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FFX-2 HD Accessories Menu

The Accessories menu (PS3).

The following is a list of accessories in Final Fantasy X-2.

Each character can wear up to two accessories. In the International and HD Remaster versions, creatures can be captured, and can also wear up to two accessories. Accessories can be consumed to teach creatures various abilities, or increase their base statistics.

Common accessory icon. Uncommon accessory icon. Rare accessory icon. Accessories are displayed with a ring icon, which is either bronze, silver, or gold depending on the accessory's rarity and power.


Accessories that provide a passive buff to various character stats.

Accessory Other Uses Acquisition
AccessoryIcon Bronze Iron Bangle
Max HP +20%
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max HP.
Sells for 125 gil.
Treasure: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapter 1)
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 1/2), Calm Lands (Chapters 1/2), Zanarkand Dome (Chapters 1/2) for 500 gil
Drop: Ormi (Djose)
Steal: Shell Shocker, Ormi (Luca)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Titanium Bangle
Max HP +40%
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max HP.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapter 5)
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 3/5), Calm Lands (Chapters 3/5), Zanarkand Dome (Chapter 5) for 3,000 gil, Open Air, Inc. for 2,500 credits
Drop: Shell Shocker (rare)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to Kilika, win Standard Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Mythril Bangle
Max HP +60%
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max HP.
Sells for 1,500 gil.
Treasure: Youth League Headquarters (Chapter 2), Zanarkand Dome (Chapter 3), Ruin Depths
Buy: Zanarkand Dome (Chapter 3)
Drop: Sand Worm, Earth Worm (Oversoul), Aranea, Vegnagun (leg)
Steal: Shell Shocker (Oversoul)
Prize: Blitzball, win Standard Cup: Hard
AccessoryIcon Silver Crystal Bangle
Max HP +100%
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max HP.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Youth League Headquarters (Chapter 5)
Drop: Machina Panzer, Aranea (Oversoul; rare), Ultima Weapon (Oversoul; rare)
Bribe: Balivarha, Earth Worm (Oversoul)
Prize:Blitzball, Win Aeon Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Silver Bracer
Max MP +40%
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max MP.
Sells for 125 gil.
Treasure: Macalania Woods (Chapter 2), Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapter 3)
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 1/2), Calm Lands (Chapters 1/2), Zanarkand Dome (Chapters 1/2) for 500 gil
Drop: Logos (Djose Highroad)
Prize: Dispatch a lv. 2 chocobo to Mi'ihen Highroad, Gunner's Gauntlet, win Standard Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Gold Bracer
Max MP +60%
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max MP.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Treasure: Macalania Woods (Chapter 3)
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 3/5), Calm Lands (Chapters 3/5), Zanarkand Dome (Chapters 1/2) for 4,000 gil, Open Air, Inc. for 2,500 credits
Prize: Dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to Mi'ihen Highroad, Blitzball, win Standard Cup: Hard
AccessoryIcon Silver Rune Bracer
Max MP +100%
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max MP.
Sells for 1,500 gil.
Treasure: Macalania Woods (Chapter 5), Ruin Depths
Drop: Ultima Weapon (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Steal: Black Elemental (Normal; rare and Oversoul; rare)
Bribe: Flan Blanco
Prize: Dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to Mi'ihen Highroad, win Aeon Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Wristband
Strength +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Power Break.
Sells for 250 gil.
Treasure: Djose Temple (Chapter 3)
Buy: Calm Lands (Chapters 3/5) for 1,000 gil
Drop: YSLS-Zero
AccessoryIcon Bronze Power Wrist
Strength +20
Consume 2 to teach a creature Flametongue.
Sells for 1,500 gil.
Treasure: Djose Temple (Chapter 5)
Buy: Calm Lands Agency (Chapters 3/5) for 6,000 gil, Open Air, Inc. for 1,500 credits
Drop: Gug (rare)
Steal: Yojimbo (rare)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, Gunner's Gauntlet, win Standard Cup: Hard.
AccessoryIcon Bronze Hyper Wrist
Strength +30
Consume 2 to teach a creature Demi Sword.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Djose Temple (Chapter 5), Thunder Plains - New Cave (Chapter 5)
Buy: Open Air, Inc. for 5,000 credits
Drop: Gug (Oversoul), YSLS-Zero (Oversoul)
Other: Tower re-calibration, Blitzball
AccessoryIcon Bronze Power Gloves
Strength +40
Consume 2 to teach a creature Delay Buster.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Drop: Mega Tonberry (Normal; rare and Oversoul; rare), Anything Eater (Normal and Oversoul), King VERMIN!
Steal: YSLS-99 (Oversoul)
Bribe: Hrimthurs (Oversoul), Gug, Gigas (Oversoul)
Prize: Excavate at Bikanel, Tower re-calibration, Blitzball, win Cactuar Cup
AccessoryIcon Silver Kaiser Knuckles
Strength +50
Consume 1 to raise a creature's Strength by 1.
Sells for 3,000 gil.
Treasure: Guadosalam - Tobli Productions (Chapter 5); Get a Episode Complete in Moonflow and Guadosalam, Complete Gigas fiend tale
Drop: Gippal
Bribe: Gug (rare), Gigas (Oversoul; rare), Anything Eater (Oversoul)
Prize: Win Aeon Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Mythril Gloves
Defense +20
Consume 2 to teach a creature Armor Break.
Sells for 250 gil.
Buy: Zanarkand Dome (Chapters 1/2) for 1,000 gil, Open Air, Inc. for 750 credits
Drop: Sand Worm
Steal: YSLS-99, YSLS-Zero, Concherer (rare)
