Final Fantasy Wiki

This is a list of all enemy abilities from Final Fantasy X-2. Monsters with (Fiend Arena) in the name are exclusive to the International and HD Remaster versions, as well as Lulu, Kimahri, Buddy, Brother, Seymour, Auron, Tidus, and the parts of Major Numerus (Unum, Duo, Tria, Quartum).


Enemy abilities[]


Ability Description Enemy
100 Gil Gnasher Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and removes 100 Gil. Wild Wolf (Oversoul)
1000 Gil Gnasher Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and removes 1000 Gil. Lupus, Tindalos (Oversoul), White Wolf (Oversoul)
1000 Needles Inflicts 1000 HP. Cactuar
3000-Needle Special 3 1000 damage attacks to random party members. Cactuar (Oversoul)
10000-Gil-Smoosher Major non-elemental damage and removes 10000 Gil from the player's stock. Aranea (Oversoul)
10000 Needles Inflicts 10000 HP. Cactuar (Fiend Arena)


Ability Description Enemy
Absorb Absorbs 3/16 of a target's remaining HP and MP. ????, Baralai (Fiend Arena), Black Elemental, Baralai, Baralai (Pyrefly Form), Chocobo (Fiend Arena A), Chocobo (Fiend Arena B), Cindy, Flan Azabache, Guardian Beast (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Haizhe, Jahi, Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), Protochimera, Quartum, Stalwart (Fiend Arena), Tria, Vegnagun (leg)
Absorb Fire Allows user to absorb Fire attacks. Protean Gel (Oversoul), Seymour (Fiend Arena)
Absorb Ice Allows user to absorb Ice attacks. Protean Gel (Oversoul)
Absorb Lightning Allows user to absorb Lightning attacks. Protean Gel (Oversoul)
Absorb Water Allows user to absorb Water attacks. Protean Gel (Oversoul)
Acta Est Fabula Revives all KO'ed allies. Vegnagun
Adamant Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental damage equal to 5/8 of max HP. Adamantoise, Adamantortoise
Aerospark Inflicts damage equal to 5/8 of remaining HP. Ixion
Alchemist-Hater Inflicts major non-elemental damage to Alchemists. Flailing Ochu (Oversoul)
Annihilator Moderate non-elemental attack that ignores defense to the party. Experiment
Antarctic Wind Inflicts 75~84 HP of Ice-elemental damage. Rikku only uses this if Confused. Rikku, Ruffian
Anti-Dressphere Minor non-elemental damage and Itchy to the party. Precepts Guard (Oversoul)
Aqua Breath Moderate Water-elemental damage to the party. Protochimera (Fiend Arena), Rhyos
Arctic Wind Inflicts 281~317 HP of Ice-elemental damage. Rikku
Attack Command Scramble Seals commands that have been transmitted that deal damage. Watcher A


Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Curse, and Slow to the party. Malboro
Bane Lance Moderate non-elemental damage and Curse. Garik Ronso
Barrier Shift Changes weakness of Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water attacks on self. Amorphous Gel, Protean Gel
Bated Breath Major non-elemental damage as well as removing Strength Up/Down, Magic Up/Down, Defense Up/Down, Magic Defense Up/Down, Accuracy Up/Down, Evasion Up/Down, Shell, Protect, Haste, Regen, and Reflect. Azi Dahaka
Beguiling Mire 3x attack on a target and Stop. Trema
Benchwarmer Moderate non-elemental damage and Sleep. Machina Striker, Pop Fry
Berserk Inflicts Berserk. Balivarha (Oversoul), Black Elemental, Bully Cap (Oversoul), Duo, Mushroom Cloud (Oversoul), Mycotoxin (Oversoul), Nashorn (Oversoul), Protochimera (Oversoul), Quadricorn (Oversoul), Rhyos (Oversoul), Vegnagun (leg)
Big Bang Extreme non-elemental magic damage to the party that also removes all positive statuses. Paragon
Bio Inflicts Poison. Angra Mainyu, Barong (Oversoul), Critical Bug, Dark Elemental, Duo, Flan Azabache, Flan Rojo (Oversoul), King Takouba (Oversoul), Left Bulwark, Precepts Guard, Tomb, Tonberry (Oversoul), Watcher-S
Bio Mode Can use Bio Punch. YSLS-99 (Oversoul), YSLS-Zero (Oversoul)
Bio Punch Inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of max HP and inflicts Poison. YSLS-99 (Oversoul), YSLS-Zero (Oversoul)
Bite Minor non-elemental attack that ignores defenses. Aranea, Boris
Bite the Bullet Moderate non-elemental damage and Silence. Machina Striker, Pop Fry
Blackout Moderate to heavy non-elemental damage and Darkness. Scouter Machina
Black Sky 10 moderate non-elemental attacks on random party members. Adamantoise (Fiend Arena), Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Balivarha (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Barong (Fiend Arena), Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Chocobo (Fiend Arena A), Chocobo (Fiend Arena B), Deep Haizhe (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Duo, Guardian Beast (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Iron Giant (Fiend Arena), Jumbo Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena), Seymour (Fiend Arena), Spine Drake (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), YSLS-99 (Fiend Arena)
Blade Rondo Moderate non-elemental damage. Barong, King Takouba, Takouba
Blaster Inflicts damage equal to remaining HP - 1. Coeurl
Blast Punch Inflicts damage equal to 1/2 of max HP. YSLS-99, YSLS-Zero
Blessed Gem 8 hits of Holy-elemental damage. Inflicts a total of 2,857~3,226 damage. Buddy (Fiend Arena)
Blight Wing Minor non-elemental damage and Poison. Divebeak (Oversoul), Peregrine (Oversoul)
Blind Inflicts Darkness. Aka Manah, Daeva, Duo, Garik Ronso, King Takouba (Oversoul), Right Redoubt
Blinding Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and Darkness. Cactuar (Oversoul)
Blitz Ace 9 moderate non-elemental attacks. ???? (Tidus - Fiend Arena)
Blizzaga Major Ice-elemental damage. Aka Manah, Anything Eater, Aranea (Oversoul), Arast, Black Elemental (Oversoul), Cactuar (Oversoul), Chocobo Eater (Fiend Arena), Critical Bug, Daeva, Dark Elemental, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elder Zurvan, Flan Azabache (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Georapella, Gigas (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Grim Gaze (Oversoul), Gug (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul), Hexapod (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), Lich, Mindy, Node A, Node B, Node C, Paragon (Oversoul), Protean Gel (Oversoul), Queen Coeurl, Shiva, Spine Drake (Fiend Arena), Stalwart (Oversoul), Tria, Vertigo (Fiend Arena), Watcher A, Wight, Zarich
Blizzara Moderate Ice-elemental damage. Amorphous Gel, Chocobo Eater, Coeurl (Oversoul), Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elma (Chapter 5), Fem-Goon, Flan Blanco, Fly Eye (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Haizhe (Oversoul), Haunt, Hexapod, Hrimthurs (Oversoul), Iron Giant (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), League Mage, League Master, Leblanc (Final), Stalwart (Oversoul), Varan, Vertigo (Oversoul), Watcher A, Zarich Zurvan
Blizzard Minor Ice-elemental damage. Ahriman (Oversoul), Coeurl, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Fem-Goon, Flan Palido, Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Ms. Goon, Precepts Guard (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul), White Element
Bloody Breath Moderate non-elemental damage as well as Poison, Darkness, Silence, and Confusion. Tawrich
Body Press Inflicts damage equal to 5/8 of remaining HP to party. Ironside, Stalwart
Bomb Core Inflicts 281~317 HP of Fire-elemental damage. Rikku, Ruffian
Bomb Fragment Inflicts 75~84 HP of Fire-elemental damage. Only used if Confused. Rikku
Break Inflicts Petrify. Aka Manah, Duo, Left Bulwark, Right Redoubt, Seymour (Fiend Arena), Ultima Weapon, Vegnagun (leg)
Breath Inflicts moderate to heavy Fire-elemental damage to the party. For Spine Drake, it inflicts Ice-elemental damage instead. For Bolt Drake, it inflicts Lightning-elemental damage instead. Bolt Drake, Greater Drake, Lesser Drake, Spine Drake
Breath of the Gorgon Inflicts damage equal to 1/2 of remaining HP and Petrify. Adamantoise (Oversoul), Adamantortoise (Oversoul)
Bruiser Tail Inflicts damage equal to 3/8 of max HP to the party. Flame Dragon (Oversoul)
Brute Force Moderate non-elemental attack. Only used if Berserked. Protochimera (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Rhyos (Oversoul)
Budget Grenade Inflicts 18~21 damage to the party. Rikku
Bullseye Reduces party's HP by 9/16. Gippal
Burning Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and makes target weak to Fire-elemental attacks. Cactuar (Oversoul)


