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Final Fantasy Wiki
The following list is based on a combination of in-game sources and fan conjecture - many enemy families have not been named or classified by official Square Enix material; the current classifications are merely placeholders.

The sole requirements for being classified as a spoken are that the intelligent creature not only possesses an independent language, but that the language be capable of interpretation by another spoken of a differing genus.

A list of Spoken (六識綱, Rokushikikō?) enemies from Final Fantasy XIV, which consists of the various intelligent mortal races of Eorzea.

For enemies from playable and similar races with standard disciplines, see Disciples of War or Disciples of Magic. While other races may also hold disciplines, they are more prone to having unique actions defined by their race that distinguish them from standard disciplines.

For dragon or Omicron enemies, see their respective pages. While these races qualify as spoken, they are numerous and varied enough to have their own pages.



The Amalj’aa are a race of nomadic beastmen native to the grasslands of Paglth'an, where they subsist on wandering herds of sheep or small scalekin. Both male and female of the species train in the arts of combat, and any who seek to impede the path of these proud warrior tribes are scourged with fire and steel. For generations the Amalj'aa have made pilgrimage to their holy lands in Thanalan, a practice which often brings them into contact—and conflict—with the inhabitants of Ul'dah.

Amalj'aa Archer[]

Amalj'aa Archer from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Amalj'aa Archer
アマルジャ・アーチャー, Amaruja Āchā?
249 168 FATE 15 319 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Westward Bound Westward Bound
FATE 30 780 From Point A From Point A[note 1]
741 Rank 1 47 2,314 Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
FATE 42 1,789 Heroes of the 2nd Heroes of the 2nd
Amalj'aa Hunter
アマルジャ・ハンター, Amaruja Hantā?
250 737 FATE 18 394 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Eastern Thanalan Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa Liberator
アマルジャ・リベレーター, Amaruja Riberētā?
4313 Rank 1 52 A Matter of Fact A Matter of Fact
Amalj'aa Ranger
アマルジャ・レンジャー, Amaruja Renjā?
251 168 Rank 1 27 677 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Eastern Thanalan Eastern Thanalan
Rank 1 22-26
Rank 1 22 493
Rank 1 23 532
Rank 1 24 568
Rank 1 25 594
Rank 1 26 641
Don't Tear Down This Wall Don't Tear Down This Wall
Rank 1 29-33
Rank 1 29 750
Rank 1 30 780
Rank 1 31 887
Rank 1 32 965
Rank 1 33 1,055
And Then There Were None And Then There Were None
969 Rank 1 20 247 Lord of the Inferno Lord of the Inferno
Amalj'aa Ravager
アマルジャ・ラベジャー, Amaruja Rabejā?
1177 1244 Rank 1 15 319 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire That Old Familiar Feeling That Old Familiar Feeling
Amalj'aa Scavenger
アマルジャ・スカベンジャー, Amaruja Sukabenjā?
1389 741 Rank 1 45 2,112 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa Sniper
アマルジャ・スナイパー, Amaruja Sunaipā?
252 168 Rank 1 32 965 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Flamefang Archer
フレイム・アーチャー, Fureimu Āchā?
2307 2459 Rank 1 43 1,134 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Brotherhood of Ash Brotherhood of Ash
2686 Rank 1 46 1,308 Ranger Rescue Ranger Rescue
Flamefang Commander
フレイム・コマンダー, Fureimu Komandā?
2368 2501 FATE 49 25,210 2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Quenching the Flame Quenching the Flame
Whitespark Hepugg Roh
火打のハプグ・ロー, Hiuchi no Hapugu Rō?
1507 2134 FATE 50 26,097 2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Spark off the Bench Spark off the Bench
Zahar'ak Archer
ザハラク・アーチャー, Zaharaku Āchā?
1838 741
Rank 1 48-49
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Zanr'ak Archer
ザンラク・アーチャー, Zanraku Āchā?
2296 741 Rank 1 49 2,501 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan

Amalj'aa Lancer[]

Amalj'aa Lancer from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Amalj'aa Halberdier
アマルジャ・ハープナー, Amaruja Hāpunā?
248 970 Rank 1 21 503 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Lord of the Inferno Lord of the Inferno
2113 FATE 43 1,172 Call Me, Mayhaps Call Me, Mayhaps
Amalj'aa Halberdier
アマルジャ・ハルバルディア, Amaruja Harubarudia?
2155 166 Rank 1 32 965 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa Impaler
アマルジャ・インペイラー, Amaruja Inpeirā?
246 735 Rank 1 6 108 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Central Thanalan Central Thanalan
Amalj'aa Javelinier
アマルジャ・ジャベリナー, Amaruja Jaberinā?
247 735 Rank 1 18 394 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Eastern Thanalan Eastern Thanalan
Amalj'aa Lancer
アマルジャ・ランサー, Amaruja Ransā?
245 166 FATE 15 319 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Bazaar Blood Triangle Bazaar Blood Triangle
Westward Bound Westward Bound
FATE 24 568 Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny
FATE 30 780 From Point A From Point A
Rank 1 45-47
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 47 2,314
Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
1980 Rank 1 25 504 Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo
Amalj'aa Liberator
アマルジャ・リベレーター, Amaruja Riberētā?
4313 Rank 1 52 A Matter of Fact A Matter of Fact
Amalj'aa Ravager
アマルジャ・ラベジャー, Amaruja Rabejā?
1177 166 Rank 1 7 162 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust The Threat of Paucity The Threat of Paucity
Rank 1 12 243 Unsolved Mystery Unsolved Mystery
Amalj'aa Seer
アマルジャ・シーア, Amaruja Shīa?
259 166
Rank 1 21-25
Rank 1 21 458
Rank 1 22 493
Rank 1 23 532
Rank 1 24 568
Rank 1 25 594
1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust A Cold-blooded Business A Cold-blooded Business
Flamefang Lancer
フレイム・ランサー, Fureimu Ransā?
2309 2455 Rank 1 49 3,751 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Nothing Sacred Nothing Sacred
2461 Rank 1 49 1,500 An Eye on the Inside An Eye on the Inside
2685 Rank 1 46 1,308 Ranger Rescue Ranger Rescue
Flamefang Ravager
フレイム・ラベジャー, Fureimu Rabejā?
2300 739 Rank 1 43 1,891 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Ravage the Ravagers Ravage the Ravagers
Rank 1 46 2,180 Before They Are Tempered Before They Are Tempered
2455 Rank 1 46 3,270 Douse Them While They're Down Douse Them While They're Down
Glassjaw Nazagg Gah
石英のナザグ・ガー, Sekiei no Nazagu Gā?
876 1278 FATE 18 3,971 1.5y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Bad Camp Bad Camp
Gore Horde Lancer
ゴアホード・ランサー, Goahōdo Ransā?
1724 2110 FATE 45 2,112 1.5y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust An Inconvenient Truth An Inconvenient Truth
Rank 1 40 Heroic Reprise Heroic Reprise
Zahar'ak Guard
ザハラク・ガード, Zaharaku Gādo?
2304 739 Rank 1 49 2,501 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Fodder for the Flamefangs Fodder for the Flamefangs
Zahar'ak Lancer
ザハラク・ランサー, Zaharaku Ransā?
1837 739
Rank 1 48-49
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Zanr'ak Gaolkeeper
ザンラク・ジェイルキーパー, Zanraku Jeirukīpā?
2301 739 Rank 1 49 2,501 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust An Eye on the Inside An Eye on the Inside
Zanr'ak Lancer
ザンラク・ランサー, Zanraku Ransā?
2297 739 Rank 1 48 2,383 1.2y Attack, Enfire, True Thrust Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan

Amalj'aa Pugilist[]

