Final Fantasy Wiki

This is a list of abilities used by enemies that appear in Final Fantasy V.


# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z




Name Description Enemy
Inflicts damage equal to maximum HP minus current HP. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Azulmagia, Kuza Beast, Tyrannosaur, Wild Nakk, Behemoth, Gel Fish, King Behemoth, Mecha Head, Numb Blade, Traveler
100 Gs
(Gravity 100)
Removes Float from all party members. Is Reflectable. Catastrophe, Exdeath
1000 Needles
(Blow Fish)
Inflicts exactly 1000 damage to a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Azulmagia, Lamia Queen, Cactus, Hedgehog, Lamia, Lemure, Mykale


Name Description Enemy
(Aero 2)
Deal wind damage to a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Gigas, Enchanted Fan, Page 32, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Abductor, Azulmagia, Galajelly
Aero Deals minor wind damage to a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Moldwynd, Gigas, Magissa, Mykale, Azulmagia, Defeater
(Aero 3)
Deals major wind damage. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Enchanted Fan, Magic Dragon, Elm Gigas, Crystal, Baldanders, Azulmagia, Neo Exdeath, Dark Elemental, Enuo, Cherie, Ziggurat Gigas
Air Fist Damages and inflicts Old and Sap. Duelist, Steel Fist
Almagest Major Holy-elemental damage on all party members, inflicts Sap. Hades, Neo Exdeath, Neo Shinryu, Enuo

(Alte Roit's true form!)
Morphs into Jura Aevis Alte Roite
Aqua Breath
(Aqua Rake)
Deals non-elemental damage to all party members, despite its name. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Dhorme Chimera, Chimera Brain, Leviathan, Bahamut, Azulmagia, Crystal, Enuo, Famed Mimic Gogo, Aquagel
Arise Revives a target in KO status with full HP. Shares its name with Raise in the Anthology translation. Purobolos
Atomic Ray
(Atom Ray)
Medium Fire-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Gorgimera, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Red Dragon, Shinryu, Twintania
Attack (Strong)
(Fight (Strong))
Strong physical attack. Ignores Evasion. Duelist, Flaremancer, Steel Fist
Axe Physical non-elemental damage to one character. Drippy


Name Description Enemy
Barrier Change
(Wall Change)
Changes elemental weakness. Melusine, Omega MK. II
Beak Inflicts Petrify on a target Cockatrice, Tot Aevis
Target is unable to be controlled and attacks randomly. Attack and Speed increases. Enuo, Fury, Mammon, Triffid, Treant
Bite Non-elemental physical damage to one character. Cur Nakk, Lycaon, Wild Nakk
Bio Moderate poison-elemental damage and Sap. Bio Soldier, Calofisteri, Enuo, Exdeath (1st), Flaremancer, Fury, Omniscient, Phobos
Blaster Paralyzes or kills a party member. Bandercoeurl, Grand Aevis, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Pantera, Prototype
Major Fire-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Great Dragon, Ifrit, Covert, Jura Aevis, Liquid Flame, Neo Shinryu, Archeoaevis
Makes target evade the next 2 physical attacks. Zephyrus
Major Ice-elemental damage. Barrier, Enuo, Exdeath (1st), Flaremancer, Fury, Melusine, Necrophobe, Neo Exdeath, Nereid, Omniscient
Moderate Ice-elemental damage. Carbuncle, Flaremancer, Ra Mage, Omniscient, Shiva, Reflect Mage
Minor Ice-elemental damage. Ice Soldier, Magissa, Mani Wizard, Omniscient, Siren, Reflect Mage
Body Slam Moderate non-elemental physical damage to one character. Bandersnatch, Bomb, Bulette, Duelist
Bone Reduces a party member's HP to single digits. Bone Dragon, Dinozombie
Break Inflicts Petrify. Carbuncle, Black Warlock, Flaremancer, Objet d'Art
Breath Wing
(Air Wing)
Wind-elemental damage to all party members. Claret Dragon, Corbett, Crystal Dragon, Dragon Aevis, Grand Aevis, Jura Aevis, Lesser Lopros, Neo Shinryu, Rukh, Tot Aevis, Wing Raptor, Wyrm, Wyvern


