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Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Final Fantasy IV: The After Years enemy abilities page!
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  • filling in the blanks and specify enemies' abilities within the iOS/Android versions.

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The following is a list of all enemy abilities used in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.


Enemy abilities[]


Ability Description Enemy
Arm Deals damage to one player equal to half of his/her current HP and inflicts confuse. Omega


Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Toad, Mini, Pig, Silence, and Blind to one party member. Count Malboro, Duke Malboro, Giant's Head, Gil Bird, Gilgamesh, Great Malboro, Left Foot, Malboro, Malboro Menace, Marquis Malboro, Nagaraja, Orthros, Right Foot
Beak Inflicts Petrify Cockatrice, Fledgling Rukh, Gil Bird
Beam Inflicts minor to major non-elemental damage to one party member. Armored Fiend, Beam Cannon, Death Machine, Proto Beam Cannon
Berserk Inflicts Berserk to one target. Chaos Knight, Elder Treant, Orthros, Tako Luka
Big Bang Heavy damage to all characters. Zeromus's Malice
Bile Inflicts minor to moderate non-elemental damage and Sap to one or all party members. Count Malboro, Duke Malboro, Giant's Head, Great Malboro, Kraken, Malboro, Malboro Menace, Orthros
Binding Glare Moderate damage and it can Paralyze a target. Creator, Mysterious Girl
Bio Moderate non-elemental damage & Sap. Boss Gobby, Deathmask, Ghot Knight, Mindy, Mysterious Girl, Tellah, Ultima Weapon, Zeromus's Malice, Lunar Bahamut
Black Fang Inflicts Instant Death Curse Dragon, Ebony Dragon, Shadow Dragon
Black Hole Removes all positive status from all party members. Creator, Mysterious Girl, Omega, Zeromus's Malice, Lunar Bahamut
Blaster Inflicts Instant Death or Paralyze to one party member. Barnabas, Cait Sith, Coeurl, Coeurl Regina, Gray Coeurl, Omega,
Blaze Heavy Fire elemental damage to the party. Agartoise, Bomb King, Calca, Clockwork Dragon, Curse Dragon, Flamehound
Blink Avoid next two physical attacks. Beelzebub, Giant's Torso
Bloodfeast Inflicts moderate non-elemental damage and Sap to one party member. Abyss Worm, Blood Bat, Blood Eye, Cave Bat, Right Arm, Vampiress
Blizzaga Major Ice elemental damage. Astaroth, Beelzebub, Cactaor, Cerberus, High Wizard, Kraken, Mindy, Mysterious Girl, Orthros, Shiva, Tellah, Twinhead Dragon, Lunar Dragon, Lunar Leviathan
Blizzara Moderate Ice elemental damage. Blade Dragon, Dark Elf, Ice Lizard, Lamage, News Eye, Octo-Leech, Cooler Leech, Shiva
Blizzard Minor Ice elemental damage. Bandit, Mini Blue, Quarto Puppet, Tiny Mage
Break Inflicts Petrify Catoblepas, Lunar Bahamut


Ability Description Enemy
Chain Reaction Destroys user and all allies. Dark Grenade, Giant's Head
Collapse Inflict heavy damage to the user. Creator
Confuse Inflict the Confuse status. Beelzebub, Creator, Gremlin, Mini Satana, Sandy
Constrict Inflicts Paralysis to one party member. Count Malboro, Duke Malboro, Gold Dragon, Hydra, Kraken, Lamia Queen, Orthros, Right Arm, Twinhead Dragon, Lunar Dragon, Lunar Leviathan
Crush Instantly kills a party member. Demon Wall, Iron Giant, Left Arm, Right Arm, Titan, Ultima Weapon
Crush (Creator version) Heavy damage to the user and low damage to party members. Creator
Curaga Restores major HP. Asura, Boss Gobby, Deathmask
Curaja Restores massive HP. Boss Gobby, Giant's Chest, Kamineko
Cure Restore minor HP to one or all party members. Will Priest
Curse Inflicts Curse to one or all party members. Black Knight, Chaos Lady, Curse Dragon, Dinozombie, Living Mail, Ricardo Mage, Lunar Leviathan
Cursed Elegy Inflict Slow to one or all party members. Cave Naga, Chaos Lady, Gil Bird, Nova Dragon, Lunar Leviathan


