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Auto-abilities in Final Fantasy X-2 are gained by either equipping Garment Grids, accessories or dresspheres.

Some auto-abilities are learned by creatures naturally as they level up.

Offensive auto-abilties[]

Ability Effect Usable via
Gullwings Creature
First Strike Gives high priority to the character at the start of battle, regardless of ambush rates. Dressphere: Thief
Accessory: Sprint Shoes
Garment Grid: Highroad Winds, Mounted Assault
Accessory: Sprint Shoes
Garment Grid: Highroad Winds, Mounted Assault
Initiative Increases chance of party getting First Strike. Dressphere: Thief Dressphere: Thief
Firestrike Adds the Fire element to physical attacks. Accessory: Fiery Gleam, Freezerburn
Garment Grid: Heart of Flame
Accessory: Fiery Gleam, Freezerburn
Icestrike Adds the Ice element to physical attacks. Accessory: Icy Gleam, Freezerburn
Garment Grid: Ice Queen (yellow gate)
Accessory: Icy Gleam, Freezerburn
Lightningstrike Adds the Lightning element to physical attacks. Accessory: Electrocutioner, Lightning Gleam
Garment Grid: Thunder Spawn (yellow gate)
Accessory: Electrocutioner, Lightning Gleam
Waterstrike Adds the Water element to physical attacks. Accessory: Watery Gleam, Electrocutioner
Garment Grid: Menace of the Deep (yellow gate)
Accessory: Watery Gleam, Electrocutioner
Gravitystrike Adds the Gravity element to physical attacks. Garment Grid: Downtrodder Unobtainable
Holystrike Adds the Holy element to physical attacks. Garment Grid: Sacred Beast (green gate) Unobtainable
Tetrastrike Adds the Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water elements to physical attacks. Accessory: Tetra Gloves
Garment Grid: Tetra Master
Accessory: Tetra Gloves
Garment Grid: Tetra Master
Omnistrike Adds the Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Gravity, and Holy elements to physical attacks. Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Gravity, and Holy-elemental damage and restores HP. Accessory: Force of Nature Accessory: Force of Nature
Berserktouch Inflicts Berserk when attacking physically. Accessory: Fury Shock
Garment Grid: Raging Giant (yellow and blue gate)
Accessory: Fury Shock
Confusetouch Inflicts Confusion when attacking physically. Accessory: Chaos Shock
Garment Grid: Raging Giant (green and red gate)
Accessory: Chaos Shock
Darktouch Inflicts Darkness when attacking physically. Accessory: Blind Shock
Garment Grid: Disaster in Bloom (yellow gate), Still of Night (yellow and blue gate)
Accessory: Blind Shock
Creature: Skink, Mushroom Cloud, Viper Sniper
Deathtouch Inflicts Death when attacking physically. Accessory: Mortal Shock
Garment Grid: Bitter Farewell (green and red gate)
Accessory: Mortal Shock
Creature: Archaeothyris, Zu, Vespa, King Takouba, Tonberry, Ochu, Drowsy Ochu, Flailing Ochu, Hexapod, Chocobo Eater
Poisontouch Inflicts Poison when attacking physically. Accessory: Venom Shock
Garment Grid: Disaster in Bloom (blue gate)
Accessory: Venom Shock
Garment Grid: Disaster in Bloom
Creature: Gecko, Agama, Skink, Anole, Archaeothyris, Lacerta, Barong, Bully Cap, Mycotoxin, Big Bully Cap, Battlesnake, Creeper, Sahagin Prince
Silencetouch Inflicts Silence when attacking physically. Accessory: Mute Shock
Garment Grid: Disaster in Bloom (red gate), Still of Night (green & red gate)
Accessory: Mute Shock
Creature: Gecko, Skink, Ahriman, Fly Eye, Bully Cap, Mycotoxin, Mushroom Cloud, Big Bully Cap, Viper Sniper, Sahagin Prince
Sleeptouch Inflicts Sleep when attacking physically. Accessory: Dream Shock
Garment Grid: Disaster in Bloom (green gate), Restless Sleep (green & red gate)
