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Userbox ff7-barret
Barret: There's no gettin' off this train we on 'till we reach the end of the line.
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The following is a list of enemy abilities in the Japanese version of Final Fantasy Record Keeper.




Ability Description Enemy
???? Inflicts damage to one target equal to difference of user's Max HP and current HP. Used as a counter to physicals by Tyrannosaur [FFV]. Azulmagia, Tyrannosaur [FFV], Ultimate++ Azulmagia
4 Abyss Penalty (ペナルティ4・アビス) Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Poison, Blind, Silence, and Sleep to the party. Abyss CPU
50 Gs Inflicts Slow to the party. Earth Dragon
100 Gs Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage and lowers Earth-elemental resistance to the party. Ultimate+ Catastrophe [FFV]
1000 Needles Inflicts 1000 damage to one target. Can be used as a counter by Face. When used by Cactuar [FFXIII], also inflicts Blind, Silence, and removes all buffs on the target. Angler Whelk, Cactuar [FFVI], Cactuar [FFVIII], Cactuar [FFXIII], Cursed+ Gilgamesh, Face, Humbaba, Kactuar [VIICC], Lamia Queen [FFV], Mover [FFVI], Ultimate++ Humbaba [FFVI]
10000 Needles Inflicts 10,000 damage to one target. Jumbo Cactuar [FFVIII]
10000 Needles Inflicts 10,000 damage as well as Blind, Silence, and removes all buffs to one target. Cactuar [FFXIII]


Ability Description Enemy
AB Cannon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Heli Gunner
Abnormal Breath Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage and Poison to one target. Dragon Zombie [FFVII], Ultimate+ Dragon Zombie [FFVII]
Absolute Zero Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Valigarmanda, Cursed Kefka, Dullahan, Fiend [FFVI], Ice Dragon, Pandora, Shiva [FFXIV], Spitfre, Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Kefka, Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Absorb Damages one target and absorbs that damage as HP to user. When used by Nightmare Jenova Synthesis B/C, Jenova Synthesis B, and Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis B/C, inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage and Confuse to one target. ???? [X-2], Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI], Black Knight, Chekov, Cursed Yunalesca (all forms), Cursed+ Yunalesca, Fell Knight, Ghost [FFII], Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), Golbez, Hidon, Jenova Synthesis B, Level 40 Magic, Malboro [FFIX], Mindy [FFX], Nightmare Jenova Synthesis B/C, Plant Brain, Skulnant, Twin Brain, Ultimate Hidon, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis B/C, Ultimate++ Shadow Lord, Ultros (Opera House), Yunalesca (all forms)
Absorb (きゅうしゅう) Restores HP to user whenever damaged. Ultimate Zeromus EG
Absorb Magic Reduces the Magic of one target and raises the user's Magic for a period of time. Mad Tiamat [FFIX], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX]
Absorb MP Reduces the number of usages for one ability to one target. Mad Tiamat [FFIX], Ozma, Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX]
Absorb Strength Reduces the Strength of one target and raises the user's Strength for a period of time. Mad Tiamat [FFIX], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX]
Abyss Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental magic damage to one target. Bahamut [WoFF], Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF]
Abyss Absolute Zero Abyss Kaiser Dragon
Abyss Atomic Ray Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Bio Abyss Kaiser Dragon
Abyss Blizzaja Inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage to the party and cancels all buffs. Abyss Ultima Buster
Abyssic Buster Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to three random targets. Tioman, Ultimate Tioman
Abyss Chapter Renamed (だいかいしょう) Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Chef's Knife Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Abyss Tonberry
Abyss Contempt Inflicts non-elemental physical damage that ignores Defense to one target. Abyss Demon Wall
Abyss Crush Abyss Demon Wall
Abyss Delta Attack Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Firaja Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to the party and cancels all buffs. Abyss Ultima Buster
Abyss Flare Inflicts massive Fire-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Flare Star Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Forsaken Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss G-Force 199 Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Atomos [FFIX]
Abyss Gigaflare Inflicts fixed non-elemental magic damage to the party. Abyss Neo Bahamut
Abyss Gigavolt Abyss Kaiser Dragon
Abyss Holy Inflicts major Holy-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Laser (アビスレーザー) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Abyss Ultima Buster
Abyss Laser Barrage Inflicts modeate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Abyss Attack Node
Abyss Meltdown Abyss Kaiser Dragon
Abyss Meteor Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Omega Drive Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Poison Breath Inflicts massive Poison-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Abyss Evrae Altana
Abyss Quake Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyss Thundaja Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party and cancels all buffs. Abyss Ultima Buster
Abyss Tri-Disaster Inflicts Fire, Ice, and Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party while ignoring Magic Defense. Abyss Valigarmanda
Abyss Ultima (アルテマ・アビス) Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Higher levels increases damage. ???? when used by Abyss Kaiser Dragon. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Ultima Buster
Abyss Wave Cannon Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Abyssmal Maul Inflicts massive Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Mad Midgardsormr [FFVI]
Acid Inflicts Blind, Slow, and Sap to one target. Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target when used by Tri-Face. Gerogero, Nightmare Gerogero, Tri-Face
Acid Inflicts Poison to one target. Malboro [FFVIII]
Acid Breath (アシッドブレス) Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party. Mantis Ant
Acid Claw Inflicts Poison-elemental physical damage to one target and lowers Poison-elemental resistance. Nightmare Gerogero
Acid Bubble Inflicts Water-elemental damage to the party. Biochimera
Acid Mist Inflicts Poison to the party. Coeurl O' Nine Tails, Warden's Whip
Acid Rain Inflicts nonelemental magic damage to the party. Naga [FFXV]
Acid Rain Inflicts Water-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Blue Dragon [FFVI], Joker, Number 024 (Lightning Weakness Mode), Phantom Train, Ultimate Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Phantom Train, Ultimate++ Blue Dragon [FFVI]
Acid Storm Lv6 Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target or the party and lowers their Defense for a brief period of time. Hexas [SoM]
Adrenaline Inflicts Protect to user. Iron Man [FFVII]
Aerial Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Aranea
Aerial Blast Inflicts major Wind-elemental magic damage to the party. Garuda [FFXIV]
Aerial Defense Mode Changes to Flight mode. Proudclad (2nd)
Aerial Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Soldier [KH]
Aerial Slash Inflicts moderate Wind-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Silver Dragon, Nova Dragon, Red Dragon [FFIX], Ultimate Abadon [FFIX], Ultimate+ Nova Dragon
Aerial Tackle Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Hecatoncheir [FFI], inflicts Earth-elemental damage instead. Hecatoncheir [FFI], Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Hecatoncheir [FFXIII]
Aero Inflicts minor Wind-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Fujin, targets three random targets. When used by Moldwynd, inflicts moderate Wind-elemental damage to one target. When used by Mad Quezacotl, targets the party. Cerberus [FFVIII], Chonchon, Cockatrice [MFF], Cursed Fujin, Defeater, Fujin, Gigas, Judge Bergan, Judge Ghis, Killer Mantis, Mad Quezacotl, Moldwynd, Ruby Dragon, Sorceress (1), Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Fujin, Vespid Soldier, ダストリッパー
Aero III(ability)|Aero III} Inflicts major Wind-elemental magic damage to the party. Malboro Queen, Ultimate+ Malboro Queen
Aero V Inflicts massive Wind-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Aero Breath Inflicts moderate Wind-elemental physical damage to one target. Worm Hydra
Aeroga Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to the party. When used by Rangda, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate+ Lightning, Ultimate+ Barbarricia, and Cockatrice [MFF], targets one target. Ancient Sorcerer, Azulmagia, Cockatrice [MFF], Crystal (Left), Cursed Barbariccia, Dahaka [FFXIII], Deathgaze, Killer Mantis, Kunoichi [FFIII], Magic Dragon, Rangda, Seeker [FFXI], Storm Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Barbarricia, Ultimate+ Lightning, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate++ Azulmagia, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Unei, Unei
Aeroga IV Inflicts major Wind-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Aerora Inflicts moderate Wind-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter by Black Waltz No.2 when hit by a Fire-elemental attack when in Counter stance. When used by Lani, targets the party instead. Azulmagia, Black Waltz No.2, Cursed+ Enkidu, Elm Gigas, Enchanted Fan, Enkidu, Faeryl, Gigas, Gilgamesh (2nd), Lani, Lightning, Page 32, Rangda, Ultimate Judge Bergan, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII], Vespid Soldier, Wendigo [FFXII]
Aerospark Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target and dispels them. Extermination+ Ixion, Ixion, Mad Ixion
Aetherial Pulse Inflicts Haste and Regen to the party, and restores HP. Ultimate++ Y'shtola, Y'shtola
Ague Inflicts Slow to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], targets the party instead. Cúchulainn [FFT], Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT]
Aim +1 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Archer [FFT], Ultimate Archer [FFT], Ultimate+ Archer [FFT], Ultimate Knight [FFT], Ultimate++ Archer [FFT]
Aim +2 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Archer [FFT], Ultimate Archer [FFT], Ultimate+ Archer [FFT], Ultimate++ Archer [FFT]
Airy Shield Protects user from long-ranged physical attacks. Seeker [FFXI]
All Creation Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Yuffie [KH], Ultimate++ Yuffie [KH]
Alpine Draft Inflicts Wind-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Opinicus
Anchor Inflicts minor non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Schmidt
Annihilation Mode Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target and changes to Ground form. Proudclad (2nd)
Annul Reduces usage of one ability by one. 【阿】左腕, 【吽】右腕, Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII]
Anti-Magic Lv6 Cancels current action of one target Hexas [SoM]
Anti-Magic Lv7 Cancels current action of one target Buffy [SoM], Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM]
Anti-Magic Lv8 (アンティマジックLv8) Cancels current action of one target Dark Lich, Mana Beast, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM], Ultimate Mana Beast
Anti-Magick User becomes invincible against magic attacks for a brief period of time. Judge Gabranth, Nightmare Zodiark, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Judge Gabranth
Antimatter Bomb Inflicts $ magic damage to the party. Anavatapta Warmech, Ultimate++ Anavatapta Warmech
Aphony Inflicts Silence to one target. Belias [FFT], Ultimate Belias [FFT], Ultimate+ Belias [FFT]
Apoptosis Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd)
Apparition Inflicts Confuse to one target. Skull Dragon [FFVI]
Approach Moves to front row. When used by Bloodhorn [FFXV] and Ultimate+ Bloodhorn [FFXV], inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Bloodhorn [FFXV], Ultimate Bloodhorn [FFXV], Wiegraf
Aqua Breath Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Anguiform, Bahamut [FFV], Blue Dragon [FFVI], Chimera, Crystal (Right), Cursed+ Leviathan [FFV], Dhorme Chimera, Gogo [FFV], Gorgimera, Jenova∙LIFE, Leviathan [FFV], Manticore, Number 024 (Lightning Weakness Mode), Shell Bear, Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Blue Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Ultimate++ Jenova∙LIFE, Ultros (Esper Caves), Ultros (Lethe River), Vector Chimera, Yenke
Aqua Shooter Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target. Extractor
Aqua Spikes Inflicts moderate Water-elemental magic damage to one target. Used as a counter to physicals. Leviathan [WoFF]
Ardor Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII]
Arise Restores all HP and cures KO to one ally. When used by Cursed Curlax, Cursed Laragorn, and Cursed Moebius, targets the ally's party instead. Cursed Curlax, Cursed Laragorn, Cursed Moebius, Hellraiser, Purobolos, Ultimate+ Zalmour, Ultimate++ Cindy [FFX], Zalmour
Arm Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Motor Ball
Arm Crush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ X-ATM092, X-ATM092
Arm Grab Removes one target from battle and flags target as dead. Cursed Left Arm [FFVII], Cursed Right Arm [FFVII], Left Arm [FFVII], Right Arm [FFVII]
Armageddon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense and Blink. Nemesis, Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]
Armor Break Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target and lowers Defense. Ultimate Steiner, Ultimate+ Steiner
Armor Piercing Bullet (徹甲弾) Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Ascension Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Warrior of Light, Warrior of Light
Ashura Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Outsider
Assault Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks and Lightning-elemental attacks. Crawler [FFX]
Assault Attack Changes attack method. Pile Machine
Assault Horn Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Behemoth [FFVIII], Ultimate Behemoth [FFVIII]
Assault Twister (回転攻撃) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Leon, hits 3 targets in range. Leon, Myconid [RoM], Rabite, Ultimate++ Leon
Astral Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Edea (1st)
Atomic Impact Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage to the party. God Omega, Ultimate++ God Omega
Atomic Rays Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Guardian [FFV], Gamma, Ghast, Inferno, Laser Gun, Number 128, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Wolfmeister [FFVII]
Aura Increases one ally's Attack. Cursed Raijin, Raijin (2nd), Ultimate++ Raijin
Aurablast Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one party member. Knight [FFT], Monk [FFT], Ultimate Knight [FFT], Ultimate Monk [FFT], Ultimate+ Knight [FFT], Ultimate+ Monk [FFT] (Zalmour fight), Ultimate++ Monk [FFT], Wiegraf
Aurora Fence Removes all statuses from the party. Bizarro Sephiroth (Core only), [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth
Auroral Wind Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage and Silence to one target. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Auto-Potion(ability)|Auto-Potion} Restores minor HP to user. Used as a counter to attacks. When used by Ultimate Argath, restores moderate HP instead. Argath, Chemist, Ultimate Argath
Aux Artillery Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hundred Gunner
Avalanche Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Ice Dragon, Ultimate++ Yeti
Axe Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter by Templar. Drippy, Officer, Templar, Ultimate Guard [FFVI]
Axel Shoot Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Tidus, Ultimate Tidus, Ultimate++ Tidus


Ability Description Enemy
Bacchus's Wine Inflicts Berserk to one ally. Behemoth [FFXII]
Back Swish Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Minotaur [FFXI], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Bacteria Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Goetia
Bad Breath Inflicts Slow to the party. Geezard
Bad Breath Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage, Slow, Blind, and Poison to the party. Malboro [FFXII]
Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Confuse, Blind, and Sleep to one target. Great Malboro [FFVI], Great Malboro [FFAB], Great Malboro [FFWWW], Lunasaur, Malboro [FFVI], Malboro [FFVIII], Malboro [FFIX]
Bad Breath Inflicts non-elemental physical damage, Poison, Paralysis, Silence, and Sleep to one target. Malboro Queen, Ultimate+ Malboro Queen
Baleful Gaze Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Giant Lizard, Ultimate+ Giant Lizard, Ultimate+ Raptor
Ballistic Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Dark Nation, Ultimate+ Dark Nation
Balloon Ring (ふうせんリング) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop to one target. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Banish Inflicts major Holy-elemental magic damage to one target. Odin [WoFF], Ultimate+ Odin [WoFF]
Banish Ray Inflicts massive Dark-elemental magic damage to one target. Nightmare Zodiark
Baptism in Ruin Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Barthandelus
Bare Knuckles Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Siegfried
Barrier Increases Defense and Magic Defense for a period of time to user. Red Dragon [MFF]
Barrier Inflicts Protect and Shell to one ally. Emperor, Ultimate+ Garuda Interceptor
Barrier Inflicts Protect to one ally. Gorkii, Red Saucer
Barrier VIII Inflicts Protect and Shell to one ally. Ultimate Emperor, Ultimate+ Emperor
Barrier Change Changes elemental weaknesses and strengths. Number 024
Bazooka Inflicts one, three, or five hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Heavy Armored Soldier
Beak Inflicts Petrify to one target. Caladrius, Cirpius, Cockatrice [FFV]
Beak Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Vulture [RS2]
Beam Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Armored Fiend, Beam Cannon, Dr. Lugae (2nd form), Ultimate Barnabas, Ultimate Barnabas-Z, Ultimate Dr. Lugae, Ultimate+ Barnabas, Ultimate+ Barnabas-Z, Ultimate+ Dr. Lugae
Beam Cannon Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Proud Clod, targets the party instead. BGH251F2, Cursed+ Proud Clod, Proud Clod, Ultimate+ BGH251F2, Ultimate++ Proud Clod
Beam Gun Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Special Combatant
Bear Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Megalodoth
Bear Hug Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target.ULTIMA Death Claw [FFVIII]
Beast Sword Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed Godo, Godo
Beat Down Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Beatdown Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Behemoth
Befuddle Inflicts Confuse to one target. Belias [FFT], Ultimate Belias [FFT], Ultimate+ Belias [FFT]
Belch Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party. Mutantomato
Berserk Inflicts Berserk to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], targets the party. Used as a counter to White Magic by Ozma. Ahriman [FFIV], Biran, Blobra, Bomb [FFXI], Cerberus [FFVIII], Corpse [FFLII], Cursed+ Enkidu, Fury, Gargantua, Gerogero, Gesper, Guado Guardian, Level 50 Magic, Magician, Mammon [FFV], Mindflayer [FFXV], Ozma, Sandy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV], Ultimate++ Ralvuimago
Berserk Tail Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Berserk to one target. Spectral Keeper
Beta Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Midgar Zolom, Ultimate Midgar Zolom
Bewitching Gaze Inflicts Blind and Silence to one or two targets. Floateye [FFTA]
Big Bang Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage and Sap to the party. Ultimate Zeromus EG
Big Bomber Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Air Buster
Big Fang Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bad Rap Sample
Big Hand Clash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Proud Clod, Proud Clod
Big Horn Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Materia Keeper, Ultimate++ Materia Keeper
Big Red Clipper Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Acrophies
Big Wave Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Bottomswell
Bile Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Hydro, targets the party instead. Hydro [FFXII], Kraken [FFIV], Tyrant [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate++ Hydro
Binding Cold Inflicts Paralysis on the party. Cursed Golbez, Cursed+ Golbez, Golbez
Binding Darkness Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Elmdore
Bio Inflicts moderate Poison-elemental damage to one target. When used by Borghese, Phobos, Red Soul [FFII], General [FFIII], Nightmare Gerogero, and Cursed Exdeath, targets the entire party. Used as a counter by Bio Soldier. When used by Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate Amdusias, Ultimate++ Zombie Dragon [FFIII], and Ultimate Hidon, can target one target or the party. When used by Cúchulainn [FFT], and Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], targets the party and inflicts Poison. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, targets 3 targets in range. When used by Precepts Guard, targets one target and inflicts Poison. When used by Vaballathus, inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to one target. Amdusias, Bio Soldier, Borghese, Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Chonchon, Cúchulainn [FFT], Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Golbez, Cursed+ Golbez, Daedalus [FFVI], Dark Elf, Drakan, Exdeath, Fury, General [FFIII], Ghost [FFII], Golbez, Guado Guardian (Dead), Hidon, Hydro [FFXII], Lefty, Level 50 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Lunasaur, Magic Master, Magician, Meltigemini, Mindy [FFIV], Nightmare Gerogero, Ouroboros, Precepts Guard, Phobos, Red Soul [FFII], Right Orb, Shantotto, Tentacle, Ultima Weapon, Ultimate Amdusias, Ultimate Hidon, Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Hydro, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Shantotto, Ultimate++ Zombie Dragon [FFIII], Vaballathus
Bio Attack Inflicts major Poison-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Ultimate Guard [FFVI]
Bioga Inflicts major Poison-elemental damage and Poison to one target. When used by Cúchulainn [FFT], inflicts moderate damage instead. When used by Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], can either target the party for moderate Poison-elemental damage and Poison or one target for major Poison-elemental damage and Poison. When used by Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate Helletic Hojo, and Ultimate Vetala, targets the party instead. When used by Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N, inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party instead. When used by Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party. Barthandelus (2nd), Cid Raines, Cursed Godo, Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Cúchulainn [FFT], Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate Helletic Hojo, Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd), Vetala
Biora Inflicts moderate Poison-elemental damage and Poison to one target. When used by Cúchulainn [FFT], inflicts Silence to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], inflicts Silence to the party instead. When used by Ultimate++ Calofisteri, targets the party and deals Poison-elemental magic damage. When used by Jenova Synthesis and Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, targets the party and inflicts Poison as well. Cúchulainn [FFT], Godo, Jenova Synthesis, Lost Number, Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate++ Calofisteri
Bio Gas Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party. Helletic Hojo
Bio Missile Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Hecatoncheir [FFI]
Bio Mode Switches to Bio Mode, enabling Blast Punch to inflict Poison. YSLS-Zero
Bite Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Beachplug, Blood Taste, Cur Nakk, Hunting Hound, Leviathan [FFXV], Mad Fenrir [FFVI], Mimic Box [SoM], Naga [FFXV], Navidon, Rabite, Rhizopas, Shadow Creeper, Thermadon, Tyrannosaur [FFVI], Ultimate Sabertusk, Wererat
Bite Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Tri-Face
Bite Bite Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed Propagator, Propagator
Bite Hard Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter by T-Rexaur. Cursed Dark Nation, T-Rexaur, Ultimate+ Dark Nation
Bizarro Energy Restores major HP to body. Bizarro Sephiroth (Core only), [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Core only)
Black Cauldron Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Confuse, Silence, and Slow to the party. Mad Hades [FFVII]
Black Fang Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Cursed Golbez, Mad Shadow Dragon, Shadow Dragon
Black Feather Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Genesis
Black Flurry Reduces the number of abilities by one to one target. Genesis
Black Hole Inflicts three hits of major non-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Faeryl, targets 3 targets in range. When used by Ultimate Zeromus EG, dispels all buffs to all targets in battle. Faeryl, Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury
Blade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Abadon [FFIX], Ultimate Abadon [FFIX]
Blade Beam Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cloud, Ultimate+ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud
Blade Bash Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Noel [RS2]
Blade Torrent Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Onion Knight [DFF] (Ninja only),
Blast Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Alexander, targets the party instead. When used by YSLS-Zero, can inflict Poison when in Bio Mode or Silence when in Silence Mode. Alexander, Defender X, Defender Z, YSLS-Zero
Blast Wave Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Caius Ballad, either deals major non-elemental physical damage to one target or moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Antares, Blood Gigas, Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad, Dadaluma, Gargoyle [FFXII], Inferno, Number 128
Blasting Zone Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Squall, Ultimate Squall
Blaster Inflicts Instant Death or Paralysis to one target. Used as a counter by Coeurl [FFIV]. When used by Boreal Coeurl, inflicts Paralysis to one. Ahriman [FFIX], Bandercoeurl, Boreal Coeurl, Coeurl [FFIV], Number 128, Omega, Prototype, Ultimate+ Omega [FFV]
Blaster Inflicts Instant Death to one target. 【深淵】アンラックズ(青), Demon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI]
Blaster Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Giant Coeurl
Blaze Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target (when used by Fire Lizard, Forge Wyrm [RS2], or Hellhound [RS2]) or large Fire-elemental damage to the entire party (when used by Hellhound [FFI], Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI], Ifrit [WoFF], or Dragon). When used by Silver Dragon, Ogopogo, Ultimate Exdeath, Bahamut [FFV], Ifrit (Fire Caverns) [FFVIII], Ultimate Shield Dragon [FFV], Ultimate Exdeath's Soul, Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Jura Aevis, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate Ifrit [FFVIII], or Archeoaevis, instead inflicts large % damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Garland [FFI] and Ultimate+ Garland [FFI], targets four random targets for major Fire-elemental damage. When used by Mad Shadow Dragon, inflicts massive Ice-elemental magic damage to the party. Archeoaevis, Bahamut [FFV], Chaos [FFI], Cursed Exdeath, Dragon, Fire Lizard, Forge Wyrm [RS2], Hellhound [FFI], Hellhound [RS2], Ifrit (Fire Caverns) [FFVIII], Ifrit [WoFF], Jura Aevis, Mad Shadow Dragon, Ogopogo, Silver Dragon, Ultimate Shield Dragon [FFV], Ultimate Exdeath's Soul, Ultimate Garland [FFI], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Garland [FFI], Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI], Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate Ifrit [FFVIII]
Blaze XII Inflicts 2-5 hits of Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate+ Fire Gigas
Blaze XVI Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Light Emperor, Ultimate+ Light Emperor, Ultimate++ Light Emperor
Blaze Spikes Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Ifrit [WoFF], Red Dragon [WoFF], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF]
Bleed Inflicts Sap to one target. Pumpkin Star, Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII]
Blender Inflicts Water-elemental damage to the party. Sinspawn Echuilles, Ultimate Sinspawn Echuilles
Blind Inflicts Blind on one target. When used by Goldor, Hein, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate Helletic Hojo, Ultimate+ Hellectic Hojo, Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], and Marilith, targets the entire party. When used by Cursed Yunalesca (1st) and Yunalesca (1st), used as a counter to physicals. Abadon [FFVIII], Ancient Sorcerer, Astos, Cerberus [FFVIII], Cursed Propagator, Cursed Yunalesca (1st), Dark Eye, Darkmare, Death Knight, Elder Wyrm, Flan [FFXII], Flan [FFWWW], Forbidden, Gargoyle [FFXII], Ghast [FFII], Goldor, Hein, Kage, Kraken, Lich [FFXI], Lich [FFXII], Magician, Marilith, Nightmare [FFXII], Ogre Mage, Propagator, Pumpkin Star, Seeker, Skull Warrior, Sleipnir, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Helletic Hojo, Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Hellectic Hojo, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIII], Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII], Yunalesca (1st)
Blind IV Inflicts Blind to the party. Ogre Mage [FFII], Ultimate+ Ogre Mage [FFII]
Blind Ball Inflicts non-elemental damage and Blind to one target. Used as a counter. Oblitzerator
Blind Eye Inflicts non-elemental damage and Blind to one target. Seeker [FFXI]
Blind Gas Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Blind to the party. Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N
Blinder Inflicts Blind to one target. Tumbleweed
Blindga Inflicts Blind on the party. Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate++ Left Arm [FFIV], Ultimate++ Tri-Point
Blinding Blade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
Blinding Touch Inflicts Blind to one target. Misty
Blink III Increases user's Evasion for a brief period of time. Ogre Mage [FFII]
Blink VIII Increases user's Evasion for a brief period of time. Ultimate Emperor
Blink XVI Increases user's Evasion for a brief period of time. Lamia Queen [FFII], Ultimate Lamia Queen [FFII], Ultimate+ Lamia Queen [FFII]
Blitz Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Covert, Ninja
Blitz Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad, Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Blitz XII Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage 2-5 times to random party members. Cursed Thunder Gigas, Ultimate+ Thunder Gigas
Blitz XVI Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental damage to one party member. Cursed Thunder Gigas, Ultimate+ Thunder Gigas
Blitzball Rush Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical to one target. Oblitzerator
Blizzaga Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to Ice-elemental attacks by Ultros. When used by Cursed Seymour Flux, Left Pauldron, Magic Master, Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate++ Brina, Scylla [FFIII], Ahriman [FFIII], Ultimate+ Lightning, Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate++ White Dragon [FFI], Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Zorn, Georapella, and Wrexsoul, targets the party. When used by Barrier, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed Melusine, Melusine, Taharka, Doga, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Taharka, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Abyss Barrier [FFV], Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Doga, Abyss Valigarmanda, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.1, Fiend [FFVI], Cerberus [FFIII], Xande, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Mad Sealion, Ultimate+ Doga, Kraken [FFIV], Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate+ Black Mage [FFT], Mad Siren [FFV], Ultimate++ Cerberus [FFIII], 凶星 Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI], and Valigarmanda, can target one target or party. When used by Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), inflicts 2 hits of Ice-elemental magic damage to random targets. When used by [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm), hits 3 targets in range instead. Abyss Barrier [FFV], Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Valigarmanda, Ahriman [FFIII], Amon [FFIII], Barrier, Behemoth King (Living), Behemoth King [FFAB], Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm only), Cerberus [FFIII], Chaos [FFI], Cherry, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Golbez, Cursed Kefka, Cursed Laragorn, Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed Leviathan [FFIII], Cursed Lich [MFF], Cursed Melusine, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed Seymour Flux, Cursed+ Golbez, Cursed+ Kuja, Cursed+ Leviathan [FFIV], Dahaka [FFXIII], Dark Sage, Deathgaze, Doga, Dullahan, Earth Guardian, Edea (1st), Edea (2nd), Etém, Exdeath, Fiend [FFVI], Fury, Georapella, Gijuk, Glacial Eye, Green Dragon [FFIII], Ice Azer, Ice Dragon, Ice Gigas [FFII], Jelleye (Sphinxaur battle), King Behemoth [FFWWW], Kraken [FFIV], Laragorn, Left Pauldron, Level 70 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Leviathan [FFIII], Leviathan [FFIV], Lich [FFXI], Lich [MFF], Mad Sealion, Mad Siren [FFV], Magic Master, Melusine, Omniscient, Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), Red Dragon [FFIII], Scylla [FFIII], Seymour, Seymour Omnis, Shiva [FFVI], Soul Saver, Sphinxaur, Taharka, Tyrant [FFXII], Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate Ice Azer, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate Taharka, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.1, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.3, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, Ultimate+ Doga, Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Lightning, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI], Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate+ Valigarmanda, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate+ Zorn, Ultimate++ Behemoth King [FFVI], Ultimate++ Brina, Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate++ Cerberus [FFIII], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Doga, Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Gijuk, Ultimate++ Kefka, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate++ White Dragon [FFI], Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultros (Lethe River), Valia Pira, Valigarmanda, Wraith (Blue), Wrexsoul, Xande, Xande's Clone, Yellow Dragon [FFIII], 凶星 Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm only)
Blizzaga II Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental magic damage to the party. Boreal Hound
Blizzaja Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. When used by Lich [MFF], Ultimate+ Valigarmanda, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate Exdeath's Soul, and Ultimate Mateus [FFXII], deals moderate Ice-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Lich [MFF], Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed+ Leviathan [FFIV], Lich [MFF], Mateus, Ultimate Exdeath's Soul, Ultimate Mateus [FFXII], Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate+ Valigarmanda
Blizzara Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter by Black Waltz No.2 when hit by a Fire-elemental attack when in Counter stance. Targets the party when used by Frostfly (sometimes), Zorn (Road to Holy Land EX event), King Behemoth [FFWWW], Lani, Cursed Adel, Cursed+ Adel, Grudge Shaman, Cursed+ Leviathan [FFIV], Amon [FFIII], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate++ Brina, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Sorceress (1), Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian, Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Behemoth King [FFAB], Ultimate++ Behemoth King [FFVI], Ultimate+ Zorn, Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], and Ultimate Zeromus EG, Tiamat [FFI]. When used by Cursed+ Yang, Cursed Laragorn, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 1, Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Taharka, Red Soul [FFII], Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate++ Spherimorph, Mad Bismarck [FFVI], or Dahaka [FFXIII], can hit one target or the party. When used by Ultimate++ Terra, hits one target 5 times. When used by Ultimate+ Norg, hits 3 times to random targets. Abaia, Abyss Ultima Buster, Ahriman [FFXII], Ahriman (Clone) [FFXII], Amon [FFIII], Bablizz, Behemoth King (Living), Behemoth King [FFAB], Black Waltz No.2, Carbuncle, Chaos [FFI], Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Cursed Adel, Cursed Laragorn, Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed Maduin, Cursed+ Adel, Cursed+ Leviathan [FFIV], Cursed+ Yang, Dahaka [FFXIII], Dark Elf, Dullahan, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Frostfly, Gaap, Glacial Eye, Gnoll, Golbez, Greater Boros, Grudge Shaman, Guado Guardian, Hein, Hellish Horse, Ice Azer, Kefka, King Behemoth [FFWWW], Kraken, Lani, Laragorn, Left Pauldron, Level 30 Magic, Leviathan, Lich [FFI], Lightning, Mad Bismarck [FFVI], Magic Master, Magician, Magna Roader (Red), Medusa [FFIII], Mindy [FFIV], Mindy [FFX], Misty, Mythril Golem [FFXII], Nix, NORG, Number 024 (Fire Weakness Mode), Ochu, Omniscient, Ralvurahva, Red Soul [FFII], Remora, Sealion, Seymour, Shiva [FFV], Shiva [FFVI], Shiva [WoFF], Sleipnir, Soldier (B), Sorcerer, Sorceress (1), Stiria, Terra, Tiamat (2nd fight) [FFI], Troll [FFIX], Type B, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate Black Waltz No. 1, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 2, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 3, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate Gaap, Ultimate Ice Azer, Ultimate Ralvurahva, Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate Taharka, Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIII], Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Norg, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate+ Terra, Ultimate+ Zorn, Ultimate++ Baigan, Ultimate++ Behemoth King [FFVI], Ultimate++ Brina, Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Mythril Golem [FFXII], Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Spherimorph, Ultimate++ Terra, Ultimate++ White Dragon [FFI], Veil Dancer, Vetala, Wendigo [FFXII], Yin Yang, Zorn (Road to Holy Land EX event)
Blizzard Inflicts minor Ice-elemental damage to one target. When used by Lilliputian, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate+ Valigarmanda, Ultimate++ Mortibody, or Mortibody, targets the entire party. When used by Spherimorph, is used as a counter against the party when hit by a non-Fire-elemental magic attack or as a counter against one target when hit by a non-Fire-elemental physical attack. When used by Abyss Ultima Buster, targets either one character or the party. When used by Ultimate Siren [FFV], targets 3 targets. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, targets 5 random targets. Abyss Ultima Buster, Bablizz, Beachplug, Biran, Black Mage [FFT], Black Waltz No.1, Black Waltz No.2, Black Waltz No.3, Chocobo Eater, Cursed Lich [MFF], Dahaka [FFXIII], Dust Mage, Giant Rat, Gijuk, Guado Guardian (with Seymour), Ice Sprite [FFXIV], Kefka, Left Pauldron, Level 10 Magic, Lich [MFF], Lilliputian, Magna Roader (Red), Mani Wizard, Manticore, Mindy [FFIV], Mortibody, Number 024 (Fire Weakness Mode), Number 128, Ogre Mage, Onion Knight [DFF]Pugman, Ragoh, Rhizopas, Sample: HO512-Opt, Sealion, Shantotto, Shiva [FFVI], Sin (Core), Spherimorph, Stalwart, Taxim, Type A, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate Guado Guadian, Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate+ Valigarmanda, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Shantotto, Valigarmanda, Vetala, White Element, White Elemental, Wyerd
Blizzard (吹雪) Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage damage to the party. Siegfray, Ultimate Siegfray
Blizzard V Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. Ogre Mage [FFII], Ultimate+ Ogre Mage [FFII]
Blizzard VIII Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. When used by Ultimate Borghen, targets the party. Red Soul, Ultimate Borghen, Ultimate+ Red Soul
Blizzard X Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. Ogre Mage [FFII], Ultimate+ Ogre Mage [FFII]
Blizzard XIV Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Ice Gigas, Ultimate+ Ice Gigas
Blizzard XVI Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. Red Soul, Ultimate+ Ice Gigas, Ultimate+ Red Soul
Blizzard Beam Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental magic damage to one target. Magitek Armor [WoFF]
Blizzard Breath Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate Chaos Bahamut
Bloodfest Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Seifer (Final), Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate++ Seifer
Blood Saber Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage to one target and drains HP to heal user. Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI], アークリッチテーバクォアン
Blowfist Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Snow Giant, Ultimate++ Snow Giant
Blue Fang Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target. Bwagi, Ultimate++ Bwagi
Blue Flame Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target. Jenova∙LIFE, Ultimate++ Jenova∙LIFE
Blue Light Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Jenova∙LIFE, Ultimate++ Jenova∙LIFE
Blue Mage: Goblin Punch Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz
Blue Mage: Missile Reduces one target's HP by 3/4. Ultimate Bartz
Blue Mage: Multi-Missile Reduces the party's HP by 3/4. Ultimate Bartz, Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Body and Soul Restores major HP, increases Attack and Magic, and grants Regen to user. Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad
Body Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Large Body
Body Press Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Dark Dragon [FFXI]
Body Slam (ボディスラム) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Gyascutus
Body Slam Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Bulette
Body Tail Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Dragon Zombie [FFVII], Ultimate+ Dragon Zombie [FFVII]
Bodyblow Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Motor Ball, targets the party instead. Hedgehog Pie, Motor Ball, Nibel Wolf, Sword Dance
Bodyslam Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Muud Suud
Bolt Ball Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Bone Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Dragon Zombie [FFVII], Ultimate+ Dragon Zombie [FFVII]
Bone Toss Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Skull Warrior
Bone-chilling Breaker Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Dahaka [FFXIII]
Boomerang Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ark, Ultimate+ Ark
Boomerang Sword Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party. Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate++ Esthar Soldier (Terminator)
Boon Restores minor HP to one ally. Lich [FFXII]
Booster 8 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Zidane, Ultimate++ Zidane, Zidane
Both Hand Squeeze Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Vysage
Boulder Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Fire Gigas [FFII], Ice Gigas [FFII], Thunder Gigas
Boulder IX Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed Fire Gigas, Cursed Ice Gigas, Cursed Thunder Gigas, Ultimate+ Fire Gigas, Ultimate+ Ice Gigas, Ultimate+ Thunder Gigas
Bounty of the Wood Restores major HP to user. Jabberwocky [FFXIII]
Bow Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Captain, Goblin [FFLII], Goblin Captain [FFLII], Goblin Guard, Goblin Prince, Sergeant
Bowels of Agony Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Brainstorm Inflicts Confusion to one target. Cruller
Braver Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cloud, Ultimate+ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud
Bravery Temporarily increases user's Attack. Fenrir [FFXII], Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], Nightmare Zodiark, Yiazmat
Breach Blast Inflicts major Water-elemental magic damage to the party. Mad Bismarck [FFVI]
Break Inflicts Petrify to one target. Black Warlock, Carbuncle, Death Eye, Elder Wyrm, Hellgaroo Mage, Joker, Level 20 Magic, Level 40 Magic, Objet d'Art, Seymour Natus, Shambling Corpse, Ultimate Vinuskar, Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Thorn, Ultimate+ Vinuskar
Break Maneuver Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. God Omega, Ultimate++ God Omega
Breath Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Ruby Dragon, Ultimate Shield Dragon [FFV], Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon
Breath Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Tiamat [FFXII], also inflicts Sap. Nidhogg, Tiamat, Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Vouivre, Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII]
Breath of God Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Famfrit [FFTA], Mateus [FFTA]
Breath Wing Inflicts major damage to the party equal to 2/5 Max HP. When used by Cursed Silver Dragon, used as a counter to attacks. Archeoaevis, Cursed Silver Dragon, Dragon Aevis, Jura Aevis, Nova Dragon, Wyrm, Wyvern, Ultimate+ Archeoaevis, Ultimate+ Nova Dragon
Briny Cannonade Inflicts massive Water-elemental magic damage to one party member. Famfrit [FFXII]
Broken Bone Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and lowers its Attack. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Bruiser Tail Inflicts % damage to the party. Flame Dragon
Bulb Smash Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian
Bulldoze Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Biran, Yenke
Bulldozer Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. メカテリオス, Ultimate メカテリオス
Burst Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Reflect, and lowers Earth-elemental resistance. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to 3 targets in range. Boreal Coeurl, Shantotto, Ultimate++ Shantotto
Bushfire Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Firemane, Ultimate+ Firemane
Buzz Inflicts Berserk to one target. Dragonfly


