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The following is a list of statuses in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

The game divides statuses into three categories: Status ailments, Enfeeblements (Charm, Stop, Berserk, ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR Dwn, Element Weaknesses), and Boosts (Blink, Guard, Singing/Dancing, Provoke, Reflect, HP/MP Regen, Auto-revive, Limit Burst up, ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR Up, Elemental Resist).

Status ailments[]

FFBE Poison Icon
  • Poison - Units or enemies inflicted with Poison will lose 10% of their Max HP every turn. It lasts three turns for the enemy, and is permanent for the party: In explorations, it persists after battle, and in dungeons, the unit will remain poisoned in the following waves if they are not cured.
FFBE Blind Icon
  • Blind - It reduces the inflicted unit or enemy's accuracy causing physical attacks to have a higher chance to miss. It lasts three turns for the enemy, but is permanent for the party: In explorations, it persists after battle, and in dungeons, the unit will remain blinded in the following waves if they are not cured.
FFBE Sleep Icon
  • Sleep - This status renders the affected unit or enemy incapable of taking any action. Magic spells cast against a sleeping target will not awaken it, but physical attacks will. It lasts three turns for enemies and units alike. A sleeping target will wake up when the battle ends in an exploration, or for the next wave in a dungeon.
FFBE Silence Icon
  • Silence - Its effect renders the target incapable of casting spells. Its duration is that of three turns for enemy monsters, but is permanent for the party. It will persist after battles in explorations, while in dungeons, it will not be removed upon starting a new wave.
FFBE Paralyze Icon
  • Paralyze - A unit or enemy inflicted with Paralyze is rendered incapable of taking any action. The status ailment lasts three turns or until the end of the battle, but not afterwards. A paralyzed tank cannot portect other units even if its party-wide Cover is active as well.
FFBE Confuse Icon
  • Confuse - A unit or enemy that is Confused will randomly attack foes or allies. The status will be removed after taking damage, and after a battle or a wave ends. Whenever there is risk of units being Confused, damager units with high ATK should be made immune, since they will easily knock out allies if they target them.
FFBE Disease Icon
  • Disease - The Disease status lowers the inflicted unit or enemy's base stats by 10%. It stacks with Break abilities, and lasts 3 turns for the enemy. It is, however, permanent for the party and will persist after battle in explorations, or after a wave ends in a dungeon, if not removed.
FFBE Petrify Icon
  • Petrify - A unit or enemy inflicted with Petrify is rendered incapable of taking any action. If the entire party has been turned to stone, it is a Game Over, while petrified enemies result in an instant KO. Petrify is permanent: in explorations, it will persist after battle, and in dungeons, in the following waves, the unit will remain inactive until the status is removed.