Amalj'aa Pugilist from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Amalj'aa Brigand
アマルジャ・ブリガンド, Amaruja Burigando?
1388 740 Rank 1 45 2,112 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Amalj'aa Bruiser
アマルジャ・ブルーザー, Amaruja Burūzā?
256 167 Rank 1 26 641 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Rank 1 27 677 Eastern Thanalan Eastern Thanalan
FATE 23 532 Run Like a Flame Run Like a Flame
Rank 1 21-25
Rank 1 21 458
Rank 1 22 493
Rank 1 23 532
Rank 1 24 568
Rank 1 25 594
A Cold-blooded Business A Cold-blooded Business
Rank 1 24-28
Rank 1 24 568
Rank 1 25 594
Rank 1 26 641
Rank 1 27 677
Rank 1 28 714
Don't Tear Down This Wall Don't Tear Down This Wall
Rank 1 29-33
Rank 1 29 750
Rank 1 30 780
Rank 1 31 887
Rank 1 32 965
Rank 1 33 1,055
And Then There Were None And Then There Were None
968 Rank 1 20 433 Lord of the Inferno Lord of the Inferno
Amalj'aa Inculcator
アマルジャ・インカルケイター, Amaruja Inkarukeitā?
3104 Rank 1 50 All in the Family All in the Family
Amalj'aa Porter
アマルジャ・パッカー, Amaruja Pakkā?
2302 2456 Rank 1 46 3,270 1.5y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Hard to Port Hard to Port
Amalj'aa Pugilist
アマルジャ・ピュージャリスト, Amaruja Pyūjarisuto?
253 167 FATE 15 319 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Bazaar Blood Triangle Bazaar Blood Triangle
Westward Bound Westward Bound
FATE 30 780 From Point A From Point A
Rank 1 45-47
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 47 2,314
Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
1978 Rank 1 25 504 Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo
Amalj'aa Striker
アマルジャ・ストライカー, Amaruja Sutoraikā?
254 736 Rank 1 6 108 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Central Thanalan Central Thanalan
Bloodshower Atabb Chah
血祭のアタブ・チャー, Chimatsuri no Atabu Chā?
4261 Rank 1 40 Heroic Reprise Heroic Reprise
Diamondjaw Nezedd Gah
金剛のネゼド・ガー, Kongō no Nezedo Gā?
257 2131 FATE 48 24,020 2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Diamond in the Rough Diamond in the Rough
Flamefang Elite
フレイム・エリート, Fureimu Erīto?
2369 740 FATE 49 1,550 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Quenching the Flame Quenching the Flame
Flamefang Pugilist
フレイム・ピュージャリスト, Fureimu Pyūjarisuto?
2306 2458 Rank 1 43 1,134 1.2y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Brotherhood of Ash Brotherhood of Ash
2462 Rank 1 49 1,250 An Eye on the Inside An Eye on the Inside
Nayokk Roh
人買のナヨク・ロー, Hitokai no Nayoku Rō?
1242 804 FATE 26 23,076 1.5y Attack, Devastate, Enfire Attack on Highbridge: Act III Attack on Highbridge: Act III
Attack on Highbridge: Denouement Attack on Highbridge: Denouement
Stonespike Tanadd Gah
石突のタナド・ガー, Ishizuki no Tanado Gā?
1977 1889 Rank 1 31 1,330 1.5y Attack, Devastate, Enfire The Perfect Prey The Perfect Prey
Zahar'ak Hatchling
ザハラク・リクルート, Zaharaku Rikurūto?
2305 740 Rank 1 49 2,501 1.2 Attack, Devastate, Enfire Hatchling Humiliation Hatchling Humiliation
Zahar'ak Pugilist
ザハラク・ピュージャリスト, Zaharaku Pyūjarisuto?
1839 740
Rank 1 48-49
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
1.2 Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Zahar'ak Stalwart
ザハラク・スタルワート, Zaharaku Sutaruwāto?
1731 740 FATE 46 2,180 1.2 Attack, Devastate, Enfire Gyve Talk Gyve Talk
Zanr'ak Pugilist
ザンラク・ピュージャリスト, Zanraku Pyūjarisuto?
1880 740
Rank 1 48-49
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
1.2 Attack, Devastate, Enfire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan

Amalj'aa Thaumaturge[]

Amalj'aa Thaumaturge from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Amalj'aa Divinator
アマルジャ・ディヴィネーター, Amaruja Divinētā?
260 169 Rank 1 32 965 1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
2114 FATE 43 1,172 Call Me, Mayhaps Call Me, Mayhaps
Amalj'aa Flamekeeper
アマルジャ・フレイムキーパー, Amaruja Fureimukīpā?
2298 2454 Rank 1 46 3,270 1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Beacon Keepers Beacon Keepers
Amalj'aa Inculcator
アマルジャ・インカルケイター, Amaruja Inkarukeitā?
3104 Rank 1 50 All in the Family All in the Family
Amalj'aa Ravager
アマルジャ・ラベジャー, Amaruja Rabejā?
1177 1238 Rank 1 7 94 1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire The Threat of Paucity The Threat of Paucity
Amalj'aa Seer
アマルジャ・シーア, Amaruja Shīa?
259 169 Rank 1 26 641 1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
FATE 23 532 Run Like a Flame Run Like a Flame
Rank 1 22-26
Rank 1 22 493
Rank 1 23 532
Rank 1 24 568
Rank 1 25 594
Rank 1 26 641
Don't Tear Down This Wall Don't Tear Down This Wall
Amalj'aa Shaman
アマルジャ・シャーマン, Amaruja Shāman?
1725 169 FATE 45 1,309 1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Future Shock Future Shock
Amalj'aa Thaumaturge
アマルジャ・サーマタージ, Amaruja Sāmatāji?
258 169 FATE 30 780 1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire From Point A From Point A[note 1]
742 Rank 1 45 2,112 Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
FATE 46 2,180 Hunters and the Hunted Hunters and the Hunted
Blackbile Maladd Chah
呪言のマラド・チャー, Jugen no Marado Chā?
884 1286 FATE 32 9,727 1.5y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Blood, Augur, Hex, Magicks Blood, Augur, Hex, Magicks
Blackstake Rodegg Chah
焚刑のロデグ・チャー, Funkei no Rodegu Chā?
1127 1095
Rank 1 30-34
Rank 1 30 3,120
Rank 1 31 3,548
Rank 1 32 3,860
Rank 1 33 4,220
Rank 1 34 4,568
1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Grapevine of Wrath Grapevine of Wrath
Blazehorn Monabb Chah
燃犀のムナブ・チャー, Nensai no Munabu Chā?
2512 2454 Rank 1 49 3,751 1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Martial Perfection Martial Perfection
Cindersoot Pegujj Chah
黒煙のペグジ・チャー, Kurokemuri no Peguji Chā?
1506 2132 FATE 49 25,210 2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Return to Cinder Return to Cinder
Flamecrest Afajj Koh
火印のアファジ・コー, Hishirushi no Afaji Kō?
2354 2506 FATE 48 12,391 2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire He's a Firestarter He's a Firestarter
Gore Horde Thaumaturge
ゴアホード・サーマタージ, Goahōdo Sāmatāji?
4260 Rank 1 40 Heroic Reprise Heroic Reprise
Highcant Hatsugg Chah
福音のハツグ・チャー, Fukuin no Hatsugu Chā?
992 967 Rank 1 24 11,360 1.2y Blizzard, Blizzard II, Fire, Scathe, Thunder II Lord of the Inferno Lord of the Inferno
Lavafang Hemozz Teh
熱牙のヘモズ・テー, Netsukiba no Hemozu Tē?
2067 1977 Rank 1 28 5,712 1.2y Benight, Blizzard, Blizzard II, Fire, Fire II, Scathe, Thunder II Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo
Zahar'ak Fortune-teller[note 2]
ザハラク・フォーチュンテラー, Zaharaku Fōchunterā?
2303 2457 Rank 1 49 2,501 1.5y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Zahar'ak Thaumaturge
ザハラク・サーマタージ, Zaharaku Sāmatāji?
1840 742
Rank 1 48-49
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan
Zanr'ak Thaumaturge
ザンラク・サーマタージ, Zanraku Sāmatāji?
1879 742
Rank 1 48-49
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
1.2y Blaze Spikes, Devastate, Fire Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan


A serpent-like people who inhabit the mountains of Gyr Abania. Consisting solely of women, this tribe has existed since the time of the Allagans, and are famed for their proficiency with gemcraft, employing age-old magicks handed down through generations.

