Final Fantasy Wiki

The following is the list of weapons in Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-.

Some weapons can cast magic spells by using certain equipped weapons from the Item menu during battle.

The attack and accuracy camps show how much of these stats is added to the character's main stat. Some weapons may reduce the stats, while some may not add anything at all.

Holy swords[]

FF4PSP Item Icon Knightsword

Only Cecil can equip these weapons.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Index Finger FF4PSP Weapon Lightbringer 60 49 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon. 10 Cecil
Holy sword useful against flan creatures.
Extra damage vs. Flans.


FF4PSP Item Icon Sword

Only Cecil can equip these weapons.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Mythril Sword FF4PSP Weapon Ashura 50 30 Initial: Cecil
Drop: Mythril Golem
Sword of mythril, effective against ghouls.
Extra damage vs. Ghouls.
Flame Sword FF4PSP Weapon Flame Sword 65 30 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon
Drop: Flame Knight
14000 Cecil
Sword immersed in the power of fire.
Icebrand FF4PSP Weapon Icebrand 75 30 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon 26000 Cecil
Sword immersed in the power of ice.
Stoneblade FF4PSP Weapon Stoneblade 77 16 Drop: Medusa, Black Lizard Cecil
Sword that sometimes petrifies enemy.
10% chance of Gradual Petrify when attacking.


FF4PSP Item Icon Spear

Only the non-playable Kain can equip spears. The lone spear-type weapon in the game is merely a leftover from Final Fantasy IV, as most enemies take their stats from the base game. It can be thrown at enemies.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Flame Lance FF4PSP Weapon Flame Lance 66 30 Drop: Flame Knight
Spear immersed in the power of fire.
Fire-elemental, casts Fira when used as an item.


FF4PSP Item Icon Axe

Cecil and Cid can equip this axe.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Dwarven Axe FF4PSP Weapon Dwarven Axe 62 19 Initial: Cid Cecil, Cid
Axe that is a favorite of dwarves.
+5 Strength & Stamina, -5 Agility, Spirit, & Intelligence. Long Range.


FF4PSP Item Icon Bow

Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, and Cid can equip these. They possess the Throw element.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Killer Bow FF4PSP Weapon Killer Bow and Arrows 40 50 Find: Feymarch, Tower of Babil Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Bow with increased capability for critical hits.
Yoichi Bow FF4PSP Weapon Yoichi Bow and Arrows 60 60 Find: Cave of Eblan Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Bow once used by a famous marksman.
+10 Strength.


FF4PSP Item Icon Arrows

All arrows deal extra damage against flying creatures.

There is no visual numerical counter that appears during battle, but the number of hits is use for the arrows upon hitting an enemy. The number of hits is related to the Attack Multiplier a character has. Rosa using the Aim command will ensure that the number of hits will be equal to her Attack Multiplier, regardless of the accuracy or hit rate of the current bow she has equipped.

The number of hits is the number of arrows that appears on the target. It should be noted that the maximum Attack Multiplier a character can have is nineteen, so that is how many the player can see on the target.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Medusa Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 1 0 Drop: Medusa, Black Lizard, Stone Golem Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow that sometimes petrifies an enemy.
30% chance of inflicting Petrify.
Holy Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 10 0 Find: Damcyan, Mt. Hobs Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow engulfed in holy power.
Holy-elemental. Extra damage vs. Ghouls & Undead.
Fire Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 15 0 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon
Drop: Chimera, Flamehound, Chimera Brain
30 Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow immersed in the power of fire.
Ice Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 15 0 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon
Drop: Ice Lizard, Frostbeast
30 Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow immersed in the power of ice.
Lightning Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 15 0 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle, Dwarf shop on Falcon
Drop: Storm Anima
30 Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow immersed in the power of lightning.
Lightning-elemental. Extra damage vs. Machines.
Poison Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 30 0 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon
Drop: Naga
70 Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow that sometimes poisons an enemy.
30% chance of inflicting Poison.
Yoichi Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 50 0 Find: Feymarch Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow said to have been used by a marksman from afar.
Artemis Arrow FFIV PSP Arrow 75 0 Drop: Black Flan Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Rosa, Palom, Porom, Cid
Arrow named after the goddess of the moon.
Extra damage vs. Dragons.


FF4PSP Item Icon Whip

Rydia and Rydia? can equip this whip.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Blitz Whip FF4PSP Weapon Blitz Whip 40 10 Initial: Rydia? Rydia, Rydia?
Whip immersed in the power of lightning.
Lightning-elemental. 30% chance of inflicting Paralyze.


FF4PSP Item Icon Dagger

Can be equipped by Cecil, Rydia, Palom, and Edge.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Mythril Knife FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Knife 20 49 Drop: Mythril Golem Cecil, Rydia, Rydia?, Palom, Edge
Knife of mythril, effective against ghouls.
Extra damage vs. Ghouls.


FF4PSP Item Icon Katana

Edge can equip these.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Ashura FF4PSP Weapon Ashura 32 40 Initial: Edge Edge
Katana named after the avatar of war.
Kotetsu FF4PSP Weapon Kotetsu 40 40 Initial: Edge
Find: Cave of Eblan
Shorter katana with emphasis on ease of use.
Kiku-ichimonji FF4PSP Weapon Kiku-ichimonji 48 40 Find: Tower of Babil Edge
Katana with a chrysanthemum mark engraved on its sheath.