Bribe: Iron Giant
Prize: Win Standard Cup: Hard
AccessoryIcon Bronze Diamond Gloves
Defense +40
Consume 2 to teach a creature Ice Brand.
Sells for 1,500 gil.
Treasure: New Cave (Chapter 5)
Buy: Zanarkand Dome (Chapter 3) for 6,000 gil
Drop: Oversoul YSLS-99
Steal: YSLS-Zero, Stalwart (Oversoul)
Prize: Gunner's Gauntlet, Blitzball
AccessoryIcon Silver Crystal Gloves
Defense +60
Consume 1 to raise a creature's Defense by 1.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Bevelle Temple (Chapter 3)
Drop: Adamantortoise (Oversoul), Shiva, Concherer, Sandy (rare)
Prize: Win Cactuar Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Amulet
Magic +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Magic Break.
Sells for 250 gil.
Buy: Calm Lands (Chapters 3/5) for 1,000 gil
Drop: Guardian Beast
AccessoryIcon Bronze Tarot Card
Magic +20
Consume 2 to teach a creature Thunderblade.
Sells for 1,500 gil.
Buy: Calm Lands (Chapters 3/5) for 6,000 gil, Argent, Inc. for 1,500 credits
Steal: Vertigo (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, win Standard Cup: Hard
AccessoryIcon Bronze Talisman
Magic +30
Consume 2 to teach a creature Momentum.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Drop: Azi Dahaka (rare)
Steal: Azi Dahaka (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, Blitzball, win Standard Cup: Hard
AccessoryIcon Bronze Pixie Dust
Magic +40
Consume 2 to teach a creature Auto-Life.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Calm Lands - Ruin Depths
Buy: Argent, Inc. for 5,000 credits
Drop: Sandy, Cindy (rare), Chac (rare), Guardian Beast (Oversoul)
Steal: Grim Gaze (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, Blitzball, win Cactuar Cup
AccessoryIcon Silver Crystal Ball
Magic +50
Consume 1 to raise a creature's Magic by 1.
Sells for 3,000 gil.
Treasure: Guadosalam - Tobli Productions (Chapter 5); Get Episode Concluded for Moonflow and Mt. Gagazet, Complete Zu fiend tale
Drop: Chac (Oversoul), Baralai (Den of Woe)
Bribe: Dark Elemental (Oversoul)
Prize: Win Aeon Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Defense Veil
Magic Defense +20
Consume 2 to teach a creature Mental Break.
Sells for 250 gil.
Buy: Zanarkand Dome (Chapters 1/2) for 1,000 gil, Argent Inc. for 750 credits
Drop: Ormi (Chateau Leblanc, Chapter 2)
Steal: Guardian Beast, YSLS-99 (rare)
Prize: Win Standard Cup: Hard
AccessoryIcon Bronze Mystery Veil
Magic Defense +40
Consume 2 to teach a creature Liquid Steel.
Sells for 1,500 gil.
Treasure: New Cave (Chapter 5)
Buy: Zanarkand Dome merchant (Chapter 3) for 6,000 gil
Drop: Dark Elemental (Oversoul)
Steal: Guardian Beast (Oversoul)
Prize: Blitzball
AccessoryIcon Silver Oath Veil
Magic Defense +60
Consume 1 to raise a creature's Magic Defense by 1.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Bevelle Temple (Chapter 3), Bevelle Underground (Chapter 5)
Steal: Machina Panzer, Adamantortoise (Oversoul)
Bribe: Guardian Beast (Normal and Oversoul)
Prize: Win Cactuar Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Gauntlets
Strength +5
Defense +5
Consume 1 to teach a creature Cripple.
Sells for 625 gil.
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 1/2) for 2,500 gil
Steal: Stalwart (rare)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Muscle Belt
Strength +10
Defense +10
Consume 1 to teach a creature Nonpareil.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Treasure: Mt. Gagazet (Chapter 1; beat Leblanc Syndicate in prologue mission), Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapter 2)
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 3/5) for 4,000 gil
Drop: Gigas (Normal; rare and Oversoul), Yaibal
Steal: Adamantoise (rare)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Black Belt
Strength +20
Defense +20
Consume 1 to teach a creature Eject.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapter 5)
Buy: Open Air, Inc. for 5,000 credits
Drop: Adamantoise (Oversoul)
Steal: Adamantoise (Oversoul; rare)
Prize: Tower re-calibration
AccessoryIcon Silver Champion Belt
Strength +40
Defense +40
Consume 1 to teach a creature Zantetsu.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Drop: Paine, King VERMIN! (Oversoul)
Bribe: Gigas (9,160 gil x1)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, win Chocobo Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Tiara
Magic +5
Magic Defense +5
Consume 1 to teach a creature Focus.
Sells for 625 gil.
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 1/2) for 2,500 gil
Steal: Leblanc (Floating Ruins)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Circlet
Magic +10
Magic Defense +10
Consume 1 to teach a creature No Fear.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Treasure: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapter 1)
Buy: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapters 3/5) for 4,000 gil
Drop: Lucil
Steal: Behemoth (Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Hypno Crown
Magic +20
Magic Defense +20
Consume 1 to teach a creature Hayate.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Mi'ihen Highroad (Chapter 3)
Buy: Argent, Inc. (5,000 credits)
Steal: Flan Blanco (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Bribe: Flan Blanco, Behemoth
Prize: Tower re-calibration
AccessoryIcon Silver Regal Crown
Magic +40
Magic Defense +40
Consume 1 to teach a creature Darkness.
Sells for 10 gil.
Drop: Shiva (rare)
Bribe: Mushroom Cloud
Prize: Tower re-calibration, win Chocobo Cup
AccessoryIcon Gold Rabite's Foot
Luck +100
Consume 1 to raise a creature's Luck by 5.
Sells for 10 gil.
Drop: Jumbo Cactuar (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Prize: Win Chocobo Cup


These accessories bestow various elemental abilities and resistances to the wearer.

