In this episode, we do a whole bunch of stuff that makes no sense until 30 hours into the game.
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from Catuse and Some Color MageIn this episode, Tidus nearly is drowned by a racist and starts to awaken to that he may be a furry.
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from ScatheMote and TechnoSpirans don't understand the concept of free real estate, and Kilika's town planner really needs a new job.
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from Catuse and Some Color MagePuzzles! Weird Faces! Catholicism! Suspenders! Chest Hair!
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from Catuse, Some Color Mage & TechnoThe preview of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, debates on the rules of underwater soccer rugby sportsball and the return of Auron.
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from Catuse, BluehighwindLaughing Scene, Mihen Highroad, wistful and salty wonderings among JRPGs and the pasts of the Wiki.
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from Catuse, BluehighwindChocobo eater is cancelled for vore crimes, Yevon is evil and Wakka has Heated Gaming Moments about weed and racism..
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from Catuse, Some BODY MageOperation Mi'hen happens. Sinspawn Gui slogs along to the sound of Techno loving Auron, Sin commits a war crime and we bring Eden's Verse: Fulmination to the world of Spira.
Hosted by Hexedmagica, with help from Catuse, Some Color Mage and World's #1 Auron Fanboy