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The following is a list of attributes in Final Fantasy XIV. All abilities can be increased with different gear and Materia.

List of Attributes[]


Attribute Effect
HP Health points. As damage is taken, HP will decrease; once it reaches zero, the unit is KO'd and must either be Raised or return to a home point. Regenerates over time, and can be regenerated using healing abilities. Maximum HP is increased by Vitality.
Maximum HP at level 80 is calculated by the following function:[1]
MP Magic points. As spells are cast, MP will decrease. Is used as any Disciple of War or Magic class, but applies mostly to Disciples of the Magic who will use MP the most. Regenerates over time. All characters have 10,000 MP and a passive MP recovery rate of 200 MP per 3 seconds (boosted by Piety for healer disciplines), or 250 MP per 3 seconds in PvP.
CP Crafting points, used in crafting for Disciples of the Hand. CP will decrease when crafting abilities are used, and once the CP runs too low, certain abilities can no longer be used. For this reason, it is wise to be conservative with CP, particularly when lower levelled. Instantly refills to full when not crafting. Replaces MP bar.
GP Gathering points, used for Disciples of the Land classes. Required to use certain abilities while gathering. Regenerates over time when not gathering. While gathering, it will increase with each gathering attempt but will not regenerate over time. Replaces MP bar.
EP Energy points, used while piloting mechs such as the G-Warrior and those found in rival wings duties. Does not regenerate naturally, instead being replenished by specific actions available to those mechs. Replaces MP bar.

Main attributes[]

The main attributes of a character for Disciples of War and Magic classes. All combat disciplines have a stat as their primary attribute that features on most of their equipment, while Vitality appears on most equipment regardless of discipline.

A character's base attributes before equipment or other outside modifiers are determined by the following function:[1]

Attribute Classes with primary attribute Jobs with primary attribute Other effect
Strength Lancer Lancer
Pugilist Pugilist
[note 1]
Dragoon Dragoon
Monk Monk
Samurai Samurai
Reaper Reaper
[note 1]
Increases Attack Power for all disciplines except those who use Dexterity as their primary attribute.
Dexterity Archer Archer
Rogue Rogue
Bard Bard
Ninja Ninja
Machinist Machinist
Dancer Dancer
Viper Viper
Increases Attack Power for disciplines who use it as their primary attribute.
Vitality Gladiator Gladiator
Marauder Marauder
Paladin Paladin
Warrior Warrior
Dark Knight Dark Knight
Gunbreaker Gunbreaker
Increases HP. Important for all disciplines and found on most equipment, but grants a greater HP boost to tank disciplines.
Intelligence Thaumaturge Thaumaturge
Arcanist Arcanist
Black Mage Black Mage
Summoner Summoner
Red Mage Red Mage
Pictomancer Pictomancer
Blue Mage Blue Mage
Increases Attack Magic Potency for all disciplines except healers.
Mind Conjurer Conjurer White Mage White Mage
Scholar Scholar
Astrologian Astrologian
Sage Sage
Increases Healing Magic Potency. Also increases Attack Magic Potency for healers.

Offensive Properties[]

Attribute Effect
Critical Hit Increases the chance of landing a critical hit, which greatly increases damage or healing dealt. Also increases the potency of critical hits. A character's base Critical Hit attribute is equal to , which grants a base 5% chance to critically hit for 1.4x damage.
Critical hit probability is determined by the following function:[1]
Determination Increases damage and healing dealt. A character's base Determination is equal to .
Direct Hit Rate Increases the chance of landing a direct hit, dealing 1.25x more damage than a normal hit.
Direct hit probability is determined by the following function:[1]

A character's base Direct Hit Rate is equal to .

Defensive Properties[]

Attribute Effect
Defense Reduces damage taken from physical attacks.
Magic Defense Reduces damage taken from magical attacks.

Physical Properties[]

Attribute Effect
Attack Power Increases the amount of damage dealt by auto-attacks for all disciplines. Also increases damage and healing dealt by Disciple of War spells, abilities, and weaponskills. Attack Power is equal to Strength or Dexterity depending on discipline.
Skill Speed Reduces the cast and recast times of weaponskills, including their global cooldown, increases damage dealt by auto-attacks, and increases damage and healing done by Attack Power-based damage/healing over time effects. A character's base Skill Speed is equal to .

Mental Properties[]

Attribute Effect
Attack Magic Potency Increases the amount of damage dealt by Disciple of Magic spells, abilities, and weaponskills. Also increases healing done by Red and Blue Mages. Attack Magic Potency is equal to Intelligence or Mind depending on discipline.
Healing Magic Potency Increases the amount of healing done by all Disciples of Magic except Red and Blue Mages. Healing Magic Potency is equal to Mind.
Spell Speed Reduces the cast and recast times of spells, including their global cooldown, and increases damage and healing done by Attack/Healing Magic Potency-based damage/healing over time effects. A character's base Skill Speed is equal to .

