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The following is a list of all statuses found in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift.

List of statuses[]


FFTA2 Addle Status Symbol

Units affected by Addle will not be able to remember any ability they have mastered, including Reaction and Support (if it plays any role in battle). Addle has an effective period of three turns. On the third turn, the effect wears off.

Addle can be caused by the following abilities: Ninjas and Assassins' Oblivion, Hunters' Counter Force (only effective on monsters), the Heritor's Nesiaam, Plagues' Dread, Liliths' Eternal Oblivion, Thunder Drakes' Shockbolt, and Deathscythes' Steal Thoughts.


Berserk can be inflicted through the Trickster ability Snigger, the Soldier ability Provoke, the Animist ability Catnip, the support ability Critical: Berserk, or through the use of the enemy ability Tomato Ketchup.

The Berserk status makes the afflicted uncontrollable and the unit will only use the Fight command. The afflicted's Attack is raised.

FFTA2 Berserk Status Symbol



FFTA2 Barrage Status Symbol


The Blind status only reduces Accuracy. It can be inflicted by Archer's Blackout, the Gunner's Blindshot, Elementalist's Shining Air, and Lanista's Haunting Vision.




Charmed units flash red. Charm differs from the Confuse in that units afflicted by Confuse sometimes have a chance to attack enemy units, while charmed units will always fight for the enemy side. Charm can be inflicted by the following abilities: Lamias' Kiss, Dreamhares' Illude, Ahrimans' Bewitching Gaze, Cassies' Honeyed Breath, White Puddings' Simper, the Drake family's Mesmerize, the Archer technique Cupid, the Trickster skill Charisma and the Fusilier skill Charmshot. Traps that inflict Charm are sometimes laid throughout a battlefield. Charm can be removed by hitting the afflicted with a physical attack, a Knot of Rust, or the ability Unspell.


Confused units flash purple. They attack both friend and foe alike and choose abilities at random, even if this will break the Law. Confused units may also sometimes just move into a corner and face it, leaving their backs open to attack. Other times confused units simply move in a seemingly random manner and take no action.

Confuse can be inflicted by the following abilities: the Ninja's Fire Veil, the Parivir's Shimmering Blade, the Blue Mage's Screech, the Dragoon's Bangaa Cry, the Elementalist's Evil Gaze, the Spellblade's Confusion Blade, the Fusilier's Confushot, the Juggler's Ball Toss, the Heritor's Hilo, the Wolf family's Screech, the Werewolf family's Howl, the Ahriman family's Demonic Gaze, the Thunder Drake's Shockbolt, the Malboro family's Putrid Breath, the Rafflesia's Bewildered Cloud, and the Neukhia's Apocalypse.

Confuse can be removed by hitting the afflicted with a physical attack or a Knot of Rust.


Disable prevents the afflicted from taking actions. It can be caused by the following abilities: Archer's Arm Shot, the Elementalist's Fire Whip, the Juggler's Dagger, the Ranger's Mirror Bandage (though it requires a Bandage), the Raptor's Shield Bash, the Geomancer's Earth's Embrace, the Plague's Dread, the Toughskin's Resonate, and the Deathscythe family's Shackle.

Disable is removed by the Bandage and Remedy items, the White Mage's Esuna and Refresh spells, and the Sage's Esunaga.


The afflicted with Doom will be KOed once three turns have passed, unless the afflicted is an undead unit, in which case it will be fully healed.

Doom can be inflicted by the Sniper ability Death Sickle, and sometimes by the Assassin ability Nightmare. The Master Monk has a chance of causing Doom (along with damage) when it uses its Lifebane ability, as well as the Blue Magic spell Doom. The Fencer can inflict Doom with her Checkmate, and the Parivir with Lifethread Blade. The Tinker can use Black Ingot to inflict Doom to either enemies or allies. The Deathscythe's Doom, the Lamashtu's Eternal Sleep, and the Upsilon's Beguile can also inflict Doom. The Scion Zalera can inflict both Doom and Sleep on all enemies.

