There's no gettin' off this train we on 'till we reach the end of the line.
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I couldn't finish 'em. Looks like this's gonna get complicated.
The following tables are incomplete and require the the items' obtain entries to be filled. If you wish, please examine the table and add anything missing. Remove this notice upon completion.
The following is a list of items found in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are currently only available in the Japanese version.
Name | Effect | Obtain |
Potion![]() |
Restores 200 HP to target. (Max use: 10) |
A tonic that restores an ally's health by a small amount. Derived from an ancient recipe referenced in the histories of the Kingdom of Pharm, it is created by blending a number of medicinal herbs. In recent years, improvements to the formula and the wider availability of high-quality ingredients even in less prosperous lands, it is readily available across the realm. | ||
Hi-Potion![]() |
Restores 500 HP to target. (Max use: 7) |
A tonic that restores an ally's health by a modest amount. With its ingredients harder to come by and the preparation more difficult, it is more expensive than a standard potion, but its potency cannot be denied. While standard potions suffice for everyday injuries, the grave wounds suffered by numerous soldiers in the war between Grandshelt and Zoldaad brought about a need for this potent restorative. | ||
X-Potion![]() |
Restores 1000 HP to target. (Max use: 5) |
A tonic that restores an ally's health by a significant amount. With the original texts detailing the recipe lost to the chaos of war, only those lucky enough to come upon a relic of the past may reap its considerable healing powers. Potion-makers across the realm work tirelessly to recreate the formula, hoping to achieve fame and fortune, but their effors have yet to bear fruit. | ||
Y-Potion![]() |
Restores 1500 HP to target. (Max use: 5) |
A vial full of healing liquid made from various mixtures. While your standard health potion mixes in various herbs and spices, the Y-Potion goes one step further, including pure ether among its ingredients. As a result, the potion gives its user a slight kick as it refreshes them. Its side effect are never fatal, and are usually gastric-related. | ||
Ether![]() |
Restores 20 MP to target. (Max use: 7) |
A tonic that restores an ally's magical energies by a small amount. A must for any magic-user, its recipe is said to have originated in a kingdom of mages. More expensive than a potion, its ability to instantly restore one's magic makes it treasured by arcane types everywhere. Unfortunately, the ethers most commonly found today are but an imitation of the recipe of old, and their potency is limited. | ||
Turbo Ether![]() |
Restores 70 MP to target. (Max use: 5) |
A tonic that restores an ally's magical energies by a modest amount. Some scholars posit that this is actually the original recipe from which the less potent ether was derived. No known potion-makers have been able to successfully recreate the formula, and those rare turbo ethers seen in our realm are thought to have found their way here from the hidden nation of mages where they were made. Needless to say, they fetch a high price. | ||
Mega Ether![]() |
Restores 120 MP to target. (Max use: 5) |
A vial that greatly reinvigorates exhausted magic users. This concoction' s properties are only known to a small group of court magi in a faraway kingdom. It restores magical energy far more efficiently than other similar potions of its kind. Perhaps this is due to the fact that its method of creation is far more strict and precise. | ||
Chocolate![]() |
Restores 150 MP to target. (Max use: 7) |
Chocolate held by the monsters in the cavern. Though specialists disagree over why a monster would hold onto chocolate, some think it is related to its mysterious habit of collecting the seeds of the tree from which chocolate is produced. It has also been confirmed that these chocolates have the odd effect of restoring MP when eaten. | ||
Elixir![]() |
Fully restores the target's HP and MP. (Max use: 5) |
A fabled arcanum capable of restoring an individual's health and magical energies to full capacity. Said to have been bestowed upon mortals by a deity of light in times of yore, its ingredients and recipe are shrouded in mystery. Its potency is such that those who witness its effects describe it only as a miracle. It is said that any who comes to possess this divine elixir is destined to succeed in their quest. | ||
Tent![]() |
Fully restores the party's HP and MP. Can only be used outside of battle. (Max use: 1) |
A portable magic tent, a single night's rest in which can restore an entire party to full health and magic. An indispensable item for adventurers who spend extended time on the road, with nary an inn in sight. That said, it is not quite as restful as a night in bed, both for the thought that monsters may lurk outside, and hardness of the earth beneath one's sleeping bag. | ||
Phoenix Down![]() |
Revives one KO'd target to 20% HP. (Max use: 5) |
The tailfeather of a bird, able to bring one back from the verge of death. Billed by ambitious merchants as having been plucked from the legendary phoenix, the truth of such claims are unsubstantiated. None can deny its power, however, bringing those who have all but drawn their last breath back to their feet. Many travelers keep one in their pocket as a talisman against unforeseen dangers. | ||
Antidote![]() |
Removes Poison from target. (Max use: 10) |
A physic that neutralizes poisons within the body. Effective against a wide variety of toxins, it is an essential for those who come in regular contact with venomous beasts or treacherous poison-wielding foes. Adventurers are encouraged to always keep an ample supply, as healers capable of curing poison with magic are few and far between. | ||
Eye Drops![]() |
Removes Blind from target. (Max use: 10) |
A salve that cures blindness. Having one's line of sight obscured can be a lethal impairment in battle, but a few drops of this medicine will have you seeing your foes clear as day. From its origins as a traditional remedy, the formula was refined by an enterprising salve-maker at the Paapa Pharmacy in Dimalgia, whose product has taken the realm by storm. | ||
Smelling Salts![]() |
Removes Sleep and Confuse from target. (Max use: 10) | |
A mere whiff of these potent salts will suffice to rouse the smeller from the deepest slumber or stupor. With the kick of a strong spice, followed by a refreshing, nose-clearing sensation, it is known to elicit feelings of elation in the user. Not unlike eye drops, the formula was refined from a traditional home remedy passed down from times of yore. | ||
Echo Herbs![]() |
Removes Silence from target. (Max use: 10) |
A curious herb that can restore a person's voice, to the point of making one want to shout at the top of one's lungs. With chanting an essential part of spell-casting, losing the ability to speak can subdue even the most potent of magics. As such, the wises mages make sure to carry an ample supply of this herb, with many going so far as to grow them in their private gardens. | ||
Unicorn Horn![]() |
Removes Paralyze from target. (Max use: 10) |
A horn taken from the fabled beast of legend, with the power to free one from paralysis. Notoriously difficult to acquire, as unicorns are said to reveal themselves only to maidens pure of heart. With the beasts themselves growing rare in recent times, shady merchants have resorted to peddling imitations - let the buyer beware. | ||
Vaccine![]() |
Removes Disease from target. (Max use: 10) |
A potent medicine capable of curing the body of disease. A relatively modern invention compared to the traditional potion or antidote, it enters the drinker's bloodstream to increase their immunity to a number of viruses and contagions. Not yet under mass production, it is nowhere to be found at provisioners, being the sole domain of aristocrats and high-ranking officials with the influence and coin to acquire it. | ||
Gold Needle![]() |
Removes Petrify from target. (Max use: 10) |
A curious needle of gold with the power to restore life to those turned to stone. Purified by white mages, the holy essence enters the body through the skin, dissolving the curse of petrification from within. Though many have reported the glorious relief of joints and muscles loosening from the curse, the treatment has proven ineffective against common shoulder stiffness and back pain. | ||
Remedy![]() |
Removes Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Paralyze and Confuse from target. (Max use: 10) |
