Final Fantasy Wiki
FFT Right Hand Icon
FFT Left Hand Icon

The following is a list of weapons from Final Fantasy Tactics and the remaster, The War of the Lions. The extra items introduced in the PSP version received from Multiplayer Mode will be unlocked after the player finishes the game in the mobile version. After the credits have finished rolling, the game will auto-save and all the PSP items will appear in the Poachers' Den. Multiplayer-exclusive weapons cannot be thrown with the Ninja's Throw command.

Some weapons are found as treasures on the battlefields with the Treasure Hunter ability. For the exact location on the grid, see the location article.


Axes can be wielded by Squires, Geomancers, and Onion Knights, though any job can equip them if the character has equipped the ability Equip Axes of the Squire. While Axes have higher attack power and can deal more damage than weapons available at the same time, their damage is random and they can do much less than other weapons. Axes cannot be used with Dual Wield, but can be used with Doublehand. Axes have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down, and can be bought at castle Outfitters.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
Battle Axe
9 0% 0 Outfitters: Lenalian Plateau (Chapter 1)
Poach: Wisenkin
Treasure: Fovoham Windflats (rare)
A battle axe with a long handle. Designed for two-handed use, it can easily chop off an enemy's limbs.
Giant Axe
12 0% 0 Outfitters: Cardinal Delacroix meeting at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2)
Poach: Wisenkin
An axe with a large head. Much bigger than the traditional woodman's axe, hence its name.
16 0% 0 Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3)
Poach: Minotaur
Catch: Level 90+ Ninja
Effect: Slow
This axe not only has impressive destructive power, but can also slow the actions of its target.
FFT Francisca
24 0% 0 Mode: Melee 10
This axe's small size belies its incredible destructive power.
FFT Golden Axe
Golden Axe
30 0% 0 Mode: Melee/Rendezvous 10
An axe said to have been a gift from spirits inhabiting a spring. Only the righteous may wield it.


Bags can only be worn by female characters regardless of class as well as Onion Knights. Bags do random damage similarly to Axes and Flails. Bags are the only weapons that Reis can equip. Bags cannot be dual-wielded, but can be used with Doublehand. Bags have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down, and can be bought at Outfitters not in castles, with the exception of the Outfitter at the Clockwork City of Goug.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Croakadile Bag
Croakadile Bag
(C Bag)
10 0% 1 Outfitters: Defeat Cúchulainn at Lionel Castle (Chapter 3)
Poach: Vampire Cat
Treasure: Monastery Vaults (Second Level)
Females only
An expensive designer handbag made of croakadile skin.
FFT Pantherskin Bag
Pantherskin Bag
(P Bag)
12 0% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Poach: Behemoth
Treasure: Finnath Creek (rare)
Equip: Regen
Females only
The design of this handbag is simple, yet fashionable.
FFT Hydrascale Bag
Hydrascale Bag
(H Bag)
14 0% Outfitters: Battle of Fort Besselat (Chapter 4)
Poach: Dragon
Treasure: Limberry Castle Undercroft (rare)
+1 Speed
Females only
A handbag studded with scales from a hydra.
FFT Fallingstar Bag
Fallingstar Bag
(FS Bag)
20 0% Poach: Wild Boar
Mode: Rendezvous
Females only
A custom-made handbag designed for battle.


Books can be wielded by Arithmeticians, Mystics, and Onion Knights. They have a range of exactly three, and enemies closer or further away cannot be targeted. Books cannot be used with Dual Wield nor Doublehand. Books have infinite vertical range and can be bought at trading cities' Outfitters.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Battle Folio
Battle Folio
(Battle Dict)
7 15% Outfitters: Cardinal Delacroix meeting at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Clockwork City of Goug (rare)
A book made for battle.
FFT Bestiary
(Monster Dict)
8 15% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3) 6000
A thick book describing various beasts.
FFT Papyrus Codex
Papyrus Codex
(Papyrus Plate)
9 15% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Free City of Bervenia (rare)
Catch: Level 90-94 Ninja
An ancient text bound in stone.
FFT Omnilex
11 15% Poach: Greater Malboro
Mode: Rendezvous
Catch: Level 95+ Ninjas
A book said to contain all words in all languages.


FFT Doublehand Icon

Bows can be wielded by Archers, Onion Knights, and Sky Pirates. Bows are the only ranged weapons that can fire in an arc to shoot around certain obstacles. They cannot be used with Dual Wield nor Doublehand. They have more range if it targets panels below the user's height. Weather effects and nighttime will penalize bows' accuracy. Bows have a horizontal range of 3–5, +1 for every two height levels that the shooter has over the target, but will reduce panels at 4 vertical range below an enemy, with none at 6 (firing upwards has limited range).

