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Cid Pollendina:
Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius materials page!
Please expand this article into a full one. This request can be discussed on the associated discussion page. Remove this notice upon completion.
The following is a list of materials found in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
Name | Recipes | Obtain |
Fire Cryst![]() |
Equipment: Flametongue, Wizard's Staff, Fire Rod, Altair, Capella, Tiger Mask, Kenpogi, Fire Ring Abilities: Fire, Barfire, Barfira, Bravery, Burst Shot, Fire Blade, ATK +10%, Bug Killer Items: Bacchus's Wine, Bomb Fragment, Grenade |
Collection Points: Earth Shrine, Grandshelt Catacombs, Fulan Pass, Zadehl Westersand, Lanzelt Ruins, Golzas Canyon, Shrine of Decay, Dwarves' Forge, Mobreeze Airship Factory, Wind Shrine, Lake Dorr, Water Shrine, Surging Volcano, Fire Shrine |
A crystal formed when fire magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in volcanic areas. Fire crysts appear to burn from within, and effuse a palpable heat. They are common finds, yet cause a number of injuries each year due to their propensity to explode. They should always be handled with care. | ||
Ice Cryst![]() |
A crystal formed when ice magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in snowbound lands. Ice crysts glitter like true ice and remain ever cold to the touch. They serve as an important source of income for some regions, where they are collected in winter. But the magic-rich areas where they can be found also attract many monsters, so gathering the crysts is dangerous work. | ||
Lightning Cryst![]() |
A crystal formed when lightning magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in areas prone to electrical storms, and touching one may leave your fingers tingling with shock. They glitter with a beautiful light and it was popular for a time to use them in jewelry, but the disturbingly high incidence of accidental electrocution resulted in them being banned for any use other than forging magicks or offensive items. | ||
Water Cryst![]() |
A crystal formed when water magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in forests and on the water's edge. It shines with an undulating light, like sunlight glistening on the water's surface, and when touched it clings gently to the skin. The crysts are known to vary in appearance based on the quality of the water where they form. In places of pure water, they take on a stunning clarity. But in muddied rivers and lakes, the water crysts form with a like cloudiness. | ||
Earth Cryst![]() |
A crystal formed when earth magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in mountainous regions and around old ruins. Earth crysts sometimes contain the fossilized remains of animals, and have a shocking heft for their small size. With the power to leach toxic substances from the soil, they can halp rejuvenate even the most blighted fields, simply by being buried in the ground. This process, while seemingly miraculous, takes time: those expecting an overnight cure will be disappointed. | ||
Wind Cryst![]() |
A crystal formed when wind magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in places where the wind seems in constant motion. If you lift one to your ear, you can hear the sound of rushing air. Wind crysts also seem able to boost lift, and flying monsters gobble them down with pleasure. There is interest, now, in whether they could be used in the construction of airships. | ||
Light Cryst![]() |
A crystal formed when light magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in places filled with holy power. Light crysts glitter with a brilliance that intensifies when they are left in a bright place—or clouds over, in darkness. Other kinds of crysts can easily affect light crysts, dark crysts having the worst influence of all. These two opposing elements will weaken each other, so it is important to store light crysts and dark crysts separately. | ||
Dark Cryst![]() |
A crystal formed when dark magic is condensed for a very long period of time. It is often found in places filled with dark power. Peering at the unnatural black of a dark cryst will seem to draw you into its depths. Dark crysts still the mind, and tucking one beneath your pillow will supposedly bring deep, dreamless sleep. They do not mesh well with light crysts, though, and the two will weaken each other's effects. | ||
Fire Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when fire magic is condensed for a very long period of time. They are filled with a mysterious light, as though burning from within. Used in everything from smithing to synthesizing, they have the greatest utility when one wishes to draw on fire magicks. A number of monsters fear fire, making these large crystals a traveler's best friend. | ||