A remarkable medicine capable of curing all known ailments. It is said that salve-makers long struggled to master the recipe. What is the proper ratio of echo herbs to smelling salts? At what point in the process should the holy essence of the gold needle be added? Immensely difficult to produce and with ingredients in short supply, this panacea remains a rare treasure to this day. | ||
Healing Spring![]() |
Casts regen on target. (Max use: 10) |
A curious device that emits a steady stream of holy water that heals one's wounds over time. According to legend, the familiar name of this item refers to an actual sacred fount that existed in this realm in time of yore, but has been all but forgotten to people in modern times. | ||
Yggdrasil Dew![]() |
Restores 1500 HP to the party. (Max use: 5) |
Buy: King Mog (Monster Carnival) |
A very rare item said to be found in a faraway world. The dew is imbued with the life force of Yggdrasil, and when splashed into the air, it will immediately heal the wounds of those within its range. Having some of these offers assurance when facing powerful enemies. | ||
Yggdrasil Leaf![]() |
Revives one KO'd target to 20% HP. (Max use: 5) |
Buy: King Mog (Monster Carnival) |
A very rare item said to be found in a faraway world. These are so rare that only one of these leaves can be obtained at any given time from almighty Yggdrasil. It is said to hold the miraculous power of raising those who have been defeated in battle back to life. | ||
Sage's Elixir![]() |
Restores 80 MP to target. (Max use: 5) |
Buy: King Mog (Monster Carnival) |
A magic item used in a faraway world. These are harder to come by compared to phials of magic water, but can be used recover much more magic power, so many seasoned adventurers search far and wide to find them. | ||
Superior Medicine![]() |
Restores 1000 HP to target. (Max use: 5) |
Buy: King Mog (Monster Carnival) |
A type of medicine used in a faraway world. Compared to medicinal herbs, these are harder to come by, but offer greater healing properties. Many seasoned adventurers carry these on long journeys. | ||
Medicinal Herb![]() |
Restores 200 HP to target. (Max use: 10) |
Buy: King Mog (Monster Carnival) |
A medicinal herb used in a faraway world. They are found stocked in stores for adventurers to purchase for their travels. It can be said that one has become a full-fledged adventurer if one no longer has any need for these herbs. | ||
Magic Water![]() |
Restores 20 MP to target. (Max use: 7) |
Buy: King Mog (Monster Carnival) |
A magic item used in a faraway world. This bottle of holy water is said to recover magic powers when the contents are splashed into the air. A useful item to keep at hand, especially when facing powerful enemies. | ||
Fina's Chocolate![]() |
Revives one KO'd target to 100% HP. (Max use: 5) |
Hand-made chocolate made by Fina. Having learned of Valentine's Day on which people exchange chocolates to get them to like each other, she worked hard to make this chocolate and, though she failed many times, finally succeeded. Though many would ask her who she planned on giving her chocolates to, she held out on saying anything until the very end. | ||
お返しのキャンディ*![]() |
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Minor Scroll of Healing![]() |
Restores 1500 HP to the party. (Max use: 5) |
Reward: Expeditions |
Inscribed by trained practitioners of white magic, this scroll grants strength and resolve when used. Often carried by warriors not trained in the arts of magic, a brief respite can be achieved in combat with it. | ||
Greater Scroll of Healing![]() |
Restores 3000 HP to the party. (Max use: 5) |
Reward: Expeditions |
Imbued with healing powers by accomplished white mages, the scroll mends minor injuries when used. Warriors untrained in the arts of magic are recommended to bring a couple with them in case they suffer any grievous wounds . | ||
Minor Scroll of Recovery![]() |
Restores 50 MP to the party. (Max use: 5) |
Reward: Expeditions |
Glowing with energy, this magical scroll empowers the party when used, improving the party's focus and recovering their mana. Often carried into prolonged combats, it enables a party to continuously execute moves that would otherwise take a toll on their body. | ||
Greater Scroll of Recovery![]() |
Restores 100 MP to the party. (Max use: 5) |
Reward: Expeditions |
Imbued with arcane energy, this magical scoll replenishes the party's mana by a large amount. A necessity in prolonged battles, it enables combatants to attack relentlessly and display their full prowess in critical situations. | ||
Potion of Cleansing![]() |
Remove all status effects from one enemy. Remove all status ailments from target. (Max use: 5) | Reward: Expeditions |
A magical potion brewed to remove any ill-effects on a person. While useful in removing negative emotions, it was discovered that the potion tends to remove positive effects as well. | ||
Minor Potion of Rejuvenation![]() |
Restores 600 HP and 25 MP to the party. (Max use: 5) | Reward: Expeditions |
A magical potion that rejuvenates its user, granting them energy and vitality. This concoction was devised in recent years due to the rising need to sustain warriors during prolonged battles. | ||
Potion of Rejuvenation![]() |
Restores 1200 HP and 50 MP to the party. (Max use: 3) | Reward: Expeditions |
A unique potion that rejuvenates the user, able to close wounds and restore mana. It is increasingly becoming a standard combat item for adventurers nowadays as stronger monsters arise. | ||
Greater Potion of Rejuvenation![]() |
Restores 1800 HP and 75 MP to the party. (Max use: 3) | Reward: Expeditions |
Perfected with state-of-the-art techniques, this potion is able to bring a user back to combat-ready form, allowing him to continue to participate in battle. Crafted for the nobility to stand up against rising monstrous threats, it is rare to see commoners holding this item. | ||
Mega Phoenix* |
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Name | Effect | Obtain |
Smoke Screen![]() |
Guarantees success in escaping from most enemies. (Max use: 10) | |
Long-favored by ninjas, this handy device instantly creates a cloud of smoke that can obstruct the vision of all but the sharpest-eyed of foes. Most commonly employed to distract the enemy and allow the wielder to escape in a pinch, some add foreign substances that cause watering eyes, coughing, and other adverse effects to the inhaler. | ||
Holy Torch![]() |
Dispel status effects of one enemy. (Max use: 5) | |
A torch that burns with a divine flame. Waving it at a foe will dispel any enhancements and augmentations that may surround them. Its flame, which burns in perpetuity, is strangely cold to the touch, and has never been known to cause fires. So potent is it that great heroes that have overcome an trials in their way are often sung of as "holy torches" in the ballads of bards. | ||
Hyper![]() |
Causes the target's Limit gauge to fill more quickly (100%) for 3 turns. (Max use: 10) |
A tonic that stimulates mind and body. By enhancing the imbiber's mental awareness and physical reflexes, it allows them to unleash powerful techniques at a speed far greater than normal. With no known side effects, it is a popular choice for adventurers everywhere, save those too proud or honorable to rely on medicine to augment their natural abilities. | ||
Light Curtain![]() |
Casts protect on the party. (Max use: 10) |
A mystic curtain with the power to protect one from physical harm. Woven from thread blessed with prayers to imbue it with holy light, it anticipates the movements of the enemies and dampens the force of their attacks. Alas, its power dissipates after but a single use. The holy thread used in its creation is a product of the Olderion Republic. | ||
Lunar Curtain![]() |
Casts shell on the party. (Max use: 10) | |
A mystic curtain with the power to protect one from magical harm. Woven from thread blessed with prayers to imbue it with the grace of moonlight, it anticipates the incantations of enemies and lessens the brunt of their spells. Alas, is power dissipated after but a single use. It is said this item offers greater protection when woven in the light of a full moon. | ||
Survivor's Flask![]() |
Delays death declaration on target for 3 turns. (Max use: 35) | Buy: King Mog (Night of the Pumpkin) |
The flask contains the blessing of light spirits. Commonly used by pouring it on the ground to ward off evil spirits in the area, it can also be consumed to absorb some of the blessings. | ||
Protagonist Halo![]() |
Increase chance of being targeted (100%) for one turn to target. (Max use: 3) |
Reward: Expeditions |
Magical dust that was originally used during plays. When used, the actor glows, making him more prominient [sic] on stage. In recent years, it was discovered that certain monsters are aggravated by its use. | ||
Potion of Deception![]() |