Damage calculation

Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Longbow
4 0% Outfitters: Dycedarg meeting at Eagrose Castle (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Brigands' Den (rare)
The most common type of bow. It has a long range and is quite durable.
FFT Silver Bow
Silver Bow
5 0% Outfitters: Lenalian Plateau (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Fovoham Windflats (rare)
A bow adorned with silver decorations. Thin metal plates help strengthen its wooden frame.
FFT Ice Bow
Ice Bow
5 0% Outfitters: Second battle Merchant City of Dorter (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Merchant City of Dorter (rare)
Element: Ice
A bow that shoots freezing arrows.
FFT Lightning Bow
Lightning Bow
6 0% Outfitters: Cardinal Delacroix meeting at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Clockwork City of Goug (rare)
Spell Effect: Thundara
Element: Lightning
This bow imbues arrows with the power and speed of lightning.
FFT Mythril Bow
Mythril Bow
7 0% Outfitters: Defeat Cúchulainn at Lionel Castle (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Mining Town of Gollund (rare) and Monastery Vaults Second Level (rare)
A bow strengthened by thin plates of mythril.
FFT Windslash Bow
Windslash Bow
8 0% Steal: Archers (Chapter 3)
Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Poach: Treant
Treasure: Dugeura Pass (rare)
Element: Wind
Arrows shot by this bow fly at extremely high speeds. The vacuum created by their flight increases their damage.
FFT Artemis Bow
Artemis Bow
(Ultimus Bow)
10 0% Mode: Melee/Rendezvous
Poach: Behemoth King, Random Archers (Chapter 4)
The bow of the goddess of the hunt.
FFT Yoichi Bow
Yoichi Bow
12 0% Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Mode: Rendezvous
The bow of a legendary archer. Its unusual size gives it incredible power.
FFT Perseus Bow
Perseus Bow
16 0% Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Mode: Rendezvous
The bow of a mythical hero. It is constructed entirely of metal and requires great strength to pull back.
FFT Sagittarius Bow
Sagittarius Bow
24 0% Mode: Rendezvous 10
An enormous bow that fires meteor-like arrows.


Cloths can be wielded by Dancers and Onion Knights. They have an unnaturally high Parry rate. Cloths cannot be used with Dual Wield nor Doublehand. Cloths have a horizontal range of 2 tiles and a vertical range of 3 tiles up and down, and Outfitters sell them at merchant cities.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Damask Cloth
Damask Cloth
8 50% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3) 7000
This cloth is thick and brilliantly colored, making it perfect for use in carpets.
FFT Cashmere
10 50% Outfitters: Walled City of Yardrow (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Lake Poescas (rare)
This warm and flexible woolen fabric is exquisitely soft to the touch.
FFT Wyrmweave Silk
Wyrmweave Silk (Ryozan Silk)
15 50% Poach: Tiamat
Mode: Rendezvous
A special process has been used to make this thin, smooth silk exceptionally durable.


Crossbows can be wielded by Archers, Onion Knights, Sky Pirates, and Divine Knights, though any job can equip them if the character has equipped the ability Equip Crossbows of the Archer. Weather effects and nighttime will penalize crossbows' accuracy. Crossbows cannot be used with Dual Wield nor Doublehand. Crossbows have a horizontal range of 3–4 tiles and an infinite vertical range, and are sold at castles and the Clockwork City of Goug.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Bowgun
3 5% Outfitters: Meeting with Dycedarg at Eagrose Castle (Chapter 1) 400
A crossbow that can be fired with one hand. Uses shorter bolts than a traditional crossbow.
FFT Knightslayer
(Night Killer)
3 5% Outfitters: Lenalian Plateau (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Fovoham Windflats (rare)
Effect: Blind
This crossbow fires specially fashioned bolts that contain a dose of blinding poison.
FFT Crossbow
4 5% Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Clockwork City of Goug (rare)
The firing mechanism of this crossbow has been improved upon, increasing its attack power.
FFT Poison Bow
Poison Bow
4 5% Outfitters: Defeat Cúchulainn at Lionel Castle (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Monastery Vaults Second Level (rare)
Effect: Poison
A crossbow that fires bolts dipped in poison. Includes a mechanism for handling the poisoned bolts.
FFT Hunting Bow
Hunting Bow
6 5% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Poach: Steelhawk
A crossbow mainly employed for hunting monsters.
FFT Gastrophetes
10 5% Outfitters: Battle of Fort Besselat (Chapter 4)
Treasure: Limberry Castle Undercroft (rare)
The most powerful crossbow ever created. Its unusual size gives it a very strong recoil.

Fell swords[]

Fell swords can be wielded by Dark Knights and Onion Knights. They gain extra damage for having low Faith. They must be used with two hands, and thus cannot be used with Dual Wield, Doublehand, nor with a shield. Fell swords have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Chaosbringer
16 0% Mode: Melee 10
Effect: Blind
Element: Dark
The wielder of this sword bears the sins of his previous lives, robbing him or her of all hope.
FFT Deathbringer
20 0% Mode: Rendezvous 10
Effect: Doom
Element: Dark
This sword brings death to all those who kill in the name of truth and justice.
FFT Arondight
24 0% Mode: Melee 10
Effect: Slow
Element: Dark
It is said that a witch bestowed this sword to a knight who died an unnatural death.
FFT Balmung
32 0% Mode: Melee 10
Effect: Stop
Element: Dark
A sword said to have been wielded by a hero from the north. A blue jewel is embedded in its broad handle.
FFT Valhalla
40 0% Mode: Rendezvous 10
Effect: KO
Element: Dark
A tainted blade spoken of in legends about the end of the world, said to feed upon the souls of its victims.


