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The following is a list of status effects in Final Fantasy X. Statuses grant some kind of effect to the afflicted; dismissed aeons will retain any status effects if summoned again during the same battle.

List of statuses[]

Positive status enhancements[]


Auto-Life automatically revives a character from KO when their HP reaches 0. It can only affect characters who do not currently have KO status. It restores 25% of max XP, and the status will be lifted once a character is revived. A wiped out party will not trigger a game over as long as at least one member has Auto-Life.


Haste allows the affected to act more often and is mutually exclusive with Slow. The spell is learned on Tidus's section of the Sphere Grid, along with the upgraded Hastega. It is also granted through the use of the Auto Haste armor ability, as well as the SOS Haste ability when HP is low.

The status can also be gained via Rikku's mixes Mighty G, Super Mighty G and Hyper Mighty G and via items Chocobo Feather and Chocobo Wing.

If a character is Hasted at the end of battle, their victory pose animation is sped up.


NulBlaze nullifies one Fire-elemental attack or spell done to the target. It can be bestowed through the spell NulBlaze, among other methods, and is removed with being hit with the Fire element and with Dispel.


NulFrost nullifies one Ice-elemental attack done to the target before expiring. After the effect wears off, the status must be reapplied to take effect again. Armors can be customized with SOS NulFrost, which will bestow NulFrost when reaching critical HP status. It can also be bestowed by the NulFrost spell and via Rikku's mixes NulAll, Mega NulAll, Hyper NulAll, and Ultra NulAll, as well as Kimahri's Mighty Guard. The status is represented by a glowing light blue ball which orbits around the person it is affecting.


The NulShock status on a character negates one Lightning-elemental attack or spell and is represented by a circling yellow orb. It can be granted by the NulShock spell and armor customized with SOS NulShock, which grants NulShock when the wearer reaches critical HP.


NulTide negates one Water-elemental attack or spell, and can be granted by the spell NulTide. Armor can be customized with SOS NulTide, which casts NulTide when the wearer is in critical status.


Protect halves received physical damage. This status effect can be gained from either casting the White Magic spell Protect, Kimahri's Ronso Rage Mighty Guard, wearing an armor that has Auto-Protect or SOS Protect, using the item Light Curtain, or by Rikku mixing items to give the Protect status. Protect is removed with Dispel.


The party achieves Reflect through the spell Reflect, the ability Auto-Reflect, and the item Star Curtain.

Reflect only works against Black Magic, White Magic, and certain spells learned by enemies, including Confuse, Break, Blind, Silence, Sleep, but not Berserk or Curse. It does not affect spells which target the whole party simultaneously like Demi and Ultima, though it does work against spells that target each member of the party like the Nul-spells, Hastega, and Slowga.

It does not work against Dispel and Auto-Life, nor items, even if their effects are similar to some spells.


Regen status restores a small amount of HP at the start of a turn from any unit in battle, and lasts until the unit takes its tenth turn after receiving the status. The amount of HP restored is between 100 and a tenth of the unit's maximum HP, and it can potentially break the upper damage limit of 99,999 when bestowed on enemies who have over a million HP.

The spell Regen, the item Healing Spring, the Mix abilities Super Mighty G and Hyper Mighty G, and the auto-abilities SOS Regen and Auto-Regen grant Regen status to party members.


Shell halves both magic damage as well as magic healing. The White Magic spell Shell, Kimahri's Ronso Rage Mighty Guard, and the auto-ability Auto Shell can bestow Shell upon a character to halve magical damage. SOS Shell can bestow Shell as long as the character is in Critical status. Some of Rikku's Mixes can inflict Shell to the entire party as well, including Mighty G, Super Mighty G, Hyper Mighty G, and Mighty Wall. The item Lunar Curtain also gives Shell. Shell is removed with Dispel.

Neutral status effects[]


Berserk is considered a status ailment, as it can only be inflicted by enemies and is listed under "Immunities" when scanning. The status can be cured with Esuna or a Remedy. Berserked targets still attack uncontrollably for increased damage, but allies are generally targeted in scenarios where physical attacks become less effective in battle (examples being against Malboro's Bad Breath or the physically resistant Black Element).

Despite this, some enemies use the Berserk ability to increase the strength of their own physical attacks. The status increases all damage by 50%, not just physical, but there is only one case where this can be seen: when a Guado Guardian casts Berserk on an Evil Eye, it increases the damage of their magical Gaze attack. Provoke and Threaten will also remove the Berserk status from an enemy.

Negative status ailments[]


Critical affects a character when they are under 50% of their maximum HP. Their HP digits will turn yellow and the character will start to slouch in fatigue, taking an even more exhausted stance when they are under 25% of their HP. When below 50% max HP, SOS abilities on armor will activate and the Daredevil Overdrive Mode will charge the Overdrive gauge every time the character takes a turn.

In the original Japanese version, the critical HP threshold was instead 25%.