Accessory Other Uses How to Obtain
AccessoryIcon Bronze Fiery Gleam
Adds Fire damage to attacks.
Strength +8
Consume 2 to teach a creature Firestrike.
Sells for 750 gil.
Buy: Bikanel (any Chapter except 4) for 3,000 gil
Drop: Balivarha (Normal; rare and Oversoul), Zu (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Steal: Yevon's Finest (rare), Ifrit
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to Bikanel
AccessoryIcon Bronze Red Ring
Halves Fire damage taken.
User can cast Fire.
Magic +4
Consume 1 to teach a creature Fire Ward.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Floating Ruins
Buy: Bikanel (any Chapter except 4) for 3,000 gil
Drop: Flame Dragon (Normal and Oversoul)
Steal: Flan Rojo (Oversoul)
Bribe: Protochimera (rare), Bomb (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to Bikanel
AccessoryIcon Bronze NulBlaze Ring
Nullifies Fire damage.
User can cast Fira.
Magic +6
Consume 2 to teach a creature Fireproof.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Buy: Bikanel (from Chapter 3) for 8,000 gil
Drop: Protochimera (Oversoul; rare), Greater Drake (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Steal: Volcano (rare)
Bribe: Nashorn (Oversoul), Balivarha, Flame Dragon (Oversoul), Greater Drake
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to Bikanel
AccessoryIcon Bronze Crimson Ring
Converts Fire damage to HP.
User can cast Firaga.
Magic +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Fire Eater.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Zalamander, Volcano (Oversoul)
Steal: Balivarha (Oversoul), Zu (Oversoul)
Bribe: Zalamander, Nashorn (Oversoul), Flan Rojo (Oversoul), Lesser Drake (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, Blitzball, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to Bikanel
AccessoryIcon Bronze Icy Gleam
Adds Ice damage to attacks.
Strength +8
Consume 1 to teach a creature Icestrike.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Macalania Woods (Chapter 2)
Buy: Lake Macalania (Al Bhed shop, all Chapters) for 3,000 gil
Steal: Garik Ronso
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Bronze White Ring
Halves Ice damage taken.
User can cast Blizzard.
Magic +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Ice Ward.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Floating Ruins (Chapter 1, opening mission), Macalania Woods (Chapter 1), Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chapter 3)
Buy: Lake Macalania (Al Bhed shop, all Chapters) for 3,000 gil
Drop: Protean Gel
Steal: Amorphous Gel
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Bronze NulFrost Ring
Nullifies Ice damage.
User can cast Blizzara.
Magic +6
Consume 2 to teach a creature Iceproof.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Besaid Temple (Chapter 3), Macalania Woods (Chapter 3), Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chapter 5)
Buy: Lake Macalania (Al Bhed shop, Chapter 3+) for 8,000 gil
Drop: Spine Drake (rare), Protean Gel (rare)
Steal: Protochimera (Oversoul), Spine Drake (Oversoul)
Bribe: Spine Drake (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Bronze Snow Ring
Converts Ice damage to HP.
User can cast Blizzaga.
Magic +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Ice Eater.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Macalania Woods (Chapter 5)
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Insect Matriarch (Oversoul; rare)
Steal: Shiva
Bribe: Spine Drake (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, Blitzball, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Bronze Lightning Gleam
Adds Lightning damage to attacks.
Strength +8
Consume 2 to teach a creature Lightningstrike.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chapter 3)
Buy: Thunder Plains (any Chapter except 4) for 3,000 gil
Drop: Pairika (rare)
Steal: Rhyos (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Bribe: Bolt Drake, Pairika
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to the Thunder Plains
AccessoryIcon Bronze Yellow Ring
Halves Lightning damage taken.
User can cast Thunder.
Magic +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Lightning Ward.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Floating Ruins (Chapter 1)
Buy: Thunder Plains (any Chapter except 4) for 3,000 gil
Drop: Behemoth (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Steal: Protochimera (rare), Bolt Drake (rare), Pairika (rare)
Bribe: Gold Elemental (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to Thunder Plains
AccessoryIcon Bronze NulShock Ring
Nullifies Lightning damage.
User can cast Thundara.
Magic +6
Consume 2 to teach a creature Lightningproof.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Buy: Thunder Plains (all Chapters) for 8,000 gil
Drop: Bolt Drake (Normal; rare and Oversoul) Protochimera (rare), Humbaba (rare)
Bribe: Flan Amarillo (Oversoul), Protochimera (Oversoul), Bolt Drake (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to the Thunder Plains
AccessoryIcon Bronze Ochre Ring
Converts Lightning damage to HP.
User can cast Thundaga.
Magic +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Lightning Eater.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Humbaba (Oversoul)
Bribe: Oversoul Behemoth (Oversoul), Bolt Drake (Oversoul; rare)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to the Thunder Plains
AccessoryIcon Bronze Watery Gleam
Adds Water damage to attacks.
Strength +8
Consume 2 to teach a creature Waterstrike.
Sells for 750 gil.
Buy: Besaid Village for 3,000 gil
