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This is a list of the weapons in Final Fantasy V. The primary names are the names given in the Advance and subsequent releases. Other supported translations are listed beneath. To see which titles exist in which version, see the translations page.

Some weapons have traits that are not mentioned in the item menu description. See the equipment bugs article for more details. Likewise, some weapon classes that use agility in their damage formula have a known bug.

Weapons have a 0% critical hit rate unless otherwise specified.

Damage formulas[]

With limited exceptions (e.g., weapons dealing fixed damage, such as the Excalipoor), the damage output of any given weapon is calculated according to a general formula:


  • Damage is the damage output of a regular attack performed with the given weapon.
  • A is a non-negative integer value that mainly depends on the nominal attack (Atk) value of the given weapon.
  • D is a non-negative integer value that mainly depends on either the physical defense (Def) or magic defense (MDef) stat of the target.
  • M (also known as the multiplier) is a strictly positive integer value that mainly depends on the attacker's level and some combination of the attacker's strength, magic, and agility stats. The attacker's level is capped at 99 (i.e., levels 100~255, achievable with Drink/Mix still count as 99).
    • M is guaranteed to be strictly positive because (see formulas below) it is the sum of a strictly positive integer (2 or 4) with one or more addends that depend on products of non-negative integers, and integer divisions and modular reductions by positive integers.
  • the min() and max() functions enforce the damage ceiling (9999), and the damage floor (0).

The sub-formulas used to calculate A, D, and M mainly depend on the class of the particular weapon. In some instances, within a weapon class, some weapons use a different formula with respect to most other weapons in that particular class. In most cases, some randomness is factored in the calculation of A by means of computing , which is a random integer value between a and b (both inclusive).

When divisions appear in the sub-formulas, they are integer divisions (denoted by the // operator): any non-integer quotient is rounded down to the previous integer. In practice, divisors are always powers of 2, so that integer divisions can be accomplished by simply right-shifting the bits of the dividend by a number of places equal to the logarithm in base 2 of the divisor.

One notable consequence of the damage formula is that, if A is not strictly greater than D, the damage will always be 0. For instance, even a level 255 character (obtainable via Drink/Mix) with 99 strength, magic, and agility (all obtainable via various songs and/or drinks) will deal 0 damage if the equipped weapon has a low enough Attack value with respect to the relevant target defense stat, i.e. the weapon fails to pierce the target's armor.


FFV Axe Icon iOS

Axes can be equipped by Freelancers, Berserkers, and Gladiators. With the exception of the Rune Axe, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • The formula results in anything between 50% and 150% of the original attack value being used in the damage calculation.
  • Axes ignore 75% of the target's physical defense stat.

The Rune Axe has different formulas. If the attacker has less than 5 MP, the regular formulas are applied. However, if the attacker has at least 5 MP, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Battle Axe Battle Axe - FF5 FFV iOS Battle Axe Battleaxe 650 23 80 Buy: Walse
Steal: Bio Soldier
Axe made for combat. Can be used two-handed.
Ogre Killer
Ogrekiller - FF5 Ogreaxe 3200 33 80 Buy: Jachol
Axe effective against giants. Can be used two-handed.
Death Sickle
Death Sickle - FF5 FFV iOS Death Sickle Deathsickle 43 80 Drop: Berserker, Harvester
Steal: Mykale
33% chance of inflicting Instant Death against targets not immune to Death. Works on Heavy targets but restores the undead.
Axe that sometimes finishes enemies in one blow. Can be used two-handed.
Poison Axe Poison Axe - FF5 FFV iOS Poison Axe Poisonaxe 9600 48 80 Buy: Surgate Castle
Drop: Bio Soldier (summoned by Zephyrus)
Steal: Reflect Knight
Poison-elemental. 67% chance of casting Poison.
Axe that sometimes poisons enemies. Can be used two-handed.
Rune Axe Rune Axe - FF5 FFV iOS Rune Axe Runeaxe 71 90 Find: Sealed Castle
Magic +3. Consumes 5 MP to add 10 more Attack Power and adds the Magic stat to the damage formula.
Axe that uses MP for critical hits. Can be used two-handed.
Titan's Axe
(Double Axe)
Titan's Axe - FF5 FFV iOS Titan's Axe Giantaxe 91 90 Steal: Twintania
Find: Istory Falls
Huge axe once used by giants. Can be used two-handed.
Earthbreaker Earthbreaker - FF5 FFV iOS Earthbreaker 133 80 Steal: Ironclad
Advance and discontinued 2013 version only. Strength +5, Stamina +5, Agility -5, Magic -5
Axe bearing tremendous destructive power. Can be used two-handed.


FFV Bells Icon iOS

Bells can be equipped by Freelancers and Geomancers. Their damage is considered magical, rather than physical for the purpose of counter attacks and immunities. The Gaia Bell uses the axe/hammer damage formula. The Diamond Bell and the Tinklebell use the proper bells' damage formula. Interestingly, A, D, and M are calculated differently, depending on the version on Final Fantasy V.

In the SNES/PS version, they are as follows:

In the GBA version, D and M are calculated in the same way, but A differs:


  • In the SNES/PS version, the formula results in anything between 50% and 100% of the original attack value being used in the damage calculation.
  • In the GBA version, the formula results in anything between 100% and 150% of the original attack value being used in the damage calculation.