Flails can be wielded by Squires, Ninjas, Onion Knights, and Game Hunters. They have a higher damage potential than other weapons available at the same time, but they can also do less damage. Flails can be used with Dual Wield and Doublehand. Flails have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down, and are only sold at merchant cities.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Iron Flail
Iron Flail
9 0% Outfitters: Balias Swale (Chapter 2)
Treasure: First battle Mining Town of Gollund (rare)
A weapon comprised of a large iron head attached to a long wooden handle.
FFT Flame Mace
Flame Mace
(Flame Whip)
11 0% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3) 4000
Spell Effect: Fira
Element: Fire
The head of this large mace is enveloped in flames.
FFT Morning Star
Morning Star
16 0% Outfitters: Walled City of Yardrow (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Mount Germinas (rare)
A large spiked metal ball attached by chain to a wooden pole.
FFT Scorpion Tail
Scorpion Tail
23 0% Poach: Hydra
Mode: Rendezvous
Catch: Level 90+ Ninja
A large morning star with a single spike attached to it.
FFT Vesper
36 0% Mode: Melee 10
A weapon named after the evenstar.


Guns can be wielded by Chemists, Orators, Onion Knights, Machinists, and Sky Pirates, though any job can equip them if the character has the Orator's Equip Guns skill. Magic guns operate on a different formula than normal guns, as they use the user's Faith for damage calculation. They will cast a level 1 spell 60% of the time, level 2 30%, and a level 3 10% of the time. In the PS1 version, the names of the Blaze and Glacial/Glacier Guns were mixed up. Guns have a horizontal range of 3–8 tiles, while having infinite vertical range and 100% accuracy if the line of sight is not blocked by an obstacle. The guns that can be bought can only be done so at the Clockwork City of Goug. The Stoneshooter can be safely used with Reequip so long as the character switches the gun out before the start of the next battle, which will Petrify them.

Normal gun damage calculation

Magic gun damage calculation

Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Romandan Pistol
Romandan Pistol
(Romanda Gun)
6 5% Outfitters: Clockwork City of Goug (Chapter 2) 5000
A firearm brought to Ivalice from the northern country of Romanda.
FFT Mythril Gun
Mythril Gun
8 5% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3)
Poach: Revenant
Treasure: Mining Town of Gollund (rare)
The barrel of this firearm has been fashioned from mythril.
FFT Ras Algethi
Ras Algethi
12 5% Mode: Rendezvous
Initial: Balthier
A firearm named for Ras Algethi, the star that forms the Kneeler's head.
FFT Stoneshooter
16 5% Steal: Enemies
Poach: Dark Behemoth
Equip: Stone
A firearm with the power to petrify.
FFT Fomalhaut
18 5% Mode: Melee/Rendezvous 10
A firearm named for the brightest star in the Whale's Maw.
FFT Glacial Gun
Glacial Gun
(Blaze Gun)
20 5% Steal: Enemies
Mode: Melee/Rendezvous
Attacks either with Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga.
Element: Ice
A firearm that shoots freezing bullets.
FFT Blaze Gun
Blaze Gun
(Glacier Gun)
21 5% Steal: Enemies
Mode: Melee/Rendezvous
Attacks either with Fire/Fira/Firaga.
Element: Fire
A firearm that shoots flaming bullets.
FFT Blaster
(Blast Gun)
22 5% Steal: Enemies
Mode: Rendezvous
Attacks either with Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga.
Element: Lightning
A firearm that shoots electrically charged bullets.


Instruments were called Harps in the PS1 version. They can be wielded by Bards and Onion Knights. Instruments, like Books, have a set range of three and are unable to target panels closer or farther away. Instruments cannot be used with Dual Wield or Doublehand. Instruments have a horizontal range of 3 and an infinite vertical range, and can be bought at merchant towns' Outfitters.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Lamia's Harp
Lamia's Harp
10 10% Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Clockwork City of Goug (rare)
Effect: Confuse
The strains of this harp can affect one's very soul. Causes confusion in the listener.
FFT Bloodstring Harp
Bloodstring Harp
(Bloody Strings)
13 10% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Free City of Bervenia (rare)
Absorbs foe's HP
A harp with a rich timbre and wide tonal range.
FFT Faerie Harp
Fairie Harp (Fairy Harp)
15 10% Treasure: Midlight's Deep

Poach: Treant
Mode: Rendezvous

Effect: Charm
The pure sound of this harp can charm its user's enemies.


