 GBA Sprite - Buckler Buckler psp Wa, Kn, Th, Ni, RM, RW 2 0 0 Buy: Crescent Lake 2,000 gil (Easy)
2,500 gil (Normal)
A small shield.
Iron Shield FF1 GBA Sprite - Iron Shield Iron shield psp Wa, Kn, Ni 4 0 0 Buy: Elfheim
Find: Castle Cornelia
80 gil (Easy)
100 gil (Normal)
A shield wrought from iron.
Mythril Shield
FF1 GBA Sprite - Mythril Shield Mythril shield psp Wa, Kn, Ni 8 0 0 Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Cavern of Earth, Mount Gulg
2,000 gil (Easy)
2,500 gil (Normal)
A shield crafted from mythril.
Flame Shield FF1 GBA Sprite - Flame Shield Flame shield psp Wa, Kn, Ni 12 0 0 Find: Mount Gulg (Sells for 5,000)
Resistance: Ice.
A shield imbued with the power of fire that guards against ice.
Ice Shield FF1 GBA Sprite - Ice Shield Ice shield psp Wa, Kn, Ni 12 0 0 Find: Cavern of Ice
Drop: Winter Wolf
(Sells for 5,000)
Resistance: Fire.
A shield imbued with the power of ice that guards against fire.

Diamond Shield
FF1 GBA Sprite - Diamond Shield Diamond shield psp Knight 16 0 0 Find: Sunken Shrine, Flying Fortress (Sells for 7,500)
Resistance: Lightning.
A shield made of diamond that guards against lightning.
Aegis Shield FF1 GBA Sprite - Aegis Shield Aegis shield psp Knight 16 0 0 Find: Mirage Tower (Sells for 20,000)
Resistance: Poison, Stone.
A shield that guards against stone and poison.
Protect Cloak FF1 GBA Sprite - Protect Cloak Protect cloak psp All jobs but Mo & Ma 8 0 2 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (Mage Town)
Find: Flying Fortress, Chaos Shrine (Past)
20,000 gil
A large cloak worn over armor.
Genji Shield FF1 GBA Sprite - Genji Shield Genji shield psp Wa, Kn, Ni 14 50 8 Find: Lifespring Grotto Nil
Resistance: Poison, Stone.
Heavy shield crafted in a distant land.
Crystal Shield FF1 GBA Sprite - Crystal Shield Crystal shield psp Kn, Ni 15 45 0 Find: Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove
Resistance: Stone.
A shield of crystal, crafted long ago.
Hero's Shield FF1 GBA Sprite - Hero's Shield Hero's shield psp Kn, Ni 16 40 0 Find: Lifespring Grotto
Resistance: All elements & statuses.
Shield that wards off status ailments.
Zephyr Cape FF1 GBA Sprite - Zephyr Cape Zephyr cape psp All jobs but Mo & Ma 4 10 1 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (B21-B29 Town)
Find: Whisperwind Cove
Drop: Death Elemental
51,000 gil
A cape alive with the spirit of wind.
Elven Cloak FF1 GBA Sprite - Elven Cloak Elven cloak psp All jobs but Mo & Ma 9 0 1 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (B31-B39 Town)
Find: Earthgift Shrine, Whisperwind Cove
55,800 gil
+1 Agility & Intelligence.
A cloak enchanted with elven magic.
Master Shield Diamond shield psp Wa, Kn, RM, RW 19 30 0 Find: Labyrinth of Time
Drop: Chronodia (Kraken)
Resistance: All elements & statuses. +1 Agility & Intelligence.
A shield once held by a great hero.



Name Jobs Defense Evasion Weight Acquirement Cost
Leather Cap All jobs 1 0 1 Buy: Elfheim
Find: Chaos Shrine
65 gil (Easy)
80 gil (Normal)
A cap made of leather.
Ribbon All jobs 1 0 1 Find: Sunken Shrine, Waterfall Cavern, Flying Fortress, Hellfire Chasm (Last Floor) (Sells for 1)
Resistance: All elements & statuses.
A ribbon that guards against elemental attacks and status effects.