Throwing weapons[]

FF4PSP Item Icon Shuriken

Edge can throw shurikens with his Throw ability. They possess the Throw element.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Shuriken FF4PSP Weapon Shuriken 40 99 Find: Sealed Cave Nobody
Weapon designed for ninjas to throw.
Fuma Shuriken FF4PSP Weapon Fuma Shuriken 80 99 Find: Sealed Cave Nobody
Weapon designed for ninjas to throw.


FF4PSP Item Icon Claws

Yang, Monk A, Monk B, and Edge can equip these.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Flame Claws FF4PSP Weapon Flame Claws 0 30 Initial: Monk A Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Edge
Claw immersed in the power of fire.
Ice Claws FF4PSP Weapon Ice Claws 0 30 Initial: Monk B Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Edge
Claw immersed in the power of ice.
Faerie Claws FF4PSP Weapon Faerie Claws 0 0 Initial: Yang
Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle
600 Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Edge
Claw that sometimes confuses enemy.
+3 Agility. Extra damage vs. Giants. 30% chance of inflicting Confuse.
Hell Claws FF4PSP Weapon Hell Claws 0 40 Initial: Yang
Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle
650 Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Edge
Claw that sometimes poisons enemy.
+3 Strength. 30% chance of inflicting Poison.
Cat Claws FF4PSP Weapon Cat Claws 0 49 Drop: Cait Sith Yang, Monk A, Monk B, Edge
Claw that sometimes puts the enemy to sleep.
+5 Strength & Agility. 30% chance of inflicting Sleep.


FF4PSP Item Icon Hammer

Cid can equip these. Hammers deal extra damage against machines.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Mythril Hammer FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Hammer 55 25 Drop: Armadillo, Magma Tortoise Cid
Hammer of mythril, effective against ghouls.
Extra damage vs. Machines and Ghouls.
Gaia Hammer FF4PSP Weapon Gaia Hammer 65 25 Find: Sealed Cave
Drop: Steel Golem
Hammer infused with the power of earth.
Fire-elemental. +5 Strength. Extra damage vs. Machines. Casts Quake when used as an item.


FF4PSP Item Icon Rod

Rydia, Rydia?, and Palom can equip these.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Rod FF4PSP Weapon Rod 3 -10 Drop: Tiny Mage Rydia, Rydia?, Palom
Magical rod.
Casts "Magic Arrow" when used as an item.
Lilith Rod FF4PSP Weapon Lilith Rod 13 -40 Drop: Lilith Rydia, Rydia?, Palom
Rod infused with Lilith's magic.
+5 Intelligence. Absorbs damage done to target as HP. Extra damage vs. Undead. Casts Osmose when used as an item.
Polymorph Rod FF4PSP Weapon Polymorph Rod 15 0 Initial: Palom Rydia, Rydia?, Palom
Rod infused with beastly rage.
+5 Intelligence. Casts Pig when used as an item.
Faerie Rod FF4PSP Weapon Faerie Rod 30 5 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon 5000 Rydia, Rydia?, Palom
Rod infused with fairy magic.
+10 Intelligence. Casts Confuse when used as an item.
Stardust Rod FF4PSP Weapon Stardust Rod 45 10 Initial: Rydia Rydia, Rydia?, Palom
Rod infused with the power of the stars.
+15 Intelligence. Casts Comet when used as an item.


FF4PSP Item Icon Staff

Cecil can equip some of the weaker staves, while Rosa and Porom can equip them all.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Healing Staff FF4PSP Weapon Healing Staff 8 0 Initial: Rosa
Drop: Marionetteer
Cecil, Rosa, Porom
Staff infused with the power to heal.
Casts Heal when used as an item.
Mythril Staff FF4PSP Weapon Mythril Staff 12 5 Initial: Porom Cecil, Rosa, Porom
Staff infused with the power to cure.
+3 Spirit. Extra damage vs. Undead. Casts Basuna when used as an item.
Power Staff FF4PSP Weapon Staff 30 9 Buy: Damcyan Castle, Fabul Castle 2000 Rosa, Porom
Staff that sometimes drives enemies berserk.
+10 Strength. 30% chance of inflicting Berserk.
Aura Staff FF4PSP Weapon Healing Staff 36 10 Buy: Dwarf shop on Falcon 7000 Rosa, Porom
Staff infused with the power to render magic ineffective.
+10 Spirit. Casts Dispel when used as an item.
Rune Staff FF4PSP Weapon Rune Staff 52 10 Drop: Marionetteer Rosa, Porom
Staff infused with the power to silence.
+10 Spirit. Extra damage vs. Mages. Casts Silence when used as an item. 30% chance of inflicting Silence when attacking.


The default weapon when the character's hands are empty. For bow and arrows, if one or the other is empty, the character will attack with his/her fists regardless of having a bow or arrows equipped. This weapon remains unnamed.

Name Image Attack Accuracy Available Cost Character(s)
Unarmed FF4 PSP Unarmed 1 50 Default weapon equipped when not equip with a weapon. Everyone