Ice Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when ice magic is condensed for a very long period of time. They resemble the heart of ice, clear as glass, and just as cold to the touch. And yet these crystals do not melt even when held. They can be turned to many purposes, including the creation of ice-elemental weapons, items, and magic. Some artists have even attempted to carve ice crysts into beautiful sculptures that would never melt, but succeeded onl in freezing themselves in place. | ||
Lightning Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when lightning magic is condensed for a very long period of time. Lightning appears to flicker within these mysterious stones, and they emit electricity when struck. For this reason, they are used for engineering airships, as well as for producing lightning-based magicks. In recent years, demand for these crysts has increased in parallel with their exploitation for military purposes, and some areas where lightning crysts can be harvested are closely controlled by national interests. | ||
Water Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when water magic is condensed for a very long period of time. When shaken, these mysterious stones emit an undulating light, like sunlight under water. They are widely used to create magic items, weapons, and armor—but they are also indispensable for compounding medical curatives, so even peaceful folk are familiar with many applications of these large crysts, and researchers work day and night to develop even more effective medicines withe these all-purpose xenoliths. | ||
Earth Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when earth magic is condensed for a very long period of time. They sometimes contain leaves and roots from trees bursting with life energy. Earth crysts are harder and far heavier than crystals formed from other elements, but work well together with them. The utility of these crystals is not limited to magicks; they are also used for forging weapons and synthesizing items. Moreover, they are known for their ability to energize land and can be tilled into barren fields to improve them. | ||
Wind Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when wind magic is condensed for a very long period of time. If you lift one to your ear, you will hear the roar of strong winds. Restless and ever moving, wind has long represented the spirit of curiosity, and is tied to the idea of travel. There is even a tradition of giving these crystals to travelers as a protective charm, with the with that any troubles they meet on their journey will be blown away on the breeze. | ||
Light Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when light magic is condensed for a very long period of time. Crystals of this kind shine with a brilliant light. They are widely used in magic creation, smithing, and synthesizing. It is also thought that demons and the undead find light crysts abhorrent, so many carry them to ward away such terrible enemies. Whether they are used as talismans or ingredients, the effectiveness of these crystals seems to increase with size, just as the likelihood of finding one decreases. | ||
Dark Megacryst![]() |
A large crystal formed when dark magic is condensed for a very long period of time. They are widely used in magic creation, smithing, and synthesizing. Filled with a deep darkness, these crysts absorb light from their surroundings, so leaving one in your room will bring a gloomy mood upon you. Dark crysts grow best in darkness, so the highest quality stones are the hardest to find. | ||
Life Orb![]() |
A mysterious orb formed from the life energy that all living creatures possess. it can be used to make items and magic that use life power, including white magic. Among synthesizing components, life orbs are relatively easy to obtain, but as they have so many and varied applications, there is no harm in keeping a good supply at hand. Some say they are dropped by creatures facing death, but the exact truth of how these orbs form is still not known. | ||
Farplane Soul![]() |
A soul that is believed to have wandered into this world from another. It is no more than energy—long gone is any individual will or sense of self. These souls can be used as components in magic or item creation. No one knows exactly how they come to be in this world, but given how commonly they are found, it may be the Farplane is closer than most think. | ||
Gaia's Tear![]() |
When the remains of beasts and dead vegetation return to the earth, the power that once resided in them is absorbed by the ground, and solidifies into these objects. They are full of nutrients and are a key component in many magicks and armors. Their name comes from the fact that many are shaped like droplets. | ||