Katana can be wielded by Samurai, Onion Knights, and Sword Saints, though any job can equip them if the character has equipped the ability Equip Katana of the Samurai. Katana have a second purpose: they are required for the Samurai ability Iaido. Katana can be used with Dual Wield and Doublehand. Katana have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down and can be bought at merchant towns' Outfitters.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Ashura
(Asura Knife)
7 15% Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2) 1600
A katana with a brilliant white blade.
FFT Kotesu
(Koutetsu Knife)
8 15% Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2) 3000
A katana whose blade is adorned with a breathtaking carving of a tiger.
FFT Osafune
(Bizen Boat)
9 15% Outfitters: Balias Swale (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Lionel Castle (rare)
A katana with a blade forged of the finest iron sand by master swordsmith Nagamitsu Osafune.
FFT Murasame
10 15% Outfitters: Defeat Cúchulainn at Lionel Castle (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Monastery Vaults Second Level (rare)
A peculiar sword. Causes much blood shed in battle with its sharp edge.
FFT Ama-no-Murakumo
(Heaven's Cloud)
11 15% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Grogh Heights (rare)
This katana's design was inspired by a legendary blade said to have been plucked from the tail of a marauding dragon.
FFT Kiyomori
12 15% Outfitters: Walled City of Yardrow (Chapter 3) 10000
This exquisitely crafted katana has a beautifully patterned blade and an incredible cutting edge.
FFT Muramasa
14 15% Outfitters: The Horror of Riovanes (Chapter 4)
Treasure: Limberry Castle Keep (rare)
Referred to as a demon sword, this katana was said to drink the blood of countless enemies.
FFT Kiku-ichimoji
15 15% Outfitters: Battle of Fort Besselat (Chapter 4)
Treasure: Fort Besselat North Wall (rare)
Catch: Level 90-94 Ninja
A katana with a hilt in the shape of a chrysanthemum.
FFT Masamune
18 15% Mode: Rendezvous
Steal: Elmdore (PS1), female Samurai Bremondt's fight (PSP)
Catch: Level 95 Ninja
This katana's sheath is inlaid with beautiful patterns. It is the life's work of a master swordsmith.
FFT Chirijiraden
25 15% Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Mode: Rendezvous
Caught: Level 96+ Ninja
This katana is decorated with intricate designs.


Knives can be wielded by Squires, Chemists, Thieves, Orators, Ninja, Dancers, Onion Knights, Game Hunters, and Sky Pirates. Their attack is calculated using the wielder's Speed, which makes them beneficial for Thieves and Ninja. Knives can be used with Dual Wield, but they cannot be used with Doublehand. Knives have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down, and are sold at the Magick City of Gariland and castles.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Dagger
3 5% Outfitters: Magick City of Gariland (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Mandalia Plains (rare)
Used for self-defense. Although its blade is longer than that of a normal knife, its attack power is rather low.
FFT Mythril Knife
Mythril Knife
4 5% Outfitters: Meeting with Dycedarg at Eagrose Castle (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Merchant City of Dorter and Mining Town of Gollund (rare)
A sturdy, well-balanced knife forged from the featherlight metal known as mythril.
FFT Blind Knife
Blind Knife
4 5% Outfitters: Zeklaus Desert (Chapter 1) 800
Effect: Blind
A knife quenched in an insidious poison that robs its victim of sight.
FFT Mage Masher
Mage Masher
4 5% Outfitters: Lenalian Plateau (Chapter 1)
Poach: Gobbledygook
Treasure: Windmill Hut (rare)
Effect: Silence
Created especially for the purpose of fighting mages, this knife has the power to silence its target.
FFT Platinum Dagger
Platinum Dagger
5 10% Outfitters: Zeirchele Falls (Chapter 2)
Poach: Floating Eye, Poach Malboro
A knife with a blade made of a lustrous white alloy of mythril and platinum.
FFT Main Gauche
Main Gauche
6 40% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3)
Poach: Gobbledygook, Ghast
Treasure: Grogh Heights (rare)
This knife gives the wielder a good chance of blocking attacks, making it useful for both offense and defense.
FFT Orichalcum Dirk
Orichalcum Dirk
7 5% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3) 4000
A knife made of an exceedingly hard metal. Light and sharp.
FFT Assassin's Dagger
Assassin's Dagger
7 5% Outfitters: Walled City of Yardrow (Chapter 3) 5000
Effect: Doom.
Popular among assassins, this dagger has the power to doom its victims to certain death.
FFT Air Knife
Air Knife
10 5% Outfitters: Battle of Fort Besselat (Chapter 4)
Poach: Ahriman
Treasure: Fort Besselat North Wall (rare)
Catch: Level 90-94 Ninja
Element: Wind
This knife's special wave-shaped blade creates a vacuum when swung through the air, increasing its killing power.
FFT Zwill Straightblade
Zwill Straightblade
(Zorlin Shape)
12 10% Poach: Plague Horror
Mode: Melee
Catch: Level 95+ Ninja
Effect: Sleep
A knife manufactured in a region renowned for its blades.

