Final Fantasy Wiki

FFV Item Icon iOSThis is a list of the items in Final Fantasy V. Items can be used with the Item command while in battle, or from the menu when out of battle. Mimicking item use does not cause another of that item to be used up.

Recovery items[]

Name Cost Effect
40 Restores 50 HP.
Recovers HP.
360 Restores 500 HP.
Recovers HP.
Phoenix Down 1,000 Revives a KO'd ally.
Removes KO status.
Ether 1,500 Restores 40 MP.
Recovers MP.
Antidote 30 Cures Poison.
Removes poison status.
Eye Drops 20 Cures Darkness (Final Fantasy V).
Removes darkness status.
Gold Needle
150 Cures Petrify.
The enemies that can be killed instantly with Gold Needle are: Undead Husk, Stone Golem, Adamantite Golem, Headstone, Stone Mask, Ushabti, and Objet d'Art.
Removes petrification status.
Maiden's Kiss 60 Cures Toad.
Removes toad status.
50 Cures Mini.
Removes mini status.
Holy Water 150 Cures Zombie.
Removes zombie status.
Tent 250 Restores some HP and MP.
Recover all members' HP and MP. Can be used outdoors.
Cottage 600 Fully restores party's HP and MP.
Recover all members' HP and MP. Can be used outdoors.
Elixir 50,000 Fully restores HP and MP.
Fully recovers HP and MP.

Drink items[]

Name Cost Effect
Goliath Tonic
(Giant Drink)
110 Doubles max HP.
Temporarily doubles maximum HP. Consumed with Drink command.
Power Drink 110 Raises attack power. Does not work in the SNES, PS1, and GBA versions due to the Power Drink bug.
Temporarily increases attack. Consumed with Drink command.
Speed Shake
(Speed Drink)
110 Casts Haste.
Replicates the effect of the Haste spell. Consumed with Drink command.
Iron Draft
(Hard Body)
110 Raises defense.
Replicates the effect of the Protect spell. Consumed with Drink command.
Hero Cocktail
(Hero Drink)
110 Raises level by 10.
Temporarily increases level. Consumed with Drink command.

Mix items[]

Name Cost Effect
Turtle Shell Chemist mixing ingredient.
Chemist's mixing ingredient.
Dragon Fang Chemist mixing ingredient.
Chemist's mixing ingredient.
Dark Matter Chemist mixing ingredient.
Chemist's mixing ingredient.

Combine items[]

Name Cost Effect
Buckshot 200 Use with Cannoneer's "Combine" ability.
Cannoneer combining ingredient.
Blastshot 500 Use with Cannoneer's "Combine" ability.
Cannoneer combining ingredient.
Blitzshot 800 Use with Cannoneer's "Combine" ability.
Cannoneer combining ingredient.

Miscellaneous items[]

Name Obtained Use
Magic Lamp From the waterfall after riding Boco. Calls a summon from Bahamut backwards.
Lamp that summons a random monster when used in battle.
Ramuh Drop: Ramuh Use to learn Ramuh summon.
Teaches the summon magic Ramuh.
Catoblepas Drop: Catoblepas Use to learn Catoblepas summon.
Teaches the summon magic Catoblepas.
Golem Drop: Golem by defeating enemies instead of ???? Use to learn Golem summon.
Teaches the summon magic Golem.
Dragon Seal By defeating Shinryu. Proof of defeating Shinryu.
"Signifying the valor of one who has slain the strongest of all dragons."
Omega Badge By defeating Omega. Proof of defeating Omega.
"Recognizing wisdom, strength, and courage surpassing that of the Ancients."
Medal of Smiting Complete Cloister of the Dead. Proof of completing the Cloister of the Dead.
"Honoring triumph over the legions of darkness and awarding the title of 'Smiter of Evil.'"