Negate 2 physical damage taken for three turns to target. (Max use: 3) | Reward: Expeditions |
An odd-smelling potion that is used in tricks and plays. When used, it slows one's senses temporarily, allowing actors to easily perform sleight of hand without raising suspicions from the audience. It should however be used with caution, as side effects including double vision have been reported. | ||
Potion of Elemental Resistance![]() |
Increase resistance to all elements by 30% for three turns to target. (Max use: 5) |
Reward: Expeditions |
A concoction that increases the user's natural resistance to different elements. While the effects are temporal, by using it one might be able to survive magical attacks that they otherwise couldn't have. Hence, it has become a standard item when battling mages. | ||
Scroll of Acumen![]() |
Boost the party's ATK and DEF by 30% for 3 turns. (Max use: 10) | |
A group of forward-thinking magi toiled to create a series of magic scrolls able to be wielded even by those not blessed with the power of magic. This particular scroll enhances the physical powers of an entire party, but is itself consumed after a single use. | ||
Scroll of Vigor![]() |
Boost the party's MAG and SPR by 30% for 3 turns. (Max use: 10) | |
A group of forward-thinking magi toiled to create a series of magic scrolls able to be wielded even by those not blessed with the power of magic. This particular scroll enhances the physical powers of an entire party, but is itself consumed after a single use. | ||
Bomb Fragment![]() |
Deals fire damage (200) to target. (Max use: 10) |
A remnant from the body of a self-destructed bomb. Still smoldering with the fire of its ill-fated master, its flames can be channeled to do damage to foes. Capable of causing extensive destruction to one's surroundings if not careful, fortunately it is typically procurable by only the most experienced of adventurers. | ||
Bomb Arm![]() |
Deals fire damage (300) to target. (Max use: 7) |
A remnant from the body of a self-destructed bomb. While bomb fragments are commonly seen, fully-intact arms are rare indeed, and naturally prized for the fiery havoc they can wreak on foes. Overeager adventurers looking to procure this treasured item by their own hand have been known to meet an explosive end. | ||
Red Fang![]() |
Deals fire damage (400) to all enemies. (Max use: 7) |
A reddish fang that appears to be the remnant of a fire beast. The power of flame stored within can be unleashed to consume a group of foes in a scorching blaze. Warm to the touch, it is often transported within cloth made from the same materials as a lunar curtain, to prevent the slightest misstep from setting off a rampant wildfire. | ||
Antarctic Wind![]() |
Deals ice damage (200) to target. (Max use: 10) |
A mystical item with the chill winds of the southern reaches sealed within. Even brought far from its source, it carries enough power to deal a small amount of ice damage. An effective way for those not magically inclined to stand against fire-element foes, even its modest powers can help give and edge in battle. | ||
Arctic Wind![]() |
Deals ice damage (300) to target. (Max use: 7) |
A mystical item with the blustery winds of the northern reaches sealed within. Potent enough to chill one's entire body at the slightest touch, it is a popular accessory in deserts and volcanic areas. When confronted by a formidable enemy of the fiery persuasion, this item can spell the difference between death and a safe escape. | ||
White Fang![]() |
Deals ice damage (400) to all enemies. (Max use: 7) |
A whitish fang that appears to be the remnant of an ice beast. The power of ice stored within can be unleashed to consume a group of foes in a blustery blizzard. Cold to the touch, it is often transported within cloth made from the same materials as a lunar curtain, to prevent the slightest misstep from setting off a violent snowstorm. | ||
Zeus's Wrath![]() |
Deals lightning damage (200) to target. (Max use: 10) |
A mystical item said to house the wrath of the god of storms, albeit in minute quantities. Capable of inflicting a modest amount of lightning damage, it is particularly effective against aquatic foes. Though limited in potency, its ease of use among non-mages and having no need for long incantations are significant merits, making it perfect for distracting the enemy and creating an opening. | ||
Heavenly Wrath![]() |
Deals lightning damage (300) to target. (Max use: 7) |
A mystical item said to house the wrath of all the gods of the heavens. Capable of inflicting significant lightning damage, it is remarkably effective against aquatic foes. Its sheer thunderous force is such that it can prove a challenge for the wielder to even remain standing. It is said to be a popular choice for kidnappers looking to incapacitate their targets before spiriting them away. | ||
Blue Fang![]() |
Deals lightning damage (400) to all enemies. (Max use: 7) |
A bluish fang that appears to be the remnant of a lightning beast. The power of ice stored within can be unleashed to consume a group of foes in a blustery blizzard. Cold to the touch, it is often transported within cloth made from the same materials as a lunar curtain, to prevent the slightest misstep from setting off a calamitous tempest. | ||
Fish Scale![]() |
Deals water damage (200) to target. (Max use: 10) |
A scale left behind by a creature of the deep. The power it harbors within is enough to deal a modest amount of water damage to a foe. With some scales shimmering with resplendent colors, they are prizes as ornaments as much as for their role in battle. Sadly, one cannot have it both ways, as releasing the scale's power will leave it a ashen husk. | ||
Dragon Scale![]() |
Deals water damage (300) to target. (Max use: 7) |
A scale left behind by a water dragon. Harboring great power, it can inflict significant water damage on a foe. Fishermen and sailors have been known to fashion these scales into talismans, which are said to ward off dangers of the deep. However, judicious buyers avoid such trinkets, as most are but imitations of the real thing. | ||
Giant Feather![]() |
Deals wind damage (200) to target. (Max use: 10) |
The feather of a great bird, imbued with the power of the wind, capable of dealing a modest amount of wind damage to a foe. The birds from which these feathers are harvested are known to nest atop peaks and mountains, far out of human sight. They are, however, quite territorial, and will not hesitate to descend, talons bared, on anything they consider a threat. If you find one of these feather, be sure to watch out overhead. | ||
Wyvern Feather![]() |
Deals wind damage (300) to target. (Max use: 7) |
The feather of a wyvern, imbued with the power of the wind, capable of dealing significant wind damage to a foe. Collected only on rare occasions from wyverns, it resembles a miniature dragon's wing --- one small enough to be carried. Some researchers posit that it is not an actual wing at all, but a manifestation of wind magic that has taken physical form. | ||
Earth Drum![]() |
Deals earth damage (200) to target. (Max use: 10) |
A mysterious drum said to harbor the power of the earth itself. Capable of inflicting a modest amount of earth damage, it has the unfortunate side effect of creating a rumbling that sweeps one off one's feet, invariably causing the drum to shatter in the process. Historians posit that it was a centerpiece in the dwarven festivals of old. | ||
Gaia's Cry![]() |
Deals earth damage (300) to target. (Max use: 7) |
A curious item said to harbor the power of the earth. Capable of inflicting significant earth damage on a foe, the mighty tremors it creates have been known to open fissures in the earth. Said to have been the creation of a legendary dwarf artisan, known to posterity as the Son of the Land, the specific details of its origin are shrouded in mystery. | ||
Void Vessel![]() |
Deals dark damage (2000) to target. (Max use: 5) |
Deals dark damage to one enemy. This fragile looking bottle contains a small mass of dark energy. Those who dare to carry these should be careful as being too close to one when it breaks is incredibly dangerous. Even shop owners usually refuse to carry these out of fear for their own safety. |
Throwing items[]
Name | Effect | Obtain |
Shuriken![]() |
Deals fixed damage (500) to target. (Max use: 10) |
A ninja throwing weapon. Their severe training is known for its rigor, but perhaps a ninja's most fundamental skill is the throwing of a shuriken. It demands absolute control of the arm and wrist to send one flying into the vulnerable part of one's foe, and only ninjas who hit their targets without fail are worthy of the name. | ||
Fuma Shuriken![]() |
Deals fixed damage (1000) to target. (Max use: 7) |