Knight's swords[]

Knight's swords can be wielded by Ramza's Squire job (Chapter IV), Knights, Dark Knights, Onion Knights, Holy Knights, Game Hunters, Sky Pirates, Sword Saints, Templars, and Divine Knights. Knight's swords are generally more powerful than normal swords and give beneficial status effects. Knight's sword can be used with Dual Wield and Doublehand. Knight's swords have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down, and cannot be bought at any outfitters.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Defender
16 60% Mode: Rendezvous
Poach: Elder Treant
Steal: Meliadoul (as enemy), Dycedarg
Catch: Level 92-94 Ninja
A broad-bladed knight's sword made from hardened steel. Jewels have been embedded in its rounded pommel.
FFT Save the Queen
Save the Queen
18 30% Initial: Meliadoul
Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Mode: Melee/Rendezvous
Catch: Level 95 Ninja
Equip: Protect
A knight's sword given as a symbol of an oath of fealty.
FFT Excalibur
21 35% Mode: Rendezvous
Initial: Orlandeau
Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Catch: Level 96 Ninja
Equip: Haste
Absorbs: Holy
Boosts: Holy
It is said that only the true heir to the throne can wield this legendary knight's sword.
FFT Ragnarok
24 20% Mode: Rendezvous
Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Catch: Level 97 Ninja
Other: Last Battle
Equip: Shell
This knight's sword is mentioned in tales about the end of the world.
FFT Durandal
26 40% Mode: Rendezvous 10
Equip: Shell, Protect
Element: Holy
A holy knight's sword said to have been forged by spirits.
FFT Chaos Blade
Chaos Blade
40 20% Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Mode: Rendezvous
Catch: Level 98-99 Ninja
Equip: Regen
Effect: Stone
This holy knight's sword is said to have been a gift from the gods themselves.

Ninja Blades[]

Ninja Blades can be wielded by Ninja, Onion Knights, and Sword Saints. They are similar to knives, as they also use the wielder's Speed stat to calculate damage. Ninja Blades can be used with Dual Wield and Doublehand. Ninja Blades have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down and can only be bought at merchant cities.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Ninja Blade
Ninja Blade
(Hidden Knife)
8 5% Outfitters: Defeat Cúchulainn at Lionel Castle (Chapter 3) 3000
A sword specially tailored to the needs of ninjas. Its blade is shorter than that of the average sword.
FFT Kunai
(Ninja Knife)
9 5% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3)
Poach: Ghoul
Treasure: Grogh Heights (rare)
A multipurpose sword for ninjas.
FFT Kodachi
(Short Edge)
10 5% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3) 7000
This sword's short, lightweight blade makes it very easy to carry.
FFT Ninja Longblade
Ninja Longblade
(Ninja Edge)
12 5% Outfitters: Walled City of Yardrow (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Mount Germinas (rare)
A sword with a longer blade than that of a normal ninja sword, making it more suitable for use in battle.
FFT Spellbinder
(Spell Edge)
13 5% Outfitters: The Horror of Riovanes (Chapter 4)
Treasure: Limberry Castle Keep (rare)
Catch: Level 90-94 Ninja
Effect: Disable
A sword with the power to stop its targets in their tracks, preventing them from taking any actions.
FFT Sasuke's Blade
Sasuke's Blade
(Sasuke Knife)
14 15% Steal: Agrias's sidequest
Treasure: Nelveska Temple
Mode: Rendezvous
Catch: Level 95 Ninja
A legendary ninja's sword.
FFT Koga Blade
Koga Blade
15 5% Treasure: Midlight's Deep
Catch: Level 96+ Ninja
A powerful ninja sword that was once used by a secret society.
FFT Iga Blade
Iga Blade
15 10% Treasure: Midlight's Deep 10
An exquisitely crafted ninja sword that was once used by a secret society.
FFT Orochi
20 5% Mode: Melee 10
Absorbs foe's HP
A katana that strikes like a savage serpent.
FFT Moonsilk Blade
Moonsilk Blade
26 5% Mode: Melee 10
The creator of this masterpiece learned the art of swordcraft in a faraway land.


Poles can be wielded by Arithmeticians, Mystics, and Onion Knights. They have a range of two, which allows the user to avoid counterattacks. Because their power is calculated using the wielder's magickal attack, it allows Mystics to deal decent damage with physical attacks. Poles cannot be used with Dual Wield, but they be used with Doublehand. Poles have a vertical range of 3 tiles up and down, and can be bought at all Outfitters bar those in the Clockwork City of Goug and castles.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Cypress Pole
Cypress Pole
6 20% Outfitters: Zeirchele Falls (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Castled City of Zaland (rare)
A pole carved from the wood of a cypress.
FFT Battle Bamboo
Battle Bamboo
7 20% Outfitters: Cardinal Delacroix meeting at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Balias Swale (rare)
A thin and supple bamboo pole that bends lithely when swung through the air.
FFT Musk Pole
Musk Pole
8 20% Outfitters: Defeat Cúchulainn at Lionel Castle (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Monastery Vaults Second Level (rare)
A pole crafted from wood that emits a musky scent. It is in the shape of a large ladle.
FFT Iron Fan
Iron Fan
9 20% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3) 4000
The ribs of this enormous fan are made of iron. When folded up, it may be employed as a pole in battle.
FFT Gokuu Pole
Gokuu Pole
10 20% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Free City of Bervenia (rare)
Effect: Atheist.
One strike from this pole can cause the target to lose his faith.
FFT Ivory Pole
Ivory Pole
11 20% Poach: Sekhret
Catch: Level 95 Ninja
A pole made from specially treated ivory. It is surprisingly strong, despite its fragile appearance.
FFT Eight-fluted Pole
Eight-fluted Pole(Octagon Rod)
12 20% Outfitters: Battle of Fort Besselat (Chapter 4)
Treasure: Limberry Castle Undercroft (rare)
Catch: Level 90-94 Ninja
Removes: Blind, Silence, Oil, Toad, Poison, Slow, Stop, Immobilize, Disable
A shaft of boxwood, carved into a hexagonal shape and reinforced with metal plates.
FFT Whale Whisker
Whale Whisker
16 20% Poach: Tiamat
Mode: Melee
Catch: Level 96+ Ninja
A pole made from a dark material that is neither wood nor metal. Some say it is a dire whale's whisker.