Ability Description Enemy
C Cannon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Heli Gunner
Cactus Dance Cactuar [FFXIII]
Cage Inflicts Cage status to one target. Prison Cage
Calamity Ultima Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Calamity Ultima Weapon [FFX]
Camisade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Cindy [FFX]
Cannibalize Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to one target and drains HP. When used by Shinryu Celestia, instead inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Antares, Shinryu Celestia, Ultimate+ Shinryu Celestia
Cannon Reduces one target's HP by a %. Grenade [FFIX]
Cannon Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Azul the Cerulean, Ultimate++ Azul the Cerulean
Capsule Fully revives all KO'd allies. Hojo
Casuality Barrier Gogmagog (2nd)
Cat Scratch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gaelicat
Catapult Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Porphyrion, Ultimate Porphyrion
Cave-In Reduces one target's HP by 75%. When used by Demon's Gate, instead inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party. When used by Mad Golem [FFV], inflicts 4 hits of moderate Earth-elemental physical damage to random targets. Demon's Gate, Mad Golem [FFV], Number 024 (Wind Weakness Mode)
Chain Magick Inflicts Haste to user. Demon Wall [FFXII] (2nd), Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII]
Chain Magick Reduces casting time of magic to 0 for a period of time. King Bomb [FFXII], Cursed Judge Bergan, Judge Bergan, Mateus, Shemhazai [FFXII], Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Mateus [FFXII]
Chainsaw Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target with a chance to remove all buffs. Cutter Machine
Chainsaw Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Magitek Armor "Cuirass", Ultimate+ Magitek Armor "Cuirass"
Chain Reaction Forces Bomb enemies to use Self-Destruct. King Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII]
Chakra Restores major HP and grants Regen to the party. Ultimate++ Monk [FF]
Chandrahas Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target or the party that ignores Defense. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
Charm IX Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and Confusion to one target. Lamia Queen [FFII], Ultimate Lamia Queen [FFII], Ultimate+ Lamia Queen [FFII]
Chaos Blade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Dark Dragon [FFXI]
Chaos Blast Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Tioman, Ultimate Tioman
Chaos Wave Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Maduin
Chaotic Eye Inflicts Silence to one target. Boreal Coeurl, Giant Coeurl
Charge Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Can be used as a counter by Biggs. Biggs (1st), Biggs (2nd), Dantengu [RS2], Elite Soldier, Fang, Guard Leader, Krysta, Shadow Creeper, Shell Dragon, Subie [RS2], Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Elite Soldier
Charge Increases user's Attack power. Blitz
Charge Increases user's Magic. Ultimate++ Terra
Charge 25% Charges energy. Proudclad (2nd)
Charge 50% Charges energy. Proudclad (2nd)
Charge 90% Charges energy. Proudclad (2nd)
Charged Whisker Increases major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Giant Coeurl
Chef's Knife Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Abyss Tonberry
Choco Attack Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. [Sound] Runaway Fat Chocobo, Chocobo [FFT], Ultimate++ Chocobo [FFT]
Choco Cure Restores minor HP to the party. Chocobo [FFT], Ultimate++ Chocobo [FFT]
Chocobuckle Inflicts 2 hits of Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. [Sound] Runaway Fat Chocobo
Chomp Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Silver Lobo, Vector Lythos
Chomp Rush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Raptor, Ultimate+ Raptor
Chop Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Taharka
Circle of Judgment Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Judge Gabranth, Ultimate+ Judge Gabranth
Clamp Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Actinian, Sandhorse
Clash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Mega Armor [FFVI], ignores Defense. Ultimate Mega Armor [FFVI], Ultimate++ X-ATM092, X-ATM092
Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Abadon [FFVIII], Archeoaevis, and Ultimate+ Archeoaevis, also inflicts Paralysis. Abadon [FFVIII], Archeoaevis, Ark Dragon, Cursed+ Ipooh, Ipooh, Mercury Bat, Ultimate+ Archeoaevis
Claw Cyclone Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to the party. Sabertooth Tiger, Ultimate++ Sabertooth Tiger
Claws Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ahriman [FFIX]
Cleansing Strike Inflicts major non-elemental damage and Doom to one target. Ultimate++ Wiegraf, Wiegraf
Cleave Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Hades [FFIX], Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX]
Climhazzard Ends battle. Only used during third battle. When used by Cursed Beatrix, inflicts massive % damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Beatrix, reduces party's HP to 1. When used by Cloud [KH], inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to targets in range. When used by Ultimate++ Cloud [KH], targets the party instead. Beatrix, Cloud [KH], Cursed Beatrix, Ultimate+ Beatrix, Ultimate++ Cloud [KH]
Cling Inflicts Slow to one target. Spritzer
Clobber Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Punisher
Close Changes abilities used to Ultimate Death, Twister, and Open (Ultimate Deathguise [FFIX] only). Deathguise [FFIX], Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX]
Cloudy Heaven Inflicts Doom to the party, and Confuse after reviving a party member. Ultimate+ Goddess
Cloying Breath Inflicts major non-elemental damage, Slow, and Sleep to one target. Malboro [FFXII]
Club Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target, or Fire-elemental physical damage when used after Fire Club. Trickmaster, Ultimate Trickmaster, Ultimate+ Trickmaster
Club Swing Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range, or Fire-elemental physical damage when used after Fire Club. Trickmaster, Ultimate Trickmaster, Ultimate+ Trickmaster
Cluster Sphere Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Bahamut Fury, Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury
Cocoon Increases user's Defense for a brief time. Crawler [FFXI]
Cold (冷気) Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental magic damage to the party. Kujinshi [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Cold Breath Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party (only if both heads are alive). When used by Worm Hydra, inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Stop to one. Schizo - Right Head, Worm Hydra
Cold Breath Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. Ice Azer, Ultimate Ice Azer
Cold Breath XII Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Ice Gigas
Collosal Slam Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Gyges The Great
Combo Inflicts four hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. One variation inflicts Blind, another inflicts Poison, and the final inflicts Sleep. When used by Ultimate+ Shelke the Transparent, deals up to 9 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Shelke the Transparent
Combo Attack Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target with a high chance of cancelling the target's action. G Eraser, Ultimate+ G Eraser
Comet Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Tioman, inflicts non-elemental magic damage to two random targets. When used by Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue, inflicts Dark-elemental damage to one target. Soul Fire (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Tioman, Ultimate Tioman, Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Condemn Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Orator
Confuse Inflicts Confusion to one target. When used by Goldor, Ultimate+ Hein, and Hein, targets the party instead. Abadon [FFVIII], Ahriman [FFIV], Apanda [FFV], Black Warlock, Byblos, Carbuncle, Corpse [FFLII], Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Elder Wyrm, Gesper, Goldor, Hein, Helletic Hojo, Imp, Kefka, Level 20 Magic, Omniscient, Sandy [FFIV], Ultimate Helletic Hojo, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Hellectic Hojo, Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV], Wendigo [FFV]
Confuse Claw Inflicts Confuse to one target. Erebus (4), Ultimate Erebus (4)
Confuse Gaze Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confusion to one target. Ahriman [FFX], Sin
Confuse Powder Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confusion to one target. Dragon Grass [Upper Left], Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Upper Left]
Confusion Ring (こんらんリング) Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confusion to one target. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Contact Damage Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Deadeye
Contempt Abyss Demon Wall
Continuous Aeroga Inflicts two hits of major Wind-elemental magic damage to random targets. When used by Ultimate+ Barbarricia, hits 3 random targets. Cursed Barbariccia, Ultimate Judge Bergan, Ultimate+ Barbarricia, Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII]
Continuous Aerora Inflicts two hits of Wind-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate Judge Bergan
Continuous Darkra Inflicts two hits of Dark-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate Judge Bergan
Continuous Darkga Inflicts two hits of major Dark-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate Judge Bergan
Continuous Kicks Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Soldier [KH]
Continuous Light Shell Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to two random target. When used by Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon and Ultimate++ Diamond Weapon, instead hits 3 random targets. Diamond Weapon, Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon, Ultimate++ Diamond Weapon
Continuous Punch Ultimate+ Atlas, Ultimate++ Atlas
Continuous Scratching (連続ひっかき) Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate Shell Dragon
Continuous Shotgun Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate Rufus, Ultimate+ Rufus
Continuous Water Gun Inflicts two hits of major Water-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate + Leviathan [FFIV]
Continuous Waterga Inflicts two hits of major Water-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate Judge Bergan
Continuous Watera Inflicts two hits of Water-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate Judge Bergan
Core Energy Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target. Calamity Ultima Weapon [FFX], Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFX], Ultimate++ Omega Weapon [FFX]
Corner Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Stone Mask, Ushabti
Corona Reduces the party's HP to single digits. Mobile Type 8
Countdown Inflicts Doom to one target. Hydro [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hydro
Counter Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Hecatoncheir [FFXIII]
Counterattack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Imperial Soldier, Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Vector Chimera
Counterattack Cursed Ormi
Counter Horn Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Antlion [FFIV], Antlion [FFIX], Ultimate++ Antlion [FFIV]
Counter Magic Lv7 Inflicts Reflect to one ally. Master Ninja [SoM]
Counter Magic Lv8 (カウンタマジックLv8) Inflicts Reflect to user. Mana Beast, Ultimate Mana Beast
Counter Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Ogre [FFX], Wendigo [FFX]
Counter Punch Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Gaffgarion, Knight [FFT]
Counter Tackle Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Celia, Lettie, Squire [FFT], Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Gaffgarion, Ultimate+ Lettie
Countertek Removes all buffs from the party. Counter to White Magic. Ultimate+ Shelke the Transparent
Counter Twist Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target when damaged by physical attacks. Gargnatua
Courtship Dance Summons Ceratosaur. Ceratoraptor
Cranial Plant Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian
Crash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Can be used as a counter when hit by physical attacks when used by Gizamaluke. When used by Ultimate Taharka, inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party instead. Gizamaluke, Taharka, Ultimate Taharka
Cripple Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Cindy [FFIV], inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to 3 targets in range. Dantengu [RS2], Ultimate++ Behemoth [FFII], Ultimate+ Cindy [FFIV]
Cross Cleave Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed Mortiorchis, Mortiorchis
Cross-Slash Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Cloud [KH] and Ultimate++ Cloud [KH], deals 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cloud (Dissidia), Cloud [KH], Ultimate+ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud [KH]
Crossover Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to four random targets. Ultimate++ Warrior of Light, Warrior of Light
Crown Inflicts major Holy-elemental damage and Confuse to one target. Ultimate Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Vinuskar, Vinuskar
Critical Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, can target one character or the party. Abductor, Alte Roite, Antlion [FFV], Baldanders, Bandercoeurl, Berserker, Blood Lamia [FFLII], Catastrophe [FFV], Crystal, Cure Beast, Cursed+ Gilgamesh, Dhorme Chimera, Dragon Aevis, Enkidu, Exdeath's Soul, Gargoyle [FFV], Gilgamesh (1st), Gilgamesh (3rd), Gilgamesh (Xezat's Fleet), [賀] Gilgamesh, [賀+] Gilgamesh, Gogo [FFV], Great Dragon, Grenade [FFV], Halicarnassus, Hellraiser, Ice Commander, Iron Claw (2nd form), Iron Fist [FFV], Jackanapes, Jura Aevis, Lamia Queen [FFV], Magic Dragon, Mammon [FFV], Manticore, Minotaur [FFV], Mummy [FFV], Neon, Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV], Odin [FFV], Odin [FFVIII], Prototype, Purobolos, Red Dragon [FFV], Shell Bear, Sleepy, The Damned, Titan, Twin Lizard, Tyrannosaur [FFV], Ultimate Exdeath's Soul, Ultimate Minotaur, Ultimate+ Catastrophe [FFV], Ultimate+ Odin [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Undead Husk, Undergrounder [FFV], Yellow Dragon [FFV], Yojimbo [FFV], Zombie Dragon [FFV]
Crush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Io, Slagworm
Crush Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Demon Wall
Crush Armor Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and lowers Defense to one target. Meliadoul, Ultimate++ Meliadoul
Crush Helm Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and lowers Magic Defense to one target. Meliadoul, Ultimate++ Meliadoul
Crush Weapon Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and lowers Attack to one target. Meliadoul, Ultimate++ Meliadoul
Crushing Blow Inflicts non-elemental physical damage that ignores Defense to the party. When used by Lightning or Ultimate+ Lightning, no longer ignores Defense. Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Crushing Fangs Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Cataract Aevis, can also inflict Instant Death. Cataract Aevis, Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate++ Hydro
Cry for Help Revives all KO'd Bombs when used by Bomb King and Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII]. Summons Malboros when used by Rafflesia [FFXII]. King Bomb [FFXII], Rafflesia [FFXII], Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII]
Crystal Lance Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Dante
Crystal Rain Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Manasvin Warmech, Ultimate+ Manasvin Warmech, Ultimate+ Proudclad, Ultimate++ Anavatapta Warmech
CT0 Double Counterattacks twice. Cursed Vossler
CT0 Triple Counterattacks thrice. Cursed Vossler
CT0 Force Counterattacks four times. Cursed Vossler
CT15 Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ignores Defense. Cursed+ Doctor Cid, Doctor Cid, Ultimate++ Doctor Cid
Cure Restores minor HP to one ally. Beatrix (2nd), Biggs (1st), Biggs (2nd), Bwagi, Cid Raines, Elite Soldier, Flan [FFXII], Flan [FFWWW], Gesper, Gijuk, Gutsco, Gwitch, Number 024 (Poison Weakness Mode), PSICOM Executioner, PSICOM Tracker, Soul Saver, Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate+ Elite Soldier, Ultimate++ Bwagi, White Mage [FFT], Wrexsoul
Cura Restores moderate HP to one ally. When used by Godo and Sinspawn Genais, is used as a counter to attacks. Beatrix (3rd), Blobra, Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Cindy [FFX], Clymenus, Cure Beast, Cursed Godo, Cursed Moebius, Cursed Rude, Dullahan, Elite Soldier, Godo, Mandragora Prince, Materia Keeper, Misty, Moebius, Mortibody, Number 024 (Poison Weakness Mode), Omniscient, PSICOM Executioner, Ricard Mage, Rude (final battle), Sandy [FFIV], Sinspawn Genais, Ultimate White Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Mandragora Prince [FFXII], Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Zalmour, Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Materia Keeper, Ultimate++ Mortibody, Vaballathus, White Mage [FFT] (Wiegraf fight only), Zalmour, Zephyrus
Curaga Restores major HP to one ally. When used by Ozma, restores 3000 HP. When used by Transcendence Ozma, restores 9999 HP. When used by Nightmare Jenova Synthesis B/C, restores 20,000 HP to the party. When used by Jenova Synthesis, restores major HP to the party. Ahriman [FFIII], Asura, Bahamut [FFIII], Chaos [FFI], Cindy [FFX], Cursed+ Asura, Diablos, Elite Soldier, Fairy Orc, Hilgigars, Ice Azer, Jenova Synthesis, Level 80 Magic, Mad Siren [FFV], Nightmare Jenova Synthesis B/C, Onion Queen, Ozma, Rook, Sanctuary Keeper, Scylla [FFIII], Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII], Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate+ Zalmour, Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Cindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Diabolos [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Gijuk, Ultimate++ Rook, Zalmour
Curasa Restores massive HP to one ally. Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Vaballathus
Curse Inflicts Sap to one target. When used by Imperial Shadow and Rafflesia [FFXII], targets party instead. Black Knight, Dinozombie, Fell Knight, Ghost [FFII], Imperial Shadow, Rafflesia [FFXII], Scarmiglione (2nd fight), Ultimate++ The Deathlord
Curse Cursed Geryon, Geryon, Ultimate Zeromus EG
Curse Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage, Poison, Confuse, Blind, and Slow to the party. Hades [FFIX], Ozma, Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX]
Curse Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Doom to one target. Vysage
Curses Inflicts Silence to one target. Dorky Face
Curse of Atomos Starts countdown to Wormhole. When used by Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], and Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX], inflicts Instant Death to the party instead. Amethyst, Atomos [FFV], Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX]
Cursed Elegy Inflicts Slow to the party. When used by Scarmiglione, counter to Fire-elemental attacks. When used by Geryon and Cursed Geryon, counter to physicals. Cursed Geryon, Geryon, Scarmiglione (2nd form)
Cyclone Inflicts Wind-elemental damage to the entire party. When used by Cursed Garland and Cursed+ Garland, instead inflicts major % damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Wind resistance. When used by Leviathan [FFXV], inflicts non-elemental physical damage to either the entire party or two targets in range. When used by Yiazmat, inflicts moderate Wind-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Chaos [FFI], Leviathan [FFXV], Platinum Dragon, Sand Worm [FFIV], Sand Worm [FFWWW], Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate Garland [FFI], Ultimate+ Garland [FFI], Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII], Yiazmat
Cyclone Sky (サイクロンスクィーズ) Inflicts massive Wind-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Cyclonic Reduces party's HP by %. Chimera, Galypdes, Storm Dragon [FFVI]
Cyclops Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to the party. Belias [FFT], Ultimate Belias [FFT], Ultimate Summoner [FFT]


Ability Description Enemy
Dagger Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Dadaluma
Damage Up Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bee Saucer
Damning Edict Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental magic damage, Sap, and Slow to the party. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Damocles Photon Inflicts % damage to the party. Guardian Beast, Ultimate+ Guardian Beast
Dancehall Daze Inflicts Sleep to one target. Gilgamesh (3rd)
Dancer: Sword Dance Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Bartz, Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Dancer: Tempting Tango Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz
Dancing Flame Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Daedalus [FFVI], Ghost
Dark Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Odin [WoFF], targets the party instead and can also inflict Blind or inflicts massive Dark-elemental magic damage to one target. Darkmare, Judge Bergan, Lich [FFXII], Nightmare [FFXII], Odin [WoFF], Shadow Creeper (B) (Cursed Bahamut SIN), Skull Warrior, Ultimate Judge Bergan, Ultimate+ Odin [WoFF]
Dark Ball Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to the party. Darkside
Dark Blow Inflicts massive Dark-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ The Deathlord
Dark Breath Inflicts major Dark-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Golbez, Dark Dragon [FFIV], Shadow Creeper (B) (Cursed Bahamut SIN)
Dark Breath Inflicts % magic damage to the party. Mad Shadow Dragon, Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV]
Dark Cannon Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Dark Knight [FFIV]
Dark Dragon Breath Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental damage and Blind to one target. Dark Dragon [FFVII]
Dark Energy Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to 3 targets in range. Genesis
Dark Flare Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Tiamat [FFVIII]
Dark Force Lv7 Inflicts Dark-elemental damage to one target or the party. Buffy [SoM]
Dark Force Lv8 (ダークフォースLv8) Inflicts Dark-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM], targets either one target or the party. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM], Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Dark Gate Lv8 (イビルゲートLv8) Inflicts Dark-elemental damage to one target. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Dark Homing Inflicts 4 hits of Dark-elemental magic damage to random targets. Darkside
Dark Mist Inflicts Dark-elemental damage and a low chance to cancel actions to the party. Imperial Villa Maid, Lady Amandine
Dark Nova Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Dark Punch Inflicts 4 hits of Dark-elemental physical damage to two targets in range and summons Shadows. Darkside
Dark Shock Inflicts Blind and Sap to one target. Gargoyle Baron
Darkra Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Tyrant [FFXII], Ultimate+ Tyrant, and Hydro [FFXII], targets the party instead. When used by Ultimate++ The Deathlord, can target either one target or the party. Daedalus [FFXII], Hydro [FFXII], Tyrant [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate++ Hydro, Ultimate++ The Deathlord
Dark Spark Inflicts Blind and Sap to one target. Black Flame, Ushabti
Dark Sphere Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to one target. Anima [FFI], Ultimate Anima [FFI]
Dark Sphere Inflicts % magic damage to one target. Rock Bouquet [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Dark Spore Inflicts % damage and Blind to one target or three targets in range. Exoray [FFXI]
Dark Star Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage and lowers Dark-elemental resistance to the party. Tioman, Ultimate Tioman
Darkga Inflicts major Dark-elemental damage to the party. Etém, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII]
Darkness Inflicts major Dark-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate++ Dark Knight [FFIV], inflicts 2 hits of major non-elemental physical damage to the party and increases user's Attack. Dark Knight, Ultimate+ Dark Knight [FFIV], Ultimate++ Dark Knight [FFIV]
Darkness Breath Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage and lowers Attack to either one target or 3 targets in range. Mindflayer [FFXV], Ultimate+ Mindflayer [FFXV]
Darkness Powder Inflicts non-elemental damage and Blind to one target. Dragon Grass [Upper Right], Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Upper Right]
Darts (ダーツ) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Poron
Dash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Behemoth (Event)
Dayspring Inflicts 2016 damage to the party. [賀+] Gilgamesh
Dazega Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage and Sleep to the party. Barthandelus (2nd), Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd)
Deadly Dive (デッドリードライブ) Reduces Attack, Defense, Magic, and Magic Defense to the party. Subie [RS2]
Deadly Horn Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Catoblepas [FFVIII]
Deadly Wheel Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Motor Ball
Deafening Bellow Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Nidhogg [FFXIV]
Death Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks by Abyss Ultima Buster. Used as a counter to magic attacks by Abyss Demon Wall. Abyss Demon Wall, Abyss Ultima Buster, Astos, Behemoth King (Undead), Black Warlock, Buel, Carbuncle, Deathgaze, Deathguise [FFIX], Echidna [FFIII], Etém, Forbidden, Fury, Imperial Shadow, Level 50 Magic, Lich [FFIX], Mad Hades [FFVII], Necromancer, Necrophobe, Ozma, Precepts Guard, Ultimate++ Behemoth King (Undead), Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX]
Death Abyss Inflicts Instant Death to the party. Abyss Necrophobe [FFV]
Death Claw Reduces one target's HP to single digits and inflicts Paralysis. Azulmagia, Cursed+ Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh (Xezat's Fleet), Iron Claw (2nd form), Ultimate++ Azulmagia
Death Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Death Claw [FFVIII]
Death Cutter Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Instant Death to one target. Lich [FFIX]
Death Hand Inflicts major Dark-elemental damage to one target. Death
Death Lightning (死神の雷撃) Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Kuja
Death Scissors Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Scorpion [FFXI]
Death Strike Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Transcendence Yiazmat, Yiazmat
Death Sword Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Death
Deathblow Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Garland [FFI], Ultimate+ Garland [FFI]
Debarrier Reduces the party's Defense for a period of time. When used by Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), removes Protect, Shell, and Reflect from one target. Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Lich (Sword) [MFF]
Defense (ぼうぎょ) User becomes invincible. Mantis ANt
Defense (物理防御) User becomes invincible to physical damage. Genesis
Defense Up Increases user's Defense for a period of time. Abyss Atomos [FFIX]
Defensive Shift Changes to Defensive Shift mode. Cid Raines
Delta Attack Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Only used if Cindy, Mindy, and Sandy are alive. Cindy [FFX], Mindy [FFX], Sandy [FFX], Ultimate++ Cindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Sandy [FFX]
Delta Attack Inflicts Petrify to one. Inferno, Nereid, Phobos, Triton
Delta Magic Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Cursed Curlax, Cursed Laragorn, Cursed Moebius
Deluge Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Leviathan
Demon Rush Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Inflicts Instant Death to the party instead when used by Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], and Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII]. Demon's Gate, Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII]
Demon Slice Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Seifer (2nd), Ultimate++ Seifer
Depth Charge Inflicts massive non-elemental damage and Blind to the party. Extractor
Deprotect Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and lowers Defense to one target. Vaballathus
Desert Storm Inflicts massive Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. Hashmal [FFI], Ultimate Hashmal [FFI]
Desperado Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Mortibody, Ultimate++ Mortibody
Destrudo Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Barthandelus
Devil Claw Removes Reflect and inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Behemoth King (Living), Ultimate++ Behemoth King [FFVI]
Devil's Kiss Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Ralvurahva, Ultimate Ralvurahva
Devil's Kiss Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Used as a counter to physicals. Great Malboro [FFAB]
Diamond Flash Diamond Weapon
Diabolic Whistle Inflicts Poison, Confusion, Slow, Blind, Berserk and Doom to the party. 【深淵】アンラックズ(黄), Pandora, Phantom Train, Ultimate Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Phantom Train
Diamond Dust(ability)|Diamond Dust} Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Maduin, Opal, Shiva [FFXIV], Shiva [WoFF], Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Diamond Missile Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Basilisk [SoM]
Diamond Missile Lv0 (ダイヤミサイルLv0) Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to one target. Mantis Ant
Diamond Missile Lv6 Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to one target or the party. Hexas [SoM]
Diffractive Laser Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Air Force, Armored Weapon, Io, Laser Gun, Spitfire, Ultimate Mega Armor [FFVI], Ultimate+ Air Force, Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI]
Digestive Acid Antlion [FFV]
Diluvial Plague Dahaka [FFXIII]
Dirty Claw Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Boreal Hound
Disablega Inflicts Stop to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], targets the party instead. Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII]
Disaster Inflicts Silence, Confusion, Blind, and Doom to the party. Brachiosaur, Chaos Dragon, Skull Dragon [FFVI]
Discharge Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Arachne [FFXV], targets the party instead. Battery Mimic, Bee Saucer, Ultimate++ Arachne [FFXV]
Dischord Inflicts Reduced Level status to one target. Apanda [FFV], Antlion [FFV], Byblos, Enkidu, Gilgamesh (3rd), [賀] Gilgamesh, Malboro [FFVIII]
Dispatch Inflicts Instant Death on user. Outsider
Dispel Removes Protect, Shell, Reflect, Regen, and Haste from one target. When used by Edea during the "Edea Assassination Plan (Reprint)" mission, targets the party and can be used as a counter when hit by physicals. When used by Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Ultimate Argath, Seymour Omnis, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis, Ultimate++ The Deathlord, Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Mad Hades [FFVII], Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate+ Right Orb, and Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, targets the party. When used by Exdeath, used as a counter to attacks. Abadon [FFVIII], Anima [FFX], Barthandelus (2nd), Cerberus [FFVIII], Cid Raines, Cursed Dark Nation, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Golbez, Cursed+ Asura, Cursed+ Golbez, Death Eye, Death Knight, Edea (1st), Edea (2nd), Elnoyle, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Exdeath, Gerogero, Gi Nattak, Halicarnassus, Holy Dragon, Left Orb, Mad Hades [FFVII], Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Seymour Flux, Seymour Omnis, Sorceress (1), Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate Argath, Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Dark Nation, Ultimate+ Holy Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Right Orb, Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ The Deathlord, Vaballathus, Vysage
Dispel XVI Removes all buffs from the party. Light Emperor, Ultimate+ Light Emperor, Ultimate++ Light Emperor
Dispelga Removes all buffs from the party. Bahamut [WoFF], Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF]
Dive Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Darkwind, Red Dragon [FFIX]
Dive Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Snow Giant, Ultimate++ Snow Giant
Dive Attack Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Crimson Hound, Ultimate+ Crimson Hound
Dive Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Valron
Divide Summons an Ahriman (Clone). Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII]
Divine Malison Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party, and lowers Defense and Magic Defense. Shantotto, Ultimate++ Shantotto
Doom Inflicts Doom to the party. When used by Ahriman [FFIV], Ahriman [FFVI], Ahriman [FFIX], Dahaka [FFXIII], Ahriman [FFXII], Ahriman (Clone) [FFXII], Cid Raines, Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Azulmagia, Sphinxara, Lich [FFIX], Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd), and Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII], only targets one character. Used as a counter to special attacks by Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]. Ahriman [FFIV], Ahriman [FFVI], Ahriman [FFIX], Ahriman [FFXII], Ahriman (Clone) [FFXII], Alexander, Azulmagia, Bahamut [FFXIII], Barthandelus, Barthandelus (2nd), Cid Raines, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Dahaka [FFXIII], Demon Wall [FFXII], Exdeath, Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Lich [FFIX], Nelapa, Nix, Odin [FFXIII], Plague, Skull Dragon [FFVI], Sphinxara, Stiria, Tantarian, Transcendence Nemesis [FFX], Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Azulmagia, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate++ Dark Knight [FFIV], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Ghoul [FFT], Unknown (Skeleton), Wraith (Blue), Wraith (Red)
Doom Abyss Inflicts Doom to one target. Abyss Barrier [FFV]
Doom Fist Inflicts Doom to one target. Vargas
Doom Strike Inflicts Doom to one target. Wrexsoul
Doomed Aspirations Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and either Confuse or Doom to the party. Elmdore
Doomsday Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to all enemies and allies. Hades [FFIX], Ozma, Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX]
Double Allows for doublecasting of spells for a brief period of time. Sorceress (2)
Double Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target twice. Cursed+ Yunalesca, Defender X, King Behemoth [FFWWW]
Double Cut (連続斬り) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Kadaj, Ultimate+ Sephiroth
Double Machine Gun Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Proud Clod, Custom Sweeper, Grunt, Proud Clod, Sweeper
Double Punch Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Wendigo [FFX]
Double Shot Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mighty Grunt
Double Slash Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian
Double Slash Inflicts 2 hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ramza, Ultimate+ Ramza
Double Slash Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Kujinshi [RS2], Noel [RS2], Skeleton [RS2]
Double Smash Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Magitek Armor [WoFF]
Double Sword Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Forbidden
Dragon Breath Inflicts Poison-elemental physical damage and Poison to the party. Aiatar, Ultimate+ Aiatar, Ultimate++ Aiatar
Dragon Breath Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Jormungand [FFXI]
Dragon Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Faeryl
Dragon Claws Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target twice. Bahamut [FFXIII], Chaos Bahamut, Cursed Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Chaos Bahamut
Dragon Fang Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Schizo, it inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. When used by Abyss Neo Bahamut, hits two random targets. Abyss Neo Bahamut, Dragon, Schizo
Drain Absorbs HP from one target to restore user's HP. When used by Cursed Adel, also used as a counter to magic attacks. When used by Cursed Chadarnook, used as a counter to physical attacks. When used by Ultimate Zeromus EG, inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage while absorbing HP. Apanda [FFV], Black Warlock, Calofisteri, Cloud, Coco, Cursed Adel, Cursed Chadarnook, Cursed Godo, Cursed Kefka, Cursed+ Adel, Echidna [FFIII], Doga, Doga's Clone, Fury, General [FFIII], Gi Nattak, Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Godo, Kefka, Mindflayer, Precepts Guard, Poltergeist, Rafflesia [FFXII], Red Bat, Ricard Mage, Rook, Trauma, Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Doga, Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Doga, Ultimate++ Kefka, Ultimate++ Marach, Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Rook, Wraith
Drain Touch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and absorbs damage as HP to user. When used by Mindflayer [FFXV], absorbs HP equal to 5 times the damage given. Galvanth the Dominator, Mindflayer [FFXV], Sinspawn Echuilles, Ultimate Sinspawn Echuilles, Ultimate+ Mindflayer [FFXV], Ultimate++ Ghoul [FFT]
Draw & Junction (Arise) Increases user's Defense for a brief period of time. Squall, Ultimate Squall
Draw & Junction (Meteor) Increases user's Attack for a brief period of time. Squall, Ultimate Squall, Ultimate+ Squall
Draw & Junction (Triple) Inflicts Haste to user. Squall, Ultimate Squall
Dread Gaze Inflicts Petrify to one target. Ahriman [FFVI], Oversoul
Drift Turn Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Devil Ride
Drill Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Tunnel Armor
Drill Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Watchdrone
Drool Inflicts Sap to one target. Malboro [FFVI]
Dual Wing Fire Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Eagle Gun
Dualcast Inflicts Haste on user. Bomb King [FFAB], Bomb King [FFWWWW]


Ability Description Enemy
Eagle Eye Shot Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Porphyrion, Ultimate Porphyrion
Earth Impact Inflicts Earth-elemental physical damage to one target. Hecatoncheir [FFI]
Earth Shake Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Lich [FFIX], Ultimate Shell Dragon, Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX]
Earth Power Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Used as a counter to physicals while in Defense mode. Ralvuimago, Ultimate++ Ralvuimago
Earth Shaker Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to the party. Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV], Bahamut [FFV], Catastrophe [FFV], Crystal (Bottom), Cursed Exdeath, Exdeath, Mad Golem [FFV], Shell Dragon, Titan, Ultimate+ Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Catastrophe [FFV], Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago
Earthen Wall Invalidates certain amount of physical damage to the user. Mad Golem [FFV]
Earthquake Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to the party. Can also be used as a counter by Gil Turtle and Lord Ochu. When used by Titan [FFIV], deals non-elemental damage instead. Armadodo, Earth Guardian, Extreme Omega [FFV], Great Dragon, Gil Turtle, Hilgigars, Lich [FFIX], Lord Ochu, Oceanus, Sand Worm [FFX], Titan [FFIV], Tunneler [FFIV], Ultima Weapon [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Archaeosaur, Ultimate+ Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV], Ultimate Garland [FFI], Ultimate Lord Ochu, Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Garland [FFI], Ultimate Sand Worm [FFX], Ultimate++ Archaeosaur, Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX], Undergrounder [FFV], White Dragon [FFIV]
Earthquake Lv4 Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to one target. Basilisk [SoM]
Earthquake Lv6 Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to one target or the party. Hexas [SoM]
Earthquake Lv8 (アースクエイクLv8) Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to the party. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Eat Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and absorbs moderate HP. Biochimera, Mimic
Edge Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Tantarian
Efflorescence Inflicts 6 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian
Eight Arms Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Moogle Eater, Octokraken
Elbow Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gigas
Electric Cachexia Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Rangda
Electrocute Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Subie [RS2] and Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], targets the party instead. Abyss Guardian [FFV], Gilgamesh (2nd), Octokraken, Subie [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Electrocuting Lance Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Magitek Armor "Cuirass", Ultimate+ Magitek Armor "Cuirass"
Electrocution Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Rangda
Electrokick Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Watchdrone
Electro-Mag Rod Inflicts Stop to one target. Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to one target and is used as a counter to Lightning-elemental attacks by Turks: Reno (2nd). When used by Cursed Reno, inflicts major Lightning-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed Reno, Reno, Turks: Reno (2nd)
Electromagnetic Radiation Inflicts Stop to one target. Armor Construct, Defeater, Motor Trap
Electroprod Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Reno (final battle)
Elixir Restores all HP to one ally. Emperor, Ultimate++ Mom Bomb [FFIV]
Elixir I Restores all HP to one ally. Ultimate Emperor, Ultimate+ Emperor
El Niño Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Angler Whelk, Rhizopas, Seaflower
EM Field Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Guard Spider, Ultimate Guard Spider
Embrace Inflicts Petrify to one target. Moonmaiden
Enchanted Veil Inflicts Protect and Shell to one ally. Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Barthandelus
Emerald Laser Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate+ Eye [FFVII]
Emerald Shoot Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target. Counter to Protect and Shell. Ultimate+ Emerald Weapon
Energy Ball Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used only when Big Bomber is out of ammo. Air Buster
Energy Blast Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Extermination+ Valefor [FFX], Ultimate++ Valefor [FFX], Valefor [FFX]
Energy Bomber Inflicts major non-elemental damage to one target. Cursed Adel, Cursed+ Adel
Energy Bullet Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target. Magitek Infantry, Ultimate+ Magitek Infantry
Energy Bullets Energy Sphere
Energy Ray Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Extermination+ Valefor [FFX], Pterya, Ultimate++ Valefor [FFX], Valefor [FFX]
Enrage Inflicts Haste to user. Cursed Vossler, Garuda [FFXII], Shemhazai [FFXII], Slyt, Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII], Vossler
Enthunder Makes target's Lightning attacks more powerful. Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII]
Entice Inflicts Confusion to one target. Used as a counter by Chadarnook [Goddess form] and Cursed Chadarnook. When used by Cursed Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, and 【深淵】アンラックズ(黄), targets the party instead. 【深淵】アンラックズ(黄), Blood Lamia [FFLII], Celia, Chadarnook [Goddess form], Cursed Chadarnook, Cursed Elena, Cursed Melusine, Elena, Flan Princess, Lamia [FFIV], Lamia [FFV], Lamia [FFWWW], Lamia Queen [FFV], Lettie, Lilith, Marilith [FFIV], Melusine, Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Lettie, Ultimate+ Melusine
Entangle Inflicts Slow to one target. When used by Python, Silver Dragon, Leviathan [FFV], Hydra [FFIV], Midgar Zolom, Ultimate Midgar Zolom, Jura Aevis, Kraken [FFIV], White Serpent [FFV], and Gold Dragon, inflicts Paralysis instead. Used as a counter to attacks by Gold Dragon and Leviathan [FFV]. Aspis, Gold Dragon, Hydra [FFIV], Jura Aevis, Kraken [FFIV], Leviathan [FFV], Mad Midgardsormr [FFVI], Midgar Zolom, Python, Silver Dragon, Tentacle, Ultimate Midgar Zolom, Ultimate++ Left Arm [FFIV], Ultimate++ Right Arm [FFIV], White Serpent [FFV]
Entwine Inflicts Slow to the party. Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI]
Eraser Removes Reflect from one target. Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI]
Eruption (エラプション) Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target. When used by Cursed Ifrit [FFXIV], can target one target or the entire party. Cursed Ifrit [FFXIV], Ifrit [FFXIV]
Esuna Cures all negative statuses to one ally. Abadon [FFVIII], Calofisteri, Cid Raines, Cursed Fire Gigas, Cursed Fujin, Cursed Ice Gigas, Cursed Raijin, Cursed Thunder Gigas, Cursed+ Asura, Fujin (2nd), Guado Guardian (with Seymour), Lefty, Mandragora Prince, Sanctuary Keeper, Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Fire Gigas, Ultimate+ Ice Gigas, Ultimate+ Mandragora Prince [FFXII], Ultimate+ Thunder Gigas, Vaballathus, Vysage
Eternal Darkness Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Ark
Ethereal Cannon Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to one target. Nemesis [FFX], Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]
Evil Poison Inflicts moderate Poison-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Bad Rap Sample
Evil Sword Wave Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Sartain
Excalipoor Inflicts very minor non-elemental physical damage to the party. [賀] Gilgamesh, [賀+] Gilgamesh, Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV]
Eviscerator Inflicts three random hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Abyss Demon Wall, Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII]
Exaflare Inflicts % magic damage to the party. Bahamut Fury, Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury
Explode Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Babus
Explosion (爆発) Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to one target at the cost of killing the user. Abyss Attack Node, Abyss Defense Node
Explosion Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Death Claw [FFVIII]
Explosion (爆発) Inflicts % damage to the party. Abyss Evrae Altana
Explosive Fist Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Alexander
Explosive Impulse Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party, and cancels all buffs. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Extra-Crispy Firaga Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Kefka
Eye of Bahamut Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target and reduces their Magic Defense. Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad
Eyedrops Cures Blind to one ally. Cursed+ Vargas, Guado Guardian
Evil Eye Inflicts Petrify to one target. Catastrophe [FFV], Shinryu [FFV], Ultimate+ Catastrophe [FFV]
Evil Eye Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Slow to the party. Gargantua


