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The magitek research facility is a location in "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn". It is not named beyond being called "magitek research facility" in loading screens and Ardyn's attire description, but it is not the same location as the First Magitek Production Facility from "Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto", as it was built later in the timeline.

The facility is headed by Verstael Besithia, the chief researcher of magitek for Niflheim's army, and is manned by imperial troopers. Though the facility is noted as being for magitek research, Verstael seems to mainly research daemons here, and also shows great interest in Astrals and the Lucian dynasty, as exemplified by his showroom.

The facility includes a room where Ardyn spends time recuperating, a large main room with exhibitions based on Verstael's personal interests, as well as a a deep freezer and personal quarters for Verstael, including a lavish dining room.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Ardyn and Verstael visit Ifrit in FFXV Episode Ardyn

Ardyn witnesses Ifrit's slumbering form.

After being freed from Angelgard by Verstael, Ardyn spends seven months recuperating at an imperial magitek research facility. After acclimating to his new life, Verstael invites him for dinner but Ardyn does not need to eat to sustain himself and doesn't take a bite. Verstael marvels at Ardyn's immortality and daemonic powers, but Ardyn remains apathetic. He learns about the current state of the world and Verstael's research, coming to learn his body regenerates in such a pace he can withstand sunlight unlike regular daemons. Ardyn is shocked to learn the God of Fire Ifrit is being stored at the facility, Niflheim having excavated him from the Rock of Ravatogh. Verstael asks Ardyn to daemonify him, trying to temp him with the prospect of absorbing the god's memories, but Ardyn is not interested.

Ifrit awakens in FFXV Episode Ardyn

Ifrit awakens.

During the tour of the facility Ifrit awakes and breaks free of his containment and the facility comes under attack by the Lucian Royal Guard who want to return Ardyn to captivity. Ardyn hallucinates the invaders as his treacherous brother and goes berserk, killing them all. Ifrit picks Ardyn upon the palm of his hand, surprised he is a Lucis Caelum. Ardyn daemonifies the deity and learns from the god's memories that he truly was the Chosen King before the Crystal rejected his ascension. Ardyn enters a world of hallucination of his own making and falls deeper into madness, resolving to satiate his lust for revenge.

Spoilers end here.


  • Superior Restorative (sofa in the room Ardyn woke up)
  • Muscle Stimulant (two-crate tower of boxes in a dead end of a hallway)
  • Flesh Fortifier (drawer with a vase in the dining room)

The player can also find various archives entries as Chief Besithia's Journals (see archives article).


  • Royal Guards
  • Ifrit (boss)

Showroom lore information[]

At the showroom, the player can inspect various exhibits to learn more about the state of the world and Verstael's interests.


Eos directory in FFXV Episode Ardyn

The Birth of our Star[]

It has been estimated that Eos came into existence some 4.5 billion years ago.

The Descent of the Astrals[]

Ancient myths tell tales of six protector gods who first alighted upon Eos in the ancient Solheim Era.

The Birth of Mankind[]

Fossils thought to be remains of the oldest members of the human race were discovered in the Piztala region.

The Blessing of Fire[]

Some claim that humans discovered fire in the Succarpe region even before the dawn of the Solheim civilization. According to legend, the fire god Ifrit first bestowed his "burning wisdom" upon a man who later sat the throne of Solheim.

The Rise of Solheim[]

The mechanized civilization of Solheim is presumed to have originated in the Duscae and Cleigne regions. Exactly when the civilization rose and fell, however, remains a subject of much investigation.

The War of the Astrals / The Fall of Solheim[]

The enormous crevasse separating the regions of Cleigne and Duscae is known as Taelpar Crag. It is here that the War of the Astrals is said to have taken place. When tried to reduce mankind to ash, the other gods fought back, and some claim this clash caused the collapse of Solheim.

The Fall of the Infernian[]

It is said that Ifrit, having lost the War of the Astrals, was interred atop the Rock of Ravatogh.

The Retreat of the Glacian[]

After the war, the ice goddess Shiva allegedly sank into deep slumber, nestled in the Ghorovas Rift of Vogliupe.

The Disappearance of the Draconian[]

To this day, no one knows what became of the blade god Bahamut.

The Silence of the Archaean[]

The earth god Titan can be seen supporting the Meteor at the heart of the Disc of Cauthess in Duscae.

The Flight of the Fulgurian[]

As for the storm god Ramuh, legend has it he sealed himself away within Fociaugh Hollow in Duscae.

The Slumber of the Hydraean[]

The sea goddess Leviathan disappeared in the wake of the war. Some say she swam below the waves and slumbers beneath the city of Altissia.

The Founding of Lucis[]

Some two thousand years ago, the gods granted Somnus Lucis Caelum two gifts: the sacred Stone and Ring. With these in hand, he founded the Kingdom of Lucis. In the centuries since, Lucis has managed to expand its territory while struggling to suppress a parasitic plague. As of M.E. 722 Mors Lucis Caelum sits the throne as the 112th monarch of his line. Regis Lucis Caelum is King Mors's firstborn son and first in line to succeed his father.

The Imprisonment of Adagium[]

Angelgard, off the coast of Galdin Quay, is an uninhabited island that Lucians regard as sacred ground. Ancient texts tell of a monster known as the "Adagium" supposedly sealed away within, but investigations into its existence have yet to provide conclusive evidence.

