Final Fantasy Wiki

Below is a list of enemy abilities that appear in Final Fantasy VIII. Abilities in italics are not named in the game.




Ability Description Enemy
1 Counts down to Ultima. Sorceress (C)
1000 Needles Inflicts 1000 damage. Cactuar
10000 Needles Inflicts 10000 damage. Used as a counterattack every 5th attack. Jumbo Cactuar
2 Counts down to Ultima. Sorceress (C)
3 Counts down to Ultima. Sorceress (C)
4 Counts down to Ultima. Sorceress (C)
5 Counts down to Ultima. Sorceress (C)


Ability Description Enemy
Absorbed into time... Removed from battle. Griever, Ultimecia (1st), Ultimecia (Griever form), Ultimecia (Final)
Acid Non-elemental physical damage that never misses. Used only when at 25% or less Max HP, and never used when only one character is alive. Tri-Face
Aero Wind-elemental damage. Abyss Worm, Cerberus, Chimera, Fujin (1st), Ruby Dragon, Sorceress (A), Torama, Vysage
Apocalypse Extreme non-elemental damage to the party. Spell power 200. Ultimecia (Final)
Aqua Breath Moderate Water-elemental damage to the party. Chimera
Armadodo fell over! Vitality and Spirit is lowered by 50%, lasts 4 turns. Occurs after a physical attack sometimes. Armadodo
Armadodo got up! Stats return to normal. Used after being knocked down for 4 turns. Armadodo
Arm Attack Non-elemental physical damage. Gerogero
Arm Crush Non-elemental physical damage. X-ATM092
Arm Hug Non-elemental physical damage that never misses and always criticals. Wendigo
Arm Punch Non-elemental physical damage. Used as a counterattack after a Base Soldier has been killed. Base Leader
Assault Horn Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Behemoth
Astral Punch Non-elemental physical damage. Spell power of 16. Edea (1st)
Aura Increases Strength. Elite Soldier, Raijin (3rd)


Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Darkness, Confuse, Berserk, Poison, Sleep, Silence, Curse, Petrifying, and Slow on the entire party. Inflicts non-elemental magical damage as well as Slow to the party in Geezard's case. Geezard, Malboro
Bash Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals when used by Snow Lion. Hexadragon, Snow Lion, Turtapod
Beak Strike Non-elemental physical damage and Petrifying. Cockatrice
Beam Cannon Heavy non-elemental magical damage that ignores Shell in first encounter. BGH251F2
Beam Laser Non-elemental physical damage. Elastoid
Bear Hug Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Death Claw
Belhelmel is furious! Occasionally counters with physical attacks when hit with a physical attack. Belhelmel
Belhelmel laughed! Occasionally counters with magical attacks when hit with a magical attack. Belhelmel
Berserk Inflicts Berserk. Belhelmel, Blobra, Blood Soul, Cerberus, Chimera, Gargantua, Gerogero, Gesper, Imp
Bio Inflicts Poison elemental damage as well as Poison. Blue Dragon, Funguar, Left Orb, Torama, Ultimecia (1st)
Bite Non-elemental physical damage. Adamantoise, Bite Bug, Blood Soul, Chimera, Grendel, Thrustaevis, T-Rexaur, Torama, Tri-Face
Bite Non-elemental physical damage, twice as powerful. Tri-Face
BiteBite Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Propagator
Bite Hard Non-elemental physical magic counterattack that always criticals. T-Rexaur
Blade Shot Non-elemental physical magic counterattack. Mesmerize
Blade Slice Non-elemental physical damage. Mesmerize
Blaster Non-elemental physical OR magical damage and Petrify. Torama
Blind Inflicts Darkness. Abadon, Blood Soul, Blue Dragon, Cerberus, Forbidden, Fujin (2nd), Gesper, Imp, Lefty, Ochu, Propagator
Blitz charged itself up! Increases Strength and Magic after hit by a Thunder-elemental spell and damages melee attackers with Lightning elemental damage. Blitz
Blizzaga Major Ice-elemental damage. Edea, Glacial Eye, Imp, Jelleye, Sphinxaur, Ultimecia (1st)
Blizzara Moderate Ice-elemental damage. Base Soldier, Esthar Soldier (Cyborg), Glacial Eye, Jelleye, NORG, Slapper, Sorceress (A)
Blizzard Minor Ice-elemental damage. Jelleye
Bloodfest Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Used more as HP is lower. Seifer (4th)
Blow Away Stock Magic Completely removes all stock of any magic in a character's magic list. Griever, Ultimecia (Final)
Bomb-Butt Non-elemental physical damage. Bomb
Boomerang Sword Non-elemental physical damage to the party that always hit. Will only use Punch after using this. Esthar Soldier (Cyborg)
Both Hand Squeeze Non-elemental physical damage. Only used if Lefty and Righty are alive. Vysage
Break Inflicts Petrify. Blue Dragon, Chimera
Breath Non-elemental magical damage to the party. Blue Dragon
Breath Thunder-elemental magical damage to the party. Grendel
Breath Non-elemental magical damage to one character. Hexadragon
Breath Non-elemental physical damage to all of the party. Will only be used if there are three alive party members. Attack Power 48. Ruby Dragon
Breath of Death Non-elemental magical damage. Blood Soul
"Brrawghh!" Non-elemental magical damage to target as well as Slow, Curse, and Darkness. Gerogero