Ability Description Enemy
Faith Increases one ally's Magic Attack. Dahaka [FFXIII], Nightmare Zodiark
Fall (落下) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Biochimera
Fall of Man Inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to two random targets. Gyascutus
Falling Rocks Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Demon's Gate
Fang Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mastiff, Nibel Wolf, Zenene
Fang Crush (ファングクラッシュ) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Forge Wyrm [RS2]
Fated Circle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Squall, Ultimate Squall
Fearga Reduces the number of uses by 1 to the party. Hydro [FFXII]
Feather Lance Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the party, then kills user. Feather Plume, Ultimate+ Feather Plume
Feint (フェイント) Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Fiendish Rage Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Blink. Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI]
Fight (Continuous) Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target under Sleep. Behemoth King (Undead)
Fight (Counter) Inflicts on-elemental physical damage to a single target. Used as a counter. Anima [FFXIII], Number 024
Fight (Counter) Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to a single target. Used as a counter. Asura, Calca, Brina, Dueling Knight
Fin Bash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. When used by Left Fin, Right Fin, Ultimate Sinspawn Gui, and Ultimate+ Geosgaeno, targets the party instead. When used by Ultimate+ Geosgaeno, does not inflict Slow. Left Fin, Murussu, Right Fin, Sallet [X-2], Ultimate Sinspawn Gui, Ultimate+ Geosgaeno
Fira Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks by Rubicante and Liquid Flame (Humanoid). Used as a counter by Black Waltz No.2 when hit by a Fire-elemental attack when in Counter stance. When used by Giant Rat, Thorn (Road to Holy Land EX event), Right Pauldron, Bomb King [FFWWW], Cursed Adel, Cursed Seifer, Seifer (Final), Soulcage, Lani, Cursed Maduin, Cursed+ Adel, Ultimate+ Terra, Amon [FFIII], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate+ Rubicante, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Sorceress (1), Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate++ Seifer, Soul Fire (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian, Ultimate Masked Man, Bomb King [FFAB], Orator, Ultimate Great Behemoth [FFXIII], Ultimate Zeromus EG, and Tiamat [FFI], targets the entire party. When used by Dahaka [FFXIII], Cursed Curlax, Cursed Rude, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 1, Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Red Soul [FFII], Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate Astos, Ultimate+ Wedge [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Spherimorph, Ultimate++ Baigan, Ultimate+ G Soldier, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Mad Bismarck [FFVI], Ultimate++ Mom Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Wedge [FFVIII], or Black Mage [FFT], can hit either one target or the party. When used by Ultimate+ Soulcage, can target self with it as well to targeting the party. When used by Ultimate++ Terra, hits one target 3 times or does moderate damage to the party. Abaia, Abyss Ultima Buster, Ahriman [FFXII], Ahriman (Clone) [FFXII], Amon [FFIII], Antlion [FFIX], Astos, Black Mage [FFT], Black Waltz No.2, Blazer Beetle, Bomb [X-2], Bomb [FFXII], Bomb [FFT], King Bomb [FFXII], Bomb King [FFAB], Bomb King [FFWWW], Buel, Carbuncle, Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Clymenus, Crane, Cruller, Cursed Adel, Cursed Curlax, Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed Maduin, Cursed Rude, Cursed Seifer, Cursed+ Adel, Dahaka [FFXIII], Dark Elf, Dragonfly, Edea (1st) (Edea Assassination Plan (Reprint)), Edea (2nd), Extermination+ Ifrit [FFX], Flame Eater, Fritt, Gaap, Ghost [FFIX], Giant Rat, Goblin Captain [FFLII], Golbez, Greater Boros, Grothia, G-Soldier, Gutsco, Hein, Hellgaroo Mage, Hellish Horse, Horned Devil, Ifrit [FFV], Ifrit [FFVI], Ifrit [FFX], Ifrit [WoFF], Jersey, King Eblan, Kraken, Lani, Level 30 Magic, Lich [FFI], Liquid Flame (Vortex), Liquid Flame (Humanoid), Mad Bismarck [FFVI], Mad Liquid Flame, Magic Master, Magician, Magna Roader (Blue), Marilith, Medusa [FFIII], Mindy [FFIV], Mindy [FFX], Mistodon, Mythril Golem [FFXII], Nelapa, Number 024 (Ice Weakness Mode), Nymph, Omniscient, Orator, Poodler Sample, Red Dragon [FFVI], Red Dragon [WoFF], Red Nocturne, Red Soul [FFII], Right Orb, Right Pauldron, Rubicante, Ruby Dragon, Rude (final battle), Sand Golem, Seifer (1st), Seifer (2nd), Seifer (Final), Seymour, Sorcerer, Sorceress (1), Soul Fire, Soul Fire (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Soulcage, Terra, Thorn (Road to Holy Land EX event), Tiamat (2nd fight) [FFI], Trickmaster, Type B, Type C, Ultima Weapon, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate Black Waltz No. 1, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 2, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 3, Ultimate Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate Gaap, Ultimate Great Behemoth [FFXIII], Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Masked Man, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate Trickmaster, Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate Wedge [FFVIII], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ G Soldier, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIII], Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Rubicante, Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate+ Soulcage, Ultimate+ Summoner [FFT], Ultimate+ Terra, Ultimate+ Thorn, Ultimate+ Trickmaster, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Wedge [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Baigan, Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Mom Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Mythril Golem [FFXII], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF], Ultimate++ Seifer, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Spherimorph, Ultimate++ Terra, Veil Dancer, Vetala
Firaga Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to Fire-elemental attacks by Ultros. When used by Cursed Seymour Flux, Fire Gigas, Right Pauldron, Cursed Seifer, Seifer (2nd), Magic Master, Ultimate Seymour, Scylla [FFIII], Ahriman [FFIII], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Lightning, Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate++ Seifer, Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate Masked Man, Ultimate+ Soulcage, Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate++ Ghoul [FFT], Georapella, and Wrexsoul, targets the party instead. When used by Barrier, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Necrophobe, Black Mage [FFT], Doga, Cursed Melusine, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Abyss Barrier [FFV], Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Doga, Abyss Valigarmanda, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.1, Ultimate Astos, Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Cerberus [FFIII], Xande, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate++ Gijuk, Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate+ Doga, Marilith [FFIV], Ultimate++ Mom Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Gray Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate+ Black Mage [FFT], Mad Maliris [FFIX], Ultimate++ Cerberus [FFIII], or Melusine, can target one target or the party. When used by Chaos [MFF], deals moderate Fire-elemental damage to one target. When used by Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), inflicts 2 hits of Fire-elemental magic damage to random targets. When used by [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm), hits 3 targets in range instead. Abyss Barrier [FFV], Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Valigarmanda, Ahriman [FFIII], Amon [FFIII], Barrier, Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm only), Black Mage [FFT] (Wiegraf fight only), Buel, Cerberus [FFIII], Cerberus [FFIX], Chaos [FFI], Chaos [MFF], Clymenus, Crane (Right), Crystal (Top), Curlax, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Curlax, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Geryon, Cursed Golbez, Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed Melusine, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed Seifer, Cursed Seymour Flux, Cursed+ Chaos [MFF], Cursed+ Golbez, Cursed+ Kuja, Dahaka [FFXIII], Dark Sage, Demon [FFVI], Doga, Earth Guardian, Edea (1st), Etém, Exdeath, Fire Gigas, Flame Eater, Fury, Georapella, Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), Gijuk, Green Dragon [FFIII], Grenade [FFIX], Ifrit [FFVI], Jelleye (Sphinxaur battle), Leon, Level 70 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Mad Liquid Flame, Mad Maliris [FFIX], Magic Master, Marilith (2nd fight), Marilith [FFIV], Melusine, Mrs. Maid (夫人付きメイド), Nelapa, Omniscient, Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only),Red Dragon [FFIII], Red Dragon [FFVI], Right Pauldron, Ruby Dragon, Scylla [FFIII], Seifer (2nd), Seymour, Seymour Omnis, Soul Saver, Sphinxaur, Triton, Tyrant [FFXII], Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate Exdeath's Soul, Ultimate Masked Man, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.1, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.3, Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, Ultimate+ Doga, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Lightning, Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate+ Soulcage, Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate+ Thorn, Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI], Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate++ Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Brina, Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate++ Cerberus [FFIII], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Doga, Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Ultimate++ Ghoul [FFT], Ultimate++ Gijuk, Ultimate++ Gray Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Leon, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Maliris [FFIX], Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Mom Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Seifer, Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX], Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultros (Lethe River), Valia Pira, Wraith (Red), Wrexsoul, Xande, Xande's Clone, Yellow Dragon [FFIII], [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm only)
Firaja Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target or the party. When used by Ultimate+ Orthros, targets one target. When used by Ultimate+ Earth Guardian and Ultimate++ Shadow Lord, targets the party. Chaos [MFF], Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed+ Chaos [MFF], Ifrit (Fire Caverns) [FFVIII], Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultimate Ifrit [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Belias [FFXII], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Fire Inflicts minor Fire-elemental damage to one target. When used by Lilliputian, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate+ Rubicante, Ultimate++ Mortibody, or Mortibody, targets the entire party. When used by Spherimorph, is used as a counter against the party when hit by a non-Ice-elemental magic attack or as a counter against one target when hit by a non-Ice-elemental physical attack. When used by Abyss Ultima Buster or Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], targets either one character or the party. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, deals 4 hits to one target. Abyss Ultima Buster, Black Mage [FFT], Black Waltz No.1, Black Waltz No.2, Black Waltz No.3, Bomb [X-2], Buel, Clymenus, Dahaka [FFXIII], Djinn, Earth Soul, Elvoret, Evil Dreamer, Flame Eater, Foulander [VIICC], Fritt, Funguar [FFVIII], Funguar [FFX], G Eraser, Geezard, Ghost, Giant Rat, Gijuk, Gremlin, Griffon, G-Soldier, Hedgehog Pie, Horned Devil, Ifrit [FFVI], Ifrit [FFVIII], Lady Amandine, Level 10 Magic, Lich [FFXII], Lilliputian, Magna Roader (Blue), Mani Wizard, Mindy [FFIV], Mortibody, Nelapa, Number 024 (Ice Weakness Mode), Onion Knight [DFF]Pugman, Queen Eblan, Ragoh, Red Nocturne, Right Pauldron, Sample: HO512-Opt, Shantotto, Sin (Core), Sorceress (1), Soul, Spherimorph, Spirit, Stalwart, Tunnel Armor, Turks: Rude, Type A, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Trickmaster, Ultimate+ Firemane, Ultimate+ Rubicante, Ultimate+ Vaan, Ultimate++ Belias [FFXII], Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Shantotto, Ultros (Opera House), Vaan, Vetala, Wedge (1st), Wedge (2nd)
Fire V Inflicts massive Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Fire VIII Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental damage to one target or the party. Red Soul, Ultimate+ Red Soul
Fire XIV Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Fire Gigas, Ultimate+ Fire Gigas
Fire XVI Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target or the party. Red Soul, Ultimate+ Fire Gigas, Ultimate+ Red Soul
Fireball Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Tyrant [FFXII], Fire Spirit [RS2], Wagnas [RS2], and Freyer [RS2], instead damages one target. Chimera, Elder Wyrm, Fire Spirit [RS2], Flame Eater, Fortis, Freyer [RS2], Giant Lizard, Gorgimera, Grenade [FFVI], Ifrit [Emperor SaGa], Lesser Lopros, Nelapa, Number 024 (Ice Weakness Mode), Red Dragon [FFVI], Sartain, Typhon, Tyrant [FFXII], Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate++ Hydro, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI], Vector Lythos, Wagnas [RS2]
Fireball Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target or the party. Hexas [SoM]
Fireball Lv6 (ファイアボールLv6) Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Biochimera, Hydro [FFXII]
Firestorm (大旋風) Inflicts Wind-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Neo Bahamut
Firestorm (ファイアストーム) Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Wagnas [RS2]
Firestream Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to two targets in range. Adrammelech [FFTA], Ultimate++ Adrammelech [FFTA]
Fire Beam Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Magitek Armor [WoFF]
Fire Blades Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Soulcage
Fire Blossom Inflicts massive Fire-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Sephiroth, Ultimate++ Sephiroth
Fire Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Li'l Devil [RoM]
Fire Breath Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Red Soul, inflicts magic damage that ignores Magic Defense to the party. When used by Shinryu Celestia, just deals Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Black Dragon [FFXI], Dread Dragon, Red Dragon [WoFF], Salamander, Shinryu Celestia, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Salamander, Ultimate+ Shinryu Celestia, Red Soul, Ultimate+ Red Soul, Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Salamander [FFIII], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF], Yenke
Fire Club Changes Club Attack and Club Swing to Fire-elemental attacks. Trickmaster, Ultimate Trickmaster, Ultimate+ Trickmaster
Firing Line Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Heli Gunner
Fist Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Raijin (2nd), Ultimate++ Raijin
Fists of Fury Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Chocobo Eater
Flame Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to Fire attacks by Calcabrina. When used by Liquid Flame (Humanoid), Marilith [FFIV], and Ifrit [FFV], inflicts large % damage to the party, and can be used as a counter to a physical attack. When used by Red Dragon [FFI], Grenade [FFIX], Worm Hydra, Ogre [FFIX], Cerberus [FFIX], Cursed Curlax, and Flamehound, inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Cursed Golbez and Cursed+ Golbez, is also used as a counter to Ice-elemental attacks while his weakness is Fire. Bone Dragon, Calcabrina, Cerberus [FFIX], Chimera [FFII], Clockwork Dragon, Cursed Curlax, Cursed Golbez, Cursed+ Golbez, Dinozombie, Flamehound, Great Dragon, Grenade [FFVI], Grenade [FFIX], Ifrit [FFV], Ifrit [FFVI], Liquid Flame (Humanoid), Mad Liquid Flame, Marilith [FFIV], Ogre [FFIX], Red Dragon [FFI], Tiamat [FFI], Ultima Weapon, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Vector Chimera, Worm Hydra
Flame Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Master Ninja [SoM]
Flame XII Inflicts Fire-elemental damage 2-5 times to random party members. Cursed Fire Gigas
Flame XVI Inflicts massive Fire-elemental damage to one party member. Cursed Fire Gigas
Flame Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Covert, Lunasaur, Ninja
Flame Blast Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Grudge Fighter
Flameburst Bomb Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Ninja [FFT], Ultimate++ Ninja [FFT]
Flame Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target or the party (only if both heads are alive). Schizo - Left Head
Flame Breath Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Fire Gigas, Flame Dragon, Lesser Drake, Red Dragon [MFF], Ultimate Chaos Bahamut
Flame Shot Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to three random targets. When used by Ultimate+ リットアティン, instead inflicts major Fire-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Ifrit [VIICC], Ultimate+ リットアティン
Flame Slash Inflicts major Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Mad Maliris [FFIX], Ultimate++ Maliris [FFIX]
Flame Spreader Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Dreadnought
Flame Whip Inflicts massive Fire-elemental magic damage and Paralysis to one target. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Wagnas [RS2]
Flamethrower Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Flame Thrower, Ultimate++ Azulmagia, and Azulmagia, inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Armored Fiend, Ark Dragon, Azulmagia, Dragon, Dr. Lugae (2nd form), Extreme Omega [FFV], Flame Thrower, Great Dragon, Prototype, Triton, Ultimate Barnabas-Z, Ultimate Dr. Lugae, Ultimate Rufus, Ultimate+ Barnabas-Z, Ultimate+ Lugae, Ultimate+ Omega [FFV], Ultimate+ Rufus, Ultimate++ Azulmagia, Yevon Defender
Flame Wand Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Flap Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Galypdes
Flare Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target. Can be used as a counter to physicals while under Reflect by Dark Bahamut. Can be used as a counter to magic attacks by Cursed Barrier. When used by Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury and Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], targets the party instead. When used by Shemhazai [FFXII] and Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII], ignores Reflect. Abyss Barrier [FFV], Abyss Necrophobe [FFV], Abyss Neo Bahamut, Ahriman [FFVII], Bahamut [FFIII], Bahamut [WoFF], Barrier, Behemoth [FFVIII], Chaos [FFI], Cursed Adel, Cursed Bahamut SIN, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed Seymour Flux, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFIII], Cursed+ Bahamut SIN, Cursed+ Kuja, Dark Bahamut, Death Knight, Doga, Garland [FFIX], Gogo [FFV], Level 90 Magic, Lich [FFI] (2nd fight), Mad Hades [FFVII], Mindy [FFX], Necromancer, Necrophobe, Omniscient, Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), Ozma, Red Dragon [FFVI], Ruby Dragon, Scylla [FFIII], Seymour Flux, Seymour Natus, Shambling Corpse, Shantotto, Shemhazai [FFXII], Sorceress (2), Terra, Titan [FFIII], Trance Kuja, Ultima Weapon, Ultimate Behemoth [FFVIII], Ultimate Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate Dr. Lugae, Ultimate Exdeath's Soul, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF], Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII], Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate+ Titan [FFIII], Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury, Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Dark Bahamut [FFIV], Ultimate++ Doga, Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Ultimate++ Garland [FFIX], Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Shantotto, Ultimate++ Sorceress (B), Ultimate++ Sorceress (C), Ultimate++ Terra, Valia Pira
Flare II Inflicts massive Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Flare Abyss Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Necrophobe [FFV]
Flare Star Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Trance Kuja and Ozma, deals non-elemental magic damage instead. When used by Red Dragon [WoFF] and Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF], inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party and reduces Fire-elemental resists. Abyss Ultima Buster, Demon [FFVI], Kuja, Ozma, Red Dragon [FFVI], Red Dragon [WoFF], Trance Kuja, Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultima Weapon, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF]
Flare Up Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Can be used as a counter when hit by a Fire-elemental attack. Balloon
Flare XVI Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target. Light Emperor, Ultimate Borghen, Ultimate+ Emperor, Ultimate++ Light Emperor
Flash Inflicts Blind to the party. Used as a counter by Neon, and can be used as a counter to physicals by Omega and Cursed Necrophobe. Abyss Launcher [FFV], Azulmagia, Crew Dust, Cursed Necrophobe, Earth Soul, Gilgamesh (3rd), [賀] Gilgamesh, Headstone, Necrophobe, Neon, Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV], Omega, Pandaemonium [FFXII], Ragoh, Ultimate+ Omega [FFV], Ultimate++ Azulmagia, メカテリオス, Ultimate メカテリオス
Flash-Freeze Inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage to the party. Mateus, Ultimate Mateus [FFXII]
Flash Rain Inflicts Water-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Blue Dragon [FFVI], Chadarnook [Demon form], Cursed Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate++ Blue Dragon [FFVI], Zeveak
Flood Inflicts Water-elemental damage to the party. When used by Master Ninja [SoM], instead targets one target. Covert, Master Ninja [SoM], Ninja
Flood Inflicts Water-elemental damage to two targets in range. Shantotto, Ultimate++ Shantotto
Flourish of Steel Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Odin [FFXIII]
Fluid Aura Inflicts massive Water-elemental magic damage and Stop to one target. Ultimate++ Y'shtola, Y'shtola
Flurry of Fire Inflicts multiple hits of Fire-elemental damage to one target. Vespid
Flying Drill Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Heli Gunner
Flying Knee Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ziggurat Gigas
Flying Sickle Inflicts non-elemental damage to on etarget. SOLDIER: 3rd
Focus Increases the user's Attack and Magic for a period of time. メカテリオス, Ultimate メカテリオス
Fog Inflicts Silence to one target. Vaballathus
Fogga Inflicts Silence to the party. Shemhazai [FFXII], Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII], Vetala
Foot Stamp/Trample Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Emerald Weapon, targets the party instead. Diamond Weapon, Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon, Ultimate+ Emerald Weapon, Ultimate++ Diamond Weapon
Force Field Nullifies one random element to all enemies and allies. Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI]
Force Projection Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Hecatoncheir [FFXIII]
Foul Utterance Dahaka [FFXIII]
Fowlheart Inflicts Stop to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], targets the party instead. Cúchulainn [FFT], Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT]
Freefall Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Opinicus
Freeze Inflicts Stop to one target. When used by Cursed+ Maximum Kimaira, Hades [FFIX], Mad Kraken [FFIX], Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX], and Kraken [FFIX], inflicts major Ice-elemental damage with a chance of Stop to one target. When used by Boreal Hound, inflicts major Ice-elemental damage that ignores Reflect and lowers Fire-elemental resistance to one. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, targets 2 targets in range. Black Waltz No.3, Boreal Hound, Cursed+ Maximum Kimaira, Drakan, Hades [FFIX], Kraken [FFIX], Mad Kraken [FFIX], Shantotto, Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX], Ultimate++ Shantotto, Valia Pira
Freeze (動くな) Inflicts Paralysis to the party. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Freeze Lv6 Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. Hexas [SoM]
Freeze Lv7 Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to one target or the party. Buffy [SoM]
Freeze Lv8 (フリーズLv8) Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM], targets either one target or the party. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM], Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Freeze Beam (フリーズビーム) Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to one target. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Freezing Dust Inflicts Stop to one target. Targets the party when used as a counter to magic attacks by Valigarmanda. Cursed Kefka, Muud Suud, Ultimate+ Valigarmanda, Ultimate++ Kefka, Valigarmanda
Freezing Mist Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party. Mad Mist Dragon, Mist Dragon
Frightful Roar Reduces the party's Defense for a period of time. Minotaur [FFXI], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Frog Kick Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Exoray [FFXI]
Frontal Thrust Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Aranea
Frost Inflicts Ice-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Archeoaevis, Bahamut [FFV], Gogo [FFV], Jura Aevis, Manticore, Nereid, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Wendigo [FFV]
Frost Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party in proportion to each character's HP. Blue Dragon [FFV]
Full Burst Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Onion Knight (Ninja/Sage only)
Full-Force Blow Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Giant Worm
Full Power Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultima Weapon, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI]
Full Slide Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Tidus, Ultimate Tidus, Ultimate++ Tidus
Fulminous Firestorm Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Dahaka [FFXIII]
Fuma Shuriken Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Covert, Ninja [FFT], Outsider, Ultimate++ Ninja [FFT]
Funny Breath Inflicts Confuse to the party. Dorky Face
Fury Possesses one random target for a number of turns. Wrexsoul


Ability Description Enemy
G-Force 199 Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Abyss Atomos [FFIX], Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX]
Gaia's Wrath Inflicts major Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed+ Titan [FFXIV], Hashmal [FFI], Titan [FFXIV], Ultimate Hashmal [FFI]
Gaian Salvo Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental physical damage and Slow to the party. Hecatoncheir [FFI]
Gale Inflicts up to 3 hits of Wind-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII]
Gale Cut Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to the party. Cursed+ Vargas, Number 024 (Earth Weakness Mode), Number 128, Storm Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Barbarricia, Vargas
Gamma Rays Inflicts Doom to one target. Gamma
Garrote Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Anguiform
Gas Inflicts Poison, Blind, Sleep, and Silence to the party. When used by Jenova∙BIRTH and Ultimate++ Jenova∙BIRTH, instead inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to Fire-elemental attacks by Scarmiglione. When used by Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Sap to 3 targets in range. Cursed Geryon, Geryon, Jenova∙BIRTH, Scarmiglione (2nd form), Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate+ Scarmiglione, Ultimate++ Jenova∙BIRTH
Gas Inflicts Sleep to the party. Death Claw [FFVIII]
Gastric Juice Inflicts Poison to the party. Emperor Aevis, Grat
Gate of Tartarus Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target and cancels its action. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Gathering Strength Preparing to use Bruiser Tail on next turn. Flame Dragon
Gatling Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Rufus, Ultimate+ Rufus
Gatling Gun Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage to the party. Doctor Cid (2nd)
Gatling Gun Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Crawler, targets party instead. BGH251F2, Crawler [FFX], Ultimate+ BGH251F2
Gaze Inflicts Sleep to one target. Cursed Copper
Gaze Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Vampire
Gaze Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confuse to one target. Ahriman [X-2], Evil Eye, Vertigo [X-2]
Geocrush Inflicts major Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed+ Titan [FFXIV], Titan [FFXIV]
Get Some! Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate Masked Man, can target one target or the party. Masked Man, Ultimate Masked Man
Ghenghana Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Zenene
Giga-Graviton Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to the party. Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad
Giga-Graviton Inflicts Instant Death to the party. Sin
Gigaflare Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Neo Bahamut, Archaeodaemon, Bahamut SIN, Cursed Bahamut SIN, Twintania [FFV], Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV]
Gigantic Sword Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Red Giant [FFVIII], Wolfmeister [FFVII]
Giga Slash Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Gigavolt Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Kuja, targets the party instead. Angler Whelk, Anemone [FFVI], Aspiran, Crane (Left), Cursed Barbariccia, Cursed+ Kuja, Gorgimera, Inferno, Muud Suud, Ultimate+ Barbarricia, Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Orthros, Vector Chimera, Yellow Dragon [FFVI]
Glacier Bash Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and cancels its action. Shiva [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Glacial Shards Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to the party. Summoner [FFT], Ultimate Summoner [FFT], Ultimate+ Summoner [FFT], Ultimate++ Summoner [FFT]
Glance Inflicts Confusion to one target. Calcabrina
Glyph Mine Summons a Mine. Inflicts Instant Death when the timer hits 0 and the character is not using Defend. Spectral Keeper
Gnaw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Nightmare Zodiark, targets the party instead. Gargoyle [FFXII], Gargoyle Baron, Nightmare Zodiark, Steeling, Ultimate Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Vinuskar, Vampyr, Vinuskar
Gnoll Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gnoll
Go Ballistic Inflicts major non-elemental damage to one target. Wedge (2nd), Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Wedge [FFVIII]
Goblin Rush Inflicts up to three hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Goblin [FFXI]
Goblin Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Azulmagia, Black Goblin, Gilgamesh (2nd), Gobbledygook [FFV], Goblin [FFV], Ultimate++ Azulmagia
Golden Lance Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Test Rider
Golden Talons Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Opinicus
Golden Wrench Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gobbledygook [FFVI]
Gore Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Dual Horn, Nashorn
Gouge Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gold Bear
Grade 4 Rapier Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Genesis
Grand Delta Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI], Hidon, Ultimate Hidon
Grand Fist Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Grand Punch Inflicts major Earth-elemental damage to the party. CMD. Grand Horn, Grand Horn
Grand Slam Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Wagnas [RS2], inflicts Earth-elemental damage instead. Gyges Servant, Gyges The Great, Porphyrion, Ultimate Porphyrion, Wagnas [RS2]
Grand Spark Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Loz, deals moderate non-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed Rude, Loz, Rude (Rocket Town), Rude (final battle)
Grand Sword Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Iron Giant [FFVIII], Iron Man [FFVII], Ultimate Iron Giant [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Iron Man [FFVII]
Graviga Reduces target's HP by 3/4. When used by Abyss Atomos [FFIX] or Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.1, targets the party instead. Abyss Atomos [FFIX], Abyss Guardian [FFV], Atomos [FFV], Atomos [FFIX], Bizarro Sephiroth (Head only), Chrono Controller, Cursed Godo, Famfrit [FFTA], Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), Godo, Level 20 Magic, Necromancer, Omniscient, Sinspawn Gui (Force), Tyrant [FFXII], Ultima Weapon, Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Ultimate Sinspawn Gui, Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.1, Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA], Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Gravija Reduces the party's HP by %. Abyss Demon Wall, Cursed Godo, Cursed Seymour Flux, Cursed+ Kuja, Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Diablos, Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), Left Fin, Right Fin, Sin (Core), Ultima Weapon [FFVIII], Ultimate Sinspawn Gui, Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate++ Diabolos [FFVIII]
Gravira Reduces target's HP by 1/2. Gorkii
Graviton Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target. Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad
Gravity Reduces target's HP by 1/2. When used by Ultimate++ Omega Weapon [FFX], Ultimate++ Cindy [FFX], and Abyss Atomos [FFIX], targets the party instead. Abyss Atomos [FFIX], Abyss Guardian [FFV], Angel Whisper, Anima [FFX], Atomos [FFV], Atomos [FFIX], Babus, Chrono Controller, Cindy [FFX] (Premium Temple), Cursed Exdeath, Cursed+ Kuja, Daedalus [FFVI], Diablos, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Exdeath, Gargantua, Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), Hole, Lefty, Level 20 Magic, Necromancer, Paratrooper, Precepts Guard, Ruby Dragon, Sinspawn Ammes, Sinspawn Gui (History), Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Babus, Ultimate Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate++ Cindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Diabolos [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate++ Omega Weapon [FFX], Ultimate++ The Deathlord, Wizard [FFVI]
Gravity Abyss Abyss Demon Wall
Gravity Beam Inflicts % magic damage to one target. Anavatapta Warmech, Ultimate++ Anavatapta Warmech
Gravity Bomb Reduces one target's HP by %. Gamma
Great Roar (大いなる咆哮) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Faeryl
Greater Barrier Inflicts Protect and Shell to one ally. Belias [FFXII], Cursed+ Doctor Cid, Doctor Cid, Judge Ghis, Nightmare Zodiark, Ultimate++ Belias [FFXII], Ultimate++ Doctor Cid
Green Cherry Increases all of the user's stats. Ultimate++ Yeti, Yeti
Grenade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Grenade Combatant, Heli Gunner [VIICC], Marine, Ultimate MP
Group Recover Abyss Defense Node
Ground Shaker Inflicts major Earth-elemental damage to the party. Mimic Queen
Guard User defends and summons Vaballathus. Zenobia
Guardian Tail (ガーディアンテイル) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Guardian Beast
Guards! Summons an Ultimate MP. Ultimate Plamer
Guided Missiles Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Uhlan
Guilt Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Judge Gabranth, Ultimate+ Judge Gabranth
Gungnir Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Odin [WoFF], Ultimate+ Odin [WoFF]
Gunshot Inflicts six hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Byrnhildr
Gust Inflicts 2 hits of Wind-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII]
Gut Strike Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Guard [FFVI]
Gwahaha! Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate Masked Man, can target one target or the party. Masked Man, Ultimate Masked Man
Gyro Tail Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Behemoth [VIICC]


Ability Description Enemy
Hack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Soldier (B)
Hail of Bullets Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Cursed Logos
Hailstone Reduces one target's HP by 1/4. Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultimate++ Yeti, Ultros (Esper Caves), Ultros (Lethe River), Yeti
Hailstorm (イルストーム) Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Shiva [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Hallowed Bolt Inflicts massive non-elemental damage and Silence to one party member. Wiegraf
Hammer Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Titan [FFXV], Ultimate+ Titan
Hand-Bomb (爆弾投げ) Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Goblin [FFXI]
Hand of the Emperor Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target. Gaius van Baelsar
Harrier Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sonic Speed
Haste Inflicts Haste on one ally. When used by Ultimate Hashmal [FFXII] and Ultimate+ Hashmal [FFXII], ignores Reflect. When used by Ultimate Argath and Ultimate+ Time Mage [FFT], targets the user's party. When used by Ultimate++ Marach, target's user. When used by Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Rinok, and Ultimate++ Gijuk, targets the user's party except the user. ???? [X-2], Abyss Atomos [FFIX], Ahriman [FFIV], Astos, Baigan, Biggs (2nd), Bune, Calofisteri, Chaos [FFI], Clay Golem, Clymenus, Corpse [FFLII], Cursed Barbariccia, Cursed Chaos Bahamut, Cursed Dark Nation, Cursed Golbez, Cursed Leviathan [FFIII], Cursed Moebius, Cursed+ Asura, Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Cursed Lich (Dual) [MFF], Cursed+ Doctor Cid, Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Daedalus [FFXII], Dahaka [FFXIII], Doctor Cid, Doctor Cid (2nd), Emperor, Evrae, Fujin (2nd), Gilgamesh (2nd), Gottos, Guado Guardian (Dead), Halicarnassus, Judge, Kunoichi [FFIII], Level 10 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Leviathan [FFIII], Lich [FFIV], Li'l Murderer, Lich [FFI], Lich (Dual) [MFF], Mad Siren [FFV], Moebius, Number 128, Onion Dasher, Plague, Sanctuary Keeper, Spriggan [FFXIV], Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate Argath, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate Gottos, Ultimate Great Behemoth [FFXIII], Ultimate Hashmal [FFXII], Ultimate Lugae, Ultimate Masked Man, Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Barbarricia, Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII], Ultimate+ Dark Nation, Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate+ Gaffgarion, Ultimate+ Garuda Interceptor, Ultimate+ Guardian Beast, Ultimate+ Hashmal [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Lugae, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Unei, Ultimate+ Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Baigan, Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate++ Chocobo [FFT], Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII], Ultimate++ Doctor Cid, Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Evrae, Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Ultimate++ Fujin, Ultimate++ Gijuk, Ultimate++ Hydro, Ultimate++ Jenova∙DEATH, Ultimate++ Jenova∙LIFE, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Marach, Ultimate++ Mythril Golem [FFXII], Ultimate++ Rinok, Ultimate++ Tri-Point, Ultimate++ Unei, Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultros (Esper Caves), Unei, Vysage, Wendigo [FFXII], Xande, Xande's Clone, Yenke, Yiazmat, Zephyrus
Haste VIII Inflicts Haste on one ally. Ultimate Emperor, Ultimate+ Emperor, Ultimate+ Light Emperor
Hastega Inflicts Haste to the party. Chrono Controller, Ultimate+ Zorn
Haymaker Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Defender Z, Great Behemoth
Haymaker Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Tidus, Ultimate Tidus, Ultimate++ Tidus, YSLS-Zero
Head Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mistodon
Head Butt Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target with a chance to cancel the target's action. De'Vyu Headhunter, Go'Bhu Gascon
Headbutt Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Adamantoise [FFXV], targets 3 characters in range. When used by Gilgamesh [Type-0], deals % damage to one target. Adamantoise [FFXV], Chocochick, Gilgamesh [Type-0], Hill Gigas, Sand Worm [FFX], Stone Golem, Ultimate Sand Worm [FFX], Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Heal Water Restores moderate HP to one ally. Wolf Devil [SoM]
Heal Water Lv3 (ヒールウォーターLv3) Restores minor HP to one ally. Biting Lizard
Heart of Chaos Grants Reraise to user. Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad
Heartless Angel Reduces the party's HP to 1. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI], Bizarro Sephiroth, [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth, 【深淵】アンラックズ
Heave Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Behemoth [VIICC], deals % physical damage to one target. Alpha Behemoth, Bandersnatch [FFXV], Behemoth [VIICC], Behemoth [FFX], Behemoth [FFX-2], Behemoth [WoFF], Beta Behemoth, Deadeye, Greater Behemoth, Primeval Dragon, Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF], Ultimate Great Behemoth [FFXIII], Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV]
Heavenly Strike Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage to the party. Shiva [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Heavensfall Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to four random targets. Tioman, Ultimate Tioman
Heavy Counter (ヘビーカウンター) Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physicals. Behemoth [WoFF], Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF]
Heavy Slash Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Heavy Stomp Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Dark Dragon [FFXI]
Hell Bomber Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hell House
Hell Combo Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Materia Keeper, Ultimate++ Materia Keeper
Hell Press Inflicts % damage to the party. Hell House
Hell's Gate Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Reunion Sephiroth, Ultimate+ Sephiroth
Hellbiter Inflicts non-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Cursed Yunalesca (2nd and 3rd), Cursed+ Yunalesca, Yunalesca (2nd & 3rd)
Hellfire Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Maduin, inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ifrit [VIICC], inflicts % magic damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Ifrit [FFVIII], ignores Magic Defense as well. Extermination+ Ifrit [FFX], Grothia, Ifrit [VIICC], Ifrit (Fire Caverns) [FFVIII], Ifrit [FFX], Ifrit [FFXIV], Ifrit [WoFF], Topaz, Ultimate Ifrit [FFXIV], Ultimate Maduin, Ultimate Ifrit [FFVIII]
Hell's Wrath Inflicts 4-6 hits of Lightning-elemental magic damage to random party members. Marach, Ultimate++ Marach
Hell Slash Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to one target. アークリッチテーバクォアン
Hellstorm Bolt Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Garuda Interceptor, Kalavinka Striker (2nd)
Heretic Dance Lowers one target's Defense and Magic Defense Succubus [FFXIII]
Hexafang Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bahamut Fury, Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury
Hidden Artillery Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hundred Gunner
Hi-Potion Restores moderate HP to one ally. Used as a counter by Guado Guardian. Used at low HP by Fujin and Raijin. Ba'Gamnan, Cursed Fujin, Cursed Raijin, Dadaluma, Fujin, Guado Guardian, Harvester, Raijin, Rinok, Seifer (2nd), Ultimate Guado Guadian, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Raijin, Ultimate++ Rinok
High Jump Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan
High Kick Inflicts non-elemental damage and Paralysis to one target. Ifrit [FFV], Sword Dancer [FFV]
High Speed Thrust Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physicals. Ultimate+ Shelke the Transparent
Highwind Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Aranea
High Wind Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Abadon [FFIX], Ultimate Abadon [FFIX]
Hiphop Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hilgigars
Hit Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Dracozombie, can deal major non-elemental physical damage to one target or moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Black Waltz No.1, Black Waltz No.3, Blazer Beetle, Cerberus [FFIX], Dracozombie, Drakan, Loz, Type C, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 1, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 3, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.1, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.3, Ultimate++ Dracozombie, Zombie [FFIX]
Hold Inflicts Paralysis to the party. Calcabrina, Death Eye, Horned Devil, Lich [FFI], Marilith
Holy Inflicts major Holy-elemental damage to one target. When used by Cursed Yunalesca (3rd), targets either one character or the party. Can be used as a counter to magic attacks by Cursed Barrier. When used by the third phase of Cursed+ Yunalesca, targets the party instead. When used by Ramza and Ultimate+ Ramza, targets 2 targets in range. Abyss Barrier [FFV], Barrier, Behemoth King (Living), Calamity Ultima Weapon [FFX], Cindy [FFX] (Premium Temple), Cursed Adel, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Beatrix, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed Yunalesca (2nd and 3rd), Cursed+ Adel, Cursed+ Yunalesca, Dullahan, Elnoyle, Gogo [FFV], Halicarnassus, Holy Dragon [FFVI], King Behemoth [FFWWW], Level 60 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Mad Mist Dragon, Mad Siren [FFV], Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), Ozma, Ramza, Scylla [FFIII], Terra, Trance Kuja, Ultimate Minotaur, Ultimate+ Beatrix, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate+ Holy Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Ramza, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate+ Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate+ Terra, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFX], Ultimate++ Behemoth King [FFVI], Ultimate++ Cindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Ultimate++ Sorceress (B), Ultimate++ Sorceress (C), Ultimate++ Unei, Unei, Valia Pira, Warlock [FFVI], Yunalesca (2nd & 3rd), メカテリオス, Ultimate メカテリオス
Holy Aura Inflicts Regen to one ally. Cursed Maduin
Holy Flame Inflicts Holy-elemental magic damage to the party and restores HP equal to portion of damage dealt. Cecil
Holy XVI Inflicts major Holy-elemental magic damage to the party. Light Emperor, Ultimate++ Light Emperor
Homing Laser Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to attacks when separated from the main body. Left Probe, Right Probe
Honed Tusk Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to magic attacks. Earth Dragon
Hook (フック) Paradox Alpha, Ultimate+ Paradox Alpha, Ultimate++ Atlas
Horizontal Swing Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Deadeye
Horn Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Big Horn [FFV], Forge Wyrm [RS2], Prison Dragon [RS2], Ultimate Amdusias, Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Horrid Roar Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and dispels all buffs. Jormungand [FFXI]
Horror Cloud Inflicts Slow to one target. Lich [FFXI], アークリッチテーバクォアン
Hot Air Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage and Slow to the party. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Wagnas [RS2]
Howl Raises one target's Attack for a period of time. De'Vyu Headhunter, Go'Bhu Gascon
Howl of Rage Inflicts Slow to the party. Adrammelech [FFTA], Ultimate++ Adrammelech [FFTA]
Howling Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Boreal Hound
Howling Moon Grants Blink to nullify one physical attack to user. Mad Fenrir [FFVI]
HP Recovery Restores all of user's HP. Abyss Atomos [FFIX]
HP Tentacle Inflicts % physical damage to one target. 凶星 Tentacle A, 凶星 Tentacle B
Hug Inflicts Confusion to one target. Humpty
Huge Tidal Wave Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Acrophies
Hunter Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz
Hunter: Two Consecutive Attack Inflicts two hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz
Hunter: Four Consecutive Attack Inflicts four hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz, Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Hurricane Reduces one target's HP to single digits. Can be used as a counter by Cursed Exdeath and Cursed Necrophobe. Abductor, Abyss Necrophobe [FFV], Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Necrophobe, Exdeath, Gilgamesh (3rd), [賀] Gilgamesh, [賀+] Gilgamesh, Iron Giant [FFV], Necrophobe, Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Wendigo [FFV], Ziggurat Gigas
Hurricane Abyss Inflicts % magic damage to the party. Abyss Necrophobe [FFV]
Hurricane Breath Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the party. Cockatrice [MFF]
Hurricane Kick Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Hecatoncheir [FFXIII]
Hurricane Wing Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Blind to the party. Jormungand [FFXI]
Hydro Ball (ジャンプスラスト) Inflicts Water-elemental damage and 沈默 to the party. Denn the Orcatoothed
Hyperdrive Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Siegfried
Hypno Gas Inflicts Sleep to the party. Pandora
Hypnotism Inflicts Sleep to the party. Alraune [RS2], Fear [RS2], Opion [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]