Ability Description Enemy
Camisade Moderate non-elemental damage. Cindy
Cannon Attack Either deals damage to a character equal to 3/16 of remaining HP or to the party equal to 3/16 of max HP (3/8 for YAC-62 in both cases). YAC-13, YAC-62
Cease and Desist Moderate non-elemental damage and Stop. Killer Machina
Chaos Flame Major Fire-elemental damage. Protochimera (Fiend Arena), Rhyos
Charge Major non-elemental damage and Poison. Protochimera, Rhyos
Charge Core Prepare for Momento Mori. Vegnagun (Core/Torso)
Chef's Knife Minor to extreme non-elemental physical damage. Can critical. Mega Tonberry, Tonberry
Chicken Wing Lv.1 Inflicts damage equal to 1/4 of remaining HP. Rukh (Oversoul), Shantak (Oversoul), Zu (Oversoul)
Chicken Wing Lv.2 Inflicts damage equal to 1/2 of remaining HP. Rukh (Oversoul), Shantak (Oversoul), Zu (Oversoul)
Chicken Wing Lv.3 Inflicts damage equal to 3/4 of remaining HP in the original version, as well as Instant Death in the HD Remaster version. Rukh (Oversoul), Shantak (Oversoul), Zu (Oversoul)
Chilly Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and makes target weak to Ice-elemental attacks. Cactuar (Oversoul)
Choking Mist 3x attack on target and Poison. Trema
Choco-Cure Restores moderate HP. Chocobo
Chocobo Feather Casts Haste. Blackguard
Choco-Kick Inflicts damage equal to 1/4 of max HP. Chocobo
Choco-Meteo 12 non-elemental attacks that reduces a random party member's HP by 1/8 of remaining HP. Chocobo (Chapters 3-5)
Choco-Protect Casts Protect. Chocobo
Choco-Shell Casts Shell. Chocobo.
Chocobo Wing Casts Haste on party. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Chocobo (Fiend Arena A), Gippal (Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena), Yaibal (Fiend Arena)
Chomp Moderate non-elemental attack that ignores defense and reduces Strength, Magic, Defense, and Magic Defense by 1 level. Great Malboro, Malboro (Oversoul)
Clean Slate Restores 1/4 of Max HP and removes all bad statuses. Elma (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Oversoul - Fiend Arena)
Clione 10 moderate non-elemental attacks against random party members. Almighty Shinra (Fiend Arena)
Concussive Blast Inflicts 281~317 damage to the party. Ormi (Chateau End)
Concussive Shock Inflicts 187~211 damage to the party. Ormi (Mt. Gagazet onwards)
Confuse Inflicts Confusion. Barong (Oversoul), Dark Elemental, Duo, Elma (Chapter 5), King Takouba (Oversoul), Seymour (Fiend Arena), Tomb
Copy Mode Can counterattack with skill used on it. Can copy any Black Magic abilities, White Magic abilities (except Life, Full-Life, and Auto-Life), Arcana abilities (except Black Sky), MP Absorb, and the Blue Bullet Supernova. YSLS-99 (Oversoul)
"Crackaboom!" Sacrifices user to inflict 1800 HP of Fire-elemental damage. Detonator
Critical Attack Critical damage. Barong (Fiend Arena), Elma (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Ifrit (Fiend Arena), Ixion (Fiend Arena), Seymour (Fiend Arena), White Fang (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Valefor (Fiend Arena), Zalamander (Fiend Arena)
Crushing Tail Damages party by 1/2 of the Max HP. Claret Dragon (Oversoul), Zalamander (Oversoul)
Cry in the Night Heavy non-elemental damage to the party. Mega Tonberry (Oversoul)
Cura Restores moderate HP. Elder Drake (Oversoul), Greater Drake (Oversoul), Iron Giant (Oversoul), Spine Drake (Oversoul), Node A, Node B, Node C, Shell Shocker (Oversoul - Fiend Arena)
Curaga Restores major HP. Angra Mainyu, Balivarha (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Barong (Fiend Arena), Dark Elemental (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Seymour (Fiend Arena), YSLS-99 (Fiend Arena)
Cure Restores minor HP. Bolt Drake (Oversoul), Lesser Drake (Oversoul), Shell Shocker (Fiend Arena)
Curse Inflicts Curse. Aka Manah, Arast, Azi Dahaka (Oversoul), Bahamut, Daeva, Dark Elemental, Epitaph, Guardian Beast
Curse Attack Moderate non-elemental damage and Curse. Bahamut (Fiend Arena)
Curse Fang Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and Curse. Canis Major
Curse Mode Can use Curse Punch. YSLS-99 (Oversoul)
Curse Punch Inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of max HP and inflicts Curse. YSLS-99 (Oversoul)