A ninja throwing weapon. More damaging than a standard-issue shuriken, it is a rare sight at the weaponsmith. Hard to come by even for accomplished ninjas, those who are fortunate to obtain one are known to save it for the most formidable foes. Its distinctive shape and flight path makes aiming a challenge. | ||
Pinwheel![]() |
Deals fixed damage (2000) to target. (Max use: 5) |
A ninja throwing weapon. More damaging than even a fuma shuriken, its charming appearance belies its nature as one of the most potent weapons a ninja could hope to add to his or her arsenal. Primarily employed in assassinations, the mere sight of the pinwheel is enough to strike fear into any crooked bureaucrat's heart. In skilled hands, a single attack can fell the strongest foe. | ||
Grenade![]() |
Deals fixed damage (800) to all enemies. (Max use: 7) | |
A modern projectile weapon capable of dealing mass damage when thrown at a group of enemies. Developed as a means to strike against mages hurling potent magics from behind the lines of battle, it is the modern descendant of the throwing stone and the bow and arrow. Chronicles say that the military nation of Zoldaad was the first to employ this technology in actual battle. | ||
Frag Grenade![]() |
Deals fixed damage (1500) and decrease DEF by 30% to all enemies. (Max use: 5) |
A modern projectile weapon capable of dealing mass damage, and furthermore shattering the armor and protection of a group of foes to lower their defenses. An enhanced model of the original grenade designed to make short work of even heavily armored troops, it requires the utmost care and expertise to be used effectively. | ||
Imperial Grenade![]() |
Deals fixed damage (50,000) to target. (Max use: 7) |
Reward: The Empire of Light and Dark |
A hand grenade often used by the Zoldaad military. It is known for its ability to cause a set amount of damage to any enemy. However since it is a throwing weapon it can only be wielded by those with the power to do so. The Zoldaad army has been building their military and increasing their weaponry in preparation for war. This hand grenade, too, is part of that ongoing effort. |
Drink items[]
Name | Effect | Obtain |
Body Boost![]() |
Temporarily boosts the user's ATK by 20%. (Max use: 10) | |
A vigorous tonic that increases the drinker's physical attack power. Due to its extreme potency, only salve-makers with advanced knowledge can stomach it and gain its benefits. Said to have been developed by salve-makers to augment their own physical capabilities on the battlefield, the formula has been refined through the years. | ||
Mana Tablet![]() |
Temporarily boosts the user's MAG by 20%. (Max use: 10) | |
A vigorous tonic that increases the drinker's magical attack power. Due to its extreme potency, only salve-makers with advanced knowledge can stomach it and gain its benefits. Said to have been developed by salve-makers to augment their own magical capabilities on the battlefield, its lack of drinkability has kept it from reaching wide popularity. | ||
Protect Drink![]() |
Temporarily boosts the user's DEF by 20%. (Max use: 10) | |
A recent invention, this medicine increases the defenses of the drinker for a short period of time. Though highly effective, it is only drinkable by knowledgeable salve-makers, and production remains extremely limited. When seen, it is often marketed with the motto, "A bottle a day keeps the pain away!" | ||
Shell Drink![]() |
Temporarily boosts the user's SPR by 20%. (Max use: 10) | |
A recent invention, this medicine increases the spiritual energy of the drinker for a short period of time. Though highly effective, it is only drinkable by knowledgeable salve-makers, and production remains extremely limited. When seen, it is often marketed with the motto, "A bottle a day, and your worries allay!" | ||
Bacchus's Wine![]() |
Inflicts berserk status on the user. (Max use: 10) |
A mystical draught said to spout forth endlessly from an enchanted fount. Only consumable by knowledgeable salve-makers, it brings out the latent powers of the drinker, allowing them to exceede their nomral pysical capacities. As a side-effect, however, it induces obliviousness to one's surroundings and a loss of control, as if the imbiber were in a severe state of inebriation. | ||
Hero Drink![]() |
Temporarily boosts the user's ATK, DEF, MAG, and SPR by 20%. (Max use: 10) | |
A vigorous tonic that enhanced the imbiber's physical attack and defense, magic and spirit. Due to its extreme potency, only salve-makers with advanced knowledge can stomach it and gain its benefits. Be forewarned, however, as its formidable effects can lull one into overconfidence and a false sense of invincibility. | ||
Giant's Drink*![]() |
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Name | Effect | Obtain |
Mogcake![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Festival of the Autumn Moon |
In honor of King Mog who lives in the Farplane, the people of Lapis would once a year bake festive pastries called mogcakes, and lay them outside of their homes in hopes of appeasing his stellar cravings. Like most cakes, the mogcake requires sugar, eggs, and flour to be mixed together. The lotus seed paste is what sets this delicacy apart. Its unique sweetness is more than enough to bring even the most jaded of food critics to their knees with its divine taste. | ||
Candy Corn![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Halloween - Night of the Pumpkin |
A bright yellow, orange, and white piece of candy is made from a mixture of sugar, corn syrup, vanilla extract, and marshmallows. People of all ages enjoy this especially during the Halloween season. | ||
Auracite Shard![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Orbonne Monastery Vaults |
In a far off world, stories are told of a mysterious stone called auracite. Said to bring about miracles as well as attracts demons, this auracite was collected by many to fulfill their many ambitions. Though the materials being found today cannot be confirmed as to whether or not they are true auracite shards, it is true that they contain a somewhat different power then what was found before. | ||
Karma![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Grand Gaia Chronicles |
A strange power said to exist in another world. It is believed to be the manifestation of a certain force that shares a connection with the human soul. In their own world Summoners consider this item to be indispensable in their daily lives, as they use its power to enhance their abilities and create equipment used in battle. Whether it serves the same purposes in this world or not, however, remains a mystery. | ||
Trochoid Gear![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | The Hanging Edge |
A small gear spoken of in texts from the Farplane. Gears like these are used in Lapis too, and are well-known. However, this gear is so incredibly ornate that it would be impossible for anyone there to produce another like it. The texts on these gears is hard to read, but upon pushing oneself to try and understand, the term "Oerba" can be picked up. | ||
Phantoma![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Akademeia |
An orb of power from another world known as Orience, where four nations, each in possession of a different crystal, are involved in a never-ending war. These appear to have been used in Orience as magic enhancers. Held within the bodies of living creatures, these are thought to retain their life energy even after they have passed. | ||
Candy![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Mana Mystery |
A delicious, round drop obtained from the Farplane. As sweet as its name would suggest, it is wrapped up in a brightly colored wrapper. In the Farplane, it is said that it isn't just thought of as a treat, and is actually used in healing. It is thought that mixing it with medicinal plants could produce such an effect, though it is still being investigated whether or not it would have such an effect in this world. | ||
White Phantoma![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Operation MA Demolition |
An orb of power from another world known as Orience, where four nations, each in possession of a different crystal are involved in a never-ending war. Thought to contain some sort of life energy as they can be obtained by defeating enemies in battle, it is said they were invaluable in magic research in the world of Orience. There appear to be many different colors of phantoma outside of white. | ||
Ifrit Raid Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | March on Ifrit |
A flaming red coin. It is said only those unfaltering in the face of adversity and with the courage to fight their way through the toughest of situations can obtain it. | ||
Red Orb![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | The Auracite Chosen |