Game Element Type Status ailment
Poison Blind Sleep Silence Paralyze Confuse Disease Petrify
Acrobatics Unit ability Y (If it uses "Firebomb") Y (If it uses "Dagger Toss")
Alluring Air Unit/Esper ability Y
Aphony Enemy ability Y
Aura Ball Unit ability Y
Beak Enemy ability Y Y
Befuddle Enemy ability Y
Bile Enemy ability Y
Bio Black Magic Y
Biora Black Magic
Enemy ability
Bioga Black Magic
Enemy ability
Bio Blaster Unit ability Y
Bioblaster Unit ability Y
Bioga Blade Unit ability Y
Black Mist Unit ability Y
Blade Bash Unit ability Y
Blind Blade Unit ability Y
Blinder Enemy ability Y
Blindja Enemy ability Y
Boo! Unit ability Y
Breakga Enemy ability Y
Bright Flash Unit ability Y
Brillance Aura*(Enables counter with "Blinding Bolt") Unit passive Y
Caltrops Unit ability Y
Chain Whip Weapon Y
Charge Enemy ability Y
Circle of Scorn Unit ability Y
Cleansing Strike Unit ability Y
Confuse Enemy ability Y
Confusion Arrow Enemy ability Y
Crypt Dust Enemy ability Y
Cursed Card*(Inflicts 2 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dance of Death*(Inflicts 2 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dancehall Daze Unit ability Y
Dark Ambition Limit Burst Y
Dark Kiss*(Inflicts 1 at random) Enemy ability Y Y Y
Darkness Dance Unit ability Y
Death Maelstrom Limit Burst Y
Delirium Enemy ability Y
Despair Limit Burst Y Y Y
Dissonance Enemy ability Y
Disaster Enemy ability Y Y Y
Distress*(Inflicts 1 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Disturbing Knife*(Inflicts 1 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y
Double Corruption*(Inflicts 2 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dream Harp Weapon Y
Drifting Off*(On self) Enemy ability Y
Eblan's Technique*(Inflicts up to 3 at random) Limit Burst Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Eldritch Air*(Enables counter with "Dark Reverie") Unit passive Y
Electrocute Enemy ability Y
Empress Birch Weapon Y Y
Enfeebling Slash Unit ability Y Y
Entwine Enemy ability Y
Excalibur Enemy ability Y
Fairy's Claw Weapon Y
Fear Strike Enemy ability Y
Fire Flask*(Inflicts 2 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Flare Enemy ability Y
Flash Enemy ability Y
Flash Bang Unit ability Y
Flash Grenade Unit ability Y
Flying Arrow
Speed Arrow
Limit Burst Y
Frost Flash Unit ability Y
Gaia's Wrath Enemy ability Y
Gaze Enemy ability Y Y Y
Genesis Unit ability Y Y
Geocrush Esper ability Y
Glacial Wave Unit ability Y
Golem's Staff Weapon Y
Grand Cross*(Inflicts up to 4 at random)
Black Hole
Limit Burst Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hallowbolt Enemy ability Y
Hallowed Bolt Unit ability Y
Headrush Enemy ability Y
Hell Shaft Unit ability Y
Hex Strike*(Inflicts up to 4 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hipnogas Enemy ability Y
Hypnotize Unit ability Y
Hysteric Voices Enemy ability Y
Illude Unit ability Y
Induration Enemy ability Y
Ink Enemy ability Y
Insult to Injury Unit ability Y
Jinx Unit ability Y
Kaizer Ziel Limit Burst Y
Kurayami Unit ability Y
Laser Enemy ability Y
Leap*(Enables use of "Numb" and "Numbclaw", among others) Unit ability Y
Leather Whip Weapon Y
Lightning Stab Limit Burst Y
Lullaby Unit/Esper ability Y
Lunatic Voice Esper evocation Y
Madhura Harp Weapon Y
Mage Masher Weapon Y
Maiming Shot Unit ability Y Y
Malboro Wand Weapon Y Y
Mesmerize Esper evocation Y Y
Mind Blast Enemy ability Y
Missile Enemy ability Y
Mist Enemy ability Y
Limit Burst Y
Mustard Bomb Enemy ability Y
Mystify Unit ability Y
Nightmare Enemy ability Y Y
Noir Attack Unit ability Y
Oblivion Unit ability Y
Pandora's Box*(Inflicts 1 at random) Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Paralysis Knife Unit ability Y
Paralyze Arrow Enemy ability Y
Paralyze Glare Enemy ability Y
Perfect Void*(6★ only)
Particle Beam
Wave Cannon
Limit Burst Y
Poison Enemy ability Y
Poison Arrow Enemy ability Y
Poison Bombs Enemy ability Y
Poison Breath Enemy ability Y
Poison Claw Enemy ability Y
Poison Mist Enemy ability Y
Poison Knuckle Weapon Y
Poison Sap Enemy ability Y
Poison Sting Unit ability Y
Poison sting Enemy ability Y
Pollen*(Inflicts 1 at random) Enemy ability Y Y Y Y
Pressure Enemy ability Y
Prismatic Spore*(Inflicts 1 at random) Enemy ability Y Y Y Y
Quash Enemy ability Y Y Y
Quiescence Enemy ability Y
Rash Impulse Unit ability Y
Release Enemy ability Y Y
Research Limit Burst Y
Rock Buster Unit ability Y
Rune Staff Weapon Y
Sadistic Spikes Limit Burst Y
Sandgun Enemy ability Y
Sandstorm Enemy ability Y
Scintilla (FFXV)*(May counter with "Scintilla") Unit passive Y
Scratch Enemy ability Y
Scratch Enemy ability Y
Screech Enemy ability Y Y
Seal Evil Limit Burst Y
Serious damage confirmed Enemy ability Y Y
Shadowbind Unit ability Y
Shadowstick Unit ability Y
Shield Bash Unit ability Y
Shining Splendor Weapon Y
Shock Whip Weapon Y
Silence Green Magic
Enemy ability
Silence Blade Unit ability Y
Silence Dance Unit ability Y
Silent Verse Unit ability Y
Siren Song Enemy ability Y
Sleep Green Magic
Enemy ability
Sleep Arrow Enemy ability Y
Sleep Blade Unit ability Y
Sleepy Bud Unit ability Y
Sledgehammer Weapon Y
Slumber Blade Unit ability Y
Sleep Dagger Weapon Y
Sleep Knife Unit ability Y
Sleep Sword Weapon Y
Smoke Enemy ability Y Y
Soul Siphon Enemy ability Y
Stone Gaze Enemy ability Y
Sunbeam Unit ability Y
Superior Blade Weapon Y
Supersonic Wave Enemy ability Y
Swarmstrike Unit ability Y
Sweet Lullaby Unit ability Y
Tainted Peck Enemy ability Y
Tempting Tango Unit ability Y
Thunderstorm Limit Burst Y
Tornado Enemy ability Y
Toxic Claw Enemy ability Y
Toxic Dagger Unit ability Y
Toxic Dagger Weapon Y
Toxic Gift*(2★ only)
Purse Snatch
Limit Burst Y
Thorned Mace Weapon Y
Trample Enemy ability Y
Tremor Enemy ability Y
Trine Unit ability Y Y
Ultimate Voice Enemy ability Y
Venom Breath Enemy ability Y
Venomous Edge Weapon Y Y
Vulcan Burst Enemy ability Y
Weapon Bash Unit ability Y
Whirlwind Blade Enemy ability Y
Windy Shiv Enemy ability Y
Winter Palisade*(Enables to counter with "Noel's Judgment": "Glacial Wave" or "Sub Zero", among others) Unit passive Y
You Shall Not Pass! Enemy ability Y