Ability Description Enemy
Daigoro Moderate non-elemental damage. Yojimbo
Damocles Photon Inflicts damage to the party equal to 1/2 of max HP. Azi Dahaka, Guardian Beast
Death Inflicts Death. Precepts Guard
Death Blaster Inflicts damage equal to remaining HP - 1 and Death. Queen Coeurl
Defense Stance Increases Defense by 10 levels. Gigas, Gug
Defense Up Increases Defense by 3 levels. Adamantoise, Adamantortoise, Armet, Barbuta, Bascinet, Bicocette, Heavy Sallet, Violet Goon (Fiend Arena), Sallet
Delay Buster Moderate non-elemental damage. ???? (Tidus - Fiend Arena), Ixion (Fiend Arena), Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena)
Delay Shock Moderate non-elemental damage. Aquila (Fiend Arena), Barbuta (Fiend Arena), Barong (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena), White Fang (Fiend Arena)
Delta Attack Inflicts damage equal to remaining HP -1 and MP on the party. Magus Sisters
Demi Reduces party's HP by 1/4. When used by Concherer and Shell Shocker (both Oversoul), can also not hit a character. Angra Mainyu, Baralai, Cindy, Concherer (Oversoul), Duo, Flan Azabache, Insect Matriarch (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), King VERMIN! (Oversoul), League Mage, Left Redoubt, Lulu (Fiend Arena), Monolith, Paragon (Oversoul), Precepts Guard, Seymour (Fiend Arena), Shell Shocker (Oversoul), Trema, Wight, Zurvan
Desperate Strike Inflicts damage equal to monster's max HP minus current HP. Agama (Oversoul), Anole (Oversoul), Archaeothyris (Oversoul), Gecko (Oversoul), Lacerta (Oversoul), Skink (Oversoul)
Destroy Phoenix Down Inflicts non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Phoenix Down. Not used if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the party has no Phoenix Downs. Bicocette (Oversoul)
Destroy Remedy Inflicts major non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Remedy. Not used if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the party has no Remedies. Chac (Oversoul)
Destroy Soft Inflicts minor non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Soft. Not used if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the party has no Softs. Chac (Oversoul), Gucumatz (Oversoul), Kukulcan (Oversoul)
Diamond Dust Major non-elemental damage to the party. Shiva
Dies Irae 9 random non-elemental attacks on random party members. Node A, Node B, Node C
Disable Absorb Fire Changes absorption of Fire to normal on self. Protean Gel
Disable Absorb Ice Changes absorption of Ice to normal on self. Protean Gel
Disable Absorb Lightning Changes absorption of Lightning to normal on self. Protean Gel
Disable Absorb Water Changes absorption of Water to normal on self. Protean Gel
Disable Immune to Fire Returns immunity from Ice to normal on self. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Disables Immune to Ice Returns immunity from Ice to normal on self. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Disable Immune to Lightning Returns immunity from Lightning to normal on self. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Disable Immune to Water Returns immunity from Water to normal on self. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Dispel Removes all positive statuses. Angra Mainyu, Anything Eater (Oversoul), Chocobo (Fiend Arena A), Chocobo (Fiend Arena B), Coeurl (Oversoul), Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elder Zurvan, Elma (Chapter 5), Haizhe (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Iron Giant (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Left Bulwark, Left Redoubt, Lulu (Fiend Arena), Omega Weapon (Oversoul), Paragon (Oversoul), Queen Coeurl (Oversoul), Seymour (Fiend Arena), Stalwart (Oversoul), Ultima Weapon (Oversoul), Varan, YSLS-99 (Oversoul), Unum
Distortion Moderate non-elemental damage to the party as well as removing Double HP, Double MP, Protect, Shell, Reflect, Regen, and Haste. Creeper (Oversoul), Deep Haizhe
Distortion Wave Moderate non-elemental damage to party as well as removing Double HP, Double MP, Shell, Protect, Reflect, Regen, and Haste. Deep Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Haizhe (Fiend Arena)
Doom Inflicts Doom Great Haunt, Haunt, Left Bulwark, Lich, Phantom, Wight
Double Attack 2 non-elemental attacks on a random party member. Bomb (Oversoul)
Double Punch Moderate non-elemental damage. Only used when Berserked. Gug, Hrimthurs
Dragon Fang Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Auron (Fiend Arena)
Drain Steals HP from target to restore own HP. Aeshma, Arast, Iron Giant (Fiend Arena), Precepts Guard, Phantom, Tomb, Watcher-S
Drain Attack Moderate non-elemental damage and absorbs HP. Aquila (Fiend Arena), Barong (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Deep Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Ixion (Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena), Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Seymour (Fiend Arena), Tentacles (Fiend Arena), Zalamander (Fiend Arena)
Dragon Scale Inflicts 281~317 HP of Water-elemental damage. Rikku, Ruffian
Drill Shot Inflicts damage equal to 3/4 of max HP. Baralai, Baralai (Pyrefly Form)
Drowning Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and makes target weak to Water-elemental attacks. Cactuar (Oversoul)
Dual Catalyst Increases Strength and Magic by 1 every 1.6 seconds. Aranea (Oversoul)
Dying Star 3x attack on a target. Trema


Ability Description Enemy
Earthquake Major non-elemental damage to the party. Earth Worm, Sand Worm
Ebon Powder Inflicts Darkness to the party. Bully Cap
Ecstasy Casts Regen and Haste and adds Double HP and Double MP to all allies. ????
Electrocute Moderate Lightning-elemental damage. Machina Soldier
Electro Marble Minor Lightning-elemental damage. Only used if Confused. Rikku
El Nino Moderate non-elemental damage and Slow to the party. Xiphactinus
Emblem of Thanatos Inflicts damage to the party equal to 5/8 of max HP as well as reducing all stats by 1 level. Aeshma, Aka Manah
Energy Blast Major non-elemental damage to the party. Valefor
Energy Ray Major non-elemental damage to the party. Valefor
Escape Flee from battle. Cactuar
Esuna Removes all negative statuses. Chocobo (Fiend Arena A)
Eyeing Paine Paine becomes target of attacks. Azi Dahaka (Oversoul), Behemoth (Oversoul), Guardian Beast (Oversoul), Humbaba (Oversoul), Insect Matriarch (Oversoul)
Eyeing Rikku Rikku becomes target of attacks. Azi Dahaka (Oversoul), Behemoth (Oversoul), Guardian Beast (Oversoul), Humbaba (Oversoul), Insect Matriarch (Oversoul)
Eyeing Yuna Yuna becomes target of attacks. Azi Dahaka (Oversoul), Behemoth (Oversoul), Guardian Beast (Oversoul), Humbaba (Oversoul), Insect Matriarch (Oversoul)


Ability Description Enemy
Falling Leaf 3x attack on a target. Trema
Final Impact 14 non-elemental attacks against the party that inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of max HP and MP. Paragon (Oversoul), Almighty Shinra
Fira Moderate Fire-elemental damage. Amorphous Gel, Bomb (Oversoul), Chocobo Eater, Coeurl (Oversoul), Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Detonator (Oversoul), Elma (Chapter 5), Fem-Goon, Fly Eye (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul), Iron Giant (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), King VERMIN!, League Mage, League Master, Leblanc (Final), Mycotoxin (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul), Tonberry (Oversoul), Vertigo (Oversoul), Varan, Watcher A, Zarich Zurvan
Firaga Major Fire-elemental damage. Aka Manah, Anything Eater, Aranea (Oversoul), Arast, Big Bully Cap (Oversoul), Black Elemental (Oversoul), Cactuar (Oversoul), Chocobo Eater (Fiend Arena), Daeva, Dark Elemental, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Detonator (Oversoul), Elder Zurvan, Flan Azabache (Oversoul), Flan Rojo, Georapella, Gigas (Oversoul), Grim Gaze (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul), Hrimthurs (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Ifrit, Insect Matriarch, Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), King VERMIN!, Mega Tonberry (Oversoul), Mindy, Mushroom Cloud (Oversoul), Node A, Node B, Node C, Paragon (Oversoul), Protean Gel (Oversoul), Queen Coeurl, Stalwart (Oversoul), Tria, Vertigo (Fiend Arena), Volcano, Watcher A, Zarich
Fire Minor Fire-elemental damage. Bomb (Oversoul), Bully Cap (Oversoul), Coeurl, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Fem-Goon, Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), League Ranger, Precepts Guard (Oversoul), Red Elemental, She-Goon, Stalwart (Oversoul)
Fire Breath Moderate Fire-elemental damage to the party. Balivarha
Fire Gem 6 Fire-elemental attacks on random party members. Each hit does 93~105 base damage. Lucil
Fireworks Major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores defense. Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Balivarha (Fiend Arena), Barong (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Chocobo (Fiend Arena A), Chocobo (Fiend Arena B), Deep Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Elma (Fiend Arena), Garik Ronso (Fiend Arena), Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Iron Giant (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena), Nooj (Fiend Arena), Quartum, Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Spine Drake (Fiend Arena), Almighty Shinra, Vertigo (Fiend Arena), YSLS-99 (Fiend Arena)
Fish Scale Inflicts 75~84 HP of Water-elemental damage. Only used if Confused. Rikku
Flame Breath Moderate to major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Claret Dragon, Flame Dragon, Zalamander
Flamethrower Moderate Fire-elemental damage to the party. Yevon Defender, Yevon's Finest
Flare Major non-elemental damage. Big Bully Cap only uses this when Berserked. Aeshma, Angra Mainyu, Anything Eater, Big Bully Cap (Oversoul), Black Elemental, Chocobo Eater (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Concherer (Oversoul), Duo, Guardian Beast (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Gug (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), King VERMIN! (Oversoul), Lulu (Fiend Arena), Mega Tonberry (Oversoul), Node A, Node B, Node C, Omega Weapon (Oversoul), Right Redoubt, Trema, Vertigo (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Volcano (Oversoul)
Flash Bomb Inflicts 46~52 damage and Darkness to the party. Elma (Chapter 5), Gippal, League Slasher, Leblanc (Final)
Flash Grenade Inflicts 46~52 and Darkness to the party. Logos (Djose Highroad)
Force Rain Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Shuyin
Frenzied Edge Reduces target's HP by 1/4. Barong (Oversoul), King Takouba (Oversoul), Takouba (Oversoul)
Full-Auto 5 minor non-elemental attacks that ignores defenses. Battlesnake, Viper Sniper
Full Break Moderate non-elemental physical damage and reduces Strength, Magic, Defense, and Magic Defense by 2 levels. Auron (Fiend Arena), Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Almighty Shinra, Valefor (Fiend Arena)
Renew Cures all HP (up to 9999) and negative statuses. Black Elemental (Oversoul)
Full-Life Fully revives a KO'ed ally. Angra Mainyu, Left Redoubt, Right Redoubt, Vegnagun (Core/Torso)
Futile Resistance Minor non-elemental damage and Silence, Confusion, Darkness, and Poison. Gigas (Oversoul)
Fulmen Command Extreme Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Tria


