The following is a list of statuses in Final Fantasy XV. In total, there are 79 different statuses, comprised of 21 buffs, 24 debuffs, 3 other statuses, 28 food buffs for the party, and 4 chocobo food buffs. This is the largest number of statuses in any single-player title of the franchise.
List of positive combat statuses[]
Unlike food effects, combat statuses last only for the duration of battle, and are set to a specific value determined by the means of applying them rather than by a multiplier. They are shown in green next to the name of the empowered party member or enemy.
Status that accelerates HP recovery rate.
Exclusive to the party; increases HP recovery rate. Superior Restorative grants Recovery Rate +30% for 30 seconds. Ignis's Regroup grants Revitalized to the entire team for a short time. Ignis's Regenerate skill functions the same, but on a random party member. Doesn't affect max HP recovery.
Status that increases attack.
Increases Strength. Power EX inflicts Tenacious (Strength +100) for 120 seconds. Muscle Stimulant inflicts Tenacious (Strength +200) for 40 seconds. Sword of the Father's finishing blow in a combo grants Tenacious (Strength +200) for 5 seconds. The Blade of the Mystic grants Tenacious (Strength +100) for 10 seconds after swinging the sword and pausing. Ignis's Overwhelm technique briefly grants Tenacious to the party. The Ascension node Savior's Force makes Rescue also grant Tenacious (Strength +200) for 30 seconds.
Status that increases physical defense.
Increases Vitality. Mettle VX inflicts Stalwart (Vitality +100) for 120 seconds. Flesh Fortifier inflicts Stalwart (Vitality +200) for 40 seconds. The critical version of Ignis's Regroup can also yield the buff. The Ascension node Savior's Fortitude makes Rescue also grant Stalwart (Vitality +200) for 30 seconds.
Status that increases magic.
Increases Magic. Verve WX inflicts Enchanted (Magic +100) for 120 seconds.
Status that increases spirit.
Increases Spirit. Spirit ZX inflicts Spiritual (Spirit +100) for 120 seconds.
Status that imbues weapons with fire and increases fire magic potency.
Exclusive to Noctis; slightly increases the strength of his attacks, imbues his weapons with Fire, and increases Fire spell damage. Gained from Ignis's Enhancement (stacks with the other elemental boosts). Ifrit applies a unique version to himself.
Status that imbues weapons with ice and increases ice magic potency.
Exclusive to Noctis; slightly increases the strength of his attacks, imbues his weapons with Ice, and increases Ice spell damage. Gained from Ignis's Enhancement (stacks with the other elemental boosts).
Status that imbues weapons with lightning and increases lightning magic potency.
Exclusive to Noctis; slightly increases the strength of his attacks, imbues weapons with Lightning, and increases Lightning spell damage. Gained from Ignis's Enhancement (stacks with the other elemental boosts).
Carbuncle's Blessing[]
Status that significantly increases attack and defense.
Description of Carbuncle's Blessing
Situation in which Easy Mode Assist is unavailable
Description of No Help
Exclusive to the party; increases Strength and Vitality. Carbuncle is summoned in Easy Mode to revive the party leader if they die, bestowing this buff upon them, which lasts until the battle ends. Carbuncle cannot be summoned in certain areas or fights.
Status that triggers automatic evasion of all enemy attacks.
Exclusive to Noctis; allows him to automatically phase through attacks. Reflex Enhancer inflicts Nimble for 20 seconds.
Status that negates all MP costs.
Exclusive to the party; negates all MP costs. Magitek Booster inflicts Inspired for 20 seconds. Armiger Freechain learned through Ascension grants it to Noctis for executing Armiger Chain.
Status that accelerates recovery rate.
Exclusive to Noctis; accelerates HP and MP recovery rate when he is taking cover behind an environmental element, guarding with the Shield of the Just (albeit draining MP), using Gladiolus's Royal Guard, or when hanging after point-warping. The special edition guide book lacks an entry for Serene. It uses its icon with the name Sharp and a description for Libra.
Status that significantly increases attack and magic, but reduces vitality and spirit to zero.