Ananta Brahmin[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Dreaming Brahmin
テンパード・ブラフミン, Tenpādo Burafumin?
6388 Rank 1 70 Emanation (Extreme) Emanation (Extreme)
Qalyana Brahmin
カリヤナ・ブラフミン, Kariyana Burafumin?
5691 Rank 1 67 The Fringes The Fringes

Ananta Kshatriya[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Dreaming Kshatriya
テンパード・クシャトリア, Tenpādo Kushatoria?
6386 Rank 1 67 Emanation Emanation
Rank 1 70 Emanation (Extreme) Emanation (Extreme)
Qalyana Kshatriya
カリヤナ・クシャトリア, Kariyana Kushatoria?
5689 Rank 1 67 The Fringes The Fringes
FATE 64 M Bop M Bop
Shadow-dweller Yamini
宵闇のヤミニ, Yoiyami no Yamini?
6008 Rank 4 70 The Hunt The Fringes

Ananta Shudra[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Dreaming Shudra
テンパード・シュードラ, Tenpādo Shūdora?
6387 Rank 1 70 Emanation (Extreme) Emanation (Extreme)
Qalyana Shudra
カリヤナ・シュードラ, Kariyana Shūdora?
5690 Rank 1 67 The Fringes The Fringes


In a forgotten age when the world was yet whole, the star was known not as "Hydaelyn" but as "Etheirys." Those who dwelt upon it were our oldest ancestors, a people we now call the "ancients."
Compared to modern man, they were possessed of far superior physical and aetheric attributes, and were so long-lived as to be practically immortal. They assumed the role of the star's custodians, and, thriving on its bounty, their arcane arts advanced to an almost miraculous degree. Devising godlike creation magicks, they devoted their lives to the better of their world.

Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV Volume III, p.6
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Shadow of the Ancients
古代人の影, Kodaijin no Kage?
Rank 1 80 The Dying Gasp The Dying Gasp
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy


Servants of Darkness, the Ascians are pledged to Zodiark, a celestial syzygy legend holds was exiled to the moon by Hydaelyn Herself. From the shadows, they have shaped history by imparting forbidden knowledge unto mortals, stoking the fires of war while revealing the secrets of primal summoning. Throughout history they have been known by many a name, among those, Paragons and the Bringers of Chaos.

Lahabrea from FFXIV battle render
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Ascian of the Twelfth Chalice
十二杯のアシエン, Jūnihai no Ashien?
3823 Rank 1 60 A Flare for the Dramatic A Flare for the Dramatic
アシエン・イゲオルム, Ashien Igeorumu?
3822 Rank 6 60 The Aetherochemical Research Facility The Aetherochemical Research Facility
Igeyorhm's Shade
アシエン・イゲオルム, Igeorumu no Kage?
9182 Rank 6 80 The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy
アシエン・ラハブレア, Ashien Rahaburea?
2143 1976 Rank 6 50 81,708 1y Dark Orb, Grip of Night, Sea of Pitch, Shadow Flare The Praetorium The Praetorium (original)
Rank 6 60 The Aetherochemical Research Facility The Aetherochemical Research Facility
Rank 6 70 The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate) The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate)
Rank 6 80 The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy
14643 Rank 6 50 119,119 1.75y Ancient Cross, Ancient Eruption, Ancient Fire III, Arcane Revelation, Burst Flare, Dark Meltdown, Dark Thunder, Double, End of Days, Firesphere, Fluid Flare, Grip of Night, Illusory Creation, Nightburn, Sea of Pitch Devastation Devastation
Lahabrea's Shade
ラハブレアの影, Rahaburea no Kage?
9181 Rank 6 80 The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy
アシエン・ナプリアレス, Ashien Napuriaresu?
3287 Rank 6 50 The Chrysalis The Chrysalis
Nabriales's Shade
ナプリアレスの影, Napuriaresu no Kage?
9180 Rank 6 80 The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy

Ascian Prime[]

Calling upon the power of the Echo to break down the barriers of their souls, the Ascians Lahabrea and Igeyorhm merged into a single entity. As one, they proved far more formidable than the sum of their individual forms, and were capable of wielding the mightiest magicks with fearsome ease. Thus freed from their mortal vessels, they assumed a ghastly appearance befitting the servants of Darkness.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Ascian Prime
アシエン・プライム, Ashien Puraimu?
3823 Rank 6 60 The Aetherochemical Research Facility The Aetherochemical Research Facility
Ascian Prime's Shade
アシエン・プライムの影, Ashien Puraimu no Kage?
9183 Rank 6 80 The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy


Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
アテナ, Atena?
12377 Rank 6 90 Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle
Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage) Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage)
Eden's Promise
プロミス・オブ・エデン, Puromisu obu Eden?
9813 Rank 6 80 Eden's Promise: Eternity Eden's Promise: Eternity
Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage) Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)
エリクトニオス, Erikutoniosu?
Rank 6 90 Asphodelos: The First Circle Asphodelos: The First Circle
Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage) Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage)
ハーデス, Hādesu?
Rank 6 80 The Dying Gasp The Dying Gasp
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy
ヘルメス, Herumesu?
Rank 6 87 Ktisis Hyperboreia Ktisis Hyperboreia
Oracle of Darkness
闇の巫女, Yami no Miko?
9832 Rank 6 80 Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage) Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)
テミス, Temisu?
Rank 6 90 Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle
Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage) Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage)

Au Ra[]

Hailing from the Far Eastern continent of Othard, the Au Ra were a rare sight in Eorzea until most recently, when increasing unrest in their homeland forced a not-insignificant number of their people to journey west in search of asylum.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Ruby Princess
紅玉姫, Kōgyokuhime?
6241 Rank 5 63 Shisui of the Violet Tides Shisui of the Violet Tides


The Cyclopes dwell in the western parts of Abalathia’s Spine, and are immediately recognizable by the sinple eye thar dominates their broad faces. Though thickly muscled and possessed of prodigious strength, these dim-witted creatures are often enslaved and used as shock troops by the more cunning beast tribes.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
アルゲス, Arugesu?
5059 Rank 1 60 The Aquapolis The Aquapolis
ブロンテス, Burontesu?
2958 3214 Rank 4 50 1,861,491 6y 10-tonze Swing, 10-tonze Swipe, Attack, Eye of the Beholder, Glower, Predatorial Instinct The Hunt Central Thanalan
コインカウンター, Koinkauntā?
1533 1470 Rank 5 47 52,157 4y 10-tonze Swing, 100-tonze Swing, 100-tonze Swipe, Animal Instinct, Attack, Eye of the Beholder, Glower The Aurum Vale The Aurum Vale
Deep Palace Snowclops
ディープパレス・スノウクロプス, Dīpuparesu Sunōkuropusu?
5453 Rank 1 60 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 171-180) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 171-180)
モノアイ, Monoai?
6843 Ice 19 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos
Palace Cyclops
パレス・サイクロプス, Paresu Saikuropusu?
5325 Rank 1 60 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 71-80) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 71-80)
ポリュペモス, Poryupemosu?
7172 Ice 14 Sing, Muse Sing, Muse
ピュラクモン, Pyurakumon?
2597 Rank 5 50 Halatali (Hard) Halatali (Hard)
ルノー, Runō?
2627 Rank 1 50 The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2
The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) - Turn 2 The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) - Turn 2
スノウクロプス, Sunōkuropusu?
3032 Rank 1 50 Snowcloak Snowcloak
ステロペス, Suteropesu?
1445 1794 FATE 39 285,660 6y 10-tonze Swing, 10-tonze Swipe, 100-tonze Swing, Attack The Eyes Have It The Eyes Have It
The Strongman
モチツキ・サイクロプス, Mochitsuki Saikuropusu?
FATE 5-15
Pounding Rice, Pounding Hearts Pounding Rice, Pounding Hearts


A queer by-product of Leviathan's tempering, the drowned are not only corrupted of mind, but of body as well—their limbs taking on properties most associated with wavekin and other denizens of the seas. While the drowned are believed to retain a portion of their former knowledge immediately after receiving the Lord of the Whorl’s “blessing,” the advancement of the transformation appears to result in an accelerated loss of the “self,” culminating in the complete devolution into a mindless thrall.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Captain's Slave
元船長の奴隷, Motosenchō no Dorei?
3019 Rank 1 50 Sastasha (Hard) Sastasha (Hard)
Drowned Boatswain
ドロウンド・ボースン, Dorōndo Bōsun?
3005 Rank 2 50 Sastasha (Hard) Sastasha (Hard)
Drowned Powder Monkey
ドロウンド・パウダーモンキー, Dorōndo Paudāmonkī?
3004 Rank 2 50 Sastasha (Hard) Sastasha (Hard)


The Ea are believed to have once been organic creatures composed of aehter like any other, though information concerning this earlier stage of their existence if limited. Having achieved the pinnacle of technological advancement, they possessed the secrets of biological immortality. Nevertheless, they were ill content. Believing that what stood between them and true fulfullment were the limitations of the physical, they sought to transcend them by transitioning to purely spiritual forms.

Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV Volume III, p.73
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Drifting Ea
ドリフティング・イーア, Dorifutingu Īa?
10420 Rank 1 89 Ultima Thule Ultima Thule
Expansive One
エクスパンシヴ・ワン, Ekusupanshivu Wan?
Rank 1 80-90
Rank 1 80
Rank 1 81
Rank 1 82
Rank 1 83
Rank 1 84
Rank 1 85
Rank 1 86
Rank 1 87
Rank 1 88
Rank 1 89
Rank 1 90
Remember Me Remember Me
Flux Ea
豹変したイーア, Hyōhen Shita Īa?
Rank 1 80-90
Rank 1 80
Rank 1 81
Rank 1 82
Rank 1 83
Rank 1 84
Rank 1 85
Rank 1 86
Rank 1 87
Rank 1 88
Rank 1 89
Rank 1 90
Eat Like an Ea Eat Like an Ea
Melancholic Ea
メランコリック・イーア, Merankorikku Īa?
10810 FATE 86 Dead Inside Dead Inside
ナロー=リフト, Narō=rifuto?
10622 Rank 4 90 The Hunt Ultima Thule
Unified Ea
統合されたイーア, Tōgō Sareta Īa?
Rank 1 80-90
Rank 1 80
Rank 1 81
Rank 1 82
Rank 1 83
Rank 1 84
Rank 1 85
Rank 1 86
Rank 1 87
Rank 1 88
Rank 1 89
Rank 1 90
Ending as One Ending as One


Slender of body and long of limb, the Elezen were once the predominant race of all Eorzea, and to this day harbor a deep pride at being the chosen race of the gods.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Lord Tolthewil
幻影王トルスウィル, Geneiō Torusuwiru?
9061 Rank 2 80 The Grand Cosmos The Grand Cosmos


To understand the history of Garlemald, one must first understand the character of its people. Known to be strong of body, the most distinguishing Garlean trait is a third eye sitting at the center of the forehead. This ocular organ resembles a pearl, and grants purebloods superior spatial recognition. Garleans have little inborn ability to manipulate their body’s aether, however, and thus the arcane arts have ever eluded all but a few.


For much of their history, the giants lived as slaves of the gigas. When their masters grew distracted by preparations to migrate to Mor Dhona, however, the giants seized the opportunity to revolt. Those who escaped the shackles of servitude fled to distant lands, with many finding refuge in the snowy fields of Coerthas.

Giant Logger[]

Giant Logger from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Giant Captive
ジャイアント・プリズナー, Jaianto Purizunā?
2036 1933 Rank 1 45 3,168 1.9y Attack, Catapult, Overpower Double Dragoon Double Dragoon
Giant Codcarrier
ジャイアント・コッドキャリアー, Jaianto Koddokyariā?
4394 Rank 1 50 Our Answer Our Answer
Giant Logger
ジャイアント・ロガー, Jaianto Rogā?
785 721 Rank 1 46 2,180 1.9y Attack, Catapult, Overpower Coerthas Central Highlands Coerthas Central Highlands
FATE 37 1,409 Riddle Me This Riddle Me This
FATE 42 1,789 Tower of Power Tower of Power
FATE 46 2,180 Turn Off Your Hearthlight Turn Off Your Hearthlight
Giant Ripper
ジャイアント・リッパー, Jaianto Rippā?
1630 721
Rank 1 30-34
Rank 1 30 780
Rank 1 31 887
Rank 1 32 965
Rank 1 33 1,055
Rank 1 34 1,142
1.9y Attack, Catapult, Overpower Someone's Got a Big Mouth Someone's Got a Big Mouth
Rank 1 39-43
Rank 1 39 1,587
Rank 1 40 1,601
Rank 1 41 1,703
Rank 1 42 1,789
Rank 1 43 1,891
You Dropped Something You Dropped Something
1817 Rank 1 40 1,601 Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
クリュティオス, Kuryutiosu?
1433 1786 FATE 46 21,974 3.8y Attack, Catapult, Overpower The Bigger They Are The Bigger They Are
Polis Ripper
アクアポリス・リッパー, Akuaporisu Rippā?
5142 Rank 1 60 The Aquapolis The Aquapolis
Second Eye
ステロペスの弟子, Suteropesu no Deshi?
1447 721 FATE 39 1,587 1.9y Attack, Catapult, Overpower The Eyes Have It The Eyes Have It

Giant Lugger[]

Giant Lugger from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Giant Drubber
ジャイアント・ドラッバー, Jaianto Dorabbā?
1631 722
Rank 1 30-34
Rank 1 30 780
Rank 1 31 887
Rank 1 32 965
Rank 1 33 1,055
Rank 1 34 1,142
1.9y Attack, Bestial Bay Someone's Got a Big Mouth Someone's Got a Big Mouth
Rank 1 39-43
Rank 1 39 1,587
Rank 1 40 1,601
Rank 1 41 1,703
Rank 1 42 1,789
Rank 1 43 1,891
You Dropped Something You Dropped Something
Rank 1 37-40
Rank 1 37 1,409
Rank 1 40 1,601
Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Rank 1 40-44
Rank 1 40 1,601
Rank 1 41 1,703
Rank 1 42 1,789
Rank 1 43 1,891
Rank 1 44 2,008
No Big Whoop No Big Whoop
Giant Lugger
ジャイアント・ラガー, Jaianto Ragā?
786 722 Rank 1 46 2,180 1.9y Attack, Bestial Bay Coerthas Central Highlands Coerthas Central Highlands
FATE 37 1,409 Riddle Me This Riddle Me This[note 3]
FATE 42 1,789 Tower of Power Tower of Power
FATE 46 2,180 Turn Off Your Hearthlight Turn Off Your Hearthlight
Giant Rockslave
ジャイアント・ロックスレイヴ, Jaianto Rokkusureivu?
4395 Rank 1 50 Our Answer Our Answer
Polis Drubber
アクアポリス・ドラッバー, Akuaporisu Dorabbā?
5143 Rank 1 60 The Aquapolis The Aquapolis

Giant Reader[]

Giant Reader from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
美声のエウリュトス, Bisei no Euryutosu?
1632 1819 Rank 4 41 13,624 2.28y Attack, Bestial Bay, Fire, Paralyze Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Giant Reader
ジャイアント・リーダー, Jaianto Rīdā?
787 723 Rank 1 46 2,180 1.9y Attack, Bestial Bay, Fire, Paralyze Coerthas Central Highlands Coerthas Central Highlands
FATE 37 1,409 Riddle Me This Riddle Me This[note 3]
FATE 42 1,789 Tower of Power Tower of Power
FATE 46 2,180 Turn Off Your Hearthlight Turn Off Your Hearthlight
Giant Talker
ジャイアント・トーカー, Jaianto Tōkā?
1787 1849
Rank 1 40-44
Rank 1 40 1,601
Rank 1 41 1,703
Rank 1 42 1,789
Rank 1 43 1,891
Rank 1 44 2,008
1.9y Attack, Bestial Bay, Fire, Paralyze No Big Whoop No Big Whoop
Gorn the Garrgh
賞金首:ゴーン・ザ・ガー, Shōkinkubi: Gōn za Gā?
1776 1840
Rank 1 45-49
Rank 1 45 2,534
Rank 1 46 2,616
Rank 1 47 2,776
Rank 1 48 2,859
Rank 1 49 3,001
2.28y Attack, Bestial Bay, Fire, Paralyze A Toad Less Taken A Toad Less Taken
Big, Bad Idea Big, Bad Idea
Necrologos: The Liminal Ones Necrologos: The Liminal Ones
One of Our Naturalists Is Missing One of Our Naturalists Is Missing
Put Your Stomp on It Put Your Stomp on It
Turnabout's Fair Play Turnabout's Fair Play
Loudmouth Coeus
罵声のコイオス, Basei no Koiosu?
4122 Rank 1 50 Our Answer Our Answer
怒号のミマス, Dogō no Mimasu?
1786 1854
Rank 1 40-44
Rank 1 40 6,404
Rank 1 41 6,812
Rank 1 42 7,156
Rank 1 43 7,564
Rank 1 44 8,032
2.28y Attack, Bestial Bay, Fire, Paralyze Someone's Got a Big Mouth Someone's Got a Big Mouth
Polis Talker
アクアポリス・トーカー, Akuaporisu Tōkā?
5144 Rank 1 60 The Aquapolis The Aquapolis


As the “brightest” amongst the gigants, the gigas have long subjugated their less-gifted kin. They believe hair and beards to be a sign of wisdom, and customarily wear theirs long, binding the coarse strands with decorative rings of metal or leather. Gigas also favor jewelry and other bodily adornments, but lack the dexterity to craft such items themselves. Forced to trade with goblin or Qiqirn merchants, they barter away trophies obtained through hunting and pillaging.