Ability Description Enemy
Dark Breath Major non-elemental damage to the party. Curse Dragon, Dark Dragon, Ebony Dragon, Fiend Dragon
Darkness Deals damage to all characters in exchange of HP. Dark Knight
Death Instantly kills the target. Astaroth, Chaos Knight, Deathgaze, Echidna, Lucifer, Mindosaur, Mysterious Girl, Nova Dragon, Proto Deathmask, Shadow, Shadow Dragon
Deluge Massive non-elemental damage to the party. Kraken, Orthros
Destroy Moderate damage to all party members and heavy damage to the user. Creator
Diamond Dust Major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Ghost Train, Nova Dragon
Doom Starts a 10 second countdown to Instant Death. Ahriman, Blood Eye, Chaos Knight, Chaos Lady, Curse Dragon, Dark Knight, Ghost Train, Great Malboro, Malboro Menace, Nova Dragon, Shadow Dragon, Lunar Leviathan
Drain Absorb the target's HP. Cooler Leech, ???, Mindflayer, Ricardo Mage, Zombie Infantry


Ability Description Enemy
Earthquake Strong non-elemental damage to all party members. Alraune, Arachne, Creator, Full Body, Hundlegs, Marquis Malboro, Omega, Orthros, Titan, Tunneler
Electromagnetic Radiation Inflict Stop to a party members. Omega
Electromagnetism Inflict Stop to a party member. Armor Construct, Thunderbird
Embrace Restores all HP and inflicts Petrify to one party member. Astaroth, Nova Dragon
Entice Inflicts Confuse on a single target. Lamia, Lamia Matriarch, Marilith
Escape Temporarily leave battle. Cannot be targeted by anything until user returns. Imuimu
Excalipoor Inflicts 1 damage to a party member. Gilgamesh
Explode Heavy damage and sap to all party members. Creator


Ability Description Enemy
Fade Removes user from battle. Used to end battles. Asura, Leviathan
Fira Moderate Fire elemental damage. Blade Dragon, Curse Dragon, Dark Elf, Dark Sage, Evil Dreamer, Evil Flame, Giant's Left Arm, Ichiro Tezuka, Ifrit, Lamage, News Eye, Octo-Leech
Firaga Heavy Fire elemental damage. Armstrong, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Bomb King, Boss Gobby, Cactaor, Cerberus, Creator, Curse Dragon, Giant's Left Arm, High Wizard, Ichiro Tezuka, Ifrit, Kirin, Marilith, Mindy, Mysterious Girl, Orthros, Rubicante, Tellah, Twinhead Dragon, Lunar Dragon
Fire Minor Fire elemental damage. Counter System X, Giant's Left Arm, Mini Red, Quarto Puppet, Ricardo Mage, Soul, Spirit, Tiny Mage
Flame Moderate Fire-elemental damage to all party member. Ifrit
Flamethrower Moderate Fire-elemental damage to a party member. Agartoise, Armored Fiend, Ifrit, Omega, Orthros
Flare Heavy non-elemental damage to a single party member. Astaroth, Beelzebub, Bug, Counter System X, Creator, Deathmask, Echidna, Giant's Left Arm, Maenad, Mysterious Girl, Nova Dragon, Orthros, Proto Deathmask, Ultima Weapon, Zeromus's Malice, Lunar Bahamut
Flash Inflicts Blind to the party. Dark Grenade
Freezing Mist Moderate Ice-elemental damage to the party. Giant's Right Arm, Orthros, Lunar Dragon
LA|Frost Blast|Frost Blast}} Major Ice-elemental damage to the party. Chimera, Chimera Brain, Chimera Geist, Silver Dragon
Fuse Absorbs the target's HP. Creator


Ability Description Enemy
Gaia's Wrath Inflicts moderate to major non-elemental damage to the party. Titan
Gaze Inflicts Confusion. Blood Eye
Glare Inflicts Confusion or Paralysis to one party member. When used by Catoblepas, inflicts Confusion on the party. Bug, Catoblepas, Chaos Lady, Lunar Dragon, Lunar Leviathan
Gradual Petrify Inflicts Gradual Petrify. Black Lizard


Ability Description Enemy
Haste Increases target's speed. Ahriman, Beelzebub, Boss Gobby, Deathmask, Gilgamesh, Mysterious Girl, Nova Dragon, Sandy, Ultima Weapon, Lunar Odin, Lunar Bahamut
Hatch Removes Egg status, causing the monster to take on its normal appearance and behavior. Mystery Egg
Hellfire Major Fire elemental damage to the party. Ifrit
Heal Restores HP equal to 1/10 of max HP. Brina, Cagnazzo, Count Malboro, Defense Node, Defense System Ψ, Dr. Lugae, Marquis Malboro, Orthros, Proto Deathmask, Lunar Dragon
Hex Inflicts Pig. Chaos Lady, Dark Elf
Hide Temporarily leaves battle. Cannot be targeted by anything until user returns to battle. Gil Bird
Hold Inflicts Paralysis to one or all party members. Cagnazzo, Gavel Worm, Tiny Mage
Holy Major holy-elemental damage to the party. Creator, Deathmask, Ghost Train, Giant's Head, Kirin, Proto Deathmask, Lunar Dragon, Lunar Odin


