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FFVI Relm Arrowny Menu iOS
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Below is a list of command abilities usable in Final Fantasy V. Most (but not all) command abilities can be learned by leveling up a certain job. The chart gives the name of the ability, the job, the job level the ability is learned at, and what the ability does.

List of commands[]

Ability Job Level Description Image
FFV Attack Icon iOS
All jobs None Attack with equipped weapon. Attack from FFV Advance
FFV Items Icon iOS
All jobs None Selecting the item menu will list all available items currently in the player's inventory. Items from FFV Advance
FFV Defend Icon iOS
All jobs None Reduce damage from physical attacks. Defend from FFV Advance
FFV Row Icon iOS
All jobs None Change position to the front or back row. Row from FFV Advance
Equip All jobs None Change weapon or shield during battle. Equip from FFV Advance
FFV Guard Icon iOS
Knight 2 Negates damage from physical attacks. Guard from FFV Pixel Remaster
Completely absorb a direct physical attack.
FFV Focus Icon iOS
Monk 1 Focus energy to deliver a physical attack with 2x strength. Focus from FFV Advance
Focus energies for a hit with twice the attack power.
FFV Kick Icon iOS
Monk - Attacks all enemies at once. Cannot be learned as a command ability, exclusive to the Monk class. Kick from FFV Advance
FFV Chakra Icon iOS
Monk 3 Heals the user's HP and cures darkness and poison. Chakra from FFV Pixel Remaster
Healing energies recover HP and cleanse the body of poison and darkness.
FFV Flee Icon iOS
Thief 2 Run away to quickly escape from battle. FFV iOS Flee
Quickly escape from battle. You may be unable to escape from some enemies.
FFV Steal Icon iOS
Thief 4 Steals an item from an enemy. Steal from FFV Advance
Steal treasure from an enemy.
FFV Mug Icon iOS
Thief 6 Steals an item from an enemy and inflicts damage. Mug from FFV Advance
Attack and steal from an enemy.
Black Magic
FFV Black Magic Icon iOS
Black Mage 1-6 Lets the user cast Black Magic. The higher the job level, the more Black Magic the user can cast. Black Magic Cast from FFV Pixel Remaster
Perform black magic.
White Magic
FFV White Magic Icon iOS
White Mage 1-6 Lets the user cast White Magic. The higher the job level, the more White Magic the user can cast. White Magic Casting from FFV Pixel Remaster
Perform white magic.
FFV Check Icon iOS
Blue Mage 1 Lets the user check the enemy's HP. Check from FFV Advance
Check an enemy's HP.
Blue Magic
FFV Blue Icon iOS
Blue Mage 3 Lets the user cast Blue Magic. Blue Magic Cast from FFV Pixel Remaster
Perform blue magic.
FFV Scan Icon iOS
Blue Mage 4 Lets the user check the enemy's HP, level, weaknesses, and status ailments. Scan from FFV Advance
See enemy's level, HP, weakness, and current condition.
Red Magic
FFV Red Magic Icon iOS
Red Mage 1-3 Lets the user cast a combination of Black and White Magic. The higher the job level, the more magic the user can cast. Dualcast Cura from FFV Pixel Remaster
Perform white or black spells.
FFV Dualcast Icon iOS
Red Mage 4 Lets the user cast two spells at once. Compatible with any school of magic.
Cast two spells back-to-back.
Time Magic
FFV Time Magic Icon iOS
Time Mage 1-6 Lets the user cast Time Magic. The higher the job level, the more Time Magic the user can cast. Lenna using Haste from FFV Pixel Remaster
Perform time magic.
FFV Summon Icon iOS
Summoner 1-5 Lets the user use Summon Magic. The higher the job level, the stronger monsters the user can summon. Summon and Call from FFV Pixel Remaster
Summon magical beasts for aid.
FFV Call Icon iOS
Summoner 6 Lets the user summon a random Summon without MP cost. Call from FFV Advance
Perform a random summon for 0 MP. Who knows who - or what - will come...
FFV Spellblade Icon iOS
Mystic Knight 2-7 Lets the user use Spellblade. The higher the job level, the stronger Spellblades the user can use. Spellblade Casting from FFV Pixel Remaster
Enchant weapons with different magics.
FFV Mimic Icon iOS
Mime 1 Lets the user use Mimic. Mimic from FFV Pixel Remaster
Mimic an ally's previous action.
FFV Calm Icon iOS
Beastmaster 1 Paralyzes an enemy. Calm from FFV Pixel Remaster
Calm magic beasts.
FFV Control Icon iOS
Beastmaster 2 Takes control of an enemy. Control from FFV Pixel Remaster
Take control of a monster.
FFV Catch Icon iOS
Beastmaster 4 Catches an enemy. Catch from FFV Pixel Remaster
Capture a weakened monster.
FFV Release Icon iOS
Beastmaster 4 Releases a captured monster to fight. Release Giga Flare from FFV Pixel Remaster
FFV Gaia Icon iOS
Geomancer 1 Executes a magic attack based on the type of terrain. Leaf Swirl from FFV Pixel Remaster
Attack enemies by channeling the power of the surrounding area.
FFV Smoke Icon iOS
Ninja 1 Uses smokescreen to escape from battle. Smoke from FFV Advance
Use the confusion of a smoke bomb to escape from most enemies without them even noticing.
FFV Image Icon iOS
Ninja 2 Creates illusion of the user to absorb two physical attacks. Image from FFV Advance
Create illusions to absorb two direct physical attacks.
FFV Throw Icon iOS
Ninja 4 Throws a weapon at an enemy to inflict damage. Throw from FFV Pixel Remaster
Toss weapons at enemies. Scrolls and shurikens can be thrown as well.
FFV Animals Icon iOS
Ranger 1 Calls an animal companion to execute some sort of effect. FFV iOS Animals - Nightingale
Gain the aid of woodland friends.
FFV Aim Icon iOS
Ranger 2 Guarantees a hit when attacking. FFV iOS Aim
Raise the accuracy of attacks.
Rapid Fire
FFV Rapid Fire Icon iOS
Ranger 4 Attacks four times for half damage. FFV iOS Rapid Fire
Perform four weaker attacks at once.
FFV Hide Icon iOS
Bard 1 Duck out of sight to avoid damage. Hide from FFV Pixel Remaster
Duck out of sight to avoid attacks.
FFV Reveal Icon iOS
Bard 1 Return to the battlefield. Reveal from FFV Advance
FFV Sing Icon iOS
Bard 3 Sings songs to execute various effects. Sing from FFV Advance
Perform magical chants with different effects.
FFV Jump Icon iOS
Dragoon 1 Leap into the air and descend to execute a powerful attack. Jump from FFV Pixel Remaster
Jump to deliver a powerful attack from above. Power is doubled when a spear is equipped.
FFV Lance Icon iOS
Dragoon 2 Absorb HP and MP from an enemy. Lance from FFV Pixel Remaster
Strike with dragoon power to drain HP and MP.
FFV Flirt Icon iOS
Dancer 1 Charms an enemy, causing it to lose its next turn. Flirt from FFV Pixel Remaster
Charm enemies to make them forget about attacking.
FFV Dance Icon iOS
Dancer 2 Executes one of four random effects. Sword Dance from FFV Pixel Remaster
Perform dances that bewitch enemies.
FFV Mineuchi Icon iOS
Samurai 1 Does damage and paralyzes an enemy. Mineuchi from FFV Pixel Remaster
Stun enemies by smacking them with a blade's dull side.
FFV Zeninage Icon iOS
Samurai 2 Damages enemies by throwing money. Zeningage from FFV Pixel Remaster
Damage all enemies by tossing gil.
FFV Iainuki Icon iOS
Samurai 5 Charges and delivers a fatal attack to all enemies. Iainuki from FFV Advance
Unleash an attack that hits all enemies in an instant.
FFV Mix Icon iOS
Chemist 2 Mix items together to create new concoctions. Shadow Flare from FFV Pixel Remaster
Combine items to create concoctions that can be consumed in battle to augment stats or harm enemies.
FFV Drink Icon iOS
Chemist 3 Drink items to increase stats. Speed Shake from FFV Pixel Remaster
Drink special medicines to increase stats during battle.
FFV Recover Icon iOS
Chemist 4 Heal the party of all status ailments. Recover from FFV Pixel Remaster
Recover from various conditions.
FFV Revive Icon iOS
Chemist 5 Revives KO'd party members. Revive from FFV Pixel Remaster
Restore a KO'd ally to fighting form.
FFV Oath Icon iOS
Necromancer 1 Summons the undead to execute various effects. FFV iOS Rajiformes
Call forth a demon.
Dark Arts
FFV Dark Arts Icon iOS
Necromancer 2-6 Lets the user use Dark Arts. The higher the job level, the stronger Dark Arts the user can use. FFV iOS - Dark Arts Casting
Call upon evil forces to perform Dark Arts.
Open Fire
FFV Open Fire Icon iOS
Cannoneer 1 Fire cannon blasts to do damage and inflict status ailments. Open Fire from FFV Advance
Shoot one enemy.
FFV Combine Icon iOS
Cannoneer 3 Mix together explosives to do damage. Power Shot from FFV Advance
Mix and fire off explosives that damage all enemies.
FFV Finisher Icon iOS
Gladiator 2 Executes a critical hit, a powerful elemental attack, or does nothing. The element used depends on the character's crystal element. Bartz's elemental attack is Wind, Lenna's is Water, Faris's is Fire, and Galuf's/Krile's is Earth. FFV iOS Finisher - Elemental Attack
Powerful strike that whenever hits an enemy, attacks its weakpoint for massive damage.
FFV Bladeblitz Icon iOS
Gladiator 4 Attacks all enemies at once. FFV iOS Bladeblitz
Attack all enemies.
FFV Condemn Icon iOS
Oracle 1 Executes a random effect on an enemy. FFV iOS Condemn
Sentence a target to the effects of different spells.
FFV Predict Icon iOS
Oracle 2 Executes a random effect depending on user's HP, MP, level, and other factors. FFV iOS Predict
Foretell cataclysms.