A treasure from an ancient magic city, appearing in tales from the Farplane. Experiments were carried out in this magic city to seal knowledge into stones so that techniques could be passed down over time. It is said that this red orb, the result of those experiments, was used in many places as a sort of aid to endow people with magic and skills, or enhance the skills of any who held it. | ||
Metal Egg![]() |
Can be exchanged for an egg summon. | The Egg Seekers |
A mysterious egg that drops from monsters during a festive season of the year. | ||
Fish![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | The Floating Continent |
A fresh and delicious fish that exists in a faraway world. It's hard to tell whether a fish is delicious or not by how it looks, but there's no mistaking the agile movements of a delicious one, which is what an angler must look out for. Even the sick could get better after eating a fish as delicious as this...probably. | ||
Bahamut Raid Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | Vision of Bahamut |
A coin with an ominous aura about it. It is said only those unfaltering in the face of adversity and with the courage to fight their way through the toughest of situations can obtain it. | ||
Blue Phantoma![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | The Battle of Judecca |
An orb of power from another world known as Orience, where four nations, each in possession of a different crystal, are involved in a never-ending war. It is said various forms of this phantoma were used to strengthen magic. They varied not only in color, but also in effect, and it is thought their essence has some relation to the power of life. | ||
Gold Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Monster Carnival |
A certain coin used for currency in a faraway world. These come from a different world, so they can't be used to make purchases. It is highly recommended to bring as many of these as you can to King Mog. | ||
Mote![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Henne Mines |
A fragment with magic sealed inside from the faraway world of Ivalice. It is said that by using one, anyone can unleash the magic held within this mote. Many different mote exist in the land of Ivalice, some with overwhelmingly destructive magic power. Since detailed instructions on its use isn't available, it is not possible to use its magic power in this world. | ||
Shadow Lord Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | The Shadow Lord Invades |
A deeply dark coin. It is said only those unfaltering in the face of adversity and with the courage to fight their way through the toughest of situations can obtain it. | ||
White Orb![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | In the Name of Love |
A strange gem brought from the faraway world of Ivalice. Though it resembles gems discovered in an ancient magical city that existed in Ivalice and were used to seal various techniques, it is unknown whether or not this gem is the same. There appear to be other gems colored red, blue, and black. | ||
Crimson Ore![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Grand Gaia Chronicles* Update |
A semi-precious stone rumored to be found in areas where great bloodshed has taken place. These stones bear record of the countless wars fought throughout history but do not seem to serve any other purpose beyond this. | ||
King Mog Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | One Year Celebration, Kupo! |
A coin as white as a moogle. It is said only those unfaltering in the face of adversity and with the courage to fight their way through the toughest of situations can obtain it...kupo. | ||
Wind Fang![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Castle Hein |
A strange fang that exists in a faraway world. It is told that it was given to the Warriors of Light who defeated Hein by the eldest tree in the living forest. There are others including water, fire, and earth, which are said to be able to destroy the statues which block the way to the Crystal Tower. | ||
Neff Galmud Raid Coin*![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | – |
– | ||
Hairpin![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Battle at the Borders |
A beautiful hairpin created in the faraway world of Eos. It was made as a present for the Oracle Lunafreya, bride to Prince Noctis of the Kingdom of Lucis. | ||
Memory Candy![]() |
Can be exchanged at Mog Minister's reward shop. |
In Search of True Strength |
A candy made from quality sugar and delicious water. Recovers HP and MP when eaten. To the white mage Ayaka, these candies remind her of her master who taught her how to handle her powers. Though a natural prodigy, she was too serious and unable to effectively use her magic, and it is said that she was given this candy along with the advice to "simply relax." Note: Can be used in battle to recover HP (10%) and MP (5%) to one ally. It is a craftable item (requires Quality Sugar x1, Delicious Water x1, 100 gil). | ||
Four Noble Devils Raid Coin*![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | |
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1/35th Scale Soldier![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Destroy the Reactor |
A 1/35th scale figurine brought from another world. There are 12 of these Shinra soldiers all together. They were modelled after the soldiers in Shinra's private army. | ||
Contest Raid Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | King of Darkness |
A magenta colored coin. This coin is said to be held by those with the courage to undauntedly face greater powers with honor and respect. | ||
Debased Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | The Frozen Cavern |
Coins brought from the faraway world of Eos. These coins can be found throughout Eos, but they are far outdated to be used as currency. They can be used as materials for magic or sold for a small amount. | ||
Titan Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | March on Titan |
A brown, stone-colored coin. Only those unflinching against great power, and able to see out battles in a fair and even manner are able to obtain it. | ||
Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Alexandria Castle |
Looks like a ticket to the famous play in the faraway world of Gaia, "I Want to Be Your Canary." However, it's a fake. It's really hard to tell, but if you look really close you can see that it actually reads, "I Want to Be Your Kitty Cat." | ||
Engels Raid Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | Destroy the Machine Lifeform |
A coin which serves as proof that one has battled with a giant machine lifeform from another world. Only those unflinching against great power, and able to see out battles in a fair and even manner are able to obtain it. | ||
Al Bhed Primer![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Gagazet |
A lexicon brought from a faraway world. A crucial item needed to understand the language used by the Al Bhed. The teachings of Yevon is widespread in the faraway world of Spira. In this world, the Al Bhed are prosecuted for their use of machines and firearms, which is strictly prohibited under the teachings of Yevon. | ||
Garuda Raid Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | March on Garuda |
An emerald-colored coin that invokes a memory of powerful gales. It is said that only brave souls who face opponents of daunting might in battle can obtain it. | ||
MA-X Maniple Raid Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | Imperial Infiltration |
A coin that serves as proof of one's battle against a military weapon that guards military facilities in a faraway world. Only those brave souls who dauntingly face opponents of might in battle are said to gain this coin. | ||
Urutan Flower![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Yensa Sandsea |
A purple flower brought from the faraway world of Ivalice. A certain Urutan-Yensa sought help from other races to defeat the nemesis of its people, the Urutan Eater, but the Urutan-Yensa brought the ire of the clan's queen, and was subsequently executed. It is said that a flower blossomed from where that Urutan-Yensa was executed, as if it was its very reincarnation. | ||
Caribudis Raid Coin カリュブディスレイドコイン* |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | |
– | ||
Pink Tail![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Fabul Castle Guard |
A monster's pink tail brought from the Farplane. This precious tail is well-known in the faraway world where it came from as being a rare drop from an equally rare breed of pink colored slime. | ||
Annual Beast Raid Coin 年獣レイドコイン* |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | |
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Etched Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged at Mog Minister's reward shop. | Nibelheim |