Exclusive to some enemies, such as the mindflayers. Significantly increases Strength and Magic, but reduces Vitality and Spirit to zero.
Status that increases critical hit rate.
Exclusive to the party; causes all attacks to deal critical hits. Ignis's Overwhelm technique grants Critical to Noctis for its duration, while the critical version grants it to the party. The Ascension node Savior's Vengeance makes Rescue grant Critical for 30 seconds.
Status that renders every technique a critical hit. Accelerates tech bar for Noctis, technique growth for allies.
For Noctis, Tactical doubles the rate at which the Tech Bar fills. For allies, it doubles the growth rate of techniques and guarantees critical versions of them (the textbar flashes yellow rather than green and the camera pans to the user as they ready the tech). It is gained from the Technician food buff (see above). The buff is lost if the character is downed in battle.
Exclusive to Noctis; at the Disc of Cauthess, answering "Sort of" when Gladiolus asks whether Noctis is a man of royal blood or not, gives the Roused status. At Fodina Caestino, when Noctis and Gladiolus talk shortly before the malboro battle, choosing "Show resolve" gives Roused status. Boosts Vitality by 50%.
Exclusive to Noctis; at the Disc of Cauthess, answering "Yeah" when Gladiolus asks whether Noctis is a man of royal blood or not, gives the Riled status. At Fodina Caestino, when Noctis and Gladiolus talk shortly before the malboro battle, choosing "Show frustration" gives Riled status. Boosts Strength by 50%.
Phoenix's Favor[]
Status that significantly accelerates HP and MP recovery rate.
Exclusive to the party; significantly accelerates HP and MP recovery rate. Gained by using a Phoenix Down or Mega Phoenix. Phoenix's Favor status was added in the day one patch, and thus does not appear in the special edition guide book.
Magitek Barrier[]
Status that enhances strength and prevents all damage until magitek energy reserve is depleted.
Exclusive to the party; enhances Strength and nullifies all damage, staggering, and nearly all negative statuses. The status is applied by the Magitek Exosuit attire. The status activates when a battle starts and deactivates when a battle ends. The status ceases to activate when the gauge (displayed in the menu) fully depletes (getting struck by an attack drains the gauge slightly), and it takes 20 real-life hours to recharge to full, rather than gradually recharging over time. The immunity doesn't work against Omega and the superboss version of Garuda.
Quick Recipeh-based status that nullifies all attacks.
Exclusive to Ignis when he is controlled. It is granted by the more positive outcome of the Quick Recipeh technique, where Ignis holds a dish out in front of him. Ambrosia nullifies all damage and prevents stagger. It wears off if Ignis is switched to another character.
Quick Recipeh-based boost that accelerates the clarity bar replenishment rate.
Exclusive to Ignis when he is controlled. It is granted by either positive outcome of the Quick Recipeh technique, the less dramatic of which being where Ignis simply clenches his fist. It causes the Total Clarity gauge to fill automatically over time and wears off if Ignis is switched to another character.
List of negative combat statuses[]
Negative statuses mostly last for only the duration of combat. They are shown in red next to the name of the afflicted party member or enemy. Like positive combat statuses, they are set to a specific value determined by the attack or other means of applying them rather than by a multiplier. Ribbons and the Magitek Exosuits (in combat) prevent all ailments aside from Danger, Down, Vulnerable, Clouded, and Inconsistent.
Status when unable to attack and maximum HP decreases over time.
Exclusive to the party; if a member falls to 0 HP, they enter a critical state where they can no longer fight. They can still sprint, but are overall slower than normal, making running from enemies slightly harder. Damage taken in this state lowers the party member's max HP (though they can absorb quite a lot of damage), and if their max HP becomes 0, they enter a Down state. Max HP also slowly depletes over time until the party member recovers. Party members in Danger can be restored to battle condition by healing them with items, using Ignis's Regroup technique, or the Rescue command.