Confused units have two spinning stars over their head. The victim will attack allies at random. The player cannot directly inflict the status on enemies, although the Master Coeurl's Confuse spell can be reflected back towards it. As with Berserk, it is still listed under "Immunities" when scanning. Bad Breath may cause Confusion when used by enemies, but the Ronso Rage version used by Kimahri cannot do so. The player can protect against it with Confuse Ward and Confuseproof.


Curse prevents characters from using their Overdrives, and stops their Overdrive gauge from filling. It is one of the few status ailments that aeons are not protected against. It can be cured by using Dispel or a Holy Water. For the Magus Sisters, Curse only stops their gauges from filling when they're targeted by an attack.

Curseproof protects a unit against Curse. Curse Ward, while not obtainable in-game, exists as a dummied ability, and functions the same as Curseproof.

Although Curse cannot be inflicted on enemies under normal circumstances, some are susceptible to it. It has no effect on them, however, even should they have an Overdrive gauge.


The Darkness status overrides the Accuracy and Evasion stats and lowers the chance of attacks and skills landing to 10%, before Luck is taken into account. Darkness lasts for a certain number of turns depending on the attack that inflicted the status effect (usually three), but can be removed earlier by using Eye Drops, Remedy, or Esuna.

Wakka's Dark Attack and Dark Buster can inflict this status and deal damage. If the Luck stat of an attacker afflicted with Darkness exceeds their target's by at least 90 points, the effect of Darkness will be fully canceled out, since their base accuracy is high enough to withstand the ailment's handicap.

Also, weapons with Darktouch or Darkstrike will also cause Darkness, while armor with Dark Ward and Darkproof will prevent it. A party member can also use a Smoke Bomb on an enemy to also inflict Darkness.


Any action that causes Delay on a target will push back their next turn by a certain amount. The player can inflict this through Delay Attack and Delay Buster. Aeons are susceptible to Delay.


Doom instantly defeats the afflicted when the timer expires. Doom can be applied to either party members or enemies through the ability of the same name, which Kimahri can also learn as a Ronso Rage. With Use, Doom can be inflicted via the item Candle of Life. The counter will decrement by one whenever it is the victim's turn. For the player party members, the counter will always start at 5, however, the starting figure differs for enemies. The player cannot protect against Doom or heal it.


A target that is ejected will be removed from battle and flagged as dead in most cases. The Eject status removes a unit from battle. When a party member is ejected, another character cannot move into their place.

Thrust Kick is an enemy ability used by the YKT-11 and YKT-63, which ejects characters from battle. Kimahri can learn Thrust Kick as an Overdrive, which the in-game description claims is capable of ejecting enemies; however, it only deals physical damage.

The enemy ability Swallow can be used by the Worm type enemies and Geosgaeno. They then use Regurgitate to reinstate units, while Geosgaeno uses Spit Out. Geosgaeno's version of Swallow does not eject a character, however.

Auron's Shooting Star Overdrive may eject an enemy if the button input sequence is successful.

A similar effect can occur to a petrified character. If a petrified character is hit with a physical attack (or is petrified underwater), they will shatter and be removed from the party.

Although aeons are immune to Eject, the only such attack used against them is Banish via Seymour Natus and Seymour Flux, which overrides this immunity.


The victim is knocked unconscious cannot act. This status occurs when a character's HP is reduced to 0. If everyone in the party is KO'd (or petrified), it will trigger a Game Over. The player can inflict instant KO with some abilities, such as Deathstrike, and protect against instant KO with Deathproof.


A petrified character will be unable to act until the status is cured. If all characters in the party are petrified or KO'd, the player will get a Game Over. Some attacks against a petrified character will shatter them, removing them from battle and allowing one fewer slot for a character to switch into the active party. A character that is hit with an attack that reduces their HP to 0 at the same time they are petrified will instantly shatter. When fighting underwater, any petrified unit will also immediately sink to the bottom and shatter. Enemies that are petrified will instantly shatter as well.

Unlike KO, a character's hidden CT gauge is not reset by petrification, though any status effects that were on the victim before being petrified will still be removed. Enhancements such as Cheer and Eccentrick will be retained, however.


After taking a turn, Poison status inflicts 25% of a character's maximum HP. The percentage can vary for enemies and some take no damage from Poison. It can Overkill an enemy if it accumulates with preceding damage when an enemy takes no action. Poison can be cured with items such as Antidote, and spells such as Esuna. Poison Ward can reduce the chance of Poison being inflicted, and Poisonproof can prevent it.


The Provoke status is granted by the Provoke ability. It forces the enemy to attack only the character who used it, although they may use other attacks or do nothing entirely. Successfully provoking an enemy will also remove the Berserk status.


Silence status disables Wht Mag, Blk Mag and Summon commands, but Lulu can still use her Overdrive, Fury and Yuna can still use her Overdrive, Grand Summon. Despite the status being known as "Silence", it does not deny the characters from actually speaking during battle. The player can inflict it with Silence Attack/Buster and Silencetouch/-strike, among other methods. It is healed with Echo Screen and Esuna, among other ways.