Ability Description Enemy
Iai Blow Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Forbidden
Ice Brand Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage to two targets in range. Shiva [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Ice Break Inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Daedalus [FFXII], Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII], Fenrir [FFXII], and Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII], targets the party instead. Behemoth [FFXII], Daedalus [FFXII], Fenrir [FFXII], Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII], Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII], Wendigo [FFXII]
Ice Breath Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party. Navidon, Snow Lion
Ice Fist Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage to the party. Snow Giant, Ultimate++ Snow Giant
Ice Grenade Restores massive Ice-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Ice Spikes Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Shiva [WoFF]
Ice Wand Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to one target. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Ichigeki Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Outsider
Icicle Impact Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to the party. Shiva [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Ignis Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Bahamut [FFXIII], Chaos Bahamut, Cursed Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII]
Imbibe Increases Strength of user. Gottos, Ultimate Gottos
Immobilizega Inflicts Slow to the party. Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII]
Impact Stream Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target, lowers Defense for a period of time, and cancels all buffs. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Implosion Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Impulse Inflicts % damage and dispels all buffs to the party. Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX]
Incinerate Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Chaos Dragon
Incinerate (インシネレート) Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target or the party. Cursed Ifrit [FFXIV], Ifrit [FFXIV]
Incineration Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental damage to the party. Juggernaut [FFXIII]
Incisor Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target as well as Poison and Slow. Skull Eater
Incisors Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Leaf Bunny, Stunner
Inertial Barrier Reduces damage from physicals for a brief period of time. Vetala
Infernal Blaze Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party.. Summoner [FFT], Ultimate Summoner [FFT], Ultimate+ Summoner [FFT], Ultimate++ Summoner [FFT]
Infernal Kiss Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Used as a counter to physicals by Great Malboro [FFWWW]. Great Malboro [FFVI], Great Malboro [FFWWW]
Inferno Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Bahamut [FFXIII], Chaos Bahamut, Cursed Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Chaos Bahamut
Inhale Temporarily removes target from battle. Ultimate Sand Worm [FFX]
Initiating Regeneration Anima [FFXIII]
Ink Inflicts Blind and non-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], instead just inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage. When used by Ultimate+ Kraken [FFI], targets the party instead. When used by Kraken [FFIX], inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Kraken [FFI], Kraken [FFIX], Mad Kraken [FFIX], Nautiloid, Ultimate+ Left Tentacle [FFIX], Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate+ Kraken [FFI], Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultros (Esper Caves), Ultros (Lethe River), Ultros (Opera House)
Innocence Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gaius van Baelsar
Insanitouch Inflicts Confusion to one target. Oversoul
Insult Inflicts Berserk to one target. Orator
Invigoration Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target, and absorbs damage to heal user. Mystic
Ionospheric Charge Inflicts three hits of Lightning-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Rangda
Iron Attack Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to one target. When used by Staniv, inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Screamer, Staniv
Ironball Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Screamer, Staniv
Isogin Smog Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Acrophies
"It's Sharp!" Inflicts between major to massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Tonberry King [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Tonberry King [FFVIII]
Ixion's Evasion Increases Increases user's Evasion for a period of time. Ixion
Ixion's Defense Increases Increases user's Defense and Magic Defense for a period of time. Ixion


Ability Description Enemy
Jammer Release Removes Reflect to the party. Cursed+ Jamar Armor
Jecht Beam Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one party member. Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed+ Braska's Final Aeon
Jecht Bomber Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed+ Braska's Final Aeon, Ultimate++ Braska's Final Aeon
Jet Fire Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage to the party. Mad Tiamat [FFIX], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX]
Jecht Shot Inflicts Water-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Tidus, Ultimate Tidus, Ultimate++ Tidus
Judgment Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target. Gaius van Baelsar
Judgment Blade Inflicts massive non-elemental damage and Stop to one party member. Ultimate++ Wiegraf, Wiegraf
Judgment Bolt Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Maduin, Peridot, Ramuh [WoFF], Summoner [FFT], Ultimate Summoner [FFT], Ultimate+ Summoner [FFT], Ultimate++ Summoner [FFT]
Judgment of Light Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury
Judgment Sword Reduces one target's HP to 1. Hades [FFIX], Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX]
Jump Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Crimson Hound, deals major damage instead and is used as a counter to Black Magic. When used by Bahamut [VIICC], moves Bahamut to a remote area to prevent all damage. ???? (Kimahri), Bahamut [VIICC], Dragoon, Gilgamesh (2nd), Golem [Type-0], Isilud, Rinok, Ultimate Guard Hound [VIIDC], Ultimate Isilud, Ultimate+ Crimson Hound, Ultimate+ Guard Hound [VIIDC], Ultimate+ Isilud, Ultimate+ Kain, Ultimate++ Rinok, Ultimate++ Yeti, Yeti
Jump Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mindflayer [FFXV], Ultimate+ Imp [FFXV]
Jump Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Shadow [KH]
Jump Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Valron
Jump Out Inflicts moderate Water-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Naga [FFXV]
Jump Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ifrit [FFVIII], Red Giant [FFVIII]
Jump Thrust (ジャンプスラスト) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Denn the Orcatoothed
Jumping Attack (ジャンピングアタック) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Rabite
Jumping Shock Wave Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Large Body
Junk Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Tonberry King, Ultimate++ Tonberry King [FFVIII]


Ability Description Enemy
Karma Inflicts % damage to one target equal to % of current user's HP. Archaeodaemon, Ultimate+ Archaeodaemon
Keen Edge (ability)|Keen Edge]] Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Squall, Ultimate Squall
Ker Plunk Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Jumbo Cactuar [FFVIII]
Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Cursed+ Vargas, targets the party instead and deals major non-elemental physical damage. When used by Brionac, instead deals % physical damage to one target. Azul the Cerulean, Ba'Gamnan, Brionac, Cursed+ Vargas, Dantengu [RS2], Firemane, Judge Bergan, Judge Gabranth, Judge Ghis, Nightmare [FFXII], Ultimate Judge Bergan, Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Ultimate カトル准将, Ultimate+ Firemane, Ultimate+ Judge Gabranth, Ultimate++ Azul the Cerulean, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan
Kick Back Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to one target. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Kikuichimonji Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Outsider
Kill Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Death Knight
Knee Blend Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Proud Clod, Proud Clod, Ultimate++ Proud Clod
Knee Fire Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Proud Clod, Proud Clod
Knee Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Iron Fist [FFVI]
Knife Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Ogre [FFIX]
Knight: Double Slash (ナイト・2段斬り) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Knock Down Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hilgigars
Knock Silly Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confuse to one target. Moss Fungus [FFV], Shield Dragon [FFV], Ultimate Shield Dragon [FFV], Ultimate+ Chadarnook
Kotetsu Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Outsider
Kozuka Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Yojimbo [FFX], Yojimbo [FFX]


Ability Description Enemy
Lamb Chop Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sheep
Lance Combo Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Lance of Atrophy Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed Seymour Flux, Seymour Flux
Lancet Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and drains HP to heal user. Ultimate+ Kain
Landscaper Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Yuffie [KH], Ultimate++ Yuffie [KH]
Landing Attack Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Flyvern, Ultimate++ Flyvern
Land Slide Inflicts massive Earth-elemental damage to the party. Earth Dragon
Lapis Laser Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Carry Armor, Cursed Carry Armor
Laser Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Silence to one target. Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd)
Laser Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage and Blind to one target. Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd)
Laser Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Attack Node, Nimbus, and Ultimate++ Nimbus, targets party instead. When used by Ultimate+ Bit and with Limiters Deactivated, hits one target four times instead. Attack Node, Bit [FFXIII], Death Claw [FFVII], Dr. Lugae (2nd form), Jenova∙BIRTH, Nimbus, Ultimate+ Barnabas, Ultimate+ Barnabas-Z, Ultimate+ Bit [FFXIII], Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate+ Lugae, Ultimate++ Jenova∙BIRTH
Laser Barrage (とうかレーザー) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Abyss Attack Node, Ultimate Barnabas, Ultimate Barnabas-Z, Ultimate Dr. Lugae
Laser Cannon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. 1st Ray, Dr. Lugae (Blade of Burning Anger), Laser Cannon
Laser Orbs Inflicts 5 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Bahamut [VIICC]
Laser Rain Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Garuda Interceptor, Ultimate+ Proudclad, Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Last Breath Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Abyss Kaiser Dragon
Last Kiss Inflicts Doom to one target. Used as a counter. Chadarnook [Goddess form]
Launch Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Caius Ballad, Cursed+ Caius Ballad, Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Launcher Reduces party's HP by 1/2. Used as a counter by Proto Armor. Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI], Armored Weapon, Gamma, Missile Bay, Proto Armor, Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate Mega Armor [FFVI]
Lava Wave Lv6 Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target or the party. Hexas [SoM]
Lava Wave Lv7 Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Satan Head [SoM]
Lay Flat Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Killbin, Kyuvilduns
Leaf Swirl Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Storm Dragon [FFVI], inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to the party instead. Soulcage, Storm Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Soulcage
Leaping Swing Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Iron Giant [FFX]
Leave Moves to back row. Wiegraf
Left Arm Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV], Ultimate+ Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV]
Left Jab Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Elm Gigas
Left Stem Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Prison Cage
Left Tentacle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Guard Hound, Plant Brain
Leg Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target or the party. Kraken [FFIX], Mad Kraken [FFIX], Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIX]
Level 3 Confuse Inflicts Confusion to targets whose levels are a multiple of 3. Dante, Devil, Ultros (Opera House)
Level 5 Death Inflicts Instant Death to targets whose levels are a multiple of 5. Duel Armor, Page 64
Lich Inflicts % damage to one target. Belias [FFT], Ultimate Belias [FFT], Ultimate Summoner [FFT], Ultimate+ Belias [FFT]
Lick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Confusion. Poltergeist
Lick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Silence. Litwor Chicken
Lickety-Split Thundaga Inflicts three hits of major Lightning-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate++ Kefka
Lifeshaver Reduces target's HP and absorbs damage as HP. Shambling Corpse, Tumbleweed
Light Ball Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Blind to the party. Wagnas [RS2]
Light Flare Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target. Thorn
Light Pillar Inflicts fixed non-elemental magic damage to one target. Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Ultima Weapon [FFVIII]
Light Shell Inflicts massive Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Diamond Weapon, Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon
Light Slash Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cecil
Lightspeed Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Adrammelech [FFTA], Famfrit [FFTA], Ultimate++ Adrammelech [FFTA]
Light Sword Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nimbus, Ultimate++ Nimbus
Lightning Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. When used by Gold Dragon, Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII], Jura Aevis, Shinryu [FFV], Tiamat [FFIV], Ultimate Zeromus EG, and Ultimate++ Calca, instead deals large % Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Used as a counter by Barbariccia to physical attacks while in Tornado form. Used as a counter to Lightning attacks by Calcabrina. When used by Worm Hydra, inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Cursed Barbariccia, used as a counter to all attacks. Archeoaevis, Bahamut [FFV], Barbariccia, Calcabrina, Cursed Barbariccia, Cursed Geryon, Cursed Golbez, Cursed+ Golbez, Dark Skeleton [FFLII], Garuda [FFIII], Geryon, Ghildra, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Haohkah, Jura Aevis, Mad Ghidra, Shinryu [FFV], Tiamat [FFIV], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Brina, Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII], Worm Hydra, Yellow Dragon [FFIV], Yellow Dragon [FFV]
Lightning Ball Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to three targets in range. Ultimate++ Arachne [FFXV]
Lightning Bolt Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Bahamut [VIICC], Cursed Bahamut SIN, Cursed+ Bahamut SIN
Lightning Breath Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Shinryu Celestia, inflicts 7 hits of Lightning-elemental magic damage to random targets. Flyvern, Garuda Interceptor, Shinryu Celestia, Ultimate Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Shinryu Celestia, Ultimate+ Garuda Interceptor, Ultimate++ Flyvern
Lightning Breath XII Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Thunder Gigas
Lightning Roar Inflicts Lightning-elemental physical damage to one target. Porphyrionm, Ultimate Porphyrion
Lightning Sword Inflicts major Lightning-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Lightning Thrust Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental physical damage to one target. Subie [RS2]
Light of the Four (4色の輝き) Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Limit Break Increases user's Attack for a period of time. Ultimate++ Cloud
Limiters Deactivated Increases user's Attack for a period of time. When used by Proudclad, restores minor HP equal to a % of Max HP. When used by Proudclad (2nd), restores all HP, increases Attack and Speed, and decreases Defense and Magic Defense. Hecatoncheir [FFI], Proudclad, Proudclad (2nd), Ultimate+ Proudclad
Lion's Breath Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Chudo-Yudo
Longitudinal Slash Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gilgamesh [Type-0], Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Longitudinal Swing Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Aranea
Looming Wrath Prepares user to use multiple attacks. Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Hecatoncheir [FFXIII]
Lord of Arms Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Lost Blow Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Only used during physical form. Lost Number
Love Tap Inflicts Haste to one party member. Cursed LeBlanc, LeBlanc
Lucent Beam Lv8 (セイントビームLv8) Inflicts Holy-elemental damage to one target. Mana Beast, Ultimate Mana Beast
Lucid Barrier Lv5 Death Machine [SoM], Ultimate+ Death Machine [SoM]
Lullaby Inflicts Sleep to the party. Used as a counter. Chadarnook [Goddess form], Cursed Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Goddess
Lunattack Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Hell House
Lunge Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stun to one target. Biochimera
Lunge Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter and against the party by Garuda [FFXII]. When used by Shadow Creeper (Cursed Bahamut SIN), [Sound] Fat Moogle, and Mad Bismarck [FFVI], targets the party instead. When used by Ultimate+ Land Turtle, also ignores the target's Defense. When used by Brionac, deals % physical damage to one target. When used by Flyvern and Ultimate++ Flyvern, targets two random targets. [Sound] Fat Moogle, Ahriman [FFIII], Bandersnatch [FFXV], Bloodhorn [FFXV], Dragonfly Corps, Ba'Gamnan, Blood Gigas, Bomb [FFXII], King Bomb [FFXII], Bomb King [FFWWW], Brionac, Bune, Bwagi, Cataract Aevis, Cursed Imperial Swordsman, Daguza, Flyvern, Galeedo, Garm [FFVI], Garuda [FFXII], Goblin [WoFF], Gwitch, Hydro [FFXII], Ichthon, Imperial Hoplite, Imperial Marksman, Imperial Swordsman, Judge Gabranth, Judge Ghis, Mad Bismarck [FFVI], Malboro [FFXII], Microchu, Mom Bomb [FFXII], Mythril Golem [FFXII], Purobolos [FFXII], Ragoh, Rinok, Shadow Creeper (Cursed Bahamut SIN), Skull Warrior, Treant [FFXII], Tyrant [FFXII], Ultimate Bloodhorn [FFXV], Ultimate Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Crimson Hound, Ultimate Guard Hound [VIIDC], Ultimate Judge, Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Lesser Coeurl, Ultimate Sabertusk, Ultimate カトル准将, Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Judge Gabranth, Ultimate+ Land Turtle, Ultimate+ Microchu, Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate+ Vinuskar, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Flyvern, Ultimate++ Hydro, , Ultimate++ Mythril Golem [FFXII]Ultimate++ Rinok, Vinuskar, Wendigo [FFXII], Zwerg Metrodroid, Zwerg Scandroid


Ability Description Enemy
Mace Boomerang Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Vajradhara Tai
Machine Cannon Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Vajra [Type-0]
Machine Gun Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Heavy Armored Soldier, can either target one target or the entire party. Brionac, Corps Gunner, Corps Marksman, Dáinsleif, DG Soldier, Grenade Combatant, Heavy Armored Soldier, Machine Gun, Magitek Armor "Cuirass", MP, Proto Machinegun, PSICOM Warden, Sweeper, Ultimate MP, Ultimate カトル准将, Ultimate+ Dáinsleif, Ultimate+ Magitek Armor "Cuirass"
Mad Abyssmal Maul Inflicts massive Earth-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and Slow. Mad Midgardsormr [FFVI]
Mad Aerospark Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental physical damage to the party and dispels them. Mad Ixion
Mad Binding Cold Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage and Doom to the party. Mad Shadow Dragon
Mad Black Cauldron Inflicts major Dark-elemental magic damage that ignores Magic Defense and Doom to the party. Mad Hades [FFVII]
Mad Black Fang Inflicts massive Dark-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Mad Shadow Dragon
Mad Blizzaga Inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense, and lowers Ice-elemental resistance. Mad Sealion
Mad Breach Blast Inflicts major Water-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Mad Bismarck [FFVI]
Mad Cow Special Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Minotaur, Sekhret [FFVIII]
Mad Dark Breath Inflicts massive Dark-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Mad Shadow Dragon
Mad Earth Shaker Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense, and has a chance to cancel actions. Mad Golem [FFV]
Mad Firaga Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense, and lowers Fire-elemental resistance. Mad Liquid Flame, Mad Maliris [FFIX]
Mad Flame Inflicts % magic damage and Sap to the party. Mad Liquid Flame
Mad Flame Slash Inflicts upwards to 6 hits of Fire-elemental physical damage to random targets. Mad Maliris [FFIX]
Mad Freezing Mist Inflicts massive Ice-elemental and Holy-elemental magic damage to the party. Mad Mist Dragon
Mad Holy Inflicts massive Holy-elemental magic damage to three random targets. Mad Mist Dragon, Mad Siren [FFV]
Mad Howling Moon Grants Blink to nullify one physical attack to user as well as Haste and temporarily increases the user's Attack. Mad Fenrir [FFVI]
Mad Jet Fire Inflicts massive Fire-elemental and Wind-elemental physical damage to the party. Mad Tiamat [FFIX]
Mad Leg Inflicts massive Water-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Mad Kraken [FFIX]
Mad Lightning Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense, and lowers Lightning-elemental resistance. Mad Ghidra
Mad Lunatic Voice Inflicts massive Holy-elemental magic damage and Silence to the party, and grants user Regen. Mad Siren [FFV]
Mad Shadow Flare Inflicts major Dark-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Mad Hades [FFVII]
Mad Shockstorm Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental damage to the party that ignores Defense and Lightning resistance.. Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII]
Mad Thor's Hammer Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and lowers Lightning-elemental resistances. Mad Ixion
Mad Thundaja Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage and Paralysis to one target. Mad Quezacotl
Mad Thunderstorm Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and barriers. Mad Quezacotl
Mad Twister Inflicts massive Wind-elemental damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Mad Tiamat [FFIX]
Mad Venomous Clasp Inflicts massive Holy-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party, and cures all debuffs from user. Mad Siren [FFV]
Mad Wing Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage to the party. Mad Sealion
Mad Waterga Inflicts massive Water-elemental magic damage to the party and lowers Magic for a period of time. Mad Kraken [FFIX]
Mad Withering Winds Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense, and inflicts Slow. Mad Fenrir [FFVI]
Maelstrom Reduces the party's HP to single digits. Used as a counter to magic attacks while in normal form for Barbariccia. Can be used as a counter to physical attacks by White Dragon [FFIV]. When used by Wagnas [RS2] and Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], inflicts moderate Water-elemental magic damage to the party instead. Archeoaevis, Bahamut [FFV], Barbariccia, Behemoth [FFIV], Cursed Barbariccia, Cursed Geryon, Edea (2nd), Geryon, Gogo [FFV], Jura Aevis, Mad Ghidra [FFV], Shinryu [FFV], Tiamat [FFIV], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Ultimate+ Barbarricia, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Wagnas [RS2], White Dragon [FFIV]
Magic Cannon Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Brionac, can inflict massive damage to one target or moderate damage to the party. Ultimate++ Brionac, Ultimate カトル准将, カトル准将
Magic Defense User becomes invincible to magic damage. Genesis
Magic Drain Reduces the number of uses for one ability on one target. Soul Saver, Warlock [FFVI], Wrexsoul
Magic Hammer Reduces the amount of usages from one skill to one target. Apanda [FFV], Byblos, Drippy
Magic Injection Increases Magic and grants Haste to user. Cursed Kefka
Magic Shield Deployment Abyss Attack Node, Abyss Defense Node
Magic Summon Summons a Jelleye, Forbidden, or Tri-Face. Sphinxara
Magic Up Increases user's Magic for a period of time. Abyss Atomos [FFIX]
Magick Wall Nullifies all physical damage for a period of time. Nightmare Zodiark, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate++ Doctor Cid
Magitek Barrier Inflicts Protect, Shell, and Reflect to user. Crane, Heavy Armor, Inferno
Magitek Laser Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Air Force, Chaser, Heavy Armor, Laser Gun, Magitek Armor, Proto Armor, Satellite, Schmidt, Tunnel Armor, Ultimate+ Air Force, Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate+ Laser Gun, Ultimate Mega Armor [FFVI]
Magma Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental damage and Petrify to the party. Iguion, Ultimate+ Archaeosaur, Ultimate++ Archaeosaur
Magnitude 8 Inflicts major Earth-elemental damage to the party. Crane, Earth Dragon, Hill Gigas, Gorgimera, Number 024 (Wind Weakness Mode), Ultros (Lethe River)
Maiden's Virelai Inflicts Confuse on one target. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Main Artillery Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Hundred Gunner
Mako Bullet (魔晄弾) Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Kadaj
Mako Cannon Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Rufus
Mako Gun Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Palmer, Ultimate Palmer, Ultimate Rufus, Ultimate+ Rufus
Mana Beam Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Crawler [FFX]
Mana Breath Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target. Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Guardian Beast, Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper
Manadrive Fire Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Corps Regular, Corps Watchman
Manadrive Protect Inflicts Protect to one ally. PSICOM Ranger
Manadrive Shell Inflicts Shell to one ally. PSICOM Ranger
Marionette Inflicts Confuse to the party. Bokuon [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Maser Eye Inflicts major Dark-elemental magic damage to one target. Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII]
Massacre Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Nidhogg [FFXIV]
Massive Explosion Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Turns into 3 Bombs and Grey Bombs. Mom Bomb, Ultimate++ Mom Bomb [FFIV]
Materia-jammer Inflicts Reflect to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Jamar Armor, grants Reflect and Protect to Proud Clod. Cursed+ Proud Clod, Jamar Armor, Ultimate++ Jamar Armor
Matra Magic Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Custom Sweeper
MBarrier Inflicts Shell to one ally. When used by Rude (Rocket Town), targets ally's party. Red Saucer, Rude (Rocket Town)
Medusa Javelin Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Petrify to one target. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Mega Berserk Inflicts Berserk on the party. Satellite
Mega Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Erebus (2), Ultimate Erebus (2)
Mega Death Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Cursed Yunalesca (3rd), Cursed+ Yunalesca, Yunalesca (3rd)
Megaflare Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Can be used as a counter to physicals and Black/White Magic spells by Abyss Neo Bahamut. When used by Bahamut [VIICC], inflicts % magic damage to the party. Abyss Neo Bahamut, Bahamut [FFIII], Bahamut [FFIV], Bahamut [FFV], Bahamut [VIICC], Bahamut [FFVIII], Bahamut [FFX], Bahamut [WoFF], Bahamut SIN, Cursed Bahamut SIN, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFIII], Cursed+ Bahamut SIN, Dark Bahamut, Spathi, Twintania [FFV], Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF], Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV], Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate++ Dark Bahamut [FFIV]
Mega-Graviton Inflicts max HP% magic damage to the party. Anima [FFI], Ultimate Anima [FFI]
Mega Pulse Cannon Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Trauma
Megashock Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Duel Armor
Mega Spark Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Tri-Point, Ultimate++ Tri-Point
Megaton Break Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Faeryl
Megavolt Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Anemone [FFVI], Angler Whelk, Belmodar, Cursed+ Kuja, Rhizopas, Ultros (Opera House), Ymir
Megiddo Flame Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Mobile Type 8, Ultimate+ BGH251F2
Meikyo Shisui Restores HP to the party. Yuffie [KH], Ultimate++ Yuffie [KH]
Meltdown Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. When used by Abyss Kaiser Dragon, targets all enemies and allies. When used by Ultimate++ Sorceress (C), inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target and reduces the target's Magic Defense. When used by Sorceress (2), deals non-elemental magic damage as well as reducing the target's Attack and Magic Defense. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Level 90 Magic, Sorceress (2), Terra, Ultimate+ Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Terra, Ultimate++ Sorceress (B), Ultimate++ Sorceress (C)
Melting Bubble Inflicts Silence to one target. Grand Mantis
Metal Cutter Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target or the entire party. When used by Siegfried and Ketu, targets party only. Demon [FFVI], Duel Armor, Ketu, Siegfried, Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI]
Metal Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Magitek Armor
Metal Knuckle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Heavy Armor
Metal Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Mega Armor [FFVI]
Meteor Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF], used as a counter to all attacks when very low on HP. Abyss Atomos [FFIX], Abyss Ultima Buster, Atomos [FFIX], Behemoth [FFIII], Behemoth [FFVIII], Behemoth [WoFF], Behemoth King (Living), Behemoth King (Undead), Behemoth King [FFAB], Brachiosaur, Catoblepas [FFVIII], Chaos Dragon, Cursed Adel, Cursed+ Adel, Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Deathguise [FFIX], Demon [FFVI], Echidna [FFIII], Elnoyle, Fujin (2nd), Gi Nattak (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits), Gi Nattak (Nightmare Dungeon), Gogo [FFV], Great Behemoth, Ifrit (Fire Caverns) [FFVIII], Inferno, King Behemoth [FFWWW], Lefty, Level 90 Magic, Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), Ozma, Ruby Dragon, Sorceress (2), Terra, Tyrannosaur [FFVI], Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultima Weapon [FFVIII], Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Behemoth [FFVIII], Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF], Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX], Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Terra, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue, Ultimate++ Behemoth King [FFVI], Ultimate++ Behemoth King (Undead), Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Ultimate++ Fujin, Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII], Ultimate Ifrit [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Sorceress (B), Ultimate++ Sorceress (C), Ultimate++ Terra, Xande
Meteor Counterstance Allows to counter attacks with Meteor for a period of time. Behemoth [WoFF], Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF]
Meteor Strike Inflicts major non-elemental damage to one target. Extermination+ Ifrit [FFX], Ifrit [FFX]
Meteorite Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Abyss Atomos [FFIX], Atomos [FFV], Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX], Zorn
Methane Breath Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Boreal Hound
Metsu Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed Fujin, Fujin (2nd), Ultimate++ Fujin
Mezmerize Inflicts Berserk to one target. Grenade
Miasma Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and lowers Magic Defense to two targets in range. Coctyus
Middle Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to Black and White Magic. Krysta
Midget Stare (ちびっこにらみ) Inflicts Haste to one target while lowering their Attack, Defense, and Evasion. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Mighty Guard Inflicts Protect and Shell to user. When used by 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII], also grants Haste and Regen. When used by Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, grants Protect, Shell, and Haste to user. Azulmagia, Behemoth [FFVIII], Biran, Defender X, Iron Giant [FFVIII], Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Shinryu [FFV], Ultimate Behemoth [FFVIII], Ultimate Iron Giant [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Azulmagia, 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Mimic Darlavon Inflicts Sleep to the party. Orator
Mind Blast Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Confuse to the party. When used by Mindflayer [FFXV] and Ultimate+ Mindflayer [FFXV], targets one target and deals physical damage instead. Cursed Yunalesca (3rd), Cursed+ Yunalesca, Mindflayer [FFXV], Ultimate+ Mindflayer [FFXV], Yunalesca (3rd)
Mind Blast Inflicts non-elemental damage and Paralysis to one target. When used by Galvanth the Dominator, targets party instead. Drakan, Galvanth the Dominator, Mindflayer, Ultima Weapon, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Wendigo [FFV]
Mind Blast Inflicts non-elemental damage and Sap to one target. When used by Twintania [FFV], inflicts Sap and Paralysis to the party instead. Azulmagia, Twintania [FFV], Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV], Ultimate++ Azulmagia
Mind Reaper Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Confusion to one target. Neck Hunter
Mini Pulse Cannon Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Droma
Minstral Song Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the party. Garuda [FFXIV]
Missile Reduces one target's HP by 3/4. When used by Shot Machine, deals 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage that ignores Defense to random targets. When used by Dragonfly [VIIDC], deals 2 hits to random targets or 4 hits to 1 target. Abyss Launcher [FFV], Armored Weapon, Azulmagia, Cursed+ Gilgamesh, Fortis, Gilgamesh (Xezat's Fleet), Heavy Armor, Launcher, Missile Launcher, Prototype, Rocket Launcher, Satellite, Schmidt, Shot Machine, Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate Mega Armor [FFVI], Ultimate+ Air Force, Ultimate+ Missile Bay, Ultimate++ Azulmagia
Missile Barrage Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Dáinsleif, Ultimate+ Dáinsleif
Missile Burst Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. PSICOM Aerial Recon
Missile Launcher Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate カトル准将, カトル准将
Mist Inflicts Dark-elemental damage and Sleep to the party. Mistodon
Molotov Cocktail Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Dyne
Monk: Continuous Attack (モンク・連撃) Inflicts major non-elemental damage to three random targets. Ultimate Bartz
Monk: Kick Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate Bartz, Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Moogle Charm Restores major HP to the user's party. Summoner [FFT] (Marach fight only), Ultimate++ Summoner [FFT] (Ultimate++ Marach fight only)
Moogle Stare Inflicts Stop to one target. Biochimera
Moon Flute Inflicts Berserk to the party. Jackanapes, Page 256
Moon Saber Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target and absorbs damage as HP to user. Wolf Devil [SoM]
Moonlight Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental physical damage to the party. Noel [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Morning Star Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Dullahan, Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI]
Mortal Ray Inflicts Doom to one target. Minotaur [FFXI], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Mortisorption Drains moderate HP from one target to restore own HP. Cursed Mortiorchis, Mortibody, Mortiorchis, Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Mortibody
Mow Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Poison to the party. Minotaur [FFXI], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Mow Down Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Guard Armor (Arms)
Mower Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party. Minotaur, Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFVIII]
MP Tentacle Reduces the number of abilities by one to one target. 凶星 Tentacle A, 凶星 Tentacle B
Mucosphere Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bandersnatch [FFXIII]
Mucus Inflicts non-elemental damage and Slow to one target. Lesser Chimera
Mug Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Slow as well as reducing the Attack and Defense of one target for a brief period of time. Inflicts Haste to user as well as temporarily increasing their Attack and Defense. Ultimate++ Zidane, Zidane
Multicast Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate Vetala, Vetala
Multi Aeroga Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to two random targets. Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII]
Multi Blizzaga Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to four random targets. Seymour Omnis, Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis
Multi Blizzara Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to two random targets. Cursed Seymour Flux, Seymour, Seymour Natus, Ultimate Seymour, Zorn (Road to Holy Land EX event)
Multi Fira Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to two random targets. Cursed Seymour Flux, Seymour, Seymour Natus, Thorn (Road to Holy Land EX event), Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate Seymour
Multi Firaga Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to two random targets. When used by Seymour Omnis and Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis, targets four random targets instead. Seymour Omnis, Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis
Multi Gravity Reduces two random targets HP by 1/4 each hit. Ultimate Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate++ Esthar Soldier (Terminator)
Multi-Hit Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Onion Knight [DFF]
Multi-Missile (追撃弾) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Machine Rider
Multi Thundara Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to two random targets. Cursed Seymour Flux, Seymour, Seymour Natus, Ultimate Seymour
Multi Thundaga Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to two random targets. When used by Seymour Omnis and Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis, targets four random targets instead. Seymour Omnis, Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis
Multi Waterga Inflicts Water-elemental damage to four random targets. Seymour Omnis, Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis
Multi Watera Inflicts Water-elemental damage to two random targets. Cursed Seymour Flux, Seymour, Seymour Natus, Ultimate Seymour
Muon Blaster Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Proudclad (2nd)
Murasame Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Outsider
Mustard Bomb Inflicts Sap to one target. Can be used as a counter to physicals by Omega. When used by Hades [FFIX], Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX], and Ultimate+ Soulcage, also inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage. When used by Extreme Omega [FFV], inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. When used by Mad Maliris [FFIX], only inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target. Abyss Launcher [FFV], Drakan, Extreme Omega [FFV], Hades [FFIX], Little Chariot, Mad Maliris [FFIX], Omega, Prototype, Soulcage, Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX], Ultimate+ Omega [FFV], Ultimate+ Soulcage, Ultimate++ Maliris [FFIX], Valia Pira
Mute Ball Inflicts non-elemental damage and Silence to one target. Used as a counter. Oblitzerator
Mysterious Dance Inflicts Sleep to one target. Shadow Dancer, Veil Dancer
Mysterious Light (不思議な光) Reduces the party's Magic Defense for a brief period of time. Hellbender
Mystery Waltz Increases all stats to the party for a period of time. Alraune King, Pumpkin Star, Topstalk, Ultimate+ Alraune King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII], Ultimate+ Topstalk [FFXII]
Mystic Aura Inflicts Haste and increases Magic Attack to one ally. Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Barthandelus
Mystic Knight: Blizzaga Blade Barrage Inflicts major Ice-elemental physical damage to 4 random targets. Ultimate Bartz, Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Mystic Knight: Blizzaga Blade Inflicts major Ice-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Bartz
Mystic Knight: Blizzard Blade Inflicts major Ice-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz
Mystic Knight: Firaga Blade Barrage Inflicts major Fire-elemental physical damage to 4 random targets. Ultimate Bartz, Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Mystic Knight: Firaga Blade Inflicts major Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Bartz
Mystic Knight: Fire Blade Inflicts major Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz
Mystic Knight: Thundaga Blade Barrage Inflicts major Lightning-elemental physical damage to 4 random targets. Ultimate Bartz, Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
Mystic Knight: Thundaga Blade Inflicts major Thundaga-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Bartz
Mystic Knight: Thunder Blade Inflicts major Lightning-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Bartz
Mythril Knife Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to magic attacks. Dadaluma, Harvester


Ability Description Enemy
Nature's Blessing Restores major HP to user. Bandersnatch [FFXIII]
Needle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. カドマツテンダー, Cactuar [FFXIII], Gigantuar, Mini Cactuar [FFXIII], Ultimate Sinscale (Blue)
Needle Inflicts Blind to one target. Can be used as a counter. Hedgehog
Needle Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Hedgehog, Sword Rat
Needle Inflicts Silence to one target. Can be used as a counter. Hedgehog
Needle Gun Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Dyne
Negation Removes all debuffs from user. Left Fin, Right Fin, Sin (Core)
Neo Turk Light Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Confuse to one target. Reno (Guidance of the Settlers)
Nerve Gas Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Midlight Reaper
Net Inflicts Stop to one target. Guard Leader, Number 128
Nether Ashura Inflicts 4-6 hits of Fire-elemental magic damage to random party members. Marach, Ultimate++ Marach
Nether Blade Inflicts 4-6 hits of Wind-elemental magic damage to random party members. Marach, Ultimate++ Marach
Nether Maelstrom Inflicts 4-6 hits of Water-elemental magic damage to random party members. Marach, Ultimate++ Marach
Nickel Wrench Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Valeor
Night Inflicts Sleep to the party. Ralvurahva, Ultimate Ralvurahva
Nightmare Inflicts Doom and Sleep to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT], inflicts Sleep to the party instead. Cúchulainn [FFT], Ultimate+ Cúchulainn [FFT]
Nightmare Darkja Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores barriers and Magic Defense. Nightmare Zodiark
Nightmare Dead End Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores barriers and Magic Defense, and inflicts Instant Death. Nightmare Gerogero, Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV], Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Nightmare Zodiark
Nightmare Deadly Breath Inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to one target. Nightmare Gerogero
Nightmare Excalipoor Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV]
Nightmare Gravija Reduces the party's HP by %. Nightmare Gerogero
Nightmare Piercing Graviga Inflicts % magic damage to the party that ignores barriers, Blink, and Magic Defense. Nightmare Zodiark
Nightmare Storm Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Proudclad (2nd)
Nightmare Zantetsuken Inflicts massive Dark-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense and Blink. Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV]
No.IX Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gaius van Baelsar
Normal Attack Changes attack method. Pile Machine
Northern Cross Inflicts Stop to the party. When used by Maximum Kimaira and Cursed+ Maximum Kimaira, inflicts Poison to one target instead. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Cursed+ Maximum Kimaira, Dullahan, Fiend [FFVI], Ice Dragon, Maximum Kimaira, Muud Suud, Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI]
Northswain's Strike Inflicts massive non-elemental damage and Instant Death to one target. Ultimate++ Wiegraf, Wiegraf
Not-So-Mighty Guard Inflicts Protect and Shell to all allies. Cursed LeBlanc
Nova Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Omega Weapon [FFX]
Numbclaw Inflicts Stop to one target. Acrophies [FFVI]
Numbspines Inflicts Stop to one target. Aspiran
Nutrient Absorption Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target and absorbs HP. Alruane, Noctilucale


