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The following is a list of all elements in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings.


RW Fire Symbol
Game Element Type Effect
Fire Black Magick
Esper Ability
Deal fire damage to one foe.
Firaga Black Magick Deal fire damage to all foes in range.
Firaga Shot Guest Attack Deals fire damage to all foes in range.
Flame Sneeze Esper Ability Deal fire damage to one foe.
Fire Fist Esper Ability Inflict Slow and deal fire damage to one foe.
Burning Strike Esper Ability Deal fire damage to one foe with two successive hits.
Hellfire Esper Ability Inflict Slow and deal fire damage to surrounding foes.
Fireball Esper Ability Deal fire damage to one foe.
Painflare Esper Ability Deal heavy fire damage to one foe.
Firaja Esper Ability Deal heavy fire damage to all foes in range.
Fire Breath Esper Ability Deal fire damage to multiple foes.
Djinn Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Balasa Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Ifrit Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Salamander Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Lamia Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Belias Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Bomb Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Wyvern Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Chaos Esper Fire elemental Esper.
Flametongue Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Pyroblade Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Laevateinn Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Rod of Fire Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Pyrowand Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Lava Wand Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Confuse.
Wizard's Rod Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically. Increases attack range.
Detonator Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Pyroglide Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Eruptor Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Red Halberd Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Pyrolance Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Stop.
Gungnir Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Tumulus Weapon Inflicts fire elemental damage when attacking physically.
Ruby Chestplate Armor Resistant to fire.
Crimson Gear Armor Resistant to fire.
Hermit's Robes Armor Weak to fire.
Wizard's Robes Armor Resistant to fire.
Adamant Armor Armor Resistant to fire.
Mirage Vest Armor Resistant to fire.
Medallion of Fire Armor Resistant to fire.
Silk Coat Armor Weak to fire.
Corsair's Frock Armor Weak to fire.
Maximillian Armor Resistant to fire.


RW Water Symbol
Game Element Type Effect
Blizzard Black Magick
Esper Ability
Deal water damage to one foe.
Blizzaga Black Magick Deal water damage to all foes in range.
Blizzaga Shot Guest Attack Deals water damage to all foes in range.
Tidal Wave Esper Ability Deal water damage to multiple foes.
Triple Slap Esper Ability Deal water damage to one foe with three successive hits.
Diamond Dust Esper Ability Inflict Stop and deal water damage to all foes in range.
Briny Cannonade Esper Ability Deal water damage to one foe.
Tsunami Esper Ability Deal water damage to all foes in a line extending from the user.
Bubble Bath Esper Ability Deal water damage to one foe.
Flash-Freeze Esper Ability Deal water damage to foes in a line extending from the user.
Sahagin Esper Water elemental Esper.
Cúchulainn Esper Water elemental Esper.
Leviathan Esper Water elemental Esper.
Shivan Esper Water elemental Esper.
Shivar Esper Water elemental Esper.
Shiva Esper Water elemental Esper.
Famfrit Esper Water elemental Esper.
Aquarius Esper Water elemental Esper.
Siren Esper Water elemental Esper.
Mateus Esper Water elemental Esper.
Icebrand Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically.
Coral Blade Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically.
Rod of Ice Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically.
Rime Wand Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Silence.
Whale Whisker Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically. Deals damage in a line extending from the user.
Rainmaker Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically.
Trident Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically.
Ice Lance Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Stop.
Fomalhaut Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically. Increases attack range.
Perseus Bow Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Stop.
Galatyn Weapon Inflicts water elemental damage when attacking physically.
Raincloud Raiment Armor Resistant to water.
Hermit's Robes Armor Resistant to water.
Wizard's Robes Armor Weak to water.
Adamant Vest Armor Weak to water.
Mirage Vest Armor Resistant to water.
Medallion of Water Armor Resistant to water.
Corsair's Frock Armor Resistant to water.
Maximillian Armor Weak to water.