Drop: Rhyos (rare)
Steal: Blue Elemental (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to Mushroom Rock Road
AccessoryIcon Bronze Blue Ring
Halves Water damage taken.
User can cast Water.
Magic +4
Consume 1 to teach a creature Water Ward.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chapter 3)
Buy: Besaid Village (any Chapter except 4) for 3,000 gil
Drop: Amorphous Gel, Haunt
Steal: Protean Gel, Sahagin Chief (Normal and Oversoul), Tentacles (rare)
Bribe: Amorphous Gel, Dinictus, Tentacles
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to Mushroom Rock Road
AccessoryIcon Bronze NulTide Ring
Nullifies Water damage.
User can cast Watera.
Magic +6
Consume 2 to teach a creature Waterproof.
Sells for 2,000 gil.
Treasure: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chapter 5)
Buy: Besaid Village (Chapter 3+) for 8,000 gil
Drop: Georapella, Rhyos, Mycotoxin (rare)
Steal: Mycotoxin, Sahagin Chief (Normal; rare and Oversoul; rare), Protochimera (Oversoul), Protean Gel (rare)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to Mushroom Rock Road
AccessoryIcon Bronze Cerulean Ring
Converts Water damage to HP.
User can cast Waterga.
Magic +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Water Eater.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Northwest Calm Lands (Chapter 5)
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Critical Bug (rare), Oversoul Amorphous Gel
Bribe: Amorphous Gel (Oversoul), Tentacles (rare), Xiphactinus (Oversoul), Sahagin Chief (Normal and Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 2 chocobo to Mushroom Rock Road
AccessoryIcon Silver Black Ring
Nullifies Gravity damage.
User can cast Demi.
HP +10%, MP +10%
Consume 2 to teach a creature Gravityproof.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Haunt (Chapter 4)
Drop: Shell Shocker, Lich (rare), Stalwart (Oversoul)
Bribe: Stalwart (Oversoul; rare), Shell Shocker, Sand Worm
AccessoryIcon Silver Freezerburn
Adds Fire and Ice damage to attacks.
Strength +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Firestrike and Icestrike.
Sells for 10 gil.
Drop: Insect Matriarch (Oversoul)
Steal: Zalamander (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to Bikanel or Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Silver Sublimator
Converts Fire and Ice damage to HP.
Magic +10, Magic Defense +10
Consume 3 to teach a creature Fire Eater and Ice Eater.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Complete Lupus fiend tale
Drop: Zalamander (Oversoul), Claret Dragon, Insect Matriarch (rare), Critical Bug (Oversoul; rare)
Steal: Zalamander
Bribe: Claret Dragon, Greater Drake (Oversoul), Zu (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, Rehearshal's Shtarting? minigame (score 100-149 points; Chapter 4), dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to Bikanel or Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Silver Electrocutioner
Adds Lightning and Water damage to attacks.
Strength +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Lightningstrike and Waterstrike.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chapter 5)
Drop: Critical Bug (Oversoul)
Bribe: Rhyos
Prizez: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to Mushroom Rock Road or lv. 4 to Thunder Plains
AccessoryIcon Silver Short Circuit
Converts Lightning and Water damage to HP.
Magic +10, Magic Defense +10
Consume 3 to teach a creature Lightning Eater and Water Eater.
Sells for 10 gil.
Steal: Dinictus (Oversoul), Protean Gel (Oversoul), Georapella (Oversoul)
Bribe: Dinictus (Oversoul), Amorphous Gel (Oversoul; rare)
Prize: Tower re-calibration, dispatch lv. 3 chocobo to the Thunder Plains, or lv. 4 to Mushroom Rock Road
AccessoryIcon Silver Tetra Gloves
Adds Fire, Ice, Lightning and Water damage to attacks.
Strength +12, Magic +12
Consume 3 to teach a creature Tetrastrike.
Sells for 10 gil.
Buy: Open Air for 50,000 credits
Drop: Black Elemental (rare)
Bribe: Rhyos (Oversoul), Insect Matriarch
Prize: Tower re-calibration
AccessoryIcon Silver Tetra Band
Halves damage taken from Fire, Ice, Lightning and Water. Damage from Gravity and Holy is unaffected.
Defense +10, Magic Defense +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Tetra Ward.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Chateau Leblanc (Chapters 3/5)
Drop: Shell Shocker (Oversoul), Anima
Bribe: Protochimera (Oversoul; rare), Zalamander
Prize: Tower re-calibration
AccessoryIcon Silver Tetra Guard
Nullifies damage taken from Fire, Ice, Lightning and Water. Damage from Gravity and Holy is unaffected.
Defense +15, Magic Defense +15
Consume 2 to teach a creature Tetraproof.
Sells for 10 gil.
Drop: Black Elemental (Oversoul; rare)
Steal: Humbaba (Oversoul)
Bribe: Shell Shocker (Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration
AccessoryIcon Gold Tetra Bracelet
Converts damage taken from Fire, Ice, Lightning and Water to HP. Damage from Gravity and Holy is unaffected.
Defense +20, Magic Defense +20
Consume 3 to teach a creature Tetra Eater.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Guadosalam - Locked House (Chapter 5); get Episode Complete
Buy: Argent, Inc. for 50,000 credits
Bribe: Zalamander (Oversoul; rare), Critical Bug
Prize: Tower re-calibration, win Youth League Tournament
AccessoryIcon Gold Force of Nature
Adds all elements to attacks.
Turns all elemental damages taken to HP.
Consume 1 to teach a creature Omnistrike.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: New Cave (complete twice, after rescuing Cid)
Prize: Win Farplane Cup