Noctis will recover from Danger over time while controlled, but his allies will not. Ignis can still dodge-roll in Danger, and also recovers from Danger almost instantly when he is controlled by pressing the warp button. If Noctis is caught in a QTE attack during Danger, the game instantly locks into a game over. Guests cannot enter Danger state, and thus can't be placed in a Down state either.
Noctis cannot enter Danger mode when using Armiger. If he falls into Danger status during Armiger Unleashed, the Armiger is cancelled. When unleashing his Armiger against Leviathan and Ardyn, Noctis will skip Danger mode entirely and enter a Down state if his HP reaches 0.
Damage incurred from Poison, Elemancy spells, or falling can't knock the party into Danger.
In Comrades, allies in Danger can be rescued by warping directly to them.
Status when unable to fight due to maximum HP falling to zero.
Exclusive to the party; if a member's max HP falls to 0, they are Down. If the player character gets Downed, it spells a Game Over unless he is revived within a few seconds. Downed party members can be saved with Phoenix Downs or Mega Phoenixes. In most situations in Easy Mode, should the party leader fall, Carbuncle will fully heal them. Downed characters lose all of their statuses (including Tactical), and allies who were Down at the end of battle are revived with 25% max HP after the battle is over. The player's allies being Downed is a summon condition for Titan.
Some enemies have Instant Death attacks that instantly put a character to Down without them entering Danger status first, such as the coeurls' blaster attack they use when lying down. The Safety Bit and Ribbon accessories, as well as the Death-Defying food buff and the Medjay Assassin's Robe attires, protect against Instant Death.
The player can inflict Instant Death with the Death Penalty; when equipped to Prompto and using his multi-hit attacks like Trigger-Happy, every hit has a 1% chance to inflict Instant Death. The Instant Death effect can be bestowed onto Elemancy with the applicable catalysts. The Death spell from the Ring of the Lucii works a bit differently; it fills an invisible "death bar" on an enemy vulnerable to it that kills the enemy when filled, but different enemies have variable resistance to it.
In the Windows- and Royal Edition-exclusive boss battles at the Citadel, the game automatically character-swaps to Gladiolus, Prompto and Ignis when fighting the rulers of yore. If the ally was Down when the character-swap happens, they come back to life with 1 HP.
This status was called Knocked Out in Episode Duscae.
In Comrades, allies can recover from a Down state by consuming their equipped food ingredient.
Status that reduces attack.
Reduces Strength. The player can inflict the status on enemies with the Cutlasses. The Casual Outfit, Trendy Outfit, and Ribbon protect against it. The special edition guide book lists Enfeebled as "Mollified".
Status that reduces physical defense.
Reduces Vitality. The player can inflict it on enemies with Prompto's Piercer, the War Sword, and the Delta Daggers. The Casual Outfit, Trendy Outfit, and Ribbon protect against it.
Status that reduces magic.
Reduces Magic. The Casual Outfit, Trendy Outfit, and Ribbon protect against it.
Status that reduces spirit.
Reduces Spirit. The Casual Outfit, Trendy Outfit, and Ribbon protect against it.
Broken (Neutralized)[]
Status that reduces strength and magic due to a broken appendage.
Exclusive to enemies; reduces Strength and Magic due to a broken body part. The player can break enemy appendages by inflicting strong or prolonged damage to them, such as with warp-strikes. Some weapons are especially good for breaking, like the Cerberus and some royal arms.
Broken (Defenseless)[]
Status that reduces vitality and spirit due to a broken appendage.
Exclusive to enemies; reduces Vitality and Spirit due to a broken body part. The player can break enemy appendages by inflicting strong or prolonged damage to them, such as with warp-strikes. Some weapons are especially good for breaking, like the Cerberus and some royal arms.
Status that inflicts damage over time.
Continually drains HP and negates passive HP regen. Unlike other negative effects, Poison can persist after battle (and briefly stun Noctis every few seconds in the same manner as if he were attempting to use an ability in Stasis), though it is mostly harmless. The player can inflict it on enemies with the Assassin's Daggers, Calamity, and Bioblaster. Ignis can inflict poison using the Ascension node Venom Fang when Noctis blitzes enemies. It can be cured with Antidotes and protected against with a Star Pendant, Ribbon, or a meal providing Poisonproof/Resilient. If the player gets the worst outcome with Ignis's Quick Recipeh, he is inflicted with Poison that ignores immunities (except the Exosuit), but can still be healed. Afflicted units take on a green sheen. The afflicted cannot die from Poison; their HP will simply stop at 1.