The Rune Bell, uses different formulas. If the attacker has at least 5 MP, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:

If the attacker has less than 5 MP, A, D, and M are calculated according to the axe/hammer formulas:

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Diamond Bell
(Monster Bell)
Diamond Bell - FF5 FFV iOS Diamond Bell Giyaman 500 24 100 Buy: Karnak
Find: Tycoon
Does not work if user is Silenced. Full damage from back row.
Demons hate the sounds of its chime. Full power from back row.
Gaia's Bell
(Earth Bell)
Diamond Bell - FF5 FFV iOS Gaia's Bell Earthbell 35 99 Find: Sealed Castle
Increases Earth-elemental damage by 50%. 25% chance of casting Earthquake. Full damage from the back row.
Bell infused with the power of earth. Full power from back row.
Rune Chime Rune Chime - FF5 FFV iOS Rune Chime Runebell 45 99 Drop: Baldanders
Consumes 5 MP to add 10 more Attack Power and add the Magic stat to the damage formula. Raises power of all-elemental magic except Water by 50%. Does not do full damage from back row despite the in-game description.
Bell that uses MP for critical hits. Full power from back row.
(Tinker Bell)
Tinklebell - FF5 FFV iOS Tinklebell 55 100 Drop: Twintania
Does not work if user is Silenced. Full damage from back row.
Mysterious bell named for a fairy. Full power from back row.


FFV Boomerang Icon iOS

Boomerangs can be equipped by Freelancers, Thieves, Ninjas, and Mimes. With the exception of the Twin Lance, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • % is the modulo operator (i.e., the remainder of the division).
  • The % 256 part of the formula is not intended: it is just the mathematical representation of a bug due to which only the least significant byte of (Level * Agility) is used when determining the damage.

The Twin Lance is essentially treated as a spear, and, therefore, uses the spears' damage formula.

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Moonring Blade
Moonring Blade - FF5 FFV iOS Moonring Blade Fullmoon 1100 35 95 Buy: Phantom Village
Steal: Belphegor
Find: Fire-Powered Ship, Ronka Ruins
Long Range
Throwing weapon with a sharp, ringed blade. Full power from back row.
Rising Sun
(Razor Ring)
Rising Sun - FF5 FFV iOS Rising Sun Risingsun 1100 71 90 Steal: Belphegor
Find: Island Shrine
Long Range
Throwing weapon with a jagged, sharp blade. Full power from back row.
Twin Lance
(Double Lance)
Twin Lance - FF5 FFV iOS Twin Lance Twinlancer 10800 61 100 Buy: Phantom Village
Drop: King Behemoth
Steal: Objet d'Art
Find: Castle Exdeath
Hits twice in one attack. Double damage when used with Jump. Uses the Spear damage formula.
Special lance that cuts enemies twice.


FFV Bows Icon iOS

Bows can be equipped by Freelancers, Rangers, and Gladiators. They are long range and as such ignore damage reduction in the back row. Bows only take 50% of the target's Evade into calculations. In the Pixel Remaster version, they deal double damage against flying enemies. With the exception of the Rune Bow (which deals no damage by design), A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • % is the modulo operator (i.e., the remainder of the division).
  • The % 256 part of the formula is not intended: it is just the mathematical representation of a bug due to which only the least significant byte of (Level * Agility) is used when determining the damage.

The Magic Bow was named Rune Bow in some versions of Final Fantasy V before the GBA release. Despite that, it lacks any mechanics that change its A and M formulas depending on whether the attacker possesses at least a certain number of MP like the other "Rune" weapons. It does not even use any damage formulas, as it is programmed not to deal damage.

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Magic Bow
(Rune Bow)
Silver Bow - FF5 Mafuujibow 10000 0 100 Buy: Phantom Village
Drop: Gilgamesh (Entrance to Interdimensional Rift's Final Floor)
33% chance to cast Silence. Deals no damage.
Bow that sometimes silences enemies.
Silver Bow Silver Bow - FF5 Silver Bow FFV iOS Silverbow 1500 38 70 Buy: Jachol
Steal: Harvester
Common bow. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Flame Bow
(Fire Bow)
Flame Bow - FF5 Flame Bow FFV iOS Firebow 2500 39 70 Buy: Crescent
Drop: Liquid Flame (Tornado form)
Bow infused with the power of fire. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Frost Bow
(Ice Bow)
Silver Bow - FF5 Frost Bow FFV iOS 2500 39 70 Buy: Crescent
Drop: Cray Claw
Bow infused with the power of ice. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Thunder Bow
(Lightning Bow)
Silver Bow - FF5 Thunder Bow FFV iOS Boltbow 2500 39 70 Buy: Crescent
Bow infused with the power of lightning. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Dark Bow
Silver Bow - FF5 Dark Bow FFV iOS Darkbow 3800 43 70 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Drop: Enchanted Fan
66% chance to inflict Blind
Bow that sometimes blinds enemies. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Killer Bow
Silver Bow - FF5 Killer Bow FFV iOS Killerbow 5000 49 70 Buy: Quelb
Steal: Ghidra
8% chance to inflict death (even on the undead and heavy as long as they are not immune to Death).
Bow that can take out enemies in a single shot. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Elven Bow
(Elfin Bow)
Elven Bow - FF5 FFV iOS Fairy's Bow Elvenbow 7500 56 90 Buy: Moore
Steal: Berserker
15% chance of a critical hit.
Wooden bow made by elves. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Hayate Bow
(Gale Bow)
Silver Bow - FF5 Galebow 69 80 Find: Castle Exdeath
Drop: Abductor
Steal: Poison Eagle
25% chance to use Rapid Fire when attacking
Bow that sometimes attacks multiple times. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Aevis Killer
(Ab Splitter)
Silver Bow - FF5 91 100 Drop: Tot Aevis
Steal: Tot Aevis
Find: Phoenix Tower F25
100% chance of a critical hit vs Aevis enemies
Bow effective against aevises. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Yoichi's Bow
Yoichi Bow - FF5 Yoichis Bow FFV iOS Yoichibow 101 90 Find: Sealed Castle
Strength +3. Agility +3. 30% chance of a critical hit.
Bow once used by a famous marksman. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Artemis' Bow
Yoichi Bow - FF5 Artemis Bow 111 100 Find: Istory Falls
Steal: Dragon Aevis
100% chance of a critical hit vs Magic Beasts
Bow effective against magic beasts. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Fairy's Bow Fairy's Bow - FF5 FFV iOS Fairy's Bow 130 100 Drop: Grand Aevis
Advance and discontinued 2013 version only. 12% chance of inflicting confuse
Mysterious bow that sometimes confuses enemies. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.