Ability Description Enemy
Gastric Juice
(Ingestive Juice)
Moderate non-elemental damage as well as reducing Strength & Magic by 1 level and Defense & Magic Defense by 2 levels. Great Malboro, Malboro
Gatling Gun 24 minor non-elemental attacks against random party members. Machina Panzer
Gathering Strength... Preparing for Bruiser Tail (Flame Dragon and Zalamander), Crushing Tail or Megaton Tail Claret Dragon (Oversoul), Flame Dragon (Oversoul), Zalamander (Oversoul)
Genesis Major non-elemental magic damage to the party as well as removing all positive statuses and status changes. Paragon
Glimmer of Despair Reduces party's MP as well as Strength, Magic, Defense, and Magic Defense by 1 level. Zarich
Glint Moderate non-elemental damage to party in a 5 meter radius in front of user. Baralai, Baralai (Pyrefly Form)
Gold Hourglass Inflicts Slow on the party. Lucil
Gooey End Minor non-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Aranea
Greedy Aura Reduces party's HP and MP by 3/16 of max HP and MP. Nooj
Grenade Inflicts 187~211 damage to the party. Rikku
Grinder Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and ignores defense. Gippal
Groundbreaker Inflicts damage to the party equal to 1/2 of remaining HP. Adamantortoise (Oversoul)
Grow Prepares for Kaboom! Bomb, Detonator, Volcano
"Guess I'll hit ya" Major non-elemental damage. Buddy (Fiend Arena)
Gunk Reduces MP to 0 and inflicts Poison. Concherer
Gun-Hater Inflicts major non-elemental damage to a Gunner, Gun Mage, or Alchemist. Critical Bug (Oversoul), Spine Drake (Oversoul)
Gun Payback Inflicts major non-elemental damage and Death to a Gunner, Gun Mage, or Alchemist. Critical Bug (Oversoul)


Ability Description Enemy
Hail of Bullets Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Logos (Djose Highroad)
Halitosis Inflicts Itchy to the party. Great Malboro (Oversoul), Malboro (Oversoul)
Halting Gaze Minor non-elemental damage and Stop. Grim Gaze
Harbinger Moderate non-elemental damage and Doom. Lucil
Haste Inflicts Haste ????, Critical Bug, Daeva, Drowsy Ochu (Oversoul), Elma, Flailing Ochu (Oversoul), Ochu (Oversoul), Almighty Shinra
Hastega Casts Haste on all allies except self. ???? (Tidus - Fiend Arena), Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Jumbo Cactuar
Hayate Inflicts Haste and increases Evasion by 10 levels on user. Balivarha (Fiend Arena), Barong (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
Haymaker 2 moderate non-elemental attacks on a target. YSLS-99, YSLS-Zero
Healing Spring Casts Regen on all allies. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena)
Heartless Strike Inflicts damage equal to remaining HP -1. Can critical. Aquila (Fiend Arena), Barbuta (Fiend Arena), Barong (Fiend Arena), Guardian Beast (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Ifrit (Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena), Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Tentacles (Fiend Arena), Zalamander (Oversoul - Fiend Arena)
Heavenly Strike Halves HP and MP and inflicts Stop. Shiva
Heaven's Cataract Moderate to major non-elemental damage to the party as well as reducing their Defense, Magic Defense, Accuracy, Evasion, and Luck by 1 level (10 levels for Chac). Chac, Gucumatz, Kukulcan
Heavy Seed Cannon Inflicts damage equal to remaining HP -1. Cephalotus (Oversoul), Leucophylla (Oversoul)
Hellfire Major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Ifrit
Helm Counter Inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of remaining HP (1/16 for Barbuta). Armet, Barbuta (Fiend Arena), Bascinet
Hero Drink Makes an ally invincible. ???? (Tidus - Fiend Arena), Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena)
Hidden Dark Matter Inflicts 1,406~1,587 damage to the party. Gug (Oversoul)
Hidden Hero Drink Uses Stamina Tonic on self and inflicts Invincible. Gigas (Oversoul)
Hidden Hi-Potion Restores 1,000 HP. Hrimthurs (Oversoul)
Hidden Stamina Tonic Doubles HP. Hrimthurs (Oversoul)
Hi-Potion Restores 1,000 HP. Blackguard, League Warrior, Lucil, Ruffian, Yaibal
Hi-Potion Vortex Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to the party and destroys 5 Hi-Potions. Only used if there is no Alchemist in the party or if the party has 8 or more Hi-Potions. Rukh (Oversoul)
Holy Major Holy-elemental damage. Haizhe (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), King VERMIN! (Oversoul), Paragon (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul), Tria
Hostile Activity Detected Reduces HP and MP by 3/16 of max HP and MP and removes Shell, Protect, Reflect, Regen, and Haste. Left Bulwark, Right Bulwark
Howl Doubles HP of an ally. Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
"Hug Bomb" Sacrifices user to inflict extreme non-elemental damage. Creeper, Hexapod, Hug Bug
Huggles Hits a character 3 times. Each hit deals 281~317 HP of base damage. Ormi (Chateau Leblanc)
Hunter's Gaze Inflicts 0 damage. Chac (Oversoul), Gucumatz (Oversoul), Kukulcan (Oversoul)
Hush Grenade Inflicts 46~52 damage and Silence to the party. Elma (Chapter 5), Gippal, Leblanc (Final), Logos (Djose Highroad)


Ability Description Enemy
Ice Gem 6 Ice-elemental attacks on random party members. Each hit does 93~105 base damage. Lucil
Immune to Fire Changes own immunity to Fire. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Immune to Ice Changes own immunity to Ice. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Immune to Lightning Changes own immunity to Lightning. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Immune to Water Changes own immunity to Water. Amorphous Gel (Oversoul)
Impale Moderate non-elemental attack that ignores defenses. Machina Hunter, Machina Leader, Machina Ranger, Machina Soldier
Impulse Reduces the party's HP by 3/8. Bahamut
Ingest Antidote Moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Antidote. Not used if there's an Alchemist in the party or if the party has 7 or less Antidotes. Great Malboro (Oversoul), Malboro (Oversoul)
Ingest Echo Screen Moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Echo Screen. Not used if there's an Alchemist in the party or if the party has 7 or less Echo Screens. Great Malboro (Oversoul)
Ingest Eye Drops Moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Eye Drops. Not used if there's an Alchemist in the party or if the party has 7 or less Eye Drops. Great Malboro (Oversoul), Malboro (Oversoul)
Ingest Holy Water Moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Holy Water. Not used if there's an Alchemist in the party or if the party has 7 or less Holy Waters. Great Malboro (Oversoul)
Ingest Remedy Moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Remedy. Not used if there's an Alchemist in the party or if the party has 7 or less Remedies. Great Malboro (Oversoul)