Rods can be wielded by Black Mages, Summoners, Mystics, and Onion Knights. They usually boost certain spells or casting ability. Rods can be used with Dual Wield but cannot be used with Doublehand. Rods have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down and can be bought at all Outfitters bar those in the Clockwork City of Goug or castles.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
3 20% Outfitters: Magick City of Gariland (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Mandalia Plains (rare)
A rod fashioned from evergreen wood.
FFT Thunder Rod
Thunder Rod
3 20% Outfitters: Zeklaus Desert (Chapter 1) 400
Boosts: Lightning
Spell Effect: Thunder
Element: Lightning
A rod imbued with the power of thunder.
FFT Flame Rod
Flame Rod
3 20% Outfitters: Zeklaus Desert (Chapter 1)
Poach: Bomb
Treasure: Brigands' Den (rare)
Boosts: Fire
Spell Effect: Fire
Element: Fire
A rod imbued with the power of fire.
FFT Ice Rod
Ice Rod
3 20% Outfitters: Zeklaus Desert (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Brigands' Den (rare)
Boosts: Ice
Spell Effect: Blizzard
Element: Ice
A rod imbued with the power of ice.
FFT Poison Rod
Poison Rod
3 20% Outfitters: Zeirchele Falls (rare) 500
Effect: Poison
A rod with a poisoned tip.
FFT Wizard's Rod
Wizard's Rod
(Wizard Rod)
4 20% 2 Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Poach: Dark Behemoth, Treant
Treasure: Dugeura Pass (rare)
A rod that enhances the magickal potency of its wielder.
FFT Dragon Rod
Dragon Rod
5 20% Steal: Summoner (Mullonde Cathedral, battle 1), Cletienne Duroi (Mullonde Cathedral)
Poach: Blue Dragon
Mode: Rendezvous
A rod wielded by a dragon master. Its tip is made from carved dragon bone.
FFT Rod of Faith
Rod of Faith
(Faith Rod)
5 20% Treasure: Midlight's Deep 10
Equip: Faith
Effect: Faith
This rod purges doubt from those it touches, turning them into pillars of faith.
FFT Stardust Rod
Stardust Rod
5 20% 3 Mode: Rendezvous 10
Spell Effect: Gravity
A rod tipped with a meteorite fragment.
FFT Crown Sceptre
Crown Sceptre
5 20% 4 Mode: Rendezvous 10
A magicked rod wielded by members of the royal guard.


Polearms (Spears on the PS1) can be wielded by Dragoons, Onion Knights, Sky Pirates, and Divine Knights. Any job can equip them if the character has equipped the ability Equip Polearm of the Dragoon. Polearms have a range of 2, which allows the user to dodge counters from weapons that only have a range of one. Polearms cannot be used with Dual Wield, but they can be used with Doublehand. Polearms have a vertical range of 3 tiles up and down, and can be bought at Outfitters in castles.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Javelin 1
8 10% Outfitters: Second battle Merchant City of Dorter (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Balias Swale (rare)
A light and inexpensive spear. Allows the wielder to attack enemies within a range of two tiles.
FFT Spear
9 10% Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2)
Treasure: First battle Mining Town of Gollund (rare)
The most commonly used type of spear. Distinguished by its especially long reach.
FFT Mythril Spear
Mythril Spear
10 10% Outfitters: Defeat Cúchulainn at Lionel Castle (Chapter 3) 4500
The tip of this spear is made from the valuable metal known as mythril.
FFT Partisan
11 10% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Poach: Bonesnatch
Treasure: Free City of Bervenia (rare)
A polearm tipped with a broad, double-edged blade. Its design increases the damage it causes.
FFT Obelisk
12 10% Outfitters: Battle of Fort Besselat (Chapter 4)
Treasure: Limberry Castle Undercroft (rare)
Catch: Level 90-94 Ninja
A hefty spear fitted with an obelisk-shaped head.
FFT Holy Lance
Holy Lance
14 10% Poach: Sekhret
Mode: Rendezvous
Catch: Level 95 Ninja
Spell Effect: Holy
Element: Holy
This sacred weapon shines a brilliant blue.
FFT Dragon Whisker
Dragon Whisker
17 10% Poach: Red Dragon
Mode: Melee/Rendezvous
Catch: Level 96 Ninja
A spear made from a mysterious material that is neither wood nor metal. Some say it is a dragon's whisker.
FFT Gae Bolg
Gae Bolg
24 15% Mode: Melee 10
A spear said to have been wielded by a child of the gods. Merely lifting it requires great strength.
FFT Gungnir
29 15% Mode: Rendezvous 10
Element: Lightning
A spear with the power to pierce anything.
FFT Javelin 2
Javelin "II"
30 10% Treasure: Nelveska Temple
Catch: Level 97+ Ninja
This spear has unmatched attack power.