Ability Description Enemy
Cannon Blow Non-elemental physical damage. Only used after 3x Store. SAM08G
Chaingun Non-elemental physical damage. BGH251F2
Chain Gun Non-elemental physical damage to the party. GIM47N
Change Stance At 15% or less HP, will only use Iai Blow. Forbidden
Charge Non-elemental physical damage. Biggs, Elite Soldier
Charge Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Krysta
Chef's Knife Non-elemental physical damage. Only used if Tonberry is close to the party. Tonberry
Clash Non-elemental physical damage to the party. X-ATM092
Claw Non-elemental physical damage. In Raldo's case, only used if Granaldo is dead. Always criticals when used by Ultimecia (Griever form). Bahamut, Catoblepas, Creeps, Diablos, Granaldo, Grand Mantis, Griever, Iguion, Raldo, Ruby Dragon, Tri-Point, Ultimecia (Griever form), Ultimecia (Final)
Claw Counterattack Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Ultimecia (Final)
Claw Slash Non-elemental physical damage. Behemoth
Club Non-elemental physical damage. Minotaur
Confuse Inflicts Confuse. Abadon, Base Leader, Belhelmel, Chimera, Fujin (2nd), Funguar, Gesper, Imp, Torama
Corona Reduces party's HP to 1. First attacked used when in "Mobile Off, Support On" mode. Mobile Type 8
Counter Laser-Eye Non-elemental magical counterattack when in Laughing mode. Belhelmel
Counter Rocket Non-elemental physical counterattack to any type of attack except physical. Krysta
Counter Slice Non-elemental physical counterattack when in Scowling mode. Belhelmel
Counter Twist Non-elemental physical counterattack against physical attacks that always criticals. Gargantua
Crawl in Shell Lasts 3 turns and greatly increases Vitality and Spirit. Turtapod
Create Droma Spawns a Droma. Trauma
Create Helix Creates a Helix. After having 2x Helixes, is able to use Ultima, Meteor, and Great Attractor. Ultimecia (Griever form)
Creepy Touch Non-elemental physical counterattack that always criticals. Used if Sorceress is not counting down to Ultima. Sorceress (C)
Cross Slash Non-elemental physical damage. Grendel
Cura Restores a moderate amount of HP. Base Leader, Blobra, Blood Soul, Elite Soldier
Curaga Restores a major amount of HP. Blobra, Blood Soul, Diablos, Elite Soldier
Cure Restores a minor amount of HP. Biggs, Blobra, Elite Soldier, Gesper
Curse Inflicts Doom and non-elemental magical damage. Only used if both Lefty and Righty are alive. Vysage