Key items[]

GBA/mobile Name Obtained Use
Adamantite Defeat Adamantoise. Used to improve the airship.
Particularly hard precious metal.
Canal Key Gift: Tule (old man in northern house) Used to open the Torna Canal.
Torna Canal's gate key.
Memento Automatically at beginning of game. Keepsake from Bartz's father.
Keepsake from Bartz's father.
Galuf's Bangle
After Galuf dies. Memento of Galuf.
Memento of Galuf.
Pendant Automatically obtained when Lenna and Faris join the party, respectively. One half of a mystic royal jewel.
Lenna's/Faris's pendant.
Dragon Grass Receive in Drakenvale after defeating Dragon Pod. Needed to heal dragon.
Needed to heal dragon.
(Whisper Grass)
Gift: Xezat Allows to communicate with Xezat across great distances.
Mysterious grass that can transmit sound over long distances.
Guardian Branch
(Elder's Branch)
Gift: Ghido Opens the way to the Great Forest of Moore.
Branch of the Guardian Tree from the Great Forest of Moore.
Added after defeating Exdeath in Castle Exdeath. Temporary item.
A splinter from some type of plant.
Sealed Tome
(Sealed Book)
Received at the Library of the Ancients in World 3. Shows the way to the legendary stones of Kuza.
Book describing how to locate the four tablets that destroy the seals on the legendary weapons.
World Map Found in the Ship Graveyard, inside the Fire-Powered Ship, or hidden in Surgate Castle's library. Map of the lands of the world.
Map of the world.
Dungeon Key Gift: Man (Hall of Tranquility) Key to the cell beneath the Sealed Temple.
First Tablet/Second Tablet/Third Tablet/Fourth Tablet
(Lithograph 1/Lithograph 2/Lithograph 3/Lithograph 4)
Received at the end of the Pyramid of Moore, Great Sea Trench, Istory Falls, and Island Shrine. Used to unlock the 12 legendary weapons.
Tablet that can unseal the legendary weapons.



This section is dedicated to the drops, steals, and finds of the above items.

Recovery items[]