Doom can be removed through the White Mage's Refresh ability, the Sage's Esunaga, or by being hit with the White Staff.


Haste is achieved through the triggering of the reaction ability Critical: Haste, the Time Mage spells Haste and Hastega, the Tinker ability Red Spring. On the enemy's side, Hoppy Bunnies' Go-Go Dance, Asha's Light Curtain, the Cockatrice family's Scurry, and Illua's Sheol can bestow Haste as well.

It boosts a unit's Speed and lasts 2 turns.


Immobilize prevents the afflicted unit from moving. It lasts until the afflicted has taken three turns.

Immobilize can be caused by the following abilities: an Archer's Arm Shot, a Ninja's Wood Veil, a Parivir's Blade Bash, an Elementalist's Boulder Crush, a Spellblade's Stun Blade, Ranger's Mirror Bandage (though it requires a Bandage) or a Geomancer's Life's Embrace. On the enemy's side, the Werewolf family's Assault, the Wolf family's Chilling Blow, the Malboro family's Goo, the Great Tortoise family's Headbutt, Deathscythes' Shackle, Illua's Sheol, the Demon Wall and the Neukhia's Shining Darkness and Telega, and the Yowie's Stun Crash can all inflict Immobilize.

Immobilize is removed by the Bandage and Remedy items, the White Mage's Esuna and Refresh spells, and the Sage's Esunaga.


Invisible is granted by the following abilities: the Sniper's Vanish, the Ranger's Camouflage, and Hurdy's Hide. An invisible character cannot be targeted by another unit unless the attacker possesses the Reveal support ability, or the invisible unit has already been targeted by a Cannoneer's Target ability before turning invisible (in which case the attack will hit anyway). Once an invisible unit attacks, the buff will disappear. The Blue Magick Bad Breath can turn an invisible unit into visible and cause the usual debuffs, and the Ranger's Awareness ability will remove invisibility of units in the battlefield.




Per usual, it increases the amount of damage a unit take from fire element attacks. A Green Mage can learn the Oil spell, and a Blue Mage can learn Unction from a Red Marshmallow, both of which inflict the Oil status. A Spellblade can learn Oil Blade from the Broadsword. Oil is cured by the Handkerchief or Remedy items.

FFTA2 Oil Status Symbol


Poisoned characters will flash green. Poison makes the afflicted lose 1/10 of their maximum HP at the beginning of their turn. It is the opposite of the Regen status.

Poison is inflicted by the following abilities: the Blue Mage's Bad Breath (and the Malboro family the ability is learned from), the Trickster's Hypochondria, the Alchemist's Poison, the Sage's Bio, the Fencer's Swarmstrike, the Sniper's Beso Toxico, the Spellblade's Poison Blade, the Tinker's Green Gear, the Ranger's Mirrored Antidote, and the Geomancer's Venom Squall. On the enemy's side, Poison is caused by the Floating Eye family's Gnaw, the Alraune family's Horn Venom, the Zombie family's Miasma, the Rafflesia's Nectar Volley, and the Lamia family's Poisonous Frog.

Poison can be cured by either using an Antidote, a Remedy, or by using certain abilities or magicks, such as the Paladin's Nurse, the Moogle Knight's Moogle Aid, the Flintlock's Cure Cannon, the White Mage's Esuna and Refresh, the Sage's Esunaga, the Summoner's Unicorn, Hurdy's Soul Etude, and Al-Cid's Succor.



FFTA2 Primed Status Symbol


Protect can be achieved through the use of the Green Mage spell Protect, the Tinker ability Gold Moogletron, the Chocobo Knight ability Choco Barrier, and the enemy ability Light Curtain. It reduces physical damage taken.


Quicken is learned by Time Mages and can be cast upon any character. The Juggler ability Smile Toss has the same effect as Quicken.