Status effect[]

Accessories that augment attacks with the power of various status ailments, or provide the wearer with conditional/permanent buffs.

Accessory Other Uses How to Obtain
AccessoryIcon Silver Mortal Shock
Adds Death status to attacks.
User can cast Death.
Strength -6, Magic +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Deathtouch.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Complete Flak Python fiend tale
Buy: Open Air, Inc. for 12,000 credits (publicity level of at least 4)
Drop: Ifrit (Fiend Arena)
Steal: Queen Coeurl (Oversoul), Barong (Oversoul)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Silver Stone Shock
Adds Petrify status to attacks.
User can cast Break.
Strength -5, Magic +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Stonetouch.
Sells for 10 gil.
Bribe: Gucumatz (Normal and Oversoul), Kukulcan (Normal and Oversoul)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Bikanel
AccessoryIcon Silver Dream Shock
Adds Sleep status to attacks.
User can cast Sleep.
Strength -5, Magic +3
Consume 2 to teach a creature Sleeptouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapter 3+) for 15,000 gil, Open Air, Inc. for 3,000 credits (requires publicity level of 5)
Drop: Aeshma (rare)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Djose
AccessoryIcon Silver Mute Shock
Adds Silence status to attacks.
User can cast Silence.
Strength -5, Magic +3
Consume 2 to teach a creature Silencetouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapters 1/2/5) for 15,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Mi'ihen Highroad
AccessoryIcon Silver Blind Shock
Adds Darkness status to attacks.
User can cast Blind.
Strength -5, Magic +3
Consume 2 to teach a creature Darktouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapter 5) for 15,000 gil
Bribe: Shantak (Oversoul), Zu
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Mushroom Rock Road
AccessoryIcon Silver Venom Shock
Adds Poison status to attacks.
User can cast Bio.
Strength -5, Magic +3
Consume 2 to teach a creature Poisontouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Guadosalam for 15,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Kilika
AccessoryIcon Silver Chaos Shock
Adds Confusion status to attacks.
User can cast Confuse.
Strength -5, Magic +3
Consume 2 to teach a creature Confusetouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 15,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Steal: Mindy
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Thunder Plains
AccessoryIcon Silver Fury Shock
Adds Berserk status to attacks.
User can cast Berserk.
Strength -5, Magic +3
Consume 2 to teach a creature Berserktouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 15,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Macalania
AccessoryIcon Silver Lag Shock
Adds Slow to attacks.
Strength -5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Slowtouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 15,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Zanarkand
AccessoryIcon Silver System Shock
Adds Stop to attacks.
Strength -10
Consume 2 to teach a creature Stoptouch.
Sells for 3,750 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 15,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to the Calm Lands
AccessoryIcon Bronze Angel Earrings
Guards against Death.
Defense +5, Magic Defense +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Deathproof.
Sells for 1,250 gil.
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapters 1/2/5) for 5,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Mt. Gagazet
AccessoryIcon Bronze Gold Anklet
Guards against Petrification.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Stoneproof.
Sells for 1,250 gil.
Drop: Kukulcan (Normal; rare and Oversoul), Gucumatz (Oversoul), Jahi
Steal: Deep Haizhe, Gucumatz (rare; x4)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Bikanel
AccessoryIcon Bronze Twist Headband
Guards against Sleep.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Sleepproof.
Sells for 750 gil.
Buy: Celsius (all Chapters) for 3,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Djose
AccessoryIcon Bronze White Cape
Guards against Silence.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Silenceproof.
Sells for 750 gil.
Buy: Celsius (all Chapters) for 3,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Mi'ihen Highroad
AccessoryIcon Bronze Silver Glasses
Guards against Darkness.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Darkproof.
Sells for 750 gil.
Buy: Celsius (all Chapters) for 3,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Mushroom Rock Road
AccessoryIcon Bronze Star Pendant
Guards against Poison.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Poisonproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Buy: Celsius (all Chapters) for 4,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Kilika
AccessoryIcon Bronze Black Choker
Guards against Confusion.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Confuseproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Drop: Fly Eye (rare)
Steal: Shantak (rare), Big Bully Cap (normal and Oversoul), Tomb (rare)
Bribe: Ochu
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Thunder Plains
AccessoryIcon Bronze Potpourri
Guards against Berserk.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Berserkproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Steal: Gigas (rare), Big Bully Cap (Normal; rare and Oversoul), Sandy
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Macalania
AccessoryIcon Bronze Gris-Gris Bag
Guards against Curse.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Doomproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapter 3) for 4,000 gil
Drop: Bahamut, Dolmen (rare)
Bribe: Dolmen (21,280 gil x2)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Favorite Outfit
Guards against Itchy.
Evasion +10, Luck +10
Consume 3 to teach a creature Deathproof and Pointlessproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Treasure: Mushroom Rock Road (Chapter 1)
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapter 3+) for 4,000 gil
Drop: Logos (fought at Chateau Leblanc)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Pearl Necklace