Ability Description Enemy
Object 199 Inflicts 9999 damage to a single target. When used by Abyss CPU, either inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target, to the party, or hits one target three times. Abyss CPU, CPU
Obliterator Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Alexander
Oblivion Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Anima [FFI], Anima [FFX], Ultimate Anima [FFI], Ultimate Anima [FFX]
Octaslash Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Reunion Sephiroth, Ultimate+ Sephiroth, Ultimate++ Sephiroth
Octopus Ink Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Ultros (Airship)
OFF Mode Removes Bio Mode or Silence Mode. YSLS-Zero
Offensive Shift Changes to Offensive Shift mode. Cid Raines
Off-Guard Reduces one target's Defense and Magic Defense. Abyss Guardian [FFV], Azulmagia, Magic Dragon, Ultimate++ Azulmagia, Ushabti, Ziggurat Gigas
Oil Blast Inflicts % damage to one target. Used as a counter when attacked. Oilboyle
Oil Shot Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Oilboyle
Oily Touch Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target and lowers Fire-elemental resistances. Ultimate++ Ghoul [FFT]
Old Reduces Attack, Defense, Magic, and Magic Defense for a certain time Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Calofisteri
Omnegator Grants Invincible to user. Anavatapta Warmech, Ultimate++ Anavatapta Warmech
Omnislash Inflicts 5 hits of non-elemental physical and magic damage to random targets. Cloud [KH], Ultimate++ Cloud [KH]
One-Two Punch Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to the party. Guard Armor (Arms)
Onrush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Armadodo, Snow Lion, Tri-Point, Ultimate++ Tri-Point
Open Removes Close state. Deathguise [FFIX], Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX]
Open Eyes Enables Eyes. Ultimate+ Emerald Weapon
Oraoraora! (オラオラオラ!) Inflicts up to three hits of massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Vargas
Ore Toss Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. De'Vyu Headhunter, Go'Bhu Gascon
Original Sin Inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage and Slow to one target. Gyascutus
Osmose Reduces the number of uses for one ability on one target. Cursed Yunalesca (2nd and 3rd), Georapella, Gi Nattak, Lost Number, Malboro [FFIX], Precepts Guard, Psychos, Rafflesia [FFXII], Shemhazai [FFXII], Type B, Ultimate Zeromus EG, Wizard [FFVI], Yunalesca (3rd)
Overboost Boosts user's stats for a period of time. Aranea
Overdrive Restores massive HP, increases user's Attack, and grants Haste, Protect, and Shell. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Overdrive Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party with a small chance to remove all buffs. Nero tol Scaeva
Overflow Inflicts Confusion to one target. Number 028
Oww! Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate Masked Man, can target one target or the party. Masked Man, Ultimate Masked Man


Ability Description Enemy
Pain Inflicts major non-elemental damage to one target. Anima [FFX], Ultimate Anima [FFX]
Pain Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target. Elnoyle
Pain Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Blind to one target. Chonchon
Pain Inflicts Poison, Blind, and Silence to one target. Fujin (2nd), Ultimate++ Fujin
Pain Kujinshi [RS2], Sorrow [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Painga Inflicts Blind to the party. Ultimate Vetala, Vetala
Painja Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to the party. Anima [FFI], Ultimate Anima [FFI]
Panacea Cures all negative statuses to one ally. Apanda [FFV]
Pandora's Box Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party. Dragon Zombie [FFVII]
Paper Storm Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Tantarian
Paralaser Inflicts non-elemental damage and Paralysis to one target. Laser Cannon
Paralyze Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Spriggan [FFXIV]
Paralysis Tentacles Inflicts non-elemental damage and Paralysis to one target. Margarita
Paralyze Powder Inflicts non-elemental damage and Paralysis to one target. Dragon Grass [Lower Left], Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Lower Left]
Partisan Inflicts % physical damage to one target. Pile Machine
Passado Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX]
Perfect Defense Inflicts Barrier and MBarrier status to user. Ultimate Hashmal [FFXII]
Petaflare (ペタフレア) Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Bahamut SIN, Cursed Bahamut SIN, Cursed+ Bahamut SIN
Petriblast Inflicts Petrify to one target. Angler Whelk
Petrif-Eye Inflicts Petrify to one target. Demon's Gate
Petrify Inflicts Petrify to one target. Belias [FFT], Basilisk, Celia, Lettie, Ultimate Belias [FFT], Ultimate+ Belias [FFT], Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Lettie
Petrify Gaze Inflicts Petrify to one target. Demon Wall, Pandaemonium [FFXII], Sin
Petrify Stare Inflicts Petrify to one target. Evrae, Evrae Altana, Glacial Eye
Petro Eyes Inflicts Petrify to one target. Dark Dragon [FFXI]
Phantasmal Gaze Inflicts Confuse to one target. Ahriman [FFXII], Ahriman (Clone) [FFXII], Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII]
Phantom Rush Inflicts up to 4 hits of massive non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Cursed+ Vargas
Phlebotomize (二段突き) Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Simurgh [RS2], Subie [RS2]
Photon Reduces one target's HP to single digits. Ark
Photon Blaster Restores massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Photon Burst Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Thermadon
Photon Spray Inflicts 8 hits of non-elemental damage to random targets. Abyss Evrae Altana, Evrae, Evrae Altana, Ultimate++ Evrae
Photon Wings Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper, inflicts Sleep, Silence, Blind, Confuse, and Sap to the party as well. Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper
Physical Absorption (体力吸収) Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense and drains HP. Rock Bouquet [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Physical Shield Deployment Abyss Attack Node, Abyss Defense Node
Piazzo Shower Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Zenene
Piercing (突き刺し) Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nimbus, Ultimate++ Nimbus
Piercing Blizzaga Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Reflect. Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII]
Piercing Darkra Inflicts massive Dark-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Reflect. Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII]
Piercing Firaga Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Reflect. Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII]
Piercing Graviga Inflicts % magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Tyrant
Piercing Thundaga Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Reflect. Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII]
Piercing Thundaja Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Reflect. Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII]
Pile Bunker Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Pulsework Centurion
Pillars of Heaven Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
Pincer Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Devil Crab, Exocite
Pinpoint Beam Restores massive non-elemental physical damage to one target, dispels all buffs, and lowers Defense. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Pinwheel Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Outsider
Pirouette Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nix, Stiria
Pirouette Pitch Inflicts major non-elemental damage to one target. Cursed Ormi, Ormi
Plasma Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Chaser, InnoSent
Plasma Beam Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Gorgimera (Wing Revival)
Plasma Cannon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Aquila Velocycle
Plasma Thrust Inflicts Lightning-elemental physical damage to the party. Dantengu [RS2]
Poison Inflicts Poison to one target. When used by Hein, Ultimate+ Hein, and Ultimate Hidon, targets the party instead. Calofisteri, Darkmare, Hein, Hidon, Kefka, Level 50 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Mimic, Mindy [FFIV], Nightmare [FFXII], Omniscient, Seeker, Sleipnir, Tantarian, Tentacle, Thunder Elemental, Tunnel Armor, Ultimate Hidon, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate++ Calofisteri
Poison Attack Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Larva
Poison Barb Inflicts Poison to one target. Cartagra
Poison Blow (ポイゾナスブロウ) Inflicts moderate Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to one target. Kujinshi [RS2], Parasitic Demon [RS2], Purple Bane [RS2], Sorrow [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Poison Breath Inflicts Poison-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Used as a counter to magic attacks by Tyrannosaur. Can be used as a counter to physical and Black Magic attacks by Abyss Evrae Altana. Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target when used by CMD. Grand Horn. When used by Boreal Hound, deals moderate Water-elemental magic damage instead. Abyss Evrae Altana, Aeronite [FFXII], Bahamut [FFV], Boreal Hound, CMD. Grand Horn, Crawler [FFXI], Dread Dragon, Evrae, Ghidra, Shinryu [FFV], Tyrannosaur [FFV], Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Evrae, Zombie Dragon [FFV]
Poison Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Erebus (3), Ultimate Erebus (3), Ultimate Lord Ochu
Poison Fang Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Gecko
Poison Gas Inflicts Poison to the party. Cutter Machine, Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Poison Gas Inflicts Poison-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Dr. Lugae (2nd form), Tiamat [FFI], Ultimate Dr. Lugae, Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI]
Poison Gas Inflicts Poison, Blind, and Confuse to party. Tri-Face
Poison Mist Inflicts Poison to the party. Anacondaur
Poison Mist Inflicts Poison-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Green Dragon [FFII], Satan Head [SoM], Ultimate++ Green Dragon [FFII]
Poison Powder Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Dragon Grass [Lower Right], Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Lower Right]
Poison Strike Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Destroyer
Poison Touch Inflicts Poison to one target. Imperial Villa Maid, Trillium
Poisonga Inflicts Poison to the party. Ancient Sorcerer
Poke Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Lesser Chimera
Pollen Inflicts Blind to the party. Inflicts Sleep instead when used by Funguar [FFX]. Inflicts Confuse instead when used by Haunted Mushroom [RS2]. Funguar [FFX], Haunted Mushroom [RS2], Plant Brain
Pollen Inflicts Poison, Sleep, and Slow to the party. Alraune King, Mandragora Prince, Onion Queen, Pumpkin Star, Ultimate+ Alraune King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Mandragora Prince [FFXII], Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII]
Pollen Ochu [FFXIII], Ultimate+ Ochu [FFXIII]
Pollen Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Lower Left], Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Lower Right], Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Upper Left], Ultimate++ Dragon Grass [Upper Right]
Pollen Dance Inflicts Confuse to the party. Rafflesia [FFXII]
Poltergeist Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Used as a counter. Chadarnook [Goddess form], Cursed Chadarnook
Potion Restores minor HP to one ally. Chemist, Dadaluma, Knight [FFT], Logos, Meliadoul, Squire [FFT] (B), Thief [FFT], Ultimate+ Knight [FFT] (Zalmour fight), Ultimate++ Archer [FFT], Ultimate++ Knight [FFT], Ultimate++ Summoner [FFT] (Meliadoul fight)
Pounce Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to one target. Fidor
Power Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Porphyrion, Ultimate Porphyrion
Power Break Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target and lowers Strength. Ultimate Steiner, Ultimate+ Steiner
Power Spin Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Slow to the party. Pandaemonium [FFXII]
Power Spritz Inflicts Haste, Protect, and Shell to the user. Orobon [FFXIII]
Praise Increases one ally's Attack for a period of time. Orator
Preach Increases one ally's Magic for a period of time. Orator
Predation Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Byrnhildr
Press Inflicts large HP% damage to the party. Spherimorph
Program 17 Inflicts Shell to one ally. Chaser
Program 35 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Proto Armor
Program 65 Inflicts Silence to one target. Ultimate Sergeant [FFVI]
Propeller Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Spitfire
Propeller Wind Inflicts major non-elemental physical and Confuse to the party. Ark, Ultimate+ Ark
Protect Inflicts Protect to one ally. Used as a counter by Byblos when hit by a physical attack. When used by Ultimate Hashmal [FFXII] and Ultimate+ Hashmal [FFXII], ignores Reflect. When used by Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Rinok, and Ultimate++ Gijuk, targets the user's party except the user. Apanda [FFV], Asura, Blood Gigas, Bomb [FFXII], Bune, Byblos, Calofisteri, Cid Raines, Creeps, Cursed Leviathan [FFIII], Cursed Maduin, Cursed Moebius, Cursed+ Asura, Cursed+ Gilgamesh, Dadaluma, Dark Nation, Doctor Cid (2nd), Edea (1st), Elite Soldier, Emperor Aevis, Flame Eater, Gargoyle [FFXII], Gesper, Gijuk, Gilgamesh (2nd), Goldor, Guado Guardian, Imperial Hoplite, Judge, Judge Gabranth, Judge Ghis, Level 20 Magic, Leviathan [FFIII], Mad Golem [FFV], Moebius, Mom Bomb [FFXII], NORG, Onion Queen, Plague, Ragoh, Rook, Sanctuary Keeper, Seymour Flux, Seymour Natus, Shadow Master [FFIII], Treant [FFXII], Ultimate Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate Guado Guadian, Ultimate Hashmal [FFXII], Ultimate Judge, Ultimate Lugae, Ultimate Masked Man, Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate+ Black Knight [FFII], Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Gaffgarion, Ultimate+ Guardian Beast, Ultimate+ Hashmal [FFXII], Ultimate+ Judge Gabranth, Ultimate+ Lugae, Ultimate+ Norg, Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII], Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Unei, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate+ リットアティン, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Gijuk, Ultimate++ Rinok, Ultimate++ Rook, Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate++ Unei, Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultros (Esper Caves), Unei, Vysage, Xande, Xande's Clone, Yiazmat, Zephyrus
Psychokinesis Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Garland [FFIX], Nova Dragon, Ultimate+ Nova Dragon, Ultimate++ Garland [FFIX]
Psycho Bind Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage and Paralysis to the party. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Wagnas [RS2]
Psycho Blast Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. NORG, Ultimate+ Norg
Pulsar Burst Inflicts up to five hits of non-elemental magic damage to one target. Cursed+ Caius Ballad
Pulsar Wave Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Stop to one target. Daedalus [FFXII], Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII]
Pummel Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Hecatoncheir [FFXIII]
Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Atlas, CMD. Grand Horn, Geosgaeno, Golem [Type-0], Grand Horn, Ifrit (Fire Caverns) [FFVIII], Ifrit [WoFF], Mad Golem [FFV], Paradox Alpha, Ultimate Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate+ Atlas, Ultimate+ Geosgaeno, Ultimate+ Golem [Type-0], Ultimate+ Paradox Alpha, Ultimate++ Atlas, Ultimate Ifrit [FFVIII], Wolf Devil [SoM], Zaghrem
Punish Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. 【深淵】アンラックズ(青)
Purify Cures all negative statuses to one ally. Lesser Chimera, Malboro [FFXII]
Prism Light Inflicts Confuse to the party. Wagnas [RS2]
Pyramid Inflicts Imprisoned to one target. Reno
Pyroburst Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to the party. Byrnhildr
Pyroclasm Inflicts major Fire-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Vaan, Vaan
Pyroshot Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Byrnhildr


Ability Description Enemy
Quake Inflicts major Earth-elemental damage to the party. When used by Hashmal [FFI], Ultimate Hashmal [FFI], and Echidna [FFIII], instead inflicts moderate Earth-elemental magic damage to one target. Adamanchelid, Ahriman [FFIII], Cerberus [FFVIII], Cursed Adel, Cursed+ Adel, Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Dark Elf, Earth Dragon, Echidna [FFIII], Gargantua, Hashmal [FFI], Hecatoncheir [FFIII], Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Lefty, Level 60 Magic, Litwor Chicken, Lost Number, Mad Midgardsormr [FFVI], Omega, Ouroboros, Roundworm, Shantotto, Sorceress (2), Titan [FFIII], Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultima Weapon, Ultimate Hashmal [FFI], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFIII], Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate+ Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, Ultimate+ Paradox Alpha, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate+ Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Titan [FFIII], Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Ralvuimago, Ultimate++ Shantotto, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Sorceress (B), Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Xande's Clone, メカテリオス, Ultimate メカテリオス
Quakga Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm), hits 3 targets in range instead. Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm only), [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm only)
Quakeja Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental magic damage and Slow to the party. Ultimate Hashmal [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hashmal [FFXII]
Quakra Inflicts major Earth-elemental damage to the party. Schizo, Ultimate Weapon, Ultimate+ Ultimate Weapon, Ultimate++ Ultimate Weapon, 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Quasar Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Goddess
Queasyshroom Inflicts massive Dark-elemental magic damage and Poison to one target. Exoray [FFXI]
Quick Lv3 (クイックLv3) Temporarily increases one ally's Evasion. Machine Rider
Quicksand Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to the party. Desert Killer, Sandworm [FFV]


Ability Description Enemy
Radiant Blade Inflicts Holy-elemental physical damage to the party and increases the user's Defense for a brief period of time. Ultimate++ Warrior of Light, Warrior of Light
Radiant Plume Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Ifrit [FFXIV]
Radiant Wings Inflicts up to 4 hits of physical damage to one target. Cecil
Rage Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Abyss Demon Wall and Daedalus [FFXII], targets the party instead. Abyss Demon Wall, Aspidochelon, Daedalus [FFXII], Devoahan, Gorgimera, Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII]
Rage Bomber Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Shake
Ragnarok Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party. Nimbus, Ultimate++ Nimbus
Raijin Special Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Raijin, Ultimate++ Raijin
Rail Cannon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Midlight Reaper
Rain Call Inflicts Water-elemental damage to the party. Furfur, Jewel Beast, Quetzalcoatl, Sartain
Rainbow Wind Inflicts Blind, Silence, and Sap to one target. Abyss Launcher [FFV], Galajelly, Omega, Phobos, Ultimate+ Omega [FFV]
Raining Swords Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Mad Maliris [FFIX], Ultimate++ Maliris [FFIX]
Raise Cures KO. Used as a counter to Fire-elemental attacks by Rubicante. Asura, Cindy [FFX], Cursed+ Asura, Rubicante, Ultimate+ Rubicante
Rake Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Transcendence Yiazmat, inflicts 2 hits to the party. Chudo-Yudo, Elder Wyrm, Ose, Tiamat [FFXII], Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII], Yiazmat
Ram Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Aeronite [FFXII], Alraune King, Antares, Behemoth [FFXII], Bwagi, Cactite, Cactoid, Deadly Nightshade [FFXII], Fenrir [FFXII], Mandragora Prince, Onion Queen, Pumpkin Star, Rinok, Ultimate+ Alraune King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Mandragora Prince [FFXII], Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII], Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII], Ultimate+ Topstalk [FFXII], Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Rinok
Rampage Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Bandersnatch [FFXV], Bloodhorn [FFXV], Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate Bloodhorn [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV]
Rapid Fire Rifle Inflicts 2-3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Imperial Trooper
Rapier Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Rahu, Right Blade
Ray Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Paralyze to one target. Liquid Flame (Hand), Mad Liquid Flame
Ray Inflicts three hits of Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Cursed Bahamut SIN, Cursed+ Bahamut SIN
Raybomb Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate+ BGH251F2, Ultimate++ X-ATM092, X-ATM092
Razor Fang Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sabertooth Tiger, Ultimate++ Sabertooth Tiger
Razzia Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Sandy [FFX], can hit either one target or the party. Sandy [FFX], Ultimate++ Sandy [FFX]
Realm Shaker (レルムシェーカー) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Graffias
Reaper Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Cursed Braska's Final Aeon, Ultimate++ Braska's Final Aeon, and Cursed+ Braska's Final Aeon, also inflicts Slow. When used by King Behemoth [FFXIII], Noel [RS2], and Kujinshi [RS2], targets one party member instead. When used by Leon and Ultimate++ Leon, hits two targets in range instead. Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV], Behemoth (Event), Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed+ Braska's Final Aeon, Iron Giant [FFX], King Behemoth [FFXIII], Kujinshi [RS2], Leon, Leviathan [FFXV], Leviathan [WoFF], Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], Noel [RS2], Paradox Alpha, Ramza, Titan [FFXV], Ultimate Sergeant [FFVI], Ultimate+ Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV], Ultimate+ Paradox Alpha, Ultimate+ Ramza, Ultimate+ Titan [FFXV], Ultimate++ Behemoth [FFII], Ultimate++ Braska's Final Aeon, Ultimate++ Leon
Rear Gun Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Air Buster
Recovery Restores minor HP to user. When used by Ultimate++ X-ATM092, fully heals user. Cursed Geryon, Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Minotaur, Sekhret [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Sekhret [FFVIII], Ultimate++ X-ATM092.
Recovery Shift Changes to Recovery Shift mode. Cid Raines
Red Dragon Breath Inflicts massive Fire-elemental damage to the party. Red Dragon [FFVII]
Red Fang Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Bwagi, Ultimate++ Bwagi
Red Fang (あかいきば) Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Red Dragon [WoFF], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF]
Red Light Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to one target. Jenova∙DEATH, Ultimate++ Jenova∙DEATH
Red Spiral Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Vaan
Reel Strike (巻き打ち) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Noel [RS2]
Reflect Inflicts Reflect to one ally. Used as a counter to magic attacks by Jenova∙LIFE, Vossler, and Tiamat [FFXII], and can be used as a counter to magic attacks by Omega. Used as a counter to physical attacks by Lunasaur. Abyss CPU, Bahamut [FFIV], Baigan, Buel, Calofisteri, CPU, Clymenus, Cursed Beatrix, Cursed Curlax, Cursed Laragorn, Cursed Moebius, Cursed Seymour Flux, Cursed Vossler, Dark Bahamut, Drakan, Edea (2nd), Elite Soldier, Flame Eater, Glacial Eye, Gorkii, Guardian [FFIII], Hades [FFIX], Jenova∙LIFE, Lefty, Level 30 Magic, Lunasaur, Mateus, Omega, Red Dragon [FFVI], Rook, Ruby Dragon, Sanctuary Keeper, Sandy [FFIV], Seymour Flux, Sorceress (1), Soul Saver, Tiamat [FFXII], Trance Kuja, Ultimate Mateus [FFXII], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Beatrix, Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ Guardian [FFIII], Ultimate+ Hades [FFIX], Ultimate+ Omega [FFV], Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Baigan, Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Dark Bahamut [FFIV], Ultimate++ Jenova∙DEATH, Ultimate++ Jenova∙LIFE, Ultimate++ Maliris [FFIX], Ultimate++ Ralvuimago, Ultimate++ Rook, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII], Unei's Clone, Valia Pira, Vossler, Wrexsoul, Yellow Dragon [FFVI], Yiazmat
Reflectga Inflicts Reflect to the party. Transcendence Yiazmat
Refuse Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Brain Pod
Refuse Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confusion to one target. Brain Pod
Refuse Inflicts non-elemental damage and Sleep to one target. Brain Pod
Refuse Inflicts non-elemental damage and Berserk to one target. Brain Pod
Regen Inflicts Regen to one ally. ???? [X-2], Biggs (2nd), Calofisteri, Chrono Controller, Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Fujin (2nd), Gargoyle Baron, Genesis, Gorkii, Lefty, Level 60 Magic, Rook, Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate Lugae, Ultimate White Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Lugae, Ultimate+ Odin [WoFF], Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Fujin, Ultimate++ Rook, White Mage [FFT], Yiazmat
Regenerate Revives all KO'd allies. Ultimate++ Baigan
Regenerate Carpace Restores minor HP to one target. Thermadon
Regurgitate Inflicts non-elemental damage and spits out Swallowed target. When used by Ultimate Sand Worm [FFX], inflicts Slow as well. Sand Worm [FFX], Ultimate Sand Worm [FFX]
Remedy Cures all negative statuses to one ally. Fujin, Seifer (2nd)
Remora Strike Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Air Cutter Remora
Remove Jammer Removes Reflect from the party. Jamar Armor
Rend Armor Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and reduces its Defense. Isilud, Knight [FFT], Milleuda, Ultimate Knight [FFT], Ultimate++ Knight [FFT]
Rend Armor Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and reduces its Defense. Knight [FFT], Milleuda
Rend Helm Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and reduces its Magic Defense. Ultimate Argath
Rend Magick Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and reduces its Magic. Ultimate Argath
Rend Shield Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and removes Shell. Ultimate Argath
Rend Speed Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and removes Haste. Ultimate Argath
Rend Weapon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and reduces its Attack. Milleuda
Renew Restores massive HP to one ally. King Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII]
Requiem Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Chaos [MFF], Cursed+ Chaos [MFF]
Reraise Revives all KO'd allies with full HP. Ultimate+ Flan Master
Resonance Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party. Iguion
Resonant Magic Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party. Right Manipulator
Restore Restores minor HP to one ally. When used by Dark Bahamut, restores major HP instead. Abyss Defense Node, Borghen, Cagnazzo, Cindy [FFIV], Dark Bahamut, Defense Mode, Dr. Lugae (1st), Dr. Lugae (2nd), Lunasaur, Plague, Ultimate Borghen, Ultimate Lugae, Ultimate+ Lugae, Ultimate+ Cindy [FFIV]
Retaliatory Strike Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Proudclad, Proudclad (2nd), Ultimate+ Proudclad
Return Restores all HP and status to user. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Omniscient, Ultimate+ Omniscient
Revengance Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
Revenge Blast Inflicts damage equal to difference in user's Max HP and current HP. When used by Behemoth [WoFF] and Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF], ????. Behemoth [WoFF], Dark Froce, Dragon [FFVI], Pandora, Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF]
Revenge of Arms Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to all actions. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Right Arm Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV], Ultimate+ Adamantoise (Arm) [FFXV]
Right Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Krysta, used as a counter to physicals. Krysta, Sand Bear
Right Cleave Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Bahamut Fury, Ultimate++ Bahamut Fury
Right Stem Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Prison Cage
Right Tentacle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Plant Brain
Rime Wreath Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Isgebind, Ultimate+ Isgebind
Roar (咆哮) Inflicts Paralysis to the party. When used by Atlas, Ultimate+ Atlas, Ultimate++ Atlas, Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], and Bandersnatch [FFXV], inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to the party instead. When used by Ultimate Adamanchelid and Adamanchelid, inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. When used by Adamantoise [FFXV] and Ultimate+ Adamantoise [FFXV], inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Confuse to the party. When used by Titan [FFXV] and Ultimate+ Titan [FFXV], inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Adamanchelid, Adamantoise [FFXV], Atlas, Bandersnatch [FFXV], Sabertooth Tiger, Titan [FFXV], Ultimate Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Adamantoise [FFXV], Ultimate+ Atlas, Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate+ Titan [FFXV], Ultimate++ Atlas, Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Sabertooth Tiger
Rock Buster Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Titan [FFXIV], Titan [FFXIV]
Rocket Punch Reduces one target's HP by 1/2. Used as a counter by Omega. When used by Abyss Launcher [FFV], inflicts Confuse as well. When used by Golem [Type-0], deals non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Abyss Launcher [FFV], Extreme Omega [FFV], Gilgamesh (2nd), [賀] Gilgamesh, Golem [Type-0], Iron Giant [FFV], Omega, Rocket Launcher, Ultimate+ Golem [Type-0], Ultimate+ Omega [FFV]
Rockfall (落石) Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Titan [FFIII]
Rod Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mani Wizard
Rollerspin Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mighty Grunt
Rolling Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sample: HO512-Opt
Rolling Fire Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Motor Ball
Romp Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Chimera
Rotating Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Soldier [KH]
Rough Divide Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Leon and Ultimate++ Leon, hits one target twice. Leon, Squall, Ultimate Squall, Ultimate++ Leon
Roulette Inflicts Instant Death to a random target. Ahriman [FFVI], Ahriman [FFIX], Azulmagia, Nelapa, Ultimate++ Azulmagia, Zombie [FFIX]
Round Edge Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Garland+, Ultimate+ Garland [FFI]
Round Swing Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Pulsework Centurion, Pulsework Knight, Pulsework Soldier
Roxxor Inflicts major Earth (element)Earth-elemental magic damage to one target while ignoring Reflect. When used by Hashmal [FFI] and Ultimate Hashmal [FFI], inflicts moderate Earth-elemental magic damage to one target. Hashmal [FFI], Ultimate Hashmal [FFI], Ultimate Hashmal [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hashmal [FFXII]
Ruin Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Cid Raines, Gogmagog, Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Ultimate++ Y'shtola, Y'shtola
Ruinga Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. When used by Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Vaballathus, and Ultimate+ Cid Raines, targets the party instead. Barthandelus, Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Vaballathus
Rumble Rush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to four random targets. When used by Ultimate++ Zidane, also inflicts Stun. Ultimate Zidane, Ultimate++ Zidane, Zidane
Runaway (暴走)B Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N
Rush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Shell Dragon, Ultimate+ Manasvin Warmech, and Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII], inflicts Paralysis as well. Abyss Neo Bahamut, Mad Quezacotl, Mana Beast, Ultimate Shell Dragon, Ultimate Mana Beast, Ultimate+ Manasvin Warmech
Rush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Garula, also inflicts Sap. When used by Ramza and Ultimate+ Ramza, inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bandersnatch, Belmodar, Bomb King [FFAB], Cursed+ Ipooh, Darkmare, Dune Worm [RS2], Firemane, Garula, Ghidra, Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Hydra, Large Body, Liquid Flame (Humanoid), Mad Ghidra, Mad Liquid Flame, Mistmare, Monk [FFT], Neo Garula, Purple Bane [RS2], Ramza, Sand Biter [RS2], Sand Dragon [RS2], Squire [FFT], Thexteron, Ultimate Hecatoncheir [FFXIII], Ultimate Monk [FFT], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate+ Firemane, Ultimate+ Monk [FFT] (Zalmour fight), Ultimate+ Ramza, Ultimate++ Monk [FFT]
Rush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stun to one target. Machine Rider, Shadow Creeper (Cursed Bahamut SIN)
Russian Roulette Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and a chance of either Poison, Sap, Sleep, Slow, or Confuse to one target. Cursed Logos


