Final Fantasy Wiki

Item Items in Final Fantasy VII Remake include recovery and offensive items that can be obtained from boxes, treasure chests, item drops, and as quest rewards. During a battle, items require one ATB charge. Holding L1 on the field, the menu does not close after using an item, allowing the use of multiple items at once. This makes healing the party with potions easier.

In hard mode, items cannot be used. Item Master Materia Item Master Materia improves the efficacy of items used by the character, up to +50% greater than their usual effect.

Recovery items[]

Item Description Drop Find
Potion Restores 350 HP to one party member Drop: Beck, Butch, Bandit, Gorger, Wererat, Sahagin, Cripshay, Terpsicolt, Guard Dog, Scissorclaw, Lesser Drake, Flametrooper, Security Officer, Elite Security Officer
Steal: Terpsicolt, Guard Dog

Destroyable boxes; Mako Reactor 1; Sector 8 (in front of the arcade); Sector 4 - Plate (top of section G)

Shop: All shops (50 gil)
Hi-Potion Restores 700 HP to one party member Drop: Helitrooper, Hedgehog Pie, Mark II Monodrive, Cripshay (rare), Ringmaw (rare), Terpsicolt (rare), Grashtrike (rare), Flametrooper (rare), Queen Grashtrike (rare), Elite Security Officer (rare)
Steal: Cripshay, Flametrooper, Elite Security Officer

Destroyable boxes; Sector 7 Slums (take the stairs near the DJ); Sector 4 - Plate (section G, down the ladder); Sewer System during "Follow the Waterway" (follow the girls, climb the ladder and look to the right); Train Graveyard during "Back Amongst Friends" (before the ladder); Climbing Sector 7 Ruins during "The Path to Greater Heights"; Shinra Building during "Infiltration" (walkway leading to the vending machine)

Shop: All shops (300 gil)
Mega-Potion Restores 1,500 HP to one party member Drop: Rude, Grungy Bandit (rare)
Steal: Rude

Destroyable boxes; Train Graveyard during "All Aboard for the Graveyard" (after fighting a ghost in the control room head south into another room); Train Graveyard during "Blocked Road" (after finding another train with a console, before climbing up); Sector 6 Collapsed Highway during "Checking on Friends" (after the first mechanical arm, squeeze through a gap); Sector 7 Underground during "In Solitude" (shoot the crane at the end); Sewer System during "Recovering the Key" (chase the monster until 1x Abzu Shoat and 2x Scissorclaws appear); Fallen Plate during "The Climb" (defeat the enemies, go around the platform, find 2x Byobapolis); Shinra Building during "Bust Out of the Garage" (northeast side of the end of the garage); The Drum during "Research the 3rd Ward" (middle of the room, on the right, behind the cage); The Drum during "Research the 3rd Ward" (fight two Zenene, climb the ladder); The Drum during "4th Ward" (inside the pipe go left)

Ether Restores 20 MP to one party member Drop: Reno, Ghost, Wererat (rare), Hedgehog Pie (rare)
Steal: Reno, Hedgehog Pie, Cerulean Drake

Mako Reactor 1 (before the Sweeper); Sector 4 (enter the door where 2x Slug-Ray, 2x Guard Dog, and 1x Elite Grenadier emerge); Mako Reactor 5 (Mako Storage, end of the lower platform); Mako Reactor 5 (go up the ramp where a Cutter came from); Sector 5 Slums during "Head for the Station" (top of a ladder where Aerith hesitates jumping); Evergreen Park (path on the left); Sewer System during "Follow the Waterway" (right side); Sector 7 during "Link Up with Avalanche", Sector 7 Ruins during "Finding Wedge", Sewer System during "Through the Underground Waterway" (down a ladder); Sewer System during "Recovering the Key" (in the room with 2x Blugu, 1x Sahagin and 1x Scissorclaw); Shinra Building during "Infiltration" (next to the vending machine); Shinra Building during "A Way Out" (the door of the hallway); The Drum during "Research the 3rd Ward"

Shop: Sector 7 Junk Dealer, Sector 5 Slums, Wall Market, Sector 6 Park, Shinra Building
INTERmission: Buy from Junk Dealer (wares keep changing)
Turbo Ether Fully restores MP to one party member Drop: Ghost (rare), Sweeper Prototype (rare), Mark II Monodrive (rare), Reno
Steal: Abzu, Ghost, Ghoul, Sweeper Prototype, Mark II Monodrive

Destroyable boxes; Don Corneo's house during "The Audition" (when playing as Aerith squeeze through a gap); Sector 7 ruins during "Finding Wedge"; Climbing Sector 7 wreckage during "The Path to Greater Heights" (after defeating the robot, up the ladder around the circular platform)

Reward: "The Party Never Stops" side quest
Phoenix Down Revives an unconscious party member and restores a small amount of HP Drop: Abzu, Varghidpolis, Sweeper Prototype, Cerulean Drake (rare)
Steal: Lesser Drake

Mako Reactor 1, Sector 8, Sector 7 Slums (the ladder on the side of Cloud and Tifa's apartment building); Sector 4 - Plate (sun plate); Wall Market (near the chocobo stables); Sewer System during "Recovering the Key" (before following the monster by going under the obstacle, check the opposite platform); Shinra Building during "A Way Out" (leave Aerith's room and check the room on the right); The Drum during "Find the Others" (before going to where Red XIII is, cross the pods to the other direction)