Ability Description Enemy
Judgment Moderate to major non-elemental damage. Paragon (Oversoul), Omega Weapon, Ultima Weapon
Jump Moderate non-elemental damage. Kimahri (Fiend Arena)


Ability Description Enemy
Kaboom! Sacrifices user to inflict Fire-elemental damage equal to remaining HP. Bomb, Detonator (Oversoul), Volcano (Oversoul)
Karma Inflicts damage equal to 1/2 of remaining HP and MP and inflicts Petrify, Confusion, and Poison. Mega Tonberry
Kercrackaboom! Sacrifices user to inflict 2800 HP of Fire-elemental damage. Volcano
Kill Attack Inflicts damage equal to Max HP. Aquila (Fiend Arena), Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Chocobo Eater (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Tentacles (Fiend Arena)
Killer Fang Moderate non-elemental damage and Death. Killer Hound, Lupus, Tindalos, White Fang
Kozuka Reduces MP by 1/4 and inflicts Poison. Yojimbo


Ability Description Enemy
Lacrimosa Reduces target's HP (Right Redoubt) or target's MP (Left Redoubt). Left Redoubt, Right Redoubt
La Nina Damages HP and MP of party by 3/8 of their remaining HP and MP. Dinictus (Oversoul)
Lightfall Inflicts 5000 damage to the party. Nooj
Lifeslicer Damages by its own max HP. Experiment
Light Curtain Casts Protect on all allies. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Lucil, Lulu (Fiend Arena)
Lightning Gem 6 Lightning-elemental attacks on random party members. Each hit does 93~105 damage. Lucil
Lightning Marble Inflicts 281~317 HP of Lightning-elemental damage. Rikku, Ruffian
Lingering Gaze Minor non-elemental damage and Slow. Fly Eye, Vertigo
Looming Glacier Reduces MP to 0 and inflicts Stop. Baralai, Baralai (Pyrefly Form)
Love Tap Casts Haste. Leblanc (Ruins)
Lunar Curtain Casts Shell on all allies. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Lucil, Lulu (Fiend ArenaColosseum)


Ability Description Enemy
Mach Fan Moderate non-elemental damage to the party and delay. Leblanc (Final)
Machismo Restores all HP and increases Strength by 10 levels, as well as cast Haste on user. Brother (Fiend Arena)
Maddening Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and Berserk. Cactuar (Oversoul)
Mage Hater Inflicts massive damage to a Black or White Mage. Critical Bug (Oversoul), Elder Drake (Oversoul)
Mage Payback Inflicts massive damage to a White Mage or Black Mage and inflicts Death. Critical Bug (Oversoul), Elder Drake (Oversoul)
Magical Attack Detected Reduces party's MP by 3/16 of max MP and removes Magic Up/Down and Magic Defense Up/Down. Left Bulwark, Right Bulwark
Magic Catalyst Increases Magic by 1 every 1.6 seconds. Precepts Guard (Oversoul)
Magic Down Decreases Magic stat. Blue Elemental (Oversoul), Dark Elemental (Oversoul), Flan Amarillo (Oversoul), Flan Azabache (Oversoul), Flan Azul (Oversoul), Flan Blanco (Oversoul), Flan Palido (Oversoul), Flan Rojo (Oversoul), Gold Elemental (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), Queen Coeurl (Oversoul), Red Elemental (Oversoul), White Element (Oversoul), Yellow Elemental (Oversoul)
Magic Up Increases Magic stat. Adamantoise (Fiend Arena), Baralai (Fiend Arena), Black Elemental, Blue Elemental, Dark Elemental, Flan Amarillo (Oversoul), Flan Azabache (Oversoul), Flan Azul (Oversoul), Flan Blanco (Oversoul), Flan Palido (Oversoul), Flan Rojo (Oversoul), Gold Elemental, Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), Lulu (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena), Queen Coeurl (Oversoul), Red Elemental, Seymour (Fiend Arena), White Element, Yellow Elemental
Mega Flare Major non-elemental damage to the party. Bahamut
Mega Potion Restores 2000 HP to all allies. ???? (Tidus - Fiend Arena), Auron (Fiend Arena), Buddy (Fiend Arena), Chocobo (Fiend Arena A), Chocobo (Fiend Arena B), Gippal (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Lulu (Fiend Arena), Nooj (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena), Yaibal (Fiend Arena)
Megaton Press Inflicts 54,857~61,943 HP of physical damage to one character. Concherer
Megaton Tail Damages party by 5/8 of their Max HP. Claret Dragon (Oversoul)
Me No Like That Dressphere! Targets either Paine, Rikku, or Yuna. Anything Eater (Oversoul)
Me No Like You! Targets either Paine, Rikku, or Yuna. Chocobo Eater (Oversoul)
Meteor 12 hits of moderate to major non-elemental magic damage to random party members. Trema's version deals 1/8 of max HP with every hit. Adamantoise (Fiend Arena), Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Deep Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Guardian Beast (Fiend Arena), Humbaba, Jumbo Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Quartum, Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Seymour (Fiend Arena), Shell Shocker (Colosseum), Spine Drake (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Stalwart (Fiend Arena), Trema, Ultima Weapon
Meteor Strike Moderate non-elemental damage. Ifrit
Mighty Guard Casts Protect, Shell, Regen, and Haste on the party as well as increasing Defense and Magic Defense by 2 levels and Evasion by 1 level. Only used when Confused. Balivarha (Fiend Arena), Baralai (Fiend Arena), Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Chocobo (Fiend Arena B), Deep Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Garik Ronso, Haizhe, Humbaba, Kimahri (Fiend Arena)
Mighty Guard G Nullifies all physical and magical damage to party. Ultima Weapon
Mind Fang Reduces target's MP by 1/8 of remaining MP. Tindalos, White Fang (Fiend Arena)
Mind Pecker Reduces target's MP. Aquila, Peregrine
Missile Moderate non-elemental damage. Node A
Mode: Hyperdrive! Heals all enemies (except self) with its own full HP and MP as well as giving them Double HP, Double MP, Shell, and Protect. Machina Panzer
Memento Mori Major non-elemental damage to the party. Vegnagun (Core/Torso)
Mors Certa Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party as well as Silence, Poison, and Darkness. Vegnagun (head)
Mortar Moderate non-elemental damage that ignores defenses. Gippal
Mortus Command Major non-elemental damage to the party that ignores defense. Quartum
MP Blowout Reduces MP to 0. Ronso Youth
MP Break Inflicts damage on a character's MP. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Gucumatz (Oversoul), Kukulcan (Oversoul), Lucil (Fiend Arena)
MP Crush Reduces target's MP by 1/16 8 times. Cephalotus (Oversoul), Leucophylla (Oversoul), Purpurea (Oversoul)
Muddle Wing Moderate non-elemental damage and Confusion. Aquila (Oversoul)
Mute Moderate non-elemental damage and Silence. Guard Machina


