A gallery of enemies from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius . Owing to the thousands of enemies present in Brave Exvius , the significant overlap between enemies that appear as both regular enemies and bosses, and the outsized number of bosses, this gallery does not distinguish between regular enemies and bosses. Similarly, every recruitable vision can appear as a computer-controlled enemy in the Arena ; only visions encountered outside the Arena are listed here.
Enemies in italics are exclusive to the Japanese release; without an English Brave Exvius localization, their names as given here are taken from the localizations of other entries in the Final Fantasy series or from their home series if possible, or are otherwise direct translations.
Enemies that appear exclusively during collaboration content have the collaboration noted beneath their name.
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8 Eye Final Fantasy VII (ヘクトアイズ , Hekutoaizu ? )
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Ahriman Final Fantasy XIII (アーリマン , Āriman ? ) Ahriman Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (アーリマン , Āriman ? ) Aldore Military Police (アルドール憲兵 , Arudōru Kenpei ? ) Aldore Patrol Bladed Soldier (アルドール哨戒剣闘兵 , Arudōru Shōkai Kentōhei ? ) Aldore Patrol Commander (アルドール哨戒部隊隊長 , Arudōru Shōkaibutai Taichō ? ) Aldore Patrol Heavy Gunner (アルドール哨戒銃砲兵 , Arudōru Shōkai Jūhōhei ? ) Aldore Scout (アルドール偵察兵 , Arudōru Teisatsuhei ? ) Anacondaur Final Fantasy VIII (ヘッジヴァイパー , Hejjivaipā ? ) Angry Black Mage (怒れる黒魔道士 , Okoreru Kuro Madōshi ? ) Anima Final Fantasy XIII (アニマ , Anima ? ) Antares (アンタレス , Antaresu ? ) Antlion Final Fantasy IV (アントリオン , Antorion ? ) Apep Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (アペプ , Apepu ? ) Arachne Final Fantasy XV (アルケニー , Arukenī ? ) Aranea Final Fantasy XV (アラネア , Aranea ? ) Archer Final Fantasy Tactics (弓使い , Yumizukai ? ) Ariadne Final Fantasy XV (アリアドネ , Ariadone ? ) Asura Final Fantasy IV (アスラ , Asura ? ) Asura Clan Youngling (アシュラ一家若衆 , Ashura Ikka Wakashu ? ) Azer Final Fantasy III (ほのおのまじん , Honō no Majin ? )
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Bahamut Final Fantasy XIII (バハムート , Bahamūto ? ) Bahamut Brave Frontier (竜王バハムート , Ryūō Bahamūto ? ) Barbarossa Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (バルバロッサ , Barubarossa ? ) Beatrix Final Fantasy IX (ベアトリクス , Beatorikusu ? ) Behemoth Final Fantasy VIII /Final Fantasy IX (ベヒーモス , Behīmosu ? ) Behemoth Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (ベヒーモス , Behīmosu ? ) Big Brother Underling (下っ端・兄貴分 , Shitappa Anikibun ? ) Biggs Final Fantasy VIII (ビッグス , Biggusu ? ) Black Mage War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (黒魔道士 , Kuro Madōshi ? ) Blood Maw Final Fantasy VII (ブラッドテイスト , Buraddoteisuto ? ) Blossom Sage Sakura (桜雲の賢者サクラ , Ōun no Kenja Sakura ? ) Blotted Viper Octopath Traveler (マンダラヘビ , Mandarahebi ? ) Bomb Final Fantasy XII (ボム , Bomu ? ) Brionac Final Fantasy Type-0 (ブリューナク , Buryūnaku ? ) Brutal Dragon (ブルタルドラゴン , Burutarudoragon ? ) Byalcua's Guard (ビャルクア隊 , Byarukua-tai ? )
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Captain Final Fantasy II (キャプテン , Kyaputen ? ) Captain Final Fantasy IV (キャプテン , Kyaputen ? ) Celestial Maiden (魔天女 , Matennyo ? ) Cerberus Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (ケルベロス , Keruberosu ? ) Chirada Final Fantasy XIV (チラーダ , Chirāda ? ) Chimera Collection of Mana (キマイラ , Kimaira ? ) Chocobo Final Fantasy Tactics (チョコボ , Chokobo ? ) Chocobo Hunter (チョコボハンター , Chokobohantā ? ) Cindy Final Fantasy IV (マグ , Magu ? ) Cindy Final Fantasy IV Global-exclusive
Coeurl Final Fantasy II (クアール , Kuāru ? ) Coeurl Final Fantasy VII (クアール , Kuāru ? ) Coeurl Final Fantasy VIII (クアール , Kuāru ? ) Colossus Final Fantasy Type-0 (コロッサス , Korossasu ? ) Colossus Final Fantasy Type-0 (コロッサス , Korossasu ? ) Compound Eyes (コンパウンドアイズ , Konpaundoaizu ? ) Crawler Final Fantasy XIII (クロウラー , Kurōrā ? ) Cruller Final Fantasy VI (ドゥドゥフェドゥ , Dudufedu ? ) Cryonade Final Fantasy Type-0 (ヒョウケツ , Hyōketsu ? ) Crystallized Basilisk (クリスタライズ・バジリスク , Kurisutaraizu Bajirisuku ? ) Crystallized Bomb (クリスタライズ・ボム , Kurisutaraizu Bomu ? ) Crystallized Eagle (クリスタライズ・イーグル , Kurisutaraizu Īguru ? ) Crystallized Rat (クリスタライズ・ラット , Kurisutaraizu Ratto ? ) Crystallized Sahagin (クリスタライズ・サハギン , Kurisutaraizu Sahagin ? ) Crystallized Spider (クリスタライズ・スパイダー , Kurisutaraizu Supaidā ? ) Crystallized Wolf (クリスタライズ・ウルフ , Kurisutaraizu Urufu ? )
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