Ability Description Enemy
D Counts down to Dark Flare. Tiamat
Da Counts down to Dark Flare. Tiamat
Dar Counts down to Dark Flare. Tiamat
Dark F Counts down to Dark Flare. Tiamat
Dark Fla Counts down to Dark Flare. Tiamat
Dark Flare Fire-elemental damage to the party. Spell power of 180. Tiamat
Dark Mist Non-elemental magical damage and Darkness to the party. Only used at 50% or less HP. Anacondaur
Deadly Horn Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Catoblepas
Death Inflicts Death. Can be used as a final attack in Buel's case. Blue Dragon, Buel, Edea (2nd), Elnoyle, Esthar Soldier (Cyborg), Forbidden, Torama
Death Claw Non-elemental physical damage. Death Claw
Degenerator Inflicts Blow Away and removes target from battle. Will not use if only one party member is alive. Gesper
Demi Reduces HP by 1/4. Diablos, Esthar Soldier (Cyborg), Funguar, Gargantua, Paratrooper, Ruby Dragon, Torama
Demon Slice Non-elemental physical damage. Seifer (2nd)
Destroy GF Inflicts 9999 damage to a GF being summoned. Ultimecia (Griever form), Ultimecia (Final)
Disease Breath Non-elemental magical damage and Silence. Blood Soul
Dissolving Acid Reduces HP by 37.5% and inflicts Vit 0. Malboro
Dispel Removes all positive statuses. Abadon, Blood Soul, Cerberus, Chimera, Edea, Elastoid, Elnoyle, Gerogero, Imp, Ochu, Right Orb, Sorceress (A), Ultimecia (1st), Ultimecia (Griever form), Ultimecia (Final), Vysage
Dive Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Thrustaevis
Doom Inflicts Doom on a target. Griever, Sphinxara
Double Allows target to cast two consecutive spells. Sorceress (B), Ultimecia (1st)
Double Strike Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Abadon
Double Sword Non-elemental physical damage. Forbidden
Drain Drains HP from target and restores own HP. Spell power of 25. Blue Dragon, Lefty, Trauma
Drain Drains HP from target and restores own HP. Spell power of 50. Cannot be reduced with Shell. Trauma
Drain Drains HP from target and restores own HP. Spell power of 33. Adel
Draw Draws magic from character's stocked magic and uses it immediately. Griever, Lefty
Dribble Non-elemental physical damage that never misses. Wendigo
Drink Magic Randomly removes 1 magic from target, and is used used as a magic counterattack as well as inflicting non-elemental damage. Ochu


Ability Description Enemy
Earthquake Earth-elemental damage to the party. Can be used as a final attack in Armadodo's case. Armadodo, Ochu
Eerie Sound Wave Non-elemental magical damage to the party. Malboro
Electric Discharge Thunder-elemental damage to the party. Used when alone. Cockatrice
"Elixir please!" Requests an Elixir. PuPu
Energy Bomber Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Spell power of 12. Adel
Escape Flees from battle. Used at 2% or less Max HP. Jumbo Cactuar
Escaped... Flees from battle. Cactuar
Esuna Removes all negative statuses. Abadon, Blobra, Fujin (2nd), Lefty, Sorceress (A), Sorceress (B), Torama, Vysage
Everyone's Grudge Counterattack if attacked before it takes 2 turns. Damage is equal to the number of enemies the target has killed x20. Tonberry
Evil-Eye Non-elemental magical damage to the party as well as Slow and Curse. Gargantua
Explosion Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Never misses, and only used when HP is below 50%. Death Claw


Ability Description Enemy
Fang Non-elemental physical damage. Red Bat
Fart Non-elemental magical damage and Berserk. Bite Bug
Fira Moderate Fire-elemental damage. Buel, Edea (2nd), G-Soldier, Geezard, Hexadragon, Jelleye, Left Orb, Ruby Dragon, Seifer (1st, 2nd, 3rd), Sorceress (A)
Firaga Major Fire-elemental damage. Buel, Edea (1st), Hexadragon, Imp, Jelleye, Ruby Dragon, Seifer (2nd & 4th), Sphinxaur
Fire Minor Fire-elemental damage. Bomb, Buel, Elvoret, Funguar, G-Soldier, Geezard, Ifrit, Jelleye, Sorceress (A), Wedge
Fist Non-elemental physical damage. Raijin (3rd)
Flare Heavy non-elemental damage. Adel, Behemoth, Griever, Ruby Dragon, Seifer (4th), Sorceress (B), Ultimecia (Final)
Float Target becomes immune to earth elemental attacks. Gesper
Fly Will no longer use Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga and will start to use Meteor, Quake, and Tornado. Imp
Flying Attack Non-elemental physical damage. Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F


Ability Description Enemy
Gas Non-elemental magical counterattack on the party that deals damage and inflicts Sleep. Death Claw
Gastric Juice Reduces HP by 50%. In Grat's case, non-elemental physical damage and Poison instead. Gayla, Grat
Gatling Gun Non-elemental physical damage. SAM08G
Gigantic Sword Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Red Giant
Gnaw Non-elemental physical damage. Fake President
Grab Punch Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Blue Dragon
Grand Sword Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Iron Giant
Gravija Reduces party's HP by 75%. Diablos, Griever, Omega Weapon, Ultima Weapon
Great Attractor Heavy non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores defense. Spell power of 64. Ultimecia (Griever form)
Grow After being attacked, increases Strength and Magic, and after using twice, will use Suicide. Bomb
Gunblade Non-elemental physical damage. Seifer