Status that inflicts prolonged damage over time.
Exclusive to the party; functions similar to Poison, and is inflicted by the hazardous pools of poison in the Daurell Caverns. This status can't be healed with items, but characters will recover after a short period of time. It can still be avoided with Ribbons, or the Exosuits in combat.
Status when disoriented and behavior is disrupted. Confused allies become unable to discern friend from foe.
Exclusive to the party; for Noctis, it makes him change weapons at random while attacking (it will never pick the Ring of the Lucii or Elemancy, however). When controlling someone, it reverses the player's directional controls, and general immunity to friendly fire is negated; being in the attack vicinity of a confused party member will inflict damage rather than clip harmlessly and trigger usual dodging voice cues. Noctis can still summon when confused. For AI-controlled Gladiolus/Ignis/Prompto, it causes them to attack both friend and foe. If Noctis is AI-controlled and confused, he will warp around randomly and fall down. Confused allies' attacks won't Down anyone. Confused characters' speech has them sound bewildered, dazed and mumbling. The affliction is signified with an iridescent haze around their head. It is cured by Smelling Salts.
When fought as a training partner, Prompto's Starshell can inflict the status on Noctis.
Status when transformed into a toad and actions are restricted.
Exclusive to the party; turns the afflicted party member into a toad. Cured by Maiden's Kiss and protected against with Toadproof food buff and the Moon Pendant accessory. Toads can't do anything but move around. The status expires on its own after a short time. The flashlight on the character's attire that turns on in the dark still appears to work even if the character is a toad.
The toad model is also used for Sania Yeagre's quests.
Status when turned to stone, which prevents all damage as well as movement.
Exclusive to the party; removes all other statuses and makes the afflicted member invincible, but unable to act for a short time. Cured with a Gold Needle or Remedy, and protected against with an Earth Pendant and Ribbon, as well as the Resilient food buff.
Prompto frequently photographs the player when they get petrified in battle.
Status when suspended in time and immobilized.
The afflicted is frozen in time and unable to act. It wears off fast, but the character recoils as they come out of the status. Targets can be stopped midair. The player can inflict it on enemies with the Vigilantes. Prompto can inflict Stop using the Ascension node Scintilla. Enemies inflicted with stop become vulnerable as well. The Golden Hourglass and Ribbon protect against it, as well as the Resilient food buff. It can't be cured with Remedies.
Status that inflicts additional fire damage when struck by an attack.
Deals Fire damage over time, but eventually fades. Both enemies and player can inflict it with any fire-elemental attacks. The Casual Outfit, Trendy Outfit, Thermal Outfit, and Ribbon protect against it.
Status that inflicts additional ice damage when struck by an attack.
Deals Ice damage over time, but eventually fades. Both enemies and player can inflict it with any ice-elemental attacks. The Casual Outfit, Trendy Outfit, and Ribbon protect against it.
Status that inflicts additional lightning damage when struck by an attack.
Deals Lightning damage over time, but eventually fades. Prompto can inflict the status after unlocking the Ascension node Shock Drop. The player can also inflict it with Elemancy or when character-swapping to Ignis and using his elemental dagger attacks. When playing as Ignis, Stormbind's Total Clarity attack is boosted for each enemy under Shocked status; the more targets the player has shocked, the more Ignis can hit. The Casual Outfit, Trendy Outfit, and Ribbon protect against it.
Status that focuses enemy attacks on a single target.
Threatened focuses enemy attacks on a single target. Applied with Prompto's Starshell on certain enemies.
Status signifying all attributes are reduced.
All stats are reduced. Can be applied to some enemies with Prompto's Starshell, or with Cursecast spells. In Episode Ardyn, Ardyn's Dark Tornado can inflict Enervated. Ribbons can protect against it from spell friendly fire, but the Casual Outfits and Trendy Outfits cannot.