FFV Hammer Icon iOS

Hammers can be equipped by Freelancers and Berserkers. In general, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • The formula results in anything between 50% and 150% of the original attack value being used in the damage calculation.
  • Like axes, hammers ignore 75% of the target's physical defense stat.
Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Mythril Hammer Mythril Hammer - FF5 Mithrilhammer 1050 28 80 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Drippy
Hammer forged from mythril. Can be used two-handed.
War Hammer
War Hammer - FF5 Warhammer 6400 38 80 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Steal: Bio Soldier, Reflect Knight
Hammer made for combat. Can be used two-handed.
Gaia Hammer
(Earth Hammer)
Mythril Hammer - FF5 FFV iOS Gaia Hammer Earthhammer 12800 58 80 Find: Pyramid of Moore[note 1]
Buy: Phantom Village
Steal: Titan
25% chance of casting Earthquake on hit. Boosts Earth-elemental attacks by 50%. Long Range
Hammer that sometimes causes earthquakes. Can be used two-handed.
Thor's Hammer War Hammer - FF5 FFV iOS Thor's Hammer Thorhammer 81 80 Steal: Death Claw
Find: Interdimensional Rift
Long Range
Hammer named for a god. Full power from back row. Can be used two-handed.
  1. Monster-in-a-box.


FFV Harps Icon iOS

Harps can be equipped by Freelancers and Bards. They deal full damage even from the back row. The Apollo Harp deals damage based on the attacker's Magic stat and the defender's Magic Defense. Apollo's Harp casts a spell of 75 base power when attacking, and does x8 damage to undead and dragons. It damage formula is the same as the one for magic-attacking staves. For goblin punch purposes, it has an menu battle power of 45. Other harps deal percentile damage based on the target's current HP, and automatically fail against Heavy-type monsters (such as most bosses). The harps that inflict statuses when attacked with, uniquely also do this when used for countering.

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Silver Harp Silver Harp - FF5 FFV iOS Silver Harp Silverharp 800 0 99 Buy: Crescent
Damage dealt equal to 1/16 current HP.
Basic harp. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Dream Harp
Dream Harp - FF5 FFV iOS Dream Harp Dreamharp 1600 0 99 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Steal: Traveler
Drop: Traveler
Damage dealt equal to 2/16 current HP and inflicts sleep.
Harp that weaves a sleep-inducing melody. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Lamia's Harp
Dream Harp - FF5 Lamiaharp 0 99 Drop: Lemure
Find: Castle of Bal
Damage dealt equal to 3/16 current HP and inflicts confuse.
Harp that weaves a confusion-inducing melody. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.
Apollo's Harp
Apollo's Harp - FF5 Apollos Harp FFV iOS Apollon 75 100 Find: Sealed Castle
Magic-based damage and deals x8 damage to Dragon and Undead enemies.
Harp effective against dragons and undead. Must be used two-handed. Full power from back row.


FFV Katana Icon iOS

Katanas can be equipped by Freelancers and Samurais. They are among the few weapons that can score critical hits. In general, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Ashura - FF5 Ashura FFV iOS Ashura 5800 42 100 Find: Castle Tycoon
Buy: Jachol, Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Steal: Numb Blade
12% chance of Critical hit
Katana named after the avatar of war. Can be used two-handed.
Wind Slash
(Wind Sword)
(Air Blade)
Wind Slash - FF5 Airblade 44 100 Find: Drakenvale
12% chance of Critical hit

Wind-elemental. 12% chance of casting Wind Slash. Increases power of wind-elemental attacks by 50%.