Quicken is learned from the Thor Rod for 400 AP and costs 12 MP to cast, while Smile Toss is learned from the Orichalcum Dirk for 450 AP and requires no MP.

Quicken, when casted on a stopped unit, will have a 0% chance of working.

Quicken lets the target take their turn next.


Reflect protects a unit from magick, bouncing it back into the caster. Reflect can be granted through the spell Reflect, by equipping the Mirror Mail, or by summoning Carbuncle.


Regen makes the benefitting unit gain 1/10 of their maximum HP at the beginning of their turn. It is the opposite of the Poison status.

The reaction ability Regenerate is available to Hunters, Snipers and Tinkers, which automatically grants them Regen upon being damaged. A Defender's Aura skill bestows Regen along with Reraise. The Summoner's summon, Kirin, bestows Regen in a big area. The Flintlock's Protect Cannon and Shell Cannon, the Heritor's Adelaide, Hurdy's Angelsong, Al-Cid's Fawn (only to females), and Illua's Sheol skills all grant Regen as well.


Reraise automatically revives a unit with low HP upon being KOed. Reraise is granted by the following abilities: the White Magick Reraise, the Blue Magick Angel Whisper, the Aura ability of Defenders, and randomly from Hurdy's Nameless Song. Even if the Judge has left due to the law being broken, Reraise will still revive a party member.


Shell can be granted by the abilities: Shell, Barrier, 100% Wool, and Yellow Spring. It reduces magical damage taken.


Silence prevents the use of magick, and also of the Parley and Advice abilities.


Sleep can be inflicted onto targets through the Blue Magic spell Night, the Green Mage spell Sleep, the Assassin ability Nightmare, the Spellblade ability Sleep Blade, the Tinker ability Chroma Gem, and through the enemy abilities Cloying Breath, Deep Sleep, Eternal Sleep, Shining Darkness, Sleep Touch, Sleet, and Soporific Cloud.

Units affected with sleep will skip their turns until after some time or until they are damaged, which includes poison. Their Evasion is reduced to 0, meaning that any abilities, such as status ailments, are sure to hit them unless they are immune to them.


Slow can be inflicted on targets through the use of the Time Mage spells Slow and Slowga, the Spellblade ability Slow Blade, and the enemy abilities Bewitching Gaze, Binding Circle, Cloying Breath, Gold Hourglass, Mucus, Sheol, and Vine Lash.


Spellbound is a status effect that increases the time of effect of all statuses, may them be positive or negative. It is inflicted by the Time Mage's Extend spell and by the Spellbound support ability, available to viera Green Mages and nu mou Scholars.

Stone (Petrify)[]

Petrify can be inflicted onto units through the use of the Bishop spell Break, the Assassin ability Rockseal, and the enemy abilities Glare, Petrifying Rattle, Shining Darkness, and Stone Breath. Petrified units cannot act or move, but their physical defense is boosted. Stone can be removed with the Gold Needle and Remedy items, the White Mage's Refresh, and the Sage's Esunaga.

For the purposes of mission completion, petrified foes count as KOed.


Stopped units cannot move or act in any way, and their Evasion is reduced to 0, meaning that any abilities, such as status ailments, are sure to hit them unless they are immune to them.

The following abilities cause Stop: Time Mages' Stop spell, Fusiliers' Stopshot, Jugglers' Ring Toss, the Assassin's Shadowbind, the Deathscythe family's Deep Sleep, and Illua's Abyssal Slash.

Stop will eventually disappear on its own by waiting it out. Please note that Haste and Quicken will not work on the afflicted unit.


The Toad status can be inflicted by Alchemists through their Toad skill, Animists through Toadsong, the Malboro family through Putrid Breath, the Lamia family of monsters through Poisonous Frog, and White Puddings through Menace. Units inflicted with Toad can only move and use the Attack command, and their physical attack is reduced. Toad can be removed with the Maiden's Kiss and Remedy items, the White Mage's Refresh, and the Sage's Esunaga.


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