Role Properties[]

Attribute Effect
Piety Increases MP regeneration rate. Only functions for healing disciplines.
Piety's increase to MP regeneration is determined by the following function:[1]

A character's base Piety is equal to .
Tenacity Increases damage and healing done, and reduces damage taken. Only functions for tank disciplines. A character's base Tenacity is equal to .


Used in Synthesis for Disciples of the Hand. Replaces Mental Properties.

Attribute Effect
Craftmanship Increases the amount of progress that can be gained when using abilities such as Basic Synthesis, and helps finish the item faster.
Control Increases the amount of Quality that will be gained when using abilities such as Basic Touch. Ideally, both stats should be raised as high as possible to make the process much faster, as this allows the Adventurer to gain more value for each ability that uses up Durability, in addition to more value out of their CP.


Used in Gathering for Disciples of the Land. Replaces Mental Properties.

Attribute Effect
Gathering Increases the likelihood of receiving an item during gathering.
Perception Increases the probability of the item you receive to be high quality while gathering.

Weapon properties[]

Attribute Effect
Physical Damage Increases damage and healing done by all Attack Power-based actions. Is only visible on Disciple of War weapons.
Magic Damage Increases damage and healing done by all Attack/Healing Magic Potency-based actions. Is only visible on Disciple of Magic weapons.
Delay The time between auto-attacks, measured in seconds.
Auto-attack The average amount of damage auto-attacks deal before modifiers.
Calculated as

Shield properties[]

The following properties only appear on shields. Characters can only block when equipped with a shield.

Attribute Effect
Block Strength Reduces damage received on a successful block. Successful blocks have a base 10% damage reduction before Block Strength is factored in.
Block Rate Increases chance of successfully blocking. Shield-bearing characters have a base 10% chance to block before Block Rate is factored in.
Block probability is determined by the following function:[1]

Regional Effects[]

The following properties only appear on equipment acquired from Field Operations, and only function within their associated zones and instances. Elemental Bonus only appears on equipment associated with The Forbidden Land, Eureka, while Haste appears on equipment from all current Field Operations zones as of Endwalker.

These properties are region-specific; for example, Haste acquired from Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr equipment is disabled in Eureka content (and vice-versa).

Attribute Effect
Elemental Bonus Increases damage dealt and decreases damage taken.
Haste Reduces the cast time and cooldown of weaponskills and spells, and reduces the delay of auto-attacks.


The following properties are rare and in many cases irrelevant to modern gameplay, but are still present on some equipment or consumables.

Attribute Effect
EXP Bonus Increases EXP earned by a percentage. All food buffs grant 3% EXP Bonus.
Increased Spiritbond Gain Increases the rate at which players Spiritbond with their equipment.
Desynthesis Skill Gain Improves the amount by which desynthesis skill level increases when desynthesizing an item
Reduced Durability Loss Reduces the rate at which equipment is damaged.
Slow Resistance Reduces the duration of the Slow Slow status.
Silence Resistance Reduces the duration of the Silence Silence status.
Blind Resistance Reduces the duration of the Blind Blind status.
Poison Resistance Reduces the duration of the Poison Poison status.
Stun Resistance Reduces the duration of the Stun Stun status.
Sleep Resistance Reduces the duration of the Sleep Sleep status.
Bind Resistance Reduces the duration of the Bind Bind status.
Heavy Resistance Reduces the duration of the Heavy Heavy status.
Slashing Resistance Reduces damage from Slashing attacks.
Piercing Resistance Reduces damage from Piercing attacks.
Blunt Resistance Reduces damage from Blunt attacks.


The following attributes have been removed from the game.

Attribute Effect
TP Tactical points. Required to use various weaponskills. Removed in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, and relevant skills no longer require it.
Accuracy Affects the accuracy of both physical and magical attacks. The higher the rating, the better chance your attack will have of landing. Removed in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood and replaced by Direct Hit Rate.
Parry Increases the probability of parrying an attack. Removed in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood and replaced by Tenacity.
Morale Replaced Defense and Magic Defense in reducing damage taken, and increased damage dealt. Only functioned in PvP. Removed in Stormblood.
Fire Resistance Reduces damage from Fire attacks. Removed in patch 4.2.
Ice Resistance Reduces damage from Ice attacks. Removed in patch 4.2.
Wind Resistance Reduces damage from Wind attacks. Removed in patch 4.2.
Earth Resistance Reduces damage from Earth attacks. Removed in patch 4.2.
Lightning Resistance Reduces damage from Lightning attacks. Removed in patch 4.2.
Water Resistance Reduces damage from Water attacks. Removed in patch 4.2.
Careful Desynthesis Increased chance of successfully desynthesizing an item. Removed in patch 5.1 and replaced by Desynthesis Skill Gain.


