Final Fantasy Wiki

This is a list containing all the armor in Final Fantasy V and its re-releases.


Magic hats[]

FFV Hat Icon iOS

Magic hats can be equipped by Freelancers, White Mages, Black Mages, Time Mages, Summoners, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Chemists, Geomancers, Bards, Dancers, Necromancers, Oracles, Cannoneers, and Mimes.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Gold Hairpin
(Hair Ornament)
0 0 2 5 4 Steal: Famed Mimic Gogo
Find: Barrier Tower[note 1], Pyramid of Moore
Halves MP consumption
Hair ornament that halves MP use.
Plumed Hat 350 2 0 2 5 2 Buy: Karnak, Crescent
Steal: Tonberry, Calofisteri
Equippable by all jobs.
Light cap sewn from silk.
Lamia's Tiara 2500 3 0 7 10 2 Drop: Lamia Queen
Steal: Lamia
Buy: Phantom Village
Magic +3.
Increases success rate of Flirt, and chance of Sword Dance through Dance.
Immune to Confuse.
Tiara that inspires the performance of Sword Dance.
Wizard's Hat 1500 4 0 2 5 2 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal, Surgate Castle
Drop: Gilgamesh, Mini Magician
Steal: Mini Magician
Magic +1
Cap sewn with a special thread.
Hypno Crown
5 0 4 5 8 Find: Drakenvale Hypno
Equippable by all jobs.
Magic +1.
Increases chance of successful Control
Increases the success rate of manipulating enemies.
Sage's Miter
(Poet Cap)
3000 6 0 2 5 2 Buy: Moore
Drop: Flaremancer
Steal: Death Dealer
Magic +2
Cap sewn from a sacred cloth.
Circlet 4500 10 0 2 5 2 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Drop: Gorgimera
Find: Island Shrine
Magic +3
Cap infused with magical power.
Ribbon 12 0 2 5 2 Steal: Lemure
Find: Karnak Castle[note 1], Regole, Pyramid of Moore, Interdimensional Rift, Sealed Temple - Shinryu's Lair (Entry Way)
Can only be equipped by Dancers and Freelancers.
Agility +5, Strength +5, Magic +5, Stamina +5.
Prevents Instant Death, Petrify, Toad, Poison, Darkness, Old, Berserk, and Silence.
Ribbon that prevents most status ailments.
Royal Crown 13 5 13 10 8 Find: Sealed Temple - Abyssal Falls
Advance only. Equippable by all jobs.
Agility +1, Magic +1
Diadem handed down for generations.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Monster-in-a-box.

Combat hats[]

FFV Hat Icon iOS

Combat hats can be equipped by Freelancers, Monks, Thieves, Ninjas, Rangers, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Beastmasters, Chemists, Dancers, Cannoneers, and Mimes.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Leather Cap 50 1 0 1 0 1 Buy: Tule
Drop: Goblin
Steal: Melusine (Ice)
Find: Pirates' Hideout, Wind Shrine
Equippable by all jobs.
100% cow leather.
Green Beret 2500 3 0 1 0 2 Buy: Jachol, Lix, Regole, Castle of Bal, Quelb
Steal: Page 32, Enkidu, Mindflayer
Find: Fire-Powered Ship
Strength +1, Agility +1
Jaunty green cap.
Twist Headband
(Rope Headband)
3500 6 0 0 0 2 Buy: Surgate Castle, Quelb
Steal: Steel Fist
Strength +3
Bandanna favored by martial artists.
Tiger Mask 5000 9 0 2 0 2 Buy: Moore
Drop: Famed Mimic Gogo
No special effects.
Mask shaped like a fearsome tiger!
Black Cowl
(Black Hood)
6500 12 0 2 0 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Drop: Azulmagia
Steal: Covert
Agility +2
Jet-black hood imported from a far-off land.


FFV Hat Icon iOS

Helmets can be equipped by Freelancers, Knights, Dragoons, Samurais, Berserkers, Mystic Knights, Gladiators, and Mimes.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Bronze Helm 250 2 0 2 0 4 Buy: Carwen Bronzehelm
No special effects.
Lightweight bronze Helm.
Iron Helm 350 4 0 2 0 4 Buy: Walse
Steal: Iron Giant
No special effects.
Look out for magnets.
Mythril Helm 550 6 0 2 0 4 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Shadow Dancer
Find: North Mountain
No special effects.
Helm forged from mythril.
Golden Helm 3500 8 0 2 0 4 Buy: Regole, Castle of Bal, Quelb, Surgate Castle Goldhelm
No special effects.
Helm decorated with gold filigree.
Diamond Helm 7000 10 0 2 0 4 Buy: Moore
Drop: Ironclad
Steal: Bio Soldier
Halves Lightning-elemental damage
Helm resistant to lightning.
Crystal Helm 10500 13 0 2 0 4 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Drop: Crystelle
No special effects.
Dazzling helm cut from crystal.
Grand Helm 18 0 2 0 6 Drop: Gil Turtle
Advance only.
Helm meant for the strongest person on earth.
Genji Helm 18 0 5 0 4 Steal: Gilgamesh Genjihelm
Immune to Confuse and Mini
Helm that prevents mini and confusion.
Thornlet 20 0 5 0 4 Steal: Lamia Queen
Find: Pyramid of Moore
Wearer has constant Sap status. Magic -5. Prevents Sleep
Gradually decreases the wearer's HP.