Ability Description Enemy
Nausea Powder Minor non-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Big Bully Cap, Mycotoxin
Nemo Ante Mortem Beatus Major non-elemental damage to the party. Vegnagun (head)
Night Game Moderate non-elemental damage and Darkness. Machina Striker, Pop Fry
Noisy Luster Moderate non-elemental damage that ignores magic defense. Nooj (Fiend Arena)
Noli Me Tangere Inflicts 1,250 damage to the party. Vegnagun (tail)
No Love Lost Damages random characters 8 times, then all characters, and one character by 3/8 of remaining HP. Leblanc (Final)
Nonpareil Increases Strength by 2 levels and Accuracy by 10 levels. Only used on user. Barong (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
Not-So-Mighty Guard Casts Protect, Shell, and Regen on party. Baralai (Pyrefly Form), Cindy, Daeva, Elma (Chapter 5), Leblanc (Final)


Ability Description Enemy
Oblivion 16 minor non-elemental attacks on random party members. Anima
Ochu Dance Moderate damage to party's MP and inflicts Sleep. Flailing Ochu
Ochu Jiggle Damages party by 1/8 of max HP and inflicts Confusion. Drowsy Ochu, Flailing Ochu, Ochu (Oversoul)
Odi Et Amo 16 non-elemental attacks against random party members and removes Haste, Protect, Shell, Reflect, and Regen as well as stat boosts. Vegnagun (head)
OFF Mode Removes Curse, Bio, or Silence Mode (does not removes Copy Mode). YSLS-99 (Oversoul), YSLS-Zero (Oversoul)
Osmose Drains MP from target to restore own MP. Aeshma, Angra Mainyu, Anything Eater, Arast, Blue Elemental, Daeva, Dark Elemental, Elder Zurvan, Georapella, Gold Elemental, Leblanc (Final), Omega Weapon (Oversoul), Paragon (Oversoul), Phantom, Red Elemental, Tomb, Ultima Weapon (Oversoul), White Element, Yellow Element
Oversoul Fever Makes an enemy Oversoul. Phantom


Ability Description Enemy
Pain Moderate non-elemental damage as well as Silence, Darkness, Itchy and reducing Strength, Defense, Magic, Magic Defense, Accuracy, and Evasion by 1 level. Anima
Pallida Mors Major non-elemental damage. Vegnagun (head)
Partyin' Major non-elemental damage to the party. Brother (Fiend Arena)
Passado Reduces HP by 15/16. Mindy
Perdition's Flame 10 non-elemental physical attacks that reduces random party member's HP by 3/16 of max HP. Angra Mainyu
Pernicious Powder Inflicts Petrify, Sleep, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Itchy (always), Berserk, and Stop as well as reducing Magic and Strength levels by 10 (both always) on the party. Mushroom Cloud
Petrify Grenade Inflicts 234~264 damage and Petrification. Yaibal (Fiend Arena)
Phoenix Down Cancels KO and restores KO'ed ally to 1/4 of max HP. Yaibal
Phoenix Down Vortex Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to the party and destroys 5 Phoenix Downs. Not used if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the party has 8 or less Phoenix Downs. Zu (Oversoul)
Physical Attack Detected Reduces party's HP by 5/16 of max HP and removes Strength Up/Down and Defense Up/Down. Left Bulwark, Right Bulwark
Pirouette Pitch Minor non-elemental damage. Ormi
Pointless Inflicts Pointless Grim Gaze, Vertigo
Poison Fang Minor non-elemental damage and Poison. Used as an item by Blackguard, which does moderate non-elemental damage and Poison. Agama, Anole, Archaeothyris, Blackguard, Gecko, Skink
Poison Needle Moderate non-elemental damage and Poison and Sleep. Vespa
Poison Smog Minor non-elemental damage as well as Darkness and Poison to the party. Taromaiti
Pollute Moderate non-elemental damage and Poison. Assault Machina
Potion Restores 200 HP. Bandit, League Soldier, Logos (Luca), League Trooper, Ms. Goon
Potion Plus Restores 600 HP. Gippal
Potion Vortex Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to the party and destroys five Potions. Only used if there is no Alchemist in the party and if the party has eight or more Potions. Shantak (Oversoul)
Power Catalyst Increases Strength by 1 every 1.6 seconds. Boris (Oversoul), Georapella (Oversoul)
Protect Halves damage from physical attacks. Garik Ronso, Node A, Node B, Node C, Right Bulwark, Seymour (Fiend Arena), Unum
Punishment Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to the party and inflicts Poison. Omega Weapon, Ultima Weapon
Pyroplexy Major non-elemental damage to the party. Elder Drake


Ability Description Enemy
Quadruple Attack 4 moderate non-elemental attacks on random party members. Detonator (Oversoul), Hexapod (Oversoul), Killer Hound (Oversoul), White Fang (Oversoul)
Quick Attack Moderate non-elemental damage. Aquila (Fiend Arena), Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Balivarha (Fiend Arena), Barbuta (Fiend Arena), Barong (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Brother (Fiend Arena), Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Ifrit (Fiend Arena), Ixion (Fiend Arena), White Fang (Fiend Arena), YSLS-99 (Oversoul - Fiend Arena)
Quiet Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and Silence. Cactuar (Oversoul)
Quintuple Attack 5 moderate non-elemental attacks on random party members. Canis Major (Oversoul), Dinictus (Oversoul), Lupus (Oversoul)


Ability Description Enemy
Radis Command Inflicts 26,397~28,907 damage to one character. Unum
Radular Grudge Minor non-elemental damage as well as Poison, Silence, Darkness, and Confusion. Concherer (Oversoul)
Rage of the Earth Damages the party by 1/2 of their remaining HP. Sand Worm (Oversoul)
Razzia Moderate non-elemental damage. Sandy
Really Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Slow, and Curse to the party. Great Malboro
Reaper Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Gemini, Iron Giant
Recharge Restores 200 HP and MP. Ixion
Recovery Command Scramble Seal commands that have been transmitted that recovers HP or MP. Watcher-R
Reflect Bounce spells back at enemy's party. Dark Elemental, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul)
Regen Restores HP over time. ????, Baralai (Pyrefly Form), Black Elemental (Oversoul), Blue Elemental (Oversoul), Cindy, Dark Elemental (Oversoul), Gold Elemental (Oversoul), Node A, Node B, Node C, Right Bulwark
Rend Damages target by 1/4 of max HP (when used in Oversoul, by 1/2 instead). Lacerta (Normal and Oversoul)
Requiem Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena)
Revolver Moderate non-elemental damage. Battlesnake (Fiend Arena)
Rocket Launcher 4-10 non-elemental attacks against random party members. Experiment
Run & Slash 6 non-elemental attacks on random party members. Shuyin
Run Away Flee from battle. Chocobo
Russian Roulette Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and either inflicts Death, Eject, Petrify, Silence, Curse, or Poison. Logos (Chateau Leblanc)