Staves can be wielded by White Mages, Time Mages, Summoners, Mystics, and Onion Knights. Staves sometimes boost magickal attack and they have higher attack power than rods. Staves can be used with Dual Wield and Doublehand. Staves have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down and can be bought at Outfitters not located in castles or the Clockwork City of Goug.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Oak Staff
Oak Staff
3 15% Outfitters: Magick City of Gariland (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Mandalia Plains (rare)
A staff made from sturdy oak.
FFT White Staff
White Staff
3 15% Outfitters: Zeklaus Desert (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Brigands' Den (rare)
Removes: Doom
A staff carried by members of the clergy.
FFT Mage's Staff
Mage's Staff
(Wizard Staff)
4 15% 1 Outfitters: Balias Swale (Chapter 2)
Treasure: First battle Mining Town of Gollund (rare)
This cypress staff increases the magick power of its owner.
FFT Healing Staff
Healing Staff
4 15% Initial: Alma
Poach: Dryad
Treasure: Eagrose Castle (rare)
Mode: Rendezvous
Heals target.
A staff imbued with the power of spirits. Has the power to restore HP to those it hits.
FFT Serpent Staff
Serpent Staff
(Rainbow Staff)
5 15% Outfitters: Zeirchele Falls (Chapter 2)
Treasure: Castled City of Zaland (rare)
A staff with a giant serpent scale embedded in its tip.
FFT Nirvana
5 15% 3 Mode: Melee 10
Element: Holy
A staff that can only be mastered by the enlightened.
FFT Dreamwaker
5 15% 4 Mode: Rendezvous 10
A powerful staff said to give life to its owner's dreams.
FFT Golden Staff
Golden Staff

(Gold Staff)

6 15% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Poach: Treant
Treasure: Dugeura Pass (rare)
A shiny staff decorated with gold.
FFT Zeus Mace
Zeus Mace

(Mace of Zeus)

6 15% 1 Treasure: Midlight's Deep 10
Physical Atk+2.
A staff that increases the strength of its user.
FFT Staff of the Magi
Staff of the Magi
(Sage Staff)
7 15% Treasure: Midlight's Deep 10
An ordinary wooden staff that one might find anywhere.


Swords can be wielded by Squires, Knights, Geomancers, Dark Knights, Onion Knights, Holy Knights, Game Hunters, Sky Pirates, Sword Saints, Divine Knights, and Soldiers, though any job can equip them if the character has equipped the ability Equip Swords of the Knight. Swords can be used with Dual Wield and Doublehand. Swords have a vertical range of 2 tiles up and 3 tiles down. Most swords can only be bought at the Outfitters in castles, but the Broadsword can be also bought at the Magick City of Gariland, presumably so players can begin using the Knight job at the start of the game.