Guards against Pointless.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Pointlessproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Treasure: Thunder Plains - South (Chapter 2), Bevelle Underground (Chapter 2)
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapters 1/2/5), Bikanel Oasis (Chapter 5) for 4,000 gil, Argent, Inc. for 1,000 credits (publicity level of at least 4)
Drop: Baralai (Bevelle Underground, Chapter 2)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Pretty Orb
Guards against Slow.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Slowproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Buy: Bikanel Oasis for 4,000 gil, Open Air, Inc. for 1,000 credits (publicity level of at least 4).
Drop: Haizhe (Oversoul), Anole (rare), Aka Manah
Steal: Haizhe (rare)
Bribe: Haizhe, Boris (rare)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to Zanarkand
AccessoryIcon Bronze Dragonfly Orb
Guards against Stop.
Defense +4, Magic Defense +4
Consume 2 to teach a creature Stopproof.
Sells for 1,000 gil.
Buy: Bikanel Oasis for 4,000 gil
Drop: Deep Haizhe (Oversoul)
Steal: Deep Haizhe (rare)
Bribe: Deep Haizhe (4,120 gil x1)
AccessoryIcon Silver Beaded Brooch
Guards against Silence and Darkness.
Defense +8, Magic Defense +8
Consume 3 to teach a creature Sense Preserver.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Complete White Elemental fiend tale
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete).
Drop: Great Malboro (Oversoul), Ormi (Mt. Gagazet)
Bribe: Flailing Ochu, Malboro (Oversoul)
Prize: Gunner's Gauntlet
AccessoryIcon Silver Glass Buckle
Guards against Poison and Sleep.
Defense +8, Magic Defense +8
Consume 3 to teach a creature Health Preserver.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Mushroom Rock Road, Thunder Plains (Chapter 4)
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete), Open Air, Inc. for 2,500 credits (publicity level of at least 2)
Steal: King Takouba (Oversoul)
Bribe: King Takouba (Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Faerie Earrings
Guards against Confusion and Berserk.
Defense +8, Magic Defense +8
Consume 3 to teach a creature Sanity Preserver.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Complete Viper Sniper fiend tale
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Mindy, Cindy
Steal: Omega Weapon (Oversoul)
Bribe: Vespa (Oversoul), Tomb, Ochu (Oversoul), Flailing Ochu, Epitaph
Prize: Gunner's Gauntlet
AccessoryIcon Silver Kinesis Badge
Guards against Slow and Stop.
Defense +8, Magic Defense +8
Consume 3 to teach a creature Time Preserver.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Steal: Boris (Oversoul), Aranea (rare), Aranea (Oversoul)
Bribe: Haizhe (Oversoul), Deep Haizhe (Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Safety Bit
Guards against Petrification and Death.
Defense +12, Magic Defense +12
Consume 3 to teach a creature Life Preserver.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Treasure: Complete Haunt fiend tale
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 10,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Omega Weapon (Normal and Oversoul), Ultima Weapon
Bribe: Daeva, Monolith, Takouba (Oversoul)
Prize: Rehearshal's Shtarting? minigame (score 50-99 points; Chapter 4)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Wall Ring
Casts Protect and Shell when HP is low.
Consume 1 to teach a creature SOS Wall.
Sells for 2,500 gil.
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapter 3) for 10,000 gil
Drop: Gemini (Normal; rare and Oversoul; rare), Barbuta (Oversoul; rare), Chocobo Eater, Lucil (Fiend Arena) Valefor (Fiend Arena)
Steal: Bicoette (Oversoul), Gemini (rare), Valefor (Fiend Arena)
Bribe: Bascinet, Gemini
AccessoryIcon Bronze Regen Bangle
Casts Regen when HP is low.
Consume 2 to teach a creature SOS Regen.
Sells for 750 gil.
Drop: Precepts Guard
Treasure: Kilika Temple (Chapter 5)
Buy: Guadosalam (Chapter 3) for 3,000 gil
Prize: Dispatch lv. 4 chocobo to the Moonflow
AccessoryIcon Silver Haste Bangle
Casts Haste when HP is low.
Consume 2 to teach a creature SOS Haste.
Sells for 750 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Haunt (Chapter 4)
Bribe: Archaeothyris (Oversoul), Canis Major (Oversoul), Lupus (Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Moon Bracer
Generates constant Shell effect.
Consume 3 to teach a creature Auto-Shell.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Besaid (Chapter 3), Via Infinito - Cloister 40 (defeat Black Elemental)
Drop: Valefor
Bribe: Bascinet (Oversoul)
Prize: Blitzball
AccessoryIcon Silver Shining Bracer
Generates constant Protect effect.
Consume 3 to teach a creature Auto-Protect.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Mushroom Rock Road (Chapter 2), Via Infinito - Cloister 40 (defeat Black Elemental), Complete Archaeothyris fiend tale
Drop: Garik Ronso (Fiend Arena)
Steal: Chocobo Eater (Oversoul)
Bribe: Armet (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Heavy Sallet
AccessoryIcon Silver Star Bracer
Generates constant Reflect effect.
Consume 3 to teach a creature Auto-Reflect.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Calm Lands (Chapter 3)
Bribe: Barbuta (Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Defense Bracer
Generates constant Protect and Shell effects.
Consume 3 to teach a creature Auto-Wall.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Calm Lands (Chapter 5)
Steal: Valefor (rare, Fiend Arena)
Bribe: Adamantoise, Adamantortoise (Oversoul), Heavy Sallet (Oversoul), Ultima Weapon (137,200 gil x8)
Prize: Win Youth League Tournament
AccessoryIcon Silver Recovery Bracer
Generates constant Regen effect.
Consume 3 to teach a creature Auto-Regen.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Via Infinito - Cloister 40 (defeat Black Elemental)
Drop: Yojimbo
Steal: Precepts Guard (Oversoul)
Prize: Dispatch lv. 5 chocobo to the Moonflow
AccessoryIcon Gold Speed Bracer
Generates constant Haste effect.
User can cast Hastega.
Consume 3 to teach a creature Auto-Haste.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Via Infinito - Cloister 40 (defeat Black Elemental)
Drop: Lacerta (Oversoul)
Bribe: Chocobo (Fiend Arena, strong type)
Prize: Win Youth League Tournament, Blitzball, successfully complete Marriage Quest (Calm Lands)