Pet attributes are based on their owner's, with some variation:[2]

  • They do not receive the attribute bonuses from being in a party.
  • They do not benefit from their owner's hidden attribute traits.
  • Pet action cast and recast times are unaffected by Skill and Spell Speed, though the class/job actions that order them to execute may benefit, such as Egi Assault Egi Assault.
  • Their job attribute modifiers are 100 rather than those of their owner's job.
  • Arcanist Arcanist, Summoner Summoner, Scholar Scholar, and Machinist Machinist pets do not have racial modifiers.
  • Ninja Ninja's Bunshin Bunshin and Astrologian Astrologian's Earthly Star Earthly Star receives the same racial modifiers as their owner.
  • Dark Knight Dark Knight's Living Shadow Living Shadow has the racial modifiers of a Midlander Hyur regardless of its owner's race.

Damage and healing formulae[]


In order to simplify the damage formulae, several components are broken down into smaller functions:


Function changes depending on the user's level and role:

  • Level 71+ non-tanks:
  • Level 51 to 70 non-tanks:
  • Level 1 to 50 non-tanks:
  • Level 80 tanks:
  • Level 80 Summoner pets:

Where Main Attribute (MAIN) is Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT), or Mind (MND) depending on the action used. These attributes are equal to the Attack Power or Attack Magic Potency attributes, and determine the effect these attributes have on damage.


Function changes depending on the user's level:

  • Level 80:
  • Level 70:
  • Level 80 Scholar pets:

Where Main Attribute (MAIN) is Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT), or Mind (MND) depending on the action used. These attributes are equal to the Attack Power, Attack Magic Potency, or Healing Magic Potency attributes, and determine the effect these attributes have on healing.


Where Weapon Damage (WD) is either a weapon's Physical Damage (PD) or Magic Damage (MD) depending on the action used. Determines the effect these attributes have on damage and healing. If the action scales off of Attack Power, Physical Damage is used, if it scales off of Attack or Healing Magic Potency, Magic Damage is used. The attribute called by JobMod is either Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, or Mind, depending on the action.


Determines the effect Determination (DET) has on damage and healing.


Determines the effect Tenacity (TNC) has on damage, healing, and mitigation. Only applicable to tanks.


Where Speed (SPD) is either Skill Speed (SKS) or Spell Speed (SPS) depending on the action used. In damage over time calculations, determines the effect these attributes have on damage and healing. If the action scales off of Attack Power, Skill Speed is used, if it scales off of Attack or Healing Magic Potency, Spell Speed is used. When determining cast and recast time, it is instead dependent on the action type: Skill Speed for Weaponskills, and Spell Speed for Spells.


Determines the effect the critical hits (CRIT) and the Critical Hit attribute have on damage.


Determines the effect direct hits (DH) have on damage.


Where Defense (DEF) can be substituted with Magic Defense (MDEF) depending on the incoming damage type. Determines the effect these attributes have on incoming damage.


Determines the effect Block Strength has on incoming damage. Only applicable on blocked attacks.

Direct damage[4][]

Physical damage over time[4][]

Magic damage over time[4][]


Damage taken[4][]

Direct healing[4][]

Healing over time[4][]

Cast and recast time[5][]

Where Action Delay is the base cast or recast time in milliseconds (eg. a 2.5s cast is 2500ms). Astral Umbral III is 0.5 when casting Ice during Astral Fire III, or when casting Fire during Umbral Ice III, or 1 otherwise. Type Y and Z are one of the following values depending on the active effect, or 1 for no effect:

Type Y Value Type Z Value
Ley Lines Ley Lines 0.85 Huton Huton 0.85
Presence of Mind Presence of Mind 0.8 Greased Lightning Greased Lightning 0.95, 0.9, 0.85
Shifu Shifu 0.9, 0.87 Army's Paeon Army's Paeon 0.96, 0.92, 0.88, 0.84
Blood Weapon Blood Weapon 0.9


PvP content seems to use the same formulae as PvE content, but due to attribute normalization and the removal of critical and direct hits all of the smaller functions can be treated as being equal to 1. This in essence causes the damage and healing done by PvP actions to be equal to their potency before standard randomization and buffs are applied.

Base modifiers[]

The following modifiers are used in determining base HP and attributes, as well as parameters such as MP recovery and block, direct hit, and critical hit probability.