Wa, Kn, Ni 3 0 3 Buy: Elfheim 80 gil (Easy)
100 gil (Normal)
A small helm.
Great Helm
Wa, Kn, Ni 5 0 5 Buy: Melmond
Find: Mount Duergar
360 gil (Easy)
450 gil (Normal)
A helm that covers the entire head.
Mythril Helm
Wa, Kn, Ni 6 0 3 Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Titan's Cave, Mount Gulg, Flying Fortress
2,000 gil (Easy)
2,500 gil (Normal)
A helm wrought from mythril.
Healing Helm Kn, Ni 6 0 3 Find: Mirage Tower, Flying Fortress (Sells for 10,000)
Casts Heal when used as an item.
A helm that casts Heal when used.
Diamond Helm
Knight 8 0 3 Find: Sunken Shrine (Sells for 5,000)
A helm made of diamond.
Twist Headband Th, Ni, Mo, Ma 3 0 1 Find: Hellfire Chasm
+10 Strength, +1 Agility, +2 Stamina.
A headband favored by martial artists.
Feathered Cap Wa, Kn, Th, Ni, RM, RW 4 10 1 Find: Lifespring Grotto
A light cap woven of silk.
Wizard's Hat RM, RW, WM, WW, BM, BW 4 0 1 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (B21-B29 Town)
Find: Whisperwind Cove
46,600 gil
+5 Intelligence.
A traditional hat brimming with magic.
Sage's Mitre WM, WW, BM, BW 5 0 1 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (B31-B39 Town)
Find: Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove
45,200 gil
+5 Intelligence, +10% Max MP.
A hat made of enchanted cloth.
Black Cowl Th, Ni 8 10 1 Find: Earthgift Shrine, Whisperwind Cove
Resistance: Sleep. +3 Strength, Agility, & Stamina.
Black hood brought from a distant land.
Tiger Mask Kn, Ni, Ma 8 0 2 Find: Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove
+3 Strength, +2 Agility, +1 Stamina.
A light mask made in a tiger's likeness.
Red Cap RM, RW 8 0 1 Find: Whisperwind Cove
+4 Strength, +3 Agility, +2 Stamina, +25% Max HP.
A cap that awakens latent abilities.
Genji Helm Wa, Kn, Th, Ni 9 15 3 Find: Whisperwind Cove
Drop: Typhon
Resistance: Poison, Stone. +3 Intelligence.
A heavy helm crafted in a distant land.
Crystal Helm Kn, Ni 10 15 3 Find: Whisperwind Cove
Resistance: Stone. +3 Intelligence.
A helm of crystal, crafted long ago.
Shadow Mask Th, Ni 3 6 2 Drop: Chronodia (Tiamat)
+30 Agility.
Mask that is a testament to darkness.


Body armor[]