Accessories that provide the wearer with a greater range of abilities, or improves the speed at which existing ones can be used.

Accessory Other Uses How to Obtain
AccessoryIcon Silver Sword Lore
Use any Warrior abilities already learned.
Strength +12
Consume 1 to teach a creature Excalibur.
Sells for 12,500 gil.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 50,000 gil (Episode Complete)

Drop: Tidus (Fiend Arena; rare)
Steal: Paine (Den of Woe)
Bribe: Tonberry (Oversoul), Mega Tonberry (normal and Oversoul)

AccessoryIcon Silver Bushido Lore
Use any Samurai abilities already learned.
Strength +12
Consume 1 to teach a creature Fireworks.
Sells for 12,500 gil.
Treasure: Kilika Woods (Chapter 3)
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 50,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Auron (Fiend Arena; rare)
Steal: Rikku (Den of Woe)
Bribe: Lacerta, Lacerta (Oversoul), Sand Worm (Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Nature's Lore
Use any Berserker abilities already learned.
Strength +12
Consume 1 to teach a creature Crackdown.
Sells for 12,500 gil.
Treasure: Thunder Plains - New Cave
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 50,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Kimahri (Fiend Arena; rare)
Steal: Baralai (Den of Woe)
Bribe: Humbaba (Normal and Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Arcane Lore
Use any Dark Knight abilities already learned.
Magic +12
Consume 1 to teach a creature Black Sky.
Sells for 12,500 gil.
Treasure: Kilika Woods (Chapter 5)
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 50,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Seymour (Fiend Arena; rare)
Steal: Nooj (Den of Woe)
Bribe: Black Elemental (Normal and Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Black Lore
Use any Black Mage abilities already learned.
Magic +12
Consume 1 to teach a creature Flare.
Sells for 12,500 gil.
Treasure: Besaid (Chapter 5), south of northwestern house (left side closest to temple). It is not in a chest and is difficult to spot. An optional CommSphere scene shows where the dog buries it.
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 50,000 gil (Episode Complete).
Drop: Rikku (Den of Woe), Lulu (Fiend Arena; rare)
Bribe: Aranea, Protean Gel (Normal and Oversoul), Adamantortoise, Aeshma, Dolmen
AccessoryIcon Silver White Lore
Use any White Mage abilities already learned.
Magic +12
Consume 1 to teach a creature Holy.
Sells for 12,500 gil.
Treasure: Bevelle Underground (Chapter 5)
Buy: Lake Macalania (O'aka and Wantz's shop, Chapter 5) for 50,000 gil (Episode Complete)
Drop: Baralai (Fiend Arena; rare)
Steal: Gippal (Den of Woe)
Bribe: Adamantortoise, Concherer, Great Malboro, Anything Eater
AccessoryIcon Silver Sword Tome
Cuts the time required for Warrior abilities by 40%.
HP +10%, Agility +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Turbo Swordplay.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Colony (dispatch lv. 4/5 chocobo)
Buy: Argent, Inc. for 80,000 credits (requires publicity level 5)
Drop: Lucil (Fiend Arena; rare)
Bribe: Aranea (Normal; rare and Oversoul), Gug (Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Bushido Tome
Cuts the time required for Samurai abilities by 40%.
HP +10%, Agility +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Turbo Bushido.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Colony (dispatch lv. 4/5 chocobo)
Buy: Argent, Inc. for 100,000 credits
Drop: Gippal (rare, Fiend Arena)
Bribe: Concherer (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Nature's Tome
Cuts the time required for Berserker abilities by 40%.
HP +10%, Agility +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Turbo Instinct.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Colony (dispatch lv. 4/5 chocobo)
Drop: Garik Ronso (Fiend Arena; rare)
Bribe: Mushroom Cloud (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Prize: Excavate in Bikanel Desert
AccessoryIcon Silver Arcane Tome
Cuts the time required for Dark Knight abilities by 40%.
MP +10%, Agility +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Turbo Arcana.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Colony (dispatch lv. 4/5 chocobo)
Drop: Nooj (Fiend Arena; rare)
Bribe: Elder Drake (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver Black Tome
Cuts the time required for Black Mage abilities by 40%.
User can cast Osmose.
MP +10%, Agility +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Turbo Black Magic.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Colony (dispatch lv. 4/5 chocobo)
Buy: Argent, Inc. for 80,000 credits (requires publicity level 5)
Drop: Yaibal (Fiend Arena; rare)
Bribe: Critical Bug (Normal and Oversoul)
AccessoryIcon Silver White Tome
Cuts the time required for White Mage abilities by 40%.
User can cast Osmose.
MP +10%, Agility +5
Consume 2 to teach a creature Turbo White Magic.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Fiend Colony (dispatch lv. 4/5 chocobo)
Buy: Argent, Inc. for 100,000 credits (requires publicity level 5)
Drop: Buddy (Fiend Arena; rare)
Bribe: Great Malboro (Oversoul) Insect Matriarch (Normal; rare and Oversoul)


Accessories that provide a unique—and often very powerful—effect on the wearer.