Accessory: Dream Shock
Garment Grid: Disaster in Bloom
Creature: Bully Cap, Mycotoxin, Big Bully Cap, Battlesnake
Slowtouch Inflicts Slow when attacking physically. Accessory: Lag Shock Accessory: Lag Shock
Creature: Agama, Archaeothyris, Lacerta, Ahriman, Fly Eye, YAU-28
Stonetouch Inflicts Petrify when attacking physically, removing opponents easily from the battlefield. Accessory: Stone Shock
Garment Grid: Disaster in Bloom (all gates), Mortal Coil (yellow gate)
Accessory: Stone Shock
Creature: Gecko, Anole, Shantak, King Takouba, Big Bully Cap, Chac, Viper Sniper, Ochu, Drowsy Ochu, Hug Bug
Stoptouch Inflicts Stop when attacking physically. Accessory: System Shock Accessory: System Shock
Creature: Agama, Fly Eye, Barong, Battlesnake, YAU-28
Counterattack Allows a character to physically counterattack an attacking enemy. Dressphere: Berserker Creature: Hrimthurs, Gigas, Gug
Evade & Counter Allows a character to evade an attacking enemy, if possible, then physically counterattack. Dressphere: Berserker Unobtainable
Magic Counter Allows a character to physically counterattack an enemy when attacked with magic. Dressphere: Berserker Unobtainable
SOS Critical Causes all physical attacks of the user to deal critical damage as long as the character's HP is critical. Dressphere: Samurai Accessory: Bushido Lore
Creature: Coyote, Wild Wolf, Killer Hound, White Fang, Canis Major, Lupus
Critical Causes all physical attacks of the user to deal critical damage. Dressphere: Lady Luck Garment Grid: Peerless
Creature: Tindalos, Gug
Magic Booster Increases the power of Black and White Magic abilities at the cost of doubling the MP needed to use. Accessory: Soul of Thamasa Accessory: Soul of Thamasa
Creature: Dark Elemental, Black Elemental, Zurvan, Arast, Haunt
Piercing Magic Causes spells cast by the user to ignore the Reflect status. Dressphere: Festivalist (Yuna)
Garment Grid: Shining Mirror
Garment Grid: Shining Mirror
Turbo Arcana Cuts the time to cast Arcana Magic by 40%. Accessory: Arcane Tome Accessory: Arcane Tome
Garment Grid: Chaos Maelstrom
Turbo Black Magic Cuts the time to cast Black Magic by 40%. Accessory: Black Tome
Dressphere: Black Mage
Accessory: Black Tome
Garment Grid: Black Tabard
Nitro Black Magic Cuts the time to cast Black Magic by 40%, and automatically puts the user in Pointless status. Effect will never wear off even if the user is KO'd and then revived in the same battle. Accessory: Minerva's Plate Accessory: Minerva's Plate
Turbo Bushido Cuts the time to use Bushido techniques by 40%. Accessory: Bushido Tome Accessory: Bushido Tome
Garment Grid: Samurai's Honour
Turbo Instinct Cuts the time to use Instinct techniques by 40%. Accessory: Nature's Tome Accessory: Nature's Tome
Garment Grid: Blood of the Beast
Turbo Swordplay Cuts the time to use Swordplay techniques by 40%. Accessory: Sword Tome Accessory: Sword Tome
Garment Grid: Pride of the Sword
Turbo White Magic Cuts the time to cast White Magic by 40%. Accessory: White Tome Dressphere: White Mage
Accessory: White Tome
Kijo's Soul Automatically puts user in Berserk and Poison statuses, which cannot be nullified. Accessory: Bloodlust Accessory: Bloodlust
Majo's Soul Allows the user to cast, and only cast, any Black Magic spell learned, cuts the time to cast Black Magic by 50%, and negates double/triple AP effects. Automatically puts user in Haste and Poison statuses, which cannot be nullified. Accessory: Wring Accessory: Wring
Break Damage Limit Allows for the damage cap to exceed 9,999, to a maximum of 99,999. Dressphere: Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, Full Throttle
Accessory: Invincible