Katana also know as "Kamaitachi". Can be used two-handed.
(Bizen's Pride)
Wind Slash - FF5 8800 51 100 Buy: Surgate Castle
12% chance of a critical hit
Katana forged by a master swordsmith. Can be used two-handed.
Kotetsu Ashura - FF5 Kotetsu 58 100 Drop: Numb Blade
Find: Castle Exdeath
12% chance of a Critical hit
Shorter katana with emphasis on ease of use. Can be used two-handed.
Ashura - FF5 Kikuichimonji 14800 87 100 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Steal: Ninja
12% chance of a Critical hit
Katana with a chrysanthemum engraved on its sheath. Can be used two-handed.
(Monster Killer)
Ashura - FF5 97 100 Drop: Twintania
Steal: Rukh
25% chance of a critical hit.
Katana with a high critical hit ratio. Can be used two-handed.
Masamune Ashura - FF5 Masamune FFV iOS 107 100 Find: Sealed Castle
15% chance of a Critical hit. User always goes first in battle. Casts Haste when used as an item.
Katana that always strikes first. Can be used two-handed.
Wind Slash - FF5 Heavencloud 117 100 Steal: Yojimbo, Neo Exdeath (front section)
20% chance of a Critical hit
Legendary katana. Can be used two-handed.
Mutsunokami Wind Slash - FF5 142 100 Find: Sealed Temple (Lethe Court - Shadowed Gate)
Advance and discontinued 2013 version only. 50% chance of a Critical hit
Phantom sword shrouded in mystery. Can be used two-handed.

Knight swords[]

FFV Knight Sword Icon iOS

Knight swords can be equipped by Freelancers, Knights, and Gladiators. With the exception of the Blood Sword and the Brave Blade, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:

The Brave Blade, while retaining the formulas for D and M, uses a different formula for A:


  • run_count is the number of times the party has escaped from an escapable battle.
  • The lack of randomness means the Brave Blade will always deal the same damage, given the same conditions.

The Blood Sword, meanwhile, uses the same damage formula as the staves that inflict magical damage, and heals undead targets.

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
(Flame Saber)
Flametongue - FF5 FFV iOS Flametongue Flametongue 10000 63 100 Buy: Phantom Village
Steal: Achelon
Find: Great Forest of Moore
Sword infused with the power of fire. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Icebrand - FF5 Icebrand FFV iOS Icebrand 11000 65 100 Buy: Phantom Village
Drop: Sword Dancer
Find: Castle Exdeath
Sword infused with the power of ice. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Blood Sword Blood Sword - FF5 FFV iOS Blood Sword Bloodsword 84 25 Steal: King Behemoth
Find: Barrier Tower[note 1], Interdimensional Rift
Magic +5. Absorbs damage as HP. Deals Magic Damage. Damage grows with higher Magic value. Damage reduced by Shell. Full power from Back Row. Cannot be used Two-handed.
Sword that saps target's HP.
Defender Broadsword - FF5 Defender FFV iOS DefenderWeapon 99 100 Steal: Landcrawler, Sea Devil
Find: Fork Tower (Right)
25% chance to block attacks. Casts Protect when used as an item.
Blade that sometimes parries enemy attacks. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Excalibur Broadsword - FF5 Excalibur FFV iOS Excalibur 110 100 Find: Sealed Castle
Strength +5. Holy-elemental
Legendary holy sword. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Ragnarok Ragnarok - FF5 FFV iOS Ragnarok RagnarokWeapon 140 100 Drop: Shinryu
Steal: Neo Exdeath (Back section)
Sword with runes of the gods carved in its surface. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Apocalypse Apocalypse - FF5 FFV iOS Apocalypse 145 100 Find: Sealed Temple - Heart of Ronka B2
Advance and defunct 2013 versions only. Strength & Stamina +3
Great sword forged by the Ancients. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Brave Blade Longsword - FF5 Braveblade ≤ 150 100 Find: Moore
Strength +5. Weakens the more the user runs from battle.
Loses effectiveness as its wielder runs from battle. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
  1. Monster-in-a-box.


FFV Knife Icon iOS

Knives can be equipped by all jobs, except Monks, White Mages, and Oracles. With the exception of the Man-Eater, only 50% of the target's Evasion is used when determining whether an attack will hit. With the exception of the Man-Eater and the Chicken Knife, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • % is the modulo operator (i.e., the remainder of the division).
  • The % 256 part of the formula is not intended: it is just the mathematical representation of a bug due to which only the least significant byte of (Level * Agility) is used when determining the damage.

The Man-Eater is essentially treated as a spear, and, therefore, uses the spears' damage formula.

The Chicken Knife uses the same formula for D, but calculates A and M differently:


  • run_count is the number of times the party has escaped from an escapable battle.
  • The lack of randomness means the Chicken Knife will always deal the same damage, given the same conditions.
  • The bug where only the least significant byte of (Level * Agility) is used when determining the damage does not apply to the Chicken Knife. Therefore, the Chicken Knife is not only significantly more powerful than all other knives, but is also most likely to output the most damage among all weapons of all classes.
Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Knife Knife - FF5 7 100 Initial: Lenna
Short knife. Can be used with Spellblade.
Knife - FF5 Dagger 300 14 100 Buy: Carwen, Walse
Win: Skeleton
Initial: Faris
Knife with a long blade. Can be used with Spellblade.
Mythril Knife
Mythril Knife - FF5 Mythril Knife FFV iOS Mythrilknife 450 23 100 Buy: Karnak, Walse
Steal: Wyvern
Knife forged from mythril. Can be used with Spellblade.
Mage Masher
(Mash Slasher)
(Mage Slasher)
Knife - FF5 Magemash 900 31 100 Buy: Jachol
Steal: Sorcerer
Magic +1. 33% chance of inflicting Silence
Knife that sometimes silences enemies. Can be used with Spellblade.
Main Gauche
(Hunting Knife)
Knife - FF5 MainGauche 36 100 Steal: Mindflayer
Find: Karnak Castle[note 1], Moore
25% chance of blocking attacks.
Knife that sometimes blocks enemy attacks. Can be used with Spellblade.
Orichalcum Dirk
(Halcyon Blade)
Orichalcum Dirk - FF5 Orichalcum Dirk FFV iOS Orichalcon 3400 41 100 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Knife forged from orichalcum. Can be used with Spellblade.
Dancing Dagger
(Dancing Dirk)
Knife - FF5 Dancing 51 100 Find: Moogle Village
Steal: Shadow Dancer
Agility & Magic +1. 50% chance to use Dance.
Dagger infused with the soul of a dancer. Can be used with Spellblade.
Air Knife
(Air Lancet)
Air Knife - FF5 Air Knife FFV iOS Airknife 6800 56 100 Buy: Moore
Steal: Moss Fungus
Wind-elemental. Increases power of Wind-elemental attacks by 50%.
Knife infused with the power of wind. Can be used with Spellblade.
Thief Knife Knife - FF5 Theifknife 66 100 Find: Phantom Village
Agility +1. 50% chance of Mug.
Sometimes allows the wielder to steal while attacking. Can be used with Spellblade.
Assassin Dagger
Assassin's Dagger - FF5 Assassin Dagger FFV iOS Assassin 81 100 Find: Sealed Castle
Agility +1. 25% chance of Death on a target not immune to Death. Works on Heavy enemies but restores the undead.
Dagger that sometimes finishes enemy in one blow. Can be used with Spellblade.
Knife - FF5 Maneater 89 100 Steal: Alchymia
Find: Interdimensional Rift
Can only be equipped by Dancers and Freelancers. Strength, Agility, Stamina, & Magic +2. 100% chance of a critical hit vs Humans. Double damage when used with Jump. Uses the Spear damage formula.
Knife effective against humans.
Gladius Knife - FF5 118 100 Find: Sealed Temple (Arena)
Advance and discontinued 2013 version only. Agility +2. Holy-elemental
Blade infused with the power of divine judgment. Can be used with Spellblade.
Chicken Knife Knife - FF5 Chickenknife ≤ 127 100 Find: Moore
Agility +5. Power increases as user runs away from battle, up to a maximum of 127 attack. 25% chance of escaping from battle when attacking. This Knife is the only one that will properly use the Agility stat to calculate damage, making it far more powerful than it looks.
Gains strength as the wielder runs from battle. Can be used with Spellblade.
  1. Monster-in-a-box.


FFV Rod Icon iOS

Rods can be equipped by Freelancers, Black Mages, Time Mages, Summoners, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Necromancers, and Mimes. They deal full damage from the back row.

Notably, breaking rods to cast spells counts as a physical attack for the purpose of certain enemies' counterattacks, such as Omniscient.

Wonder Wand will cast spells in a specified order, starting from Cure up to Osmose, and then loops back to Cure. It can also be used when the Mute spell has been cast.

With the exception of the Wonder Wand and the Lilith Rod (which deal no damage by design), A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • The effective attack of a rod can be anything between 0 and double its original Atk value.
  • For rod attacks (Level * Magic) is divided by 256 (rather than 128), making the multiplier smaller, and, thus, decreasing the damage output in most cases.
Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Wonder Wand Rod - FF5 Wonderrod 0 100 Find: Fork Tower (Left)
Steal: Exdeath (Tree Form)
Magic +2. Casts spells instead of attacking; contrary to its description, the spells are not random. It casts spells in order from Cure, Poisona, Silence, Protect, Mini, Cura, Raise, Confuse, Blink, Shell, Esuna, Curaga, Reflect, Berserk, Arise, Holy, Dispel, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Poison, Sleep, Toad, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Drain, Break, Bio, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Flare, Death, and finally, Osmose, then loops back around to Cure; its position in its list is saved between battles. Casts Return when used as an item.
Wand that randomly casts spells. Full power from back row.
(Wooden Rod)
Rod - FF5 Rod FFV iOS Rod 200 8 70 Buy: Carwen, Tule
Drop: Mani Wizard
Steal: Ricard Mage
Magic +1.
Magical rod. Full power from back row.
Flame Rod
(Fire Rod)
Flame Rod - FF5 Flame Rod FFV iOS Flamerod 750 16 80 Buy: Karnak
Find: Karnak
Drop: Liquid Flame, Ricard Mage
Fire-elemental. Casts Firaga when used as an item and breaks afterwards. Increases power of fire-elemental attacks by 50%.
Rod that sometimes casts Firaga. Full power from back row.
Frost Rod
(Ice Rod)
Frost Rod - FF5 Ice Rod FFV iOS Icerod 750 16 80 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Shiva
Find: Carwen
Ice-elemental. Casts Blizzaga when used as an item and breaks afterwards. Increases power of Ice-elemental attacks by 50%.
Rod that sometimes casts Blizzaga. Full power from back row.
Thunder Rod
(Lightning Rod)
Thunder Rod - FF5 Thunder Rod FFV iOS Litrod 750 16 80 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Yellow Dragon
Lightning-elemental. Casts Thundaga when used as an item and breaks afterwards. Increases power of Lightning-elemental attacks by 50%.
Rod that sometimes casts Thundaga. Full power from back row.
Lilith Rod
(Power Rod)
Lilith Rod - FF5 Lilith Rod FFV iOS Lilithrod 30 80 Steal: Farfarello
Find: Interdimensional Rift (Forest)
Magic +3. 25% chance of using Osmose. Deals no damage and has the effect of the Flirt command.
Rod that sometimes saps target's MP. Full power from back row.
Poison Rod Poison Rod - FF5 Poison Rod FFV iOS Poisonrod 1500 32 80 Buy: Quelb
Steal: Black Warlock
Poison-elemental. Casts Bio when used as an item and breaks afterwards. Increases power of Poison-elemental attacks by 50%.
Rod that sometimes casts Bio. Full power from back row.
Magus Rod
Rod - FF5 Magus Rod FFV iOS Wizard Rod 40 80 Find: Sealed Castle
Fire/Ice/Lightning-elemental. Raises power of all-elemental magic except Water and Holy by 50%.
Staff that increases the power of-elemental spells. Full power from back row.
Demon's Rod Lilith Rod - FF5 55 90 Find: Sealed Temple - Tomb of Memory (Incubi's Path)
Advance and discontinued 2013 version only. Magic +2, Poison-elemental. 16% chance of inflicting Instant Death.
Dark rod infused with poison. Full power from back row.