Thickened Hide![]() |
A leathery hide obtained from beast-type monsters. These tough hides can be used to make armor and other equipment, but must be properly tanned after skinning, or they will spoil. This is why most armorers learn tanning as a fundamental of their craft. By this simple means, sturdy hides can gain a softness and durability that is easily worth the small amount of extra work. | ||
Raptor Feather![]() |
A large and strong feather dropped by many bird-type monsters, including zu and rocs. It can be used as a component in many different items. Most often seen as the fletching on arrows, these beautiful feathers can also be used as quill pens and fashion accessories. They are also effective antitoxins and can be used together with water crysts to make antidotes. | ||
Chromatic Ooze![]() |
This jelly-like material can be collected from aquatic monsters. The translucent substance is brightly colored, and can be made to seem quite appetizing, but many are disinclined to partake of it after learning that it is essentially a flan and fish monster frankenstein. But it is apparently a much coveted delicacy among the world's most discerning gourmands. | ||
Demon Tail![]() |
It is thought that these demon tails serve as a sensor for the monsters that possess them. They are seemingly able to sense changes in temperature, the presence of enemies, and even the negative emotions of humans. Perhaps due to this sensitivity, demons have an extreme antipathy to having their tails grabbed. It is even believed that a demon will become unable to control its magic if its tail is separated from its body. | ||
Broken Blade![]() |
A fragment of broken sword often found in sites of battles past. Such fragments are typically melted down by blacksmiths and reused, for two main reasons: to preserve resources, and to carry on the wishes of their former owners. Many soldiers have had new weapons forged from the remnants of their fallen friends' blades, in an effort to sustain the dreams cut short by death. From such a blade, gripped tightly in their hands, they draw the resolve to battle on. | ||
Digital Circuit![]() |
A digital circuit of the type found in many machines. This is one of the easiest mechanical components to find. Mechanical devices took a leap forward with the invention of such circuits, yet the use of them remains a privilege of the military and, of course, the wealthy. The day when ordinary people have access to such technology, including the technology that drives airships, appears to be still far off. | ||
Dragon Fang![]() |
The remains of dragons are so highly prized, and so efficiently uses as components, that it is said no dragon body has ever naturally decomposed. Their fangs are particularly popular and hold much of a dragon's magical power. They are so hard, though, that fashioning them for any purpose requires special methods. They also have come to symbolize a warrior's prowess, as defeating a dragon requires an unfailing strength and an unwavering spirit. | ||
Glowseeds![]() |
Mysterious seeds formed from the residual magic left behind by departed spirits. When planted in the soil, these seeds immediately sprout and develop glittering blooms. But the very act of opening exhausts these precious ephemerons of the magic, and they will be withered by the first light of morning. If they are to be used as components in items or magicks, this must occur before the seeds sprout and the power is lost. | ||
Spellsilk![]() |
A silk thread excreted by certain insects. It is both flexible and sturdy. In Lapis, this silk is woven into a material used for clothing. In times past, it was harvested directly from wild monsters, but nowadays it seems that some have begun farming the insects in order to harvest this silk. Clothing fashioned from it will last a very long time, the one and only drawback being how very flammable it is. | ||
Quality Stone![]() |
A shiny stone that can easily be worked, and is used for many purposes—everything from construction to sculpture. Specimens dropped by stone-based monsters boast the finest quality, and are often used for carving statuary. But unsettling phenomena, such as stones bleeding or crying out when cut, have made it normal practice to now thoroughly purify the stones before working them. | ||
Gummy Oil![]() |
An oil that can be gathered from plants and which has long been used as a convenient source of fuel. This thick oil is not of particularly high quality, but is so easily obtained that it has become an indispensable component. It gives off a distinctive and unpleasant smell when burnt, which may cause queasiness in areas with poor ventilation. Be sure to open a window when you light a pot of it. | ||