Exclusive to enemies; Death is applied by Noctis via the Ring of the Lucii.
Death deals damage, slows the enemy down, and applies a debuff that instantly kills the enemy when fully applied (a red skull appears next to the enemy's name if they can be killed by Death). When Noctis is not casting it, the effect of this invisible debuff gradually wanes. When the "instant death meter" is full, the enemy dies and Noctis recovers half his maximum HP. If the enemy dies from the damage Death deals, Noctis doesn't get healed. Some rare enemies are immune to the instant death effect, but even most bosses are susceptible.
The damage and instant death rate are affected by Noctis's Magic stat and the enemy's hidden "death resistance" stat. Death works at its maximum capacity when Noctis has roughly 500 Magic; increasing his Magic beyond this will not boost Death further. Death ignores buffs obtained from eating food.
Patch 1.06 dramatically improved the instant death rate, removed most enemy immunities, and made Death deal damage.
In Episode Ignis, Noctis can inflict Death on the player by casting the spell from the Ring.
Status that inflicts damage over time with intense heat.
Exclusive to the party; drains HP over time with intense heat, and disables passive HP regen. Applied to the party when traversing heated damage floors in the Rock of Ravatogh or the Disc of Cauthess. Distinct from Burnt, which is caused by coming into contact with open flame, and has a unique orange icon. The Casual Outfits, Trendy Outfit, and Thermal Outfits don't prevent it, but Ribbons do. The Magitek Exosuit only wards it off in battle. This status can't be healed with items, but wears off over time.
Status when incapacitated and open to attack.

An enemy made vulnerable.
Vulnerable enemies will stop attacking and become more susceptible, indicated by "Vulnerable" text. Different enemy types have different conditions for becoming vulnerable, but common ways are to parry their attack, interrupt their attack when they charge it, break their appendages, or warp-strike from far away. Cross chain prompts can be triggered by Noctis. Some weapons, such as the Main Gauches and Abandon of the Vortex, inflict increased damage to vulnerable targets.
Precisely how the vulnerability mechanics work is not explained in any official guide, but it appears each enemy has a hidden meter that causes the status when filled.[1] Different weapons and maneuvers with them fill this hidden gauge at varying rates (e.g. "heavy-hitting" weapons, like greatswords and some royal arms, are better at making enemies vulnerable than daggers or firearms), but it also depends on the player's level; it is nigh impossible to inflict vulnerability on enemies that are on much higher level than the player, making low level challenge playthroughs even more of a challenge. The damage the player's attacks deal does not seem to factor in making enemies vulnerable, only the attack used and the player's level.[1]
The Axe of the Conqueror is exceptionally good at making enemies vulnerable. The longest distance warp-strikes, and a perfectly timed Holy, make the target briefly vulnerable, but for the warp-strike the distance needed depends on the enemy (around 2-3.5x warp-strike multiplier).[1] Breaking an enemy appendage might also immediately put them into a vulnerable state, and certain enemies and bosses become vulnerable when the player parries their attack.
Omega can inflict a unique Vulnerable status on the party represented by a red icon, setting them up to be Downed in one hit from a follow-up blast. This status cannot be healed or blocked with Ribbons.
When controlling Prompto, vulnerable enemies will glow blue and may have the same red icon applied to them, indicating they can be crackshotted. He can crackshot a vulnerable target up to three times. Prompto's Lumen Flares can easily put enemies into a vulnerable state.
During the "Adventurer from Another World" quest, the Attack Node, Defense Node, and Mortar System enemies can have the Vulnerable status icon briefly appear on them when attacked.
In Episode Ardyn, the player can daemonify vulnerable enemies.
Quick Recipeh-based status that rapidly depletes the clarity bar.
Exclusive to Ignis when he is controlled. It is granted by either negative outcome of the Quick Recipeh technique, the former of which leads Ignis to shake his head in disgust, and the more severe causing him to stumble to the ground. Clouded depletes the Total Clarity bar and prevents it from rising. It wears off if Ignis is switched to another character. Ignores immunities.