Name Description Enemy
Cat Scratch
(Cat Kick)
Minor non-elemental physical damage to one character. Gaelicat
Minor non-elemental physical damage to one character. Archeosaur, Mercury Bat, Poison Eagle, Steel Bat, Wing Raptor
Chain Detonation
Ability that may have been used/was meant to be used as a special script ability for death animations. Ramuh, Catoblepas, Sekhmet, Sandworm, Exdeath's normal and tree forms, Archeoaevis, Gilgamesh, Wendigo
Deals physical damage, ignoring Defense and inflicts Sap. Tonberry
Inflicts Confuse. Apanda, Byblos, Carbuncle, Black Warlock, Imp, Omniscient, Sorcerer, Tiny Mage, Wendigo
Comet Inflicts a random amount of damage to one party member. Atomos, Chrono Controller, Fury, Neo Exdeath
Confuse Powder Minor damage and inflicts Confuse to a party member. Dragon Flower, Exoray
Corner Critical non-elemental physical damage to one character. Headstone, Stone Mask, Ushabti
Counter Attack that ignores Defenses and inflicts Sap, automatically used when attacked. Iron Fist, Dueling Knight
Critical Attack
Inflicts double damage than a regular attack. Behemoth, Berserker, Belphegor, Birositris, Blue Dragon, Cherie, Coral, Crystelle, Cure Beast, Cursed Being, Dark Aspic, Dechirer, Dhorme Chimera, Dragon Aevis, Executor, Flying Killer, Gel Fish, Gorgimera, Grass Tortoise, Gravitator, Great Dragon, Grenade, Hellraiser, Ice Commander, Ice Soldier, Iron Claw, King Behemoth, Lamia Queen, Land Turtle, Lemure, Little Chariot, Magic Dragon, Mammon, Mandrake, Moldwynd, Motor Trap, Mummy, Mykale, Necromancer, Neon, Nix, Oiseaurare, Orukat, Parthenope, Prototype, Red Dragon, Sahagin, Sea Devil, Shadow, Skeleton, Sleepy, Slug, Spizzner, The Damned, Thunder Anemone, Tot Aevis, Traveler, Triffid, Undead Husk, Undergrounder, Vilia, Weresnake, White Flame, Yellow Dragon, Zombie Dragon, Zu
Crush Inflicts major non-elemental damage and Confuse Landcrawler
Restores moderate HP. Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Cure Beast, Omniscient, Purobolos, Tiny Mage, Zephyrus
Restores major HP. Fairy Orc
Cure Restores minor HP. Omniscient, Ricard Mage, Siren
Curse Randomly inflicts Toad, Mini, Poison, Darkness, Old, Sleep, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, and Sap to one party member. Is often used as a counterattack. Archeodemon, Neo Shinryu