Green Fluid![]() |
A viscous green fluid said to be left behind by spirits of the deceased. It reeks of putrefaction and is widely abhorred. Yet it has its uses, secret and fiendish though they be: it has long been a key catalyst for curses, and its potency corresponds with the weight of negative emotion the spirit bore into death. Its uncanny origins and storied tradition of use have seen it remain in use as a component for various magicks and items. It is easy enough to obtain, but carrying it back home may require nerves of steel. | ||
Otherworldly Bone![]() |
A bone from the powerful frame of a great beast. These bones are extremely strong and have long been used as tools. As smithing and synthesizing processes developed, these bones also naturally came to be used as components in those arts. Most often they are used as-is for constructing armor and weapons, but they can also be crushed and powdered to be used in medicines. | ||
Abominable Wing![]() |
One of the wings that mean life and death to a flying monster. It is hard to obtain entire wings and not mere feathers, but should you succeed in getting one, it can be put to many uses. Bedding made from the down of these wings is light and has excellent heat retention. It is greatly coveted, and—given the huge number of wings needed to create even one duvet—also very expensive. | ||
Tough Scale![]() |
A scale sported by certain species of fish and as strong as any armor. It is thought that fish evolved these scales as they were advantageous in the life-or-death struggle of nature. In general, the strongest fish have the toughest scales, but that does not mean they are entirely free of predation: these scales are sometimes found within the stomachs of other beasts. | ||
Cursed Tusk![]() |
There is a folk belief that you will lose your mind if you are bitten by a demon. It was long thought to be mere superstition, but it appears that demons do, in fact, carry a toxin in their bodies that can cause confusion and paranoia. The discovery of this fact has provoked even greater hatred of demons than ever before, but has also, oddly enough, increased demand for demon teeth, to be used as components. | ||
Wizard Stone![]() |
A crystal formed from the magic within a human's body. All people carry a certain amount of magic within them from the time they are born, which is why these stones can emerge not only from wizards and the like, but also from people who are not, in the regular sense, magic users. Some theorize that if we could discover the process by which they arise, these magic stones might serve as a new source of energy. | ||
Polymer Emulsion![]() |
Machine-based monsters may occasionally drop this rare emulsion; a substance used in their armor and plating. Its unique chemical properties make it both sturdy and surprisingly easy to work with. It is easy to repurpose into new items, and was first discovered when investigating machinery found in old ruins. There are still many questions to be answered about its origins. | ||
Dragon Scale![]() |
Dragons are known for their incredibly long lifespans when compared to humans. Many aspects of dragon life are still not well understood, but one behavior that has been observed is the creature's molting routine. As their bodies grow, dragons slough off their skin, scales and all. The residuum of this process is an extraordinary amount of skin and—of greater interest to the adventurer—huge piles of hardy dragon scales. It would surely vex any dragon to learn the value of its discarded leavings: anyone who happens upon them shall never want for gold. | ||
Elemental Tear![]() |
A droplet-shaped stone, dropped by spirits on rare occasions. It has a rainbow sheen when struck with light. Many elemental spirits take on a mysterious crystalline form, but lack anything resembling a face. Indeed, it is unclear if their bodies even contain fluid. And yet the image of an elemental spirit shedding tears is so beautiful that the name has never been abandoned. | ||
Rockbeetle Husk![]() |
Rockbeetles live on a diet reliant on the metals found in soil, and the more they eat, the harder their exoskeletons become. Large and undamaged specimens of such are sometimes diplayed as objets d'art, but rockbeetle husks can also be used in place of regular metals for many purposes. These shells may not seem all that different from their less-brilliant cousins at first, but striking one with an ungloved fist will shatter both your misconceptions and every bone in your hand. | ||
Sparkling Stone![]() |