Name Jobs Defense Evasion Weight Acquisition Cost
Clothes All jobs 1 0 2 Buy: Cornelia
Find: Cavern of Ice, Flying Fortress
8 gil (Easy)
10 gil (Normal)
Ordinary clothing.
White Robe White Wizard 24 0 2 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (Mage Town)
Find: Flying Fortress
25,000 gil(Sells for 1)
Resistance: Fire, Instant Death. Casts Invisira when used as an item.
A robe that guards against fire and instant death; casts Invisira when used.
Black Robe Black Wizard 24 0 2 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (Mage Town)
Find: Flying Fortress
25,000 gil(Sells for 1)
Resistance: Ice, Time. Casts Blizzara when used as an item.
A robe that guards against ice and time irregularities; casts Blizzara when used.
Leather Armor Wa, Kn, Th, Ni, Mo, Ma, RM, RW 4 0 8 Buy: Cornelia, Pravoka 40 gil (Easy)
50 gil (Normal)
Armor made of hardened leather.
Chain Mail Wa, Kn, Ni, RM, RW 15 0 15 Buy: Cornelia, Pravoka 65 gil (Easy)
80 gil (Normal)
Mail of interwoven chain links.
Mythril Mail
Wa, Kn, Ni, RM, RW 18 0 8 Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mount Duergar
6,000 gil (Easy)
7,500 gil (Normal)
Mail crafted from mythril.
Iron Armor Wa, Kn, Ni 24 0 23 Buy: Pravoka, Elfheim
Find: Castle Cornelia, Marsh Cave
640 gil (Easy)
800 gil (Normal)
Armor made of thinly hammered iron.
Knight's Armor
Wa, Kn 34 0 33 Buy: Melmond 36,000 gil (Easy)
45,000 gil (Normal)
Armor crafted from steel plate.
Flame Mail Wa, Kn, Ni 34 0 10 Find: Mount Gulg (Sells for 15,000)
Resistance: Ice.
Mail infused with the power of fire that guards against ice.
Ice Armor Wa, Kn, Ni 34 0 10 Find: Cavern of Ice (Sells for 15,000)
Resistance: Fire.
Armor infused with the power of ice that guards against fire.
Diamond Armor
Knight 42 0 10 Find: Sunken Shrine (Sells for 30,000)
Resistance: Lightning.
Armor crafted from diamond that guards against lightning.
Dragon Mail Knight 42 0 10 Find: Mirage Tower (Sells for 30,000)
Resistance: Fire, Ice, Lightning.
Mail fashioned from dragon scales that guards against fire and ice.
Copper Armlet All jobs 4 0 1 Buy: Elfheim
Find: Marsh Cave
800 gil (Easy)
1,000 gil (Normal)
An armlet crafted from copper.
Silver Armlet All jobs 15 0 1 Buy: Melmond
Find: Marsh Cave
4,000 gil (Easy)
5,000 gil (Normal)
An armlet of worked silver.
Ruby Armlet
All jobs 24 0 1 Buy: Gaia
Find: Citadel of Trials
40,000 gil (Easy)
50,000 gil (Normal)
An armlet ornamented with rubies.
Diamond Armlet
All jobs 34 0 1 Find: Sunken Shrine (Sells for 32,500)
An armlet adorned with diamonds.
Bard's Tunic All jobs 20 0 3 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (B1-B9 Town)
Find: Hellfire Chasm, Whisperwind Cove
Drop: 2-Headed Dragon
67,300 gil
Resistance: Silence.
A light, loose-fitting tunic.
Red Jacket Th, Ni, RM, RW 24 0 2 Find: Whisperwind Cove
Resistance: Fire. +5 Strength, +2 Agility, +1 Intelligence, +4 Stamina.
A jacket that protects against flame.
Sage's Surplice RM, RW, WM, WW, BM, BW 25 0 2 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (B11-B19 Town)
Find: Lifespring Grotto, Hellfire Chasm
70,000 gil
+5 Intelligence.
A robe that enhances intelligence.
Kenpogi Mo, Ma 28 0 1 Find: Earthgift Shrine, Lifespring Grotto, Whisperwind Cove
+3 Strength.
An outfit favored by martial artists.
Gaia Gear BM, BW 35 0 2 Find: Lifespring Grotto
Drop: Undergrounder
Resistance: Quake, Stone.
A robe instilled with the earth's grace.
Light Robe WM, WW 35 0 2 Find: Whisperwind Cove
+5 Intelligence.
A robe imbued with the spirit of light.
Power Vest Mo, Ma 38 0 1 Find: Lifespring Grotto
+15 Strength, +1 Agility & Stamina.
A vest woven with a unique thread.
Black Garb Th, Ni 40 0 2 Find: Whisperwind Cove (x2)
+1 Strength, +10 Agility.
Light, durable suit from a distant land.
Genji Armor Wa, Kn, Ni 35 0 10 Find: Whisperwind Cove
Drop: Warmech
Resistance: Poison, Stone, Death. +5 Strength, +3 Agility & Intelligence, +2 Stamina.
Heavy armor crafted in a distant land.
Crystal Mail Kn, Ni 44 0 10 Find: Whisperwind Cove
Resistance: Blind, Silence, Stone. +3 Intelligence.
Mail of crystal, crafted long ago.
Thief's Armlet Th, Ni 30 0 1 Find: Whisperwind Cove
+5 Agility.
An armlet that enhances agility.
Lordly Robes WM, WW 37 5 1 Drop: Chronodia (Lich & Marilith)
Resistance: Stone, Death. +20 Intelligence, 10% HP Regen.
A robe immersed in holy power.
Survival Vest Th, Ni, Mo, Ma 45 0 1 Drop: Chronodia (Kraken & Tiamat)
Resistance: Sleep, Poison. +15 Agility & Stamina.
A vest that musters strength.
Maximillian Wa, Kn, RM, RW 55 0 10 Drop: Chronodia
+5 Strength, +10 Stamina.
Suit of armor made of pure steel.