Garment Grid: Higher Power (all gates), The End (green and red gate)
Accessory: Invincible
Garment Grid: The End
Total Limit Break Allows damage dealt and user's max HP to exceed 9,999, to a maximum of 99,999. Unobtainable Creature: Heavy Sallet, Flan Azabache, Boris, Aranea, Shantak, Zu, Rukh, Wasp Queen, King Takouba, Protochimera, Rhyos, Ochu, Drowsy Ochu, Flailing Ochu, Hexapod, Flame Dragon, Zalamander, Claret Dragon, Sahagin Chief, Amorphous Gel, Protean Gel, Elder Zurvan, Tomb, Dolmen, Monolith, Daeva, Aka Manah, Aeshma, Jumbo Cactuar, Chocobo Eater, Anything Eater, Stalwart, Ironside, Behemoth, Humbaba, Malboro, Great Malboro, Adamantoise, Adamantortoise, Pop Fry, Machina Striker, Machina Panzer, Shell Shocker, Concherer, Guardian Beast, Azi Dahaka, Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon, Paragon, Almighty Shinra

Defensive auto-abilties[]

Ability Effect Usable via
Gullwings Creature
Fire Ward Halves Fire-elemental damage. Accessory: Red Ring Accessory: Red Ring
Fireproof Nullifies Fire-elemental attacks. Accessory: NulBlaze Ring Accessory: NulBlaze Ring
Creature: Armet
Fire Eater Absorbs Fire-elemental attacks and restores HP. Dressphere: Psychic
Accessory: Crimson Ring, Sublimator
Garment Grid: Heart of Flame, Tetra Master (green gate)
Accessory: Crimson Ring, Sublimator
Garment Grid: Heart of Flame
Creature: Armet, Flan Rojo, Red Elemental, Tindalos, Lesser Drake, Greater Drake, Elder Drake, Bomb, Detonator, Volcano, Flame Dragon
Ice Ward Halves Ice-elemental damage. Accessory: White Ring Accessory: White Ring
Iceproof Nullifies Ice-elemental attacks. Accessory: NulFrost Ring Accessory: NulFrost Ring
Ice Eater Absorbs Ice-elemental attacks and restores HP. Dressphere: Psychic
Accessory: Snow Ring, Sublimator
Garment Grid: Ice Queen, Tetra Master (red gate)
Accessory: Snow Ring, Sublimator
Garment Grid: Ice Queen
Creature: Barbuta, Flan Palido, Flan Blanco, White Elemental, Spine Drake
Lightning Ward Halves Lightning-elemental damage. Accessory: Yellow Ring Accessory: Yellow Ring
Lightningproof Nullifies Lightning-elemental attacks. Accessory: NulShock Ring Accessory: NulShock Ring
Lightning Eater Absorbs Lightning-elemental attacks and restores HP. Dressphere: Psychic
Accessory: Ochre Ring, Short Circuit
Garment Grid: Tetra Master (yellow gate), Thunder Spawn
Accessory: Ochre Ring, Short Circuit
Garment Grid: Thunder Spawn
Creature: Flan Amarillo, Yellow Elemental, Gold Elemental, Bolt Drake, Machina Ranger, Machina Hunter, Machina Soldier, Machina Leader, Scout Machina, Guard Machina, Assault Machina, Pop Fry, Machina Striker, Machina Panzer
Water Ward Halves Water-elemental damage. Accessory: Blue Ring Accessory: Blue Ring
Waterproof Nullifies Water-elemental attacks. Accessory: NulTide Ring Accessory: NulTide Ring
Creature: Amorphous Gel
Water Eater Absorbs Water-elemental attacks and restores HP. Dressphere: Psychic
Accessory: Cerulean Ring, Short Circuit
Garment Grid: Menace of the Deep, Tetra Master (blue gate)
Accessory: Cerulean Ring, Short Circuit
Garment Grid: Menace of the Deep
Creature: Flan Azul, Purpurea, Leucophylla, Cephalotus, Blue Elemental, Sahagin, Sahagin Prince
Gravityproof Nullifies Gravity-elemental attacks. Accessory: Black Ring Accessory: Black Ring
Gravity Eater Absorbs Gravity-elemental attacks and restores HP. Dressphere: Psychic
Garment Grid: Downtrodder
Garment Grid: Downtrodder
Holy Eater Absorbs Holy-elemental attacks and restores HP. Garment Grid: Sacred Beast Garment Grid: Sacred Beast
Fire/Ice Eater Absorbs Fire and Ice-elemental attacks and restores HP. Accessory: Sublimator Accessory: Sublimator
Creature: Flan Azabache