The Founding of Tenebrae[]

Soon after the establishment of the Kingdom of Lucis, House Fleuret founded the nation of Tenebrae. The empire began its occupation of Tenebrae in M.E. 359, a move that was initially met with much apprehension. In order to assuage the dissenters, the empire preserved the Oracle's home of Fenestala Manor. This concession was partially made for political purposes: House Fleuret enjoys close ties with the line of Lucis.

The Founding of Accordo[]

The Accordo Protectorate has developed into a bustling league fo towns at the heart of maritime trade. In M.E. 606, the empire won an important battle against the allied forces of Lucis and Accordo, and, in turn, annexed the protectorate. The country is steeped in traditions and cultures that are incompatible with imperial rule, so the empire has permitted it a measure of relative political autonomy.

The Founding of Niflheim[]

Centuries after the founding of Lucis, a movement to revive the lost civilization of Solheim arose around the Ueltham region. Leading the charge was House Aldercapt, whose brave deeds brought about the rise of the Niflheim Empire. The empire built upon Solheim's magiteknology and employed it for military use. This new firepower helped the empire fell its foes, taking Tenebrae in M.E. 359 and Accordo in M.E. 606. As of M.E. 722, under the direction of Emperor Iedolas Aldercapt... ...the empire is developing new arms fusing magitek with daemons.

The Rediscovery of Solheim[]

Vestiges of the ancient Solheim civilization can still be seen in the ruins of Pitioss and Steyliff Grove. Several ancient structures also dot the forest of the Fallgrove that encircles Costlemark Tower. Excavation of these various sites is currently underway.

The Discovery of Daemons[]

In M.E. 501, during an expedition in the Ulwaat region, the imperial army discovered a new species known as "daemons."


Cosmogony lore menu in FFXV Episode Ardyn

The line of Lucis was chosen to eradicate evil from Eos. And with the divine on their side, how could they fail?

Ardyn after observing the painting

The King and His Men[]

At center, we see what I presume to be Lucian warriors and the Kings of Yore. I've learned a great deal about the first king of Lucis, but I never knew he was second in line. It seems to depict a legend in which the "Chosen King" dispels the darkness. If that's true, does that mean Lucis intends to someday stand above all others? Their trifling tales mean nothing in the face of our superior technology! Only we can restore balance to our world!

The Oracle[]

At the top of the painting, we see the Oracle herself. The bloodline of the Oracle is one of the oldest in Eos, originating with Aera Mirus Fleuret. Only they possess the power to commune with the gods. This painting depicts the Oracle as some goddess of light herself. She'd doubtless prove a powerful ally—if she could be persuaded.

The Hexatheon[]

On the sides of the throne, we see the Hexatheon. Conspicuously absent is the traitorous god of fire who started the Great War of Old. Perhaps developing a deeper understanding of the daemons will bring us closer to comprehending their divine counterparts. But what if I were to find a way to combine those two disparate elements?

The Fiends[]

By my estimation, the grotesque creatures depicted here are likely daemons. Could this mean these monsters will be harbingers of the apocalypse? If only we could find a way to harness their power for ourselves...


Angelgard menu in FFXV Episode Ardyn

The Undying Prisoner[]

"Adagium"... This is what the Lucians call the monster they imprisoned for two thousand long years. His powers surpass those of any mortal, ...and his body is all but impervious to attack. It's no wonder the Founder King sealed him away on the isle of Angelgard. He undoubtedly feared this "monster" might challenge his reign.

The Capture of Adagium[]

It seems fortune smiles upon me. Though the Lucians kept him locked away for two thousand years, I've managed to secure Adagium for myself. The raging winds and stormy seas may have cast all others away, but the waves parted for me that day and led the way. While I have yet to conduct any official research, the potential he proved in combat was most promising. I estimate his powers easily surpass anything mankind has ever seen. Perhaps this streak of luck has just begun.


Daemon directory in FFXV Episode Ardyn

Historical Analysis[]

Daemons were first officially recognized as a new species roughly two hundred years ago. According to ancient texts, however, humans have suffered from a parasitic plague wrought by the daemons for upward of two millennia. Daemonification is caused by a mutant strain of plasmodia that takes root in living creatures and changes their cellular structures. Infected creatures begin to disperse miasmal particles, the spread of which is known as the "Starscourge."

Basic Characteristics[]

This model is a replica made from plaster poured into a daemon-shaped cavity discovered deep underground. Daemons sublimate when their vital functions cease, so this particular specimen must have vaporized after the mud around it had already solidified. Scientists believe this subject burrowed into the earth in order to shield itself from the light of the sun.

Sunlight irradiator[]

Research facility ultraviolet tank in FFXV Episode Ardyn
Given the daemons' aversion to light, they typically stick to the shadows until the sun fades and the night falls. Adagium, however, is different. Unlike his daemon brethren, he can still function uninhibited in broad daylight. Of course, the ultraviolet rays harm him much like they would any other daemon. Yet his cells regenerate quickly enough to essentially negate the damage.
It stings like light of the sun... Perhaps I'd best cover up.

Behind the scenes[]

The book on the nightstand next to Ardyn's bed is the one Gladiolus Amicitia often reads in the main game.



"Magitek" is a portmanteau of "magic" and "technology".