Name Jobs Defense Evasion Weight Acquirement Cost
Leather Gloves All jobs 1 0 1 Buy: Pravoka 50 gil (Easy)
60 gil (Normal)
Gloves made of leather.
Bronze Gloves
Wa, Kn, Ni 2 0 3 Buy: Melmond
Find: Elven Castle (Mystic Key)
160 gil (Easy)
200 gil (Normal)
Gloves made of bronze.
Steel Gloves
Wa, Kn, Ni 4 0 5 Buy: Melmond
Find: Western Keep (Mystic Key), Citadel of Trials
600 gil (Easy)
750 gil (Normal)
Gloves made of steel.
Mythril Gloves
Wa, Kn, Ni, RW 6 0 3 Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mount Gulg, Cavern of Ice
2,000 gil (Easy)
2,500 gil (Normal)
Gloves made of mythril.
Kn, Ni, RW 6 0 3 Buy: Whisperwind Cove (Mage Town)
Find: Citadel of Trials
15,000 gil
Casts Thundara when used as an item.
Gloves that cast Thundara when used.
Giant's Gloves
Kn, Ni, RW 6 0 3 Find: Sunken Shrine (Sells for 5,000)
Casts Saber when used as an item.
Gloves that cast Saber when used.
Diamond Gloves
Knight 8 0 3 Find: Sunken Shrine, Flying Fortress (Sells for 10,000)
Gloves made of diamond.
Protect Ring All jobs 8 0 1 Buy: Gaia
Find: Flying Fortress (x2), Chaos Shrine (Past)
16,000 gil (Easy)
20,000 gil (Normal)
Resistance: Instant Death.
A ring that guards against instant death.
Thief's Gloves Th, Ni 6 10 1 Find: Hellfire Chasm
+5 Agility.
Gloves that enhance agility.
Crystal Ring Kn, Ni, Ma, RW 9 0 1 Find: Lifespring Grotto (x2)
Resistance: Sleep, Paralysis. +5 Agility.
A ring of crystal, crafted long ago.
Genji Gloves Wa, Kn, Ni 9 15 2 Drop: Gilgamesh
Resistance: Poison, Stone.
Heavy gloves crafted in a distant land.
Crystal Gloves Kn, Ni 10 15 3 Find: Whisperwind Cove
Resistance: Stone. +3 Intelligence.
Gloves of crystal, crafted long ago.
Angel's Ring RM, RW, WM, WW, BM, BW 8 0 1 Unobtainable; is intended to appear in Whisperwind Cove.
Ring fashioned after an angel's feather.


Other appearances[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

The Gauntlet and Healing Helm appear as accessories.

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Pictlogica Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Relm-ffvi-snes-battleThis gallery is incomplete and requires Dragon Mail and Healing Helm added. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by uploading images.
FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.