GBA/mobile Name Acquire
Potion Drop: ???, Big Horn, Birostris, Black Goblin, Bandersnatch, Bomb, Cur Nakk, Dark Aspic, Doublizard, Elf Toad, Merrow, Nutkin, Page 128, Page 32, Rajiformes, Sahagin, Sandboil, Spizzner, Tarantula, Thunder Anemone, Tiny Mage, Treant, Twin Lizard, Water Scorpion, Wyvern, Abductor, Purobolos
Steal: ???, Acrophies, Adamantite Golem, Aegir, Ammonite, Ankheg, Aquagel, Aquathorn, Big Horn, Birostris, Black Goblin, Bandersnatch, Bomb, Bulette, Cactus, Chrono Controller, Cool Dust, Coral, Crew Dust, Calcruthl, Cur Nakk, Dark Aspic, Defeater, Desertpede, Devil Crab, Druid, Elf Toad, Enchanted Fan, Fairy Orc, Gaelicat, Gel Fish, Gloom Widow, Gobbldigoo, Hellraiser, Ice Soldier, Ifrit (Metamorph), Imp, Ironback, Jackanapes, Killer Bee, Kornago, Land Turtle, Level Checker, Level Tricker, Magic Dragon, Mani Wizard, Mercury Bat, Mummy, Nutkin, Octokraken, Page 32, Page 64, Pas de Seul, Pao, Ramuh (Metamorph), Rock Slug, Sahagin, Sandboil, Sergeant, Shiva (Metamorph), Slug, Spizzner, Steel Bat, Stray Cat, Stroper, Sucker, Tatou, Treant, Undead Husk, Unknown (All), Water Scorpion, Weresnake, White Serpent, Wild Nakk, Wyvern, Zephyrus, Zombie Dragon, Wing Raptor, Garula, Flame Thrower, Rocket Launcher, Titan, Gargoyle, Omniscient, Alte Roite
Find: Tule (x2), Wind Shrine (x5), Pirates' Hideout (x10), Ship Graveyard
Hi-Potion Drop: Adamantite Golem, Ankheg, Bulette, Chrono Controller, Corbett, Fairy Orc, Frost Bull, Gel Fish, Grand Mummy, Grenade, Imp, Level Tricker, Lesser Lopros, Magnetite, Mammon, Mercury Bat, Nix, Stone Golem, Weresnake, Wyvern, Garula, Titan, Gargoyle, Exoray, Dark Elemental (2nd type), Mini Satana
Steal: Abductor, Adamantite Golem, Ammonite, Ankheg, Aquagel, Archeotoad, Aspis, Cure Beast, Dechirer, Devourer, Dhorme Chimera, Frost Bull, Gloom Widow, Gobbldigoo, Gorgimera, Grand Mummy, Gravitator, Grenade, Lycaon, Headstone, Hellraiser, Hydra, Imp, Jackanapes, Kuza Beast, Lesser Lopros, Little Chariot, Magic Pot, Magic Dragon, Mammon, Metamorph, Moogle Eater, Moss Fungus, Mummy, Nix, Objet d'Art, Oiseaurare, Page 256, Pao, Poltergeist, Red Dragon, Ronkan Knight, Rukh, Sea Devil, Sekhmet, Shadow, Shell Bear, Sleepy, Treant, Soul Cannon (Phoenix Tower), Unknown (All), Garula, Launcher, Abductor, Gilgamesh (1st), Barrier, Exoray, Dark Elemental (2nd type), Assassin, Mini Satana
Find: Tycoon Castle, Ronka Ruins, Island Shrine, Fork Tower
Tent Drop: Drippy, Ironback, Pao, Tatou, Karlabos
Steal: Sandcrawler, Skull Eater, Duelist
Find: Tule (x2), Wind Shrine, Pirates' Hideout, Ship Graveyard, WalseWalse Castle, Jachol Cave
Cottage Drop Duelist
Steal: Blue Dragon, Yojimbo, Catastroph
Find: Carwen, Tycoon Castle (x3), Fire-Powered Ship, Ronka Ruins, Moogle Forest, Drakenvale, Great Forest of Moore, Pyramid of Moore, Interdimensional Rift - Ruins
Ether Drop: Bone Dragon, Galajelly, Gaelicat, Reflect Mage, Sorcerer, Tunneller, White Flame, Launcher, Abductor, Dark Elemental (3rd type)
Steal: Crystelle, Devilfish, Druid, Hydra, Level Checker, Motor Trap, Page 128, Prototype, Soul Cannon (Phoenix Tower), Tiny Mage, Tot Aevis, Undead Husk, Yellow Dragon, Flame Thrower, Rocket Launcher, Atomos, Grand Aevis, Dark Elemental (3rd type)
Find: Tule, Pirates' Hideout, Tycoon Castle (x2), Walse Tower, Library of Ancients, Ronka Ruins, Moogle Forest, Great Forest of Moore, Castle Exdeath, Island Shrine (x2), Fork Tower, Istory Falls, Great Sea Trench, Interdimensional Rift - Ruins
Phoenix Down Drop: Aquaus, Death Dealer, Druid, Gobbldigoo, Hellraiser, Bandercoeurl, Jackanapes, Kuza Beast, Oculus, Page 64, Wing Raptor, Chimera Brain, Dragon Bulb, Behemoth
Steal: Archeosaur, Bandercoeurl, King Behemoth, Pantera, Subterran, Ifrit, Gargoyle, Twin Tania (1st form), Exdeath (2nd), Archeodemon, Behemoth
Find: Tycoon Meteor, Tule, Ship Graveyard (x2), North Mountain, Tycoon Castle (x2), Walse Castle, Fire-Powered Ship, Library of Ancients, Ronka Ruins, Moogle Village, Moogle Forest, Drakenvale, Great Forest of Moore, Istory Falls, Great Sea Trench, Phoenix Tower (x4)
Elixir Drop: Alcumia, Calcruthl, Cure Beast, Enchanted Fan, Jackanapes, Kuza Beast, Landcrawler, Level Checker, Magic Pot, Mauldwin, Ra Mage, Skull Eater, Sybaritic, Undead Husk, Zephyrus, Zu, Gilgamesh (3rd), Tyrasaurus, Dragon Pod
Steal: Crystal Dragon, Strapparer, Tonberry, Enchanted Fan, Flaremancer, Gigas, Jackanapes, Pantera, Red Dragon, White Flame, Zu, Zephyrus, Crystal, Exdeath, Pantera, Triton, Nergade, Phobos, Leviathan, Catastroph, Azulmagia, Necrophobe, Neo Shinryu, Omega Mk.II
Find: Tycoon Castle (x2), Fire-Powered Ship (x3), Karnak Castle (x6)[note 1], Ronka Ruins, Great Forest of Moore, Castle Exdeath (x2), Pyramid of Moore (x4), Island Shrine, Interdimensional Rift - Ruins (x2) & N-Zone
Antidote Drop: Aquazone, Aspis, Bio Soldier, Desert Killer, Flying Killer, Moss Fungus, Poison Eagle, Subterran,
Steal: Armon, Aspis, Bio Soldier, Desertpede, Mandrake, Python, Sand Bear, T-wrecks, Wyrm, Dinozombie
Find: Ship Graveyard (x2), Kerwin
Gold Needle Drop: Death Claw, Gatling, Hedgehog, Objet d'Art, Sea Ibis, Silent Bee, Catastroph, Medusa
Steal: Bandercoeurl, Cactus, Cockataur, Gatling, Golem, Hedgehog, Orukat, Sea Ibis, Skelesaur, Stone Mask, Stone Golem, Triton, Nergade, Phobos, Medusa
Find: North Mountain
Eye Drops Drop: Blind Wolf, Crew Dust, Jestrex, Kornago, Python, Sergeant
Steal: Blind Wolf, Cool Dust, Galajelly, Mandrake, Subterran, White Flame, Purobolos
Maiden's Kiss Drop: Elf Toad, Mellusion
Steal: Alcumia, Lamia Queen, Garula, Lamia, Ridicule, Vilia
Find: Tycoon Castle, Walse Tower
Mallet Drop: Shadow Dancer
Steal: Liquid Flame (Phoenix Tower), Byblos
Holy Water Drop: Ammonite, Blood Slime, Dechirer, Lycaon, Mummy, Necromancer, Oiseaurare, Shadow, The Damned, Soul Eater
Steal: Blood Slime, Death Dealer, Fairy Orc, Grand Mummy, Necromancer, The Damned, Alte Roit, Soul Eater
  1. Monster-in-a-box.

