The television network TV Tokyo's Anime X-press website hosted the official site for Final Fantasy: Unlimited. The website was opened in October 2001 to conincide with the airing of the show, and removed in April 2003. The website was updated weekly with new episodes and characters.
It features similar content to ADV's English DVD show site, however the DVD show site only covered characters and episode synopses up to episode 4 (though included artwork for the entire series).
The website was hosted at
- トップ (Toppu?),
The home page. Has basic show details such as air times and a link to a trailer.
An updating page featuring Final Fantasy: Unllimited related news. Was updated with the Phase.0 DVD, the official fan site, the interviews, and things about Final Fantasy: Unlimited Voice Theater ~Fabula no Ikai e no Izanai~[1].
- ストーリー (Sutōrī?),
A pitch for the show and basic plot details. It mentions that Wonderland is the stage for the first half of the show, as was the plan before the series was cut short.
Staff & Cast[]
- スタッフ&キャスト (Sutaffu to Kyasuto?),
Contains a list of the main staff and cast of the show, and states the opening and ending themes of the show. Links to websites for Kikuko Inoue (voice of Fabula), Haruko Momoi (voice of Ai), and Avex's page for Kana Ueda (voice of Herba and singer of opening theme).
The page also links to an interviews section, that features an [2] with base concept planner Akitoshi Kawazu, an interview with chief director Mahiro Maeda, conductor Yoshitomo Yonetani, and interviews with ten of the show's voice actors.
- キャラクター (Kyarakutā?),
Featured an updating list of characters with artwork and short bios.
- Kaze
- 風?
- Lisa Pacifist
- リサ パツィフィースト (Risa Patsifisuto?)
- Ai and Yu
- アイとユウ (Ai to Yū?)
- Hayakawas (Joe and Mary)
- ハヤカワ夫妻 (Hayakawa Fusai?)
- Makenshi
- 魔剣士?
- Earl Tyrant
- タイラント伯爵 (Tairanto-hakushaku?)
- Fungus
- フングス (Fangusu?)
- Herba
- ヘルバ (Heruba?)
- Pist
- ピスト (Pisuto?)
- Oscha
- オスカー (Osukā?)
- Crux
- クルクス (Kurukusu?)
- Knave
- ナーヴ (Nāvu?)
- Cid
- シド (Shido?)
- Miles
- ミィレス (Miresu?)
- Lou Lupus
- ルー・ルプス (Rū Rupusu?)
- Sagi
- サギ?
- Chobi
- チョビ?
- Ciel Chocobo
- シエルチョコボ (Shieru Chokobo?)
- Chocobaba, Chocoimo
- チョコババ・チョコイモ (Chokobaba Chokoimo?)
- Travel through Wonderland with chocobos. Chocobo loving sisters.
- Cid Frog
- シドガエル (Shido Kaeru?)
- Frog Hermit
- カエル仙人 (Kaeru Sennin?)
- Somosan
- ソモサン?
- Moogle
- モーグリ (Mōguri?)
- Aura
- アウラ?
- Clear
- クリア (Kuria?)
- Madoushi
- 魔道士 (Madōshi?)
- Cactuar
- サボテンダー (Sabotendā?)
- Comodeen
- コモディーンの人達 (Komodīn no Hitotachi?)
- Desolate
- 無気力人 (Mukiryoku?)
- Fabula
- ファーブラ (Fābura?)
- Fungo
- ファンゴ (Fango?)
Story Synopses[]
- 各話あらすじ (Kakuwa Arasuji?),
List of aired episodes and their air date. Pages for each episode give a synopsis.
Next Story[]
- 次週予告 (Jishū Yokoku?),
This page existed while the show was airing. It featured the air date, synopsis, and a short preview of the upcoming episode.