Accessory Other Uses How to Obtain
AccessoryIcon Silver Sprint Shoes
Act at the beginning of battle.
User can cast Haste.
Agility +10
Consume 2 to teach a creature First Strike.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Calm Lands (west)
Drop: Tindalos (Oversoul), Lacerta (rare)
Steal: Lacerta, Ixion
Prize: Blitzball
AccessoryIcon Gold AP Egg
Triples amount of AP earned.
Luck +15
Consume 2 to teach a creature Double EXP.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Ruin Depths
Prize: Blitzball, win Fiend World Cup
AccessoryIcon Bronze Cat's Bell
Automatically recover HP while walking.
HP +15%
Consume 1 to teach a creature HP Stroll.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Kilika Temple (Chapter 5), Ruin Depths
Gift: Talk to Pacce in Bevelle (Chapter 2, must side with New Yevon)
AccessoryIcon Bronze Wizard Bracelet
Automatically recover MP while walking.
MP +20%
Consume 1 to teach a creature MP Stroll.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Kilika Temple (Chapter 5), Ruin Depths
AccessoryIcon Silver Charm Bangle
Eliminates random enemy encounters in most areas.
Luck +10
Consume 1 to teach a creature No Encounters.
Sells for 10 gil.
Buy: Open Air, Inc. for 500 credits
Drop: Logos (Guadosalam, Chapter 2)
Steal: Baralai (Bevelle Underground, Chapter 2)
Prize: Blitzball
AccessoryIcon Silver Lure Bracer
Raises the frequency of random enemy encounters.
Strength +15
Consume 1 to teach a creature More Encounters.
Sells for 10 gil.
Drop: Logos (Bikanel Oasis, Chapter 2)
AccessoryIcon Silver Gold Hairpin
Halves MP cost during battle.
Magic +20
Consume 1 to teach a creature Half MP Cost.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Chateau Leblanc (complete Duty Calls minigame on first attempt)
Bribe: Blue Elemental (Oversoul), Great Haunt
Prize: Blitzball, win Fiend World Cup
Gift: Talk to friendly Tonberry in Via Infinito
AccessoryIcon Silver Soul of Thamasa
Strengthens spells by 150%.
Doubles MP cost.
Magic +15
Consume 2 to teach a creature Magic Booster.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Zanarkand Dome (Chapters 2/3) - complete Operation: Monkey! sidequest
Buy: Argent, Inc. for 12,000 credits (publicity level of at least 4)
Drop: Ixion
Bribe: Detonator (Oversoul), Volcano (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Prize: Win Fiend World Cup
AccessoryIcon Gold Ribbon
Guards against all status ailments.
Consume 1 to teach a creature Ribbon.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Bevelle Underground (complete plate puzzle).
Drop: Angra Mainyu, Bahamut (Fiend Arena rare)
Bribe: Flailing Ochu (rare), Omega Weapon (Normal; rare and Oversoul), Ultima Weapon (Normal; rare and Oversoul)
Prize: Tower re-calibration
AccessoryIcon Gold Heady Perfume
Recover HP and MP while walking.
MP +20%, Magic +5, Defense +10, Magic Defense +10, Agility +2, Luck +10
Consume 1 to teach a creature HP Stroll and MP Stroll.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Chateau Leblanc (complete Duty Calls minigame on second attempt)
AccessoryIcon Gold Shmooth Shailing
Protects against all status ailments.
Generates a constant Slow effect during battle.
Defense +30, Magic Defense +30
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max HP, max MP, and all stats by 5.
Sells for 10 gil.
Prize: Rehearshal's Shtarting? minigame (score 150+ points; Chapter 4), win Youth League Tournament
AccessoryIcon Gold Bloodlust
Generates a constant Poison and Berserk effect during battle.
HP -40%, MP -40%, Strength +60, Magic -50, Magic Defense -50
Consume 1 to teach a creature Shin-Zantetsu and raise its Strength by 30.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Bevelle Underground - Gaol (Chapters 2/3/5)
AccessoryIcon Gold Wring
Generates a constant Poison & Haste effect during battle.
Black Magic spells require 50% less time to cast.
Only Black Magic can be cast.
Negates double/triple AP effects.
HP -40%, Magic +80, Defense -20
Consume 1 to teach a creature Black Magic Lv. 2 and raise its Magic by 30.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Bevelle Underground - Gaol (Chapters 2/3/5)
AccessoryIcon Gold Key to Success
Double AP, EXP, gil, and items earned.
Doubles effectiveness of recovery/attack items.
HP +100%, MP +100%, Luck +100
Consume 1 to teach a creature Gillionaire.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Guadosalam - Tobli Productions. Get Episode Complete for Moonflow, but do NOT defeat Garik (Chapter 3).
Prize: Win Farplane Cup
AccessoryIcon Gold Minerva's Plate
Use any Black Magic already learned.
Cast Black Magic 40% faster.
Gain no AP or EXP.
MP +100%, Strength -80, Magic +100
Consume 1 to raise a creature's Magic Defense by 40.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Complete mission at Moonflow without talking to Tobli beforehand (Chapter 1), speak to Tobli's Assistant near save sphere at Macalania Woods entrance after completing mission (Chapter 2)
Prize: Win Chocobo Cup
AccessoryIcon Gold Adamantite
Generates constant Protect and Shell effects.
HP +100%, Defense +120, Magic Defense +120, Agility -30
Consume 1 to raise a creature's Defense by 40.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Complete Machina Panzer fiend tale (see here for more information)
Prize: Gunner's Gauntlet (Score 2800+ points; one-time only), win Fiend World Cup
AccessoryIcon Gold Cat Nip
When wearer is in Critical status, all attacks do 9,999 damage, and all HP-replenishing items heal 9,999 HP.
Generates constant Berserk and Slow effect on wearer (Int. and HD versions only).
Consume 1 to increase a creature's Strength by 30.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Skip Moonflow mission (Chapter 1), Tobli boards the Celsius (Chapter 2), push him and musicians into elevator (Japanese version only), Via Infinito - Cloister 40 (defeat Black Elemental)
AccessoryIcon Gold Iron Duke
HP +100%, MP +100%, Strength +100, Magic +100, Defense +100, Magic Defense +100, Agility +10, Accuracy +100, Evasion +100, Luck +50
Consume 1 to raise a creature's max HP, max MP, and all stats by 10.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Via Infinito - Cloister 100 (Defeat Trema)
Drop: Major Numerus Unum, Duo, Tria, and Quartum (rare)
Prize: Win Farplane Cup
AccessoryIcon Gold Ragnarok
Reduces MP cost to zero during battle.
Consume 1 to teach a creature Spellspring.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Mi'ihen Highroad Mystery (blame Rikku)
Drop: Almighty Shinra (rare)
Prize: Beat Farplane Core Sphere in Luca, win Farplane Cup
AccessoryIcon Gold Enterprise
Allows max HP to exceed 9,999.
Consume 1 to teach a creature Break HP Limit.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Skip Moonflow mission (Chapter 1), Tobli boards the Celsius (Chapter 2), push him and the musicians into elevator.
Drop: Major Numerus - Unum and Tria heads
Prize: Beat Cursed Core Sphere player in Luca
AccessoryIcon Gold Invincible
Allows max damage to exceed 9,999.
Consume 1 to teach a creature Break Damage Limit.
Sells for 10 gil.
Treasure: Kilika - Island Base (must talk to cameraman in Chapters 1/3/5)
Drop: Major Numerus - Duo and Quartum heads
Prize: Beat Underground Core Sphere in Luca

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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