Ltg./Water Eater Absorbs Lightning and Water-elemental attacks and restores HP. Accessory: Short Circuit Accessory: Short Circuit
Creature: Flan Azabache, Xiphactinus, Dinictus
Tetra Absorb Absorbs Fire, Ice, and Lightning-elemental attacks and restores HP. Unobtainable Creature: Protochimera, Rhyos
Tetra Ward Halves Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water-elemental damage. Accessory: Tetra Band Accessory: Tetra Band
Creature: Flame Dragon, Zalamander, Claret Dragon
Tetraproof Nullifies Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water-elemental attacks. Accessory: Tetra Guard Accessory: Tetra Guard
Creature: Haizhe, Deep Haizhe, Protean Gel
Tetra Eater Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water-elemental attacks and restores HP. Accessory: Tetra Bracelet Accessory: Tetra Bracelet
Creature: Black Elemental, Tentacles, Jahi, Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon, Paragon
Berserkproof Offers immunity against Berserk. Accessory: Potpourri
Garment Grid: Raging Giant (yellow gate)
Accessory: Potpourri
Confuseproof Offers immunity against Confusion. Dressphere: Dark Knight
Accessory: Black Choker
Garment Grid: Raging Giant (green gate)
Accessory: Black Choker
Garment Grid: Raging Giant
Curseproof Offers immunity against Curse. Dressphere: Dark Knight
Accessory: Gris-Gris Bag
Garment Grid: Mortal Coil (green gate), Scourgebane (blue gate)
Unobtainable (all creatures are completely immune to Curse)
Darkproof Offers immunity against Darkness. Dressphere: Gunner
Accessory: Silver Glasses
Garment Grid: Still of Night (yellow gate)
Dressphere: Gunner
Accessory: Silver Glasses
Deathproof Offers immunity against Death. Dressphere: Dark Knight
Accessory: Angel Earrings
Garment Grid: Bitter Farewell (green gate/)
Dressphere: Dark Knight
Accessory: Angel Earrings, Favorite Outfit
Garment Grid: Bitter Farewell
Doomproof Offers immunity against Doom. Garment Grid: Bitter Farewell (yellow) Accessory: Gris-Gris Bag
Itchproof Offers immunity against against Itchy. Dressphere: Berserker
Accessory: Favorite Outfit
Garment Grid: Mortal Coil, Scourgebane (blue gate)
Unobtainable (all creatures are completely immune to Itchy)
Pointlessproof Offers immunity against Pointless. Dressphere: Festivalist (Yuna), Festivalist (Rikku)
Accessory: Pearl Necklace
Accessory: Pearl Necklace, Favorite Outfit
Poisonproof Offers immunity against Poison. Dressphere: Dark Knight
Accessory: Star Pendant
Garment Grid: Restless Sleep (yellow gate)
Accessory: Star Pendant
Silenceproof Offers immunity against Silence. Dressphere: Festivalist (Yuna)
Accessory: White Cape
Garment Grid: Still of Night (green gate)
Accessory: White Cape
Garment Grid: Still of Night
Sleepproof Offers immunity against Sleep. Dressphere: Gunner
Accessory: Twist Headband
Garment Grid: Restless Sleep (green gate)
Accessory: Twist Headband
Garment Grid: Restless Sleep
Slowproof Offers immunity against Slow. Dressphere: Thief, Festivalist (Rikku), Festivalist (Paine)
Accessory: Pretty Orb
Garment Grid: Highroad Winds (green gate), Mounted Assault (green gate)
Accessory: Pretty Orb
Creature: Coyote, Wild Wolf, Killer Hound, White Fang, Canis Major, Lupus, Tindalos
Stoneproof Offers immunity against Petrification. Dressphere: Dark Knight
Accessory: Gold Anklet
Garment Grid: Mortal Coil (red gate)
Accessory: Gold Anklet, Arcane Lore
Garment Grid: Mortal Coil
Stopproof Offers immunity against Stop. Dressphere: Thief, Festivalist (Rikku), Festivalist (Paine)
Accessory: Dragonfly Orb
Garment Grid: Highroad Winds (red gate), Mounted Assault (red gate)
Accessory: Dragonfly Orb
Creature: Canis Major, Lupus, Tindalos