A sparkling stone that monsters may drop on rare occasions. Their size and coloration will depend on the monster they come from and the region, but some can rival even the finest gemstones in their beauty. They fetch a high price and can be used in jewelry, but there are many who object to wearing jewels that come from monsters. Think twice before giving a gift containing one of these brilliant stones. | ||
Screamroot![]() |
A root from a mandragora plant. It is usually dried and used as an ingredient in medicines. Mandragoras shriek when they are pulled from the earth or feel that they are in danger. Their cries are piercingly loud and can even stun the person who uproots one. To avoid this hazard, alternative methods of gathering the obnoxious little screamers have been developed, including training unsuspecting animals to dig them up instead. | ||
Corpse Fly![]() |
These flies appear from seemingly nowhere to swarm the dead. Since they feast on rotting flesh, they have become a symbol of impurity—yet this same natural habit helps to return the remains of monsters, and sundry unfortunates, to the earth. Many people believe that death leads to a second life, so there are recipes which use these flies—and the power contained in their bodies—as components. | ||
Copper Ore![]() |
The raw ore needed for making copper items. Being both easy to find and easy to craft, it is widely used. Many armies use it to make bronze armor for lower-ranked soldiers to wear during training. Such armor is relatively lacking in both offensive strength and durability, but on the other hand, can be easily replaced when bent or broken. Its great popularity means there is a constant demand for copper or. | ||
Iron Ore![]() |
The raw ore needed for making iron items. It is a key ingedient in many kinds of armor and weapon. Iron tools are lighter and easier to handle than those made of copper, but the metal's lackluster appearance earns it little love, despite how useful it may be. In their hearts, all warriors secretly long for the beauty and strength of mythril. But iron can be used for more than just equipment: it is also used as a component in synthesizing. | ||
Silver Ore![]() |
The raw ore needed for making silver items. The silver that can be extracted from this ore has a brilliant shine and is prized by makers of armor and accessories. However, silver is in fact a very soft metal, and easily damaged. It also blackens quickly if not polished frequently. Though not the easiest metal to maintain, many seem to enjoy the upkeep it requires, and even the changes in color it suffers over time. | ||
Mythril Ore![]() |
The raw ore needed for making mythril weapons and armor. The legendary metal that can be extracted from this ore is lighter and more malleable than both iron and silver, yet also far harder when forged. Young warriors consider it a mark of status to don mythril armor, but it is so hard to obtain the necessary ore that most will never have the chance to do so. | ||
Lumber![]() |
Lumber cut from the trunks of old trees. It can be used to make weapons and equipment, as well as in its usual capacity as a building material. The wands of wizards, too, are often made from such wood, and the success of their magic will be greatly affected by the wood's quality. Wands made from strong timber of an old, straight tree will perform just as their masters expect, but it may take a wizard some time to adapt to the eccentricities of a wand from a gnarled and twisted tree. | ||
Alcryst![]() |
A crystal without any records contained within it. These crystals are smaller than the crystals in which Visions are bound, but they are abolutely necessary for creating ability crystals. It is common practice to record knowledge, or a skill, in one of these crystals and carry it on one's person. They are in constand demand and sold in most towns. They are also one of the many blessings of the Crystal. | ||
Fine Alcryst![]() |
A mysterious stone that can produce even more powerful ability crystals than regular alcrysts. No one knows how they are formed or where their light comes from. The relative difficulty of finding these superior specimens means that the number of people who can use the most powerful abilities through them is likewise limited, which some think is for the best. | ||
Hard Pebble![]() |
The product of many small stones bound together over many years. Held together by the power of earth magic, these stones cannot be easily broken apart, so much so that trying to break one apart with a chisel would actually damage the chisel instead. Because of this, they are not well-suited to being used in masonry, and are instead used in making items and abilities that can make use of the earth magic they contain. | ||
Pure Stone![]() |
A beautiful, faintly shiny stone. Infused with life energy, they are often used in making items and abilities. Though they are often found after defeating a monster, it is hard to think that they produce them themselves, and is instead believed that these monsters, charmed by the stone's life energy, simply enjoy carrying them around. | ||