Ability Description Enemy
Haste Inflicts Haste. Biggs (2nd), Elastoid, Fujin (2nd)
Head Attack Non-elemental physical damage. Geezard
Head Bash Non-elemental physical damage. Anacondaur, Caterchipillar, Gayla
Head Bump Non-elemental physical damage. Droma, Elastoid
Head Swing Physical damage to the party. Used only after Lift Head. Abyss Worm
Heartbreak Non-elemental magical damage. Creeps
Hell's Judgement Reduces party's HP to 1. Ultimecia (Final)
Hind Kick Non-elemental physical damage. Mesmerize
Hi-Potion Restores 1000 HP. Used on self, as well as allies with Raijin. Fujin (1st), Raijin (1st & 2nd), Seifer (2nd)
Hit Non-elemental physical damage. Blue Dragon
Holy Heavy Holy-elemental damage. Used as Imp's last attack. Adel, Elnoyle, Imp, Torama, Ultimecia (1st), Ultimecia (Griever form), Ultimecia (Final)
Homing Laser Non-elemental magical counterattack when probes are off of body. Left Probe, Right Probe
Hypnotize Inflicts Sleep. Gayla


Ability Description Enemy
Iai Blow Non-elemental physical damage and Death. Forbidden
Ice Breath Ice-elemental damage to the party. Snow Lion
It's sharp! Non-elemental physical damage that ignores defense. Damage is equal to the number of enemies target has killed x30. Tonberry King


Ability Description Enemy
Jumbo Cactuar is hesitating... Jumbo Cactuar may attempt to escape. Appears at 5% or less Max HP. Jumbo Cactuar
Jump Punch Non-elemental physical damage. Ifrit
Junk Non-elemental counterattack for every 5th hit done to it. Tonberry King


Ability Description Enemy
Ker Plunk Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Jumbo Cactuar
Knife Non-elemental physical damage. Tonberry King


Ability Description Enemy
Laser Non-elemental physical damage. Targets a female party member. Funguar
Leave Shell Lowers Vitality and Spirit. Turtapod
Leg Stamp Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Jumbo Cactuar
Leg Strike Non-elemental physical damage. X-ATM092
Lick Inflicts physical damage and Curse. Abadon
Lift Head Changes forms, and will no longer use Protect, Reflect or Sand Shake. Used after being physically attacked 4 times. Abyss Worm
Light Pillar Always inflicts 9999 damage. Omega Weapon, Ultima Weapon
Lose Sword Loses sword when HP is below 9000. Red Giant
Lv5 Death Inflicts Death on targets whose levels are a multiple of 5. Omega Weapon, Torama


Ability Description Enemy
Machine Gun Non-elemental physical damage. Base Leader, Biggs, Elite Soldier
Mad Cow Special Earth-elemental damage to the party. Only used if both Minotaur and Sacred are alive. Minotaur, Sacred
Maelstrom Halves party's HP and inflicts Curse. Ultimecia removes 62.5% of current HP. Edea (2nd), Ultimecia (1st)
Magical powers are concentrated on Adel! Ultima will be used the following turn. Adel
Magic Summon Summons Jelleye, Forbidden, or Tri-Face, in that order. Sphinxara
Magma Breath Fire-elemental damage and Petrifying. Iguion
Mega Flare Heavy non-elemental magical damage to the party that ignores defense. Spell power of 120. Bahamut
Mega Pulse Cannon Non-elemental magical damage to the party that ignores defense. Used when 2x Dromas are killed and before creating 2x new Dromas. Trauma
Mega Spark Thunder-elemental counterattack against all attacks except when hit by an attack of its weakness. Spell power of 120 and ignores defense. Tri-Point
Megido Flame Non-elemental magical damage to the party that ignores defense. Last attack used in "Mobile Off, Support On" mode for Mobile Type 8. Spell power of 78. In Omega Weapon's case, always inflicts 9998 damage to party. Mobile Type 8, Omega Weapon
Meltdown Non-elemental magical damage and inflicts Vit 0. Elite Soldier, Sorceress (B), Ultimecia (1st)
Melt-Eye Fire-elemental damage to the party. Used below 33% HP. Hexadragon
Melting Bubble Non-elemental magical damage and Silence. Grand Mantis
Meteor 10 hits of non-elemental damage to random party members. Used as a final attack in Catoblepas's case, and can be used as a final attack in Behemoth's case. Adel, Behemoth, Catoblepas, Elnoyle, Fujin (2nd), Imp, Lefty, Omega Weapon, Ruby Dragon, Sorceress (B), Torama, Ultima Weapon, Ultimecia (1st), Ultimecia (Griever form), Ultimecia (Final)
Metsu Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Never misses. Fujin (2nd)
Micro Missiles Halves target's HP (25% if target has Protect). GIM52A
Mighty Guard Casts Protect and Shell on self, as well as allies when used by Behemoth. Used when at 50% or less HP. Behemoth, Iron Giant
Mini Pulse Cannon Non-elemental magical damage that ignores defense and Shell. Is 1/3rd the power of Pulse Cannon. Droma
"More Elixir please!" Requests another Elixir. PuPu
Morph Either Vitality is boosted and Tentacle is the only attack used, Vitality and Spirit are boosted and only magic attacks are used, or Vitality and Spirit are boosted and all attacks are used. Jelleye
Mower Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Minotaur
Mystery Kick Non-elemental physical damage. Cactuar