Dummied commands[]

Several unused commands appear. Dummy01 and Dummy02 appear in the Super Nintendo version, and four more commands were added in the Game Boy Advance version.

Ability Job Level Description Image
Dummy 01
FFV iOS Unused Command Icon
None None Attempting to use this command will allow the user to target him/herself, then does absolutely nothing.
Dummy 02
FFV iOS Unused Command Icon
None None SNES: It has the same effect as enchanting a character's sword with the Fire spell via the Magic Sword command.
GBA: A non-functional duplicate of the Oracle's third rank ability of the Predict command. It shows the animation, but it does not actually produce an effect.
Dummy Command Ability 2 from FFV Advance
FFV iOS Unused Command Icon
None None A duplicate of the Dragoon's Jump command. Jump from FFV Advance
FFV iOS Unused Command Icon
None None Brings up the message "Entranced!", but seems to have no other effect. Judging from the text displayed after using this command, this is most likely the ability that enemies use after they have been affected by the Dancer's Flirt command which results in them wasting a turn. Excite from FFV Advance
FFV iOS Unused Command Icon
None None Teleports the user to random areas across the battlefield where they remain there for the rest of the battle. It doesn't appear to hinder the character in any way. Patarillo from FFV Advance
FFV iOS Unused Command Icon
None None This command shows up on the menu, but is displayed as a blank slot during battle.