Game Element Type Status ailment
Poison Blind Sleep Silence Paralyze Confuse Disease Petrify
Antidote Item Y
Blindna White Magic Y
Celestial Healing Limit Burst Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Chakra Unit ability Y Y
Cleanse White Magic Y
Cleansing Light Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dance of Life Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dark Prayer Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Divine Healing
Angelic Mercy
Secret Rebirth
Limit Burst Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (6★ only) Y (6★ only)
Echo Herbs Item Y
Esuna White Magic Y Y Y Y Y Y
Esunaga White Magic Y Y Y Y Y Y
Eye Drops White Magic Y
Goddess's Miracle Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Gold Needle Item Y
Guardian Mog Unit passive Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Healing Formula Unit ability Y
Healing Prayer Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Healing Smile Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Healing Waltz Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Healing Waltz II Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Knight's Pride Unit passive Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Logistical Support Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Loving Heart Limit Burst Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Miracle Battle Kiss
Pretty Battle Kiss
Limit Burst Y Y Y
Mysidian Rabbit Unit ability Y Y Y
Medicate Unit ability Y Y Y
Nature's Protection Unit ability Y Y Y
Oracle of Dreams
Faram's Light
Limit Burst Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Paralyna White Magic Y
Poisona White Magic Y
Priestess Miracle Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ray of Hope Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Recovery Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Refresh Unit ability Y Y Y Y
Remedy Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Return Unit ability Y Y Y Y Y Y
Smelling Salts Item Y Y
Stona White Magic Y
Treatment Unit ability Y Y Y
Unicorn Horn Item Y
Vaccine Item Y
Vox White Magic Y


FFBE Charm Icon

Charm renders the target incapable of taking any action for three turns.

Game Element Type Effect
Dance of Glory Limit Burst (Soleil) May inflict Charm on all enemies.
One Man Show Active Ability Inflicts Charm (15%) to one enemy.
Puppeteer's Wheel Enemy Ability Inflicts Charm on target.
Seduce Enemy Ability Inflicts Charm (100%) for two turns to target.


FFBE Stop Icon

An unit or enemy inflicted with Stop is rendered incapable of taking any action or evading attacks for three turns in generally.