Name Description Enemy
Darkness Powder Minor damage and inflicts Darkness to a party member. Dragon Flower, Exoray
Dark Spark
(Black Shock)
Halves a party member's level. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Black Flame, Strapparer, Ushabti, Azulmagia, Hades, Shadow, Druid
Danse Macabre
(Dance Macabre)
Inflicts Zombie to a party member. Cherie, Cursed Being, Mummy, Sword Dancer, Enuo
Dancehall Daze
(Daze Dance)
Inflicts Sleep to a party member. Cherie, Gilgamesh, Grand Mummy, Medusa, Shadow Dancer
Inflicts Death to a party member. Alchymia, Aquathone, Carbuncle, Black Warlock, Exdeath's Soul, Fury, Necrophobe, Archeodemon
Death Claw
(Doom Claw)
Reduces a party member's HP to single digits and paralyzes them. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Death Claw, Treant, Gilgamesh, Soul Eater, Azulmagia, Iron Claw, Objet d'Art, Strapparer
Deep Freeze Major Ice-elemental damage and Stop to all party members. Enuo
Delta Attack Damages and inflicts Petrify to a party member. Guardian, Phobos, Nereid, Triton, Mover, Neo Exdeath, Omega Mk.II, Unknown (#168), Enuo
Demon Eye
(Demon's Eye)
(Evil Eye)
Petrifies a party member. Achelon, Catastrophe, Catoblepas, Grand Aevis, Medusa, Orukat, Shinryu, Enuo
Digestive Acid
Damages and inflicts Sap to a party member. Ammonite, Devilfish, Mandrake, Unknown (#170), Antlion
Dimension Zero Inflicts extreme non-elemental physical damage to one party member. Enuo
Dischord Halves level of a party member. Achelon, Byblos, Druid, Enkidu, Gilgamesh, Tunneller, Antlion, Apanda
Dispel Removes positive statuses. Exdeath (1st), Neo Exdeath, Tiny Mage
Dive Non-elemental physical damage to one character. Aquagel, Cockatrice, Sea Ibis
Instantly kills one party member after 30 seconds. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Exdeath, Hades, Azulmagia, The Damned, Unknown (#172), Neo Shinryu
Drain Steal HP from target to restore own HP. Apanda, Biblos, Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Black Warlock, Farfarello, Fury, Magissa, Omniscient, Ricard Mage, Catoblepas, Soul Eater
Drain Touch Non-elemental damage to one character and absorbs HP from character equal to damage dealt. Enuo, Archeodemon


Name Description Enemy
Earth Shaker Major Earth-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Catastrophe, Crystal, Titan
Earthquake Major Earth-elemental attack to all party members. Ankheg, Gil Turtle, Great Dragon, Neo Shinryu, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Undergrounder
Eight Arms
Moderate non-elemental physical damage to one character. Moogle Eater, Octokraken
Elbow Physical attack to one party member, ignores defense. Duelist, Gigas
Minor Lightning-elemental damage to a party member. Gilgamesh, Gorgimera, Guardian, Octokraken, Ramuh
Inflict Petrify. Lemure, Medusa, Aquagel
Encircle Kills a party member and removes them from battle. Alte Roite, Druid, Guardian, Mover, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Tiny Mage
Inflicts Paralyze to a party member. Archeoavis, Aspis, Jura Aevis, Leviathan, Python, Unknown (#170), Weresnake, White Serpent
Inflicts Confuse. Imp, Lamia, Lamia Queen, Medusa, Melusine, Parthenope
Removes negative statuses except Doom. Calofisteri, Carbuncle


Name Description Enemy
Damages and inflicts Paralyze. Karlabos
Damages and inflicts Old. Aegir
Attacks that inflicts Poison. Corbett, Pas de Seul, Rajiformes, Stingray
Moderate Fire-elemental damage. Executor, Carbuncle, Flaremancer, Ifrit, Ra Mage, Liquid Flame, Omniscient, Reflect Mage
Major Fire-elemental damage. Barrier, Enuo, Exdeath (1st), Flaremancer, Fury, Liquid Flame, Melusine, Necrophobe, Neo Exdeath, Omniscient, Triton
Fire Minor Fire-elemental damage. Magissa, Mani Wizard, Reflect Mage
Flame Thrower
(Burn Ray)
Deals moderate fire damage to one party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Prototype, Flame Thrower, Mecha Head, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Triton, Great Dragon, Azulmagia, Claret Dragon, Mindflayer
Flare Major non-elemental defense-ignoring damage to one party member. Barrier, Enuo, Exdeath (Final), Famed Mimic Gogo, Necrophobe, Neo Exdeath, Omniscient, Archeodemon
Flash Blinds all party members. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Headstone, Crew Dust, Ramuh, Neon, Gilgamesh, Necrophobe, Azulmagia, Orukat, Parthenope, Stone Mask
Flees from battle. Antlion, Big Horn, Desert Killer, Frost Bull, Garula, Gilgamesh, Kornago, Magic Pot, Pantera, Sergeant, Shield Dragon, Skull Eater
Float Avoid Earth-elemental damage. Chrono Controller, Omniscient
Flying Knee Moderate non-elemental physical damage to one character. Ziggurat Gigas
Ice-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Blue Dragon, Famed Mimic Gogo, Gorgimera, Jura Aevis, Lesser Lopros, Manticore, Nereid, Wendigo
Minor Ice-elemental damage on all party members. Istory Lythos, Mini Dragon