Health Preserver Grants immunity to Poison and Sleep. Accessory: Glass Buckle
Garment Grid: Scourgebane (green gate)
Accessory: Glass Buckle
Garment Grid: Scourgebane
Creature: Nashorn, Quadricorn, Balivarha, Lesser Drake, Spine Drake, Bolt Drake, Greater Drake, Elder Drake, Iron Giant, King VERMIN!, Insect Matriarch, Critical Bug, Chocobo Eater, Anything Eater, YSLS-99, YSLS-Zero
Life Preserver Offers complete immunity against Death and Petrification. Accessory: Safety Bit
Garment Grid: Abominable (green gate)
Accessory: Safety Bit
Creature: Flan Azabache, Lesser Drake, Spine Drake, Bolt Drake, Greater Drake, Elder Drake, Iron Giant, King VERMIN!, Insect Matriarch, Critical Bug, Chocobo Eater, Anything Eater, YSLS-99, YSLS-Zero, Chocobo
Sense Preserver Offers immunity against Silence and Darkness. Accessory: Beaded Brooch
Garment Grid: Scourgebane (red gate)
Accessory: Beaded Brooch
Creature: Nashorn, Quadricorn, Balivarha, Lesser Drake, Spine Drake, Bolt Drake, Greater Drake, Elder Drake, Iron Giant, King VERMIN!, Insect Matriarch, Critical Bug, YSLS-99, YSLS-Zero
Sanity Preserver Offers immunity against Confusion and Berserk. Accessory: Faerie Earrings
Garment Grid: Scourgebane (yellow gate), Abominable (yellow gate)
Accessory: Faerie Earrings
Time Preserver Offers immunity against Slow and Stop. Accessory: Kinesis Badge Accessory: Kinesis Badge
Ribbon Offers immunity against Poison, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Pointless, Itchy, Slow, and Stop. Dressphere: Mascot, Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, Full Throttle
Accessory: Ribbon
Dressphere: Mascot
Accessory: Ribbon
Garment Grid: Abominable
Creature: Yellow Elemental, White Elemental, Red Elemental, Gold Elemental, Blue Elemental, Dark Elemental, Barong
Super Ribbon Offers complete immunity to all negative statuses, and automatically puts the user in Slow status, which cannot be nullified except by Haste. Accessory: Shmooth Shailing Accessory: Shmooth Shailing
Ailment Def. Grants immunity to all status ailments. Unobtainable Creature: Heavy Sallet, Black Elemental, Boris, Aranea, Coeurl, Queen Coeurl, Shantak, Zu, Rukh, Wasp Queen, King Takouba, Bully Cap, Mycotoxin, Protochimera, Rhyos, Kukulcan, Gucumatz, Chac, Recoil, Flak Python, Viper Sniper, Battlesnake, Tonberry, Mega Tonberry, Ochu, Drowsy Ochu, Flailing Ochu, Hexapod, Flame Dragon, Zalamander, Claret Dragon, Sahagin Chief, Amorphous Gel, Protean Gel, Elder Zurvan, Haunt, Lich, Tomb, Dolmen, Monolith, Daeva, Aka Manah, Aeshma, Cactuar, Jumbo Cactuar, Stalwart, Ironside, Behemoth, Humbaba, Malboro, Great Malboro, Adamantoise, Adamantortoise, Machina Ranger, Machina Hunter, Machina Soldier, Machina Leader, Scout Machina, Guard Machina, Assault Machina, YAC-13, YAC-62, YAU-28, YAU-71, Pop Fry, Machina Striker, Machina Panzer, Shell Shocker, Concherer, Guardian Beast, Azi Dahaka, Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon, Paragon, Trema, Almighty Shinra

Supportive auto-abilties[]

Ability Effect Usable via
Gullwings Creature
SOS Shell Automatically puts the user in Shell status as long as the character's HP is critical. Garment Grid: Selene Guard Garment Grid: Selene Guard
SOS Protect Automatically puts the user in Protect status as long as the character's HP is critical. Dressphere: Warrior
Garment Grid: Helios Guard
Dressphere: Warrior
Garment Grid: Helios Guard
SOS Wall Automatically puts the user in Protect and Shell statuses as long as the character's HP is critical. Dressphere: Festivalist
Accessory: Wall Ring
Accessory: Wall Ring