Ability Description Enemy
Scum Spray Moderate Water-elemental damage and Darkness. Sahagin (Oversoul)
Seed Burst 8 non-elemental attacks that ignores defense. Cephalotus, Leucophylla, Purpurea
Seed Cannon Deals damage equal to half the target's max HP. Cephalotus, Leucophylla
Sextuple Attack 6 moderate non-elemental attacks on random party members. Tindalos (Oversoul), Volcano (Oversoul)
Sharpened Needle Moderate non-elemental damage to one character and Strength increases by 3. Aculeate (Oversoul), Assassin Bee (Oversoul), Death Dauber (Oversoul), Vespa (Oversoul), Wasp Queen (Oversoul)
Shatter Elixir Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Elixir. Will not use if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the player has 7 or less Elixirs. Bascinet (Oversoul)
Shatter Ether Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Ether. Will not use if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the player has 7 or less Ethers. Armet (Oversoul)
Shatter Hi-Potion Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Hi-Potion. Will not use if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the player has 7 or less Hi-Potions. Barbuta (Oversoul)
Shatter Phoenix Down Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Phoenix Down. Will not use if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the player has 7 or less Phoenix Downs. Bicocette (Oversoul), Heavy Sallet (Oversoul)
Shatter Potion Inflicts minor non-elemental damage and destroys one Potion. Will not use if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the player has seven or less Potions. Sallet (Oversoul)
Shatter Turbo Ether Inflicts major non-elemental damage and destroys 1 Turbo Ether. Will not use if there is an Alchemist in the party or if the player has 7 or less Turbo Ethers. Heavy Sallet (Oversoul)
Shell Halves damage from magic attacks. Garik Ronso, Node A, Node B, Node C, Right Bulwark, Seymour (Fiend Arena), Unum
Shining Gem Inficts 1,406~1,587 damage to one character. Yaibal (Fiend Arena)
Shin-Zantetsu 80% chance of inflicting Death to the party. Auron (Fiend Arena), Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Haizhe (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Lucil (Fiend Arena)
Shooting Star Ejects a party member from the battle. Auron (Fiend Arena)
Silence Inflicts Silence. Aka Manah, Baralai (Pyrefly Form), Blue Elemental, Daeva, Duo, King Takouba (Oversoul)
Silence Mode Can use Silence Punch. YSLS-99 (Oversoul), YSLS-Zero (Oversoul)
Silence Punch Inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of Max HP and inflicts Silence. YSLS-99 (Oversoul), YSLS-Zero (Oversoul)
Silent Wing Moderate non-elemental damage and Silence. Peregrine (Oversoul)
Skewer Moderate non-elemental attack that ignores defense. Balivarha, Nashorn, Quadricorn
Skullcracker Inflicts damage equal to 5/8 of max HP. Gemini
Sleep Inflicts Sleep. Duo, Elma, Elma (Chapter 5), Insect Matriarch, Tonberry (Oversoul), Watcher-S
Sleep Needle Minor non-elemental damage and Sleep. Aculeate, Assassin Bee, Death Dauber, Vespa
Slow Inflicts Slow. Aka Manah, Daeva, Elma, Insect Matriarch, Left Redoubt, Precepts Guard, Vegnagun (leg), Watcher-S
Slow Attack Major non-elemental damage and Slow. Aquila (Fiend Arena)
Slowga Inflicts Slow on party. Duo, Seymour (Fiend Arena)
Sludge Spray Moderate Water-elemental damage and inflicts Darkness and Poison. Sahagin Prince (Oversoul)
Slurp Major non-elemental damage and Itchy. Concherer (Oversoul), Shell Shocker (Oversoul)
Sonic Boom Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Shantak
Sonic Fan Minor non-elemental damage to the party. Leblanc (Ruins)
Sonic Storm Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Rukh, Zu
Sonic Wings Damages target's MP. Valefor
Sorcery Beam Major non-elemental damage to the party. Machina Panzer
Sorrow of the Earth Damages all characters by 3/4 of their remaining HP. Earth Worm (Oversoul)
Sorry! Inflicts 468~529 damage to party. Yaibal
"Sorry about that" Moderate non-elemental damage that hits a character from behind. Buddy (Fiend Arena)
Soul Spring Absorbs major HP and MP and restores own HP/MP. Yaibal (Fiend Arena)
Sparkler Major non-elemental damage to one character that ignores defense. Deep Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Unum
Special Command Scrambler Seals commands transmitted that steal or cause a special effect. Watcher-S
Spider Bite Moderate non-elemental physical damage that ignores defense. Aranea
Spin Cut Moderate non-elemental damage. Shuyin
Spiral Cut Moderate non-elemental damage. ???? (Tidus - Fiend Arena)
Squirt Gun Moderate Water-elemental damage and inflicts Slow. Sahagin, Sahagin Prince
Staccato Moderate non-elemental damage to the party as well as reducing Strength, Magic, Defense, and Magic Defense by 1 level. Great Malboro
Stampede Used only if Berserked. Inflicts critical damage. Balivarha (Oversoul), Nashorn (Oversoul), Quadricorn (Oversoul)
Star Curtain Casts Reflect on party. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena)
Sticky End Inflicts minor non-elemental damage and Stop to the party. Boris
Still Gathering Strength... Preparing for Megaton Tail (Claret Dragon) or Crushing Tail. Claret Dragon (Oversoul), Zalamander (Oversoul)
Stone Breath Inflicts Petrify to the party. Dolmen, Epitaph, Monolith, Tomb
Stone Fang Moderate non-elemental damage and Petrification. Archaeothyris
Stony Glare Inflicts minor non-elemental damage and Petrification. Chac, Gucumatz, Kukulcan
Stop Attack Moderate non-elemental damage and Stop. Aquila (Fiend Arena), Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Barbuta (Fiend Arena), Guardian Beast (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Tentacles (Fiend Arena), White Fang (Fiend Arena)
Storm Cannon Inflicts 1150 damage to party. Ironside
Stormin' Minor non-elemental damage that hits 6 times. Brother (Fiend Arena)
Strength Down Reduces Strength. Bolt Drake (Oversoul), Elder Drake (Oversoul), Greater Drake (Oversoul), Lesser Drake (Oversoul), Spine Drake (Oversoul)
Strength Up Increases Strength by 2 levels. Adamantoise (Fiend Arena), Adamantortoise, Baralai (Fiend Arena), Barbuta (Fiend Arena), Bolt Drake (Oversoul), Canis Major, Coyote, Elder Drake (Oversoul), Greater Drake (Oversoul), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Killer Hound, Lesser Drake (Oversoul), Lupus, Violet Goon (Fiend Arena), Seymour (Fiend Arena), Spine Drake (Oversoul), Tindalos, White Fang, Wild Wolf
Sunshine Heavy non-elemental damage to the party. Garik Ronso (Fiend Arena), Kimahri (Fiend Arena)
Supercollider Halves target's HP. Ormi (Chateau Leblanc)
Supersonic Wave Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Grim Gaze, Vertigo (Fiend Arena)
Supreme Gem Inflicts 2,343~2,646 damage to the party. Buddy (Fiend Arena), Elma (Fiend Arena), Yaibal (Fiend Arena)
Sword-Hater Inflicts major non-elemental damage to Warriors, Dark Knights, and Samurais. Critical Bug (Oversoul), Greater Drake (Oversoul)
Sword Payback Inflicts major non-elemental damage and Death to a Warrior, Dark Knight, or Samurai. Critical Bug (Oversoul)