Bugross Ore![]() |
"What a fine prediction! We set out to investigate the unexplored Burgross seaside, famous for reported monster sightnings. Despite that, we did our best and came away with the ore we were looking for! All in all, a perfect sucess!" - Excerpt from the vaults | ||
Ulric Iron![]() |
"There's a rumor afoot, you know..." the tavern master said, speaking of a strange lighthouse. Having been set up to guide ships through an area full of shallow reefs, this lighthouse was destroyed in the last war and left in ruins. These stones can be found in the ruins, though it is said an even greater treasure rests deeper within. | ||
Core Dust![]() |
A pile of dust form a place where it's said that no light shines. Where it is found, it is said that one wouldn't be able to see even a step in front of themselves. Some records say that if one produces the stone bestowed with life that all would be clear as day, but there are none who understand what this means. Some pass it off as mere garbage, but some of the items harvested in this are have strange powers and are often used in making weapons. | ||
Abyss Pearl![]() |
A gem found in the darkness of the abyss. It goes without saying that finding a pearl in a place where you can't even see your hands in front of your face is going to be difficult. However, if you find one of these and bring it up into the light, it sparkles brilliantly in the sunlight. The flame-eater uses these pearls in its construction, but thanks to their rarity, and the inability of any items in its recipe to be replaced, it is extremely rare and hard to produce. | ||
Panther Fang![]() |
A claw from a beast called the red panther. They have very powerful legs, and are able to jump incredible distances in a single bound. They sometimes approach human settlements where they are feared as cunning yet fearsome beasts, capable of tearing with their sharp claws, or even unleashing powerful kicks with their back legs. Their saliva is also harmful, and anyone bitten by one is sure to become poisoned. | ||
Demon Wing![]() |
A material believed to come from a demon's wing. They are said to contain a portion of the power of a demon said to have been around since ancient times. Though seemingly harnessing unfathomable power, it is though that likely no one could have ever had the power to defeat such an ancient, all-powerful demon, and is instead rumored that these wings were taken from a different monster instead. | ||
Ancient Stone![]() |
A stone said to be found in an ancient shrine. It gives off a soft glow, and is used in making certain equipment. Buried deep underground, they require great determination in being discovered. Stones like this are often found in totally unimaginable places. It is best sometimes just to sometimes stop, and carefully check around oneself to see what can't be found. | ||
Uraninite![]() |
A material that, spoken of in texts from the farplane, shouldn't exist in this world. What appears to be a simple stone that gives of a pale blue light is in fact a source of unimaginable power, used to power machines in the Farplane, as well as modifying equipment. Due to the enormous power these possess, they are thought to be able to produce powerful weapons. | ||
Iridium Plug![]() |
A plug that, spoken of in texts from the Farplane, shouldn't exist in this world. With all the various parts available in Lapis, there are none which look like it. According to texts, this was mainly used in the moving parts of machines, and therefore wasn't exactly rare. However, it is also said to be used in some special equipment. | ||
Paraffin Oil![]() |
An oil that, spoken of in texts from the Farplane, shouldn't exist in this world. This oil was apparently made for machinery and was likely used to decrease friction and heat production between contacting surfaces. The quality of it is beyond anything produced in Lapis, which only speaks of the manufacturing skills of those in the Farplane. | ||
Crystal Oscillator![]() |
A gem that, spoken of in texts from the Farplane, shouldn't exist in this world. This small, mysterious blue gem appears to have been manufactured with a fairly high level of precision. It would be difficult to explain how it could be made with the knowledge currently available in Lapis, and for the scientists in the Farplane to have been able to accomplish something like this only goes to show how far advanced their standards are beyond those of Lapis. | ||
Perovskite![]() |