A gold medal adorned with the design of a beautiful woman. It can only be gained by going to a special location, which one must have strong ties with to enter. The true value of this medal is only seen by those with deep knowledge of ancient works of art. There is a rumor that a king in a faraway land collects these coins. | ||
Jie Rivos Raid Coin ジエ・リヴォースレイドコイン* |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | |
– | ||
Training Bokken![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | Join the Grandshelt Knights! |
A wooden sword used by Grandshelt knights in training. These swords are mass produced periodically, and are marked with the year they were produced along the base of the hilt. Years where skilled knights have trained are called the "golden years," and swords marked with those years are considered rare and highly expensive. | ||
Graverobber Raid Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | Dracotaur Lancer |
A coin that serves as proof of one's battle against an amalgamated beast from a faraway world. Only those brave souls who dauntingly face opponents of might in battle are said to gain this coin. | ||
Yellow Disk![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | Tomb of the Silversmith |
Coins like these are only attainable by damaging, or even defeating, certain powerful bosses. They serve as proof of one's bravery, as attaining them is no easy task. | ||
Magma Rock Fragments![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | The Tower of Zot |
A fragment of a stone with colour of magma. It was rumoured that a paladin once used this stone to open the way to the underworld in a village. | ||
Lantern![]() |
Can be exchanged at King Mog's reward shop. | The Misty Bamboo Forest |
A lantern that an eastern kingdom gave King Mog as present. An outstanding oriental handicraft. | ||
Musical Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | Dark Symphony |
A coin embossed with a musical symbol. It makes a melodious clink upon impact so it was often used by musicians in the past as a source of inspiration to produce music. | ||
Candy Cane![]() |
Can be exchanged at Mog Minister's reward shop. Can be used as crafting material for Joyful Spirit. | Eternal Winter |
A type of candy shaped like a cane. It is a white sugary treat colored with beautiful red and green stripes along its smooth and shimmery surface. Each candy is carefully wrapped with a red ribbon as a special gift to celebrate a joyous holiday. | ||
Khalam Medal![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | Conqueror of Izander |
An ancient relic from Olthea. It is adorned with the image of their time god Khalam. Only those blessed by Khalam himself may possess such a relic. | ||
Petal Token![]() |
Can be exchanged at Mog Minister's reward shop. | Cherry Blossom Campaign |
A metallic token resembling the petal of a cherry blossom. Rumor has it that adventurers can collect these in exchange for valuable rewards via the Mog Minister in the Farplane. | ||
2nd Anniversary Medal![]() |
Can be exchanged at Mog Minister's reward shop. | 2nd Anniversary Countdown |
A gold medal commemorating FFBE's 2nd Anniversary. Rumor has it that adventurers can collect these in exchange for valuable rewards via the Mog Minister in the Farplane. Note: Appears in the Materials section. | ||
Bavarium Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a raid summon. | The Son of Medici |
A coin made from bavarium that can only be obtained by facing the URGA Mstitel. |
Name | Effect | Obtain |
Magicite Shard![]() |
A shard of a magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A shard of magicite that radiates a curious light. Formed by the condensation of magical energy, the stone known as magicite is prized by many for its power, but is exceedingly rare, with most of the specimens found being little more than the shattered remnants of larger stones. That said, even this shard has not lost all of its power, and will serve to augment the powers of an esper to some degree. | ||
Magicite![]() |
A shard of a magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A stone of condensed magical energy that radiates a curious light. It is said that some are formed naturally in magic-rich terrain, while others grow within the bodies of mystical creatures. Common to all forms of magicite is the power they bestown on espers. Magicite can evolve to eventually give off light of myriad colors, but this stone has yet to accrue that level of power. | ||
Red Magicite![]() |
A red magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off a reddish light. Often depicted alongside espers in legends and wall paintings, it is thought to imbue these mystic beasts with enhanced powers. The significance of the various colors has been researched by scholars through the years, but to this day no definitive conclusion has beeen reached. It is said that certain espers have a special fondness for particular stones. | ||
Blue Magicite![]() |
A blue magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off a bluish light. Known to imbue special powers to espers, it is said that certain beasts have a particular fondness for stones of this color. Ever in demand among researchers of the arcane, the task of harvesting these rare stones from the perilous locations in which they are found often falls to enterprising adventurers. | ||
Green Magicite![]() |
A green magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off a greenish light. Known to imbue special powers to espers, it is said that certain beasts have a particular fondness for stones of this color. Ever in demand among researchers of the arcane, the task of harvesting these rare stones from the perilous locations in which they are found often falls to enterprising adventurers. | ||
White Magicite![]() |
A white magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off a whitish light. Known to imbue special powers to espers, it is said that certain beasts have a particular fondness for stones of this color. Magicite shards are treasured as good luck talismans across the realm, with white stones being seen as particularly auspicious. The magical power exuded by the stone is believed to have a calming effect on the hearts of those who gaze into it. | ||
Black Magicite![]() |
A black magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off a blackish light. Known to imbue special powers to espers, it is said that certain beasts have a particular fondness for stones of this color. Magicite is unique in the way it exudes light in the darkness, and sightings of ghostly lights on sunless seas and dark forests is often a sign that magicite is nearby. That, or something more sinister... | ||
Yellow Magicite![]() |
A yellow stone said to grant power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off a yellowish light. Known to imbue special powers to espers, it is said taht certain beasts have a particular fondness for stones of this color. There is a legend that say espers can evolve to surpass their own limits with the power they receive from magicite which they obtain thanks to the help of humans they trust. However, there are few who understand exactly how they accomplish such increases in power. | ||
Orange Magicite![]() |
An orange stone said to grant power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off an orange light. Known to imbue special powers to espers, it is said taht certain beasts have a particular fondness for stones of this color. Though espers grow by absorbing the magic power held within a magicite, they will only take it from humans with whom they have established a trusting relationship. If an esper were to accept the power of magicite given to it, that would serve as proof of trust felt towards the provider. | ||
Violet Magicite![]() |
A violet stone said to grant power to espers. | |
A piece of magicite that has evolved to give off a violet light. Known to imbue special powers to espers, it is said taht certain beasts have a particular fondness for stones of this color. The color of magicite changes in relation to the type of magic power held within it, with preferred colors varying by esper. Though it is difficult to ascertain which magicite will be most effective with which esper, they do tend to prefer colors that symbolize the form of magic they use. | ||
Red Megacite![]() |
A large red magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant red light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. Academics posit that the mystical creatures absorb the energies sealed within the stones, but as the magicite disappears immediately upon being consumed, the exact nature of this process remains a mystery. | ||
Blue Megacite![]() |