Ability Description Enemy
Icestorm Moderate to major Ice-elemental damage to all party members. Blue Dragon, Frostbeast, Lunar Dragon
Inferno Heavy Fire-Elemental damage to all party members. Rubicante


Ability Description Enemy
Jump Heavy non-elemental damage to one party member. Gilgamesh, Kain?
Judgment Bolt Moderate Lightning-elemental damage to one party member. Ramuh


Ability Description Enemy
Laser Inflicts 9999 damage to one target. Giant's Head, Giant's Torso, Ultima Weapon
Laser Barrage Inflicts minor to major non-elemental damage to one party member. When used by Attack Node, inflict moderate to major damage to the party. Armstrong, Attack Node, Counter System X, Gilgamesh, News Eye
Leech Drains HP from one party member to restore own HP. Black Knight, Blade Dragon, Fell Knight, Living Mail, Succubus
Lightning Moderate to major Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Blast Golem, Calca, Thunder Dragon


Ability Description Enemy
Maelstrom Reduce the party's HP to one digit. Barbariccia, Behemoth, Crystal Dragon, Fiend Dragon, Nova Dragon, Omega, Tiamat, Ultima Weapon, Lunar Leviathan
Magic Buster Major non-elemental damage to one party member's MP. Echidna, Ultima Weapon
Megaflare Heavy non-elemental damage to all party members. Bahamut, Creator, Mysterious Girl, Lunar Bahamut
Meltdown Sacrifices self to inflict damage proportional to current HP and Max HP. Armstrong, Blast Golem, Death Machine, Hydro Golem
Metastasis Remove 3000 points of damage from it/her/himself. Creator
Meteor Heavy non-elemental damage to all party members. Atomos, Creator, Iron Giant, King Behemoth, Mysterious Girl, Nova Dragon, Tellah, Ultima Weapon
Mind Blast Inflicts Paralysis to one or all party members. Mindflayer, Ultima Weapon
Mini Inflict or removes the Mini status. Alvacimo, Baron Guardsman, Gilgamesh
Multiply Heavy damage to all party members. Creator


Ability Description Enemy
Needles Small damage to one target. Gatlinghog, Needlehog, Sword Rat
Ninth Dimension Instantly kills a party member. Trap Door


Ability Description Enemy
Object 199 Inflicts 9999 damage to one target. Control System Ω, CPU
Omeguard Immunity to physical damage. Lasts for 1-2 hits before breaking. Omega
Osmose Absorbs MP from one party member. Caterpillar, ???, Dark Sage, High Wizard, Lamage, Mysterious Girl, Sylph, Tiny Mage, Zeromus's Malice


Ability Description Enemy
Pig Inflicts or removes Pig from one or all targets. Baron Guardsman, Beelzebub
Pincers Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage. Used as a counter to physical damage. Antlion, Armorpede
Poison Inflicts Poison. Ricardo Mage
Poison Gas Inflicts Poison on the party. Bone Dragon, Count Malboro, Dr. Lugae, Duke Malboro, Scarmiglione (2nd form)
Pollen Inflicts minor non-elemental damage and Sap to the party. Blood Flower, Mortblossom
Protect Raise a target's defense. Boss Gobby, Elite Trooper, Gilgamesh, Marquis Malboro, Mindosaur, Rosa, Tako Luka, Nova Dragon, Ultima Weapon


Ability Description Enemy
Quake Heavy non-elemental damage to all party members. Alraune, Echidna, Kirin, Mysterious Girl, Ultima Weapon


Ability Description Enemy
Raise Revives one KO'd ally. Asura
Reflect Reflects magic to another target. Baigan, Deathmask, Ghost Knight, Marquis Malboro, Omega, Proto Deathmask, Sandy
Regenerate Heals 9999 points of HP. Creator
Reraise Revives self with full HP and cured of statuses. Revives all KO'd allies with full HP when used by Cindy. Amoeba, Cindy, Giant's Left Arm, Mors
Restore Cures all negative statuses on one target. Dr. Lugae
Retreat Escape from battle. No EXP, Gil, or Items are gained from any target that uses this ability. Amoeba, Bandit, Deathgaze, Lunar Virus, Mindosaur, Mors, Will Priest
Return Returns to battle. Used only after a few turns of hiding. Gil Bird, Imuimu