Gigas Bhikkhu[]

Gigas Bhikkhu from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Beggar Bhikkhu
ベガー・ビク, Begā Biku?
1772 730
Rank 1 43-47
Rank 1 43 1,891
Rank 1 44 2,008
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
1.9y Attack, Bone Powder, Sentinel The Awry Salvages The Awry Salvages
Rank 1 45-49
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
One Big Problem Solved One Big Problem Solved
Put Your Stomp on It Put Your Stomp on It
Crius Longbeard
長房のクレイオス, Nagabusa no Kureiosu?
1629 1816 Rank 4 41 13,624 2.28y Attack, Bone Powder, Sentinel Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
弁髪のクロノス, Benpatsu no Kuronosu?
2006 1914 Rank 1 45 3,168 2.85y Attack, Bone Powder, Sentinel Holier than Thou Holier than Thou
Gigas Bhikkhu
ギガース・ビク, Gigāsu Biku?
649 730 Rank 1 49 2,501 1.9y Attack, Bone Powder, Sentinel Mor Dhona Mor Dhona

Gigas Bonze[]

Gigas Bonze (gladiator) from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Beggar Bonze
ベガー・ボンズ, Begā Bonzu?
1766 728
Rank 1 31-35
Rank 1 31 887
Rank 1 32 965
Rank 1 33 1,055
Rank 1 34 1,142
Rank 1 35 1,220
1.9y Attack, Bone Powder, Fast Blade Who Writes History Who Writes History
Rank 1 44-47
Rank 1 44 2,008
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
Rank 1 48 2,383
The Awry Salvages The Awry Salvages
Rank 1 45-49
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
One Big Problem Solved One Big Problem Solved
One of Our Naturalists Is Missing One of Our Naturalists Is Missing
Rank 1 46-50
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
Rank 1 50 2,589
Turnabout's Fair Play Turnabout's Fair Play
銀髪のディオネ, Ginpatsu no Dione?
1443 1797 FATE 46 21,974 3.8y Attack, Bone Powder, Fast Blade That's What Adventurers Are For That's What Adventurers Are For
Gigas Bonze
ギガース・ボンズ, Gigāsu Bonzu?
646 728 Rank 1 46 2,180 1.9y Attack, Bone Powder, Fast Blade Mor Dhona Mor Dhona
FATE 42 1,789 Among Giants Among Giants
The Prodigal Son The Prodigal Son
FATE 43 1,891 One Giant Leap One Giant Leap
Gigas Captive
ギガース・プリズナー, Gigāsu Purizunā?
2037 1934 Rank 1 45 3,168 1.9y Attack, Bone Powder, Fast Blade Double Dragoon Double Dragoon
Gigas Shramana
ギガース・シャモン, Gigāsu Shamon?
647 1814 Rank 1 40 1,601 1.9y Attack, Bone Powder, Fast Blade Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity

Gigas Shramana[]

Gigas Bonze (marauder) from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Beggar Shramana
ベガー・シャモン, Begā Shamon?
1767 727
Rank 1 45-49
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
1.9y Attack, Overpower One Big Problem Solved One Big Problem Solved
One of Our Naturalists Is Missing One of Our Naturalists Is Missing
Put Your Stomp on It Put Your Stomp on It
Rank 1 46-50
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
Rank 1 50 2,589
Turnabout's Fair Play Turnabout's Fair Play
Gigas Bonze
ギガース・ボンズ, Gigāsu Bonzu?
646 727 Rank 1 45 2,112 1.9y Attack, Overpower Straight Outta Abalathia Straight Outta Abalathia
1813 Rank 1 40 1,601 Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Gigas Shramana
ギガース・シャモン, Gigāsu Shamon?
647 727 Rank 1 46 2,180 1.9y Attack, Overpower Mor Dhona Mor Dhona
FATE 42 1,789 Among Giants Among Giants
The Prodigal Son The Prodigal Son
FATE 43 1,891 One Giant Leap One Giant Leap
Okeanos the Red
紅髪のオケアノス, Akagami no Okeanosu?
1792 1856
Rank 1 45-49
Rank 1 45 8,448
Rank 1 46 8,720
Rank 1 47 9,256
Rank 1 48 9,532
Rank 1 49 10,004
1.9y Attack, Overpower Who Writes History Who Writes History

Gigas Sozu[]

Gigas Sozu from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Beggar Sozu
ベガー・ソーズ, Begā Sōzu?
1771 729
Rank 1 31-35
Rank 1 31 887
Rank 1 32 965
Rank 1 33 1,055
Rank 1 34 1,142
Rank 1 35 1,220
1.9y Cure, Stone, Stoneskin Who Writes History Who Writes History
Rank 1 45-49
Rank 1 45 2,112
Rank 1 46 2,180
Rank 1 47 2,314
Rank 1 48 2,383
Rank 1 49 2,501
One Big Problem Solved One Big Problem Solved
Put Your Stomp on It Put Your Stomp on It
Gigas Sozu
ギガース・ソーズ, Gigāsu Sōzu?
648 729 Rank 1 46 2,180 1.9y Cure, Stone, Stoneskin Mor Dhona Mor Dhona
FATE 42 1,789 Among Giants Among Giants
FATE 43 1,891 One Giant Leap One Giant Leap
1815 Rank 1 41 1,703 Stone, Stoneskin Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity


A tribe of insect-like beastmen known to inhabit the southern reaches of the Dravanian forelands. Hunters first and foremost, they burn a sort of incense to defend their homeland from the dragon threat. At the center of Gnath society sits the king-like “Overmind,” its presence allowing its subjects to communicate without need of word or gesture.

Gnath Cultivator[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Gnath Cultivator
グナース・カルティベーター, Gunāsu Karutibētā?
3575 Rank 1 52 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
FATE 49 Drone Under Drone Under
Gnath Forager
グナース・フォリジャー, Gunāsu Forijā?
3585 Rank 1 53 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Loth Cultivator
ロス・カルティベーター, Rosu Karutibētā?
3575 Rank 1 57 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Marching Cultivator
マーチング・カルティベーター, Māchingu Karutibētā?
3901 Rank 1 52 The Trine Towers The Trine Towers
Worse than Dragons Worse than Dragons
Rank 1 53 Something Worth Protecting Something Worth Protecting
Yellow Stones Yellow Stones

Gnath Firedrone[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Firedrone Exterminator
ドローン・エクスターミネーター, Dorōn Ekusutāminētā?
4049 Rank 1 53 Like Gnaths to a Flame Like Gnaths to a Flame
Gnath Cometdrone
グナース・コメットドローン, Gunāsu Komettodorōn?
4352 Rank 4 60 The Hunt The Dravanian Forelands
Gnath Firedrone
グナース・ファイアドローン, Gunāsu Faiadorōn?
3573 Rank 1 52 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
FATE 49 Drone Under Drone Under
Gnath Haildrone
グナース・ヘイルドローン, Gunāsu Heirudorōn?
3583 Rank 1 53 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Loth Firedrone
ロス・ファイアドローン, Rosu Faiadorōn?
3590 Rank 1 57 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Marching Firedrone
マーチング・ファイアドローン, Māchingu Faiadorōn?
3901 Rank 1 52 The Trine Towers The Trine Towers
Worse than Dragons Worse than Dragons
Rank 1 53 Something Worth Protecting Something Worth Protecting
Yellow Stones Yellow Stones