Adventurer 100 100 100 100 100 100
Gladiator 130 95 90 100 50 95
Pugilist 105 100 100 95 45 85
Marauder 135 100 90 100 30 50
Lancer 110 105 95 100 40 60
Archer 100 85 105 95 80 75
Conjurer 100 50 100 95 100 105
Thaumaturge 100 40 95 95 105 70
Carpenter 100 90 100 105 90 90
Blacksmith 100 100 90 105 90 90
Armorer 100 100 90 105 90 90
Goldsmith 100 90 105 90 100 90
Weaver 100 90 105 90 90 100
Alchemist 100 90 90 90 105 90
Alchemist 100 90 90 90 105 90
Culinarian 100 90 90 90 90 105
Miner 100 100 90 90 90 100
Botanist 100 90 100 90 100 90
Fisher 100 100 100 100 100 100
Paladin 140 100 95 110 60 100
Monk 110 110 105 100 50 90
Warrior 145 105 95 110 40 55
Dragoon 115 115 100 105 45 65
Bard 105 90 115 100 85 80
White Mage 105 55 105 100 105 115
Black Mage 105 45 100 100 115 75
Arcanist 100 85 95 95 105 75
Summoner 105 90 100 100 115 80
Scholar 105 90 100 100 105 115
Rogue 103 80 100 95 60 70
Ninja 108 85 110 100 65 75
Machinist 105 85 115 100 80 85
Dark Knight 140 105 95 110 60 40
Astrologian 105 50 100 100 105 115
Samurai 109 112 108 100 60 50
Red Mage 105 55 105 100 115 110
Blue Mage 105 70 110 100 115 105
Gunbreaker 140 100 95 110 60 100
Dancer 105 90 115 100 85 80
Reaper 115 115 100 105 80 40
Sage 105 60 100 100 115 115


2 21 57 57 101
3 22 60 60 109
4 24 62 62 116
5 26 65 65 123
6 27 68 68 131
7 29 70 70 138
8 31 73 73 145
9 33 76 76 153
11 36 82 82 174
12 38 85 85 188
13 41 89 89 202
14 44 93 93 216
15 46 96 96 230
16 49 100 100 244
17 52 104 104 258
18 54 109 109 272
19 57 113 113 286
21 63 122 122 333?
22 67 127 127 366
23 71 133 133 399
24 74 138 138 432
25 78 144 144 465
26 81 150 150 498?
27 85 155 155 531
28 89 162 162 564
29 92 168 168 597?
31 101 181 181 669
32 106 188 188 708
33 110 194 194 747
34 115 202 202 786
35 119 209 209 825
36 124 215 215 864
37 128 223 223 903
38 134 229 229 942
39 139 236 236 981
41 150 253 253 1088
42 155 263 263 1156
43 161 272 272 1224
44 166 283 283 1292
45 171 292 292 1360?
46 177 302 302 1428?
47 183 311 311 1496
48 189 322 322 1564?
49 196 331 331 1632
51 204 342 393 1774
52 205 344 444 1851
53 207 345 496 1931?
54 209 346 548 2015
55 210 347 600 2102
56 212 349 651 2194
57 214 350 703 2289
58 215 351 755 2388
59 217 352 806 2492
61 224 355 941 2700
62 228 356 1032 2800
63 236 357 1133 2900
64 244 358 1243 3000
65 252 359 1364 3100
66 260 360 1497 3200
67 268 361 1643 3300
68 276 362 1802 3400
69 284 363 1978 3500
71 296 365 2263 ??
72 300 366 2360 ??
73 305 367 2461 ??
74 310 368 2566 ??
75 315 370 2676 ??
76 320 372 2790 ??
77 325 374 2910 ??
78 330 376 3034 ??
79 335 378 3164 ??
80 340 380 3300 4400


Au Ra Raen -1 2 -1 0 3
Xaela 3 0 2 0 -2
Elezen Duskwight 0 0 -1 3 1
Wildwood 0 3 -1 2 -1
Hrothgar Helion 3 -3 3 -3 3
Lost 3 -3 3 -3 3
Hyur Highlander 3 0 2 -2 0
Midlander 2 -1 0 3 -1
Lalafell Dunesfolk -1 1 -2 2 3
Plainsfolk -1 3 -1 2 0
Miqote Keeper of the Moon -1 2 -2 1 3
Seeker of the Sun 2 3 0 -1 -1
Roegadyn Hellsguard 0 -2 3 0 2
Sea Wolf 2 -1 3 -2 1
Viera Rava 0 3 -2 1 1
Veena -1 0 -1 3 2



  1. 1.0 1.1 Strength is also considered a primary attribute for tank disciplines, but Vitality is treated as their primary attribute by the Recommended Gear function.


All formulae on this page are derived from research conducted at Allagan Studies on Akh Morning, a theorycraft website dedicated to Final Fantasy XIV.