Ability Description Enemy
T. Blizzard Deals eight ice-elemental attacks against random party members. Lulu (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
T. Fire Deals eight fire-elemental attacks against random party members. Lulu (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
T. Thunder Deals eight lightning-elemental attacks against random party members. Lulu (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
T. Water Deals eight water-elemental attacks against random party members. Lulu (Fiend Arena), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena)
Tail Beam Inflicts damage equal to 5/16 of max HP. Vegnagun (tail)
Tail Smash Inflicts damage to party equal to 1/4 of their remaining HP. Claret Dragon, Zalamander
Tempus Laxit Minor non-elemental damage and Stop to the party. Aranea (Oversoul), Boris (Oversoul)
Tentacles Slap 5 moderate non-elemental attacks against random party members. Tentacles (Oversoul)
Terror of Zanarkand 9 moderate attacks against one character that ignores defense. Shuyin
Thor's Hammer Major non-elemental damage to the party. Ixion
Thrust Major non-elemental damage and Poison. Protochimera (Fiend Arena)
Thrust Kick Ejects target from the battle. YAU-28, YAU-71
Thundaga Major Lightning-elemental damage. Aka Manah, Anything Eater, Aranea (Oversoul), Arast, Black Elemental (Oversoul), Cactuar (Oversoul), Concherer (Oversoul), Daeva, Dark Elemental, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Drowsy Ochu (Oversoul), Elder Zurvan, Flailing Ochu (Oversoul), Flan Azabache (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Gigas (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Grim Gaze (Oversoul), Gug (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul), Hug Bug (Oversoul), Humbaba, Insect Matriarch, Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), Lich, Mindy, Node A, Node B, Node C, Paragon (Oversoul), Protean Gel (Oversoul), Queen Coeurl, Rhyos, Stalwart (Oversoul), Taromaiti, Tria, Vertigo (Fiend Arena), Watcher-R, Wight, Zarich
Thundara Moderate Lightning-elemental damage. Amorphous Gel, Behemoth, Chocobo Eater, Coeurl (Oversoul), Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Drowsy Ochu (Oversoul), Elma (Chapter 5), Fem-Goon, Flan Amarillo (Oversoul), Fly Eye (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Haizhe (Oversoul), Haunt, Hrimthurs (Oversoul), Hug Bug, Humbaba, Iron Giant (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Ixion, Jahi, Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), League Mage, League Master, Leblanc (Final), Pairika, Protochimera, Rhyos, Stalwart (Oversoul), Varan, Vertigo (Oversoul), Watcher-R, Zarich Zurvan
Thunder Minor Lightning-elemental damage. ????, Ahriman (Oversoul), Coeurl, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elma, Fem-Goon, Flan Amarillo, Gold Elemental, Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Leblanc (Luca), Ochu (Oversoul), Precepts Guard (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul), Watcher-R, Yellow Elemental
Thundering Wave 3x attack on a target. Trema
Tick-Tick-Boom! Moderate non-elemental damage and inflicts Doom. Volcano
Tingling Meridian Inflicts 100 HP and makes target weak to Lightning-elemental attacks. Cactuar (Oversoul)
Tired of Paine! Moderate non-elemental damage to Paine. Chocobo Eater (Oversoul)
Tired of Rikku! Moderate non-elemental damage to Rikku. Chocobo Eater (Oversoul)
Tired of That Dressphere! Damages character wearing chosen dressphere from "Me No Like That Dressphere!". Anything Eater (Oversoul)
Tired of Yuna! Moderate non-elemental damage to Yuna. Chocobo Eater (Oversoul)
Touch-and-Go Moderate non-elemental damage and Berserk. Drowsy Ochu (Oversoul), Flailing Ochu (Oversoul), Ochu (Oversoul)
Transmitting Log... Not an action. It merely warns the player to be mindful of what to do in front of this certain enemy, because it learns. Indicates that the enemy is dead. Watcher A, Watcher-R, Watcher-S
Tremor Inflicts damage to party equal to 15/16 of remaining HP. Adamantoise, Adamantortoise
Triple Attack 3 moderate non-elemental attacks on random party members. Baralai, Baralai (Pyrefly Form), Coyote (Oversoul), Hug Bug (Oversoul), King VERMIN! (Oversoul), Shiva, Wild Wolf (Oversoul), Xiphactinus (Oversoul)
Triple Play! 10 non-elemental attacks against random party members that inflicts 3/16 of max HP worth of base damage. Machina Striker, Pop Fry
Triple Shock Moderate non-elemental damage as well as Poison, Darkness, and Sleep. Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena), Wasp Queen
Turbo Ether Restore 500 MP. Baralai (Fiend Arena), Lulu (Fiend Arena)
Tyrant Tail Moderate non-elemental damage to the party. Humbaba


Ability Description Enemy
Ultima Massive non-elemental magic damage to the party. Aeshma's variant has a damage constant of 42. Adamantoise (Fiend Arena), Aeshma, Baralai (Fiend Arena), Black Elemental, Duo, Ironside (Oversoul), Lulu (Fiend Arena), Mushroom Cloud, Paragon (Oversoul), Violet Goon (Fiend Arena), Quartum, Seymour (Fiend Arena), Almighty Shinra, Trema
Umbral Gaze Minor non-elemental damage and Darkness. Ahriman
Unnatural Selection Ejects party. Angra Mainyu
Uppercut Moderate to major non-elemental damage. Behemoth, Humbaba


Ability Description Enemy
Venam Command Inflicts 12,880~14,543 damage and Poison to the party. Duo
Vigor Restores half of max HP to user. Affected by Shell. Baralai (Fiend Arena)
Vita Brevis Major non-elemental damage to the party. Vegnagun (leg)


Ability Description Enemy
Wakizashi Moderate non-elemental damage. Yojimbo
Waning Moon 3x attack on a target and reduces MP by 5/16 of remaining MP each hit. Trema
Water Minor Water-elemental damage. Ahriman (Oversoul), Bully Cap, Coeurl, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Fem-Goon, Flan Azul, Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Precepts Guard (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul)
Watera Moderate Water-elemental damage. Amorphous Gel, Bully Cap (Oversoul), Chocobo Eater, Coeurl (Oversoul), Creeper, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elma (Chapter 5), Fem-Goon, Fly Eye (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Haizhe (Oversoul), Haunt, Hrimthurs (Oversoul), Iron Giant (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jahi, Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), League Mage, League Master, Leblanc (Final), Mycotoxin (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul), Taromaiti, Tria, Varan, Vertigo (Oversoul), Watcher A, Zarich Zurvan
Waterga Major Water-elemental damage. Aka Manah, Anything Eater (Oversoul), Aranea (Oversoul), Arast, Big Bully Cap (Oversoul), Black Elemental (Oversoul), Blue Elemental, Cactuar (Oversoul), Chocobo Eater (Fiend Arena), Creeper (Oversoul), Critical Bug, Daeva, Dark Elemental, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Elder Zurvan, Flan Azabache (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Georapella, Gigas (Oversoul), Great Haunt, Grim Gaze (Oversoul), Gug (Oversoul), Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Jumbo Cactuar (Oversoul), Lich, Mindy, Mushroom Cloud (Oversoul), Mycotoxin (Oversoul), Node A, Node B, Node C, Paragon (Oversoul), Protean Gel (Oversoul), Queen Coeurl, Stalwart (Oversoul), Vertigo (Fiend Arena), Watcher A, Wight, Zarich
Water Gem 6 Water-elemental attacks on random party members. Each hit does 93~105 base damage. Lucil
White Highwind Restores party's HP by 3/8 of max HP and cures all negative statuses. Used only when confused (not in the case of Ultima Weapon). Bully Cap, Cactuar (Fiend Arena), Cindy, Coeurl, Deep Haizhe (Fiend Arena), Ms. Goon, Mycotoxin, Queen Coeurl, Ultima Weapon, Unum
White Mage-Hater Inflicts major damage to a White Mage. Flailing Ochu (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Iron Giant (Oversoul)
White Wind Restores party's HP by 1/8 of Max HP and cures all negative statuses. Garik Ronso (Fiend Arena), Haizhe (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Kimahri (Fiend Arena), Leblanc (Final), Lucil (Fiend Arena), Spine Drake (Fiend Arena)
Whole Lotta Strength Preparing for Megaton Tail. Claret Dragon (Oversoul)
Wild Wing Moderate non-elemental damage and Berserk. Aquila (Oversoul)
W.I.M.P. Moderate non-elemental damage and Itchy. Aculeate, Assassin Bee, Vespa, Wasp Queen


Ability Description Enemy
X-Potion Restore all HP. Ebony Goon (Fiend Arena)


Ability Description Enemy
Zanmato Reduces party's HP and MP to 1. Yojimbo