Ability Description Enemy
[Sound] Dispel Attack Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party and dispels all buffs. [Sound] Runaway Fat Chocobo
[Sound] Moogle Attack Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party and dispels all buffs. [Sound] Fat Moogle
[Sound] Scrunch Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. [Sound] Fat Moogle
S-27 Tokamak Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed+ Doctor Cid, Doctor Cid, Ultimate++ Doctor Cid
S-85 Cyclotrone Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Doctor Cid (2nd)
S-Mine Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Dyne
Sabre Increases user's Attack for a period of time. Ultimate++ Belias [FFXII]
Sadistic Attack Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. When used by Cursed+ Yang, inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed+ Yang, Yin Yang
Sai Reduces one target's HP to single digits. Cursed Fujin, Fujin, Ultimate++ Fujin
Saintly Beam Inflicts Holy-elemental damage to the party. Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Phantom Train
Saint's Fall Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cecil
Sakura Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Outsider
Salamander Claw (サラマンダークロー) Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Hellhound [RS2]
Sandspin Inflicts Earth-elemental physical damage and Blind to the party. Giant Worm
Sandstorm Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to the party. Reduces party's HP to single digits when used by Antlion [FFIX]. Antlion [FFIX], Black Dragon, Fossil Dragon, Sandhorse, Sand Golem, Slagworm
Sap Inflicts non-elemental damage and Sap to one target. Abyss Necrophobe [FFV], Archeoaevis, Crew Dust, Cursed Necrophobe, Doublizard, Iron Fist [FFV], Necrophobe, Ultimate+ Archeoaevis
Sap Tail (スリップテイル) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Slow to the party. Ultimate+ Guardian Beast
Sapphire Beam Inflicts Water-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate Sapphire Weapon
Sapping Ooze Inflicts Sap to one target. Flan
Sartain Sword Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Sartain
Satellite Laser A Inflicts % physical damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Dáinsleif, ????. Dainsleif, Ultimate+ Dáinsleif
Satellite Laser A Inflicts % physical damage to the party. Dainsleif, Ultimate+ Dáinsleif
Savage Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Squall, Ultimate Squall
Scarlet Whisper Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Nidhogg [FFXIV]
Scatter Spray Blizzaga Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Kefka
Scintilla Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party and grants Haste to the user. Used as a counter. Reunion Sephiroth, Ultimate+ Sephiroth
Scintillation Inflicts Blind to the party. Proto Armor, Satellite
Scissors (ハサミ) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Metal Crab [SoM]
Scoop Art Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Zidane, Ultimate++ Zidane, Zidane
Scorch Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target or the party. Can be used as a counter to Fire-elemental attacks by White Dragon [FFIV]. When used by Geryon, targets party only. Cursed Geryon, Geryon, Rubicante, Ultimate+ Rubicante, White Dragon [FFIV]
Scorcher Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. G Eraser, Ultimate+ G Eraser
Scorpion's Tail Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Rapps
Scourge Inflicts Poison-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Tiamat (2nd fight) [FFI]
Scourge Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage and Sap to the party while ignoring Reflect. Shemhazai [FFXII], Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII]
Scourge VIII Inflicts moderate Poison-elemental damage to one target or the party. Red Soul, Ultimate+ Red Soul
Scourge XVI Inflicts major Poison-elemental damage to one target or the party. Red Soul, Ultimate+ Red Soul
Scratch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Alpha Behemoth, Beta Behemoth, Ahriman [FFIII], Unei, Ultimate+ Land Turtle, Ultimate++ Unei, and Cursed+ Bahamut [FFIII], targets the party. When used by Ultimate Lesser Coeurl, can target one character or the party. Ahriman [FFIII], Alpha Behemoth, Bahamut SIN, Beta Behemoth, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFIII], Cursed+ Bahamut SIN, Cursed+ Maximum Kimaira, Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Cursed Bahamut SIN, Cursed Silver Dragon, King Behemoth [FFXIII], Lesser Coeurl, Lycaon, Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII], Ultimate Lesser Coeurl, Ultimate+ Land Turtle, Ultimate+ Unei, Ultimate++ Unei, Unei, Wild Rat
Scratch Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Shadow [KH], Soldier [KH]
Scream Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and Blind or Silence to the party. Pumpkin Star, Topstalk, Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII], Ultimate+ Topstalk [FFXII]
Screwtail Inflicts moderate Wind-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII]
Scrunch (のしかかる) Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. [Sound] Fat Moogle
Scythe Tail Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to one target. Raptor, Ultimate+ Raptor
Sealed Spells Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage and cancels the actions of one target. Used as a counter to physicals. Siegfray, Ultimate Siegfray
Searchlight Inflicts Holy-elemental magic damage to one target. Cecil
Seed Cannon Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ragora
Seiken Stock Break Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Ultimate Beatrix, Ultimate+ Beatrix
Seismic Strike Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Odin [FFXIII]
Self... Repair... Restores minor HP to user. Bee Saucer
Self-Destruct Kills user to inflict damage equal to user's remaining HP. Used when alone by Left Arm and Right Arm. Can be used as a counter by Balloon, Bomb, and Grenade when hit by a Fire-elemental attack. Used as a counter by Motor Trap. Abyss Mana Sphere (Red), Armored Fiend, Balloon, Barnabas, Barnabas-Z, Bomb, Bomb [X-2], Bomb [FFXI], Bomb [FFXII], Circuitron, Cryohedron, Gray Bomb, Grenade [FFV], Grenade [FFVI], Left Arm, Mine, Mom Bomb [FFXII], Motor Trap, Mrs. Candle (夫人のキャンドル), Onion Knight, Purobolos, Ragoh, Right Arm, Ultimate Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate++ Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Gray Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Left Arm [FFIV], Ultimate++ Right Arm [FFIV]
Sentence Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Judge Gabranth, Ultimate+ Judge Gabranth
Seraphic Ray Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party and removes all beneficial statuses. Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Cid Raines
Serious Counter Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate メカテリオス
Shade Inflicts Paralysis to the party. Hellgaroo Mage
Shadow Claw Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Boreal Hound
Shadow Flare(ability)|Shadow Flare} Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Dragon Zombie [FFVII], Reunion Sephiroth, Ultimate Weapon (Final), Ultimate+ Dragon Zombie [FFVII], Ultimate+ Sephiroth
Shadowbind Inflicts Stop to one target. Celia, Lettie, Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Lettie
Shadowblade Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target and absorbs damage as HP to the user. Gaffgarion, Ultimate+ Gaffgarion
Shadowbringer Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Ultimate+ Dark Knight [FFIV]
Shady Breath Inflicts Poison-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Sample: HO512
Shake Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Righty
Shamshir Reduces one target's HP by 50%. Galypdes, Left Blade
Sheep Charge Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sheep
Sheep Song Inflicts Sleep to the party. Used as a counter to Black Magic. Sheep
Sheet of Ice Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental physical damage, Paralysis, and Sap to one target. Isgebind
Shell Inflicts Shell to one ally. When used by Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Rinok, and Ultimate++ Gijuk, targets the user's party except the user. Calofisteri, Cid Raines, Cursed Adel, Cursed Moebius, Cursed+ Adel, Cursed+ Asura, Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Dark Nation, Doctor Cid (2nd), Edea (1st), Elite Soldier, Gesper, Gijuk, Gilgamesh (2nd), Guado Guardian, Guado Guardian (Dead), Halicarnassus, Imperial Hoplite, Judge, Level 70 Magic, Moebius, Mom Bomb [FFXII], NORG, Onion Queen, Plague, Rook, Seymour, Treant [FFXII], Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII], Ultimate Judge, Ultimate Lugae, Ultimate Masked Man, Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate+ Black Knight [FFII], Ultimate+ Cid Raines, Ultimate+ Gaffgarion, Ultimate+ Lugae, Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII], Ultimate+ Norg, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan, Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd), Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Gijuk, Ultimate++ Rinok, Ultimate++ Rook, Vysage, Yiazmat, Zephyrus, メカテリオス, Ultimate メカテリオス
Shell Bash Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target with a chance to cancel the target's action. De'Vyu Headhunter, Go'Bhu Gascon
Shell Guard Inflicts Protect to user. De'Vyu Headhunter, Go'Bhu Gascon
Shield Skewer Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Shift Break Inflicts major Lightning-elemental physical damage, Slow, and Sap to the party. Ultimate Zidane, Ultimate++ Zidane, Zidane
Shimmering Rain Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Calamity Ultima Weapon [FFX], Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFX], Ultimate++ Omega Weapon [FFX]
Shine Blast Inflicts Holy-elemental magic damage to the party. Cecil
Shining Blade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Shining Wave Inflicts Holy-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Warrior of Light, Warrior of Light
Shock Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Beatrix, Ultimate Beatrix, and Ultimate+ Beatrix, instead inflicts massive non-elemental damage to one target. When used by Seeker, ????. When used by Shemhazai [FFXII] and Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII], inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage that ignores Reflect. Beatrix, Defeater, Seeker, Shemhazai [FFXII], Ultimate Beatrix, Ultimate+ Beatrix, Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII]
Shock Roar (衝撃の咆哮) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Porphyrion
Shock Spikes Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Ramuh [WoFF]
Shock Wave Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gargoyle Baron
Shocking Breath Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Kalavinka Striker
Shockstorm Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], Mimic Queen
Shockwave Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Darkside, deals Dark-elemental physical damage instead. Azul the Cerulean, Cursed Silver Dragon, Darkside, Nova Dragon, Soulcage, Ultimate+ Nova Dragon, Ultimate+ Soulcage, Ultimate++ Azul the Cerulean, Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII]
Shockwave Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental physical damage to one target. Monk [FFT], Ramza, Ultimate Monk [FFT], Ultimate+ Monk [FFT] (Zalmour fight), Ultimate+ Ramza, Ultimate++ Monk [FFT]
Shoot Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target or the party. DG Sniper, Dragonfly [VIIDC], Dragonfly Corps
Shooting Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target or the entire party. When used by Yazoo, only targets one target. YAC-13, YAT-99, Yazoo
Shotgun Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Esthar Soldier, Esthar Soldier (Terminator), G Eraser, Rufus, Ultimate Esthar Soldier, Ultimate Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate Rufus, Ultimate+ G Eraser, Ultimate+ Rufus, Ultimate++ Esthar Soldier, Ultimate++ Esthar Soldier (Terminator)
Shout Inflicts Haste and increases Attack and Defense to user. Ramza, Ultimate+ Ramza
Shrapnel Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Shremedy Inflicts Confuse to one target. Guado Guardian (with Seymour), Ultimate Guado Guadian
Shuriken (手裏剣) Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Master Ninja [SoM], Onion Knight [DFF] (Ninja only)
Shuriken Throw Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Yuffie [KH], Ultimate++ Yuffie [KH]
Sickle Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Harvester, Whole Eater
Sideways Slash Inflicts two hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gilgamesh [Type-0], Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Sigh Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. When used by Sinspawn Genais, inflicts Blind as well. Sinspawn Genais, Sinspawn Geneaux, Ultimate Sinspawn Geneaux
Sigh (吐息) Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Vysage
Silence Inflicts Silence to one target. When used by Goldor, Ultimate Helletic Hojo, Ultimate+ Hellectic Hojo, Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], or Ultimate Astos, targets the party. When used by Cursed Yunalesca (1st) and Yunalesca (1st), used as a counter to attacks. When used by Marilith [FFIV], can target one target or the party. Abadon [FFVIII], Blobra, Brain, Cerberus [FFVIII], Curlax, Cursed Beatrix, Cursed Curlax, Cursed Yunalesca (1st), Demon Wall [FFXII], Edea (2nd), Elder Wyrm, Evil Dreamer, Forbidden, Fury, Gargantua, Gargoyle [FFXII], Gerogero, Gesper, Glacial Eye, Goldor, Helletic Hojo, Jenova∙DEATH, Left Orb, Level 40 Magic, Lifeform-Hojo N, Magic Master, Marilith [FFIV], Misty, Nagaraja, Nightmare Gerogero, NORG, Paratrooper, Propagator, Pumpkin Star, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Helletic Hojo, Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate+ Beatrix, Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hellectic Hojo, Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Norg, Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate++ Jenova∙DEATH, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Yunalesca (1st)
Silencega Inflicts Silence to the party. Ultimate++ Right Arm [FFIV]
Silence Attack Inflicts non-elemental damage and Silence to one target. Ultimate++ The Deathlord
Silence Ball Inflicts non-elemental damage and Silence to one target. Used as a counter. Oblitzerator
Silent Claw Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Silence to one target. Mad Tiamat [FFIX], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX]
Silence Gas Inflicts % damage and Silence to one target or three targets in range. Exoray [FFXI]
Silent Kiss Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Silence to one target. Nymph
Silence Mode Switches to Silence Mode, enabling Blast Punch to inflict Silence. YSLS-Zero
Silent Voice Inflicts Silence to target that inflicted magic damage last. Used as a counter to magic attacks. Gizamaluke
Silk Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target and a low chance to cancel its action. Graffias
Silver Lance Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hell's Rider
Single Wing Fire Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Eagle Gun
Skewer Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Nashorn
Sky Grinder Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Kain
Skyward Swing Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Cursed Odin [FFXIII], can be used as a counter to physicals. Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Odin [FFXIII]
Slam Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Magna Roader (Red)
Slap Inflicts Paralysis to one target when used by Lilith and Lamia. Inflict non-elemental physical damage to one target when used by Sword Dance, Flan [FFXII], Flan [FFWWW], and Wyerd. When used by Coco, inflicts Paralysis and Silence. Coco, Flan [FFXII], Flan [FFWWW], Lamia [FFV], Lamia [FFWWW], Lilith, Sword Dance, Wyerd
Slash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Brynhildr, targets the party instead. Brynhildr, Ketu, Left Blade
Slashing Blow Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cloud, Ultimate+ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud
Slaughter Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
Slay Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Samurai
Sleep Inflicts Sleep to one target. When used by Hein, Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], and Lich [FFI], targets the entire party. When used by Cursed Yunalesca (1st) and Yunalesca (1st), used as a counter to attacks. Used as a counter to magic attacks by Ice Azer. When used by Ultimate+ Hein, targets 3 targets within range. When used by Lich [FFIV], can target one target or the entire party. Abyss Demon Wall, Ancient Sorcerer, Astos, Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Cursed Yunalesca (1st), Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Demon Wall [FFXII], Elder Wyrm, Evil Dreamer, Gerogero, Goblin Prince, Godo, Hein, Helletic Hojo, Ice Azer, Level 40 Magic, Level 70 Magic, Lich [FFI], Lich [FFIV], Lord Ochu, Magician, Nightmare Gerogero, Ogre Mage, Pumpkin Star, Rafflesia [FFXII], Ricard Mage, Shiva [WoFF], Sleepy, SOLDIER: 3rd, Soul, Sphinxara, Spirit, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Helletic Hojo, Ultimate Ice Azer, Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Hellectic Hojo, Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII], Yunalesca (1st)
Sleep IV Inflicts Sleep to the party. Ogre Mage [FFII], Ultimate+ Ogre Mage [FFII]
Sleep XVI Inflicts Sleep to the party. Ultimate+ Ogre Mage [FFII]
Sleepga Inflicts Sleep to the front row. Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Thorn, アークリッチテーバクォアン
Sleep Ball Inflicts non-elemental damage and Sleep to one target. Used as a counter. Oblitzerator
Sleep Gas (眠りガス) Inflicts Sleep to one target. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Sleeping Gas Inflicts Sleep to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks by Dr. Lugae. Behemoth King (Undead), Dr. Lugae (2nd form), Grat, Ultimate Dr. Lugae, Ultimate++ Behemoth King (Undead), Ultimate++ Dr. Lugae
Sleep Spore (眠り胞子) Inflicts Sleep to one target. Myconid [RoM]
Sleep Touch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Sleep to two targets in range. Ultimate++ Ghoul [FFT]
Slice & Dice Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to four random targets. When used by Ultimate Tidus, also inflicts Slow. Tidus, Ultimate Tidus, Ultimate++ Tidus
Slice Thrice Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Shadow X1 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X1 [SoM]
Slime Inflicts Slow to one target. Ymir
Slimer Inflicts Slow to one target. When used by Cray Slaw, also inflicts Sap. Cray Claw, Page 128
Sling Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ronkan Knight
Slow Inflicts Slow to one target. When used by Emperor, Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Ultimate+ Time Mage [FFT], Precepts Guard, and Elder Wyrm, targets party instead. When used by Famfrit [FFTA], targets 3 targets in range. Basilisk, Biggs (2nd), Blue Dragon [FFVI], Cagnazzo, Chrono Controller, Curlax, Cursed Curlax, Cursed Dark Nation, Cursed+ Asura, Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Cursed+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Darkmare, Death Eye, Edea (2nd), Elder Wyrm, Emperor, Famfrit [FFTA], Forbidden, Fujin (2nd), Gargoyle [FFXII], Gesper, Larva [FFIV], Left Orb, Level 10 Magic, Level 50 Magic, Lifeform-Hojo N, Mateus, Nightmare [FFXII], NORG, Ochu, Omniscient, Paratrooper, Precepts Guard, Plague, Ricard Mage, Sandy [FFIV], Shiva [WoFF], Sphinxara, Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate Mateus [FFXII], Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Dark Nation, Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Norg, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Time Mage [FFT], Vinuskar
Slow IX Inflicts Slow to one target. Ultimate Emperor, Ultimate+ Emperor
Slow XVI Inflicts Slow to one target. Light Emperor, Ultimate+ Light Emperor, Ultimate++ Light Emperor
Slowga Inflicts Slow to the party. Abyss Atomos [FFIX], Astos, Atomos [FFV], Atomos [FFIX], Black Warlock, Blobra, Chrono Controller, Defender X, Fury, Lich [FFI], Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Atomos [FFIX], Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Elite Soldier, Ultimate+ Garuda Interceptor, Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA], Ultimate+ Vinuskar, Vetala
Slowja Inflicts Slow to the party with a low rate. Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate Time Mage [FFT]
Slowra Inflicts Slow to one target. Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI]
Slumber Powder Inflicts Sleep to the party. Giant Worm, Tiny Treant
Smash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Titan [FFXV] and Ultimate+ Titan [FFXV], hits two targets in range. When used by Naga [FFXV], targets the party instead. Naga [FFXV], Pandaemonium [FFXII], Shell Dragon, Titan [FFXV], Ultimate Shell Dragon, Ultimate+ Titan [FFXV]
Smirk Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop to one target. Face
Smite Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Smite of Rage (怒りの一撃) Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Abyss Demon Wall, Behemoth [FFXII], Daedalus [FFXII], Fenrir [FFXII], Gyges The Great, Ultimate Judge Bergan, Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII]
Smog Inflicts Poison to one target. Smogger
Smoke Bullet Inflicts Poison, Blind, and Sleep to one target. Marine, MP (Rude Battle)
Smoke Shot Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Custom Sweeper, Sweeper
Snake Lash Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Darkmare
Snort Inflicts Eject to one target. Dragon, Slagworm, Typhon
Snowball Inflicts major % damage to the party and Sap. When used by Ultimate++ Yeti, inflicts Stop and targets one character instead. Fortis, Ultimate++ Yeti, Yeti
Snowmelt Bomb Inflicts Water-elemental physical damage to one target. Ninja [FFT], Ultimate++ Ninja [FFT]
Snowstorm Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party. Can be used as a counter to Ice-elemental attacks by White Dragon [FFIV]. When used by Cursed Golbez, can also be used as a counter to Lightning-elemental attacks while weak to Ice. Bahamut [FFV], Blue Dragon [FFIV], Blue Dragon [FFV], Chimera, Cursed Golbez, Cursed Laragorn, Cursed+ Golbez, Dragon, Gogo [FFV], Gorgimera, Leviathan [WoFF], Megalodoth, Muud Suud, Nereid, Shinryu [FFV], Shiva [FFVI], Shiva [WoFF], Tiamat [FFI], Twintania [FFV], Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI], Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV], Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate++ Famed Mimic Gogo, Ultimate++ White Dragon [FFI], Ultimate++ Yeti, Vector Chimera, White Dragon [FFI], White Dragon [FFIV]
Snowstorm XII Inflicts Ice-elemental damage 2-5 times to random party members. Cursed Ice Gigas, Ultimate+ Ice Gigas
Snowstorm XVI Inflicts massive Ice-elemental damage to one party member. Cursed Ice Gigas
Soaring Uppercut Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Alexander
Sobat Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Inferno
Solar Plexus Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Humbaba, Ultimate++ Humbaba [FFVI]
Solution Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Berserk to one target. Troll [FFIX]
Somersault Kick Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Kactuar [VIICC]
Sonic Blade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cloud [KH], Ultimate++ Cloud [KH]
Sonic Boom Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target when used by Garuda [FFX]. Reduces one target's HP by 62.5% when used by Number 024. Garuda [FFX], Number 024 (Earth Weakness Mode)
Sonic Break Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Cloud, Ultimate+ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud
Sonic Fan Inflicts major Wind-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed LeBlanc, LeBlanc
Sonic Fangs Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage with a very low chance to inflict Instant Death to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Hydro, only deals massive non-elemental physical damage. Hydro [FFXII], Tyrant [FFXII], Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate++ Hydro
Sonic Sword (音速剣) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Noel [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Sonic Wave Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed+ Yunalesca
Sonic Wave Inflicts Sap to the party. Oilboyle
Sonic Wings Inflicts major non-elemental damage and Slow to one target. Extermination+ Valefor [FFX], Pterya, Ultimate++ Valefor [FFX], Valefor [FFX]
SOS Microchu, Ultimate+ Microchu
Soul of Chaos Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to seven random targets. Ultimate Garland [FFI], Ultimate+ Garland [FFI]
Souleater Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to two random targets and increases the user's Attack for a period of time. Ultimate+ Dark Knight [FFIV]
Soul Crush Ultimate Esthar Soldier (Terminator), Ultimate++ Esthar Soldier (Terminator)
Soul Sphere Reduces number of abilities by 1 to one target. Adrammelech [FFTA], Ultimate++ Adrammelech [FFTA]
Soul Steal Kujinshi [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Southern Cross Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target. When used by Abyss Ultima Buster and Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], targets the party instead. Abyss Ultima Buster, Demon [FFVI], Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultima Buster [FFVI]
Spark Bomb Inflicts Lightning-elemental physical damage to one target. Ninja [FFT], Ultimate++ Ninja [FFT]
Spear Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Can be used as a counter to physical attacks by Troll [FFIX]. Fairy Orc, Subie [RS2], Troll [FFIX]
Speed Down Inflicts Slow to one target. Basilisk [SoM]
Speed Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Valron
Speed Slash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Moth Slasher
Speed Star Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Vaan, Vaan
Spellbind Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Mateus [FFTA]
Spider Net Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage and Stop to the party. Ultimate++ Arachne [FFXV]
Spider Web Inflicts Stop to the party. Guard Spider, Ultimate Guard Spider
Spiky Hell Inflicts % damage to one target. Bloatfloat
Spin Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX], inflicts fixed damage to the front row. Brachiosaur, Deathguise [FFIX], Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX]
Spin Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Guard Armor, targets the party instead. Guard Armor, Heli Gunner [VIICC], Jersey
Spin Drive Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cloud, Ultimate+ Cloud
Spinning Bodyblow Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Heli Gunner, Sonic Speed
Spinning Cut (回転斬り) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Kadaj
Spinning Saw Inflicts % physical damage to one target and removes all buffs. Cutter Machine
Spines Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sinscale (Blue), Sinscale (Green)
Spiral Cut Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Tidus, Ultimate Tidus, Ultimate++ Tidus
Spiral of Fire (火の螺旋) Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Mana Beast, Ultimate Mana Beast
Spirit Blade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Elmdore
Spirit Blast Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Galajelly
Spit Out Inflicts either non-elemental % damage to the target that was Swallowed, non-elemental % damage to the party, or reduces the party's HP to 1. Geosgaeno
Split Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. SOLDIER: 3rd
Sporefall Inflicts Poison, Slow, Confuse, Silence, and Blind to the party. Elder Wyrm
Sprout Spin Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Tiny Treant
Sprout Smack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Giant Worm, Tiny Treant
Stab Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ralvuimago, Ultimate++ Ralvuimago
Staccato Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Sinspawn Geneaux, Ultimate Sinspawn Geneaux
Stagnant Spray (スタグナントスプレー) Inflicts Water-elemental damage to the party. Hellbender
Stampede Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nashorn
Stamping Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Guard Armor (Legs)
Star Cross Inflicts Holy-elemental magic damage to the party. Mateus [FFTA], Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA]
Stare (にらみ) Inflicts Petrify to one target. Medusa [FFIII]
Stare (にらみ) Inflicts Blind, Silence, and Confuse to one target. Vysage
Stare (にらみ) Inflicts Confuse to one or two targets. Floateye [FFTA]
Stare Down (にらみ) Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Chekov, Twin Brain
Starfall XI Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Emperor
Starfall XVI Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to the party. Light Emperor, Ultimate+ Light Emperor, Ultimate++ Light Emperor
Steal Inflicts Slow as well as reducing the Attack and Defense of one target for a brief period of time. Inflicts Haste to user as well as temporarily increasing their Attack and Defense. Ultimate++ Zidane, Zidane
Steal Heart Inflicts Confuse on one target. Thief [FFT], Ultimate Thief [FFT]
Stellar Circle 5 Inflicts major Wind-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Zidane
Steam Clean Restores status of user. Juggernaut [FFXIII]
Steel Inflicts Haste and increases Attack and Defense to user. Ultimate+ Ramza
Steelcrusher Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Alexander
Sticky End Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Stop to the party. Boris
Sticky Goo Inflicts Slow to one target. Cruller, Flan
Sticky Icky Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Blobra
Sticky Web (スティッキーウェブ) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Graffias
Stigma Inflicts non-elemental physical damage as well as Poison and Slow to one target. When used by Bizarro Sephiroth, targets the party instead and deals non-elemental magic damage. Bizarro Sephiroth (Body only), Shadow Creeper (C) (Cursed Bahamut SIN)
Stillness Inflicts Stop to the party. Babus, Ultimate Babus
Stock Break Ends battle. Used only in first and second battle. Beatrix
Stomp (ふみつけ) Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bokuon [RS2], Dantengu [RS2], Ultimate Barnabas, Ultimate Barnabas-Z, Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Ultimate+ Barnabas, Ultimate+ Barnabas-Z, Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI]
Stone Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, deals 3 hits to one target. Cursed Lich [MFF], Imperial Villa Guard, Lich [MFF], Shantotto, Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI], Ultimate++ Shantotto
Stone Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Confusion to one target. Iron Fist [FFVI], Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultros (Esper Caves), Ultros (Lethe River)
Stone Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Mindflayer [FFXV], deals non-elemental magic damage and Poison to one target. Chemist, Knight [FFT], Mindflayer [FFXV], Ramza, Squire [FFT], Thief [FFT], Ultimate Knight [FFT], Ultimate Thief [FFT], Ultimate+ Imp [FFXV], Ultimate+ Knight [FFT]
Stone II Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental magic damage and Slow to the party. Ultimate++ Y'shtola, Y'shtola
Stone III Inflicts massive Earth-elemental magic damage to one target. Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI]
Stone Beam (せきかビーム) Inflicts Petrify to one target. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Stone Breath Inflicts Earth-elemental magical damage to the party. When used by Yiazmat, inflict physical damage instead and Petrify. Earth Dragon [FFLII], Ultimate Chaos Bahamut, Yiazmat
Stone Punch Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Petrify to one target. Geosgaeno
Stone Shower Inflicts major Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Stone Touch Inflicts Petrify to one target. Barbariccia, Cursed Geryon, Geryon, Medusa [FFIV], Ultimate+ Barbarricia
Stonega Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. When used by Lich [MFF], inflitcts moderate Earth-elemental damage to one target. Cursed Lich [MFF], Hashmal [FFI], Lich [MFF], Seeker [FFXI], Ultimate Hashmal [FFI], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Stoneja Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed Lich [MFF], Lich [MFF]
Stoneskin Increases Defense and Magic Defense of one ally. Imperial Villa Guard
Stop Inflicts Stop to one target. When used by Garland [FFIX] and Ultimate+ Time Mage [FFT], targets the party instead. When used by Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, targets 3 males instead. Bahamut [FFVIII], Black Warlock, Blobra, Calofisteri, Carbuncle, Curlax, Cursed Curlax, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Death Eye, Demon [FFVI], Etém, Forbidden, Fury, Garland [FFIX], Ghost [FFII], Jenova∙BIRTH, Jenova Synthesis, Level 10 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Level 90 Magic, Lich [FFI] (2nd fight), Lich [FFIX], Ricard Mage, Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Time Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Zorn, Ultimate++ Calofisteri, Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Garland [FFIX], Ultimate++ Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX], Wizard [FFVI]
Storm (暴風) Inflicts Wind-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Cursed Barbariccia, Ultimate+ Barbarricia
Storm Breath Inflicts Wind-elemental damage to the party. Elnoyle, Elvoret
Straightarrow Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Firion, Ultimate++ Firion
Straight Punch Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Titan [FFXV], Ultimate+ Titan
Strengthening... Discharge... Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. Bee Saucer
Strike Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Type A
String Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Ralvurahva, Ultimate Ralvurahva
Strongest Sword! Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. [賀+] Gilgamesh
Stun Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Ancient Sorcerer, Lich [FFXI], Marilith (2nd fight), Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI]
Stun Punch Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage and Paralysis to one target. Loz
Subversive Dance Inflicts Berserk to the party. Succubus [FFXIII]
Suction (サクション) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and drains HP. Kujinshi [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Sudden Cruelty Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Reunion Sephiroth, Ultimate+ Sephiroth, Ultimate++ Sephiroth
Suffocate Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Celia, Lettie, Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Lettie
Suicide Drop Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Hell House
Summon Droma Summons a Droma. Trauma
Sunbath Restores moderate HP to the party. Devoahan
Sunder Inflicts major Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII]
Super Arm Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Grand Mantis
Supersonic Wave Inflicts Confusion to one target. Satellite
Surpanakha Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
Swallow (飲み込む) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and drains HP to heal user. Biting Lizard
Swallow Sucks up one target and removes target from battle temporarily. Geosgaeno, Sand Worm [FFX]
Swath of Silence Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Silence to the party. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Sweep Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Kain
Sweepkick Inflicts Sap to one target. Dadaluma
Swing Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Counter to physicals. Corporal
Swing Attack Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Yuffie [KH], Ultimate++ Yuffie [KH]
Swing Down Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Heavy Armored Soldier
Swing Up Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Heavy Armored Soldier, Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate Supersoldier Akkad
Swinge (スイング) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Silence to one target. Chudo-Yudo, Ultimate Chudo-Yudo
Switchblade Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Devil Fist
Swoop Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and cancels their action. Buffy [SoM], Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM]
Swooping Scythe Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Used at long range only. Abyss Evrae Altana
Sword Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Iron Giant [FFVIII], Leon, Red Giant [FFVIII], Ultimate Iron Giant [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Sekhret [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Leon, Wolfmeister [FFVII]
Sword Combo Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Vaan
Sword Dance Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to 4 random targets. Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Vinuskar
Sword Quiver Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to one target. Mad Maliris [FFIX], Ultimate++ Maliris [FFIX]
Sword Rush Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Vaan
Sword Thrust Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Warrior of Light, Warrior of Light
Syringe Lv7 Inflicts moderate Water-elemental magic damage to one target and drains HP to heal user. Buffy [SoM]
Syringe Lv8 (スポイトLv8) Inflicts moderate Water-elemental magic damage to one target and drains HP to heal user. When used by Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM], deals Dark-elemental damage instead. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM], Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]


Ability Description Enemy
Tackle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Adamantite Golem, Iron Muscles, Ultimate++ Yeti, Yeti
Tail Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Damage is major when used by Dragon and Cursed+ Ultima Weapon. When used by Archeoaevis and Ultimate+ Archeoaevis, inflicts Blind as well. When used by Leviathan [FFV], inflicts Sap as well. When used by Midgar Zolom, Geosgaeno, Ultimate+ Geosgaeno, Ultimate+ Salamander, Ultimate++ Sorceress (C), Ultimate++ Dark Bahamut [FFIV], Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII], Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF], Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate+ Doga, and Ultimate Midgar Zolom, targets the party instead. Abyss Neo Bahamut, Archeoaevis, Cursed+ Leviathan [FFV], Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Dragon, Geosgaeno, Leviathan [FFV], Mad Midgardsormr [FFVI], Midgar Zolom, Peeper, Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF], Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII], Ultimate Midgar Zolom, Ultimate+ Archeoaevis, Ultimate+ Doga, Ultimate+ Geosgaeno, Ultimate+ Salamander, Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate++ Dark Bahamut [FFIV], Ultimate++ Doga, Ultimate++ Sorceress (C), White Serpent [FFV], Wyrm
Tail Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Deadeye, inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party instead. Bottomswell, Deadeye
Tail Blow Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Giant Lizardm, Ultimate+ Giant Lizard
Tail Hammer Restores massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter against target that dealt damage to user. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Tail Laser Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Used as a counter while tail is up by Guard Scorpion. When used by Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, targets the front row. Guard Scorpion, Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate++ Jenova∙BIRTH
Tail Rush Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate Sapphire Weapon
Tail Screw Reduces one target's HP to single digits. Used as a counter by Abyss Evrae Altana. Abyss Evrae Altana, Cray Claw
Tail Sweep Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to the party. Sanctuary Keeper, Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper
Tail Swipe Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Behemoth [FFXII]
Tail Whip Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. T-Rexaur, Ultimate+ Archaeosaur, Ultimate++ Archaeosaur
Take Over Possesses one random target for a number of turns. Target becomes the target of that Soul Fire's Fira attack. Soul Fire, Soul Fire (Fear Feast of Evil Spirits)
Target Lock Prepares to use Bio Missile or Unfair Missile. Hecatoncheir [FFI]
Targeting (ターゲティング) Abyss Guardian [FFV]
Targeting (ターゲッティング) Targets one character. Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI]
Tear (ひきさく) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI]
Telega Inflicts Stop to one target. Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII]
Telekinesis Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gesper
Teleport Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 2, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2
Tempation Inflicts Confuse to the party. Rock Bouquet [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Ten Arms Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sucker [FFV]
Ten Million Volts Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed Barbariccia, Ultimate+ Barbarricia
Tentacle Inflicts Wind-elemental physical damage to one target. Ochu [FFXIII], Ultimate+ Ochu [FFXIII]
Tentacles Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Seaflower, can also inflict Poison. When used by Stroper [FFV], inflicts Wind-elemental physical damage to one target. Lost Number, Nightmare Jenova Synthesis B/C, Seaflower, Stroper [FFV], Subie [RS2], Ultimate Guard Hound [VIIDC], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2], Ultimate+ Crimson Hound, Ultimate+ Guard Hound [VIIDC], Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultros (Airship), Ultros (Esper Caves), Ultros (Lethe River), Ultros (Opera House)
Tentacle Drain Inflicts minor non-elemental physical damage and absorbs damage as HP to user. Blood Taste
Terminus Est Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range. Gaius van Baelsar
Terror Voice (テラーボイス) Inflicts Confuse to the party. Alraune [RS2], Fear [RS2],
Tertiary Plasma Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Anavatapta Warmech, Ultimate++ Anavatapta Warmech
Thanatosian Laughter Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to the party. Barthandelus (2nd)
Thanatosian Smile Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Barthandelus
The Hand Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and removes all buffs from one target. Magitek Death Claw
The Rose of Hate Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
The Sable Price Inflicts two hits of Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Nidhogg [FFXIV]
The Seeing Wings Grants Counter to user for a period of time. Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
The Serpent's Apple Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Gyascutus
Thermal Ray Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Bahamut [FFV], Extreme Omega [FFV], Omega, Red Dragon [FFIV], Red Dragon [FFV], Shinryu [FFV], Twintania [FFV], Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate+ Omega [FFV], Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV]
Thor's Hammer Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Extermination+ Ixion, Ixion, Mad Ixion
Thorn Whip Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ochu
Thrashing Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sinspawn Genais
Thread Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Cursed+ Enkidu, Enkidu, Gloom Widow
Three Multi-Blizzara Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to three random targets. Terra, Ultimate+ Terra
Three Multi-Fira Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to three random targets. Terra, Ultimate+ Terra
Three Multi-Fire Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to three random targets. Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Three Multi-Thundara Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to three random targets. Terra, Ultimate+ Terra
Throw Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Covert, Outsider
Thrust Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Forbidden
Thrust Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Shadow [KH], Soldier [KH]
Thrust Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. YKT-11, YKT-99
Thundaga Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to Lightning-elemental attacks by Ultros. When used by Cursed Seymour Flux, Emperor, Chadarnook [Demon form], Magic Master, Cursed Chadarnook, Cursed+ Kuja, King Behemoth [FFXIII], Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate++ Brina, Scylla [FFIII], Ahriman [FFIII], Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate+ Elite Soldier, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate+ Scarmiglione, Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ancient Sorcerer, Ultimate++ Humbaba [FFVI], Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Georapella, Mad Quezacotl, Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], and Right Pauldron, targets the party instead. When high on HP, targets the party when used by Wrexsoul. When used by Barrier, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Necrophobe, Kuja, Doga, Ultimate Propagator, Ultimate Melusine, Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Abyss Barrier [FFV], Yellow Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ White Mousse [FFIV], Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Doga, Abyss Valigarmanda, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.3, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate+ Kuja, Cerberus [FFIII], Xande, Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Dracozombie, Ultimate+ Doga, Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Mateus [FFTA], Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA], Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Mad Siren [FFV], Ultimate++ Cerberus [FFIII], or Melusine, can target one target or the party. When used by [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm), hits 3 targets in range instead. Abadon [FFIX], Abyss Barrier [FFV], Abyss Valigarmanda, Ahriman [FFIII], Amon [FFIII], Ancient Sorcerer, Bahamut [FFVIII], Barrier, Behemoth [FFVIII], Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm only), Blitz, Buel, Catoblepas [FFVIII], Cerberus [FFIII], Cerberus [FFVIII], Chaos [FFI], Chadarnook [Demon form], Creeps, Cursed Barrier, Cursed Chadarnook, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Golbez, Cursed Kefka, Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed Melusine, Cursed Moebius, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed Propagator, Cursed Seymour Flux, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Cursed+ Golbez, Cursed+ Kuja, Dahaka [FFXIII], Dark Sage, Doga, Earth Guardian, Edea (1st), Emperor, Etém, Exdeath, Fury, Georapella, Gijuk, Green Dragon [FFIII], Humbaba, Inferno, Jelleye (Sphinxaur battle), King Behemoth [FFXIII], Kuja, Lefty, Level 70 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Level 90 Magic, Li'l Murderer, Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], Mad Quezacotl, Mad Siren [FFV], Magic Master, Malboro [FFIX], Mateus [FFTA], Melusine, Moebius, Omniscient, Onion Knight [DFF] (Sage only), Propagator, Red Dragon [FFIII], Right Pauldron, Scylla [FFIII], Seymour, Seymour Omnis, Shambling Corpse, Sorceress (2), Soul Saver, Sphinxaur, Tyrant [FFXII], Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultimate Abadon [FFIX], Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate Behemoth [FFVIII], Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII], Ultimate Black Waltz No. 3, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate Omniscient, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate Sinspawn Gui - Head, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Barthandelus, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.3, Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Doga, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Elite Soldier, Ultimate+ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFI], Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA], Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate+ Scarmiglione, Ultimate+ Scylla, Ultimate+ Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI], Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate+ White Mousse [FFIV], Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate++ Brina, Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate++ Cerberus [FFIII], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate++ Doga, Ultimate++ Dracozombie, Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago, Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII], Ultimate++ Gijuk, Ultimate++ Humbaba [FFVI], Ultimate++ Kefka, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Sorceress (B), Ultimate++ Xande's Clone, Ultros (Lethe River), Valia Pira, Wrexsoul, Xande, Xande's Clone, Yellow Dragon [FFIII], Yellow Dragon [FFVI], [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm only)
Thundaga II Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Boreal Coeurl
Thundaja Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to one target or the party. When used by Cursed Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Manasvin Warmech, Ultimate+ Kuja, Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], and Ultimate+ Orthros, only targets one character. When used by Ultimate+ Earth Guardian and Mad Quezacotl, targets the party. Cursed Chadarnook, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed+ Kuja, Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], Mad Quezacotl, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Manasvin Warmech, Ultimate+ Orthros, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFIII]
Thundara Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Odin [FFXIII], PSICOM Marauder, Ralvuimago, Lani, Cursed Adel, Monstrous Flan, Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Cursed+ Adel, King Behemoth [FFXIII], Amon [FFIII], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ White Mousse [FFIV], Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Sorceress (1), Ultimate Sinspawn Gui - Head, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Kraken [FFI], Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII], Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate++ Ralvuimago, Mad Quezacotl, or Tiamat [FFI], targets the party. Used as a counter by Black Waltz No.2 when hit by a Fire-elemental attack when in Counter stance. Used as a counter to physicals by Chadarnook [Demon form]. Used as a counter to magic by Cursed Chadarnook. When used by Cursed+ Yang, Cursed Moebius, Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Red Soul [FFII], Ultimate Vetala, Thunder Elemental, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate Amdusias, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Spherimorph, Ultimate++ Dracozombie, Mad Bismarck [FFVI], Mad Ghidra, Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], and Dahaka [FFXIII], can hit one target or the party. When used by Ultimate++ Terra, hits one target 3 times or deals moderate damage to the party. Abaia, Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Abyss Ultima Buster, Aerouge, Ahriman [FFXII], Ahriman (Clone) [FFXII], Amdusias, Amon [FFIII], Astos, Bandersnatch, Behemoth [FFX], Behemoth [FFX-2], Behemoth [FFXII], Biggs (2nd), Black Waltz No.2, Blitz, Buel, Carbuncle, Chadarnook [Demon form], Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Crane, Creeps, Cursed Adel, Cursed Chadarnook, Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed Maduin, Cursed Moebius, Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Cursed+ Adel, Cursed+ Yang, Dahaka [FFXIII], Dark Elf, Dracozombie, Edea (1st) (Edea Assassination Plan (Reprint)), Edea (2nd), Gaap, God Omega, Golbez, Goldor, Greater Boros, Guado Guardian, Hein, Hellgaroo Mage, Hellish Horse, Humbaba, Inferno, Joker, King Behemoth [FFXIII], Kraken, Lani, Level 30 Magic, Lich [FFI], Lost Number, Mad Bismarck [FFVI], Mad Ghidra, Mad Quezacotl, Magic Master, Magician, Magitek Armor [WoFF], Medusa [FFIII], Mindy [FFIV], Mindy [FFX], Misty, Moebius, Monstrous Flan, Mythril Golem [FFXII], Number 024 (Water Weakness Mode), Odin [FFXIII], Omniscient, PSICOM Marauder, Ralvuimago, Ramuh [WoFF], Red Soul [FFII], Right Orb, Right Pauldron, Rude (Rocket Town), Seymour, Sinspawn Gui - Head (Force), Skuldier, Sorcerer, Sorceress (1), Terra, Thunder Elemental, Tiamat (2nd fight) [FFI], Type C, Ultimate Amdusias, Ultimate Astos, Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII], Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate Black Waltz No. 2, Ultimate Black Waltz No. 3, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate Gaap, Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate Sinspawn Gui - Head, Ultimate Summoner [FFT], Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate+ Elite Soldier, Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFI], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIII], Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate+ Summoner [FFT], Ultimate+ Terra, Ultimate+ White Mousse [FFIV], Ultimate++ Baigan, Ultimate++ Brina, Ultimate++ Calca, Ultimate++ Dracozombie, Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII], Ultimate++ God Omega, Ultimate++ Humbaba [FFVI], Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Mythril Golem [FFXII], Ultimate++ Ralvuimago, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Spherimorph, Ultimate++ Terra, Varan, Veil Dancer, Vetala, Yellow Dragon [FFVI], Yin Yang, Zapt
Thunder Inflicts minor Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Lilliputian, Mortibody, Ultimate++ Mortibody, or Vaan, targets the entire party. When used by Spherimorph, is used as a counter against the party when hit by a non-Water-elemental magic attack or as a counter against one target when hit by a non-Water-elemental physical attack. When used by Abyss Ultima Buster or Ultimate White Mage [FFT], targets either one character or the party. When used by Ultimate Siren [FFV], targets 3 characters. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, deals 2 hits to one target. ???? [X-2], Abyss Ultima Buster, Biggs (1st), Biran, Black Mage [FFT], Black Waltz No.2, Black Waltz No.3, Blitz, Bloodbones, Buel, Crane, Creeps, Dahaka [FFXIII], Dullahan, Elvoret, Ghost [FFIX], Giant Rat, Gijuk, Gold Knight, Kefka, LeBlanc, Level 10 Magic, Lilliputian, Mani Wizard, Mimic Queen, Mindy [FFIV], Mortibody, Number 024 (Water Weakness Mode), Ochu [FFX-2], Plant Brain, Plant Spider, PSICOM Marauder, Pugman, Ragoh, Right Pauldron, Scarmiglione (1st), Shantotto, Sin (Core), Sinspawn Gui - Head (History), Skeleton, Sorceress (1), Spherimorph, Stalwart, Thunder Flan, Tunnel Armor, Type A, Ultimate Black Mage [FFT], Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate White Mage [FFT], Ultimate+ Vaan, Ultimate++ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Shantotto, Vaan, Vetala, Yellow Dragon [FFVI], Yellow Elemental, Zapt
Thunder VIII Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental damage to one target or the party. Red Soul, Ultimate+ Red Soul
Thunder X Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to either one target or the party. Ultimate Emperor, Ultimate+ Emperor
Thunder XIV Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Thunder Gigas, Ultimate+ Thunder Gigas
Thunder XVI Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to one target or the party. Red Soul, Ultimate+ Red Soul, Ultimate+ Thunder Gigas
Thunderball Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Ultimate Weapon, hits three times to one target. Ultimate Weapon, Ultimate+ Ultimate Weapon, Ultimate++ Ultimate Weapon
Thunderbolt Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Can be used as a counter to Lightning-elemental attacks by White Dragon [FFIV]. When used by Tiamat [FFIV], inflicts % damage to the party. Cursed Moebius, Gold Dragon, Hydra, Ramuh [WoFF], Thunder Dragon, Thunder Gigas, Tiamat [FFI], Tiamat [FFIV], Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFI], White Dragon [FFIV]
Thunderbolt Lv8 (サンダーボルトLv8) Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
Thunderstorm Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Judge, Mad Quezacotl, Rinok, Ultimate Judge Bergan, Ultimate++ Rinok
Thunder Barret Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. Squall, Ultimate Squall
Thunder Beam Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. Magitek Armor [WoFF]
Thunder Slash Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Beatrix, Ultimate Beatrix, Ultimate+ Beatrix
Thunder Summon Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Catoblepas [FFVIII]
Thunder Swing Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Arachne [FFXV]
Tidal Wave Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Can be used as a counter to magic attacks by Leviathan [FFV]. When used by Ultimate Zeromus EG, inflicts % magic damage to the party. Cursed+ Leviathan [FFIV], Cursed+ Leviathan [FFV], Leviathan [FFV], Leviathan [WoFF], Nova Dragon, Ogopogo, Shinryu [FFV], Twintania [FFV], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Nova Dragon, Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV]
Time Freeze Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop to one target. Ghost
Titan Inflicts major Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Belias [FFT], Ultimate Belias [FFT], Ultimate Summoner [FFT]
Toe Kick Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Shadow Dancer
Tomahawk Boomerang Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Vajradhara Wu
Tongue Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Bandersnatch, inflicts Sleep only. Abadon [FFVIII], Bandersnatch, Basilisk
Tornado Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to one target. When used by Silver Dragon, instead targets the party and is used as a counter. When used by Cursed Fujin, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Guardian [FFIII], Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate Behemoth [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Fujin, Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Vysage, and Behemoth [FFVIII], targets the party only. When used by Terra and Ultimate+ Terra, inflicts % damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Mad Quezacotl, and Echidna [FFIII], inflicts % damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Tri-Point, can target the party or one target. When used by Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI] and Lich [FFXI], deals major Wind-elemental magic damage as well as lowers Ice-elemental resistance. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, targets 3 targets in range. Bahamut [FFVIII], Barbariccia, Behemoth [FFVIII], Cerberus [FFVIII], Cursed Barbariccia, Cursed Fujin, Cursed Geryon, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Dark Elf, Echidna [FFIII], Gargoyle [FFIV], Guardian [FFIII], Level 60 Magic, Fujin, Lich [FFXI], Mad Quezacotl, Right Orb, Shantotto, Silver Dragon, Terra, Ultima Weapon, Ultimate Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate Behemoth [FFVIII], Ultimate Dark Dragon [FFIV], Ultimate+ Cerberus [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Sorceress (1), Ultimate+ Terra, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Fujin, Ultimate++ Shantotto, Ultimate++ Sorceress (A), Ultimate++ Tri-Point, Ultimate++ Unei, Unei, Vysage
Tornado II Inflicts massive Wind-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
Tornado Slash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Onion Knight [DFF] (Ninja only)
Total Annihilation Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed Mortiorchis, Mortiorchis
Touchdown Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Bahamut [WoFF] and Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF], targets the party instead. Bahamut [WoFF], Isgebind, Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF], Ultimate+ Isgebind
Toxify Inflicts Poison to the party. Ahriman [FFXII], Ahriman (Clone) [FFXII], Pumpkin Star, Rafflesia [FFXII], Ultimate Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Ahriman [FFXII], Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII]
Trampling Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Deadeye, targets 2 characters in range. Deadeye, Magitek Armor "Cuirass", Ultimate+ Magitek Armor "Cuirass"
Trampling Attack Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range. Guard Armor, Guard Armor (Legs)
Transcendence Armageddon Reduces the party's HP to 1. Can break the damage limit. Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]
Transcendence Curaga Restores 99,999 HP to user. Transcendence Ozma
Transcendence Cyclone Inflicts fixed damage to the party. Transcendence Yiazmat
Transcendence Doomsday Inflicts 99,999 damage to the party. Transcendence Ozma
Transcendence Ethereal Cannon Inflicts 99,9999 damage to one target. Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]
Transcendence Flare Star Inflicts % damage to the party. Transcendence Ozma
Transcendence Meteor Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Reraise. Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]
Transcendence Ultima Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Reraise. Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]
Transfusion Kills user to fully restore all HP to one ally. Gargoyle [FFV]
Treatment Restores minor HP to one ally. Bomb King [FFAB], Bomb King [FFWWW], Gilgamesh (2nd)
Tremor Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. When used by Daedalus [FFXII], inflicts major damage instead. Cursed+ Titan [FFXIV], Daedalus [FFXII], Titan [FFXIV], Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII], Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII]
Tri-Attack Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Blood Gigas, Cursed Imperial Swordsman, Daedalus [FFXII], Imperial Swordsman, Treant [FFXII], Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII], Ultimate++ Daedalus [FFXII], Wendigo [FFXII]
Triclip Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Minotaur [FFXI], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Tri-Disaster Inflicts Fire, Ice, and Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Abyss Valigarmanda
Tri-Laser Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to the party. Megrim Thresher
Trine Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Cursed Godo, Godo, Materia Keeper, Ultimate++ Materia Keeper
Triple Attack Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Sneaky Step
Triple Magic Cannon Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to three random targets. Ultimate カトル准将, カトル准将
Triumphant Grasp Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed Braska's Final Aeon, Cursed+ Braska's Final Aeon, Ultimate++ Braska's Final Aeon
Tropic Wind Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to the party. Jenova∙DEATH, Ultimate++ Jenova∙DEATH
Trouble Knife Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confuse to one target. Ogre [FFIX]
Trouble Mucus Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Confusion to one target. Antlion [FFIX]
Trueblade of Legend (真なる伝説の剣) Ultimate+ Bartz, Ultimate++ Bartz
True Thrust Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Denn the Orcatoothed
Tsunami Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Used as a counter to Water attacks by Calcabrina. Only used when very low on HP by Sealion. When used by Ultimate+ Geosgaeno, inflicts moderate damage instead. Aquamarine, Blue Dragon [FFVI], Cagnazzo, Calcabrina, Chaos [FFI], Cursed Geryon, Cursed Leviathan [FFIII], Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Flood Worm, Geryon, Leviathan [FFIII], Leviathan [WoFF], Mad Sealion, Sea Dragon, Sealion, Ultimate Garland [FFI], Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Garland [FFI], Ultimate+ Geosgaeno, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIII], Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI]
Turbo-Hit Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Onion Knight [DFF]
Turk Light Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Cursed Reno, inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed Reno, Turks: Reno (2nd), Reno (final battle)
Turning (旋回) Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Mana Beast, Ultimate Mana Beast
Tusk Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Blind to one target. Blind Wolf
Tusk Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Confusion to one target. Archeoaevis, Ultimate+ Archeoaevis
Twin Burner Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Motor Ball
Twin Homing Laser Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to attacks. Mobile Type 8, Ultimate+ BGH251F2
Twin Tomahawk Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Vajradhara Tai, Vajradhara Wu
Twincast Meteor Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Meltigemini
Twirl Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Guard [FFVI]
Twister Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Lettie
Twister Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX], ignores Magic Defense and inflicts Sap as well. Cursed Silver Dragon, Deathguise [FFIX], Mad Tiamat [FFIX], Red Dragon [FFIX], Ruby Dragon (Shogun's Wise Dragon), Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX], Ultimate+ Nova Dragon, Ultimate+ Ruby Dragon, Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX]
Twisty-Turny Blizzaga Inflicts three hits of major Ice-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate++ Kefka
Two Multi-Thundaga Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to two random targets. Lightning, Ultimate+ Lightning
Type-97 Cannon Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Guard Spider, Ultimate Guard Spider
Tyrfing Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Demon [FFVI]