Mix items[]

GBA/mobile Name Acquire
Turtle Shell Drop: Grass Tortoise, Sea Devil, Adamantoise, Carbuncle
Steal: Achelon, Baldanders, Grass Tortoise, Land Turtle, Jura Aevis
Find: Istory Falls
Power Drink Drop: Dueling Knight, Sandcrawler, Unknown (1 & 2), Forza, Nereid
Steal: Triffid, Dueling Knight, Great Dragon, Rajiformes, Ronkan Knight, Ziggurat Gigas
Speed Shake Drop: Aquagel, Black Flame, Defeater, Triffid, Unknown (3), Flame Thrower
Steal: Berserker, Black Flame, Farfarello
Goliath Tonic Drop: Elm Gigas, Gigas, Iron Giant, Iron Muscles, Ziggurat Gigas, Phobos, Rukh
Steal: Iron Muscles, Carbuncle
Find: Great Forest of Moore, Istory Falls
Hero Cocktail Drop: Cursed Being
Steal: Death Claw, Elm Gigas, Iron Claw, Steel Fist, Gilgamesh (2nd)
Find: Castle Bal
Iron Draft Drop: Nile, Undergrounder, Unknown (4), Byblos, Rocket Launcher, Triton
Steal: Coral, Dhorme Chimera, Triffid, Jackanapes, Adamantoise
Find: Island Shrine
Dragon Fang Drop: Archeosaur, Blue Dragon, Dragon Aevis, Great Dragon, Zombie Dragon, Hydra, Istory Lythos, Wyrm, Jura Aevis, Claret Dragon, Dinozombie
Steal: Blue Dragon, Bone Dragon, Great Dragon, Ghidra, Mini Dragon, Red Dragon, Chimera Brain
Find: Island Shrine, Great Sea Trench, Interdimensional Rift - Forest
Dark Matter Drop: Bone Dragon, Desertpede, Ghidra, Prototype, Red Dragon, Exdeath's Soul, Atomos
Steal: Zombie Dragon, Orukat, Stingray, Byblos, Wendigo
Find: Pyramid of Moore (x7)[note 1], Island Shrine, Interdimensional Rift - Ruins
Buckshot Buy: Crescent (after obtaining the first three bonus jobs)
Drop: Dark Elemental (1st type)
Steal: Dark Elemental (1st type)
Find: Sealed Temple (various chests)
Blastshot Buy: Crescent (after obtaining the first three bonus jobs)
Steal: Launcher, Claret Dragon
Find: Sealed Temple (various chests)
Blitzshot Buy: Crescent (after obtaining the first three bonus jobs)
Steal: Wave Cannon, Guardian
Find: Sealed Temple (various chests)
  1. Monster-in-a-box.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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