Quick Recipeh-based status that prevents the damage modifier from increasing.
Exclusive to Ignis when he is controlled. It is granted by either negative outcome of the Quick Recipeh technique, the former of which leads Ignis to shake his head in disgust, and the more severe causing him to stumble to the ground. Inconsistent depletes Ignis's damage meter to 1.0x and prevents it from rising. It wears off if Ignis is switched to another character. Ignores immunities.
List of positive statuses from food[]
Positive statuses from food persist overtime and are displayed in blue at the bottom center of the screen with a meter showing how much time is left. They affect the whole party. Food can be procured at camp by selecting a recipe for Ignis to cook, or by paying for meals at various restaurants. Purchased meals' effects last a fixed 24 in-game hours. Food cooked at camp lasts until sunset. The Aftertaste, Lingering Aftertaste, and Persistent Aftertaste nodes in the Exploration nexus of Ascension boost the duration of camp meals to the sunrise of the next day, the nightfall of the next day, and the sunrise of the second day after, respectively. Food buffs don't lose duration when fast-forwarding time at havens, but will when auto-traveling. Food effects are often incremental, using an effect multiplier to grant enhanced stat buffs.
Some statuses have different names in the food menus than in the main menu icon guide. Resilient is called Immune in the main menu guide; Resistant is Resistance Boost; Technician is Tech Boost; and Endurance is Endurance Boost.
Immune, Critical Boost (as Sharp), Fresh, and Prime were the only food statuses to appear in Episode Duscae.
Name | Effect |
Attack Boost![]() | Strength +10 per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases attack. | |
Magic Boost![]() | Magic +10 per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases magic. | |
Defense Boost![]() | Vitality +10 per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases physical defense. | |
Spirit Boost![]() | Spirit +10 per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases spirit. | |
HP Boost![]() | Max HP +50 per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases maximum HP. | |
Regen Boost![]() | HP Recovery Rate +25% per level. Doesn't affect max HP recovery |
Meal-based bonus that increases HP recovery rate. | |
EXP Boost![]() | EXP +10% per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases experience points earned through combat. | |
Perception Boost![]() | Item drop rate +10% per level. Drop rate increase doesn't affect enemies that do not have a chance to drop nothing. |
Meal-based bonus that incfreases item drop rate. | |
Critical Boost![]() | Critical Rate +10% per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases critical hit rate. | |
Patch notes: Called 'Sharp' in Episode Duscae. | |
Flameproof![]() | Fire Resistance +10% per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases fire resistance | |
Frostproof![]() | Ice Resistance +10% per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases ice resistance | |
Stormproof![]() | Lightning Resistance +10% per level |
Meal-based bonus that increases lightning resistance | |
Poisonproof![]() | Immune to Poison |
Meal-based bonus that prevents poison. | |
Toadproof![]() | Immune to Toad |
Meal-based bonus that prevents toad. | |
Death-Defying![]() | Immune to Instant Death |
Meal-based bonus that prevents instant death. | |
Resilient![]() | Immune to all status ailments besides Instant Death |
Meal-based bonus that provides protection most status ailments. | |
Resistant![]() | Immune to Fire, Ice, and Lightning elemental damage |
Meal-based bonus that mitigates fire, ice, and lightning attacks. | |
Fresh![]() | Strength +50, Magic +50, EXP +10% |
Meal-based bonus that increases all stats. | |
Prime![]() | Strength +75%, Magic +75%, EXP +50% |
Meal-based bonus that significantly increases all stats. | |
Braveheart![]() | Strength +500, Magic becomes 0 |
Meal-based bonus that significantly increases strength, but reduces magic to zero. | |
Magemaster![]() | Magic +500, Strength becomes 0 |
Meal-based bonus that significantly increases magic, but reduces strenght to zero. | |
Last Stand![]() | Max HP reduced to 10%, Strength and Magic +500 |
Meal-based bonus that significantly increases strength and magic, but drastically reduces maximum HP. | |
Clairvoyant![]() | Always land critical hits |
Meal-based bonus that renders every attack a critical hit. | |
Equalizer![]() | +2% damage per level for level difference between attacker and higher-level target |
Meal-based bonus that increases damage dealt based on the level difference between the party and enemies. | |
Endurance![]() | Sprinting does not reduce stamina |
Meal-based bonus that enables unlimited sprinting. | |
Technician![]() | For Noctis: +100% to tech bar fill rate; for allies: +100% tech levelling rate and always perform critical versions of techniques |
Meal-based bonus that accelerates replenishment of the tech bar. | |
Line Boost![]() | Fishing line HP Damage -5% per level |
Meal-based bonus that reduces damage to fishing line. | |
Chocobolster![]() | Chocobo Stamina Decrease Rate -5% per level |
Meal-based bonus that decelerates chocobo stamina depletion rate. |
List of positive chocobo statuses from food[]
Like with the party, chocobos can be fed at camp. These statuses are likewise displayed in blue.