Body armor[]


FFV Armor Icon iOS

Robes can be equipped by Freelancers, White Mages, Black Mages, Time Mages, Summoners, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Chemists, Geomancers, Bards, Dancers, Oracles, Cannoneers, Necromancers and Mimes.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Cotton Robe 350 2 0 4 15 2 Buy: Carwen, Walse Cottonrobe
No special effects.
Light cotton robe.
Silk Robe 500 4 0 6 16 2 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Mykale
Find: Walse Tower
No special effects.
Fancy silken robe.
Sage's Surplice
(Poet Robe)
1000 6 0 8 17 2 Buy: Jachol, Crescent
Drop: Drippy
Steal: Ra Mage
Prevents Silence
Clothes that prevent Silence.
Gaia Gear
(Earth Robe)
2000 8 0 10 18 2 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal, Surgate Castle
Drop: Gravitator
Steal: Sorcerer, Abductor
Increases power of Earth-elemental attacks by 50%.
Clothing infused with the power of earth.
Angel Robe 3000 10 0 11 25 2 Buy: Phantom Village
Find: Castle of Bal
Can only be equipped by Chemists, Mimes and Freelancers.
Stamina +2.
Immune to Poison-elemental damage.
Resist Poison status
Clothing that resists poison.
Luminous Robe 4000 11 0 12 19 2 Buy: Moore
Drop: Mykale, Necrophobe
Magic +2
Robe that shimmers with divine radiance.
Black Robe 8000 14 0 14 20 2 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Drop: Fury
Find: Pyramid of Moore[note 1]
Magic +5
Robe made for those who use black magic.
White Robe 8000 14 0 14 20 2 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Drop: Mindflayer
Find: Pyramid of Moore[note 1]
Stamina +3, Magic +3
Robe made for those who use white magic.
Rainbow Dress
(Prism Dress)
18 0 3 0 3 Steal: Parthenope
Find: Interdimensional Rift
Can only be equipped by Dancers and Freelancers.
Increases success rate of Flirt, and chances of using Sword Dance through Dance.
Immune to Confuse.
Gown that inspires the performance of Sword Dance.
Robe of Lords 18 0 22 24 2 Find: Sealed Temple - Lethe Court (Stairs of Destiny) -
Advance only. Magic +1.
Wondrous robe for true masters of magic.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Monster-in-a-box.

Light armor[]

FFV Armor Icon iOS

Light armor can be equipped by Freelancers, Knights, Monks, Thieves, Dragoons, Ninjas, Samurais, Berserkers, Rangers, Mystic Knights, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Beastmasters, Chemists, Dancers, Cannoneers, Gladiators, and Mimes.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Leather Armor 80 1 0 1 0 2 Buy: Tule
Steal: Melusine (Fire)
Equippable by all jobs.
Gets sticky in the summer.
Copper Cuirass
(Bronze Plate)
350 3 0 2 0 4 Buy: Carwen Copperplate
No special effects.
Turns greenish when weathered.
Kenpo Gi
(Kung-fu Suit)
450 5 0 2 0 3 Buy: Walse Kenpogi
Strength +1
Comfortable clothes favored by martial artists.
Silver Plate 600 7 0 2 0 4 Buy: Karnak
Drop: Sergeant
No special effects.
Must be polished regularly - but what a shine!
Ninja Suit 3000 9 0 2 0 3 Buy: Jachol, Lix, Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Drop: Page 256
Steal: Covert
Find: Library of the Ancients
Agility +1
Stylish ninja clothing brought from a faraway land.
Power Sash
(Power Tasuki)
4500 11 0 0 0 4 Buy: Surgate Castle, Quelb
Drop: Yojimbo
Strength +3
Sash sewn with special threads.
Diamond Plate 6000 13 0 2 0 4 Buy: Moore
Drop: Calofisteri
Halves Lightning-elemental damage.
Plate armor resistant to lightning.
Mirage Vest 14 0 4 0 3 Drop: Tonberry
Steal: Oiseaurare
Find: Phantom Village
Start battle with Image (1). Swapping weapons will refresh the status in some game versions.
Distracts enemies by creating an illusionary double.
Black Garb
(Black Costume)
9000 17 0 2 0 3 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Find: Pyramid of Moore[note 1]
Strength +1, Agility +1
Entirely black outfit brought from a faraway land.
Vishnu Vest 20 0 8 0 3 Find: Sealed Temple - Titan's Grotto
Advance only. Halves fire-, ice-, and lightning-elemental damage.
Vest resistant to fire, ice, and lightning.
Bone Mail 30 0 5 10 3 Drop: Hades
Steal: Necromancer, Enuo (2nd form)
Find: Drakenvale
Stamina -5. User becomes Undead. Halves ice-elemental damage. Weak to fire- and holy-elemental attacks. Absorbs poison-elemental attacks. Immune to death, poison, darkness, regen, old, confuse, and berserk. Wearer cannot be revived in battle.
Armor fit for a corpse!
  1. Monster-in-a-box.