A material that, spoken of in texts from the Farplane, shouldn't exist in this world. Due to its solid, crystal-like construction, it is thought to have been produced in a high-pressure environment. Though a grey color, it shines brightly when touched by the sun, and it appears to have been frequently used in enhancing equipment in the Farplane. | ||
Entrancing Tail![]() |
An animal's tail that, spoken of in texts from the Farplane, shouldn't exist in this world. This sharp pointed tail was said to belong to a sacred beast with the head of a demon, and wings resembling old rags. Why such a horrible sounding monster could have been owner of something like the "entrancing tail" is shrouded in mystery. | ||
Menacing Wings![]() |
An animal's wing that, spoken of in texts from the Farplane, shouldn't exist in this world. It is said that these wings are not only light, but tough as iron as well. Though useful as materials, they are incredibly hard to obtain as the monster who carries them is incredibly aggressive. On top of that, defeating one without damaging its wings is even more troublesome. | ||
Gold Ore![]() |
Koltz Star![]() |
Hope Diamond![]() |
Flaming Blood![]() |
Desert Mineral![]() |
Old Jungle Tree![]() |
Miraculous Thread![]() |
Hide of the Guardian![]() |
Seed of Illusions![]() |
Ancient Writings![]() |
High-grade Armor Oil![]() |
Mysterious Drop![]() |
Alter Blade![]() |
Dream Blossom![]() |
Quality Gold Dust![]() |
Massive Stone![]() |
A masive stone said to rain from the skies in unholy lands. Legend has it that they were used to punish the wicked, which causes some who come across them to question tehir own deeds. | ||
Demon Heart![]() |
Though often said to be heartless, demons actually possess incredibly powerful hearts. Necessary to keep their demonic blood flowing, these crimson powerhouses grant whoever obtains one a frightening degree of power. | ||
Fine Flour![]() |
If you ever meet a baker in Grandshelt or Grandport, chances are you'll see him or her covered head to toe in white powder. Such is the abundant, messy, and pure nature of flour. Much like artists need paint to create art, bakers and breadmakers need flour to craft the most delectable kinds of pastries, pies, and breads, all for the sake of sharing the joy of food to all across Lapis. | ||
Lotus Seed Paste![]() |
Faraway tribes who have mastered martial arts are also know for using odd materials as culinary ingredients. Such is the case of the lotus seed paste. Farmers from these tribes would mash down the seeds, then use the resulting paste as an ingredient for their cakes, the most famous of which being the mogcake. No other ingredient can produce the specific kind of sweetness that lotus seed paste offers. | ||
Brown Egg![]() |
Chefs commonly use these as staple ingredients in breakfasts, as well as a base agent for pastries like the mogcake. The methods of preparing and cooking eggs are way too numerous to mention, but any cook worth his or her salt must know, and perfect, at least three methods as a rite of passage to be taken seriously in the kitchen. Incidentally, a recent Granshelt survey said that the common townsfolk prefers their eggs sunny side up, while those of royalty prefer them soft-boiled. | ||
Coarse Rock Sugar![]() |
A commodity that is arguably more valuable than gold or diamonds, depending on who you are asking. Bags and crates of this stuff are common sights in the ports of Grandshelt, as it is commonly used in daily life, be it for cooking up sweet dishes or as an additive for coffee or tea. Rock sugar can also be used to make an already sweet pastry even sweeter. It can make stellar creations like the mogcake all the more divine. | ||
Cavern Ore![]() |
The rare stone can only be found on the ground in certain caverns. Though it may seem like an ordinary stone, a trained eye can tell this is anything but. | ||
Stainless Steel![]() |
A common alloy used in manufacturing in Lapis, Stainless Steel is used in everything from eating utensils to fine sturdy weapons. Because of its high tensile strength and low production cost, there is no shortage of men willing to run the mills that produce this metal in keeping up with industry and commercial demand. Industrialists and pioneers are only limited by their imagination when working with this material. | ||
Blood Alcryst![]() |
A common alcryst soaked in the blood of the fallen foot soldiers in a great war. These stones were then found by a shepherd, who soon discovered the dark magical properties they held. He then sold it off and was never heard again.... | ||
Blood Stone![]() |
A stone taken from a colosseum that for decades hosted epic battles. Many great warriors, beasts and heroes have fallen in that colosseum, and its sands and stones has been soaked in the blood of those fallen. | ||
Red Egg![]() |
Blue Egg![]() |
Rainbow Egg![]() |
Crystal Egg of Power![]() |
Crystal Egg of Mind![]() |