Name Description Enemy
Giga Flare
Massive non-elemental damage to all party members. Neo Shinryu, Twintania, Archeodemon, Enuo

(Gilgamesh Morph!!)
Morphs into Gilgamesh (#284b). Gilgamesh (#284a)
Goblin Punch
Deals physical damage, damage increases is the caster and target's levels are the same. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Goblin, Black Goblin, Gilgamesh, Gobbledygook, Azulmagia, Sahagin, Nix
Grand Cross Inflicts Death, Petrify, Toad, Mini, Poison, Zombie, Darkness, Old, Sleep, Paralyze, Confuse, Berserk, Silence, Stop, Doom, and Sap to the entire party. Neo Exdeath, Enuo
Reduces HP by 7/8. Chrono Controller, Enuo, Gravitator, Omniscient, Atomos
Reduces HP by ½. Chrono Controller, Exdeath (1st), Hole, Omniscient, Atomos


Name Description Enemy
Haste Doubles speed of target. Calofisteri, Exdeath (1st), Gilgamesh (Big Bridge), Halicarnassus, Omniscient, Siren, Zephyrus, Enuo
Inflicts Haste on enemy party. Chrono Controller
Moderate physical damage to one party member. Stone Golem
High Kick
Damages and inflicts Paralyze to a party member. Duelist, Ifrit, Sword Dancer
Holy Major Holy-elemental damage to one party member. Barrier, Enuo, Exdeath (Final), Famed Mimic Gogo, Halicarnassus, Minotaur, Neo Exdeath
Horn Moderate non-elemental damage to one character. Big Horn, Frost Bull
Non-elemental damage to one character. Aquagel
Hurricane Reduces a party member's HP to single digit. Gilgamesh, Iron Giant, Ironclad, Necrophobe, Wendigo, Ziggurat Gigas, Abductor, Enuo


Name Description Enemy
Ice Storm
Major Ice-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Blue Dragon, Famed Mimic Gogo, Neo Shinryu, Nereid, Shinryu, Twintania
Image Causes two physical attacks to miss. Assassin, Druid
Incisor Powerful physical attack that never miss. Inflicts Poison when used by Skull Eater. Skull Eater, Nutkin, Soul Eater
Interceptor Counterattack on a party member. Mecha Head


Name Description Enemy
Jump Gilgamesh


Name Description Enemy
Knock Silly
Inflicts Confuse to a party member. Moss Fungus, Shield Dragon


Name Description Enemy
Left Jab Moderate non-elemental damage to one party member. Duelist, Elm Gigas
Level 2 Old
(L2 Old)
(L. 2 Old)
Casts Old on all party members whose levels are a multiple of 2. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Magic Dragon, Level Checker, Azulmagia, Executor, Shinryu, Level Tricker
Level 3 Flare
(L3 Flare)
(L. 3 Flare)
Massive non-elemental, defense-ignoring damage to all party members whose levels are a multiple of 3. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Exdeath, Level Checker, Azulmagia, Executor, Shinryu, Tunneller, Red Dragon, Archeosaur, Enuo
Level 4 Graviga
(L4 Qrtr)
(L. 4 Quarter)
Casts Graviga on all party members whose levels are a multiple of 4. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Ghidra, Level Tricker, Level Checker, Azulmagia, Executor, Enuo
Level 5 Death
(L5 Doom)
(L. 5 Doom)
Instantly KO’s all party members whose levels are a multiple of 5, ignores death immunity and is unblockable. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Page 64, Level Checker, Azulmagia, Executor, Enuo, Level Tricker
See target's stats. Omniscient, Siren, Tiny Mage
Damages and inflicts Sap to a party member. Mindflusher, Poltergeist
Lightning Major Lightning-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Ghidra, Hydra, Jura Aevis, Neo Shinryu, Ramuh, Shinryu, Yellow Dragon
Lilliputian Lyric
(Little Song)
Inflicts Mini on a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Mini Magician, Gilgamesh, Cherie, Farfarello, Azulmagia, Vilia, Mykale
Go forth, creatures of darkness!
(Lo, Creatures of Darkness!)
Calls an enemy into battle. Will summon one of the following: Adamantite Golem, Bio Soldier, Dhorme Chimera, Ronkan Knight, Tunneller, or Ziggurat Gigas. Zephyrus