SOS Haste Automatically puts the user in Haste status and nullifies the Slow status as long as the character's HP is critical. Dressphere: Festivalist (Paine)
Accessory: Haste Bangle
Garment Grid: Highroad Winds (all gates)
Accessory: Haste Bangle
Creature: Sallet, Death Dauber, Aculeate, Assassin Bee, Vespa, Quadricorn, Balivarha, Gigas, Hrimthurs
SOS Regen Automatically puts the user in Regen status as long as the character's HP is critical. Dressphere: Festivalist
Accessory: Regen Bangle
Accessory: Regen Bangle
SOS ???? Automatically puts the user in Berserk and Slow status** and causes all attacks, spells, and items deal or heal 9,999 as long as the character's HP is critical. Accessory: Cat Nip Accessory: Cat Nip
Auto-Shell Automatically puts the user in Shell status, which cannot be nullified. Dressphere: Mascot
Accessory: Moon Bracer
Garment Grid: Selene Guard (red gate)
Accessory: Moon Bracer
Auto-Protect Automatically puts the user in Protect status, which cannot be nullified. Dressphere: Mascot
Accessory: Shining Bracer
Garment Grid: Helios Guard (red gate)
Accessory: Shining Bracer
Auto-Wall Automatically puts user in Protect and Shell statuses, which cannot be nullified. Accessory: Adamantite, Defense Bracer Accessory: Adamantite, Defense Bracer
Creature: Shell Shocker, Concherer
Auto-Reflect Automatically puts the user in Reflect status, which cannot be nullified. Accessory: Star Bracer
Garment Grid: Shining Mirror (red gate)
Accessory: Star Bracer
Auto-Haste Automatically puts the user in Haste status, which cannot be nullified, and nullifies the Slow status. Accessory: Speed Bracer
Garment Grid: Mounted Assault (All gates)
Accessory: Speed Bracer
Auto-Regen Automatically puts the user in Regen status, which cannot be nullified. Dressphere: Berserker
Accessory: Recovery Bracer
Garment Grid: Wishbringer (green and red gate)
Dressphere: Berserker
Accessory: Recovery Bracer, Nature's Lore
Creature: Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon, Paragon
Double AP Doubles the amount of AP earned after battle. Garment Grid: Covenant of Growth (blue gate) Unobtainable
Triple AP Triples the amount of AP earned after battle. Accessory: AP Egg Unobtainable
Double EXP Doubles the amount of EXP earned after battle. Dressphere: Lady Luck
Garment Grid: Covenant of Growth (yellow gate)
Accessory: AP Egg
Garment Grid: Covenant of Growth
Item Hunter Improves the odds of enemies dropping items. Dressphere: Thief Unobtainable
Butterfingers Causes enemies to drop rare items only. Unobtainable Garment Grid: Ray of Hope
Double Items Doubles the number of items earned after battle. Dressphere: Lady Luck
Garment Grid: Treasure Hunt (red gate)
Garment Grid: Treasure Hunt
Creature: Mega Tonberry
Gillionaire Doubles the Gil earned after battle. Dressphere: Lady Luck
Garment Grid: Horn of Plenty (red gate)
Garment Grid: Horn of Plenty
Accessory: Key to Success*
Creature: Mega Tonberry
Double All Doubles the effectiveness of recovery/attack items, as well as the AP, EXP, gil, and items earned after battle. Accessory: Key to Success Accessory: Key to Success
No Encounters Nullifies encounters. Accessory: Charm Bangle Accessory: Charm Bangle
More Encounters Increases chances of encountering enemies as the player walks in the field. Accessory: Lure Bracer Accessory: Lure Bracer
HP Stroll Slowly regenerates HP while walking on the field. Dressphere: Trainer
Accessory: Cat's Bell, Heady Perfume
Garment Grid: Wishbringer
Accessory: Cat's Bell, Heady Perfume
Garment Grid: Wishbringer
MP Stroll Slowly regenerates MP while walking on the field. Dressphere: Trainer
Accessory: Heady Perfume, Wizard Bracelet
Accessory: Heady Perfume, Wizard Bracelet