Ability Description Enemy
Needle Non-elemental physical damage that inflicts Poison. Bite Bug


Ability Description Enemy
Ochu Dance Inflicts Curse and Slow to the party. Ochu
Oil Blast Reduces HP by 62.5%. Counter when HP is below 1/3rd of Max HP. Never misses. Oilboyle
Oil Shot Non-elemental physical damage and inflicts Darkness. Oilboyle
Onrush Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Tri-Point
Out of the Sand Appears above ground. Defense is reduced. Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F


Ability Description Enemy
Pain Inflicts Poison, Darkness, and Silence. Elnoyle, Fujin (2nd), Griever
Petrify Stare Inflicts Petrify. Can also be used as a counterattack to magic attacks in Cockatrice's case. Cockatrice, Glacial Eye
Poison Gas Non-elemental magical damage as well as Poison and Confuse. Tri-Face
Poison Mist Non-elemental magical damage and Poison to the party. Only used at 50% or less HP. Anacondaur
Potion Restores 200 HP. Base Soldier
Power Bomb Non-elemental physical damage that never misses. Wendigo
Protect Halves damage done by physical attacks. Abyss Worm, Adamantoise, Base Leader, Edea (1st), Elastoid, Elite Soldier, Gesper, NORG, Vysage
Psycho Blast Non-elemental physical damage. NORG
Punch Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals when used by Gargantua. Blobra, Esthar Soldier (Cyborg), Gargantua, Gesper, GIM47N, GIM52A, Propagator, Red Giant, Wendigo


Ability Description Enemy
Quake Heavy Earth-elemental damage to the party. Spell power of 40. Cerberus, Imp, Lefty, Sorceress (B)
Quake Heavy Earth-elemental damage to the party. Spell power of 80. Adel, Gargantua, Ultima Weapon, Ultimecia (1st), Ultimecia (Griever form)


Ability Description Enemy
Raijin Special Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Raijin (2nd & 3rd)
Raldo Ball Non-elemental physical damage. Only used when Raldo is alive. Granaldo
Raldo Throw Non-elemental physical damage. Only used when Raldo is alive. Granaldo
Ram Non-elemental physical damage. Mesmerize
Ray-Bomb Non-elemental magical damage to the party. Spell power of 24/26. GIM52A, X-ATM092
Reflect Bounces spells back at enemy party. Adamantoise, Blue Dragon, Buel, Edea (2nd), GIM47N, Glacial Eye, Lefty, Ruby Dragon, Sorceress (A)
Reflect Beam Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Elastoid
Regen Target gradually restores HP over time. Biggs (2nd), Blood Soul, Fujin (2nd)
Remedy Removes negative statuses. Base Leader, Base Soldier, Fujin (1st), Paratrooper, Seifer (2nd)
Repairing x% Used only if knocked down. Indicates how close to being fully restored. X-ATM092
Resonance Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Only used if both Iguions are alive. Iguion
Roll Attack Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Armadodo