Name Description Enemy
Maelstrom Reduces HP of random party members to single digits. Bahamut, Famed Mimic Gogo, Grand Aevis, Jura Aevis, Landcrawler, Neo Exdeath, Neo Shinryu, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Sandcrawler, Shinryu, Enuo, Archeoaevis
Magic Hammer
Halves a party member's MP. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Byblos, Drippy, Apanda, Azulmagia, Oiseaurare
Magic Stick Minor non-elemental damage. Mani Wizard
Switches back row party members to front row and vice versa. Druid, Liquid Flame, Magnetite
Gamma Ray
(Zap Wave)
Inflicts Stop. Motor Trap, Soul Cannon (Phoenix Tower)
Mega Flare Major non-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Twintania, Archeodemon
Meltdown Heavy Fire-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Enuo

(Metamorpha: Morph!!)
Morphs into different enemy. Either Cait Sith, Crew Dust, Elf Toad, Enchanted Fan, Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva, Wyvern, or Zombie Dragon. Metamorph
4 non-elemental hits for random damage. Chrono Controller, Enuo, Exdeath (1st), Exdeath (Final), Gogo, King Behemoth, Neo Exdeath, Neo Shinryu, Behemoth
Mighty Guard
Casts Protect, Shell, and Float on the group. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Azulmagia, Shinryu, Neo Shinryu, Ironclad, Stingray, Tiny Mage
Mind Blast
Damages and paralyzes a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Wendigo, Twintania, Mindflayer, Azulmagia
(Sword Slap)
Damages and inflict Paralyze. Numb Blade
Inflicts or cures Mini. Fury, Omniscient, Ramuh, Tiny Mage
Missile Reduces a party member's HP to ¼. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Prototype, Rocket Launcher, Enkidu, Gilgamesh, Mecha Head, Soul Cannon, Azulmagia, Motor Trap
Moon Flute Casts Berserk on all party members. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Page 256, Jackanapes, Mykale
Mustard Bomb Damages and inflicts Sap to a party member. Little Chariot, Mecha Head, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Prototype
Prevents enemy party from casting spells for the remainder of the battle. Neo Shinryu


Name Description Enemy
Needle Inflicts Darkness and Silence on a target. Cactus, Gatling, Gloom Widow, Hedgehog, Killer Bee, Silent Bee, Water Scorpion


Name Description Enemy
Old Stats decrease rapidly over time. Carbuncle, Chrono Controller, Calofisteri
Lowers Defense. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Magic Dragon, Ziggurat Gigas, Ushabti, Azulmagia, Page 256, Shadow, The Damned
Drain MP from target to restore own MP. Aspis, Enuo, Farfarello, Mini Magician, Ramuh, Soul Eater


Name Description Enemy
Panacea Removes negative status effects. Apanda, Hellraiser
Paraclete Raise a party member in KO status into a Zombie. Fairy Orc, Grand Aevis
Paralyze Powder Minor damage and inflicts Paralyze to a party member. Dragon Flower, Exoray
Moderate non-elemental damage to one character. Acrophies, Devil Crab
Minor non-elemental damage and Poison. Calofisteri, Enuo, Flaremancer, Omniscient
Poison Breath Major attack, inflicts Poison to all party members. Archeosaur, Bahamut, Dinozombie, Ghidra, Grand Aevis, Neo Shinryu, Shinryu, Tyrannosaur, Zombie Dragon
Poison Powder Minor damage and inflicts Poison to a party member. Dragon Flower, Exoray
Pond's Chorus
(Toad Song)
Inflicts Toad on a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Azulmagia, Elf Toad, Archeotoad, Kornago, Farfarello, Gilgamesh, Lemure, Vilia
Possess Sacrifice self to kill a party member. Unknown (#169)
Reduces damage from physical attacks. Byblos, Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Enuo, Gilgamesh (Big Bridge), Necromancer, Siren, Zephyrus, Apanda
Punishment Sacrifices self for large damage to the entire party. Soul Cannon