Heavy armor[]

FFV Armor Icon iOS

Heavy armor can be equipped by Freelancers, Knights, Dragoons, Samurais, Berserkers, Mystic Knights, Gladiators, and Mimes.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Bronze Armor 400 4 0 2 0 8 Buy: Carwen Bronzearmor
No special effects.
Armor forged from bronze.
Iron Armor 500 6 0 2 0 8 Buy: Walse
Steal: Iron Giant
No special effects.
Armor forged from iron.
Mythril Armor 700 9 0 2 0 8 Buy: Karnak
Steal: Mythril Dragon
No special effects.
Armor forged from mythril.
Golden Armor
(Gold Armor)
4000 11 0 2 0 8 Buy: Surgate Castle, Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal
Find: Ronka Ruins
No special effects.
Armor decorated with gold filigree.
Diamond Armor 8000 15 0 2 0 8 Buy: Moore
Steal: Ziggurat Gigas
Halves Lightning-elemental damage
Armor resistant to lightning.
Crystal Armor
(Crystal Mail)
12000 20 0 2 0 8 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Drop: Sekhmet, Crystal Dragon
Find: Pyramid of Moore[note 1]
No special effects.
Dazzling armor cut from crystal.
Genji Armor 22 0 2 0 8 Steal: Gilgamesh (during battle with Necrophobe) Genjiarmor
Immune to Confuse and Toad
Armor that prevents toad and confusion.
Maximillian 27 0 5 0 9 Find: Sealed Temple - Shinryu's Lair
Advance only. Stamina +2
Top-grade armor for those of exceptional strength.
  1. Monster-in-a-box.


FFV Shield Icon iOS

Shields can be equipped by Freelancers, Knights, Dragoons, Samurais, Berserkers, Mystic Knights, Blue Mages, Cannoneers, Gladiators, and Mimes.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Leather Shield 90 0 10 0 0 2 Buy: Tule
Steal: Melusine (Immune)
No special effects.
Shield sewn from leather.
Bronze Shield 290 1 15 0 0 5 Buy: Carwen Bronzesheild
No special effects.
Lightweight bronze shield.
Iron Shield 390 2 20 0 0 2 Buy: Walse Ironshield
No special effects.
Easy to make and easy to use.
Mythril Shield 590 3 25 0 0 5 Buy: Karnak
Drop: Page 256
Steal: Shield Dragon, Ronkan Knight
No special effects.
Shield forged from mythril.
Gold Shield 3000 4 30 0 0 5 Buy: Regole, Quelb, Castle of Bal, Surgate Castle
Drop: Gilgamesh
Steal: Shield Dragon
Find: Ronka Ruins
No special effects.
Shield decorated with gold filigree.
Aegis Shield 5 33 0 0 4 Find: Great Forest of Moore (before fire), Istory Falls
Steal: Gorgimera, Halicarnassus
Magic +1. 33% chance of blocking magic. Immune to Petrify.
Shield that sometimes absorbs magic spells.
Diamond Shield 6000 6 35 0 0 5 Buy: Moore
Find: Castle Exdeath
Halves Lightning-elemental damage.
Shield resistant to lightning.
Flame Shield 7 40 5 5 5 Drop: Odin
Steal: Dueling Knight, Grenade, Twintania
Find: Great Forest of Moore (after fire), Pyramid of Moore[note 1]
Absorbs Fire-elemental attacks
Shield that absorbs fire attacks.
Ice Shield 7 40 5 5 5 Drop: Belphegor
Steal: Numb Blade
Find: Castle Exdeath, Pyramid of Moore[note 1]
Absorbs Ice-elemental damage.
Shield that absorbs ice attacks.
Crystal Shield 9000 8 45 0 0 8 Buy: Phantom Village, Great Sea Trench
Steal: Crystelle
No special effects.
Dazzling shield cut from crystal.
Genji Shield 9 50 1 0 6 Steal: Gilgamesh (5th Battle) Genjishield
Immune to Mini and Paralyze
Shield that prevents mini and paralysis.
Force Shield 15 10 0 0 15 Drop: Omega Mk.II
Advance only. Agility -5. Immune to all elements.
Heavy shield that defends against elemental attacks.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Monster-in-a-box.
Relm-ffvi-snes-battleThis gallery is incomplete and requires In-battle shield sprite (iOS) added. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by uploading images.

Unused shield[]

FFV Shield Icon iOS

There is a single unused shield found within the game's code. The Hematic Shield can be used if the player uses a cheat code to acquire it. This shield would have fit in neatly with the Bone Mail, Thornlet, and the Cursed Ring, as it shares the combination of having high stats and a big drawback. It would have also shared its annoyance of being auto-equipped all the time.

Name Cost Def(Defense) Eva(Evasion) MGD(Magic Defense) MGE(Magic Evasion) Weight Acquired Image
Hematic Shield
(Blood Shield)
15 1 5 10 5 Dummied
Effects unknown
Cursed shield that never avoids a hit.

Other appearances[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

FFBE Black Robe FFV
FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.