Garment Grid: Wishbringer
Double HP Doubles the user's max HP. Dressphere: Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, Full Throttle
Garment Grid: Downtrodder (all gates), Tempered Will (green gate)
Triple HP Triples the user's max HP. Dressphere: Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, Full Throttle Unobtainable
Double MP Doubles the user's max MP. Dressphere: Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, Full Throttle
Garment Grid: Tempered Will (red gate)
Half MP Cost Halves the MP cost of spells and techniques. Dressphere: Trainer
Accessory: Gold Hairpin
Garment Grid: Font of Power
Dressphere: Trainer
Accessory: Gold Hairpin
Creature: Lich
One MP Cost Reduces the MP cost of spells and techniques to 1. Garment Grid: Font of Power (all gates) Item: Three Stars*
Garment Grid: Font of Power
Creature: Yellow Elemental, White Elemental, Red Elemental, Gold Elemental, Blue Elemental, Dark Elemental, Black Elemental, Mushroom Cloud, Elder Zurvan, Jumbo Cactuar
SOS Spellspring Removes the MP cost of spells and techniques (and negates HP loss when using Darkness) as long as the character's HP is critical. Dressphere: Lady Luck Item: Twin Stars*
Spellspring Removes the MP cost of spells and techniques (and negates HP loss when using Darkness). Accessory: Ragnarok Accessory: Ragnarok
Break HP Limit Allows max HP to exceed 9,999, to a maximum of 99,999. Dressphere: Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, Full Throttle
Accessory: Enterprise
Garment Grid: Higher Power, The End
Accessory: Enterprise
Garment Grid: Higher Power

Dressphere auto-abilities[]

Ability Effect Usable via
Gullwings Creature
Trigger Happy Lv.2 Extends the time allotted for Trigger Happy to 2.2 seconds. Dressphere: Gunner Unobtainable
Trigger Happy Lv.3 Extends the time allotted for Trigger Happy to 2.6 seconds. Dressphere: Gunner Unobtainable
Black Magic Lv.2 Cuts the time to cast Black Magic by 30%. Dressphere: Black Mage Accessory: Black Lore, Wring*
Black Magic Lv.3 Cuts the time to cast Black Magic by 50%. Dressphere: Black Mage Unobtainable
White Magic Lv.2 Cuts the time to cast White Magic by 30%. Dressphere: White Mage Accessory: White Lore
White Magic Lv.3 Cuts the time to cast White Magic by 50%. Dressphere: White Mage Unobtainable
Fiend Hunter Lv.2 Cuts the time required for Fiend Hunter by 40%. Dressphere: Gun Mage Unobtainable
Scan Lv.2 Allows the user to rotate targets when casting Scan. Dressphere: Gun Mage Unobtainable
Scan Lv.3 Allows user to target party members with Scan. Dressphere: Gun Mage Unobtainable
Chemist Doubles the effects of HP and MP restorative items. Dressphere: Alchemist Unobtainable
Elementalist Doubles the effects of elemental attack items. Dressphere: Alchemist Unobtainable
Physicist Doubles effects of non-elemental items. Dressphere: Alchemist Unobtainable
Items Lv.2 Cuts the time to use Items by 80%. Dressphere: Alchemist Unobtainable
Kogoro Lv.2 Cuts the time required for Kogoro to attack by 30%. Dressphere: Trainer (Yuna) Unobtainable
Kogoro Lv.3 Cuts the time required for Kogoro to attack by half. Dressphere: Trainer (Yuna) Unobtainable
Ghiki Lv.2 Cuts the time required for Ghiki to attack by 30%. Dressphere: Trainer (Rikku) Unobtainable
Ghiki Lv.3 Cuts the time required for Ghiki to attack by half. Dressphere: Trainer (Rikku) Unobtainable
Flurry Lv.2 Cuts the time required for Flurry to attack by 30%. Dressphere: Trainer (Paine) Unobtainable
Flurry Lv.3 Cuts the time required for Flurry to attack by half. Dressphere: Trainer (Paine) Unobtainable
* Only possible by consumption of items/accessories.
** Only in the HD/Remaster releases.