Ability Description Enemy
Ullr's Shield Reduces damage taken from attacks by 10%. Cursed Odin [FFXIII], Odin [FFXIII]
Ultima Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. When used by Magic Master, used when at zero HP. When used by Kuja and Trance Kuja, ends the battle. When used by Ultimate+ Kuja, inflicts fixed damage. 【深淵】アンラックズ, Calamity Ultima Weapon [FFX], Celia, Cursed Adel, Cursed+ Adel, Cursed+ Ultima Weapon, Jenova Synthesis, Krysta, Kuja, Lettie, Magic Master, Mindy [FFX] (Premium Temple), Nemesis [FFX], Ramza, Seymour Omnis, Sorceress (3), Squall, Trance Kuja, Transcendence Nemesis [FFX], Ultima Buster [FFVI], Ultimate Squall, Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate+ Lettie, Ultimate+ Ramza, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFX], Ultimate++ Kefka, Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Omega Weapon [FFX]
Ultima Weapon Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Ultima Weapon
Ultima Beam Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. When used by 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII], also inflicts Sap and ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate Weapon, Ultimate+ Ultimate Weapon, 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Ultimate Absolute Zero Inflicts Ice-elemental damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI]
Ultimate Acid Claw Inflicts Poison-elemental physical damage to the party and lowers Poison-elemental resistance. Nightmare Gerogero
Ultimate Acid Rain Inflicts major Water-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Used as a counter to Fire, Lightning, and Holy-elemental attacks. Ultimate Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Phantom Train
Ultimate Adrenaline Increases user's Attack and grants Protect and Shell. Ultimate++ Iron Man [FFVII]
Ultimate Aerial Blast Inflicts fixed damage to the party. Ultimate+ Garuda [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Garuda [FFXIV]
Ultimate Aeroga Reduces one target's HP to 1. Ultimate+ Unei
Ultimate Aerospark Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to to the party, Stop, and dispels them. Extermination+ Ixion
Ultimate Aim Inflicts 4 hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Archer [FFT]
Ultimate Aire Tam Storm Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Emerald Weapon
Ultimate Anti-Matter Bomb Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Anavatapta Warmech
Ultimate Armageddon Reduces the party's HP to 1. Nemesis
Ultimate Armor Piercing Bullet Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target and lowers its Defense. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Ultimate Attack Inflicts either 2 hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party with a chance to cancel actions, or 2 hits of major non-elemental physical damage to one target with a chance to cancel actions. Only the second version is used by Ultimate++ Green Dragon [FFII]. Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate Gottos, Ultimate++ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate++ Green Dragon [FFII]
Ultimate Atomic Impact Inflicts Dark-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ God Omega
Ultimate Atomic Rays Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Laser Gun
Ultimate Aura Increases user's Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, and Magic Defense for a period of time. Ultimate+ Seifer
Ultimate Aurablast Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Knight [FFT], Ultimate+ Knight [FFT], Ultimate+ Monk [FFT] (Zalmour fight)
Ultimate Beam Cannon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ BGH251F2
Ultimate Berserk Inflicts Berserk to two targets in range. Used as a counter to White Magic. When used by Ultimate+ Mindflayer [FFXV], increases user's Attack. When used by Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV], targets 3 targets in range. Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate+ Mindflayer [FFXV], Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV]
Ultimate Big Claw Inflicts % magic damage to one target. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
Ultimate Big Hand Clash Inflicts % damage to two targets in range that ignores resists. Ultimate++ Proud Clod
Ultimate Big Swing Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
Ultimate Bio Inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage to 3 targets in range that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate+ Left Orb, inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Left Orb, Ultimate++ Calofisteri
Ultimate Bioga Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage, Poison, Confuse, Sleep, and Berserk to one target. When used by Nightmare Jenova Synthesis and Transcendence Yiazmat, inflicts massive Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party. Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate+ Hellectic Hojo
Ultimate Biora Inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage to the party. Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate++ Calofisteri
Ultimate Bite Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Leviathan [FFXV]
Ultimate Bite Hard Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Archaeosaur, Ultimate++ Archaeosaur
Ultimate Blade Beam Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud
Ultimate Blaster Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to the party. Extreme Omega [FFV]
Ultimate Blasting Zone Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Squall
Ultimate Blaze Inflicts % damage to the party. Ultimate+ Archeoaevis
Ultimate Blink III Increases user's Evasion for a brief period of time. Ultimate+ Ogre Mage [FFII]
Ultimate Blizzaja Inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Valigarmanda
Ultimate Blizzaga ???. When used by Ultimate+ Omniscient, instead inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage and Sap to three targets. When used by Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], inflicts massive Ice-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, ignores Magic Defense and targets one target. Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Omniscient
Ultimate Blizzara Inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV]
Ultimate Blizzard Inflicts major Ice-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Melusine
Ultimate Blizzard Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage that ignores Magic Defense to the party. Ultimate Siegfray
Ultimate Blizzard XVI Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Ogre Mage [FFII]
Ultimate Bloodfest Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate++ Seifer
Ultimate Bolt Ball Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense and barriers, and inflicts Paralysis. 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Ultimate Braver Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Cloud
Ultimate Bravery Raises user's Attack for a period of time and ignores Reflect. Transcendence Yiazmat,
Ultimate Break Inflicts Petrify to one target. Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate+ Seymour Natus
Ultimate Breath of God Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Sap to 5 targets in range. Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA]
Ultimate Bushfire Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage that ignores Magic Defense and Poison to the party. Ultimate+ Firemane
Ultimate Cannon Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Azul the Cerulean
Ultimate Chop Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate Taharka
Ultimate Claw Cyclone Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Sabertooth Tiger
Ultimate Climhazzard Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate Steiner, Ultimate+ Steiner
Ultimate Combo Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Lifeform-Hojo N, Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N
Ultimate Cometeo Inflicts 2 hits of major non-elemental magic damage to one target to three targets in range. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
Ultimate Confuse Inflicts Confuse to three targets in range. Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV]
Ultimate Continuous Light Shell Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to two random targets that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon, Ultimate++ Diamond Weapon
Ultimate Counter Horn Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Ultimate++ Antlion [FFIV]
Ultimate Cripple Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to three targets in range that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Cindy [FFIV]
Ultimate Cross-Slash Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. When used by Ultimate++ Cloud [KH], inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage that ignores Defense to random targets. Ultimate++ Cloud, Ultimate++ Cloud [KH]
Ultimate Crushing Fangs Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate++ Hydro
Ultimate Curse Inflicts non-elemental physical damage, Poison, Blind, Slow, and Confuse to 4 targets in range. Transcendence Ozma
Ultimate Cursed Elegy Inflicts Slow to the front row. Ultimate+ Scarmiglione
Ultimate Cyclone Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range or the entire party that ignores Defense. When used by Transcendence Yiazmat, inflicts massive Wind-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate++ Leviathan [FFXV]
Ultimate Cyclops Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage and Petrify to three targets within range. Ultimate+ Belias [FFT]
Ultimate Crystal Rain Inflicts major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate+ Manasvin Warmech
Ultimate Darkga Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Transcendence Yiazmat, also inflicts Slow. Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate++ The Deathlord
Ultimate Darkra Inflicts moderate Dark-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Tyrant, Ultimate++ Mythril Golem [FFXII]
Ultimate Dark Cannon Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage to one target, and lowers Doom counter by 3. Ultimate++ Dark Knight [FFIV]
Ultimate Darkja Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Nightmare Zodiark
Ultimate Darkness Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. When used by Ultimate++ Dark Knight [FFIV], also decreases Doom counter by 3. When used while weakened, can remove Doom. Ultimate+ Dark Knight [FFIV], Ultimate++ Dark Knight [FFIV]
Ultimate Darkness Breath Inflicts Dark-elemental magic damage and lowers Attack to the party. Ultimate+ Mindflayer [FFXV]
Ultimate Death Inflicts Instant Death to one target that ignores Reflect. Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX]
Ultimate Death Claw Reduces one target's HP to single digits and ignores resistances. Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV]
Ultimate Death Cutter Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX]
Ultimate Deathblow Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Doom to one target. Ultimate+ Garland [FFI]
Ultimate Demon's Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores defense. Deathguise [FFIX], Ultimate+ Deathguise [FFIX]
Ultimate Desperado Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party and dispels stat up buffs. Ultimate+ Mortibody
Ultimate Diabolic Whistle Inflicts Poison, Confusion, Slow, Blind, and Doom to one target at a high rate. Ultimate Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Phantom Train
Ultimate Diamond Flash Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon, Ultimate++ Diamond Weapon
Ultimate Diffractive Laser Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the front or back row. Ultimate+ Laser Gun
Ultimate Dispel Removes all buffs from the party. Ultimate Maduin, Ultimate Seymour Flux
Ultimate Dive Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and dispels all buffs. Ultimate++ Snow Giant
Ultimate Dive Attack Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Crimson Hound, Ultimate+ Crimson Hound
Ultimate Doom Inflicts Doom to the party. Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX]
Ultimate Doomsday Inflicts % damage to the party. Transcendence Ozma
Ultimate Double Allows for doublecasting of spells for a brief period of time. Ultimate+ Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate++ Sorceress (B), Ultimate++ Sorceress (C)
Ultimate Double Cut Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to two random targets with a chance of cancelling their action. Ultimate+ Sephiroth
Ultimate Double Machine Gun Inflicts 2 hits of major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Proud Clod
Ultimate Earthquake Inflicts major Earth-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Archaeosaur, uUltimate+ Earth Guardian, Ultimate Sand Worm [FFX]
Ultimate Earth Shaker Inflicts major Earth-elemental magic damage and Confuse to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Catastrophe [FFV], just inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Catastrophe [FFV]
Ultimate Efflorescence Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian
Ultimate Electrocuting Lance Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Magitek Armor "Cuirass"
Ultimate Emerald Beam Inflicts % damage to the party, dispels Regen, and inflicts Sap. Ultimate+ Emerald Weapon
Ultimate Emerald Laser Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to three targets in range, or reduce the number of abilities by one to three targets in range. Ultimate+ Eye [FFVII]
Ultimate Encircle Extreme Omega [FFV]
Ultimate Energy Blast Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Valefor [FFX]
Ultimate Energy Ray Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Valefor [FFX]
Ultimate Entangle Inflicts Paralysis on three targets in range. Ultimate+ Archeoaevis
Ultimate Entice Inflicts Confuse on the party. Ultimate+ Melusine
Ultimate Eviscerator Inflicts three hits of massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII]
Ultimate Explode Inflicts magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate Babus
Ultimate Faith Increases user's Magic Attack for a period of time and ignores Reflect. Transcendence Yiazmat
Ultimate Fated Circle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate Squall, Ultimate+ Squall
Ultimate Fearga Reduces the number of uses by 1 to the party. Ultimate++ Hydro
Ultimate Fiendish Rage Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Blink. Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI]
Ultimate Fira Inflicts 2 hits of Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Left Orb, targets the party and ignores Magic Defense.u Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Left Orb, Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV], Ultimate+ Soulcage, Ultimate+ Trickmaster
Ultimate Firaga Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. When used by Ultimate+ Omniscient, also inflicts Sap and targets one character. When used by Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, targets one target and ignores Magic Defense. Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Soulcage
Ultimate Fire Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Ultimate+ Firemane, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate++ Belias [FFXII]
Ultimate Fire Blades Inflicts major Fire-elemental physical damage to the party and reduces their Fire-elemental resistances. Ultimate+ Soulcage
Ultimate Fire Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Salamander [FFIII]
Ultimate Flamethrower Sets two targets HP to 1. Ultimate+ Lugae
Ultimate Flare Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party. Ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate+ Seymour Natus, targets one target that ignores Magic Defense and inflicts Sap. When used by Ultimate+ Doga, inflicts fixed damage to one target. When used by Transcendence Ozma, hits one target 5 times. Transcendence Ozma, Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate+ Chaos [FFI], Ultimate+ Doga, Ultimate++ Dr. Lugae, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Seymour Natus, Ultimate+ Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI]
Ultimate Flare XVI Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate+ Light Emperor
Ultimate Flare Star Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Sap to the party. Ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF], inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Kuja, Ultimate++ Red Dragon [WoFF]
Ultimate Flash Rain Inflicts Water-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Chadarnook, Ultimate+ Goddess
Ultimate Freeze Inflicts % damage to the party. Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIX]
Ultimate Frost Inflicts Ice-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Ultimate+ Archeoaevis
Ultimate Gale Cut Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Vargas
Ultimate Gas Inflicts Poison, Blind, Sleep, and Silence to the front row. Ultimate+ Scarmiglione
Ultimate Gaze Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Sotp to the party. Ultimate+ Lich [FFI], Ultimate+ Marilith [FFI], Ultimate++ Chaos [FFI]
Ultimate Gigaflare Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to four targets in range that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV], inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and Shell. Ultimate+ Archaeodaemon, Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV]
Ultimate Go Ballistic Inflicts major non-elemental damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Wedge [FFVIII]
Ultimate Grand Sword Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Iron Man [FFVII]
Ultimate Graviga

Inflicts % damage to the party that ignores resistances.

Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate+ Omniscient, 凶星 Ultimate Sapphire Weapon
Ultimate Gravija Inflicts % damage to the party. Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Diabolos [FFVIII]
Ultimate Gravity Inflicts % magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and barriers. Ultimate++ Diabolos [FFVIII]
Ultimate Gravity Beam Reduces one target's HP to 1. Ultimate++ Anavatapta Warmech
Ultimate Greater Barrier Inflicts Protect, Shell, and Regen to user. Transcendence Yiazmat
Ultimate Gungnir Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Odin [WoFF]
Ultimate Headbutt Inflicts % damage and Confuse to one target. Used as a counter. Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Ultimate Heave Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target that dispels all buffs. Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV]
Ultimate Hell Combo Reduces the front row's HP to 1. Ultimate++ Materia Keeper
Ultimate Hellfire Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Extermination+ Ifrit [FFX], Ultimate++ Belias [FFXII]
Ultimate Hell's Gate Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Instant Death to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Sephiroth, instead inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Sephiroth, Ultimate++ Sephiroth
Ultimate Hell's Wrath Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Marach
Ultimate Holy Inflicts massive Holy-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate+ Yunalesca, targets 3 characters in range. When used by Ultimate+ Unei, deal major Holy-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Transcendence Ozma and Transcendence Yiazmat, ignores Magic Defense and targets one target. Transcendence Ozma, Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Holy Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Red Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Unei, Ultimate+ Yunalesca
Ultimate Holy XVI Inflicts major Holy-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate+ Light Emperor
Ultimate Horror Cloud Inflicts Slow to the back row. Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI]
Ultimate Howl of Rage Inflicts non-elemental physical damage that ignores Defense and Slow to the party. Ultimate++ Adrammelech [FFTA]
Ultimate Hurricane Inflicts % damage to one target. Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV]
Ultimate Iai Strike Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate Steiner, Ultimate+ Steiner
Ultimate Ice Break Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage to 5 random targets. Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII]
Ultimate Ice Fist Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Snow Giant
Ultimate Ice Grenade Restores major Ice-elemental physical damage and Slow to three targets in range. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Ultimate Icicle Impact Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Shiva [FFIXV]
Ultimate Ignis Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Chaos Bahamut
Ultimate "It's Sharp!" Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Tonberry King [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Tonberry King [FFVIII]
Ultimate Jecht Shot Inflicts non-elemental damage to the party that ignores Defense. Braska's Final Aeon, Ultimate Braska's Final Aeon, Ultimate+ Braska's Final Aeon, Ultimate++ Braska's Final Aeon
Ultimate Jecht Shot Inflicts massive Water-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Ultimate++ Tidus
Ultimate Jet Fire Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX]
Ultimate Judgment Blade Inflicts non-elemental damage and Stop to the party. Ultimate++ Wiegraf
Ultimate Jump Reduces one target's HP to 1. When used by Ultimate+ Golem [Type-0] and Ultimate++ Vajra [Type-0], inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Isilud, Ultimate+ Golem [Type-0], Ultimate+ Isilud, Ultimate+ Kain, Ultimate++ Vajra [Type-0]
Ultimate Junk Inflicts non-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Ultimate+ Tonberry King [FFVIII]
Ultimate Keen Edge Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Squall
Ultimate Kick Inflicts two hits of massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Firemane
Ultimate Knee Fire Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Ultimate++ Proud Clod
Ultimate Kozuka Ultimate+ Yojimbo [FFX]
Ultimate Laser Reduces 1 target's HP to 1. When used by Ultimate++ Nimbus, inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate++ Nimbus
Ultimate Last Gift (【凶】最後のプレゼント) Inflicts major Earth-elemental physical damage to all enemies and allies. Ultimate Borghen
Ultimate Launcher Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to five targets in range with a chance to cancel actions. Ultimate+ Missile Bay
Ultimate Leaf Swirl Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Soulcage
Ultimate Light Flare Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Thorn
Ultimate Light Shell Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon, Ultimate++ Diamond Weapon
Ultimate Light Sword Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Ultimate++ Nimbus
Ultimate Lightning Inflicts % non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate+ Archeoaevis, inflicts massive Lightning-elemental magic damage and Paralysis to the party. Ultimate+ Archeoaevis, Ultimate++ Calcabrina, Ultimate++ Garuda [FFIII]
Ultimate Lightning Roar Inflicts Lightning-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate Porphyrion
Light Pillar Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon
Ultimate Lion's Breath Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate Chudo-Yudo
Ultimate Lord Ochu Falls Asleep Restores HP and grants Regen to user. Ultimate Lord Ochu
Ultimate Lunge Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Crimson Hound and Ultimate+ Guard Hound [VIIDC], also ignores Defense. When used by Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV], inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target that dispels all buffs. When used by Ultimate+ Hydro, inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Ultimate Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate+ Crimson Hound, Ultimate+ Guard Hound [VIIDC], Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bwagi
Ultimate Mad Cow Special Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Sekhret [FFVIII]
Ultimate Maelstrom Reduces the party's HP to single digits. When used by Ultimate+ Barbarricia, also inflicts Stop to the party. Ultimate+ Archeoaevis, Ultimate+ Barbarricia
Ultimate Magic Cannon Ultimate+ Brionac
Ultimate Magic Missile Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Ultimate Magitek Barrier Inflicts Invincible on user. Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI]
Ultimate Mako Cannon Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Rufus
Ultimate Mako Gun Inflicts fixed damage to the party. Ultimate Palmer
Ultimate Mana Breath Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper
Ultimate Massive Explosion Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the front row that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Mom Bomb [FFIV]
Ultimate Mega Death Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Ultimate+ Yunalesca
Ultimate Megaflare Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party. Ignores Defense. Ultimate Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFV], Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF], Ultimate++ Dark Bahamut [FFIV]
Ultimate Mega Spark Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Tri-Point
Ultimate Meltdown Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate+ Terra
Ultimate Metal Cutter Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Sap to the entire party. Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI]
Ultimate Meteor Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party. When used by Ultimate++ Kefka, instead deals % magic damage to the party. When used by Transcendence Ozma, hits the party 3 times. Ruby Dragon (Shogun's Wise Dragon), Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate Red Dragon [FFIII], Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.3, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Sephiroth, Ultimate+ Sorceress (2), Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Xande, Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Kefka, Ultimate++ Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Seymour Natus
Ultimate Meteorite Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Zorn
Ultimate Missile Reduces three target's HP by 3/4. Ultimate+ Missile Bay
Ultimate Missile Barrage Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to two random targets and inflicts Sap. Ultimate+ Dáinsleif
Ultimate Mistral Song Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Garuda [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Garuda [FFXIV]
Ultimate Morning Star Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Dullahan [FFVI], Ultimate++ Dullahan [FFVI]
Ultimate Mow Inflicts non-elemental physical damage that ignores Defense and Poison to the party. Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Ultimate Mower Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFVIII]
Ultimate Multi Blizzard Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to two random targets. Ultimate+ Seymour Natus
Ultimate Multi Fira Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to two random targets. Ultimate+ Seymour Natus
Ultimate Multi Thundara Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to two random targets. Ultimate+ Seymour Natus
Ultimate Multi Watera Inflicts Water-elemental magic damage to two random targets. Ultimate+ Seymour Natus
Ultimate Mustard Bomb Inflicts non-elemental physical damage that ignores Defense and Sap to one target. Extreme Omega [FFV]
Ultimate Mystery Waltz Increases all stats to the user for a period of time as well as grants Protect, Shell, and Haste. Ultimate+ Alraune King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Mandragora Prince [FFXII], Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII], Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII], Ultimate+ Topstalk [FFXII]
Ultimate Nether Ashura Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Marach
Ultimate Northern Cross Inflicts Stop to the party. Ultimate+ Fiend [FFVI], Ultimate++ Fiend [FFVI]
Ultimate Octaslash Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Sephiroth, Ultimate++ Sephiroth
Ultimate Offensive Shift Changes to Offensive Shift mode. Ultimate+ Cid Raines
Ultimate Pandora's Box Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Dragon Zombie [FFVII]
Ultimate Photon Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Ark
Ultimate Photon Blaster Restores fixed damage to the party. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
Ultimate Photon Spray Inflicts 8 hits of non-elemental magic damage to random targets that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Evrae
Ultimate Photon Wings Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Sleep, Silence, Blind, Confuse, and Sap to the party. Ultimate+ Sanctuary Keeper
Ultimate Piercing Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and reduces Defense to one target. Ultimate++ Nimbus
Ultimate Piercing Graviga Inflicts % magic damage to the party that ignores resistances. Nightmare Zodiark
Ultimate Poison Breath Inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage that ignores Magic Defense and Poison to the party. Ultimate++ Evrae
Ultimate Poison Claw Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets that ignores Defense and Poison. Ultimate Lord Ochu
Ultimate Poison Gas Inflicts massive Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party. Ultimate+ Dr. Lugae
Ultimate Poltergeist Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Chadarnook
Ultimate Press Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Spherimorph
Ultimate Psycho Blast Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Norg
Ultimate Psychokinesis Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. When used by Ultimate++ Garland [FFIX], targets one target and ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Nova Dragon, Ultimate++ Garland [FFIX]
Ultimate Pulsar Wave Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Stop to one target. Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII]
Ultimate Punch Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores that cancels the target's action. Ultimate+ Golem [Type-0]
Ultimate Quake Inflicts major Earth-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Ralvuimago
Ultimate Rage Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage and Confuse to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII], inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII]
Ultimate Ragnarok Inflicts 2 hits of massive non-elemental magic damage to two targets in range. Ultimate++ Nimbus
Ultimate Rainbow Wind Inflicts Poison to the party. Extreme Omega [FFV]
Ultimate Rake Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate Chudo-Yudo
Ultimate Ram Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Alraune King [FFXII], Ultimate+ Mandragora Prince [FFXII], Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII], Ultimate+ Pumpkin Star [FFXII], Ultimate+ Topstalk [FFXII]
Ultimate Rampage Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. When used by Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV], instead inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target that dispels all buffs. Ultimate Bloodhorn [FFXV], Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV]
Ultimate Razor Fang Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Ultimate++ Sabertooth Tiger
Ultimate Razzia Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Sandy [FFX]
Ultimate Reaper Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party and lowers Defense. Ultimate++ Behemoth [FFII], Ultimate++ Leviathan [FFXV]
Ultimate Rend Armor Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and reduces Defense for a period of time. Ultimate Isilud, Ultimate Knight [FFT], Ultimate+ Isilud, Ultimate+ Knight [FFT], Ultimate+ Milleuda
Ultimate Rend Shield Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and removes Protect and Shell. Ultimate++ Knight [FFT]
Ultimate Retaliatory Strike Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Proudclad
Ultimate Revenge Stamp Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party as a counter to actions against user. Ultimate+ Emerald Weapon
Ultimate Roar Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate+ Adamanchelid and Ultimate+ Titan [FFXV], instead is physical. When used by Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV], dispels all buffs as well as dealing non-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate+ Titan, Ultimate++ Atlas, Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV]
Ultimate Roar Increases user's Attack and Magic Attack for a period of time, and ignores Reflect. Transcendence Yiazmat
Ultimate Rocket Punch Inflicts fixed damage to one target. Extreme Omega [FFV]
Ultimate Rough Divide Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Squall
Ultimate Roxxor Reduces 3 target's HP to 1 that ignores Reflect. Ultimate+ Hashmal [FFXII]
Ultimate Ruby Flame Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
Ultimate Ruby Ray Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage that ignores Magic Defense and Confuse to one target. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
Ultimate Runaway Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Instant Death to one target. Ultimate+ Lifeform-Hojo N
Ultimate Rush Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Firemane
Ultimate Saintly Beam Inflicts massive Holy-elemental damage and Petrify to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Holy Dragon [FFVI], inflicts massive Holy-elemental magic damage and lowers Holy-elemental resistance to the party. Ultimate Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Holy Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate+ Phantom Train
Ultimate Sapphire Beam Inflicts Water-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. 凶星 Sapphire Weapon
Ultimate Savage Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Squall
Ultimate Scathe Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and Sap. Nightmare Zodiark
Ultimate Scintilla Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target and grants Haste to the user. Ultimate++ Sephiroth
Ultimate Scorch Inflicts major Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ruby Dragon (Shogun's Wise Dragon), Ultimate+ Rubicante
Ultimate Scourge Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage and Sap to the party while ignoring Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Shemhazai [FFXII]
Ultimate Self-Destruct Kills user to inflict Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII], inflicts 99,999 damage to the party and kills user. , Ultimate King Bomb [FFXII], Ultimate++ Bomb [FFIV], Ultimate++ Gray Bomb [FFIV]
Ultimate Seraphic Ray Inflicts massive Holy-elemental magic damage to the party and removes all beneficial statuses. Ultimate+ Cid Raines
Ultimate Shadowbringer Inflicts three hits of major Dark-elemental physical damage to one target, and decreases Doom counter by 3.. Ultimate++ Dark Knight [FFIV]
Ultimate Shadow Flare Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Defense. When used by 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII], lowers Attack and Magic instead. Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Ultimate Weapon, Ultimate++ Sephiroth, Ultimate++ Ultimate Weapon, 凶星 Ruby Weapon, 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Ultimate Shadowblade Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. When used against the party, deals major damage instead. Ultimate+ Gaffgarion
Ultimate Sheet of Ice Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage, Paralysis, and Sap to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Isgebind
Ultimate Shock Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Ultimate Steiner, Ultimate+ Steiner
Ultimate Shockwave Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party and cancels their action. Ultimate+ Soulcage
Ultimate Shrapnel Inflicts non-elemental physical damage that lowers Defense and Blind to the party. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Ultimate Silence Inflicts Silence to three targets in range. Ultimate+ Right Orb
Ultimate Slap Inflicts up to 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage and Confuse to one target. Ultimate Lamia Queen [FFII]
Ultimate Slow Inflicts Slow to three targets in range. When used by Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, targets the party instead. Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Right Orb, Ultimate+ Sandy [FFIV]
Ultimate Smite of Rage Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII]
Ultimate Snowstorm Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage and Stop to the party. When used by Ultimate++ White Dragon [FFI], inflicts moderate Ice-elemental magic damage and Paralysis instead. Ultimate++ White Dragon [FFI], Ultimate++ Yeti
Ultimate Sonic Blade Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Cloud [KH]
Ultimate Sonic Fangs Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target that dispels all buffs. Ultimate+ Hydro, Ultimate++ Hydro
Ultimate Sonic Wings Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and Slow to the party. Extermination+ Valefor [FFX], Ultimate++ Valefor [FFX]
Ultimate Soul of Chaos Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to seven random targets that removes all buffs. Ultimate+ Garland [FFI]
Ultimate Soul Sphere Ultimate++ Adrammelech [FFTA]
Ultimate Southern Cross Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Red Dragon [FFVI]
Ultimate Spellbind Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA]
Ultimate Spiral Cut Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Tidus
Ultimate Stab Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Ultimate++ Ralvuimago
Ultimate Star Cross Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA]
Ultimate Stock Break Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Sap to the party. Ultimate Steiner, Ultimate+ Steiner
Ultimate Stone Breath Inflicts Earth-elemental physical damage and Petrify to the party. Transcendence Yiazmat
Ultimate Stop Inflicts Stop to one target. Transcendence Ozma
Ultimate Storm Breath Inflicts Wind-elemental physical damage to the party. Transcendence Yiazmat
Ultimate Sudden Cruelty Inflicts % damage to one target. Ultimate+ Sephiroth
Ultimate Suffocate Inflicts Instant Death to one target. Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Lettie
Ultimate Sword Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to one target. Ultimate+ Sekhret [FFVIII]
Ultimate Sword Dance Inflicts major non-elemental damage to the party. Ultimate Vinuskar, Ultimate+ Vinuskar
Ultimate Sword Flash Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Sephiroth
Ultimate Tail Rush Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to three random targets that ignores Defense and inflicts Poison. 凶星 Sapphire Weapon
Ultimate Tail Whip Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Archaeosaur, Ultimate++ Archaeosaur
Ultimate Tempest Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Wind resistance. Ultimate+ Tiamat [FFXII], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFXII]
Ultimate Tentacle Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Crimson Hound and Ultimate++ Guard Hound [VIIDC], can also inflict Paralysis as well as targets the party. Ultimate+ Crimson Hound, Ultimate+ Guard Hound [VIIDC], Ultimate++ Crimson Hound, Ultimate++ Guard Hound [VIIDC]
Ultimate Tentacle Inflicts 8 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate+ Orthros
Ultimate Thanatosian Laughter Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Barthandelus (2nd)
Ultimate Thermal Ray Inflicts fixed damage to the party. Extreme Omega [FFV]
Ultimate Thor's Hammer Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Extermination+ Ixion
Ultimate Thundaga Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Hein, targets 3 characters. When used by Ultimate+ Omniscient, instead inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage and Sap to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Scarmiglione, can either inflict major Lightning-elemental magic damage to the back row or 3 hits of major Lightning-elemental damage to random targets. When used by Ultimate+ Goddess, can target one target or the entire party. When used by Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA], deals 2 hits to 3 random targets. When used by Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, targets one target and ignores Magic Defense. Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Transcendence Ozma, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Flan Master, Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Goddess, Ultimate+ Mateus [FFTA], Ultimate+ Melusine, Ultimate+ Omniscient, Ultimate+ Scarmiglione, Ultimate++ God Omega
Ultimate Thundara Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. When used by Ultimate+ Left Orb, targets the party and ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Hein, Ultimate+ Goddess, Ultimate+ Left Orb, Ultimate+ Mindy [FFIV]
Ultimate Thunder Inflicts major Lightning-elemental magic damage to three targets in range. Ultimate Siren [FFV], Ultimate+ Hein
Ultimate Thunder Barret Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Squall
Ultimate Thunder Breath Inflicts Lightning-elemental physical damage to the party. Transcendence Yiazmat
Ultimate Thunderstorm Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Rinok
Ultimate Thunder Swing Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental magic damage to the front row. Ultimate++ Arachne [FFXV]
Ultimate Titan Inflicts massive Earth-elemental magic damage to five targets in range. Ultimate+ Belias [FFT]
Ultimate Tornado Inflicts % magic damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI], inflicts major Wind-elemental magic damage and lowers Ice-elemental resistance to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Left Orb, inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Barbarricia, Ultimate+ Left Orb, Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Unei
Ultimate Trine Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. When used by Ultimate++ Materia Keeper, inflicts % damage to one target in the back row. Ultimate++ Kefka, Ultimate++ Materia Keeper
Ultimate Tsunami Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Blue Dragon [FFVI], Ultimate++ Leviathan [FFXV]
Ultimate Twister Inflicts % magic damage to the party. Nova Dragon, Transcendence Ozma
Ultimate Tyrfing Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target, and lowers Defense and Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI]
Ultimate Ultima Inflicts massive non-elemental magic damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Terra (solo), instead inflicts 3000 fixed damage. Nightmare Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Jenova Synthesis, Ultimate+ Seymour Omnis, Ultimate+ Sorceress (3), Ultimate+ Squall, Ultimate+ Terra (solo), Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon [FFX], Ultimate++ Magic Master, Ultimate++ Sorceress (C)
Ultimate Ultima Beam Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. When used by 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII], inflicts % non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and barriers. Ultimate++ Ultimate Weapon, 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
Ultimate Ultima Weapon Inflicts fixed damage to the front row. Ultimate+ Ultima Weapon
Ultimate Vampiric Lash Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and absorbs damage as HP to user. Ultimate+ Malboro Queen
Ultimate Venomous Clasp Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Poison to three random targets. Ultimate Siren [FFV]
Ultimate Wakizashi Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party and lowers their Defense. Ultimate+ Yojimbo [FFX]
Ultimate W-Laser Inflicts 2 hits of major non-elemental physical damage to 3 targets in range. Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH
Ultimate Water Dragon Inflicts 3 hits of moderate non-elemental physical to one target and lowers Water-elemental resistance. Ultimate++ Leviathan [FFXV]
Ultimate Waterga Inflicts Water-elemental magic damage to three random targets. When used by Ultimate Lord Ochu, targets the party instead. Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate Lord Ochu, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Cagnazzo
Ultimate Waterga Inflicts massive Water-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIX]
Ultimate Water Spout Inflicts major Water-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan
Ultimate Wave Cannon Reduces party's HP to 1. When used by Extreme Omega [FFV], inflicts fixed damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, deals moderate to major non-elemental magic damage to the party. When used by Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI], inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and Magic resistant abilities. Extreme Omega [FFV], Ultimate+ Air Force, Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, Ultimate++ Demon [FFVI]
Ultimate Weapon Break Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and reduces one target's Attack for a period of time. Ultimate+ Milleuda
Ultimate Wheel Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Ultimate Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Phantom Train
Ultimate Whirlwind Inflicts major Wind-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Ark
Ultimate White Breath Inflicts Ice-elemental physical damage and Stop to the party that ignores Defense. Transcendence Yiazmat, Ultimate+ Behemoth King [FFXII]
Ultimate Wings Ultimate++ Meltigemini
Ultimate Zanmato Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Instant Death to three targets in range. Ultimate+ Yojimbo [FFX]
Ultimate Zantetsuken Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ignores Defense. When used by Ultimate+ Odin [FFIII], inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Instant Death to one target. Ultimate+ Odin [FFIII], Ultimate+ Odin [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Odin [WoFF]
Ultimate Zombie Breath Inflicts moderate non-elemental magic damage and Sap to the party. Ultimate++ Dracozombie
Ultra Spark Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage, Poison, Slow, and Attack Down to the party. Nemesis [FFX], Transcendence Nemesis [FFX]
Ultima Turbo-Hit Inflicts up to 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Onion Knight [DFF] (Ninja only)
Ultrasonic Waves Inflicts Confusion to one target. Red Bat
Ultra Sound Waves Inflicts Level Down to one target. Ralvuimago, Ultimate++ Ralvuimago
Unblest Armor Inflicts Shell to user. Minotaur [FFXI], Ultimate+ Minotaur [FFXI]
Umbra Smash Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Shadow Lord
Umbral Vise Inflicts massive non-elemental damage to one target. Bahamut [FFXIII], Chaos Bahamut, Cursed Chaos Bahamut, Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Chaos Bahamut
Umbrella Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Joker
Unfair Missile Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hecatoncheir [FFI]
Unholy Darkness Inflicts major Dark-elemental magic damage to one target. Archaeodaemon, Ultimate+ Archaeodaemon, Ultimate+ Celia, Ultimate+ Lettie
Unpleasant Odor (不快な臭い) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage, Poison, and Stop to one target. Hellbender
Unseen Strike Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cloud
Uppercut Inflicts non-elemental damage to one target. Glasya Labolas