Gnath Steeldrone[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Gnath Irondrone
グナース・アイアンドローン, Gunāsu Aiandorōn?
3584 Rank 1 53 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Gnath Steeldrone
グナース・スチールドローン, Gunāsu Suchīrudorōn?
3574 Rank 1 52 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
FATE 49 Drone Under Drone Under
Loth Steeldrone
ロス・スチールドローン, Rosu Suchīrudorōn?
3590 Rank 1 57 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Marching Steeldrone
マーチング・スチールドローン, Māchingu Suchīrudorōn?
3900 Rank 1 52 The Trine Towers The Trine Towers
Worse than Dragons Worse than Dragons
Rank 1 53 Something Worth Protecting Something Worth Protecting
Yellow Stones Yellow Stones
Steeldrone Ambusher
スチールドローン・アンブッシャー, Suchīrudorōn Anbusshā?
4393 Rank 1 53 A Curious Herb A Curious Herb
Steeldrone Guard
スチールドローン・ガード, Suchīrudorōn Gādo?
4048 Rank 1 53 Nipped in the Bud Nipped in the Bud


The goblins are a scattered, nomadic tribe, claiming no land as their own. Said to embark on a great pilgrimage once every hundred years, the entire race appeared to have vanished from the face of Eorzea for quite some time, and it is only in the last five years that the realm has seen a return of their kind.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Ratfinx Twinkledinks
奇才のラットフィンクス, Kisai no Rattofinkusu?
4687 Rank 6 60 Alexander - The Fist of the Son Alexander - The Fist of the Son
Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage) Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage)

Goblin Brandisher[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Alexandrian Hider
アレキ・アンブッシャー, Areki Anbusshā?
5206 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Alexandrian Slider
アレキ・ブランディッシャー, Areki Burandisshā?
5175 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Goblin Brandisher
ゴブリン・ブランディッシャー, Goburin Burandisshā?
3598 Rank 1 58 The Dravanian Hinterlands The Dravanian Hinterlands
FATE 55 Metal Gears Revengeance 2 Metal Gears Revengeance 2
Gordian Hardhelm
ゴルディオス・ハードヘルム, Gorudiosu Hādoherumu?
3754 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Father Alexander - The Cuff of the Father
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)
Gordian Hardmind
ゴルディオス・ハードマインド, Gorudiosu Hādomaindo?
3755 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Father Alexander - The Cuff of the Father
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)
Hedge Gobknight
マーシナリー・ナイト, Māshinarī Naito?
5183 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)
Illuminati Bighand
ブルーハンド・ビッグハンド, Burūhando Bigguhando?
4298 Rank 1 58 Louder than Words Louder than Words
Illuminati Revenger
ブルーハンド・リベンジャー, Burūhando Ribenjā?
3945 FATE 55 Metal Gears Revengeance Metal Gears Revengeance
Lawless Goblin Brandisher
ロウレス・ブランディッシャー, Rōresu Burandisshā?
Rank 1 57-58
Rank 1 57
Rank 1 58
Dance, Magic Dance Dance, Magic Dance
Goblin Up Sharlayan (L) Goblin Up Sharlayan (L)
Midan Ambusher
ミダース・アンブッシャー, Midāsu Anbusshā?
4765 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Arm of the Son Alexander - The Arm of the Son
Midan Brandisher
ミダース・ブランディッシャー, Midāsu Burandisshā?
4766 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Arm of the Son Alexander - The Arm of the Son
Midan Hardhelm
ミダース・ハードヘルム, Midāsu Hādoherumu?
4769 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)
Midan Hardmind
ミダース・ハードマインド, Midāsu Hādomaindo?
4770 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)
Moundrinx Eightclinks
八丁のマウンドリンクス, Hacchō no Maundorinkusu?
3942 FATE 58 Revenge of the Vengeful Revengeance Revenge of the Vengeful Revengeance
Slipkinx Steeljoints
機兵のスリップキンクス, Kihei no Surippukinkusu?
4366 Rank 4 60 The Hunt The Dravanian Hinterlands

Goblin Glider[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Alexandrian Glider
アレキ・グライダー, Areki Guraidā?
3467 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator
Goblin Glider
ゴブリン・グライダー, Goburin Guraidā?
3601 Rank 1 58 The Dravanian Hinterlands The Dravanian Hinterlands
An Illuminati Incident An Illuminati Incident
FATE 55 Pop Goes the Whizzle Pop Goes the Whizzle
Illuminati Glider
ブルーハンド・グライダー, Burūhando Guraidā?
2656 Rank 2 50 Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
Rank 1 50
Lawless Goblin Glider
ロウレス・グライダー, Rōresu Guraidā?
Rank 1 57-58
Rank 1 57
Rank 1 58
Dance, Magic Dance Dance, Magic Dance
Goblin Up Sharlayan (L) Goblin Up Sharlayan (L)
Midan Glider
ミダース・グライダー, Midāsu Guraidā?
4774 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Son Alexander - The Cuff of the Son

Goblin Mercenary[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Lamebrix Strikebocks
傭兵のレイムプリクス, Yōhei no Reimupurikusu?
5180 Rank 6 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)
7748 Lightning 45 Thirty Whacks Thirty Whacks
Lameprix Strikedocks
偽兵のレイムプリクス, Nisehei no Reimupurikusu?
5181 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)

Goblin Sharpshooter[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Alexandrian Collider
アレキ・ガンナー, Areki Gannā?
5205 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Goblin Sharpshooter
ゴブリン・シャープシューター, Goburin Shāpushūtā?
3600 Rank 1 58 The Dravanian Hinterlands The Dravanian Hinterlands
An Illuminati Incident An Illuminati Incident
Gordian Sniper
ゴルディオス・スナイパー, Gorudiosu Sunaipā?
3753 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Father Alexander - The Cuff of the Father
Rank 1 60
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)
Illuminati Dirtyhand
ブルーハンド・ダーティハンド, Burūhando Dātihando?
4300 Rank 1 58 Administrative Difficulties Administrative Difficulties
The Golden Rule The Golden Rule
Illuminati Marksman
ブルーハンド・マークスマン, Burūhando Mākusuman?
2661 Rank 2 50 Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
Illuminati Smallhand
ブルーハンド・スモールハンド, Burūhando Sumōruhando?
4299 Rank 1 58 Louder than Words Louder than Words
Illuminati Sniper
ブルーハンド・スナイパー, Burūhando Sunaipā?
2654 Rank 1 50 Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
Lawless Goblin Sharpshooter
ロウレス・シャープシューター, Rōresu Shāpushūtā?
Rank 1 57-58
Rank 1 57
Rank 1 58
Dance, Magic Dance Dance, Magic Dance
Goblin Up Sharlayan (L) Goblin Up Sharlayan (L)
Midan Gunner
ミダース・ガンナー, Midāsu Gannā?
4771 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)

Goblin Tinkerer[]

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Alexandrian Strider
アレキ・ソルジャー, Areki Sorujā?
3468 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Goblin Adventurer
ゴブリン・アドベンチャラー, Goburin Adobencharā?
5369 Rank 1 60 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 101-110) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 101-110)
Goblin of Fortune
マーシナリー・ソルジャー, Māshinarī Sorujā?
5184 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Alexander - The Breath of the Creator
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage)
Goblin Tinkerer
ゴブリン・ティンカラー, Goburin Tinkarā?
3599 Rank 1 58 The Dravanian Hinterlands The Dravanian Hinterlands
An Illuminati Incident An Illuminati Incident
FATE 55 Metal Gears Rising Metal Gears Rising
Gordian Footman
ゴルディオス・フットマン, Gorudiosu Futtoman?
3752 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Father Alexander - The Cuff of the Father
Gordian Soldier
ゴルディオス・ソルジャー, Gorudiosu Sorujā?
3757 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Father Alexander - The Cuff of the Father
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage)
Illuminati Commander
ブルーハンド・コマンダー, Burūhando Komandā?
2548 Rank 5 50 Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
Illuminati Footman
ブルーハンド・フットマン, Burūhando Futtoman?
2662 Rank 5 50 Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
Illuminati Soldier
ブルーハンド・ソルジャー, Burūhando Sorujā?
2660 Rank 2 50 Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
Rank 1 50
Midan Soldier
ミダース・ソルジャー, Midāsu Sorujā?
4772 Rank 3 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Son Alexander - The Cuff of the Son
Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)
Midan Tinkerer
ミダース・ティンカラー, Midāsu Tinkarā?
4767 Rank 1 60 Alexander - The Arm of the Son Alexander - The Arm of the Son