Ability Description Enemy
Self-Destruct Sacrifices user to deal non-elemental unblockable damage to one target equal to remaining HP. Balloon, Bomb, Dark Grenade, Giant's Torso, Gray Bomb, Nakahara
Shell Increases Magic Defense. Asura, Boss Gobby, Cooler Leech, Gilgamesh, Nova Dragon, Ultima Weapon
Silence Inflicts Silence to one or all enemies. Marilith, Ricardo Mage, Sorceress
Slap Inflicts either Sleep, Paralyze, or Curse. Alvacimo, Lamia, Left Arm, Lilith, Right Arm,
Sleep Inflicts Sleep to one or all party members. Evil Dreamer
Sleeping Gas Inflicts Sleep to one party member. Dr. Lugae, Left Foot, Marquis Malboro, Right Foot
Slow Inflicts Slow to one or all enemies. Cave Naga, Giant's Left Arm, Kirin, Ricardo Mage, Sorceress
Split Heavy damage to one party member. Creator
Stone Gaze Inflicts Gradual Petrify on one party member. Basilisk, Black Lizard, Demon Wall, Ice Lizard, Omega
Stone Touch Inflicts Gradual Petrify on one party member. Armstrong, Barbariccia, Giant's Right Arm, Gorgon, Left Arm, Medusa, Right Arm
Stop Prevents target from taking any action at all. Crystal Dragon
Surge Cannon Inflicts damage based half of target's Max HP and inflicts Sap. Control System Ω, Omega
Summon Summons an enemy into battle. Cecil, Giant's Chest, Mysterious Girl, Maoki Mutou, Scarmiglione (1st form), Sorcerer, Summoner


Ability Description Enemy
Target Chosen target will be next target of user's attack. Barnabas, Dr. Lugae, Trap Door
Tentacle Inflicts minor to moderate non-elemental physical damage. Can be used up to 4 times in succession. Orthros
Thermal Rays Heavy damage to all party members. Giant's Torso, Omega, Red Dragon, Tiamat, Ultima Weapon
Thundaga Major Lightning elemental damage. Astaroth, Beelzebub, Cactaor, Cerberus, Coeurl Regina, High Wizard, Kirin, Mindy, Mysterious Girl, Orthros, Ramuh, Sahagin Prince, Scarmiglione (1st form), Tellah, Twinhead Dragon
Thundara Moderate Lightning elemental damage. Boss Gobby, Dark Elf, Blade Dragon, Lamage, News Eye, Ramuh, Skuldier, Vampiress
Thunder Minor Lightning elemental damage. Bloodbones, Mini Yellow, Quarto Puppet, Skeleripper, Skeleton, Tiny Mage
Thunderbolt Moderate Lightning elemental damage to one party member. Fiend Dragon, Gold Dragon, Liopard, Ramuh, Thunderbird, Tiamat
Tidal Wave Moderate to major non-elemental damage to the party. Leviathan, Mysterious Girl, Nova Dragon
Toad Inflicts or removes Toad to one or all party members. Blaze Toad, Croaker, Gigantoad, King Toad, Toadgre
Tongue Inflicts Sleep to one party member. Naga
Tornado Reduces target's HP to single digits. Barbariccia, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Chaos Knight, Dark Elf, Dark Sage, Echidna, Gargoyle, Mad Vegan, Mysterious Girl, Strato Avis, Sylph, Ultima Weapon
Toxic Inflict Poison to the target. Omega
Transform Change elemental weakness. Creator
Tsunami Damage to all party members. Cagnazzo, Calca, Flood Worm, Kraken, Mizuchi


Ability Description Enemy
Venom Breath Major non-elemental damage to the party. Blade Dragon
Venomous Gas Minor to moderate non-elemental damage and Poison to the party. Giant's Head, Gilgamesh, Left Foot, Nova Dragon, Right Foot, Tiamat


Ability Description Enemy
Wheel Heavy damage to a party member. Ghost Train
Whirlwind Small damage to all party members. Barbariccia, Belphegor, Sand Worm
Wing Scales Inflicts Blind to one party member. Eyewing Moth, Hellflapper


Ability Description Enemy
Zantetsuken Inflict Instant Death to one party member. Gilgamesh, Lunar Odin