A large blue magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant blue light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. Enterprising mages have been known to purchase specimens from adventurers for their research, but arguments over fair price are frequent, as the distinction between magicite and megacite is oft subject to debate. | ||
Green Megacite![]() |
A large green magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant green light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. While certain monsters are known to produce magicite within their bodies, only the most gargantuan of beasts are capable of storing the massive stones known as megacite. Such creatures invariably wield highly potent magic, a testament o the power of the megacite within. | ||
White Megacite![]() |
A large white magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant white light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. A familiar substance to summoners and mages, to those without arcane inclinations it is but another exotic jewel. Tales of unaware aristocrats who discovered their favorite accessories were actually made of megacite are too common to be dismissed as fiction. | ||
Black Megacite![]() |
A large black magic stone that grants power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant black light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. Since olden times, magical power has been thought to possess a will of its own, a sentience that would live on in this evolved magicite. That said, such power is far weaker than that found in crystals, and is limited to a distant feeling of joy or sadness felt by those who come in contact with it. | ||
Yellow Megacite![]() |
A large yellow stone said to grant power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant yellow light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. Despite wielding great power, espers are unable to leave their domain of their own power. It has been told that in order to venture outside the areas to which they are bound, they require the aid of trustworthy humans. | ||
Orange Megacite![]() |
A large orange stone said to grant power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant orange light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. Nowadays, when most humans have never even seen an esper, magicite is treated like any other precious stone. This orange magicite, which appears fairly ordinary at first, is particularly popular mong older gentlemen. | ||
Violet Megacite![]() |
A large violet stone said to grant power to espers. | |
A highly-evolved magicite stone that emits a brilliant violet light. Magicite that has grown to this size is rare indeed, and is said to grant espers unheard-of powers. Even though it has become common knowledge that magicite holds great magical power, a method of extracting this power has yet to be established. It is said that only espers are able to absorb the powers housed within these stones. | ||
Red Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Ifrit and Phoenix. | |
A great red stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out brilliant red lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. It takes countless years for megacites to grow into supercites, and are found in areas rarely frequented by adventurers, or may be found on monsters of great power. | ||
Blue Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Siren and Leviathan. | |
A great blue stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out brilliant blue lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. These stones are noted for their brilliance, and this characteristic has led many sly scoundrels sell fake supercites for absurd prices by simply polishing readily available magicites. | ||
Green Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Tetra Sylphid and Leviathan. | |
A great green stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out brilliant green lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. Many wealthy people believe that these green supercites hold the power of healing, making them quite popular, but such powers have not been confirmed yet to this day. | ||
White Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Carbuncle. | |
A great white stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out brilliant lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. Supercites are very hard, and will rarely ever erode in any environment. As to why they are so resilient is unknown, though some believe it could be the magic powers it holds, coupled with the stone's inherent resistance. | ||
Black Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Diabolos and Fenrir. | |
A great black stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out scintillating black lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. It is extremely rare to obtain multiple varieties of magicites at once, which leads some to believe that magicites are formed based on its qualities and matching environment. | ||
Yellow Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Ramuh. | |
A great yellow stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out brilliant yellow lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. Many scientists and mages conduct studies of magicites, believing that they may be able to obtain great powers similar to espers by extracting magic powers from these stones. | ||
Orange Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Golem, Titan, and Phoenix. | |
A great orange stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out brilliant orange lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. Though there are differences in brilliance and hardness of these special stones, there is no set standard in clearly determining whether one is a megacite or a supercite. This leads to many confrontations between those in the trade of selling these stones. | ||
Violet Supercite![]() |
Grants 24000 experience to an esper. Bonus 1.5x experience to Shiva and Fenrir. | |
A great violet stone said to grant power to espers. These stones contain great amounts of compressed magic, and lets out brilliant violet lights. These stones are no different in size to megacites, but are able to grant greater power to espers. Espers are generally shrouded in mystery, and very few can say they have actually seen one. Because of this, research in regards to these stones are viewed as a potential way in figuring out the mysteries behind the existence of espers. |
Name | Effect | Obtain |
Rare Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a rare summon. | |
– | ||
Arena Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for an arena summon. | |
– | ||
4★+ Guaranteed Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a guaranteed 4★ or above rare summon. | |
– | ||
10+1 Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a 10+1 rare summon. | |
– | ||
EX Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a (rare) Exvius summon. | |
– | ||
4★+ Guaranteed EX Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a guaranteed 4★ or above (rare) Exvius summon. | |
– | ||
5★ Guaranteed EX Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a guaranteed 5★ Exvius summon. | |
– | ||
10% 5★ Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a 10% chance to get a 5★ rare summon. | |
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30% 5★ Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a 30% chance to get a 5★ rare summon. | |
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Expansion Voucher![]() |
Used to purchase 5 additional slots for inventory expansion. | |
– | ||
Star Quartz![]() |
Can be exchanged for items with the Fat Chocobo and Mama Chocobo. | |
An exquisite gem found on rare occasions throughout the realm. Though strongly resembling a crystal, it harbors no power of its own—though the vast majority of laymen are unable to discern the difference. As such, it is rarely seen in shops, though it is said that certain mineral enthusiasts have amassed sizable collections. | ||
Magic Key![]() |
A key that can open silver treasure chests. | |
A curious key said to possess the power to unlock magically-sealed treasure caskets the realm over. Arcane scholars posit that the magical energies imbued within it neutralize the incantations cast upon the chest, allowing mystic seals to be broken. A remarkable tool for treasure-hunters, unfortunately its powers are lost after a single use. | ||
Earth Key #1-25![]() |
A key to a deposit box in Grandshelt's Vault. | See Vault. |
A key elaborately ornamented with a pattern of twisting vines and engraved with a number: #1-25. Bring the key to the vault in Grandshelt and it will unlock the corresponding strongbox, allowing you to lay claim to the treasure within. Collect all the keys scattered across the realm and open all the strongboxes, and even greater riches await you... The number that appears will be the Key's number | ||