Goblin Thug[]

Goblin Thug from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Goblin Ambusher
ゴブリン・アンブッシャー, Goburin Anbusshā?
2001 1909 Rank 1 27 1,015 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower He Ain't Heavy He Ain't Heavy
Goblin Fisher
ゴブリン・フィッシャー, Goburin Fisshā?
367 769 Rank 1 5 91 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Middle La Noscea Middle La Noscea
Goblin Gambler
ゴブリン・ギャンブラー, Goburin Gyanburā?
3099 769 Rank 1 5 91 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Middle La Noscea Middle La Noscea
Goblin Hunter
ゴブリン・ハンター, Goburin Hantā?
225 769 Rank 1 11 217 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower East Shroud East Shroud
Rank 1 18 394 Western La Noscea Western La Noscea
FATE 12 243 Goblin Chain Goblin Chain
Goblin Mugger
ゴブリン・マガー, Goburin Magā?
283 52 Rank 1 5 91 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Double Dealing Double Dealing
FATE 6 108 Deface the Facts Deface the Facts
769 Rank 1 8 143 Western Thanalan Western Thanalan
Goblin Outlaw
ゴブリン・アウトロー, Goburin Autorō?
464 52
Rank 1 34-38
Rank 1 34 1,142
Rank 1 35 1,220
Rank 1 36 1,306
Rank 1 37 1,409
Rank 1 38 1,515
0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Necrologos: Igneous Moil Necrologos: Igneous Moil
530 Rank 1 25 594 Flicking Sticks and Taking Names Flicking Sticks and Taking Names
Rank 1 24-26
Rank 1 24 397
Rank 1 26 448
Attack, Bomb Hurl
Goblin Picaroon
ボイルストクス一家の荷運び人, Boirusutokusu Ikka no Nihakobijin?
1950 2047 Rank 1 8 192 0.7y Attack Tactical Planning Tactical Planning
Goblin Robber
ゴブリン・ロバー, Goburin Robā?
551 52 FATE 397 397 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Robbin' Goblins Robbin' Goblins
Goblin Roper
ゴブリン・ローパー, Goburin Rōpā?
1148 52
Rank 1 21-25
Rank 1 21 458
Rank 1 22 493
Rank 1 23 532
Rank 1 24 568
Rank 1 25 594
0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Burn It Down Burn It Down
Rank 1 27-31
Rank 1 27 677
Rank 1 28 714
Rank 1 29 750
Rank 1 30 780
Rank 1 31 887
It Goes with the Territory It Goes with the Territory
Goblin Thug
ゴブリン・サグ, Goburin Sagu?
50 52 Rank 1 28 714 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower South Shroud South Shroud
FATE 25 594 The Negotiators The Negotiators
Goblin Trader
ゴブリン・トレーダー, Goburin Torēdā?
1360 769 FATE 18 394 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Iron Contra Affair Iron Contra Affair
Goblin Trader
ボイルストクス一家の番頭, Boirusutokusu Ikka no Bangashira?
1949 2046 Rank 1 10 249 0.7y Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Tactical Planning Tactical Planning
Goblin Treasure Hunter
ゴブリン・トレジャーハンター, Goburin Torejāhantā?
5058 Rank 1 60 The Aquapolis The Aquapolis
Lost Goblin
ロストゴブリン, Rosutogoburin?
4984 5776 Rank 1 9 291 0.7y Attack, Bomb Toss The Palace of the Dead (Floors 1-10) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 1-10)
Stickflix Grumblytoss
仏頂面のスティックフリックス, Bucchōzura no Sutikkufurikkusu?
465 533 Rank 4 28 5,712 1.05y Attack, Bomb Hurl Flicking Sticks and Taking Names Flicking Sticks and Taking Names
Tryptix Stumblemox
間抜のトリップティックス, Manu no Toripputikkusu?
862 1235 FATE 18 3,971 1.4y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Tryp Fantastic Tryp Fantastic
Wanted Goblin
賞金首:ワンテッド・ゴブリン, Shōkinkubi: Wanteddo Goburin?
476 506
Rank 1 25-29
Rank 1 25 891
Rank 1 26 961
Rank 1 27 1,015
Rank 1 28 1,071
Rank 1 29 1,125
1.05y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower More than Meets the Eye More than Meets the Eye
Necrologos: Olidious Separation Necrologos: Olidious Separation
Necrologos: The Beholders Necrologos: The Beholders
Refugee Raw Refugee Raw
Revisiting Raimdelle Revisiting Raimdelle
Rope a 'Lope Rope a 'Lope
Up the Creek Up the Creek
Wormwix Scribbletalk
狂気のワームウィックス, Kyōki no Wāmuwikkusu?
1165 1088
Rank 1 21-25
Rank 1 21 1,374
Rank 1 22 1,479
Rank 1 23 1,596
Rank 1 24 1,704
Rank 1 25 1,782
0.85y Attack, Bomb Toss, Firecracker Shower Throw the Book at Him Throw the Book at Him


Similar to the giants, the hecatoncheires were also once thralls of the gigas, Some three hundred years ago, however, history tells that these gigants were sold as slaves to the Thorne Dynasty. Their monstrous strength controlled by means of ensorcelled helms, the hecatoncheires were forced to toil with pick and hammer in Copperbell Mines

Hecatoncheir Blastmaster[]

Moondrip Blastmaster from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Hecatoncheir Hellhowler
ヘカトン・ヘルハウラー, Hekaton Heruhaurā?
1635 1822 Rank 1 40 1,601 1.9y Attack, Grand Slam, Stoneskin Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Hecatoncheir Mastermind
ヘカトン・マスターマインド, Hekaton Masutāmaindo?
2282 2375 Rank 5 50 46,550 1.9y Blizzard, Dark Fire III, Grand Slam, Smite of Rage Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Hecatoncheir Wallcrasher
ヘカトン・ウォールクラッシャー, Hekaton Wōrukurasshā?
2272 2336 Rank 1 50 2,873 1.9y Blizzard, Fire II Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Masterless Thrall
賞金首:マスターレス・スラル, Shōkinkubi: Masutāresu Suraru?
1010 838
Rank 1 15-19
Rank 1 15 319
Rank 1 16 344
Rank 1 17 369
Rank 1 18 394
Rank 1 19 420
2.28y Attack, Cure, Grand Slam, Stoneskin A Simple Solution A Simple Solution
Death with Indignity Death with Indignity
Earthbound Earthbound
Going for Goat Going for Goat
The Enterprise of Undeath The Enterprise of Undeath
The Law Won The Law Won
The Missing Merchant The Missing Merchant
Moondrip Blastmaster
ムーン・ブラストマスター, Mūn Burasutomasutā?
312 111 Rank 1 24 568 1.9y Attack, Cure, Grand Slam, Stoneskin Western Thanalan Western Thanalan

Hecatoncheir Piledriver[]

Moondrip Piledriver from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Hecatoncheir Rocksplitter
ヘカトン・ロックスプリッター, Hekaton Rokkusupurittā?
2273 2337 Rank 1 50 3,443 1.9y Attack, Smite of Rage, True Thrust Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
2682 2,899
Hecatoncheir Spineslicer
ヘカトン・スパインスライサー, Hekaton Supainsuraisā?
1634 1821 Rank 1 40 1,601 1.9y Attack, True Thrust Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Moondrip Piledriver
ムーン・パイルドライバー, Mūn Pairudoraibā?
314 110 Rank 1 24 568 1.9y Attack, True Thrust Western Thanalan Western Thanalan

Hecatoncheir Stonebreaker[]

