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Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Final Fantasy XIII stats page!
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Ffxiii status screen

Status menu.

The following is a list of stats in Final Fantasy XIII.

Main stats[]


HP is the unit's health. At 0 HP a party member is knocked out or an enemy is defeated. If the Party Leader's HP falls at 0, the game ends. All characters' HP will be replenished when the battle ends. HP can be increased mostly by accessories and weapons. HP of each character also increases by default through out the chapters.[1]

The following shows characters and their HP growth by default with no specific power-leveling and "average" equipment upgrade levels:

Characters Chapters
Beginning of the Game Pulse Vestige The Vile Peaks Sunleth Waterscape Palumpolum The Palamecia Fifth Ark Archylte Steppe Mah'habara Taejin's Tower Oerba Eden Orphan's Cradle End of the Game
Lightning 200 300 389 505 656 851 1,104 1,433 1,860 2,415 3,135 4,069 5,281 7,603
Snow 350 450 584 758 983 1,276 1,626 2,037 2,552 3,197 4,006 5,112 6,635 9,551
Sazh 220 320 416 550 739 993 1,335 1,730 2,168 2,716 3,403 4,342 5,636 8,113
Hope 170 270 338 423 540 701 893 1,119 1,428 1,854 2,407 3,067 3,843 5,439
Vanille - 300 376 480 623 809 1,031 1,316 1,708 2,217 2,878 3,736 4,397 7,227
Fang - - - - 750 940 1,199 1,557 2,021 2,624 3,406 4,341 5,439 7,697


The following shows characters and their Strength growth by default with no specific power-leveling and "average" equipment upgrade levels:[1]

Characters Chapters
Beginning of the Game Pulse Vestige The Vile Peaks Sunleth Waterscape Palumpolum The Palamecia Fifth Ark Archylte Steppe Mah'habara Taejin's Tower Oerba Eden Orphan's Cradle End of the Game
Lightning 30 55 70 101 137 184 245 318 409 526 676 869 1,118 1,560
Snow 32 57 72 113 152 201 261 334 433 562 730 949 1,233 1,718
Sazh 27 42 62 98 130 169 219 278 353 449 572 729 962 1,354
Hope 26 41 52 83 98 131 170 218 283 368 478 621 806 1,128
Vanille - 41 52 73 97 127 168 224 298 397 529 705 940 1,338
Fang - - - - 140 183 239 318 427 575 775 1,048 1,420 2,036


The following shows characters and their Magic growth by default with no specific power-leveling and "average" equipment upgrade levels:[1]

Characters Chapters
Beginning of the Game Pulse Vestige The Vile Peaks Sunleth Waterscape Palumpolum The Palamecia Fifth Ark Archylte Steppe Mah'habara Taejin's Tower Oerba Eden Orphan's Cradle End of the Game
Lightning 30 45 60 101 137 184 245 318 409 526 676 869 1,118 1,560
Snow 22 30 37 58 79 106 141 184 245 326 434 584 796 1,142
Sazh 30 45 59 95 127 167 214 269 339 427 539 680 892 1,245
Hope 32 47 55 92 134 175 228 295 402 561 785 1,072 1,429 2,033
Vanille - 47 75 108 141 184 241 316 415 545 716 942 1,241 1,745
Fang - - - - 90 118 155 206 276 372 502 671 885 1,251

Other stats[]

Weapons and accessories level[]

Regular components have an EXP value that can be added to weapons and accessories through the Upgrade option, increasing the chosen item's Level.

Passive abilities[]

Role summary[]

Each role and sub-role combined have different effect and adding bonuses to character.


This part shows the elements of character can withstand.

Cut and keep[]

Cut and keep values determine whether an action can be interrupted by another. The cut value determines how likely an ability is to interrupt another, while the keep value determines how difficult it is for an ability to be interrupted. All abilities have associated cut and keep values, and all party members and enemies also have a base keep for when they are not performing an action. Being interrupted can cancel an action or prevent the unit from initiating one. Physical abilities tend to be better at interrupting targets' actions than magic abilities, and are more resilient to being interrupted as well. The status enhancement Vigilance raises the target's cut and keep, whereas the opposing ailment Curse lowers these values.

Staggered targets usually have their keep values fall to 0.


The abilities that raise the target in the air have an associated "rise" value, such as Launch and -ga spells. The higher the rise value, the higher the target is raised. Attacks against airborne targets keep them suspended midair, and further rise abilities can lift them even higher. To raise an enemy, the cut value of the ability with rise must surpass the target's keep value. However, some enemies resist or are immune to being raised. As staggered enemies usually have no keep, they are especially easy to launch in the air.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Final Fantasy XIII - The Complete Official Guide , p.186