Name Description Enemy
Quicksand Damages and inflicts Sap to a party member. Desert Killer, Sandworm, Spizzner


Name Description Enemy
Rainbow Wind Inflicts Darkness, Silence, and Sap. Galajelly, Moss Fungus, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Phobos, Shadow Dancer
Revives a target in KO status to Critical. Hellraiser
Damages and inflict Paralyze. Liquid Flame, Medusa
Reaper's Sword
(Doom Sword)
Physical attack with a chance to instantly kill a party member. Exdeath's Soul, Hades, Enuo
Bounce certain spells back at enemy party. Calofisteri, Omniscient
Regen Target regains HP at set intervals. Calofisteri, Chrono Controller, Enuo, Magissa, Omniscient
Remedy Fully heals target's HP. Alte Roite, Famed Mimic Gogo, Gilgamesh, Magic Pot, Omega MK.II
Starts battle over. Omniscient
Morphs into Metamorph. Cait Sith, Crew Dust, Elf Toad, Enchanted Fan, Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva, Wyvern, Zombie Dragon
Reverse Polarity
(Rev Polar)
Switches the row of party members. Crystelle, Twin Lizard, Exdeath, Guardian, Halicarnassus, Mecha Head, Parthenope, Unknown (#168)
Ribbit Inflicts Toad on target. Alchymia
Inflicts Toad on enemy party. Halicarnassus
Right Claw Damages and inflicts Sap. Sand Bear
Rocket Punch Inflicts damage equal to half of target's max HP and inflicts Confuse. Gilgamesh, Iron Giant, Ironclad, Rocket Launcher, Omega, Omega MK. II
Roulette Randomly targets one ally or enemy and inflicts instant death. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Parthenope, Azulmagia, Death Dealer, Shinryu, Hades
Damages and inflicts Sap to a party member. Garula, Ghidra, Hydra, Ironback, Liquid Flame, Neo Garula, Tatou


Name Description Enemy
Damages and inflicts Sap to a party member. Crew Dust, Twin Lizard, Imp, Unknown (#168), Unknown (#169), Unknown (#170), Unknown (#172)
Indicates next target. Level Checker, Omega Mk.II
Self Destruct
Instantly kills the monster and deals damage equal to its HP to a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Azulmagia, Motor Trap, Bomb, Purobolos, Grenade, Gilgamesh, Prototype
Shell Reduces damage from magic attacks. Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Gilgamesh (Big Bridge), Halicarnassus, Harvester, Hades, Necromancer, Zephyrus, Tiny Mage
Sickle Minor non-elemental damage to one party member. Harvester, Hades
Inflicts Silence. Fury, Omniscient, Siren
Silver Powder Minor damage and inflicts Old to a party member. Dragon Flower, Exoray
Damages and inflicts Paralyze. Lamia
Sleep Inflicts Sleep. Ricard Mage, Siren, Sleepy
Slimer Inflicts Slow and Sap. Aquathorn, Cray Claw, Devourer, Page 128, Rock Slug, Slug, Unknown (#169), Unknown (#170)
Sling Damages and inflicts Poison. Ronkan Knight, Sekhmet
Slow Inflicts Slow. Chrono Controller, Omniscient, Ricard Mage, Atomos
Inflicts Slow on the party. Black Warlock, Chrono Controller, Enuo, Fury, Atomos

Spawns two copies of itself. Pantera
Spear Moderate physical damage. Fairy Orc
Spirit Blast Moderate physical damage. Galajelly
Spore Inflicts Poison Aegir, Coral, Lemure, Moss Fungus, Sandboil, Unknown (#168)
Stop Inflicts Stop. Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Black Warlock, Fury, Omniscient, Ricard Mage