Kottos from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Hecatoncheir Quakequeller
ヘカトン・クエイククウェラー, Hekaton Kueikukuwerā?
2268 2332 Rank 2 50 7,945 1.9y Attack, Grand Slam, Smite of Rage Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Hecatoncheir Shieldrummer
ヘカトン・シールドラマー, Hekaton Shīrudoramā?
1636 1823 Rank 1 41 3,406 2.85y Attack, Grand Slam, Smite of Rage Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Hecatoncheir Stonebreaker
ヘカトン・ストーンブレーカー, Hekaton Sutōnburēkā?
1302 1403 Rank 2 17 2,103 2.47y Attack, Grand Slam, Smite of Rage Copperbell Mines Copperbell Mines
Hecatoncheir Tremorward
ヘカトン・トレマーウォード, Hekaton Toremāwōdo?
2269 2333 Rank 2 50 10,350 2.47y Attack, Grand Slam, Immortalize, Smite of Rage Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
憤怒のコットス, Fundo no Kottosu?
548 107 Rank 5 17 2,214 2.47y Attack, Grand Slam, Immortalize Copperbell Mines Copperbell Mines (original)
14460 9,970 Attack, Catapult, Colossal Slam, Grand Slam, Lumbering Leap Copperbell Mines Copperbell Mines

Hecatoncheir Stonehauler[]

Hecatoncheir Stonehauler from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Aegaeon of the Bone
蛮骨のアイガイオン, Bankotsu no Aigaion?
1637 1824 Rank 4 41 13,624 3.04y Attack, Colossal Slam, Immortalize Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Crier Briareos
悲嘆のブリアレオス, Hitan no Buriareosu?
868 1270 FATE 21 4,616 2.85y Attack, Overpower There Might Be Giants There Might Be Giants
Gyges the Great
豪腕のギュゲス, Gōwan no Gyugesu?
101 112 Rank 6 17 11,955 3.04y Attack, Colossal Slam, Grand Slam, Smite of Rage Copperbell Mines Copperbell Mines (original)
14537 10,582 4y Attack, Colossal Slam, Gigantic Blast, Gigantic Smash, Gigantic Swing, Grand Slam Copperbell Mines Copperbell Mines
Hecatoncheir Rockvaulter
ヘカトン・ロックヴォルター, Hekaton Rokkuvorutā?
2284 2380 Rank 1 50 1,786 1.71y Attack, Overpower Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Hecatoncheir Skullcrusher
ヘカトン・スカルクラッシャー, Hekaton Sukarukurasshā?
2271 2335 Rank 2 50 10,350 2.47y Attack, Overpower, Smite of Rage Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Hecatoncheir Skullsplitter
ヘカトン・スカルスプリッター, Hekaton Sukarusupurittā?
1633 1820 Rank 1 40 1,601 1.9y Attack, Overpower Solemn Trinity Solemn Trinity
Hecatoncheir Stonehauler
ヘカトン・ストーンハーラー, Hekaton Sutōnhārā?
97 1398 Rank 2 17 2,103 1.9y Attack, Grand Slam Copperbell Mines Copperbell Mines
Hecatoncheir Stonehoarder
ヘカトン・ストーンホーダー, Hekaton Sutōnhōdā?
2270 2334 Rank 2 50 7,945 1.9y Attack, Grand Slam, Smite of Rage Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
復讐のウラノス, Fukushū no Uranosu?
2289 2386 Rank 6 50 99,676 3.42y Attack, Grand Slam, Impact Roar, Mercurial Strike, Power Attack Copperbell Mines (Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard)
Moondrip Stonehauler
ムーン・ストーンハウラー, Mūn Sutōnhaurā?
310 109 Rank 1 24 568 1.9y Attack, Overpower Western Thanalan Western Thanalan
Stone Servant
ギュゲス・サーバント, Gyugesu Sābanto?
988 267 Rank 1 17 738 1.9y Attack, Grand Slam Copperbell Mines Copperbell Mines (original)


These brutish folks have long plagued the region of Norvrandt. Reasonably intelligent and capable of speech and toolcraft, they are nonetheless devoid of anything resembling a moral compass, and primarily occupy themselves with thieving and trickery. Amongst the dwarves, few insults cut as sharp as having one's mother likened to a hobgoblin.

Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV Volume III, p.94
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Frenzied Goblin
フレンジー・ゴブリン, Furenjī Goburin?
12574 Rank 2 90 The Lunar Subterrane The Lunar Subterrane
ホブゴブリン, Hobugoburin?
12574 Rank 1 70 Kholusia Kholusia
Hobgoblin Blagger
ホブゴブリン・ブラガー, Hobugoburin Buragā?
8814 FATE 67 Shadow Over Stilltide Shadow Over Stilltide
The Wright Stuff The Wright Stuff
Hobgoblin Guard
ホブゴブリン・ガード, Hobugoburin Gādo?
8526 Rank 1 78 Kholusia Kholusia
Hobgoblin Longstick
ホブゴブリン・リーダー, Hobugoburin Rīdā?
8813 FATE 67 The Wright Stuff The Wright Stuff
Hobgoblin Marauder
ホブゴブリン・マローダー, Hobugoburin Marōdā?
Rank 1 70-80
Rank 1 70
Rank 1 71
Rank 1 72
Rank 1 73
Rank 1 74
Rank 1 75
Rank 1 76
Rank 1 77
Rank 1 78
Rank 1 79
Rank 1 80
Near, Far, Wherever You Are Near, Far, Wherever You Are
Hobgoblin Robber
ホブゴブリン・ロバー, Hobugoburin Robā?
8805 FATE 75 The Amity Village Horror The Amity Village Horror
Hobgoblin Runner
ホブゴブリン・ランナー, Hobugoburin Rannā?
8815 FATE 67 Shadow Over Stilltide Shadow Over Stilltide
The Wright Stuff The Wright Stuff
Hobgoblin Thief
ホブゴブリン・シーフ, Hobugoburin Shīfu?
Rank 1 70-80
Rank 1 70
Rank 1 71
Rank 1 72
Rank 1 73
Rank 1 74
Rank 1 75
Rank 1 76
Rank 1 77
Rank 1 78
Rank 1 79
Rank 1 80
Hobgob Smacker Hobgob Smacker
Li'l Murderer
リルマーダー, Rirumādā?
8911 Rank 4 80 The Hunt Kholusia


Modest of build and starure, the Hyur can lay claim to being the single most populous race in all of modern Eorzea, where they make up a prominent share of the populace in each of the realm’s great city-states.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Ossuary Thaumaturge
ギルドの呪術士, Girudo no Jujutsushi?
3023 FATE 1 Main Street Spectral Parade Main Street Spectral Parade
Suspecting Citizen
ウルダハの市民, Urudaha no Shimin?
3024 FATE 1 Main Street Spectral Parade Main Street Spectral Parade


Claiming the wind-blasted canyons of Xelphatol as its domain, this aggressive mountain tribe makes frequent forays into the Black Shroud to fell trees in the name of its fickle goddess. Heedless of the will of the elementals, the Ixal and their practices are at violent odds with the forest nation of Gridania.

Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Nuzal Hueloc
飛天のヌザル・フェロック, Hiten no Nuzaru Ferokku?
5265 Rank 5 60 Xelphatol Xelphatol
Tozol Huatotl
晴嵐のトゾル・ファトトル, Seiran no Tozoru Fatotoru?
5272 Rank 6 60 Xelphatol Xelphatol

Ixali Boldwing[]

Ixali Boldwing from FFXIV
Name BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Dotoli Ciloc
旋風のドトリ・シロック, Senpū no Dotori Shirokku?
5269 Rank 5 60 Xelphatol Xelphatol
Gozol Itzcan the Hatchet
工匠のゴゾル・イツカン, Kōshō no Gozoru Itsukan?
1439 1792 FATE 50 26,097 1.8y Attack, Coming Storm, Overpower Inspector Hatchet Inspector Hatchet
Ixali Boldwing
イクサル・ボールドウィング, Ikusaru Bōrudowingu?
103 114 FATE 3 59 1.08y Attack, Coming Storm, Overpower No Birds Allowed No Birds Allowed
FATE 24 352 The Big Issue The Big Issue
748 Rank 1 47 2,314 North Shroud North Shroud
1596 Rank 1 46 1,308 Attack, Coming Storm, Heavy Swing, Holmgang, Maim, Storm's Path, Thrill of Battle, Vengeance Requiem for the Fallen Requiem for the Fallen
Ixali Bolecleaver
イクサル・ボークリーバー, Ikusaru Bōkurībā?
911 2450 Rank 1 47 1,388 1.08y Attack, Coming Storm, Overpower