Game Element Type Effect
Acrobatics Active Ability May randomly use: Firebomb (33%), Dagger Toss (34%), or Ring Toss (34%), which inflicts Stop (30%) to target.
Blizzard Flask Active Ability Deals ice hybrid damage (4x), and may inflict Stop (30%), on all enemies.
Cut Cards Active Ability May randomly use: Mega Burst (25%), Giga Burst (25%), Short Burst (25%), which inflicts Stop (30%) for one turn to target, or Long Burst (25%), which inflicts Stop (30%) for three turns to target.
Dismissal Active Ability Deals physical damage (2.1x), and may inflict Stop (30%), to target.
Freezing Rain Active Ability Inflicts Stop (30%) to target.
Ice Prison Limit Burst (Fryevia) Deals hybrid ice damage, and may inflict Stop on all enemies.
Lava Wave Active Ability Deals fire magic damage (1.4x) and may inflict Stop (15%) to all enemies.
Rage of Halone Limit Burst (Thancred) Deals physical damage, and may inflict Stop to target.
Stasis Sword Limit Burst (Xon) Deals physical damage, may inflict Stop to one enemy, and enables the user to evade two physical damage taken up to 2 turns.
Roar Active Ability Inflicts Stop (30%) to all enemies.
Stasis Sword Limit Burst (Agrias) Deals physical damage, and may inflict Stop to all enemies.
Stasis Sword Active Ability Deals physical damage (2.1x), and may inflict Stop (30%), to target.
Steal Time Active Ability Inflicts Stop (30%) to target.
Stop Enemy Ability Inflicts Stop (30%) on target.
Support Hand Active Ability May randomly use: Short Burst (70%): Stop (30%) for one turn to target; Long Burst (20%): Stop (30%) for three turns to target; Mega Stop (10%): Stop (30%) for five turns to target.
Time Stopper Active Ability Inflicts Stop (30%) to all enemies.


FFBE Berserk Icon
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Game Element Type Effect
Unleashed Chakra Active Ability Grants Berserk (ATK+100%, auto-attack only), and increases chance of being targeted (50%), for 3 turns to user.

Stat Down[]

FFBE ATK Down Icon
FFBE DEF Down Icon
FFBE MAG Down Icon
FFBE SPR Down Icon
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Element Weakness[]

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FFBE Blink Icon
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FFBE ATK Guard Icon
FFBE MAG Guard Icon

In-game, the status goes unnamed, but those unit who gain it have the damage they receive from physical or magical attacks decreased for as long as the status is in effect.

Game Element Type Effect
Earthen Wall Evocation (Golem) Decreases physical damage taken (50%) for 1-2 turns to party.


FFBE Dancing Icon
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FFBE Provoke Icon

The Provoke status increases the user's likelihood of being targeted by enemy attacks.

Game Element Type Effect
Bring It On Active Ability Grants damage mitigation (50%) and increases chance of being targeted (80%) for 3 turns to user.
Fish Active Ability Increase the user's chance of being targeted (100%) for 1 turn.
Flash Active Ability Increase the user's chance of being targeted (70%) for 3 turns.
Pre-chorus Active Ability Increases LB gauge fill rate (150%) for 3 turns to party, but increases the user's chance of being targeted (30%) for 3 turns.
Provoke Active Ability Increase the user's chance of being targeted (70%) for 3 turns.
Rash Impulse Active Ability Deals physical damage (4.8x) and inflicts Paralyze (100%) to target. It also increases the user's chance of being targeted (100%) for two turns.
Unleashed Chakra Active Ability Grants Berserk (ATK+100%, auto-attack only), and increases chance of being targeted (50%), for 3 turns to user.


FFBE Reflect Icon

Units that have the Reflect status will have magic bounce off them, and instead affect the caster. There are some spells that cannot be reflected at all.

Game Element Type Effect
Reflect Green Magic Reflect 1 magic spell taken for 3 turns to target.
Ruby Light Evocation (Carbuncle) Reflect 1 magic spell taken for 2 or 3 turns to party.


FFBE HP Regen Icon

Regen is a status that constantly restores HP, once per turn as long as the status is in effect. Some units automatically gain the status upon entering battle due to their passive traits.

Regen-type abilities do not stack, only the strongest one is active. Using an ability that grants Regen again only refreshes the duration.