Ability Description Enemy
Sai Reduces HP to 1. Never misses. Fujin
Saliva Non-elemental magical damage and Curse. Abyss Worm
Sand Shake Counterattack against physical attacks. Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Worm
Sand Storm Non-elemental physical damage and Darkness to the party. Adamantoise
Sand Storm Non-elemental magical damage to the party. Fastitocalon
Scan Reads target's vital information. Cannot be reflected. Tri-Point
Shake Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Righty
Shell Halves damage done by magical attacks. Abyss Worm, Adamantoise, Base Leader, Edea (1st), Elastoid, Elite Soldier, Gesper, NORG, Vysage
Shockwave Pulsar Extreme non-elemental magical damage to the party. Used halfway through the fight; if not, then used as death move. Spell power of 180. Griever
Shoot Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Wendigo
Shotgun Non-elemental physical damage. Esthar Soldier (Human), Esthar Soldier (Cyborg)
Shoulder Charge Non-elemental physical damage. SAM08G
Sigh Non-elemental physical damage to the party. Vysage
Silence Inflicts Silence. Abadon, Blobra, Blood Soul, Cerberus, Edea (2nd), Forbidden, Gargantua, Gerogero, Gesper, Glacial Eye, Imp, NORG, Paratrooper, Propagator, Right Orb
Sit Down Vitality and Spirit return to normal values. Abadon
Slap Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals when used by Adamantoise. Adamantoise, Krysta, Righty, Trauma
Slash Non-elemental physical damage that does extra damage when Blitz is charged. Blitz, Omega Weapon
Sleep Inflicts Sleep. Belhelmel, Blood Soul, Elastoid, Forbidden, Funguar, Gerogero, Guard, Ochu, Sphinxara
Sleeping Gas Non-elemental counterattack that inflicts Sleep to the party. Grat
Slice Non-elemental physical damage. Belhelmel, Mesmerize
Slow Target's ATB gauge fills up half its normal rate. Biggs (2nd), Blobra, Edea (2nd), Forbidden, Fujin (2nd), Gesper, Lefty, NORG, Paratrooper, Right Orb, Sphinxara
Snipe Laser Non-elemental magical damage to one target. GIM47N
Sonic Wave Non-elemental magical damage and Curse to the party. Oilboyle
Soul Crush Reduces target's HP to 1. Esthar Soldier (Cyborg)
Spin Bash Non-elemental physical damage. Left Probe, Right Probe
Spinning Will only use Reflect Beam while in this mode. Only used when at 30% or less Max HP. Elastoid
Squeeze Non-elemental physical damage. Anacondaur
Stand Up Vitality and Spirit are greatly increased. In Torama's case, will only used at 40% or less HP, and will no longer use magic and instead use Bite and Blaster. Abadon, Torama
Stare Non-elemental magical damage as well as Poison, Confuse, Darkness, and Silence. Vysage
Steel Orb Non-elemental physical damage. Sacred
Stick Non-elemental physical damage. Slapper
Sticky Icky Non-elemental physical damage and Slow. Blobra
Sticky Web Inflicts Slow (lv20–29) / Stop (lv30+). Caterchipillar
Store Lasts 3 rounds, and only used if at least one other enemy is alive and isn't a SAM08G. SAM08G
Strike Non-elemental physical damage. Esthar Soldier (Human), Esthar Soldier (Cyborg), Raijin
Stronger Counter Rocket Non-elemental physical counterattack to physical attacks. Krysta
Stop Inflicts Stop on a target. Bahamut, Blobra, Chimera, Elastoid, Forbidden, Lefty, Ultimecia
Storm Breath Non-elemental magical damage to the party. Used every 3rd turn for Elvoret and 6th turn for Elnoyle. Elnoyle, Elvoret
Suck Non-elemental physical damage. Oilboyle
Suicide Used after using Grow twice. Inflicts damage equal to Bomb's Max HP x2. Never misses. Bomb
Super Arm Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Grand Mantis
Swipe Non-elemental physical damage. Armadodo, Death Claw, Elnoyle, Elvoret, Geezard, SAM08G
Sword Non-elemental physical damage. Iron Giant, Paratrooper, Red Giant
Sword Slash Non-elemental physical damage. Base Soldier, Forbidden, G-Soldier, Guard, Ultima Weapon, Wedge