Name Description Enemy
Tackle Moderate to heavy non-elemental damage to one character. Adamantite Golem, Forza, Iron Muscles
Tail Moderate non-elemental damage to one character. Bone Dragon, Desertpede, Leviathan, Mythril Dragon, Stray Cat, White Serpent, Wyrm
Tail Screw Reduces a party member's HP to single digits. Claret Dragon, Cray Claw, Karlabos, Corbett*(only used through Control)
Physical attack that always hits. Iron Giant, Ironclad
Ten Arms Moderate non-elemental damage to one party member. Devourer, Sucker
Terminate Ends the battle. Mover
Thrust Moderate non-elemental damage to one party member. Reflect Knight
Major Lightning-elemental damage. Barrier, Enuo, Exdeath (1st), Flaremancer, Fury, Melusine, Necrophobe, Neo Exdeath, Omniscient
Moderate Lightning-elemental damage. Carbuncle, Flaremancer, Ra Mage, Omniscient, Ramuh, Reflect Mage
Minor Lightning-elemental damage. Magissa, Mani Wizard, Siren, Reflect Mage, Archeoaevis
Tidal Wave Major Water-elemental attack on all party members. Leviathan, Neo Shinryu, Shinryu, Twintania
Time Slip Casts Old and Sleep on a party member. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Traveler, Gilgamesh, Azulmagia, Cherie
Toad Inflicts or cures Toad. Apanda, Byblos, Flaremancer, Garula (Walz Tower), Omniscient, Sorcerer
Toe Kick Moderate non-elemental damage to one character. Shadow Dancer
(Pep Up)
Fully restores target's HP and MP. Instantly kills the user afterward. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Mythril Dragon, Gargoyle, Birositris, Calcruthl, Devilfish, Mover
Turtle Major damage and inflicts various status effects. Gil Turtle
Tusk Inflicts Darkness. Blind Wolf, Archeoavis


Name Description Enemy
Vacuum Wave
Attacks twice and inflicts Sap to party member. Exdeath, Necrophobe, Neo Exdeath
(Red Feast)
Drain HP from a party member equal to the difference between the user's current HP and maximum HP, up to the target's current HP. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Steel Bat, Blood Slime, Abductor, Zombie Dragon, Enkidu, Dark Aspic, Python, Mercury Bat, Azulmagia, Achelon, Dechirer, Shadow
(Dark Returns)
Used when hit by a Gold Needle. Merely a death animation. Objet d'Art, Alchymia
Venomous Clasp Damages and inflicts Poison. Siren (Undead)


Name Description Enemy
Wave Cannon
(Beam Cannon)
Deals major damage to all party members equal to half of a character's maximum HP and inflicts Sap. Mecha Head, Omega, Omega Mk.II, Soul Cannon, Wave Cannon
Inflicts Slow. Byblos, Druid, Gloom Widow, Moss Fungus, Tarantula
White Hole Instantly kills and Petrifies a party member. Neo Shinryu, Exdeath, Enuo
White Wind
Restores the group's HP equal to the caster's HP. This attack may be learned as a Blue Magic spell. Enchanted Fan, Azulmagia, Dark Elemental, Enkidu, White Flame, Hellraiser
Wing Attack Inflicts damage and Poison. Grand Aevis, Lesser Lopros
Wind Slash
(Gale Cut)
Wind-elemental attack on all party members. Apanda, Byblos, Covert, Enkidu, Gilgamesh, Twintania
Wormhole Removes a party member in KO status from battle. Atomos
Damages and inflicts Darkness, Poison and Paralyze. Assassin, Yojimbo


Name Description Enemy
Inflicts Death to a target. Black Warlock, Carbuncle, Chrono Controller, Exdeath Soul, Gilgamesh (#284b)


Name Description Enemy
Yagyuu's Strike
Damages and inflicts Sap. Assassin, Ninja


Name Description Enemy
Major physical damage to the party. Odin
Zombie Breath
Major non-elemental damage to the party and inflicts Zombie if it reduces a character's HP to 0. Archeosaur, Bahamut, Neo Shinryu, Shield Dragon, Shinryu, Grand Aevis
Zombie Powder Inflicts Zombie to a party member. Dragon Flower, Exoray, Grand Aevis, Necromancer, Rukh, Neo Shinryu