RW Lightning Symbol
Game Element Type Effect
Thunder Black Magick/Esper Ability Deals lightning damage to one foe.
Thundaga Black Magick Deal lightning damage to all foes in range.
Thundaga Shot Guest Attack Deals lightning damage to all foes in range.
Thunderchop Esper Ability Deals lightning damage to one foe.
Hoof Kick Esper Ability Deals lightning damage to one foe.
Soul Purge Esper Ability Deal lightning damage to foes in a line extending from the user.
Thundaja Esper Ability Deal heavy lightning damage to all foes in range.
Plasma Arrow Esper Ability Deal lightning damage to one foe.
Triple Shot Esper Ability Loose three arrows, dealing lightning damage to any foes they strike.
Plasma Storm Esper Ability Deal lightning damage to one foe.
Spark Esper Ability Physical Lightning elemental damage to all targets in range.
Silence Storm Esper Ability Inflict Silence and deal lightning damage to one foe.
Judgment Storm Esper Ability Deal lightning damage to one foe.
Judgment Bolt Esper Ability Inflict Silence and deal lightning damage to all foes in range.
Remora Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Ixion Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Shemhazai Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Quetzalcoatl Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Sagittarius Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Tiamat Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Ramih Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Raiden Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Ramuh Esper Lightning elemental Esper.
Tempestblade Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.
Rudra Tulwar Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.
Rod of Lightning Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.
Storm Wand Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Slow.
Zeus Mace Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically. Attacks in three directions.
Discharger Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.
Vortex Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.Increased attack radius.
Storm Lance Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.
Lúin Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically. Increased attack range.
Raijoudou Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.
Tyrfing Weapon Inflicts Lightning elemental damage when attacking physically.
Silver Chestplate Armor Weak to lightning.
Power Vest Armor Resistant to lightning.
Storm Gear Armor Resistant to lightning.
Druid's Robes Armor Weak to lightning.
Shaman's Robes Armor Resistant to lightning.
Prismatic Vest Armor Resistant to lightning.
Gaia Armlet Armor Weak to lightning.
Rubber Suit Armor Resistant to lightning.
Glimmering Robes Armor Resistant to lightning.


RW Earth Symbol
Game Element Type Effect
Stone Black Magick
Esper Ability
Deal earth damage to one foe.
Stonega Black Magick Deal earth damage to all foes in range.
Stonega Shot Guest Attack Deal earth damage to all foes in range.
Landslide Esper Ability Deal earth damage to all foes in range.
Gaia's Wrath Esper Ability Inflict Immobilize and deal earth damage to surrounding foes.
Roxxor Esper Ability Deal earth damage to all foes in range.
Stoneja Esper Ability Deal heavy earth damage to all foes in range.
Floating Kick Esper Ability Deal earth damage to one foe.
Uppercut Esper Ability Deal earth damage to all foes in range.
Judgment Esper Ability Deal earth damage to surrounding foes.
Goblin Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Golem Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Titan Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Cactoid Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Cu Sith Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Hashmal Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Gnoam Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Atomos Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Exodus Esper Earth elemental Esper.
Earthsabre Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Slow.
Stoneblade Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically.
Gaia Rod Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically.
Earth Wand Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Blind.
Terra Rod Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically. Inflicts Immobilize.
Duster Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically.
Buluc Chabtan Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically.
Regulus Weapon Inflicts earth elemental damage when attacking physically.
Traveler's Vestments Armor Resistant to earth.
Gaia Gear Armor Resistant to earth.
Druid's Robes Armor Weak to earth.
Shaman's Robes Armor Weak to earth.
Survival Vest Armor Resistant to earth.
Medallion of Earth Armor Resistant to earth.
Gaia Amulet Armor Resistant to earth.
Glimmering Robes Armor Weak to earth.




Game Element Type Effect
Crescent Pole Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Cherry Staff Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Mythril Staff Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Vesper Pole Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Staff of Protection Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Pole of Blessings Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Silver Staff Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Golden Staff Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Pyroscepter Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Raqs Sharqi Weapon Possess the Healing element.
Nirvana Weapon Possess the Healing element.
White Hare Summon Possess the Healing element.
Carbuncle Summon Possess the Healing element.
Ultima Summon Possess the Healing element.
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