Damage calculation
Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Nagrarok
1 50% Poach: Swine
Mode: Rendezvous
Catch: Level 95 Ninja
Effect: Toad
This dark blade is mentioned in legends about the end of the world.
FFT Broadsword
4 5% Outfitters: Magick City of Gariland (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Mandalia Plains (rare)
This broad-bladed sword is suited for large slashing strokes. It is inexpensive, but not particularly powerful.
FFT Long Sword
5 10% Outfitters: Dycedarg meeting at Eagrose Castle (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Merchant City of Dorter (rare)
This straight and sharp double-edged blade can be used for either stabbing or slashing.
FFT Iron Sword
Iron Sword
6 5% Outfitters: Zeklaus Desert (Chapter 1) 900
This sword has a broad and sturdy blade, but its iron construction makes it very heavy.
FFT Mythril Sword
Mythril Sword
7 8% Outfitters: Lenalian Plateau (Chapter 1)
Treasure: Fovoham Windflats (rare), Mining Town of Gollund (rare)
A sword forged from the metal known as mythril. Its brilliantly shining blade is incredibly lightweight.
FFT Coral Sword
Coral Sword
8 5% Outfitters: Zeirchele Falls (Chapter 2)
Poach: Minotaur
Element: Lightning
The handle of this single-edged sword has been decorated with intricate coral piecework.
FFT Blood Sword
Blood Sword
8 5% Steal: Gaffgarion at Golgollada Gallows
Poach: Hydra
Treasure: Eagrose Castle (rare)
Mode: Melee
Absorbs foe's HP
The blade of this sword is a deep crimson, as if it were drenched in blood. It is cruelly sharp.
FFT Ancient Sword
Ancient Sword
9 5% Steal: Gaffgarion at Lionel Castle
Outfitters: From Chapter 3 onwards
Poach: Gobbledygook
Effect: Immobilize
A sword constructed using ancient techniques that have long since perished from the world.
FFT Sleep Blade
Sleep Blade
(Sleep Sword)
9 5% Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3)
Poach: Squidraken
Treasure: Grogh Heights (rare)
Effect: Sleep
A wide-bladed sword with a midnight blue handle.
FFT Diamond Sword
Diamond Sword
10 10% Outfitters: Orbonne Monastery (Chapter 3)
Poach: Treant
Treasure: Dugeura Pass (rare)
The countless tiny diamonds embedded into this sword's blade saw into its victims, causing great damage.
FFT Materia Blade
Materia Blade
10 10% Treasure: Bervenia Volcano
Mode: Melee/Rendezvous
Catch: Level 96+ Ninja
A sword of extraplanar origin.
FFT Platinum Sword
Platinum Sword
12 10% Outfitters: Walled City of Yardrow (Chapter 3)
Treasure: Mount Germinas (rare)
A shining sword made of a lustrous white alloy of mythril and platinum. Its broad blade is wickedly sharp.
FFT Icebrand
13 10% Outfitters: The Horror of Riovanes (Chapter 4)
Initial: Luso
Spell Effect: Blizzara
Element: Ice
A sword with a transparent blade that resembles ice.
FFT Runeblade

(Rune Blade)

14 15% 2 Outfitters: Battle of Fort Besselat (Chapter 4)
Treasure: Fort Besselat North Wall (rare)
Catch: Level 90-94 Ninja
A sword inscribed with ancient runes.
FFT Moonblade
20 15% Mode: Rendezvous 10
Equip: Haste
A sword that glitters cruelly like a crescent moon.
FFT Onion Sword
Onion Sword
50 15% Mode: Melee 10
Onion Knight only
A blade forged for swordsmen who have mastered every technique and achieved knighthood's most exalted rank.

Throwing weapons[]

The following items are used by Ninjas or any other unit with the Throw command. They are sold at all Outfitters bar the places that have a castle.

Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
FFT Shuriken
4 Outfitters: Second battle Merchant City of Dorter (Chapter 2) 50
A throwing weapon for ninjas. It spins in the air before hitting its target.
FFT Fuma Shuriken
Fuma Shuriken
(Magic Shuriken)
7 Outfitters: Royal City of Lesalia (Chapter 3) 300
A pinwheel-shaped throwing star that flies at very high speeds.
FFT Yagyu Darkrood
Yagyu Darkrood
(Yagyu Darkness)
10 Outfitters: The Horror of Riovanes at Riovanes Castle (Chapter 4) 1000
A cross-shaped throwing star used by a famous ninja school. Its blades are serrated for maximum damage.
FFT Flameburst Bomb
Flameburst Bomb
(Fire Ball)
8 Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2) 250
Element: Fire
An explosive sphere that deals fire damage when thrown.
FFT Snowmelt Bomb
Snowmelt Bomb
(Water Ball)
8 Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2) 250, Poach Bomb
Element: Water
An explosive sphere that deals water damage when thrown.
FFT Spark Bomb
Spark Bomb
(Lightning Ball)
8 Outfitters: Meeting with Cardinal Delacroix at Lionel Castle (Chapter 2) 250
Element: Lightning
An explosive sphere that deals lightning damage when thrown.


Characters that do not have any weapons equipped will fight unarmed for minimal damage, and damage can be boosted by having a greater Bravery.

The damage formula is:


If they have the Brawler support ability, innate to the Monk job and also learned for 200 JP, damage is boosted, and the formula becomes:

A unit can be forced to fight unarmed if they are struck by the Knight and Nightblade's Rend Weapon ability or by the Sword Saint, Divine Knight, and Delita's Ark Knight's Crush Weapon ability, or if they had the weapon stolen from them. Unarmed has a vertical range of 2 up and 3 down.

Weapon Atk Def Mag Pwr Acquisition Cost
Unarmed 0 0% Anytime
Default weapon equipped when not equip with a weapon.

Unused weapon types[]

Found within the weapons' graphical in-battle sprites within the game's data, there are two unused weapons among the various weapon and shield sprites. The first appears to be a boomerang, while the second is a doll. It is unknown if the doll would have been used as a weapon or a shield, as the graphics contain both intermixed together. The reason for why these equipment pieces not appear within the final product is unknown, but it could be assumed that the developers could not make them return to the owner's hand after attacking a target, much like how boomerangs behave or the doll walking back to the owner.

Other appearances[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]

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Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Pictlogica Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Rise of Mana[]

The Chirijiraden and Moonblade are wielded by Cidolfus Orlandeau and Agrias Oaks respectably.