Short swords[]

FFV Short Sword Icon iOS

Short swords can be equipped by Freelancers and Ninjas. They only take 50% of the target's Evade into calculations. In general, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • % is the modulo operator (i.e., the remainder of the division).
  • The % 256 part of the formula is not intended: it is just the mathematical representation of a bug due to which only the least significant byte of (Level * Agility) is used when determining the damage.
Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
(Ninja Knife)
Knife - FF5 FFV iOS Kunai Kunai 600 29 100 Buy: Karnak, Lix
Agility +1
Small blade favored by ninjas. Can be used with Spellblade.
Knife - FF5 Kodachi FFV iOS Kodachi 5100 46 100 Buy: Quelb
Agility +1
Lightweight katana favored by ninjas. Can be used with Spellblade.
Sasuke's Katana
Knife - FF5 Sasukes Katana FFV iOS Sasuke 99 100 Find: Sealed Castle
Agility +1. 25% chance to block attacks.
Legendary katana that sometimes blocks attacks. Can be used with Spellblade.
Kagenui Knife - FF5 126 100 Find: Sealed Temple (Heart of Ronka B1)
Advance and 2013 version only. Agility +3. 25% chance of inflicting stop
Secret ninja blade that sometimes stops enemies. Can be used with Spellblade.


FFV Spear Icon iOS

Spears can be equipped by Freelancers, Dragoons, and Gladiators. In general, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • M is doubled when using the Jump command.
Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Spear Partisan - FF5 Spear 25 100 Steal: Shell Bear
Agility +1
Basic spear. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Mythril Spear
(Mythril Pike)
Mythril Spear - FF5 Mythril Spear FFV iOS Mithrilspear 790 30 100 Buy: Karnak
Spear forged from mythril. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Trident Trident - FF5 FFV iOS Trident Trident 2700 38 100 Buy: Jachol
Drop: Enkidu
Steal: Corbett, Dragon Aevis, Gilgamesh, Dhorme Chimera
Tri-pronged lance infused with the power of lightning. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Wind Spear
(Wind Lance)
Wind Spear - FF5 Windspear 5400 44 100 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Steal: Chimera Brain
Spear infused with the power of wind. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Heavy Lance
(Short Spear)
Partisan - FF5 Heavylance 8100 54 100 Buy: Surgate Castle
Lance with a wide tip. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Javelin Partisan - FF5 Javelin 55 100 Steal: Sand Bear
Strength +1
Short spear made for ease of use. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Partisan Partisan - FF5 Partisan 10200 62 100 Buy: Phantom Village
Steal: Ziggurat Gigas
Find: Castle Exdeath
Beautiful yet deadly spear. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Holy Lance Holy Lance - FF5 Holy Lance FFV iOS Holyspear 109 100 Find: Sealed Castle
Strength +3. Holy-elemental
Spear infused with holy power. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Dragon Lance
Dragon Lance - FF5 Dragon Lance FFV iOS Hiryuulance 119 100 Steal: Crystal Dragon, Jura Aevis, Neo Exdeath (Middle section)
100% chance of a critical hit vs Dragons
Spear effective against dragons. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.
Longinus Longinus - FF5 FFV iOS Longinus 132 100 Find: Sealed Temple (Abyssal Falls - Hall of Tranquility)
Advance, defunct Steam and mobile versions only. Strength +2
Legendary lance meant to pass judgment on the world. Doubles power of Jump attacks when equipped.