Ability Description Enemy
Tail Non-elemental physical damage. Hits all when used by T-Rexaur, and always criticals when used by Cerberus under Triple status. Cerberus, T-Rexaur
Tail Bash Non-elemental physical damage. Caterchipillar
Tail Blade Non-elemental physical damage. Grendel
Tail Slap Non-elemental physical damage. Snow Lion
Tail Slash Non-elemental physical damage. Glacial Eye
Tail Needle Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Elnoyle
Tail Whip Non-elemental physical damage. Blue Dragon, Gayla
Telekinesis Non-elemental physical damage. Gesper
Telekinesis Non-elemental physical damage. Sorceress (A), Sorceress (B)
Tentacle Non-elemental physical counterattack. In Ochu's case, non-elemental physical damage and Poison. Jelleye, Ochu
Terra Break 16 hits of heavy non-elemental physical damage to random targets that ignore defense. Spell power of 15/hit. Omega Weapon
"Thank you!" Ends battle. PuPu
The horn broke off! Will only use Hind Kick and Ram. Can happen after any attack. Mesmerize
Thrust Non-elemental physical damage that always criticals. Forbidden
Thundaga Major Thunder-elemental damage. Bahamut, Behemoth, Belhelmel, Blitz, Buel, Catoblepas, Cerberus, Chimera, Creeps, Edea (1st), GIM52A, Imp, Jelleye, Lefty, Propagator, Sorceress (B), Sphinxaur, Ultimecia (1st)
Thundaga Major Thunder-elemental damage. Cannot be reflected. Charges Blitz. Blitz
Thundara Moderate Thunder-elemental damage. Base Leader, Belhelmel, Biggs (2nd), Blitz, Buel, Chimera, Creeps, Edea (2nd), GIM52A, Jelleye, Left Orb, Sorceress (A)
Thundara Moderate Thunder-elemental damage. Cannot be reflected. Charges Blitz. Blitz
Thunder Minor Thunder-elemental damage. Belhelmel, Biggs (1st), Blitz, Buel, Creeps, Elvoret, Grendel, Jelleye, Lefty, Sorceress (A), Torama
Thunder Minor Thunder-elemental damage. Cannot be reflected. Charges Blitz. Blitz
Thunder Summon Thunder-elemental damage to the party. Used after using Thundaga 3 times. Catoblepas
Tonberry fell over... Tonberry wastes a turn. Tonberry
Tornado Heavy Wind-elemental damage to the party. Spell power of 38. Bahamut, Behemoth, Cerberus, Chimera, Fujin, Imp, Left Orb, Ultimecia (1st), Vysage
Tornado Heavy Wind-elemental damage to the party. Spell power of 76. Ultimecia (Griever form)
Triple Allows target to cast 3 spells consecutively. Cerberus, Griever
Twin Homing Laser Non-elemental magical counterattack when probes are on main body and main body is attacked. Left Probe, Right Probe
Twin Laser Non-elemental physical counterattack. Helix


Ability Description Enemy
Ultima Heavy non-elemental damage to the party. Spell power of 80. Krysta, Sorceress (C)
Ultima Heavy non-elemental damage to the party. Spell power of 110. Adel, Omega Weapon, Ultimecia (Griever form), Ultimecia (Final)
Ultrasonic Waves Non-elemental magical damage and Sleep (lv1-19)/ Confuse (lv20+). Red Bat
Ultra Waves Non-elemental magical damage and Berserk to the party. Caterchipillar
Underground Attack Non-elemental physical damage. Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F
Upward Kick Non-elemental physical damage. Cockatrice


Ability Description Enemy
Vampire Steals HP to restore own HP. Only used when HP is below 25% in Glacial Eye's case. In Red Bat's case, only used if HP is below 50%. Glacial Eye, Grat, Red Bat
Vine Non-elemental physical damage. Grat


Ability Description Enemy
Walk Moves forward. Tonberry
Water Water-elemental damage. NORG
Wedge is pissed! Increases Strength and Magic. Used when HP is below 75%. Wedge (2nd)
Whip Non-elemental physical damage. Mobile Type 8
White Wind Restores HP equal to user's Max HP minus user's current HP to the party. Adamantoise
Wild Cannon Blow Non-elemental physical damage to party. Only used after 3x Store. SAM08G
Wind Blast Wind-elemental damage to the party. Only used when below 30% of Max HP. Thrustaevis
Wing Slash Non-elemental physical damage. Buel


Ability Description Enemy
Zan Non-elemental physical damage. Fujin
Zantetsuken Game Over. Only used if timer during battle runs out. Odin
Zombie Inflicts Zombie. Blood Soul, Sphinxara