Ability Description Enemy
Vacuum Wave Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. ???? when used by Cursed Exdeath and Exdeath. When used by Cursed Barbariccia, inflicts moderate Wind-elemental physical damage to the party. Abyss Necrophobe [FFV], Brynhildr, Cursed Barbariccia, Cursed Exdeath, Cursed Necrophobe, Cursed+ Bahamut [FFIII], Exdeath, Ultimate++ Exdeath of 30 Years Ago
Valkyrian Scythe Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Brynhildr
Vampire Inflicts minor non-elemental physical damage and absorbs damage as HP to user. Abductor, Bat [FFXI], Black Bat, Enkidu, Gargoyle [FFXII], Gargoyle Baron, Glacial Eye, Grat, Left Arm, Mercury Bat [FFV], Number 128, Python, Right Arm, Steel Bat [FFV], Succubus [FFIV], Vampyr
Vampiric Lash Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and absorbs damage as HP to user. Malboro Queen
Vanish Inflicts Instant Death on user. Adamantite Golem, Objet d'ArtStone Golem, Stone Mask, Undead Husk, Ushabti
Vengeance Abyss Omega Weapon [FFVI]
Venom Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Jewel Beast, Margarita, Quetzalcoatl, Sinspawn Geneaux, Sinspawn Genais, Sinspawn Gui - Head, Ultimate Sinspawn Geneaux, Ultimate Sinspawn Gui - Head
Venom Breath Inflicts Poison to one target. Worm Hydra
Venom Claw Inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Deathgaze, Erebus (3), Weredragon
Venom Powder Inflicts Poison to one target. When used by Ultimate++ Meltigemini and Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX], targets the party instead. Lich [FFIX], Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Lich [FFIX], Ultimate++ Meltigemini
Venomist Inflicts Poison-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Abyss Kaiser Dragon, Hell's Rider, Hidon, Ultimate Hidon, Weredragon
Venomous Clasp Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Mad Siren [FFV], Ultimate Siren [FFV]
Verbal Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Moth Slasher
Verse of Oblivion Reduces the number of usages of all abilities by 1 to one target. Elmdore
Vertical Missile Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental damage to random targets. Magitek Armor "Cuirass", Ultimate+Magitek Armor "Cuirass"
Vespersong Increases Magic to the party for a period of time. Onion Queen, Ultimate+ Onion Queen [FFXII]
Vidofnir Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to three targets in range, and reduces Defense. Shantotto, Ultimate++ Shantotto
Viral Smoke Inflicts Sap to the party. Meltigemini, Ultimate++ Meltigemini
Virus Inflicts massive Dark-elemental magic damage to one target, and lowers Attack and Defense. Ultimate++ Y'shtola, Y'shtola
Vivifying Lance Inflicts massive Holy-elemental magic damage to one target, and restores HP to user. Ultimate++ Y'shtola, Y'shtola
Vulcan Burst (バルカンバースト) Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage to the party with a low chance to cancel actions. Cursed Ifrit [FFXIV], Ifrit [FFXIV]
Void Firaga Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Lady Amandine
Void Firaga Chant Charges up for Void Firaga. Lady Amandine
Void Fire Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Eerie Lamp
Void Thundaga Inflicts massive Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. Lady Amandine
Void Thundaga Chant Charges up for Void Thundaga. Lady Amandine
Vortex (ヴォーテクス) Removes all statuses from the party. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Vox Cures Silence to one ally. Bwagi, Rinok, Ultimate++ Bwagi, Ultimate++ Rinok


Ability Description Enemy
Waggle-Wobbly Firaga Inflicts three hits of major Fire-elemental magic damage to random targets. Ultimate++ Kefka
Wail Inflicts non-elemental damage and Silence to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII], instead inflicts moderate non-elemental damage to the party. When used by Fenrir, may inflict either Silence or Blind in addition to the damage. Abyss Demon Wall, Fenrir [FFXII], Ultimate+ Demon Wall [FFXII]
Wakizashi Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target or the party. Ultimate+ Yojimbo [FFX], Yojimbo [FFX]
Wall Inflicts Protect and Shell to one party member. Red Saucer, Ultimate White Mage [FFT], White Mage [FFT]
War Cry Thexteron
Warsong Increases Attack to the party for a period of time. Mandragora Prince, Ultimate+ Mandragora Prince [FFXII]
Warp Inflicts Instant Death to the party. Lich [FFI] (2nd fight)
Water Inflicts minor Water-elemental damage to one target. When used by Lani, Ultimate++ Mortibody, and Mortibody, targets the party instead. When used by Spherimorph, is used as a counter against the party when hit by a non-Lightning-elemental magic attack or as a counter against one target when hit by a non-Lightning-elemental physical attack. When used by Orobon, inflicts Slow and cancels the action of the target as well. When used by Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIX], inflicts major Water-elemental magic damage to one target. When used by Shantotto and Ultimate++ Shantotto, deals 4 hits to one target. Dahaka [FFXIII], Flan Azul, Galvanth the Dominator, Gizamaluke, Lani, Left Pauldron, Lord Ochu, Mortibody, NORG, Orobon [FFXIII], Shantotto, Sin (Core), Sinspawn Geneaux, Spherimorph, Stalwart, Ultimate Lord Ochu, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIX], Ultimate++ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Shantotto, Vetala, Water Flan
Water II Inflicts massive Water-elemental magic damage to one target. Lich [FFXI], Ultimate+ Lich [FFXI], アークリッチテーバクォアン
Water Dragon Inflicts either 3 or 5 hits of moderate non-elemental physical to one target. Leviathan [FFXV]
Water-gun Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target. Baleen Guard, Kraken [FFIX], Mad Kraken [FFIX], Ultimate+ Right Tentacle [FFIX]
Water Gun Inflicts moderate Water-elemental damage and lowers Defense to one target. Ceratoraptor, Ceratosaur
Waterga Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter to magic by Sinspawn Genais. When used by Cursed Seymour Flux, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIX], Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian, Kraken [FFIX], Ultimate+ Mortibody, Mad Kraken [FFIX], Georapella, and Hybrid Flora, targets the party instead. When used by Ultimate Sinspawn Geneaux or Ultimate++ Seymour Natus, can target one or the party. Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed Seymour Flux, Cursed+ Cagnazzo, Cursed+ Leviathan [FFV], Dahaka [FFXIII], Georapella, Hybrid Flora, Kraken [FFIX], Left Pauldron, Mad Kraken [FFIX], Seymour, Seymour Omnis, Sinspawn Genais, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate Sinspawn Geneaux, Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian, Ultimate+ Bahamut [FFX], Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, Ultimate+ Kraken [FFIX], Ultimate+ Lightning, Ultimate+ Mortibody, Ultimate++ Seymour Natus
Waterga II Inflicts moderate Water-elemental damage to the party. アークリッチテーバクォアン
Waterja Inflicts moderate Water-elemental damage and Silence to the party. Famfrit [FFXII]
Watera Inflicts moderate Water-elemental damage to one target. Used as a counter by Black Waltz No.2 when hit by a Fire-elemental attack when in Counter stance. When used by Dahaka [FFXIII], Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate++ Spherimorph, or Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], can target the party or one target. When used by Ultimate+ Norg, hits 3 times to random targets. Black Waltz No.2, Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed+ Dahaka [FFXIII], Cagnazzo, Judge Bergan, Left Pauldron, Leviathan [WoFF], Lightning, Mindy [FFX], Ultimate Black Waltz No. 2, Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2], Ultimate Judge Bergan, Ultimate Seymour, Ultimate Vetala, Ultimate+ Black Waltz No.2, Ultimate+ Norg, Ultimate++ Mindy [FFX], Ultimate++ Spherimorph, Vetala, Wendigo [FFXII]
Water Cannon Inflicts Water-elemental damage to one target. Hedge Frog, Ichthon
Waterfowl Sword Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Bokuon [RS2], Noel [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Waterpolo Inflicts Imprisoned status to one target. Bottomswell
Water Spout Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Ba'Gamnan, Cursed Imperial Swordsman, Imperial Marksman, Imperial Swordsman, Judge, Skull Warrior, Ultimate Judge, Ultimate++ Ba'Gamnan
Wave Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target or the party. Garland [FFIX], Ultimate++ Garland [FFIX]
Wave Artillery Reduces party's HP by %. Hundred Gunner
Wave Cannon Reduces party's HP by half. When used by Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI] and Demon [FFVI], instead inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Abyss Guardian [FFV], Air Force, Demon [FFVI], Extreme Omega [FFV], Gamma, Gorgimera (Wing Revival), Io, Manasvin Warmech, Omega, Soul Cannon, Ultimate+ Cloud of Darkness, Ultimate+ Guardian [FFVI], Ultimate+ Manasvin Warmech, Ultimate+ Omega [FFV]
Weapon Break Reduces one target's Attack for a period of time. Ultimate++ Knight [FFT]
Weapon Strike Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Imperial Trooper
Web Inflicts Slow to one target. Apanda [FFV], Byblos, Tarantula
Weight Stare (おもりにらみ) Inflicts Slow to one target. When used by Buffy [SoM], inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Slow. Buffy [SoM], Dark Lich, Ultimate+ Buffy [SoM], Ultimate+ Dark Lich [SoM]
What do you think you're doing!? Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Lani
Wheel Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Magna Roader (Blue), Phantom Train, Ultimate Phantom Train, Ultimate+ Phantom Train
Wheel Grind Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nix, Stiria
Wheelie Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Devil Ride
Wheel Rap Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nix, Stiria
Wheel Toss Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nix, Stiria
Whirl Reduces one target's HP to single digits. Used as a counter to Lightning-elemental attacks. When used by Ultimate Zeromus EG, inflicts % damage to one target. Ogopogo, Ultimate Zeromus EG
Whirling Gaol Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage and lowers Wind-elemental resistance to the party. Opinicus
Whirlsand Inflicts Instant Death one target. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
Whirlwind Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bahamut [FFXIII], Ultimate++ Bahamut [FFXIII]
Whirlwind Inflicts major Wind-elemental damage to the party. When used by Ultimate Zeromus EG, inflicts % magic damage to the party. Ark, Belphegor [FFIV], Ultimate Zeromus EG, Ultimate+ Ark
Whirlwind (つむじ風) Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Whirling Umbrella Inflicts non-elemental damage and Confusion to one target. Zeveak
White Breath Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental physical damage and Stop to the party. Yiazmat
White Fang Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Bwagi, Ultimate++ Bwagi
White Whorl Inflicts moderate Wind-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Vaan
White Wind Restores moderate HP to the party. Azulmagia, Curlax, Cursed Curlax, Cursed LeBlanc, Cursed+ Enkidu, Enchanted Fan, Enkidu, Peeper, Sprinter (FFVI), Ultimate++ Azulmagia, Yenke, White Flame
Wicked Wheel Inflicts Wind-elemental physical damage to the party. Garuda [FFXIV], Ultimate+ Garuda [FFXIV], Ultimate++ Garuda [FFXIV]
Wild Breath Inflicts major non-elemental magic damage to one target. Jabberwocky [FFXIII]
Wild Charge Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Treant [FFXII], Ultimate++ Mythril Golem [FFXII]
Wild Horn Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Behemoth [WoFF], Ultimate Behemoth [WoFF]
Will-o'-the-Wisp Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage to one target. Skull Dragon [FFVI]
Wind Inflicts Wind-elemental damage to one target. Dendrobium
Wind Breath Inflicts Wind-elemental damage to the party. Dark Dragon [FFXI]
Wind Cutter (ウインドカッター) Inflicts moderate Wind-elemental magic damage to one target. Sea [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Wind Shear Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Onion Knight [DFF] (Ninja only)
Wind Slash Inflicts Wind-elemental damage to one target. When used by Byblos, targets the entire party. Can be used as a counter to magic attacks by Aspidochelon. Aspidochelon, Byblos, Covert, Cursed+ Enkidu, Enkidu, Gilgamesh (2nd), Mad Fenrir [FFVI], Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV], ETwintania [FFV], Ultimate+ Twintania [FFV], Ultimate++ Tiamat [FFIX], Wight
Wind Slash Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Kujinshi [RS2], Noel [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
Winds of Tartarus Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ リットアティン
Winds of Winter Inflicts Wind-elemental magic damage to the back row and lowers Wind-elemental resistances. Opinicus
Wing Inflicts Sap to one target. When used by Sealion and Mad Sealion, inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target instead. When used by Mad Sealion, can also target the party. Lesser Lopros, Mad Sealion, Platinum Dragon, Sealion
Wings Inflicts major non-elemental damage to one target. Meltigemini
Wing Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Ultimate+ Archeoaevis
Wing Saber Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Storm Dragon [FFVI]
Wing Thrust Inflicts 4 hits of massive non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target. Ultimate++ Absolute Virtue
W-Laser Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate+ Jenova∙BIRTH, Ultimate++ Jenova∙BIRTH
Wormhole Inflicts Wormhole status to one target, removing them from the battle. Atomos [FFV]
Wrecking Ball Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Crane, Dreadnought, Juggernaut
Wrench Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bandit
Wrist Laser Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed+ Proud Clod, Proud Clod, Ultimate++ Proud Clod


Ability Description Enemy


Ability Description Enemy


Ability Description Enemy
Zan Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. When used by Ultimate+ Odin [FFVIII], targets the party instead of moderate non-elemental physical damage. Cursed Fujin, Fujin, Ultimate+ Odin [FFVIII], Ultimate++ Fujin
Zanmato Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Instant Death to the party. When used by Ultimate+ Yojimbo [FFX], targets one character instead. Ultimate+ Yojimbo [FFX], Yojimbo [FFX]
Zanshin Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Ultimate++ Sephiroth
Zantetsuken Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. When used by Odin [WoFF], instead inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed+ Gilgamesh, Odin [FFIII], Odin [FFIV], Odin [FFV], Odin [FFVIII], Odin [WoFF]
Zantetsuken Reverse Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Used as a counter to Odin. Cursed Seifer, Seifer (Final), Ultimate+ Seifer, Ultimate++ Seifer
Zap-Trap Thundaga Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate++ Kefka
Zombie Breath Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Dracozombie, Ultimate++ Dracozombie


Ability Description Enemy
吹き飛ばし攻撃 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Corps Regular
ソーンにフレアパワー Gives Flare power to Thorn Ultimate+ Zorn, Zorn
ゾーンにメテオパワー Gives Meteor power to Zorn Thorn, Ultimate+ Thorn
ウィング Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Archeoaevis
まきつき Inflicts Paralysis to one target. Archeoaevis
フォースビーム Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Midlight Reaper
トライレーザー Inflicts Fire-elemental damage to the party. Midlight Reaper
刺突 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Vespid Soldier
両手殴り Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bashura, Ogre
カウンターパンチ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bashura, Ogre
のしかかる Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Objet d'Art
刺突 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Killer Mantis
思い知ったかしら? Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Lani
顔洗って出直してきな! Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Used as a counter to physical attacks. Lani
元気100倍! Inflicts Protect, Shell, Regen, and Haste to user. Ultimate++ Yeti, Yeti
セルフアタック Circuitron
ラウンドスウィング Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Pulsework Knight
ひっかき Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Greater Behemoth
まずは、これをおみまいよ! Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Elena
これでも、くらえっ! Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Elena
石火豪拳 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. アマルジャ
修羅双鎚 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. アマルジャ
ぶんり Revives with full HP. Gargoyle [FFV]
モリ投げ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Li'l Devil [RoM]
気絶真空波 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stun to one target. Mantis Ant
両腕交撃 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Used as a counter to attacks. Spectral Keeper
偏指向暴走カウンター Mana Sphere
偏指向カウンター Mana Sphere
偏指向回復カウンター Mana Sphere
空中蹴り Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Yazoo
後ろ回し蹴り Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Yazoo
翼でうつ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Bahamut SIN, Cursed Bahamut SIN
クロ- Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed Silver Dragon
キラースパイク Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Machina Ranger (Boss fight only)
ガブガブ Boris
かんせつしばり Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Stop to the party. Boris
アディオスハリケーン Cursed LeBlanc
クロハグハグ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Cursed Ormi
大爆裂投法 Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party. Cursed Ormi
ハリケーンバースト Cursed Griffon, Griffon [????]
とびかかる Cursed Griffon, Griffon [????]
エクステンション Chimera [????], Cursed Griffon, Cursed+ Sand Worm, Griffon [????], Sand Worm [????]
バスターサイクロン Cursed Griffon, Griffon [????]
獣王の威圧 Cursed Griffon
タイフーンウォール Cursed Griffon, Griffon [????]
かみつき Cursed+ Sand Worm, Sand Worm [????]
倒れこみ Cursed+ Sand Worm, Sand Worm [????]
地砕き Cursed+ Sand Worm, Sand Worm [????]
サンドストーム Cursed+ Sand Worm, Sand Worm [????]
体当たり Mushroom [????]
胞子 Mushroom [????]
マグマフレア Chimera [????]
スネークバイト Chimera [????]
ライオンシャウト Chimera [????]
トライアングルアタック Chimera [????]
シープホーン Chimera [????]
パンチ Green Gel [????]
とかす Green Gel [????]
スティング Triffid [XIII]
スピンアタック Triffid [XIII]
かまいたち Nelapsi
かぶりつく Svarog
むさぼる Svarog
竜の息吹 Svarog
むせびなく Taxim
スロウハンター Gorgonopsid
毒の息 Gorgonopsid
はばたき Cursed+ Bahamut [FFIII], Ultimate++ Dark Bahamut [FFIV]
死神の一閃 Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Kuja
あやつりのわ Ultimate Kefka, Ultimate++ Kefka
まきつきしめる Cursed Golbez
いっせいはっしゃ Cursed+ Gilgamesh
摩天掌 Gogmagog
粉砕アーム Juggernaut [FFXIII]
ギルガメッシュかまえる Grants Protect, Shell, and Haste to user. [賀+] Gilgamesh
ばいがえし [賀+] Gilgamesh
最強の刀 [賀+] Gilgamesh
終死拳破 Inflicts Instant Death to the party. Cursed+ Vargas
ひきさく Cursed+ Ipooh
アースパウンダー Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Scorpion [FFXI]
粘糸 Crawler [FFXI]
反撃効果 Dark Dragon [FFXI], Seeker [FFXI]
なぎはらい Inflicts Fire-elemental physical damage to the party. Red Dragon [MFF]
ふみつけ Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental physical damage to one target. Red Dragon [MFF]
水の戦慄 Cursed Lich (Dual) [MFF], Lich (Dual) [MFF]
ショックスラスト・水 Cursed Lich (Dual) [MFF], Lich (Dual) [MFF]
アーマークラッシュ・水 Cursed Lich (Dual) [MFF], Lich (Dual) [MFF]
土の魔弾 Cursed Lich [MFF], Lich [MFF]
冥土への祈り Increases user's Magic for a period of time. Cursed Lich [MFF], Lich [MFF]
水の魔弾 Cursed Lich [MFF], Lich [MFF]
水の統率 Cursed Lich [MFF], Lich [MFF]
一閃・地 Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Lich (Sword) [MFF]
斬首の刃・地 Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Lich (Sword) [MFF]
アースウェーブ・地 Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Lich (Sword) [MFF]
水の精錬 Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Lich (Sword) [MFF]
アースウェーブ・水 Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Lich (Sword) [MFF]
斬首の刃・水 Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Lich (Sword) [MFF]
一閃・水 Cursed Lich (Sword) [MFF], Lich (Sword) [MFF]
混沌のささやき Chaos [MFF], Cursed+ Chaos [MFF]
うつろなる回帰 Chaos [MFF], Cursed+ Chaos [MFF]
絶望の氾濫 Chaos [MFF], Cursed+ Chaos [MFF]
ショックスラスト・地 Cursed Lich (Dual) [MFF]
アーマークラッシュ・地 Cursed Lich (Dual) [MFF]
恐怖の視線 Inflicts Paralysis to the party. Imperial Villa Guard
デッドリースラスト Inflicts Poison to the party. Graffias
大地の重み Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed+ Titan [FFXIV], Titan [FFXIV]
光輝の炎柱 Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage to the party. Cursed Ifrit [FFXIV]
(爆発1) Inflicts physical damage to the party. Cursed Elena
(爆発2) Inflicts moderate physical damage to the party. Cursed Elena
水放射 Inflicts major Water-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Cursed+ Leviathan [FFIV]
カチあげ Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. King Behemoth [FFXIII], Ultimate Behemoth King [FFXIII]
大地斬 Inflicts major Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. King Behemoth [FFXIII]
火炎 Ifrit (Fire Caverns) [FFVIII]
ほうちょう乱れ打ち Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to 4 random targets that ignores Defense. Abyss Tonberry
とぎたて Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Abyss Tonberry King
じたんだ Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Abyss Tonberry King
ぐらぐらシェイカー Ochu [X-2]
いっしょくそくはつ Ochu [X-2]
ムカついた! Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2]
スゴクムカついた! Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2]
オレ オマエ ムカツク Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2]
チョウムカついた! Ultimate Chocobo Eater [FFX-2]
暴発 Abyss Guardian [FFV]
全体踏みつけ Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Diamond Weapon, Ultimate++ Diamond Weapon
蹂躙 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate+ Black Knight [FFII], Ultimate++ Black Knight [FFII]
でたらめ矢 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Dobby [RS2]
スパイクヘッド Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Spike Head [RS2]
イルストーム Haunted Mushroom [RS2]
巻きつき Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to one target. Parasitic Demon [RS2]
地裂撃 Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental physical damage to one target. Dune Worm [RS2], Ogre [RS2], Sand Biter [RS2], Sand Dragon [RS2], Wagnas [RS2]
活殺獣神衝 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Slow to one target, as well as reduces their Attack. Wagnas [RS2]
イルストーム Inflicts Poison to the party. Kujinshi [RS2]
落月破斬 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bokuon [RS2]
召雷 Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Rock Bouquet [RS2]
くし刺し Dantengu [RS2]
流し斬り Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and lowers its Attack. Noel [RS2], Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
イルストーム Ultimate Seven Heroes [RS2]
生気吸い込み Inflicts massive Dark-elemental magic damage to one target and absorbs HP. Ultimate+ Geosgaeno
石吐き出し Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Geosgaeno
連続たたき Atlas, Ultimate++ Atlas
にぎりつぶし Atlas, Ultimate+ Atlas, Ultimate++ Atlas
地面たたき Paradox Alpha, Ultimate+ Paradox Alpha
【凶】地面たたき Ultimate+ Paradox Alpha
生者感知 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Chonchon
魔法猛射 Seeker [FFXIII]
魔法猛射 Seeker [FFXIII]
だいかいしょう Inflicts major Water-elemental damage to the party. Ultima Buster [FFVI]
サライヴォススナップ Inflicts moderate Poison-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Aiatar, Ultimate+ Aiatar, Ultimate++ Aiatar
グラナイトレイン Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Aiatar, Ultimate+ Aiatar, Ultimate++ Aiatar
トキシックヴォミット Inflicts Poison-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party. Also creates a Poison Swamp. Aiatar, Ultimate+ Aiatar, Ultimate++ Aiatar
ボッグボール Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Hellbender
力をためる Increases user's Attack for a period of time. Jormungand [FFXI]
がなる Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and lowers Attack to the party when used by Adamantoise [FFXV]. Adamantoise [FFXV], Ochu [FFXIII], Ultimate+ Ochu [FFXIII]
振り上げる Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to attacker. Used as a counter. Ultimate Sergeant [FFVI]
まどうちゅうにゅう Inflicts Haste to user and increases user's Magic for a period of time. Ultimate++ Kefka
飛びつき Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bee Saucer, Red Saucer
走りかみつき Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Foulander [VIICC]
走り頭突き Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Foulander [VIICC]
跳びロッド振り Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. G Eraser, Ultimate+ G Eraser
金剛裏拳 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Vajradhara Tai, Vajradhara Wu
金剛縦振り Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Vajradhara Tai, Vajradhara Wu
前脚振り Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Guard Spider, Ultimate Guard Spider
横蹴り Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ifrit [VIICC]
2段パンチ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two random targets. Ifrit [VIICC]
ストンピング Inflicts moderate Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. Adamanchelid, Ultimate Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Adamanchelid
ふみつぶす Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Adamanchelid
ほえる Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party and removes all buffs. When used by Adamantoise [FFXV] and Ultimate+ Adamantoise [FFXV], only inflicts non-elemental physical damage. Adamantoise [FFXV], Ultimate Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Adamanchelid, Ultimate+ Adamantoise [FFXV]
圧縮蜜砲 Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage and Sap to one target. Rafflesia [FFXII]
偏指向暴走カウンター Abyss Mana Sphere (Red)
回復エネルギー拡散 Abyss Mana Sphere (Green)
偏指向回復カウンター Abyss Mana Sphere (Green)
連続パンチ Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. When used by Golem [Type-0], ignores Defense as well. Golem [Type-0], Wolf Devil [SoM]
スパナ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Duck Soldier [SoM]
体当たり Basilisk [SoM]
体当たり Basilisk [SoM]
満月斬り Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Shadow X1 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X1 [SoM]
旋風斬り Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Shadow X1 [SoM], Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate+ Shadow X1 [SoM]
大車輪斬り Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Shadow X1 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X1 [SoM]
ストレート・エルボー・キック Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Shadow X2 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X2 [SoM]
フック・ストレート・アッパー Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Shadow X2 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X2 [SoM]
エルボー・キック・ストレート・後ろ回し蹴り Inflicts four hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Shadow X2 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X2 [SoM]
大旋風脚 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Shadow X2 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X2 [SoM]
十文字投げ Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Shadow X3 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X3 [SoM]
雪崩投げ Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Shadow X3 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X3 [SoM]
旋風投げ Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Shadow X3 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X3 [SoM]
大車輪投げ Inflicts three hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Shadow X3 [SoM], Ultimate+ Shadow X3 [SoM]
気絶攻撃 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and cancels their action. Death Machine [SoM], Ultimate+ Death Machine [SoM]
大回転 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Death Machine [SoM], Ultimate+ Death Machine [SoM]
魔導弾 Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate+ Aster Protoflorian
Ultimate 蹂躙 Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage and Instant Death to the party. Ultimate+ Black Knight [FFII]
Ultimate キレる Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate Biggs [FFVIII], Ultimate Wedge [FFVIII], Ultimate+ Elite Soldier, Ultimate+ G Soldier
ヘトクラッシュ Inflicts major Earth-elemental physical damage to one target. Hecatoncheir [FFI]
気合打ち Siegfray, Ultimate Siegfray
召雷 Inflicts four hits of Lightning-elemental magic damage and Paralysis to random targets. Siegfray, Ultimate Siegfray
デブリスフロー Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party and lowers their Magic Defense. Siegfray, Ultimate Siegfray
延打の呪言 Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage and Slow to one target. Used as a counter to physicals. Siegfray, Ultimate Siegfray
Ultimate ふみつぶす Inflicts 99,999 damage to one target. Ultimate+ Adamanchelid
Ultimate ほえる Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that dispels all buffs. Ultimate+ Adamanchelid
貫通ダーラ Inflicts major Dark-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Reflect. Ultimate+ Daedalus [FFXII]
Ultimate グラナイトレイン Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Aiatar
Ultimate 連続パンチ Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to three random targets that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Golem [Type-0]
ルシパワーミサイル Inflicts % physical damage to the party. Dáinsleif, Ultimate+ Dáinsleif
足場ドリル Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Brionac, Ultimate+ Brionac, Ultimate++ Brionac
通路ドリル Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Brionac, Ultimate+ Brionac, Ultimate++ Brionac
足場踏みつけ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Brionac, Ultimate+ Brionac, Ultimate++ Brionac
通路踏みつけ Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Brionac, Ultimate+ Brionac, Ultimate++ Brionac
放電攻撃 Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party. Ultimate Lesser Coeurl
Ultimate 足場ドリル Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Brionac
トサカ攻撃 Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate+ Crimson Hound
Ultimate トサカ攻撃 Inflicts 3 hits of major non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate++ Crimson Hound
払い Inflicts up to 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage to random targets. Ultimate+ Shelke the Transparent
超低空突き Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Shelke the Transparent
Ultimate 超低空突き Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense. Ultimate+ Shelke the Transparent
強打 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and can cancel actions. Ultimate Chaos Bahamut
突進しゃくりあげ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bloodhorn [FFXV], Ultimate Bloodhorn [FFXV]
頭たたきつけ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to three random targets. Ultimate+ Adamantoise [FFXV]
混乱の咆哮 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Confuse to the party. Ultimate+ Adamantoise [FFXV]
踏みつぶし Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV]
液飛ばし Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Naga [FFXV]
左右ツメ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Behemoth [VIICC]
左右しっぽ Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target that ignores Defense. Behemoth [VIICC]
ぼうそうのはて Inflicts damage to the party equal to user's current HP and then kills user. Extreme Omega [FFV]
ふみつぶす Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Jabberwocky [FFXIII]
無為の刀 Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Wladislaus, Wladislaus
生者必滅 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target, dispels all buffs from them, and lowers their Defense and Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Wladislaus, Wladislaus
横跳びツメ攻撃 Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range. Ultimate Sabertusk
Ultimate 横跳びツメ攻撃 Inflicts two hits of non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range that ignores Defense. Ultimate Sabertusk
跳びかかり Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Sabertusk
Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate Sabertusk
Ultimate 踏みつぶし Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target that dispels all buffs. Ultimate+ Bandersnatch [FFXV], Ultimate++ Bandersnatch [FFXV]
Ultimate 無為の刀 Inflicts 2000 non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Wladislaus
左なぎ払い Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Bahamut [VIICC]
両手たたき Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Snow Giant, Ultimate++ Snow Giant
ドラミング Restores minor HP based on Max HP to user. Snow Giant, Ultimate++ Snow Giant
火の玉 Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. Flyvern, Ultimate++ Flyvern
暴走縦斬り Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gilgamesh [Type-0], Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate Supersoldier Akkad, Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
反意 Ravana, Ultimate+ Ravana
雷宝殿 Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to two targets in range. Rangda
Ultimate 炎ブレス Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental magic damage and Confuse to the party. Ultimate+ Fire Gigas
Ultimate 冷気ブレス Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental magic damage and Sap to the party. Ultimate+ Ice Gigas
Ultimate 雷ブレス Inflicts moderate Thunder-elemental magic damage and Paralysis to the party. Ultimate+ Thunder Gigas
とっしん Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate++ Behemoth
ほうこう ???? Ultimate++ Behemoth
なぐる Inflicts up to 2 non-elemental physical attacks to 3 targets in range. Mad Hades [FFVII]
Mad なぐる Inflicts massive Dark-elemental physical damage to the party and dispels all buffs. Mad Hades [FFVII]
強襲降下 Restores massive non-elemental physical damage to one target, dispels all buffs on target, and changes to ground form. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
攻勢機動 Removes all debuffs to user and changes to Flight form. Ultimate+ Tiamat Eliminator
ダッシュストレート Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Gilgamesh [Type-0], Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
復帰時反撃 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range. Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Ultimate 復帰時反撃 Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Ultimate 縦斬り Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Ultimate ダッシュストレート Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range that ignores Defense. Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
Ultimate 覇気 Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to the party that ignores Defense and lowers Magic Defense. Ultimate++ Gilgamesh [Type-0]
前足攻撃 Inflicts % damage to one target that ignores resistances. Ultimate++ Vajra [Type-0]
突撃 Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range and dispels. Ultimate++ Vajra [Type-0]
雷球 Inflicts major Lightning-elemental physical damage to three targets in range. Ultimate++ Vajra [Type-0]
はもん Ultimate++ Blue Dragon [FFVI]
あおすじプッツン! Increases user's Attack and Magic, and grants Haste. Mutantomato
ガトリングビンタ Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to 3 random targets. Mutantomato
トルネードスイング Inflicts 5 hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mutantomato
ダブルハンドプレス Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Mutantomato
弱体の角笛 Lowers the Attack of the party for a period of time. Mindflayer [FFXV]
光線 Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to one target. Mindflayer [FFXV], Ultimate+ Imp [FFXV]
Ultimate 弱体の角笛 Lowers the Attack, Defense, Magic, and Magic Defense of the party for a period of time. Ultimate+ Imp [FFXV]
Ultimate 引っかき Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Arachne [FFXV]
凶星 Ultima Inflicts massive % damage to the party and ignores magic barriers. 凶星 Diamond Weapon [FFVII], 凶星 Emerald Weapon, 凶星 Ruby Weapon, 凶星 Ultimate Sapphire Weapon, 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
凶星 Diamond Flash Inflicts massive % damage to the party and ignores magic barriers. 凶星 Diamond Weapon [FFVII]
凶星 Aire Tam Storm Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense and magic barriers. 凶星 Emerald Weapon
触手を出す Summons Tentacles. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
触手をしまう Removes Tentacles. 凶星 Ruby Weapon
凶星 Shadow Flare Inflicts non-elemental magic damage to the party that ignores Magic Defense. 凶星 Ultimate Weapon [FFVII]
ミョルニルドライブ Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Nero tol Scaeva
ミョルニルアッパー Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nero tol Scaeva
ブーストアッパー Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and Slow to 3 targets in range. Nero tol Scaeva
銃2門3連射 Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage to two targets in range. Pile Machine, Shot Machine
しょくしゅらんぶ Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to 4 targets within range. Ultimate+ Catastrophe [FFV]
息を吸い込む Prepares for Poison Breath. Ultimate++ Evrae
かきゅう Inflicts massive Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. Ultimate+ Salamander [FFIII]
なぎ払い攻撃 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Large Body
Ultimate 剣閃 Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate++ Sephiroth
ジャマー解除 Removes effects of Materia-jammer. Ultimate++ Jamar Armor
星痕 Stigma Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Poison and Slow to the party. [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Body only)
星痕 Blizzaga Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to one target. [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm only)
星痕 Thundaga Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Left Arm only)
星痕 Firaga Inflicts Fire-elemental magic damage to one target. [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm only)
星痕 Quaga Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage to one target. [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Right Arm only)
星痕 Graviga Inflicts %HP magic damage to one target. [星痕] Bizarro Sephiroth (Head only)
Ultimate ドラミング Restores minor HP based on Max HP to user and increases Attack for a period of time. Ultimate++ Snow Giant
Ultimate 暴走縦斬り Inflicts 3 hits of moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target and reduces Defense. Ultimate Supersoldier Akkad
Ultimate 旋風斬り Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to the party. Counter to Protect on any party member. Ultimate Supersoldier Akkad
狂式:雷 Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII], Mad Quezacotl
Mad 召雷 Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to the party and reduces Lightning resistance. Mad Quezacotl
大地斬 Inflicts massive Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII]
Mad 大地斬 Inflicts massive Earth-elemental physical damage to the party. Used as a counter to Haste. Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII]
Mad カチあげ Inflicts major non-elemental physical damage to one target. Mad Behemoth King [FFXIII]
天地無双の構え Increases user's Attack and grants Protect, Shell, and Haste. Nightmare Gilgamesh [FFV]
ペネトクロー Increases massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Nightmare Gerogero
ブン殴る Increases moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate メカテリオス
真・猪突モ~ウ進 Increases moderate non-elemental physical damage to the party. Ultimate メカテリオス
仕返しするモ~ Increases moderate non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate メカテリオス
倍返しだモ~ Increases non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate メカテリオス
烈斬爪 Increases massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF]
リカバリーロアー Restores HP and grants Regen and Haste to user. Ultimate+ Bahamut [WoFF]
無差別放電 Inflicts 4 hits of Lightning-elemental magic damage to random targets. God Omega, Ultimate++ God Omega
Ultimate 無差別放電 Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage and Paralysis to random targets. Ultimate++ God Omega
鞭打ち Inflicts 4 hits of non-elemental physical damage to one target. Zenobia
攻性変異 Inflicts non-elemental physical damage to one target. Zenobia
猛撃 Inflicts massive non-elemental physical damage to one target. Vaballathus
猛撃 Inflicts 3 or 5 hits of Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target. Cocytus [FFXIII]