FFV Staff Icon iOS

Staves can be equipped by Freelancers, White Mages, Time Mages, Red Mages, Chemists, Oracles, and Mimes. Different staves use different damage formulas. The Power Staff and the Healing Staff deal no damage by design. The Staff, Flail, Morning Star, and Mace of Zeus use the Axe damage formula, and benefit from Two-Handed. The Light Staff, Staff of Judgment, and Sage's Staff deal magical damage (for the purpose of counterattacks and immunities), and their A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • MPow is the power of the spell cast by the staff (effectively the staff's attack value—see table below).
  • For staves, (Level * Magic) is divided by 256 (rather than 128). In order to rebalance the formula, M cannot be smaller than 4 (rather than 2).
  • The sub-formulas for A, D, and M are not unique to staves that deal magical damage. They are also shared by every other weapon that deals magical damage (except for bells and rods), and by most spells in the game.
Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Power Staff Staff - FF5 Strengthstaff 0 100 Drop: Black Warlock
Strength +5. Inflicts no damage, but casts Berserk on target.
Staff that drives targets berserk.
Healing Staff
Staff - FF5 Curestaff 0 100 Drop: Alte Roite
Steal: Sleepy, Chrono Controller
Find: Tycoon
Magic +2. Casts Cura when attacking a target.
Staff infused with the power of healing.
Staff Staff - FF5 Staff 200 9 95 Buy: Carwen, Tule
Steal: Metamorph
Can be double-gripped, although this isn't mentioned in the menu description.
Basic staff. Can be used two-handed.
Flail Flail - FF5 FFV iOS Flail Flail 780 16 70 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Atomos
Find: Ship Graveyard
Long Range
Mace even mages can wield. Full power from back row. Can be used two-handed.
Staff of Light
Staff - FF5 Lightstaff 30 100 Drop: Metamorph
Steal: Halicarnassus
Magic +2. Holy-elemental. Casts Holy when used as an item and breaks afterwards.
Staff that sometimes casts Holy. Full power from back row.
Morning Star
Morning Star - FF5 FFV iOS Morning Star Mornstar 7800 50 90 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Find: Great Forest of Moore
Long Range
Flail with metal balls attached to its handle. Full power from back row. Can be used two-handed.
Sage's Staff
(Sage Staff)
Staff - FF5 Sagestaff 45 100 Find: Sealed Castle
Casts Raise when used as an item. Raises power of Holy-elemental attacks by 50%. x8 damage to Undeads.
Staff that boosts the power of holy magic. Full power from back row.
Judgment Staff
Staff - FF5 Judgmentstaff 45 100 Steal: Black Warlock, Istory Lythos, Exdeath
Magic +3. Casts Dispel when used as an item. Holy-elemental.
Staff intended to render judgment unto evil. Full power from back row.
Mace of Zeus Staff - FF5 78 90 Find: Sealed Temple - Ruined Shrine
Advance and discontinued 2013 version only. Magic +3
Great mage's staff. Infused with the power of the gods. Can be used two-handed.


FFV Sword Icon iOS

Swords can be equipped by Freelancers, Knights, Mystic Knights, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Cannoneers, and Gladiators. With the exception of the Excalipoor and the Rune Blade, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:

The Excalipoor lacks a real damage formula, as it is programmed to always deal 1 damage no matter what.

The Rune Blade uses different formulas. If the attacker has at least 8 MP, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:

If the attacker has less than 8 MP, A, D, and M are calculated according to the axe/hammer formulas:

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Broad Sword Longsword - FF5 Broad Sword FFV iOS Broadsword 280 15 100 Buy: Tule
Find: Wind Shrine
Initial: Bartz
Basic broadsword. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Long Sword Longsword - FF5 Longsword 480 22 100 Buy: Carwen, Walse
Drop: Ice Soldier, Ice Commander
Basic longsword. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Mythril Sword
Mythril Sword - FF5 Mythril Sword FFV iOS Mithrilsword 880 31 100 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Ice Soldier
Sword forged from mythril. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Coral Sword Coral Sword - FF5 FFV iOS Coral Sword Coralsword 2800 37 100 Buy: Jachol
Steal: Cray Claw
Sword infused with the power of lightning. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Ancient Sword Ancient Sword - FF5 FFV iOS Ancient Sword Ancientsword 43 100 Steal: Landcrawler
Find: Ronka Ruins
33% chance of inflicting Old.
Sword that sometimes ages enemies. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Sleep Blade
(Half Moon)
Sleep Blade - FF5 Sleepsword 5600 49 100 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Casts Sleep 50% of the time.
Sword that sometimes puts enemies to sleep. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Rune Blade
(Rune Edge)
Rune Blade - FF5 Rune Blade 50 99 Find: Istory Falls
Steal: Stingray
Consumes 8 MP to add 20 more Attack Power and the Magic stat to the damage formula. Uses the Axe damage formula.
Sword that uses MP for critical hits. Can be used two-handed.
Great Sword
(Regal Cutlass)
Broadsword - FF5 Greatsword 8400 57 100 Buy: Surgate Castle
Find: Castle of Bal
Sword with a broad blade. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Broadsword - FF5 Excalipur FF5 100 100 Drop: Gilgamesh (inspect treasure chest in Castle Exdeath)[note 1]
Always deals 1 damage unless Thrown or used with Goblin Punch.
Legendary holy sword...? Can be used two-handed.
Broadsword - FF5 Enhancesword 102 100 Steal: Sword Dancer
Find: Istory Falls, Interdimensional Rift
Magic +3.
Sabre that increases magical power. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
Ultima Weapon Ultima Weapon - FF5 FFV iOS Ultima Weapon 180 100 Drop: Neo Shinryu
Advance and discontinued 2013 version only. Strength, Agility & Stamina +2
Sword with the power of destruction. Can be used two-handed. Can be used with Spellblade.
  1. Missable.

Throwing items[]

FFV Item Icon iOS
FFV Shuriken Icon iOS

Throwing items come in two varieties: scrolls and shurikens. Both are usable with the Throw command.