Gale Key #1-10![]() |
A key to a deposit box in Dirnado's Vault. | See Vault. |
A key adorned with a tornado-like wind pattern. #1-10. Bring the key to the vault in Dirnado and it will unlock the corresponding strongbox, allowing you to claim the treasure within. Collect all the keys scattered across the realm and open all the strongboxes, and even greater riches await you... The number that appears will be the Key's number | ||
Flamering Key #1-10![]() |
A key to a deposit box in Zoldaad's Vault. | See Vault. |
A key modeled after the burning sun. #1-10. Bring the key to the vault in Zoldaad and it will unlock the corresponding strongbox, allowing you to claim the treasure within. Collect all the keys scattered across the realm and open all the strongboxes, and even greater riches await you... The number that appears will be the Key's number | ||
Aurora Key #1-10![]() |
A key to a deposit box in Mysidia's Vault. | See Vault. |
A key modeled after a gorgeous light display. #1-10. Bring the key to the vault in Mysidia and it will unlock the corresponding strongbox, allowing you to claim the treasure within. Collect all the keys scattered across the realm and open all the strongboxes, and even greater riches await you... The number that appears will be the Key's number | ||
Black Key #1-10![]() |
A key to a deposit box in Gronoa's Vault. | See Vault. |
A glossy black key that seems to hold some sort of darkness. #1-10. Bring the key to the vault in Gronoa and it will unlock the corresponding strongbox, allowing you to claim the treasure within. Collect all the keys scattered across the realm and open all the strongboxes, and even greater riches await you... The number that appears will be the Key's number | ||
Gallean Tins![]() |
Can be sold for 3000 gil. | Vault of Hidden Treasures |
A coin used during the ancient Gallean era. Gallea is known as the first civilization to use metals as currency, and the wealthy and poor alike conducted their daily business using tins like these. Nowadays, these coins are prized as historical relics, but given that they are still fairly commonplace, they don't fetch a very high price. | ||
Musical Note![]() |
Can be used as crafting material for Dangerous Ariana's exclusive equipment. | Dangerous Woman Tour |
A musical symbol that sparkles from time to time. The shape of this symbol is identical to a treble clef, used by musicians to specify the pitch of written notes. | ||
Rat Tail![]() |
Can be used as crafting material for Dragon Killer+. Can be used to activate a battle against Bahamut. | |
An item that is rarely obtained when battling Bahamut. Though it at first appears to be nothing more than a simple rat's tail, one can feel a strange power upon grasping it. Despite being spoken of in literature as a sign of strength and bravery, very few have ever obtained one, and there is little to nothing written as far as how to use it. You never know what might happen once you have gotten a hold of one of these, so it is best to keep them safe. | ||
Neff Galmud Induction Crystal*![]() |
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Skeleton Key![]() |
Used to unlock the Castle Keep and Inner Chamber. | Return to the Halloween Castle |
A key which reeks of rotten flesh and appears to be moving. It is hand-shaped, and owners of it often come to find it missing, leaving them with no choice but to lock it up to keep it from escaping. | ||
Shard of Kelsus![]() |
Can be exchanged for a shard summon during Kelsus Vision Shard event. Awakening material for Kelsus. | |
A piece of shard that once belonged to Kelsus's crystal. According to legend, people who collect enough of these shards can summon and awaken Kelsus. | ||
Ancient Coin![]() |
Can be used to refresh available expeditions. | |
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Advance Token![]() |
Can be used to speed up an expedition by an hour. | |
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NRG Restore 10![]() |
Can be used to restore 10 NRG. | |
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Green Clover![]() |
Can be used to restore 20 NRG. | |
These three-leaf clovers are said to restore the energy of anyone who picks them from the fields. | ||
Naga's Blood![]() |
Can be used to restore 20 NRG. | |
This bottle contains the blood of Naga. It was believed to have increased the stamina of greater beings in ancient times. | ||
NRG Light Sphere![]() |
Can be used to restore 20 NRG. | |
A source of blinding light said to energize those who come in contact with it. | ||
Sectored Circle - Blue![]() |
A stone slate to Madam's Manor's Ancient Ruins. | |
A blue-colored, sectored fragment from a stone slate. One can tell that these fragments once formed a circle from its shape. Though where it comes from and what it is used for is unknown, it is still considered rare, and assumed used to be used in some form of gimmick. | ||
Crimson Gem![]() |
A gem received from the Ancient Ruins. | |
A mysterious, shining red gem. This gem is proof of those who have defeated the "great bird of flames" that guards the 5th floor of the underground ruins at Madam's Manor. The gem's near perfect sphere, and the geometric patterns that appear along its surface have made many assume this gem to have been made by the ancients of yesteryear. Though its purpose has not been made clear, it is of little doubt that it is a rare piece that is very important to the underground ruins. | ||
Musical Gem![]() |
Can be used to awaken Chic Ariana. | A Musical Showdown |
A musical gem that glimmers with magic. The shape of this gem is identical to a bass clef, used by musicians to specify the pitch of written notes. | ||
Glittering Shard![]() |
Can be exchanged for a shard summon during Charming Kitty Ariana Vision Shard event. | |
A shard that has a charming glitter to it. According to popular belief, gathering enough of these shards could gain one the opportunity to meet someone extremely charming. | ||
30 Million Downloads Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a 30 Million Downloads summon. | |
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is proud to celebrate 30 million downloads worldwide! This ticket can be used to perform one 30 million downloads celebratory summon to commemorate this auspicious event. | ||
2nd Anniversary Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a guaranteed 3★ or above rare summon and 4★ Trust Moogle. | |
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is proud to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary worldwide! This ticket can be used to perform one 2nd Anniversary summon in commemoration of this auspicious event. | ||
Premium 10+1 Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a guaranteed 4★ or above 10+1 rare summon. | |
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5★ Guaranteed 10+1 Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a 10+1 and guaranteed 5★ rare summon. | |
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Special Return 3★ Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a guaranteed 3★ or above rare summon. | |
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is proud to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary worldwide! This ticket can be used to perform one rare summon. | ||
Special Return 4★ Summon Ticket![]() |
Can be exchanged for a guaranteed 4★ or above rare summon. | |
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is proud to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary worldwide! This ticket can be used to perform one rare summon guaranteed to yield a 4★ or higher unit. | ||
Player's Voice Ticket (Part 1)![]() |
Can be submitted to vote for the 2nd Anniversary campaign. | |
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is proud to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary worldwide! This ticket can be used to perform one vote on a topic of your choice concerning what is to come for FFBE in the future. | ||
Player's Voice Ticket (Part 2)![]() |
Can be submitted to vote for the 2nd Anniversary campaign. | |
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is proud to celebrate its 2nd Anniversary worldwide! This ticket can be used to perform one vote on a topic of your choice concerning what is to come for FFBE in the future. | ||
FFBE Heroes Coin![]() |
Can be exchanged for a coin summon during the FFBE Heroes Summon. | |
Don't miss this rare opportunity to add one of our powered up protagonists to your team! This coin can be used to perform a summon guaranteed to yield one 5★ FFBE hero with CG animated limit burst. |