Meal-based bonus that increases chocobo stamina.
Increases chocobo stamina. It is applied by feeding chocobos Mimett Greens.
Meal-based bonus that increases chocobo top speed.
Increases chocobo top speed. It is applied by feeding chocobos Curiel Greens.
Meal-based bonus that increases chocobo jump distance.
Increases chocobo jump distance. It is applied by feeding chocobos Reagan Greens.
Meal-based bonus that increases chocobo stamina, top speed, and jump distance.
Increases chocobo stamina, top speed, and jump distance. It is applied by feeding chocobos Sylkis Greens.
Other statuses[]
Status when weaknesses have been scanned.
Exclusive to enemies; not considered positive or negative, though it is beneficial to the party. It is displayed in black and white. To apply Libra to an enemy and reveal their stats and damage type defenses, the player can lock onto an enemy with Noctis in Wait mode and scan it to fill a radial meter, or obtain the Analyze node in the Teamwork nexus in Ascension, which allows Ignis to attempt to reveal the info by using the skill for a chance of success rather than length of time.
Enemies have a value representing the number of seconds a scan takes which doubles as a resistance to Analyze and can even have immunity to Libra. Noctis can't scan enemies with the Cerberus sniper rifle, or while hanging from a point-warp location.
If Noctis, Ignis, or Gladiolus use up all of their MP while they're controlled, they enter Stasis. In the Episode Duscae demo, Noctis is momentarily stunned, then for the next few seconds unable to gain any MP, therefore unable to defend, warp, or use abilities. In the final game, Noctis can continue fighting with normal attacks at no penalty, but can only brace attacks instead of phase through them (albeit reducing damage taken by a noticeable amount), and will be briefly stunned if attempting to warp-strike. Shields can still be used to block even in Stasis, and Airslip works when in Stasis with a shield.
MP regeneration halts until Noctis stops attacking for several seconds, or takes cover. Stasis can be recovered in this manner or with MP recovery items. Point-warping fully refills MP and can be used to recover from Stasis. The Static Edge node of the Combat nexus in Ascension significantly increases damage dealt while in Stasis, making it potentially advantageous in certain situations.
Stasis does not have an icon, but is shown on the MP bar with the word "Stasis" in large letters surrounded by a pink effect. The Stasis period for Gladiolus and Ignis is significantly shorter than for Noctis, but they cannot dodge-roll or brace attacks. In Episode Ardyn, Ardyn likewise recovers quicker from Stasis than Noctis.
Stasis has no effect in Armiger. Though using Alterna uses up all MP, it doesn't put Noctis into Stasis.

Ardyn in Overkill.
When Ardyn's HP is depleted in Episode Ardyn, rather than entering Danger, he enters Overkill, in which he transforms into an undying state. His MP and phantasmal meter are depleted, and his blitz combo becomes a string of powerful punches. Ifrit can't be summoned in this state.
Ardyn's max HP doesn't drain over time but will deplete from taking hits, though he won't be staggered. After waiting a period of time, or using an item, he will revert to normal and restore his HP.