The formulas used to calculate A, D, and M for the shuriken types (Ash, Shuriken, and Fuma Shuriken) are:

The scroll types (Fire Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll) use the same damage formula as the staves that deal magical damage.

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Acquired
FFV Throw Ash Soot 25 Drop: Apanda, Crystal
Steal: Apanda
Find: Moore Forest (after fire)
Single attack on one enemy.
Burnt remains.
Shuriken Shuriken - FF5 FFV iOS Shuriken Shuriken 2500 50 Buy: Lix, Quelb, Phantom Village
Find: Karnak Castle B3[note 1]
Single attack on one enemy. Does physical damage.
Weapon designed for ninjas to throw.
Fuma Shuriken
(Magic Shuriken)
Fuma Shuriken - FF5 FFV iOS Fuma Shuriken Pinwheel 25000 117 Buy: Phantom Village
Find: Castle Exdeath
Single attack on one enemy. Does physical damage.
Weapon designed for ninjas to throw.
Fire Scroll
FFV Flame Scroll Fire 200 120 Buy: Lix, Quelb, Phantom Village
Fire-elemental attack on all enemies. Does magic damage.
Strikes all enemies with fire-elemental damage. Used with Throw command.
Water Scroll
FFV Water Scroll Waterscroll 200 120 Buy: Lix, Quelb, Phantom Village
Water-elemental attack on all enemies. Does magic damage.
Strikes all enemies with water-elemental damage. Used with Throw command.
Lightning Scroll
FFV Lightning Scroll Lightningscroll 200 120 Buy: Lix, Quelb, Phantom Village
Find: Karnak Castle Entrance (right side)[note 1]
Lightning-elemental attack on all enemies. Does magic damage.
Strikes all enemies with thunder-elemental damage. Used with Throw command.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Monster-in-a-box.


FFV Whip Icon iOS

Whips can be equipped by Freelancers and Beastmasters. They deal full damage from the back row, and in the Pixel Remaster version, they deal double damage against flying enemies. In general, A, D, and M are calculated as follows:


  • % is the modulo operator (i.e., the remainder of the division).
  • The % 256 part of the formula is not intended: it is just the mathematical representation of a bug due to which only the least significant byte of (Level * Agility) is used when determining the damage.
Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Whip Whip - FF5 Whip FFV iOS Whip 1100 26 90 Buy: Karnak, Lix
Drop: Magissa
50% chance to inflict Paralyze.
Best used when problems come along. Full power from back row.
Blitz Whip
(Shock Whip)
Blitz Whip - FF5 Blitz Whip FFV iOS Boltwhip 42 90 Steal: Flaremancer
Find: Jachol Cave
33% chance of casting Thunder.
Whip infused with the power of lightning. Full power from back row.
Chain Whip Chain Whip - FF5 Chainwhip 3300 52 90 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
50% chance to inflict Paralyze.
Iron chain whip. Full power from back row.
Beast Killer Whip - FF5 Beastkiller 72 100 Steal: Iron Fist, Unknown (#168)
Find: Island Shrine
50% chance to inflict Paralyze. 100% chance of a critical hit vs Magic Beasts.
Whip effective against magic beasts. Full power from back row.
Fire Lash
(Fire Bute)
Fire Lash - FF5 Fire Lash FFV iOS Flamebute 82 90 Find: Sealed Castle
Strength & Agility +2. 33% chance of casting Firaga when attacking.
Whip infused with the power of fire. Full power from back row.
Dragon's Whisker
(Dragon's Beard)
Dragon's Whisker - FF5 Dragons Whisker FFV iOS Dragonwhiskers 92 100 Drop: Stingray
Steal: Shinryu
50% chance to inflict Paralyze. 100% chance of a critical hit vs Dragons.
Whip effective against dragons. Full power from back row.

Weaponless attacks[]

Characters with both hands empty will attack once with each fist. The formulas for A, D, and M depend on whether the attacker has the Barehanded ability (either equipped, or natively by being a Monk or a Freelancer/Mime after mastering Monk) and/or is equipped with the Kaiser Knuckles accessory.

Without Barehanded, the formulas for A, D, and M are:

With Barehanded and no Kaiser Knuckles, the formula for D does not change, while the formulas for A and M are updated:

With Barehanded and Kaiser Knuckles, the formula for D still does not change, and the formula for M is equal to the case with only Barehanded. The formula for A is updated:

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Unarmed - FF5 FFV iOS Unarmed 3 100 Default if no weapons are equipped
8% chance of a critical hit.

Unused weapons[]

There is one unused weapon and one incomplete weapon in the game's code. The Mythril Staff uses the axe formula for the purpose of damage calculation, and can be equipped if the player uses a cheat code or the Item transformation bug to get it, while the Sabre (also only obtainable via cheat codes / item transformation bug) is unequippable and its data is incomplete.

Name SNES/GBA iOS Artwork Cost Attack Hit Rate Acquired
Mythril Staff
Staff - FF5 19 95 Dummied
There is no legitimate way to obtain a Mythril Staff. They are not sold in any shops, found in any chests, or dropped by or stolen from any enemies.
Staff forged from mythril.
0 100 Dummied
Categorized as a dagger, and cannot be equipped by any job class.

Other appearances[]

Weapons originating from Final Fantasy V have since appeared in various spin-off games in the Final Fantasy series: Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, Pictlogica Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade, Final Fantasy Record Keeper, and Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