Game Element Type Effect
Aqua Refresh Passive Ability Auto-heal (60 HP, 1.2x) and recover MP (5%) per turn.
Auto-Regen Passive Ability Auto-heal (120 HP, 0.6x) per turn.
Cover Active Ability Heals (1000 HP, 10x) and refresh (10 MP, 0.2x) for 3 turns to party.
Deliverance Passive Ability Increases ATK/DEF by 20%, and auto-heals (120 HP, 0.6x) per turn.
Emergency Regen Passive Ability Auto-heal (120 HP, 0.6x) per turn when HP drops below 10%.
Light's Blessing Passive Ability Auto-boosts ATK/MAG by 20% during battle, and auto-heals (120 HP, 0.6x) per turn.
Perfect Balance Active Ability Skips next turn, but increases ATK/DEF by 40%, auto-heals (15x) and recovers MP (0.65x) to user for 3 turns.
Pretty Aura Passive Ability Auto-heals (120 HP, 0.6x) per turn.
Regen White Magic Heals (400 HP, 2x) over 3 turns to one ally.
Regenerate Active Ability Heals (1150 HP, 8x) for 3 turns to party.
Reis's Wind Active Ability Heals (800 HP, 11.5x) for 3 turns to party.
Resurrection Passive Ability Auto-heal (1800 HP, 1x) per turn.
White Knight Active Ability Increases DEF by 40% and heals (500 HP, 4x) for 3 turns to party.
Zealous Passive Ability Auto-heals (200 HP, 6x) per turn.


FFBE MP Regen Icon

Refresh is a beneficial status that causes MP to be recovered each turn.

Game Element Type Effect
Aqua Refresh Passive Ability Auto-heal (60 HP, 1.2x) and recover MP (5%) per turn.
Auto-Refresh Passive Ability Recover MP (5%) per turn.
Bless Active Ability Grants Refresh (10 MP, 0.1x) for 3 turns to party.
Cover Active Ability Heals (1000 HP, 10x) and refresh (10 MP, 0.2x) for 3 turns to party.
Haunting Guard Passive Ability Increases ATK/MAG/SPR (15%) and recovers MP (3%) per turn.
I'll never die! Passive Ability Recover MP (10%) per turn.
Magic Martyr Active Ability The user takes damage (500), but grants Refresh (10 MP, 0.3x) for 3 turns to party.
Mind Charge Passive Ability Recover MP (3%) per turn.
Perfect Balance Active Ability Skips next turn, but increases ATK/DEF by 40%, auto-heals (15x) and recovers MP (0.65x) to user for 3 turns.
Shroud of Saints Passive Ability Recover MP (5%) per turn, and decreases chance of being targeted (50%).


FFBE Reraise Icon

Units with the Auto-revive status will revive automatically if they are Knocked Out.

Game Element Type Effect
Dark Favor Active Ability Auto-revive (90% HP) for 3 turns to user.
Flinchproof Martyr Active Ability Auto-revive (1% HP) for 5 turns to user.
Indomitable Active Ability Auto-revive (50% HP) for 1 turn to user.
Keep it up! Active Ability Auto-revive (30% HP) for 3 turns to target.
Leap Active Ability Among the various ability sets it enables, Reraise grants Auto-revive (80% HP) for 3 turns to one random party member.
Live Giver
(Awaken +2)
Active Ability Recover the target's HP/MP (100%), increases its wind resistance (70%) and grants it Auto-revive (80% HP) for 3 turns, but the user is instantly Knocked Out.
Sacred Song Active Ability Increase ATK/DEF (80%) and grants Auto-revive (80% HP) for 3 turns to user.
Undying Wish Active Ability Auto-revive (80% HP) for 3 turns to target.

Limit Burst up[]


Units with the status receive an increase in their Limit gauge fill rate, usually by 100%, as long as the status is in effect.

Game Element Type Effect
Blood Rage Passive Ability Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 2 turns when HP drops below 33%.
Encourage Active Ability Increases LB gauge fill rate (200%) for 5 turns to user.
General Battlecry Active Ability Increase ATK/MAG (50%) and LB gauge fill rate (50%) for 3 turns to party.
Hyper Item Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 3 turns to target.
Limit Gather Active Ability Deals physical damage (1.8x) with ignore DEF (25%) to target, and increases the user's LB gauge fill rate (200%) for 5 turns.
Madness Rush Active Ability Does three physical damage (4.2x) attacks to random enemies, and increases LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 3 turns to user.
Maintenance Active Ability Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 3 turns to user.
Miracle Battle Kiss
Pretty Battle Kiss
Limit Burst (Tilith) Heals some HP, increases LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 3 turns, and removes Poison, Silence and Paralyze, to target.
Power Charge Active Ability Increases LB gauge fill rate (200%) for 5 turns to user.
Pre-chorus Active Ability Increases LB gauge fill rate (150%) for 3 turns to party, and increase the user's chance of being targeted (30%) for 3 turns.

Stat Up[]

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Element Resist[]

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Knocked Out[]

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