Sleep will cause the victim to be unable to act while under the duration of the ailment. Magic attacks will not awaken the target, but physical attacks will. Damage inflicted by physical and magical attacks is increased by 50% on a sleeping target. Sleep will last for a specified period of time dependent on the ability that was used to cause sleep. Sleeping enemies cannot be bribed.


A character afflicted with Slow will have their turns come up less often than normal. Slow and Haste cannot coexist on the same target, meaning Auto-Haste makes one immune to Slow. Slow status should not be confused with Delay. Both Haste and Slow spells are Wht Magic found on Tidus's path on the Sphere Grid.


The Threaten status prevents an enemy from acting or counterattacking. It lasts until the user's next turn. Threatening an enemy will remove Berserk.


Zombie can be inflicted on enemies by use of the Zombie Attack skill, located in Auron's section of the Sphere Grid, and by the Zombietouch and Zombiestrike weapon abilities. Characters and enemies afflicted with the Zombie status have a glowing green body and black smoke clouds around their heads. Zombie can be cured via Holy Water or Remedy, but it notably cannot be cured with the spell Esuna. Evrae Altana and Fallen Monk start the battle under permanent Zombie status.

Zombie causes items and abilities that normally heal HP to deal damage instead. Revivification abilities, such as Life and the item Phoenix Down, will instantly kill targets under the Zombie status, or deal damage equal to the HP it would normally heal if the enemy is immune to revivification, such as Barbatos and Evrae Altana. Enemies that are only immune to Instant Death will still die from those abilities, such as Behemoth and Dark Flan.

Abilities that normally drain HP or MP, such as Drain, Osmose, and Lancet, reverse the effect if used by or against Zombies, dealing damage to the spellcaster and healing its target. If both the target and the caster are Zombified, the spells work like normal; the Zombie hit with the draining ability will lose HP and/or MP, and the spellcaster will regain the HP and/or MP.

A Zombified character can still be healed if it is hit by an elemental attack while equipped with the appropriate Eater ability. Another notable boon to the Zombie status is that characters under Zombie cannot be KO'd using standard Instant Death attacks, as their resistance to them is increased significantly. This can be used to the player's advantage in the battle against Yunalesca, who uses Zombie attacks, and later in battle casts Mega Death on the entire party, knocking out everyone not under Zombie status. Zombie does not protect against attacks that always inflict Instant Death, such as Fenrir's Fangs of Hell. It also will not prevent Doom from taking effect.

Power Break[]

Power Break halves Strength, weakening the afflicted's physical damage. It is inflicted with the ability of the same name among other methods. Few enemies can inflict it onto the player and there is no protection against it, but it can be healed with Remedy and Dispel.

Magic Break[]

Magic Break halves the affected's Magic stat, weakening the power of their spells. The player can inflict it with the ability of the same name.

Armor Break[]

Armor Break drops the afflicted's Defense stat to 0 and removes Armored status from enemies that have it, meaning they can be damaged without Piercing. It if inflicted with the ability of the same name, among other methods.

Mental Break[]

Mental Break reduces the target's Magic Defense to 0, making them more vulnerable to spells. The player can induce it with the ability of the same name, among other methods.

Other status effects[]


A character will gain the Defend status from the Defend ability, causing them to take half damage from physical attacks until their next turn.


Guard status is granted by the Guard ability. The user in Guard status will intercept any physical attacks on the other two party members, regardless of their current health. This status will remain in effect until the user's next turn.


The Scan status is applied to an enemy after scanning them, revealing the same information as the Sensor auto-ability.


The Sentinel status is an improved version of the Guard status. The user will take a defensive stance and halve physical damage.

Distill Power[]

Enemies that have the Distill Power status on them will drop Power Sphere(s) once they are defeated. Inflicting a different Distill status will remove the current status. The status can be inflicted by the Extract Power ability.

Distill Mana[]

Enemies that have the Distill Mana status on them will drop Mana Sphere(s) once they are defeated. Inflicting a different Distill status will remove the current status. The status can be inflicted by the Extract Mana ability.

Distill Speed[]

Enemies that have the Distill Speed status on them will drop Speed Sphere(s) once they are defeated. Inflicting a different Distill status will remove the current status. The status can be inflicted by the Extract Speed ability.

Distill Ability[]

Enemies that have the Distill Ability status on them will drop Ability Sphere(s) once they are defeated. Inflicting a different Distill status will remove the current status. The status can be inflicted by the Extract Ability ability.


Enemies with the Armored property will reduce the damage of incoming physical attacks to 1/3. Weapons with the Piercing auto-ability will bypass this property and Armor Break nullifies it.

Attacking an Armored enemy without a Piercing weapon will produce a weakened sound effect, while a critical attack on them produces a normal attacking sound. Enemies with high Defense, such as flans, will also cause this, regardless of the weapon used.


Enemies with the Heavy property aren't lifted into the air by Energy Rain and Tornado. Hellfire and Thor's Hammer also have alternate animations against Heavy enemies.


Enemies with the Tough property won't be pushed back by Delay Attack or Delay Buster.