Elixir Fully restores HP and MP. Drop: Roche
Steal: Roche
Treasure: Wall Market during "Intel Gathering" (south alleyway)
INTERmission: Buy from Junk Shop (wares keep changing)
Antidote Cures Poison Poison.
Value: 80 gil
Drop: Ringmaw, Gorger (rare)
Steal: Gorger, Wererat, Ringmaw

Destroyable boxes; Sector H on Sector 4 - Plate (after the cutscene, there's a chest on the right side of the upper section); Shinra Building during "Operation: Save Aerith" (up the stairs near a vending machine)

Maiden's Kiss Removes Toad Toad-related curses. ??? Find: The Sector 5 Slums stash for "Corneo's Secret Stash"
Smelling Salts Wakes someone up. Drop: Blugu
Steal: Blugu

Destroyable boxes; Sector 5 Slums Church during "To the Attic"; Fallen Plate during "The Path to Greater Heights" (clear the platform, up the ladder, left and up a short ladder)

Echo Mist Cures Silence Silence. Drop: Eligor, Smogger (rare)
Steal: Smogger

Destroyable boxes; Train Graveyard during "Blocked Road" (heading back to the marked objective, along the way take another set of stairs to the left side, instead of climbing the ladder); Train Graveyard during "Head for the Exit" (before the end of the train car, exit to the left where there are lesser drakes)

Adrenaline Rouses one from a Sedate from FFVII Remake iconstupor. Drop: Grungy Bandit, Sahagin (rare)
Steal: Sahagin, Hoodlum
Treasure: Destroyable boxes; Sector 7 Slums (cats' tunnel in the residential area), the Wall Market inn, the Sector 5 Slums stash for "Corneo's Secret Stash"
Sedative Quells one's Fury Fury. Drop: Scissorclaw (rare), Varghidpolis (rare)
Steal: Scissorclaw, Varghidpolis
Treasure: Destroyable boxes, Honeybee Inn

Reward: Can be obtained as a reward from one of the sick residents during the quest "The Party Never Stops" for the pharmacist in Chapter 9.

Remedy Cures all ailments. ???

Destroyable boxes; Sector 4 - Plate (Sector H, lower section, cross a catwalk to 3x Grashstrike); Fallen Plate during "Flight of the Valkyrie"; Shinra Building during "Operation: Save Aerith" (room with green tanks)

Shops: Ch.13+ (600 gil)
Celeris Haste from FFVII Remake icon Hastens whoever drinks it.
Value: 1000 gil
Drop: Beck (rare), Butch (rare), Bandit (rare)
Steal: Beck, Butch, Bandit
Reward: Can be obtained as a reward from one of the sick residents during the quest "The Party Never Stops" for the pharmacist in Chapter 9.

Destroyable boxes; Wall Market (continue onward from the jukebox area, go up the stairs); Shinra Building during "Operation: Save Aerith" (opposite the vending machine)

Armor Core Creates a Manaward from FFVII Remake icon magic barrier around whoever uses it. Steal: Armored Magitrooper -


Offensive items[]

Item Description Drop Find
Grenade Deals 200 physical damage to enemies within range.
Value: 80 gil
Drop: Hoodlum, Grenadier, Security Officer (rare)
Steal: Security Officer
Treasure: Destroyable boxes, Mako Reactor 1, Sector 8
Hazardous Material Poisons and deals 50 physical damage to enemies within range. Drop: Smogger Treasure: Sewer System during "Recovering the Key" (right from where the wererats are fought)
Spiderweb Slows nearby enemies within range. Drop: Queen Grashtrike
Steal: Bomb, Crab Warden
Molotov Cocktail Deals 90 fire damage to enemies within range multiple times. Drop: Bomb
Steal: Bomb
Find: Don Corneo's lackeys' break room in Wall Market, and in the Sector 5 Slums stash for "Corneo's Secret Stash"
Big Bomber Deals 500 physical damage to enemies within range. ??? Reward: Can be obtained as a reward from one of the sick residents during the quest "The Party Never Stops" for the pharmacist in Chapter 9.
Fuzzy Wuzzy A cute stuffed animal. Also an explosive. Drop: Hell House (50%) Shop: Corneo Colosseum Souvenir Shop (200 gil)
Mr. Cuddlesworth A cute stuffed animal. Also an explosive. Drop: Hell House (25%)
Steal: Hell House (25%)
Shop: Corneo Colosseum Souvenir Shop (500 gil)
Orb of Gravity Reduce HP of enemies within range by 25%. Ineffective against powerful enemies Drop: Cerulean Drake, Sentry Launcher, Sledgeworm

Steal: Elite Helitrooper, Helitrooper, Sentry Launcher, Shock-Ray, Slug-Ray

Treasure: Sewer System during "To Sector 7 Slums" (on the split path choose south and defeat the wererats); Sector 7 Pillar during "Link Up with Avalanche" (the level with 2x Elite Riot Trooper and 1x Elite Security Officer); Sector 6 Collapsed Highway during "Checking on Friends" (before climbing the ladder)

Key items[]

Key items are story-related items obtained via main quests and side jobs. The player can't use them directly, but they are viewable in the menu.


Item Description Drop Find
AI Programming Core An airbuster AI chip. Can be sold for a large profit. Steal: Airbuster ???